scribbledpage · 3 months
um... so im back!!
its been a WHOLE year since ive been on this app. tbh, last year was really busy for me and ive basically forgotten about this
but i'll try to post more here from now :))
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scribbledpage · 11 months
you're part of a fictional series the tmnt2k12 turtles watch
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this boy here is a space heroes fan (a super fan), and he's very open about it, so it would be no surprise that he'd be open to being a fan of your show.
he would binge watch the episodes that have you in it, or a you-centric episode constantly or whenever he's feeling down or demotivated.
no matter if it's an action series or a slice-of life series, you inspire him to become a better leader and example to his brothers.
you know that random feeling of motivation when you watch a study vlog or anything inspiring? he'd get that random burst of motivation to train while watching some episodes (in secret, of course).
his brothers, mainly raph, tease him for liking your show and talk about how childish it is(when in reality, they think its a decent series to watch).
no doubt this boy secretly makes 'x reader' fanfiction.
even if you're a side character or comdic relief, he still enjoys the scenes you're in and hyper analyze your traits and makes headcannons.
he'd sometimes use the episodes where there'd be mental health awareness as a guide to look out for signs in his brothers and friends so he can make sure they're okay ♡
he'll rant about your charcater the moment he hears anything related to you(or his headcannons), for example: your favorite colour, a word/phrase you use often, the style of clothing you wear etc.
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he is obsessed with your character.
considering with how obsessed he got with april (within seasons 1-3, i think), he'd have a chart or a notebook dedicated to you.
like, he'd have one whole notebook or chart listing the things you like, dislike, in between, headcannons, things the fandom agrees with, your style, etc.
he can't go about his day without thinking what you would do with him if you were real.
he loves your sass, jokes, and character development in the series (even if most watchers dont see the development at all).
this guy will drop everything at a second he sees merch of your character or a new season release.
he definitely thinks you're underrated in your own show and relates to some of the episodes a bit.
he definitely stayed up late to binge watch episodes instead of working on projects that can help them defeat the kraang.
if you can speak languages other than english, he'd go out of his way to learn said language because of you.
if you dont speak other languages, then he would try out (and love) your hobbies that he found boring at first.
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casey had introduced your show to him and he'd rather die than admit that he liked it.
he'd secretly quote some of your underrated lines, and no one would notice (to his relief).
like leo, he'd get random bursts of motivation watching the episodes you're in.
he actually watches the whole series instead of skipping to the part you're in.
he enjoys the plot and your character, and he'd get giddy whenever he sees your character merch or your show's poster if he's patrolling.
he develops some of your habits yet no one pointed it out, until casey.
casey knew raph liked the show, and he'd never stopped teasing raph about it, occasionally ending up with bruises.
thankfully, casey keeps quiet about it.
he doesn't do things all out like donnie but enjoys your character.
his anger issues actually decrease when watching your show
he reacts very heavily to some of the plots like some arguments you had in the show, a betrayal by your trusted ones, you falling in love
like he'll want to scream at each of them(in a good and bad way)
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this man is obsessed.
any reference from your show, he's ranting to the first person he sees (leo is often a victim of this).
he doodles ur character on whatever space he can find. walls, tables, donnie's papers, receipts from april. that's right, he's doodling u
he daydreams. literally.
he'll create little fantasies (no nsfw stuff tho, that's gross) like what it'll be like when ur here in the real world or when u try his homemade pizza for the first time.
like raph, he is bound to squeal or grin whenever there are funny scenes
i feel like he's the type to go crazy whenever a single thought of u or ur show comes to his mind. he's on another level of hyper fixated
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scribbledpage · 1 year
IM OPENING REQUESTS FOR TMNT 2012 AND ROTTMNT! This is my first time opening requests so if there are any tips or advice are appreciated!
What I will write:
x reader stories
hurt/no comfort
ships! (i get to choose the ones im comfortable tho
multiple povs
any character
What I'm ok with writing and Why
depression (like the rlly rlly bad ones)
Reason: I'm not rlly comfortable with writing incredibly depressing fics so it depends on the request if I'll write it
anxiety attacks
Reason: Again, it depends on the request and how severe it is
What I will NOT write:
Reason: EW NO
Again, this is my first time taking requests and writing for people so if you have any suggestions, tips and/or advice, it's very much appreciated.
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