shattercdwill · 6 years
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davina laughed, “god i know what you mean,” she agreed with a shake of her head, “i’ve been here for a while now but i remember when i first got here, i just got back from travelling and i needed a change of scenery but sometimes i think finding my way around here has been more difficult than trying to catch a train in europe.”
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“travelling?” freya quirked her brow, interest piqued. “anywhere interesting?” she asked. she let out a laugh. “europe you say?” an amused look came upon her face. “thats quite the trip.”
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shattercdwill · 6 years
   Sebastian watched the other for a brief moment even if it seemed like forever to the other. A wave of familiarity washed over him when he eyed the little tyke and Sebastian sucked in a harsh breath before the feeling made him pass out. How fucking weird, he thought. “Distracted by her, I bet.” His voice had changed. It was somewhat softer but not by much. If he had one rule it was that he wouldn’t hurt a woman – (( unless she hurt him first )) and definitely wouldn’t hurt a child, EVER. “Don’t take it personal but this definitely isn’t a place you wanna be lady.”
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Freya pursed her lips. “I won’t. I don’t.” It truly wasn’t. Especially not with her infant daughter. “HONESTLY I just took a wrong turn and this is where I came out to.” She held Luna close to her, “If you wouldn’t mind, I would like to be pointed in the direction of the nearest exit.”
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shattercdwill · 6 years
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“ oh, don’t worry about it, ” elena says as she scrambles to put her phone away, giving her full attention to the woman before her. “ i do, actually. it’s just a few block away. do you want me to walk you there? i’m going that way anyway. ” 
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“really? yes, that would be lovely. thank you.” she said with a smile upon her lips. “im newish around here and still finding my way around.” she exclaimed. 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
Taken slightly by surprise, Stefan looked up from the notes on his phone. “No, you’re fine. Don’t worry.” he said, shaking off her apology. “Um, I’m heading that way right now, if you’d like some company on the walk? I can show you the street.” he offered, his eyes falling from the woman to the little girl in her arms, whom he smiled softly at. “Are you guys doing okay?” he asked the woman, taking a step towards the two, brows furrowing slightly in concern at the crying youngster. 
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“Thank you.” Freya said with a kind smile upon her lips. “I would appreciate that very much.” At his question she gave a tiny laugh. “Well, quite honestly Im a bit worn out and I think Luna here is as well.” She adjusted the child in her arms. “I thought a walk would be nice for us then I got lost, classic me.” She sighed. “Now she’s cranky and she’s tired. So am I a bit.” She joked. 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
Scienta Street? Jace thought about it for a second before he nodded his head. «Yeah, SURE. I could take you there if you want. The walk is a little long and complicated.» Especially with a fussy baby. «Is she okay?» He questioned. Perhaps it was the fact that he was a DOCTOR, or that he loved children, but he just had to ask. «Did something happen or is she just tired?»
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“THANK YOU.” Freya said, gratitude thick in her tone. “I have no idea where I was even heading.,..” She adjusted Luna in her arms. “Well, we got here from there. I think we could survive the walk back, right Luna?” She smiled,  giving her child a kiss on the cheek. “Oh she’s fine. Honestly its just my fault, I thought a soothing walk would get her to sleep for nap time--and it did for a bit but then I got lost. Hopefully she falls asleep again on the way back though.” 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
“is everything okay?” she asked curiously hearing the baby cry. she licked her lips. she shook her head at the other woman’s question. “no, i’m sorry i don’t.” 
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“yes--i mean it could be better but it is okay.” freya said with a low chuckle. “oh well, thats alright. thank you for your time anyway miss.”
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shattercdwill · 6 years
Once someone talked to him, he stopped walking, he didn’t mind helping someone out when they needed some help, that was not the first time that someone stopped him to ask for directions. “I do, yeah, I can take you there, it’s actually not that far away,” he lived there for some time so he knew his way around.
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“Thank you so much---i’ve been here for a while--well, a monthish and its simply a MAZE. There are so many people and places for such a small town. It drives me crazy... but also its a good place to grow up in. Or at least it feels like it is. I only want the best for my girl.” She said, grinning at the baby in her arms. 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
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“i’m davina,” the brunette replied as she pulled out her phone, using her thumbprint to unlock it before looking up from the screen, “it’s nice to meet you both.” she hummed, smile on her lips before her gaze moved back to the screen “so you said scienta street… that seems to be… here have a look.” she moved to stand next to the taller blonde, holding her phone between them to allow freya access to see the way to her destination.” davina smiled at the baby, luna, “so are you new in town then ? ”
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“davina huh ?? thats pretty, and unique. i love it. it’s a pleasure to meet you miss davina.” she said with an earnest and true smile upon her lips. she adjusted luna within her arms while she turned to look at the tiny brunette’s phone screen. “yeah, thats it for sure. thank you so much for your help---i’m so grateful you have no idea.” she exclaimed. “and yes !! well, fairly new. a monthish kinda new. usually i’m quick to learn my way around places but this town is proving to be challenging.” she chuckled. 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
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coming to a stop when she heard the voice davina smiled, shaking her head as she faced the blonde with the baby on her hip, “it’s not a bother,” the brunette insisted, gaze lingering towards the small child, fond smile growing on her lips before she looked back to who she assumed was the mother, “not sure i know the way, but google maps probably does. i got some data i don’t mind using, i guess this little one wants to get home pretty quick, huh ? ”
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freya smiled, feeling more secure in herself at the reassurement. “thank you.” she said first and foremost. “your help is appreciated tremendously.” she was quick to nod at the small brunette’s words. “yes, she is quite tired i’d venture to guess.” she glanced down at her daughter who was rubbing her eyes. she chuckled. “yes, definitely tired.” turning back to the women, she spoke. “my name is freya, and this is my daughter, luna.”
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shattercdwill · 6 years
“Shh... sh... don’t cry darling. I’m here.” Freya assured the baby girl in her arms. “We’ll be home in.... “ How long?? She still didn’t know her way around town... .”--hopefully soon.” Seeing a stranger in the passing, her gaze turned to them. “I’m sorry for the bother, but is it possible you know the way to Scienta Street?” 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
   He’s minding his business – eh, sort of – until he sees the figure up ahead. This part of town, his part of town, was that of broken street lights and bar fights. The person in front of him? Not from this part of town that much was certain with their clean shoes and almost shiny looking attire. “Whatcha doin’ ‘round here?” his voice is laced with some sort of accent as he wonders more out of suspicion than curiosity. 
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Freya held her daughter, tightly, in her arms. Fear that if she lost her grip something terrible would happen. She hadn’t meant to get lost, all she had wanted to do was take a brief stroll. Perhaps sway Luna to sleep. But then suddenly she held no recolonization for the area surrounding her and all she knew for sure was that wherever she had wondered to it was NO place for a child. At the unfamiliar voice she turned her head. “I... I’m afraid I’m a bit lost.” 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
   “What do you think of this?” she asked the other as she held up the almost antique locket for them to see. “They don’t make lockets like this anymore. I wonder who S.C. is.”
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“Honestly? No clue. But it sure is pretty...” Freya mused. “whoever has the initials S.C. is a very lucky person to be able to buy that, I’m stuck with F.C.”
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shattercdwill · 6 years
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HOLD ME, whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on
Freya is ASLEEP and more then a bit different in the dream/AU. 
After escaping Dahlia and her curse, she stripped herself of her magic and settled down. 
She changed her name to Freya Caelum. 
NEVER, has she met any other Mikaelsons though she is aware of their existence and tries to keep herself aware of their escapades. 
She is the mother of a one year old, whom she named LUNA.  
Luna is her whole world. 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
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“You know sometimes I really hate this town.” It was home but that didn’t mean she liked the war or the fighting or the inevitable deaths, it made her feel like opening up to people was just gonna lead to pain and god did she wish her dad was around but she’d settle, she was eighteen and not a kid anymore..she could handle herself or at least hoped she could.
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“I think many share that state of mind.” Freya spoke, nodding her head a tad bit. Being in this town was grueling, at the very least. “On the bright side we’re not completely trapped within here anymore.” 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
Klaus looked up at the raining sky and brought his umbrella back to cover his head and new jacket. 10 years he had been sleep and the world looked just the same. “Well Mystic Falls is just as miserable as ever.” 
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“Mystic Falls may be the same, but many other things have changed, brother.” Freya addressed, a smile pressing to her lips at the sight of her younger brother. It’d been far too long since she’d seen him. 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
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“That’s me.” she nodded, giving a small smile at the sudden interest the other female had. “Guess you could say it’s my specialist subject and it also helped that my best friend did have ripper tendencies that forced him into shutting off his emotions.” She admitted. “It takes time but getting them to turn it back on is easy, you just have to make them feel anything. Anger, hate, sadness and once they can feel that they can start to let the other emotions back in.” she gave the other female a look. “When it comes to vampires, you just need to take away the bloodlust and the rest will follow.”
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Freya kept her eyes close on the blonde, listening to her words carefully. She quirked an eyebrow at such a description. Ripper tendencies. That sounded all too familiar to her siblings, only Rebekah had been cursed when it happened to her and Klaus had been playing a role. She listened intently as Lexi spoke. “I believe I could mange that.” For a Mikaelson, receiving hate was easy after all. She pursed her lips. “So I’ll have to starve him is what you mean?” She asked bluntly. 
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shattercdwill · 6 years
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         “Must have been a strong drug, given you clearly do not recognize your own brother.”
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Freya stared at him for a good moment. Someone else claiming to be Henrik perhaps? No... Eyes wide, it fully dawned on her who was before her. “Finn.” In an instant she embraced him. 
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