sebfitzgerald ¡ 4 years
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me + my nan x 
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naitsabes square go like ↳ sebastianfitzgerald babes not in front of every1 im blushing 🙈 angelabaptise mouth open, drooling w lust carmen.ventura im lightheaded selena_castillo text me back ↳ sebastianfitzgerald i can’t read nicholasmercado wish it was me ↳ sebastianfitzgerald wish it was meg fox. sad times
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sebfitzgerald ¡ 4 years
Lena stood on the quad, handing out flyers–on any given day, she could be seen out here, trying to promote  her volunteer opportunities. The event she planned–a panel on sexual health in under resourced communities–was in less than two weeks, and she wanted to get as many people as possible to come. “The panel is free,” she explained to a sophomore she was talking to, handing him a flyer. “And it’s only going to be an hour, so–” the guy rudely crumpled up her paper and walked away, causing Lena to pout. “No need to be rude,” she said firmly, shaking her head. “Asshole.” 
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Sebastian’s stroll had been cut short once he saw Lena in her classic volunteer stance. At this point, she practically owned the quad. “Boring. You should have told the guy you are giving free goodie bags at the end of it. That would’ve sold him.” Sebastian grabbed at one of the flyers, brown eyes roaming over the paper with earnest. “Radcliffe’s very own Margaret Thatcher, fighting for sexual health. Don’t know why you hadn’t invited me. If anyone knows anything about under-resourced communities and sexual health, it’s me. A picture of me with this information in small font would draw people in but my intellect wrapped in clever humor would keep people there.” His tongue darted across his bottom lip before smiling at the brunette once more. “I’m hurt and offended. Alas, you’ve missed out on an opportunity of a lifetime. Make it up to me.”
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sebfitzgerald ¡ 4 years
Clutching the neck of a wine bottle, Lana had taken to idly swinging it, pretending she was a baseball player limbering up to smack a home run. The cork wasn’t even plugged, so it was a wonder nothing sloshed out – a tiny fleck did, in fact, not enough to qualify for a slosh, but enough to make a bystander gasp and clutch his cheek. She settled enough to take a swig in one spot, watching the spat. Sebastian’s nudge at her ribs had her blinking sideways, expression unreadable. Nearby, a student’s camera flashed to take a photo, briefly streaking a line above his head/ A makeshift halo. Considering the devil horns she had perched on hers, a novelty Halloween item she’d donned for no apparent reason, it made them quite the pair. Ironic, probably, too. “And… what, you’re the morality police? Do you, like, have a baton on you? Handcuffs? Total man of the law?” Lana scoffed, unable to help it, before looking over at the guy in question. “Give me a break, Seb. You’ve probably fucked in a church more times than you’ve prayed in it.” Not that religion was relevant, but Lana punctuated it with another mouthful of wine, regardless. Then, she held it out for him to grab, a wordless offer. “Did you do that?” Eyes flitting to find him, she pressed red lips into a line, playing investigative. “The photos?”
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“Lana, lana, lana.” Sebastian purposely pronounces her name dramatically, the name coming out sillier with each reiteration. “I have... rediscovered myself, doing a complete 180 on my life. The vilification of my name has exposed me to ideas of Christianity and humanitarianism. God Himself came in my dream and told me that I am a prophet meant to spread a message of peace. Such shameful acts shock me now. Can’t you see me blushing?” His own eyes linger on hers, face in complete seriousness as he discusses his newfound redemption of character before his lips pulled into a half-smile. He could never quite keep face for long. “I could never do that. I am a Women’s Rights activist and essentially I am against anything that hurt them. I have that pink pin or blue pin whatever at home.” His hand erratically darted at the bottle’s neck. “Look at my effect on you already. Sharing. I am such a good influence already. Honestly Lana, why don’t we hang out more?” Swimming around in similar groups, he had seen Lana around every once and a while throughout the campus. That fateful moment at the party which ruptured his... thing with Frankie a while ago still sparked his interest; Sebastian could not help but bring it up, the weirdness of the situation amused him. His lips meet the top of the bottle before taking a nice swig, the drink sending a rush throughout his body. “We need a proper reunion. You can’t tell me you don’t wake up sometimes randomly and go, ‘Damn. I miss Sebastian so much!’. Don’t you ever miss the good old days?”
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sebfitzgerald ¡ 4 years
India was busy having fun and drinking the night away before suddenly hearing a loud commotion in the common area. Walking over she saw the one and only, Sebastian. Not even knowing the context of this fight she figured it had something to do with him. As she walked towards him she heard the fight more, being one for the girls she wanted to pull the girl away and help her, but she didn’t know her, and the amount of champagne rushing through her probably was not the best move. Standing beside him she didn’t say anything, she knew he would start eventually. “Oh please, I can’t even imagine the amount of girls you’ve cheated on… but it’s you, so it’s fine right?” she asked rhetorically, she already knew the answer to that. Shaking her head, “Why do you have to like… come for everyone?” she offered up finally looking at the boy. It amazed her, how little he cared about others feelings. 
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His irises land upon India, lips forming a small curve in betrayal of his actions. “I would never cheat. I consider myself a woman’s rights activist... I bring them light by showing them that they will never have better than me. This knowledge bestowed upon them allows them to make better decisions in the future, like the serpent telling Eve to eat the apple.” He looks back down at the empty canister that once held alcohol, on the other hand, circling the rim. “You love it, India. You are literally living in a page of my future biography except you will be labeled as unknown leggy Blonde.” As the people begin to slow down and continue their actions to how it was prior to the argument, it just did not feel the same. The disrupt from the couple’s quarrel brought everything down. “My fun is already ending this early and it’s barely midnight. At this point, I should be paid. I am the producer/actor/director of everything amusing at this school. Triple threat. This next scene involves you, me, and a towel right near the lake.” He grinned, pressing his lips to his canister. “Nature sex is really... illuminating and spiritual. That’s what that girl told me before she said ‘cheese’.”
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sebfitzgerald ¡ 4 years
In spite of the fresh air, the stench of bile mixed in with the odor of hot dogs and damp earth overtook the area. It ruined the sweet atmosphere of Crowell Lake but it didn’t matter considering the amount of noise coming from one of Radcliffe’s sweetest couples. What was a cheerful get together of students partaking in illegal activity was slowly becoming an all out yelling brawl. It was a real cheating scandal and the crowd watched as a girl and her boyfriend were bickering. The fighting and noise level was reminiscent of English men arguing if Chelsea or Manchester was the better football team. Of course, Sebastian was involved and yet as most situations went with him, he found himself not blamed due to his super power: extraordinary eloquence. The boy clutched pictures of her topless with an unidentifiable male in one hand and was frantically waving the other hand angrily as he asked why they even existed. The girl made excuse after excuse as to why before she finally ran off in a fit of tears and the guy stood there for a few minutes before sulking (almost zombie-like) back to the other direction. Truthfully he did seduce the girl into taking such photos just so he could give it to her boyfriend for his own amusement, but Sebastian would never admit to it. The boy would figure it out after a while eventually but for now the boy was fully convinced he had nothing to do with it. Nudging the person next to him without even looking at them, he shook his head and began to speak. “That’s the last she’s going to have a drink, I’d bet. I mean, who would cheat on their boyfriend, let alone leave the evidence right where he can see it? That really did a number on the guy, someone should poke him in the eye, see if he flinches. My guy is looking like an extra from the Walking Dead.” @radopens​
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sebfitzgerald ¡ 4 years
riiing riiing. you pick up the phone.. i am a fast-talking telemarketer nd im here to sell you onna piece of shit. but first!!! hi guys i’m alli aka allison (she/her), a goddess w a lip gloss nd angst addiction who can’t help. but stir up Strife and Discord. here’s my recycled intro but tl:dr…. spoiled-brat-meets-notorious-panty-dropper-meets-daddy-issues galore golden boy is him in one sentence. asdfghjk like this post + i’ll slide into your dms xx (warning: i move at the rate of a snail per hour so feel free to hmu)
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『CHACE CRAWFORD ❙ CISMALE』 ⟿ looks like SEBASTIAN FITZGERALD is here for HIS JUNIOR year as a POLITICAL SCIENCE student. HE is 22 years old & known to be RESILIENT, CONFIDENT, HISTRIONIC & SELF-ASORBED. They’re living in OFF CAMPUS HOUSING, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ alli. immortal. est. she/her.
trigger warning: drugs, death, alcohol
he’s from the great state of ny where his whole life he attended only the best elite private schools. he really should’ve been kicked out for all of his antics but his parents just bought another building or donated some and he was good to go
he’s an only child but b/c of how conceited, reckless and unpredictable he is, it’s more like having 4 children in one person
i don’t wanna say he’s your resident bad boy but
he’s your resident daddy bad boy
he’s drugs, alcohols, wild parties and mr. steal yo girl all in one
he does this sort of “game” where he will pretend to like people only to break their heart on purpose + ruin their lives (think cruel intentions); he’s a casanova of sorts
now that he’s out of hs he tries to keep it on the low now because he’s going to run his father’s business by 27 (it’s p much required that he gets the family firm (that’s one of the best in the country and has been expanded all around the us in major cities) as the only legitimate child of the fitzgerald family)
otherwise he’ll lose his inheritance and be disowned. while he dislikes being apart of it all, the family has convinced him that he’s only known money and power and he would fail w/o it so now he can’t imagine being without it
oh and when i say legit i mean his dad had a child w another girl when he had just gotten married to his mom (so it was an affair that nobody knew about) and it was a surprise that it happened so when the fitzgerald group found out they were like “we can’t let this blow up into a scandal” and they basically spun it so it seemed like this was acc some long lost cousin
he’s just now started to get acquainted w her (the cousin)
in the typical rich boy sense he’s always throwing a pity party for himself
his dad and him were v close but then he died when seb was 18 and that ruined him. the murderer was never caught and seb wants to desperately find him but with every year that passes, he sinks deeper and deeper, hiding it w his confidence and obscene amount of pride
?idea: seb’s the lord henry to someone’s dorian gray… playing devil’s advocate and ruining good shell w any chance he can get… just for fun. basically a bad influence--spouting philosophies he had not even cared to practice (such as sin didn’t exist and that we must fall to our instincts rather than allowing social norms to restrict us from what we truly desire) to see them fall. a simple pastime he partook in when there was nothing to do on campus. he was the serpent in eve’s ear, barely caring to really understand them.
?idea: problematic friends to cause trouble........with
points n quick facts
fakes sick to get out of important situations sometimes (ex. faked a seizure to get out of going to his dad’s party to make contacts)
draco malfoy reincarnated
took a philosophy class once and got a c but now he thinks he knows everything
can’t be bored for too long or gets really irritated
lives for the attention but once a month he gets into a mood that he refuses to explain what the problem is
truly the biggest lad of them all; the president of lad culture i s2g
dark almost purple-y undereyes, shaky fingers, always dressed to the 9s, takes bites into cold ice cream (his teeth are practically invincible), shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, murders his demons w/ a ballpoint pen and paper, jack daniels, act first, think later, fictive childhoods, feelings of satiation, forbidden desires, prep school and scruffed oxfords, lust for power and control, a corruption of confidence and living for the applause
a true scorpio™
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