scotthaber · 1 month
Understanding the Difference between THC and CBD Effects
Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two primary active compounds in marijuana. They share some similarities, and various products are made using both ingredients. The key difference is that THC has psychoactive effects, meaning the substance alters the brain in some way, while CBD does not. Put simply, CBD does not produce a “high” the way THC does. This may confuse…
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scotthaber · 1 month
Published: A Look at Employee Turnover Rates in America
I published “A Look at Employee Turnover Rates in America” on @Medium https://ift.tt/1nmu0GW
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scotthaber · 1 month
Understanding CBD Dosage
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the two primary active ingredients in marijuana. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the other primary ingredient, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects, colloquially referred to as a “marijuana high.” Instead, CBD use is affiliated with feelings of calmness and clarity. However, to gain the maximum benefit, it’s important to determine the appropriate dosage. Too…
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scotthaber · 2 months
Published: CBD as a Potential Treatment for Pet Anxiety
I published “CBD as a Potential Treatment for Pet Anxiety” on @Medium https://ift.tt/qVQnH24
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scotthaber · 2 months
A Few Tips for Maintaining Employee Happiness
Employee turnover is a figure used to describe the number of employees to exit a company over a set period, such as a fiscal year. Turnover accounts for employees who are fired as well as those who leave of their own volition, unlike attrition, a business metric that only tracks employees who quit. Rates of turnover are closely related to an organization’s retention rate, which functions as a…
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scotthaber · 2 months
Fishing Guides and Resources for Nebraska Anglers
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Nebraska Game and Parks Commission publishes an annual Fishing Guide that informs anglers of the state’s rules and regulations. At outdoornebraska.gov, the commission provides anglers with additional information, such as how to acquire a state fishing permit and the best places to fish for various species.
Fishing permits are issued to recreational users as well as commercial hobbyist users. All applications for commercial fishing permits must be made to the fisheries division of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Permits expire at midnight on December 31, regardless of when the permit was issued.
The annual fishing guide is an invaluable resource for anglers living in and visiting the state. In addition to regulations and fish ID information, the guide includes state records and tips about popular fishing destinations. Nebraska Game and Parks uploads the latest edition each year at no charge.
The commission publishes several related guidebooks, such as the Going Fishing Guide. The Going Fishing Guide serves as an instruction manual for novice anglers. The guide consists of all the information a first-time angler needs, from important skills, like casting and knot-tying techniques, to local fishing laws and regulations. The Going Fishing Guide is also available as a free online download.
The commission also provides anglers with data-driven reports, including the annual Fishing Forecast, which draws on information from roughly 450 public lakes and streams. The guide details the most opportune locations and times of year to pursue various fish species, all supported by research statistics and graphs.
Anglers can gain even more insight into Nebraskan waters by reading the commission’s stocking reports and fish sampling reports. The state’s fisheries have adopted the latest stocking technologies and processes. These processes have allowed the commission to develop and sustain a healthy and abundant fish population. Annual stocking initiatives introduce millions of fish across dozens of species to Nebraska waters. Fish sampling reports, meanwhile, are the result of extensive Game and Parks Commission surveying. This information can be paired with stocking data to determine ideal fishing locations.
Of course, anglers can also take advantage of the commission’s resources regarding the best places to fish. The state is filled with lakes, rivers, and streams in every region, particularly in the southeastern corner of the state. The commission’s website features an interactive map of all public waters. The map provides information about the type and size of the water body and what species anglers can expect to encounter.
While the interactive map offers valuable insights, many experienced anglers are curious about the depth of lakes and ponds, which can have a notable impact on fishing techniques that can be used and where specific species can be found. Fortunately, the commission maintains an extensive collection of lake contour maps free to download.
One of the most popular fishing locations in Nebraska is the Missouri River, which travels nearly 400 miles along the state’s eastern border. More state residents live within a 60-minute drive of the Missouri River than any other lake or river in the state. The banks of America’s longest river provide ample room for fishing, boating, and other activities. At outdoornebraska.gov, anglers and visitors can find the Missouri River Access Guide, which details the more than 160 public access sites.
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scotthaber · 2 months
Published: A Look at CBD and Flow State
I published “A Look at CBD and Flow State” on @Medium https://ift.tt/JRyALIa
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scotthaber · 2 months
An Introduction to CBD Benefits for Dogs
Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active ingredient in hemp-derived cannabis. Unlike the plant’s primary active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not create a euphoric high in users, nor does CBD contain any addictive substances. Research has suggested that CBD can have numerous positive effects on human wellness, particularly in areas of anxiety and depression, stress- and trauma-related…
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scotthaber · 2 months
Reduce Employee Turnover for Better Business Performance
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Employee turnover is a big problem for organizations. It is costly and can impact a business’ ability to meet customer expectations. To minimize its effects, businesses should keep a close eye on their turnover rate and take measures to reduce it.
The employee turnover rate is simply the percentage of employees who leave a company over a period of time, say one year. It includes those who leave voluntarily (resign) and those who leave involuntarily (fired, laid off, or compelled to leave by factors beyond their control, such as retirement). Turnover rate is calculated by taking employee turnover in a period, dividing it by the average number of employees during that period, and multiplying it by 100.
Some turnover in a business is unavoidable. Looking at data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average national turnover rate is around 20 percent annually, or 1.6 percent a month. It varies depending on numerous factors, including the state of the economy.
Losing employees is costly for businesses. Research firm Gallup estimates this cost at 1.5-2 times the employee’s monthly salary. This includes the cost of recruiting and hiring a new employee as well as lost productivity costs. Other drawbacks are low employee morale and lower quality of work from new and inexperienced hires.
Thus, businesses should strive to have as little turnover as possible. The key to doing this is understanding why employees leave in the first place. A good place to start is asking employees who are leaving why they are doing so. Often, they leave for similar reasons. A 2022 study of 1,516 human resource professionals by the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) revealed the top three reasons employees left organizations: low compensation, limited career development opportunities, and poor flexibility.
If a business is not attractive to employees because it offers low compensation, the owner can look at other businesses in the same industry and region to determine average compensation rates. If theirs is lower, they should increase their salaries.
Sometimes, businesses do provide competitive pay but employees don’t realize it, since they don’t factor in benefits and rewards as part of their salary. In such cases, business leaders should give employees reward statements enumerating the value of benefits like 401(k) matching, health insurance, and tuition reimbursement.
If the issue is limited career development, business owners should align senior roles with employees’ desired career paths to help current employees envision career advancement within the company. They should then intentionally communicate senior job opportunities in the company to all employees and implement policies to boost internal promotions. If an employee applies for a promotion but is not successful, managers should reach out to them and share what they did right and what they can improve on to have a better chance the next time.
Advancing knowledge is also part of career development. Business owners should give employees access to learning opportunities such as skills training workshops.
Limited flexibility is another top reason employees leave. Millennials and Gen Z workers are especially attracted to flexible work arrangements that support a healthy work-life balance. Businesses can consider allowing remote work for departments where this is possible. Managers can also meet with employees individually to identify their flexibility needs and formulate ways to accommodate them.
Other reasons employees leave organizations are excessive work, uninspiring leadership, toxic company culture, and lack of recognition. It is important for managers to review their work expectations, management styles, company culture, and reward and recognition practices to ensure they are designed to attract and retain talent.
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scotthaber · 2 months
Published: Effects of Topical and Orally Ingested CBD Products
I published “Effects of Topical and Orally Ingested CBD Products” on @Medium https://ift.tt/Xpu0kgS
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scotthaber · 2 months
How Cannabis Concentrates Are Produced
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There is a wide range of cannabis concentrates available, such as hash and kief. The latter was developed centuries ago in cultures as diverse as Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Morroco to create a compact product that traveled well. Today’s pressed hash is made from cannabis buds that have been properly cured.
A sieving method is typically used for this, with raw cannabis filtered using a series of mesh screens that separate the mature female plants’ sticky, resinous trichomes. These mushroom-shaped formations are high in both terpenes and cannabinoids. In the wild, they protect the plant from predators, attracting pollinators that aid reproduction. The mesh screens are typically made from food-grade stainless steel and are fine at successive 80, 130, and 180-micron levels.
Known as kief, the sticky, dusty end product has a greenish-brown hue that reflects the fact that it still has some plant material in it. It is used sparingly by design, as it is high in terpenes and cannabinoids. The THC potency of kief, often in the 30 percent to 60 percent range, is significantly higher than that of flower, which tends to be in the 10 to 30 percent range.
It’s worth noting that several flower grinders used for personal use also have a collection layer along the bottom, under the main chamber. Separated by a mesh screen, the multi-chamber grinder’s “kief catcher” yields a fine trichome-rich product that can be sprinkled over flowers or consumed as is.
Kief may be refined into pressed hash by employing a mechanical press that fuses the trichomes. High-quality dry-sifted hash is often tan or golden brown in hue. It is not formed in a hard block. While sticky, it has a consistency that readily crumbles, flakes, and quickly catches fire. Its THC content is generally in the 50 to 60 percent range.
Clean dry sift hash may also be utilized in several specialty products, from topicals and edibles to moon rocks. The latter are flowers covered with hash oil and then rolled in the dry sift hash, which sticks to the outside and creates a potent end product.
A variation on dry sift hash is bubble hash, which is not made from cured, dry cannabis but rather from fresh-frozen cannabis. The trichomes are agitated by stirring or mixing them with ice and cold water in “bubble bags.” As with the dry-sift counterpart, the fresh frozen trichomes ultimately fall off the flower and are sifted using screens.
This solventless approach results in a pure, high-quality product with a crumbly texture, similar to a sticky powder, that is not pressed or rolled. Top-shelf bubble hash typically has a color that ranges from golden yellow to light blond. It contains abundant aromatic terpenes, giving it a strong flavor profile, with high-grade strains such as OG kush known for their earthy citrus tones.
One recently developed variation is rosin, which skips the sifting process altogether and involves applying intense pressure and high heat to dried cannabis flowers. This presses and melts the materials into a solventless, wax-like, golden substance. The concentrate is ideal for those who enjoy a strong, pungent, terpene-rich flavor.
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scotthaber · 2 months
Top Snowboarding Destinations around the World
An adrenaline-filled sport, snowboarding combines a good workout with breathtaking mountain scenery and a vibrant culture. Though it only dates back to the 1960s, snowboarding has captivated adventure seekers and winter sports enthusiasts worldwide. There are countless snowboarding destinations around the globe, each offering distinctive terrain and experiences. Below are some of the most…
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scotthaber · 2 months
Benefits of CBD for Pets
Cannabidiol (CBD) has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural remedy for various health concerns in humans. However, CBD is also gaining traction as a potential wellness supplement for pets, mainly dogs and cats. This guide explores the world of CBD for pets, covering what CBD is, how it works, potential benefits, safety considerations, and practical usage. CBD is a…
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scotthaber · 2 months
Published: CBD — A Natural Solution for Sleep Disorders?
I published “CBD — A Natural Solution for Sleep Disorders?” on @Medium https://ift.tt/oVMJdyI
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scotthaber · 3 months
Exploring the Cannabis Strains Indica and Sativa
The two main types of cannabis strains are sativa and indica. Sativa strains are taller and have more narrow leaves and looser buds. By contrast, indica is relatively short and has broad leaves and dense buds. The most profound difference, however, as far as cannabis smokers are concerned, is their psychoactive effect… Read more on Blogger
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scotthaber · 3 months
The Uniquely Beneficial and Non-Psychoactive Properties of THCV
A cannabis-derived compound, Delta 9 -tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is a largely non-psychoactive compound that is among the hundreds of bioactive compounds, such as terpenes, cannabinoids, and flavonoids, derived from cannabis. It is molecularly similar, but distinct, from more common cannaboid compounds such as Delta 9 – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Found primarily in sativa strains of…
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scotthaber · 3 months
CBD as Treatment for Pain, Anxiety, Inflammation, and Insomnia
Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active ingredient found in marijuana. CBD contains no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient that makes individuals feel “high” after they use a marijuana product… Read more on Slideshare
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