Hey, if anyone on tumblr is active in the batim fandom, sound off? just interact w/ this post ig I wanna see how many ppl are still here
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"Don't do much... Can't do much."
It attempted to move an empty bacon soup can with one of t's tendrils to demonstrate. The tendril passed through the can.
Unbeknownst to Henry, Something was watching him from the shadows. Something curious.
Henry was in his makeshift safehouse, Bendy sitting next to him "Hey Henry?" "Yeah?" "I think somethin's watchin us"
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They pat Henry with a tendril of mist.
They waved back at Bendy.
Unbeknownst to Henry, Something was watching him from the shadows. Something curious.
Henry was in his makeshift safehouse, Bendy sitting next to him "Hey Henry?" "Yeah?" "I think somethin's watchin us"
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It poked him with a tendril again.
Mist is. staring. from the shadows.
Mmm yes. Boris blinks, looking around slightly, ear twitching.
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The mist's singular eye opened, blinking curiously.
Unbeknownst to Henry, Something was watching him from the shadows. Something curious.
Henry was in his makeshift safehouse, Bendy sitting next to him "Hey Henry?" "Yeah?" "I think somethin's watchin us"
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They are. observing him.
"...h i"
Mist is. staring. from the shadows.
Mmm yes. Boris blinks, looking around slightly, ear twitching.
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The feeling of being watched got more intense, but not necessarily malicious. Just curious in an almost childlike way. The shadows shifted closer to a dark purpley colour.
Unbeknownst to Henry, Something was watching him from the shadows. Something curious.
Henry was in his makeshift safehouse, Bendy sitting next to him "Hey Henry?" "Yeah?" "I think somethin's watchin us"
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The purple mist and the eye became visible, but it was behind Boris. It just sort of. poked him with a tendril.
Mist is. staring. from the shadows.
Mmm yes. Boris blinks, looking around slightly, ear twitching.
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Your muse walks through the studio, When they feel a presence behind them. Turning around, they see nothing but shadows. The darkness obscuring their view turned a deep purple colour, revealing itself to be some mist. A singular eye opens in the mist, and it speaks despite lacking a mouth.
//Tags under the cut
@best-boy-boris @two-angels-but-a-devil @little-devil-tired-animator @forcefully-employed
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Muse Info
Mun Info
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Mun info
name: Neptune
pronouns: they/it/star/Flame
Orientation: Biromantic
Mun Info 2
Name: Mist
pronouns: They/it
Orientation: N O
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No godmodding
Don't harass the mods
DNI if queerphobic, racist, under 13, a pedo, anti-system, anti-endo
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Muse Info
Name: ??? (Goes By Mist)
Pronouns: She/they/it
Age: ??? (Mentally around 6-10 years old)
Height: ??? (Physical-ish form around 7'10 tall, 8'5 across.)
Physical Appearance: A cloud of mist that can cary in colour from pure black go a deep purple. It has one singular eye that it can phase in and out of existence, and tendrils it can use to interact with it's surroundings
Species: ???, Seemingly Ink-based
Text: "This"
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//tag dump
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