sanguinedaydreamers · 2 years
humans are an essential part of the ecosystem. nearly every ecosystem on earth had humans as an essential part of its function. the earth would be worse off than before if we were gone suddenly overnight. send tweet
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sanguinedaydreamers · 2 years
what i read in december 2021:
(previous editions) bold = favourite
class & race
‘colonialism had never really ended’: my life in the shadow of cecil rhodes (zimbabwe-uk)
global food price hikes are getting out of hand
my father, the white supremacist
a deep dive into the appropriation and whitewashing of asian beauty
burnout by design? warehouse and shipping workers pay the hidden cost of the holiday season
gender & sexuality
we’ve normalised cosmetic surgery so much that it’s crossed over into the ‘women’s empowerment’ lane
idealising the predator (france)
china’s queer internet is being erased
looking back at the ’90s has meant reexamining the decade’s toxic diet culture
japan won’t let them have kids, so they turn to the black market for sperm instead
politics, climate change, & covid
scorching and surrounded by water, singapore is on climate’s front lines
the pandemic has affected the human psyche. what does this mean for generation covid’s future?
all i want this christmas is an end to eco-friendly gifts
critics slam australia’s ‘appalling’ campaign to deter asylum seekers
malaysia’s ‘once in 100 years’ flood exposes reality of climate change
how bangladeshis are lured into slavery in libya
how xiye bastida became a leader in the climate fight
history, culture, & media
the art of the plot twist
latin america’s schindler: a forgotten hero of the 20th century
summer of soul is an electrifying rebuttal to the worship of woodstock (us)
what big history misses
the morbid appeal of 'botched’ plastic surgery
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sanguinedaydreamers · 2 years
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything 
[click images for high quality]
[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
All About Procrastination
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Common Study Mistakes
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration
How to Make Your Notes Aesthetic
How to Stop Procrastinating Series
Keep reading
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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hey guys!! i’ve been meaning to make this for a long while + it’s a holiday today so i decided to (finally) make it. this is a masterpost with all the resources i’ve used through my years studying english. i hope this helps you a lot!! you can also check out my book/studygram @aristotelian to follow my life as an english major :D
writing a summary
the discursive/argumentative essay
the narrative + descriptive essay
alternatives for commonly used words
words people get mixed up
rare words
an editing checklist
books in general
where i get my books
thrifted/new books
and some more
library genesis (lots of pdfs!!)
more free ebooks (really helpful for philosophy too)
book recommendations masterpost
ya novels masterpost
my literature masterpost
shakespeare masterpost
how to annotate
how to study for english literature
making notes for literature
approaching poetry analysis in an exam
catergorising poems
tone vocabulary list
guide to reading literature
describing voices
reading a textbook quickly + effectively
short stories you should read
literature masterpost [1]
literature masterpost [2]
18 literary devices
annotations + note-taking
analysing poems [1]
analysing poems [2]
cute shakespeare post
lovely literature prep sheet
beautiful chart of characters
aesthetically pleasing literary devices
literature for the auditory/visual learner
crash course literature
thug notes (lit with a twist, really)
modern classics summarised
classics summarised
shakespeare summarised
audiobooks on youtube
THIS SHIT HAS SAVED MY ASS I LOVE IT (ie. shakespeare’s plays as audio acted out on spotify)
essay writing
writing a great essay
how to write an essay
how to write an essay when you don’t know where to begin
transition words for essays
guide to essay writing
word guide
planning an essay that you can write in half an hour
synonyms for ‘suggests’
tips for thesis writing
an essay checklist
writing an unprepared text essay
a website that checks readability
a website that checks your spelling + grammar
a website to rate your papers
advice for writing papers
essay basics
good essay phrases
my links + masterposts
all my masterposts
my study/bookstagram @aristotelian
my goodreads @mitochondrions (so is my snapchat)
my spotify (lots of playlists) 
hope you guys liked this!! feel free to message me or request a masterpost whenever, ily lots <3
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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Connectors Transition Words
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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the study abroad series: deciding where to go hope this helps! check out what will be featured on the study abroad series here
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
how to be your most productive self
hi! i’ve been thinking a lot about how i’m going to manage my workload in the new school year. i thought it’d be a good idea to make a list of ideas on how i can manage my time and increase my productivity, so i can work as efficiently as possible this year :)
make a list of what you want to get done every day and stick to it. this can include not just schoolwork and revision, but also household chores, and little goals like reading a chapter of a book, eating a healthy meal or drinking more water than usual. don’t be too hard on yourself, but try your best to tick off everything off the list before you go to bed.
write down your goals, both short term and long term. for example, one of mine is to study by myself for at least an hour per day from the start of the year, increasing it as i get closer to exams. i also write down the grades that i want in my mock and final exams. if you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, you are constantly going to be reminded that you are putting in all this effort to get there. stick your goals up in a place where you can see them. anytime you feel demotivated, read through them and remind yourself that they won’t achieve themselves.
if you like, have something to listen to. this could be music (with or without lyrics), ambient noise like nature sounds, or white noise. personally i like having a playlist of relaxed, calm songs that provide background noise without being distracting. i also like when the playlist isn’t too long, so i gradually get used to hearing the same songs repeating - that way they don’t distract me from my work. here’s a playlist that i like!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2STKuSNoNC7Ev9DOOZsZDr?si=tyMXbeqHQ7WYgBngE8po1w
don’t waste time unless you can afford to. and unless you’ve ticked off everything on your aforementioned to-do list, you probably can’t afford to. this is something that i am SO bad at, and it’s taken me so long to develop the self control to just get shit done. i normally give myself one hour of complete procrastination after school before i start working, and then i keep my phone in another room and get started. things like netflix and youtube which take up lots of time are saved for when i’m finished with my work.
with that being said, don’t forget to take breaks. it’s up to you whether you schedule your breaks into your work time or just take them when you start feeling bored. either way, try to keep your breaks at a maximum of 15 minutes per hour of work. don’t waste them on mindless online stuff: instead, do something like having a snack, drinking a glass of water, going to the bathroom, reading a few pages of a book, listening to some music, talking to a family member, cleaning your study area, or playing with a pet. this is so that you get to take a break without getting sucked into something distracting on your phone and losing focus.
if you keep procrastinating and aren’t motivated to work, start with just five minutes. set a timer and for those five minutes, don’t look up from your work. more often than not, you’ll get into it and keep going after the timer’s up. if you can’t, don’t stress: take a quick break as described above, then try another 5-minute block of work. once you get going, you’ll be able to build up the amount of time you can work uninterrupted!
a pretty obvious one is to reward yourself. having something to look forward to when your work is done is so helpful. reward yourself after completing a difficult assignment, or after a productive day/week. it doesn’t have to be anything big: it could be cooking your favourite meal, watching an episode of your favourite show, buying something you’ve wanted, going out with friends or family etc.
personally, i really want to start using studyblr more. seeing a community of people who all care about doing their best academically is so motivating. plus, putting my own ideas out there and seeing how they help other people makes me want to keep finding successful methods that i can post about. the 100 days of productivity challenge is also something i really want to get involved in, as i think it’ll help to build a habit and the pressures of social media will keep me motivated to do it!
try filming yourself working. grab your phone, set it to time lapse and get going. having the pressure of a camera recording you means that you won’t want to fuck around instead of getting it done – otherwise you’ll seem lazy in the video. and if your phone is recording, you can’t go on social media and waste your time there. this is something that you can post online or just keep as a reminder of how hard you can work when you try.
it’s okay to have off days. everyone has days where they feel completely unproductive and don’t get anything done no matter how hard they try. in that case, don’t stress about it. take the day to yourself to relax, then treat the next day as a new beginning. but if these days become a regular habit, that’s when you need to force yourself to just suck it up and do it. you will feel so good about yourself once you do.
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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Unlike English Language, which I found incredibly hard to revise for and seems to be somewhat based upon how much you’ve read in your life and how creative you can be, English Literature is definitely something that you can work on. For example, I managed to bring my grade up from a 6 (B) at the beginning of Year 11 to a 9 at almost full marks (62/64) in my final GCSE, and have now decided to take the subject next year! As promised, I’ve put together a post on a few little tips of how I achieved what I did!
Keep reading
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
how to write a grade 8/9 essay for english literature
READ THE QUESTION (step by step guide) - read the blurb; the first part of the question, putting the extract into the context of the novel/play. - then read the bullet point criteria; usually two bullet points about how the writer presents a specific theme (usually through a certain character), within the extract and in the novel/play as a whole. - THINK; jot down anything that comes to mind at the mention of the theme and character. - read the extract; use the inquiry question as the basis for your annotations. annotations only need to be one or two words long. - PLAN; you’re almost guaranteed a better grade if you know what you want to write, as you’re less likely to repeat yourself. and don’t worry about time, just get it done!
HOW TO PLAN THE ESSAY (step by step guide) - make a table; with an IN (the extract) column and an OUT (the text as a whole) column. - use your speedy annotations from the extract and choose your best quotes for the table. - try and relate them to areas within the text as a whole. - have some relevant context (AO3) at the back of your mind and, perhaps, jot that down too. - double check you’re not repeating yourself at all.
THE ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES - I cannot stress how important it is to know these - please, please, please learn them off by heart. AO1 - line of argument; very important!! AO2 - writer’s method; super important!!! AO3 - context; not as important, but should be nicely incorporated once or twice in your essay! AO4 - SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar); a good way to pick up a few extra marks.
WRITER’S METHODS (AO2) - language techniques (try not to overload your essay with these) - structure (easy marks to pick up, just brush up on some subject terminology) - form (examiners love to hear about form!!)
and PLEASE remember to go into some single word analysis, in order to bleed your quotes dry!
OTHER GRADE 8/9 TIPS - spend your time learning something that my teachers like to call utility quotes; a bunch of quotes that can relate to multiple themes and characters within the text.
- write a short introduction; one or two lines to introduce your line of argument (AO1). do NOT reword the question, just write about who the character is. e.g. Q: How does Stevenson create a violent and frightening impression of Hyde introduction: Hyde represents the evil and corruption in Stevenson’s ‘Jekyll and Hyde’. The character is barely human as he tramples upon innocence.
- embed quotations and put them in the context of the text. e.g. “Hyde attacks Carew with ‘ape-like fury’…”
- to start analysis, follow the quotation with a semi-colon (we all feel super smart using these) and a synonym for “suggesting that”. this sounds much better than starting a new sentence with “This shows that…”. e.g. “Hyde attacks Carew with ‘ape-like fury’; demonstrating that…” 
- don’t forget a short conclusion; even though it’s not mandatory, it helps to enforce your line of argument (AO1).
- BE ARGUMENTATIVE; conveying a formal tone throughout your essay will assure the examiner that you know what you’re writing about. the last time i wrote a lit essay, i was having a terrible day so i decided to get all of my frustration onto paper and, hey presto, it worked.
- try to link RELEVANT context (AO3) into your essay; don’t give a history lesson to the examiner either, a simple something such as, “contrary to the view of a Victorian gentleman at the time” will suffice.
- when checking through your essay, make a note of each assessment objective in the margin and try to fill in any gaps that you notice.
please feel free to add to this with any more tips or resources! -wil
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
rough start
Dang its the first day of the 2nd term and I already feel like I'm gonna crash and burn
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
The 5 stages of writing an essay
1. Denial
2. Denial
3. Denial
4. Denial
5. Deadline
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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A Guide to Planning Systems
It’s important to have a system of getting things done, whether it’s tackling tasks as the day progresses or having a carefully planned schedule for every single hour of the week. How can you create an effective personal planning system that suits your needs and preferences?
Mentioned in this post:
Attention Management: How to Take Control and Live Intentionally
Energy Management: A Human-Based Organization Method
Flexible Time-Blocking: A More Breathable Way to Get Things Done
The ABCDE Method: Accomplish Tasks More Efficiently
My other posts
N.B. some categories include a few examples but they are no means limited to the ones listed here, e.g. there may be methods of organizing tasks other than the five listed here.
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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sanguinedaydreamers · 3 years
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Hey guys, so just as a heads up, I don’t think that highlighting your already made notes is that effective unless it’s for aesthetic. However for many subjects like English classes or humanities, you are often given a bulk amount of readings and I believe that highlighting not only helps you digest the content but it also makes note taking easier afterwards. Though some people find it hard to figure out what they need to be highlighting so I’ve come up with a few ideas.
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Terms often come into play when digesting a lot of textbook readings where ideas are being explained to you and often you will want this definition to be readily available when revising too so its good to highlight these when you come across them.
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Key concepts can be really good to highlight when trying to understand scientific concepts within research articles or when reading persuasive texts as you can relate the material back to your core unit of work. Alternatively you can use concept to highlight the main idea of paragraphs or chapters to give you a quick reference of summary when studying.
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I find examples to come particularly handy in studies which are applied to everyday situations, for example a law textbook may discuss a concept and give an applicable example which I would then highlight. Or in math you may highlight an example problem to help you if you get stuck later.
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This highlighter was a godsend in my last exams, especially for history because I’d be reading so many historians and articles and when it came to writing essays it would only take me seconds to find a good reinforcing quote as I’d been highlighting them all along. Or even in English you can highlight quotes from reviews or scholars to be used to back up your argument.
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This one is mainly for English and literature studies because when analysing devices and giving examples of these it helps when they are already highlighted. It’s all about studying smarter not harder and getting things done efficiently so this step really has helped me out.
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Again another more humanities point as you often have to create a mental catalogue of people involved and the context of situations to understand the severity of moments in history. Though in science and other subjects it’s always good to know what pages are talking about what professors or scholars or historical figures.
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Finally, in many subjects you are expected to produce a mental timeline of events especially in history and it becomes confusing to pinpoint events and dates together so this step helps to take the labour out of that situation.
I hope this helps you guys out. I also like to just make a key for my highlighting that I use for a bookmark, that way I can constantly refer to it. Message me if you have any ideas or things you want me to post about.
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