shiny-snek · 3 hours
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The way The Boy Wonder depicts Jason’s memory of his murder in this panel is haunting.
He looks at the readers, as though begging them to help. He doesn’t know they’re the ones who voted for his demise. That they chose this.
I can’t get over it.
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shiny-snek · 6 days
now that jason todd is dead again and nobody is currently red hood, tim drake has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
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shiny-snek · 6 days
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shiny-snek · 6 days
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This is more punk than the whole of punk history.
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shiny-snek · 7 days
some timbernkon headcanons
some are 18+
Bernard and kon argue about who's gonna top but by the time they come to a decision tim is already asleep (hes a very tired boy)
tim and kon love the farm, but bernard has probably never left gotham until they started dating, so everything is new to him, and he's not useful at all
kon and bernard get busy while tim is out on bat missions and they always make sure to send pictures and videos just to annoy/sexually frustrate tim
bernard dowd the most protected man in the world, both kon and tim take turns keeping tabs on him and making sure rogues don't get too close to where he works/lives/studies. to the point where bernard start wondering why he haven't seen any villains in a while
their shared playlist goes from ayesha erotica to billie eilish to paramore, and it's a mess
timbern started dating first, and kon thought it was weird that both bernard and tim's heartbeats would go up every time he was around. at first he thought bernard was nervous to meet him, but it kept happening.
tim and bernard used to gush over superboy in highschool
tim proofread bernard's superboy x robin fanfic in highschool. he thought it was gonna be funny but it ended up feeding his "unrequited " crush for superboy
kon makes playlists for his boyfriends, but he also makes playlists ABOUT his boyfriends that he never shows them. It's just for himself.
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shiny-snek · 7 days
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This man is schrödingers idiot (with the UTTERMOST affection)
did he on purpose make a god-killer? did he just hear about an ability and go "neat lemme add that to my oc"? we will never know and that is how its meant to be
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I can hear the dead silence of everyone taking turn looking at Laios monster oc
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shiny-snek · 7 days
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absolutely lost it over this fic by @neuro-psyche so. have this comic o(- (
go read it rn if u also love some Good identity reveal fic!!!!
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shiny-snek · 7 days
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LMAO Bruce is disgusted at the thought of getting magical powers to accomplish their mission, he will never stoop so low, don't be ridi-- Dick Grayson, two feet away, hand literally waving in the air: OOOH GIVE ME THE MAGICAL POWERS GIVE THEM TO ME I WILL TOTALLY TAKE THE MAGICAL POWERS Just. The conflict between: Bruce's refusal to ever accept magical powers because they're not his own, because he couldn't rely on them as part of what he'd created on his own, because he hates magic and the nonsense it brings with it VERSUS His gremlin child who has so many of the same skills as he does, has the same reasons to mistrust using magic as a crutch, who has learned all the same fighting and detective skills Batman has, who is Batman But Better, immediately going hell yes I will take the magical powers GIMME Is the funniest thing in the world. Bruce would scream into the void if he had the time to spare, how can everything he stand for be so betrayed by this kid that he loves so much?? WHY IS HE LIKE THIS??? AGONY.
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shiny-snek · 7 days
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shiny-snek · 7 days
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You know what this makes me think about? A guy as paranoid and highly trained as Batman would absolutely flip out if someone he didn’t know tried to touch him. He’s probably on alert at virtually all times for possible hits or hands reaching toward him.
But here? He’s on his comm and he doesn’t even blink when Dick reaches into his belt pockets. His belt pockets with explosives and highly dangerous materials that shouldn’t be accessible to anyone who doesn’t know how to disarm them.
Dick reaches into his belt for a sucker and Bruce just lets him. It’s such a casual display of touch that I overlooked the first time I came across this panel.
How many small touches and invasions of his space does Bruce allow from family? How big of a gift is it for him to allow those? What other ways does the Batfamily climb all over him with casual touch and affection? Did he have to learn to accept it after being relatively devoid of it for so long?
Just some morning thoughts as I wake up on cold medicine.
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shiny-snek · 7 days
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cackling at diana angrily obliterating an army of living statues as clark looks horrified and bruce just stands there like
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shiny-snek · 7 days
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“I’m proud of you, and I know I don’t say that enough” [ Damian Wayne as Robin, Bruce Wayne as Batman and Alfred Pennyworth in Injustice 2 #8 ]
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shiny-snek · 7 days
Look if Brucie gets around then there’s honestly a chance he slept with Jack AND Janet Drake at some point. Poor Tim. even worse than walking in on your parents having sex is finding out your parents banged your adoptive dad
Just imagining the first time Tim confronted Bruce for being Batman and:
Tim, to himself: Why is he being so quiet? Maybe he’s pissed I revealed his secret.
Bruce, who’s 150% the reason Janet and Jack are currently on a second honeymoon and vow renewal combo trip to “recenter their marriage” after his last threesome with them:
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shiny-snek · 7 days
haha on the Drakes/Bruce, Dick meets Tim and asks Bruce “Are you sure he isn’t yours?” and Bruce goes “no Janet only ever pegged me”
Bruce “no I was always the bottom” Wayne beating ALL of the paternity allegations is SO funny to me. The ultimate defense.
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shiny-snek · 7 days
Jewish Family dynamics and the Batfamily:
“Why the hell would you do that?” grabs your ass off the ground and takes you home
“What the fuck are you doing bleeding everywhere? I just washed that carpet!” bandages your wounds while complaining the entire time
“I told you not to try that jump!” gives you ibuprofen every four hours without asking
“You look stupid with all that shit on your face.” tenderly reassures you that your face will look exactly the same when you wake up at three in the morning terrified about the reconstructive plastic surgery
“Don’t do that again.” holds you when you cry
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shiny-snek · 7 days
It actually makes a lot of sense that Bruce was one of the few people left standing in the crowd at Haly’s Circus when Dick’s parents died.
Watching two innocent people plummet to their deaths is gruesome. It’s shocking. It can be horribly traumatic, depending on the blunt force trauma of hitting the ground. They might not have died right away. They might have bled and made awful noises that were heard even above the sounds of the crowd.
But Bruce is Batman. Bruce saw his parents get murdered right in front of him. And he knows the sounds and sights of someone dying. He’s hardened himself to stay calm in a situation like that, both through trauma and practice.
I think the image of a young Dick Grayson making eye contact with the one unshaken person in the crowd is chilling. A man standing resolute when everyone else is screaming, sadness etched across his face. But not panic. Not confusion. Resignation, maybe.
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shiny-snek · 7 days
I know the Bats drive around Gotham like they stole their ride and they’re getting chased by the GCPD, but imagine the absolute hilarity of stopping at a red light one night and there’s Red Hood idling on his bike with what looks like Nightwing on the back. And they’re just…waiting for the light to turn green? It looks like they might be chatting with each other too?
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