setslitanies-blog · 5 years
It took a surprising amount of time to get used to, this human body of his. He was used to snow and ice -- cold temperatures didn’t usually bother him even in this form in Elibe -- but for some reason, since he arrived, the chill had gotten to him in a way he never would have expected. Perhaps humanity had always been like this. Or perhaps his insides had been arranged.
Either way, it is frightening. He isn’t one to seek out help -- not for himself, not without Ninian to push him to do so -- but a child shivering in the cold draws attention, and before he knows it, he’s wrapped in a blanket inside some kind of medical hut, the tips of his fingers blue.
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It happened more quickly than he ever would have guessed. They weren’t warning signs he recognised, or ever had to deal with before. He blinks at the older boy who had taken him inside -- around Lyn’s age, or a little more, perhaps. “Sorry for the trouble, mister. I-I...” He trails off. “I’m not used to the cold.” A white lie, drifting in the air as his breath cools.
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setslitanies-blog · 5 years
⋆ * ❄  doublelionhero .
starter for @setslitanies​ !
Though Alm had been in Eidolon for a while, he still felt like he didn’t belong. At this point he had come to accept that he leaves when whatever power brought him here decides to let him leave. There was no use thinking about that now.
He couldn’t help himself, though. He thought of his friends back in Valentia, the kingdom he had just inherited, uniting Valentia which was something that was truly impossible. He wondered if the people would allow someone else to rule while he was away. Is my kingdom tearing itself apart right now? Are my friends dying for the idea of me? Was it all worth it?
He sat down, feeling defeated and burdened by his wandering mind. A gentle tune, carried by the breeze, reached him. It resonated so strongly with Alm that for a while he thought he had imagined this tune, only to realize that no, someone was playing music. It sounded of longing and confusion, much like how he felt. 
He wanted to know what the source of this music was. Was it some kindred spirit? Was it someone from Valentia? He had to know in any case. He took off, following nothing but his own senses.
It had become a chant of protection over the years, though in reality, their songs could aid anyone but themselves. It was the life of him and his sister -- one where they could feel danger but not ward it away, give blessings to others and not each other. At least, aside from much greater things. All the same, a melody and a dance along with it had become soothing over the years. Ninian’s footsteps and a graceful smile on her lips as he played by a dim fire, brief so not to bring up visible smoke.
It was a gift to Ninian, more than anything. He realises that, in a human body once more, he is falling into the old habits of their years on the run together. A yearning for a time that had passed, that could never come again.
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He pauses, stiffening slightly at the sound of footsteps. Cautiously letting out a few more notes, he turns his head to look at the visitor -- not someone long here, by the looks of him. He smiles bashfully, lowering his flute. “You startled me.”
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setslitanies-blog · 5 years
It was hard to understand what had happened, even if he had initiated it with his own hands. It was hard to understand what had happened, when he should never have needed to wish like that in the first place. It wasn’t as if he didn’t know where it came from. But he hadn’t exactly wanted that desire to come from his heart either.
He blinks up at the statue of Diaidem, wondering if she would give him the answer. A solution to a world torn in two halves, that meant no one had to be alone. It seems far too much to ask, even from a god. It seems far too much to even imagine.
Perhaps he ought to find a compromise for his desire. Something that might not disturb history, undo the beliefs that had nurtured over centuries, move the span of time.
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The sound of footsteps from behind makes him tense, startling slightly -- turning to face the approaching figure with a cautious expression. A woman -- one who’s clearly seen worlds far more violent than this. Unsure how best to react, he smiles, gesturing back to the statue. “I was just watching her. She almost looks like she might come to life. Don’t you think?” And perhaps she already had, to whisk him from his world. He laughs lightly. “Just kidding.”
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setslitanies-blog · 5 years
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and with muse introductions out of the way, i’ll say hi myself!! the name’s vapz, i’m 22 and use she/her pronouns! i’m just a little lesbian and i adopt a lot of fictional kids. i’m also nines and ophilia here, so i’m just giving a baby intro for now. if you wanna get to know me, feel free to follow me at @cruelarrogance on twitter!!
with that said, here’s a starter call for nils! i’ll cap at 5 for now, fire emblem muses exempt. as always, if you want to plot, dm me and you’re free from the cap as well!! ily!
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setslitanies-blog · 5 years
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nils // fire emblem 7
he’s just a good boy who’s been though a Lot
not quite human, humans are mean
seems like an ordinary cheerful kid... but he’s mostly very good at knowing what people want so he doesn’t get hurt
he doesn’t trust anyone in the slightest, even people who are friendly towards him, but he won’t let you know that
cares for his sister more than anything else
loves music, has a flute, will play for safety and security
a very hard worker & surprisingly observant
more aware of the world than many adults
not very imaginative as far as kids go, serious and cynical
with such a smile, who could tell though?
he’s doing his best. please look out for my son
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setslitanies-blog · 5 years
lies down on the floor in the inbox. without prior reserve, i'd like to app nils of fire emblem 7! his application can be found on the sidebar or under /app! ily!!
Welcome to Eidolon, traveler. Wishes have brought you far, and we know they will only bring you further.
You will find your residence in Bunkhouse #3.
A flute that seems very dear to you sits upon your mattress… And though your songs are meant to entertain the idle ears, they don’t seem to have any other effects… For now!
Search, seek, persist. Take heart in your heart.
May Diaidem bless you.
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setslitanies-blog · 5 years
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♪ – set’s litany. / ic. ♪ – ninis’ grace. / ooc. ♪ – listen. / asks & submissions. ♪ – hold. / save & reference. ♪ – pray. / trials & tasks. ♪ – seek. / mini & drabbles. ♪ – play. / threads.   ♪ – dream. / musing & headcanons. ♪ – remember. / images.
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setslitanies-blog · 5 years
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ut risus id nisl placerat dapibus. Fusce eu lacus eu dolor commodo vulputate quis vel mauris. Proin non ante eget odio consectetur efficitur vitae vitae metus. Vivamus pretium non erat vitae rutrum. Aenean dictum tempus pellentesque. Vestibulum sodales odio ligula, a lacinia lorem convallis eu. Praesent massa nunc, ultricies eu commodo id, efficitur at ipsum. Maecenas quis mattis est. Proin iaculis eget nisl ut vehicula. Mauris et tempus urna. Fusce sit amet orci eget dui iaculis maximus eget in metus.
Mauris fringilla aliquam rutrum. Donec velit nunc, cursus id orci sit amet, ultricies iaculis nisl. Etiam cursus erat in urna aliquet posuere. Sed semper ligula eu iaculis cursus. Ut eu mi ut odio blandit condimentum sed id metus. Nullam interdum molestie turpis, nec eleifend tortor lobortis ac. Nullam eleifend ac mauris ac porta. Praesent tincidunt vitae elit a accumsan. Phasellus erat massa, pulvinar vitae elit a, molestie imperdiet massa.
Cras ornare nunc sem, et euismod tortor hendrerit vitae. Donec a sodales quam. Vestibulum maximus purus magna, sit amet fermentum mauris rhoncus et. Aenean scelerisque varius elementum. Nam eu dignissim tortor, in malesuada augue. Nullam nec lacus non tortor lobortis commodo. Nulla interdum vitae ipsum non bibendum. Integer sed enim semper, congue dolor sit amet, pharetra elit. Aenean ultricies semper ligula, eu condimentum nunc porta consequat.
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