schuesterd-blog · 12 years
New blog, bitches!!!!!!
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
"I actually think it's important for people that are struggling and that are in the closet to see that on TV as opposed to the Blaines of the world."
BITCH, NO. So, it's not important to see a openly gay guy in a happy relationship in a homophobic town? Look, I get that it's important for closeted characters (cough,earlys1kurtcough) who are bullies (coughsantanacough. At least her bullieing is played for the lulz) on TV. But, saying that your character's closeted struggle is more important than anothers? Uh-uh. Naw, that don't fly wit me. You are demeaning the struggles and hard-ships of others for your poorly acted, SUPPORTING character who has had all of about 50 seconds of screentime this season. News flash: Karofsky is not a main character. He is a plot device. His whole storyline was to bring attention to KURT'S situation. No one wants a Dave episode. No one is going to get a Dave episode. You know why? Because Karofsky is done.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
Concerning Darren screwing up, courageisntforeplay writes about it on her tumblr. She has seen all three of the shows and I think he screwed up in the matinee (ruining a scene). Though if I recall correctly she thought it was cute - cause you know, it's Darren. One thing I've been reading is that people in the audience are leaving the show before it's over to go wait at the stagedoor. That is beyond insulting to the cast. In fact, one person on tumblr suggested at which point to leave.
lol, darren. no, just gtfo the stage, darren.
wtf people? just...no. you stay there the entire time. ugh, idiots.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
My friend was yesterday at H2$ and she said Darren's performance wasn't bad. He made Blaine derp faces few times and he didn't do high tones well, but the performance was good. Not Broadway good, but he didn't screw up.
good to hear. but, if he wants to suceed on broadway, then he should be "broadway good."
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
So I get hating people for whatever reason, I dislike most people irl for very little, but you didn't think the Cochella incident with Harry, Chord and Cory was just a little bit funny?
no. it was just plain rude.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
doesn't Darren have a girlfriend? I don't think she'd be a fan of her boyfriend fucking Murphy...
maybe it's an open relationship
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
Lea lost the role of the Les Mis movie. Scarlett Johansen and Amanda S. were up for that role but in the end it went to Taylor Swift. I mean, I don't hate or love any of this women but overall... Lea could've done a better job than Taylor on the movie. But my main choice would been Scarlett Johansen. The girl can sing and is not bad to look at. aR
out of all the talked about choices, i agree that scarlett was probably the best plausible outcome. but ugh, god, iI hope they dub taylor or something. iI mean, i'm trying to picture her singing on my own and, god, no. 
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
My neighbor's son works in the TV industry in CA (camera) and he told her word on the street is Chris Colfer and Ryan had nothing going on. Chris was considered too young and naive. Darren plays both ways and is fame hungry and probably did Ryan. Dianna is into girls. Take it however - these are things he hears so I have no actual confirmation.
hmm, interesting. ty for the info!!!! and, lol, dianna is such a hypocrite.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
I love the long winded anon who is going on and on and on...I bet that if Darren says his shit smells like roses, the anon would defend his rose smelling shit. After all, if an actor says something to the press - it is always the truth, it's not the PR response.
(god, they sent me so many walls of text. there's still some festering in my inbox.)
but, EXCUSE YOU! How dare you imply that Darren's shit is anything less than pure gold!? He's Darren Freakin' Criss,his crap doesn't smell of anything less than only the most potent floral boquet, duh! he is perfect!!11!!
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
Have you seen anything to back up anon's accusation that Darren messed up tonight? I don't see it mentioned anyplace else and it just seems logical. A tumble person said at opening night he was breathy in his singing and unable to hit the high notes at the end.
alas, iI have not. all i've seen so far is one highly biased review. i'll probs go looking for videos and stuff tommorow.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
I understand if you have strong opinions about glee, the content, even the acting, singing etc and strong opinions on the actors themselves and what they do, it's good to have opinions on things, and no one can really blame you for having an opinion on whether someone can act or not. But I don't understand why you need to make up or spread around hateful rumors that have no basis, no evidence whatsoever. I appreciate you find it funny that people get worked up over this but spreading rumors
woah there, bucko. iI never said that any of my rumors were factual. this is all stuff i've heard and picked up from other people.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
[cont again] and for that matter, why does whether they've had plastic surgery affect you? Or their appearance? Sure, the show is about accepting yourself and whatnot but that doesn't mean that these actors are not subjected to the suffocating pressures of hollywood, and your fixation on their bodily imperfections merely highlights this - how can you complain about Dianna's 'thunder thighs' and then attack Naya's supposed botox or any work Lea might have had done? What's it to you anyway? [cont]
i'm not saying getting plastic surgery is a bad thing, just that there are limits. when you look like you havetwo softballs attached to your face, or your lips look like they imploded, that's not good.
if dianna wants to vacum the cottage cheese out of her legs or chord wants to get his lips reduced or darren wants to fix that nose of his, fine by me 
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
[cont] I'm not hating on you at all, but I just don't see why you can't accept what someone says about themselves - if someone who wasn't famous was blatantly gay but professed they were straight, you wouldn't write on a blog about how they were gay and sucked cock because that would be horrible, disregarding what they said and has completely nothing to do with you anyway (and I'm not saying Darren is gay or bi, I happen to trust in what he says). Why does their sexuality affect you? [cont]
...because these are not similar situations. darren is putting himself in the public eye, random irl stranger is not.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
I'm sorry but I don't really understand why the sexuality of the cast has anything to do with anything? Or their private lives? For example, you complained about Finn outing Santana, and yes, that was wrong, but then you continue on to talk about how Darren's definitely bi and Heather is definitely a lesbian - firstly, how do you know?, and secondly, why does it matter? If Darren says he's not gay, for example, why can't you just leave it at that, even if you don't believe it? [to be cont]
whew, you type a lot!
firstly, cast =/= character. secondly, iI havent stated it as a fact that darren is bi, its an opinion. and, god, sarcasm and heather hatered just does not translate well to words. lemme be clear: iI am merely MOCKING heather's need to be profusely hetero in her interviews.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
If Darren is not straight and says he is - that is a lie - - - and a deception to the very group he is trying to help. That is why Chris had the courage to come out. He knew being identified as gay would hurt his career in certain ways. If Darren can pass, that's great, but a lie is a lie. Honesty is the best policy.
i agree! i unterstand that  it is hollywood, but (if he is bi/gay) he should have just used the beating around tje bush method. if he ever comes out, iI will lose respect for him tbh.
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
I am laughing so hard at these anons trying to "defend" I guess, at what Chris said
It's hilarious!
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schuesterd-blog · 12 years
The Kurt and Blaine relationship is awful. I don't see how people can like that fairy bullshit. Whenever Kurt or Blaine smile to eachother 10 kittens are thrown into moving traffic.
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