shooshell · 1 hour
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koivu ja tähti
or the birch and the star, is a finnish fairytale written by zachris topelius about two siblings, taking place during "isoviha" (great wrath) or the russian occupation in finland in 1713 to 1721
the siblings are abducted to russia as children and run away ten years later in order to make a journey to find their home in finland, guided by two birds and a memory of their homestead birch tree with a star shining through it's leaves
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shooshell · 2 hours
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shooshell · 4 hours
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My mermaids for Ukrainian charity project 'Sappho Tales'
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shooshell · 5 hours
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Another day another mermaid 🧜‍♀️🔔
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shooshell · 6 hours
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I just think medieval snail ladies are neat.
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shooshell · 9 hours
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shooshell · 1 day
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first mermay art ever ⭐
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shooshell · 1 day
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happy Death Becomes Her (1992) season
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shooshell · 1 day
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Mermay 9-10
🐟1-2🐟 🐟3-4🐟 🐟5-6🐟 🐟7-8🐟 🐟11-13🐟
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shooshell · 1 day
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“I dream we’re happy in my sleep; floating down, and down, and down.”
An Edwardian lady meets a tattooed mermaid — ay, ay, ay! Swipe for surprise. This Mermay art is inspired by “Riverwide” a wonderful song by Sheryl Crow. A song, at the moment, I’m very much in love with.
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shooshell · 1 day
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shooshell · 2 days
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shooshell · 2 days
@ new users remember to set your dash to chronological. I think old users will forget to tell you this because tumblr never randomly resets it like twitter does, so afaik literally everybody switched over to chrono as soon as they tried to introduce non-chrono, and then promptly forgot tumblr even has a non-chrono view. on tumblr we really dont do the “all mighty algorithm” thing.
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shooshell · 3 days
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this year while we all celebrate pride month and celebrate ourselves as well as those who came before us and paved the way for us to do so, we must also think of those in gaza, queer or not, who live every day under a brutal occupation and don’t have that same privilege. happy pride, and may we see a free palestine in this lifetime.
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shooshell · 6 days
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The Sweetness of Salt
Chapter 3 - Page 40
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The Sweetness of Salt is a queer romance about a mermaid seeking to break her bond with the sea, and the lonely witch who tries to help her. Updates Mondays! Click here for more TSOS mirrors & links!
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shooshell · 15 days
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By existing as a citizen in and paying taxes to the imperial core, we automatically hold complicity in imperialist oppression because we are literally footing the bill for it. That is just the basic nature of being born to privilege in systems of oppression in general. We can be disadvantaged and marginalized in every single other consideration and we still have to understand and cope with this, and ensure we leverage it as effectively as possible.
Voting abstinence/sabotage does not absolve us of our responsibility to do everything in our power to lessen harm, but it DOES show that when our personal morals aren't satisfied, we retreat into (imperialist, this time) privilege to 'wash our hands' of the situation and declare it's not our fault and it's not our problem.
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shooshell · 24 days
Process Blog #4: How I Make TSOS!
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Just in time for Webcomic Day, it's a real actual process blog! We're going to get into the nitty-gritty of how I make pages of The Sweetness of Salt.
Let's go! :D
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This blog was originally written for 1$+ TSOS Supporters and can also be read here on Ko-fi - free to everyone!
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Chapter 3 Pages 29 - 32 (ALT text for pages here)
Leah's conversation on the balcony with Arlo is a pretty self contained scene in four pages, and will make a good case study for this blog. There is a full video timelapse at the very end, but I will be laying out my process for The Sweetness of Salt in detail here first!
Working From A Script
Since I'm the only person who works on TSOS, I keep my script pretty loose. I have a good idea now of how much of my writing translates into how many pages, and will sometimes mark significant page turns in the script or describe panel layouts if they occur to me while scripting. However, I generally don't know how I'll lay out the panels until I actually sit down with some paper.
My script mostly serves as an outline; dialogue, blocking, or entire segments can change when I put the characters through it on the page. Still, it's important to follow the script in order keep track of pace and continuity.
Here is the original script for this scene:
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Script Excerpt - Chapter 3 (ALT text for script image here)
Compare the script to the text on the actual pages, and there are some big differences! That's pretty typical of my workflow for TSOS. There's an ever growing gap between the day I worked on the script and the day I actually make the pages. By the time I sit down and draw, the characters and story have developed even more in my mind, and there's lots of time for me to experiment and be inspired. (This is definitely a luxury particular to a long running webcomic, though.)
In this particular case, I felt like the conversation in the script wasn't familiar enough for their relationship, and I also wanted to start establishing context for Sha's conundrum a bit sooner than originally planned. 
You could apply these to just about all the script changes I make: they're almost always done to re-emphasize character and story beats. And sometimes the changes are so I could add a joke. Or both!
You've heard me complaining about it; you've probably heard me express euphoric bliss about it, too. Thumbnailing is when words become comics, and it's hard!! But it's also the most rewarding part for me, and it's when TSOS actually becomes real. 
There are times when I can thumbnail right from my brain, and  times when every single comic I own is out on the floor for inspiration. I need to be in the right headspace to thumbnail - focused enough to take everything I need to into consideration, but loose enough to visualize the story.
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Here's a method that's worked for me lately: by setting aside certain number of pages and just writing out what happens per page, I get a good sense of pacing without having to draw anything yet. It's a good way to get the juices flowing!
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It's often, though not always, easier to thumbnail on paper, especially for the early stages. I'm much less precious about my drawings on paper, and feel more comfortable trying several iterations of a page than I am with digital drawing. The undo button and zoom button are enemies of thumbnails!
My thumbnails do ultimately get finalized in Clip Studio Paint, though - I have a template for this tailored to my workflow. The page layouts are in the middle, and are paired the same way they are on Webtoon (where pages post in pairs and need to be harmonious). There's also room on each side for the text/notes, though as you can see I don't always write something if I plan to follow the script.
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Thumbnails for Pages 28 - 33 (I'm sorry but I'm not ALT texting this chicken scratch)
When I know I need to work on my thumbnails, I try to fill that week with lots of sketching and a healthy reading diet - including my own script and comic! You want a warm hand and a brain full of comics for thumbnailing, but also lots of energy for your own story.
Scott McCloud's books are, as always, indispensable (Understanding Comics for general theory, Making Comics for more specific techniques), but these guides from Hannah Vardit have also been really helpful in getting my brain around thumbnailing.
Page 31 will be our example page moving forward, so here is that thumbnail in full:
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Page 31 Thumbnail
LOL - thumbnail Arlo is my favorite Arlo. 
Though not included here on Page 31, I do generally jot down balloons in my thumbnails, too, which you can see in the other thumbnails. It's good to account for your text early!
I keep these drawings super simple - they're just an indication of blocking and expression. I work more on character acting in the pencil stage.
Tools of the Trade
Alright, now we're getting into the nitty gritty!
One note before we proceed: TSOS is NOT print ready, and nothing about my process should be considered print ready or as advice for print readiness. This is just what's worked well for my webcomic, for the sake of consistency and mobile/web versatility. 
Program: Clip Studio Paint EX
Working Canvas Properties: 2407 x 3675px 350 dpi (Sized down to 940px wide for web, Margins approximately 100 px)
Dialogue Font: Soapy Hands by Sara Linsley (15 pt with few exceptions)
Favorite Pencil: Gritty's Pencil from Frenden's mega pack
Favorite Inker: Real G-Pen (CSP Default)
Character Modeler: MagicPoser for iPad
Cottage Model: floorplancreator.net (Browser app - even works on iPad! Free + simple to use)
I also use Windows Sticky Notes keep track of things like line weights, layer properties, or methods for things that get rendered frequently, such as Sha's sweater. 
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"Chapter 3 Style Guide" (ALT text here)
Roughing + Penciling
Before I start drawing, I make the panel borders and place all of the text.
I tend to fuss with my text for a long time, getting the line breaks exactly where I want them, and reading it out loud to make sure the page flow works. Balloons usually come later, once the art is done or mostly done and I can place the tails correctly. For now, the text is enough of a placeholder!
Everyone has their own rules when it comes to lettering, but I look to The Essential Guide to Comic Book Lettering as much as possible for general lettering conventions. It's the best resource out there for a reason, and I'm glad I have a physical copy to reference while I work.
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Page 31 Rough Blocking + Lettering
If I need to, I will take references from my model of the cottage or MagicPoser. For this scene, the balcony was simple enough to draw from imagination. Still, I studied its one and only appearance here in Chapter 2 Page 29 -
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- as well as my model. I use floorplancreator.net - here is the floor plan for the second floor of the cottage:
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And here is a 3D view. Neat, right? It took some time to set up, but it was time well spent. Even if I don't screenshot a reference, I'm using it to help visualize backgrounds and blocking.
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I also use my own character assets - essentially just a file with various lineart of character faces saved from previous pages.  I like to pencil from scratch if I have the time, but sometimes I just need to get a page out quickly. I'll drop these in and use them as an undersketch to speed things along.
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My collection of 3/4 Facial Assets for Leah and Sha
For Arlo, I almost always sketch on top of a reference, and will reuse his lineart, too. I love him, but I'm not an expert frog illustrator.
With my references assembled, I can start sketching and get everything locked in. This was a page I needed to complete quickly, so I structured shots that could use the same background angle and made sure Leah + Arlo's positioning was consistent and easy to follow. 
Big differences between my thumbnails and final layout are often due to continuity adjustments like that. Important stuff!
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Page 31 Pencils
I'm afraid I don't have much else to say about this part - if the thumbnails are where the story becomes a comic, this is where the comic becomes art. I get to be my most expressive and make these characters and places come alive. It's the drawing part, you know? Well, except for that other drawing part.
I tend to be a rough penciller, letting my inks do the heavy lifting drawing-wise. I suppose 'linearting' might be a better descriptor, because I don't ink with a great deal of toning, black shadows, or even line weights. TSOS is fully colored and rendered, so I tend to keep the inks simple. That's kind of just the style I've built for this comic. 
Background inks always come first, though. It's far easier to resize a character to the background than vice versa. This also encourages me to draw the entire background behind the character, so that art can be reused later. (You should also be finishing the art behind your balloons, by the way!)
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Page 31 Lineart
Color + Rendering
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Backgrounds come first again! I really do try to keep these as simple as possible, so they're easily replicated and don't suck up all my time. UNLESS: the backgrounds are especially important to the page, like an establishing shot. The overhead balcony shot on Page 30 took a lot longer than these, but with the new location established, I could let these pages be more about Leah's conversation and gestures.
This balancing act dictates my entire comic page process. Whichever element is most important to this page - the character acting, the environment, the action, etc - is the element that gets the most of my time, and I'll actively reduce effort in less important areas. It's good for time management, yes, but it also keeps the story focused!
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Page 31 Flat Character Color > Rendered Character > Full Color Page
Each character gets filled in with white so their colors can be clipped to the layers above. Again, colors are pretty simple - it's more about the mood lighting here. MagicPoser lets you manipulate lighting, so sometimes I like to go a little ham with the rendering. It's one of my favorite ways to give a scene some 'oomf'.
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Typical Layer Hierarchy for Characters (These are normally never labeled. I did that because I love you)
The MVP in all of this is the Erase Along Edge tool. It makes coloring so fast, and when I first adopted it, it cut my process time in half. 
The link will take you to its listing on the CSP asset store, which has detailed instructions for how to use it. Once you figure it out, you can set other brushes to erase along the edge, or even to color within an edge! Neat stuff. I especially like it when I need to color many small background elements.
Finishing and Lettering
A long time ago, TSOS's balloons were very fussy, tedious, hand-drawn squovals. When I made revisions to Chapter 1+2, the bulk of it was just re-lettering it all to something simple and consistent.
I've only just recently started experimenting with the joined balloons you see on this page, so I've got a lot to learn and a lot to try out. There are a couple of things I keep in mind for legibility, like giving the letters lots of room inside the balloon's edge. Clarity is way more important than being fancy.
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Curve Balloon tool > place four points only
Manipulate points for symmetry, fit
Add tail
Since I placed my text early and kept adjusting it along the way, I don't have to worry about my balloons having enough room or looking nice with the art. I can just click my lil points and be on my way!
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Page 31 Finished Page
Still a few finishing touches left: the whooshes, the eye shines, and of course, the sparkles. What's left to say? This is objectively the best part.
Wrapping It Up
Whoo, another comic page down! Excluding the time spent thumbnailing, pages take me about 8-10 hours to make. Ideally, I do this across two days, with inking one and coloring the next. 
Here is the full video timelapse of the page! Click through the video to check out the description, where I've timestamped the whole process.
The timestamps on this one definitely made me laugh - I jump around a lot more than the ideal, linear process described in this blog. You can tell I struggled with the lineart on this one, because I keep having to come back to it. But there's always something else to work on - I try not to let myself get stuck in one spot for too long.
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There you have it! Those are all my trade secrets. Just over 2k words, and I don't think I can add anything more. But if you want to know anything else or have any questions, you can leave them here and I'll add them to the next blog!
Thanks for reading!
This blog was originally written for 1$+ TSOS Supporters and can also be read here on Ko-fi - free to everyone. Become a 1$+ supporter and you get early access to all of my comic pages and process blogs!
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