skippin-pippin · 5 years
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
Every black girl is so pretty
*reblog if you agree*
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
An ode to the best walk cycles in fighting games
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
me: i wish i could write a genyatta bodyswap
me: that would be adorab-
*brain comes flying and kicks my ass*
brain: it would NOT be adorable it would be horrifying for them
brain: one would suddenly have lungs and have to breathe, soft skin and muscles that meet metal parts and augmentation, and normal eyes he has to blink else they hurt. zenyatta would have a panic attack thinking he can’t breathe, stumble and fall, and his thoughts would feel like they’re compressed and confused, unable to keep a straight line of thought
brain: genji would be encaged in his worst nightmare - a body that is all metal, no flesh, no blood, just mechanic everything, no lungs that breathe for him, analytical brain that thinks so clearly he’s shaken, he’d have a panic attack and he wouldn’t even be able to scratch at his skin to feel alive because he has NONE
brain: not adorable.
me: b-but. zen eating, feeling every inch of his skin unlike how he perceives his own body. genji floating.
brain: *horrifying*
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
thinking about how my family told a story about how my grandfather growing up in nazi germany once beat up a group of hitler youth bothering him and i thought it was just made-up family lore and then i saw a picture of him at like 15 and he looked like this 
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
Please watch this genyatta video I made with a ton of love and an entire friday.
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
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Blizzard banned pro Hearthstone winner for supporting free Hong Kong and took away his prize money. It would be SUCH A SHAME if Mei became a symbol of Hong Kong democracy and got Overwatch banned in China like Pooh did.
Join us! Draw this in your style or any blizzard game characters as a Hong Kong protester. Don't let the Chinese government control our free speech!
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
i dont get offended at white people jokes even though im white because: 
i can recognize white people as a whole have systemically oppressed POC in america, which is where i live 
most people when they make white people jokes only mean the shitty white people and i am not a shitty white person 
im not a pissbaby
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
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One of my many daily struggles from “living with” Anxiety
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
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..المبادرة بين الطرفين هي أساس بقاء العلاقة..
“The initiative of both parties is the basis for the survival of the relationship”
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
High key cute
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k but Rouxls lowkey cute
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
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the rubber chicken vacuum cleaner
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
please. ……. im begging you……….give male cartoon characters eyelashes……….boys….theyhave eyelashes…in real life………p lease.m
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
sorry for e-begging.
life hit hard and long story short, something fucked up and now i'm overdrawn on both my accounts when i really shouldn't be.
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my parents are making me pay $600 a month to live with them and in my current situation, i won't be able to cover that, and even though i get $1000 a month from the government, it won't be enough to pay this off.
i'm 19, trans, mentally ill and my father is hounding me to get it fixed when i really, really can't and i don't know how much i can take it.
my paypal is here, i'll really, really appreciate as much help as i can get.
if you can't donate, please reblog. i appreciate that so much as well
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
If you are an adult who identifies with the concept of Gifted Kid Syndrome and:
You have an unusually intense reaction to the concept of rejection, whether personal, professional, or academic
You have consistent trouble meeting deadlines
You have big dreams and ambitions that are completely achievable, but you consistently can’t take steps toward achieving them and you don’t know why
You procrastinate, like a lot
You like video games, like a lot
You switch seemingly at random between binge watching your favorite shows for absurd lengths of time or not being able to sit down and focus on them unless you’re doing something else at the same time
You cannot for the life of you keep your living area clean and organized
You struggle with substance dependencies, whether with alcohol, tobacco, weed, harder drugs, or even just caffeine
You struggle with texting/calling/emailing back, even for people you care about deeply and/or even for important deadlines
Please, please, please consider seeking out an ADHD evaluation.
I’m not a psychiatrist or any kind of a medical professional, but personally I can’t help but notice how many elements of what I was perceiving as personal failures before my diagnosis stem directly from my executive dysfunction. Meds and an adequate support system can make a world of difference!
Just some advice from your friendly neighborhood nonbinary-mom-friend blogger!
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skippin-pippin · 5 years
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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