skynewswire · 4 years
10 ways to use Copaiba essential oil
The essential oil
of copaiba is distilled vapor resin rubber copaiba, or Copaifera reticulata, tree that grows in the tropical forests of Brazil. The resulting essential oil has a mild, slightly woody aroma. As one of the most versatile essential oils available, copaiba has a variety of uses ranging from skin care to emotional health to reducing inflammation in the body. Check out these 10 ways to use copaiba essential oil.
Beauty and hygiene
Wear it on your face
Copaiba essential oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory. The primary active component, β-caryophyllene, lends this characteristic, as well as antioxidant actions, to the oil. Because it is also very mild, copaiba is a great addition to your skincare routine. Try adding a few drops of copaiba essential oil to your facial toner to reduce redness and inflammation. You can also check out this Pumpkin Mask recipe for another nourishing skin option.
Soothe teething pain in babies
Copaiba not only reduces inflammation; It can actually help relieve pain by interfering with nociceptors, which are sensory nerve cells. Applying a small amount to a baby’s jaw can help alleviate some discomfort associated with teething.
Sleep a little without interruption
Having trouble falling asleep all night? Try adding copaiba essential oil to your routine before bed. Studies show that copaiba affects the central nervous system to help relieve stress, which is the main culprit for sleep disorders.
Amplify your oral hygiene
Copaiba essential oil can help promote healthy teeth and gums. When used daily, it can reduce the appearance of mouth sores, swelling, infections, and cavities. Add a drop of copaiba to your toothpaste or mouthwash before bed to get copaiba benefits for your dental health.
Soothe a spider bite
For centuries, men have sought herbal remedies for poisonous spider and insect bites. This study points to copaiba essential oil to reduce the local effects of spider poisoning. You can apply copaiba directly to an itchy or painful bug bite to reduce pain and inflammation, or try this Boo Boo Balm recipe. Be sure to pack a batch before your next excursion or camping trip!
Make a post-workout balm
I love the way copaiba essential oil relieves sore and fatigued muscles. After an intense workout or yoga session, try this post-workout balm to prevent muscle pain.
Balance the Heart Chakra
When the heart chakra is blocked, you may experience relationship difficulties, or you may feel self-critical and withdrawn. Copaiba essential oil can ease the chaos and stress of everyday life and stabilize your mood and emotions. When our emotions are balanced, we are less likely to criticize ourselves and others. This opens our heart chakra and helps us feel connected to others and better understand where they come from.
Add it to your spiritual practices
Copaiba is one of my favorite essential oils for meditation and yoga practices. It helps calm erratic thoughts and encourages me to be present in the moment. From an energy point of view, copaiba provides balance, grounding and protection.
Calm anxious pets
Many animals do not like the strong aromas of essential oils. Copaiba is an excellent choice for pets because it is relatively soft. When animals are stressed and fearful, try wearing copaiba on their bedding, in the diffuser, or apply a small amount to their hands and pet your pet to help calm their nerves.
In the bedroom
Reduces stress and sets the mood
Nothing kills mood more than stress and anxiety. Relax before bed in a warm bath with a little copaiba essential oil. Or you may want to make a linen spritzer to spray your bed. Try pairing it with another essential oil that fosters intimacy, like Idaho blue spruce or ylang ylang.
Source:  https://lindseyelmore.com/10-ways-to-use-copaiba-essential-oil/
Related Article:  https://aceitedecominonegro.es/benefits-de-nigella-sativa
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skynewswire · 4 years
Los beneficios para la salud que uno puede obtener de la semilla de Nigella Sativa
La semilla de Nigella Sativa se ha utilizado desde tiempos inmorales para aromatizar alimentos y con fines medicinales. Las personas pueden recibir diversas ayudas medicinales utilizando Nigella Sativa Seed. Se puede usar para tratar diversas enfermedades que amenazan a la especie humana. Las enfermedades que se pueden tratar son: cáncer, artritis, cáncer de hígado, diabetes, asma y muchas más.
La semilla se puede usar para tratar la diabetes de una manera más adecuada que cualquier otro medicamento. No tiene efectos secundarios, ya que es totalmente herbal, pero el efecto es impresionante.
El extracto de semilla se puede usar para tratar la presión arterial. Ayuda a reducir el colesterol LDL y, por lo tanto, ofrece un remedio natural para la presión arterial junto con el colesterol alto.
Tiene agentes antiasmáticos en su interior. El asma es una enfermedad que está aumentando debido al nivel de contaminación en todo el mundo. Usando este extracto natural de Nigella Sativa Seed, los pacientes con asma en el Reino Unido pueden revivir más rápidamente y de manera más competente.
Ofrece revivir del dolor de garganta agudo. Ayuda a combatir la inflamación del tejido de la garganta y la infección de las amígdalas. La principal ventaja es que, al ser natural, no tiene ningún efecto secundario como los jarabes para la tos. Los jarabes para la tos contienen un porcentaje de alcohol como ingredientes que provocan somnolencia, pero este extracto de semilla tiene tales efectos secundarios.
El compuesto timoquinona presente en este extracto de semilla es un medio eficaz para tratar el daño cerebral debido al efecto de la radiación. Los sorprendentes resultados realmente han sorprendido a la fraternidad médica del mundo. El tejido cerebral compuesto del daño y ayuda a rejuvenecer el daño una vez.
La adicción a las drogas es una amenaza que está afectando a la población mundial. Este extracto de semilla es una solución a esta amenaza también. Ayuda a reducir la tolerancia y la adicción a la morfina. Si una persona está infectada por la toxicidad de la morfina, puede tratarse con este extracto milagroso.
El arma química es otra amenaza que hoy se cierne sobre el mundo. Recientemente se vio en Irán que un extracto de esta semilla puede ayudar a tratar los efectos de las armas químicas. Se pueden tratar los efectos de las sibilancias, los síntomas del trastorno respiratorio relacionados con la exposición a las armas químicas.
El extracto de semilla, si se aplica después de la operación, ayuda a eliminar cualquier cicatriz y protege la superficie peritoneal. Entonces, podemos ver que es una fuente de prevención de cualquier tipo de infección después de una operación.
La psoriasis es otra enfermedad que se puede tratar con esta semilla. El extracto de semilla se puede usar para aumentar el grosor de la epidermis y calmar la erupción. Esto es de gran ayuda para el paciente con psoriasis, que hasta hace poco se pensaba que no tenía ningún tratamiento. Entonces, sin dudarlo, uno puede usar este extracto de semilla para el tratamiento de las enfermedades anteriores y revivirlo.
Source: https://medium.com/@theblackseedoil/the-health-benefits-that-one-can-have-from-nigella-sativa-seed-9e2e2c95ecbc
Related Article: https://aceitedecominonegro.es/benefits-de-nigella-sativa
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skynewswire · 4 years
Are 'sea fleas' to blame for bloody bites on Australian teen's legs?
May 04, 2020
(CNN)A visit to a beach turned into a horror movie for a Melbourne, Australia, teen. The exact cause is a bit of a mystery, but tiny sea crustaceans may be to blame.
After playing soccer with his friends, Sam Kanizay, 16, dipped his lower legs and feet into the familiar water of Brighton's Dendy Street Beach on Saturday to soothe his aching muscles, according to CNN affiliate Seven News. What happened next was unexpected.
"I walked out of the water, saw what I thought was sand covering my ankles below my calf, shook it off quite violently, and it came off," he told CNN affiliate Seven Network Australia. But what he shook from his legs wasn't sand.
Jarrod Kanizay, Sam's father, told the Post that when his son lifted his feet from the water, he saw blood Lots of blood."He hobbled home pretty quickly. He rang me, actually, from outside," Jarrod Kanizay told the Post. "He said, 'Dad, you better come down outside.' I said, 'Why?' He said, 'Just come down!' "
They discovered thousands of tiny bites on the teen's legs, almost as if he had been pricked with a pin repeatedly.
"We thought we better clean off this bit of blood and then realized it wasn't washing away," Jane Kanizay, Sam's mother, told Seven News."
There was no stopping the bleeding," his father told the Washington Post. "We just had to get him to hospital."At the local hospital, doctors attempted to stem the flow of blood, but it continued to run from the many pinhole-size bites on Sam's feet and legs.
Sam said his pain was "up to an eight out of 10," his father told the Post, adding that hospital staff was baffled by his injury.Investigating on his own, Jarrod Kanizay put on two wetsuits, returned to where his son had soaked his feet, and used some raw meat to lure the unknown pests into a pool net. He collected thousands of the mites, each about 2 millimeters long, according to the Post.
Later, he uploaded a video to YouTube of what he believes is the culprit feasting on chunks of raw meat he provided.
"On these bits of meat, they've sucked the blood out of that, and they remain attached to the flesh of that meat," Jarrod Kanizay told Seven Network Australia.
The bleeding wouldn't stop because of the anticoagulant being released by the crustaceans, according to a Facebook post by Museums Victoria. The organization's marine biologist Gene for Walker-Smith examined samples captured by Kanizay and concluded that the likely culprits were "lysianassid amphipods, a type of scavenging crustacean."
"Amphipods are sometimes referred to as 'sea fleas,' " according to the post. "Media reports have described the attackers as 'sea lice' but that term is usually used to refer to isopods, a different group of crustaceans."
Amphipods are "naturally-occurring scavengers" known to bite. However, they do not usually cause this kind of injuries, the post said.
It's also possible they "contained an anti-coagulant, which would account for the inability to stop the flowing blood and that the very cold water may be the reason Sam didn't feel the bites."
Because they have no venomous properties, the damage will not be lasting; Sam will recover, according to the post.
In a Facebook post, Richard Reina, an associate professor at Monash University's School of Biological Sciences in Australia, refers to "sea lice" as the cause of Sam's injuries.
"No open wound as far as I know, but it happened because he stood still in the water for a long time," wrote Reina, who suggested that Sam didn't realize the creatures were chewing on his feet and legs.
"It's a bit like if you allowed hundreds of mosquitoes to keep feeding on your arm for half an hour -- you'd get an extreme reaction then too, but it's not something that people normally do," Reina wrote. He added that people should not be so concerned.
"There's no need to stay out of the water," Reina wrote.
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skynewswire · 4 years
Fleas Are Ready for a Climate Change
May 04, 2020
In a recent article published in Parasites & Vectors, researchers modeled and predicted the distribution of cat fleas in Australia, based on climate change models and public bioclimatic data from all over the continent. As future temperatures exceed the critical threshold, the distribution of flea variants may shift, and determine different developmental rates and vector capabilities.
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I need to make a confession.
Fleas were not my favorite parasites by far. When the phone was ringing some ten years ago and questions about fleas kept coming – I was not amused. Why?The questions were simple, just asking “what are the fleas on dogs and cats these days?”. Holding the title of the veterinary parasitologist at the University of Sydney, Australia, I felt obliged to respond. So I did. It is the cat flea – was my answer.Ten years ago thought was spreading that the fleas on dogs and cats are being replaced by a new super flea. We soon dismissed the idea by collecting 2500 fleas from all around Australia and confirming that all we have is essentially the cat flea. No surprise there and I felt vindicated, that fleas are not going to be my favorite parasite.Little did I know, that I was so wrong. 
Fleas cat  in Australia follow our lead]
Over the past 10 years, we have established that Australia has three distinct variants of the cat flea. To keep it simple we call them Sydney, Cairns, and Darwin. We borrowed the names from the cities we first came across these fleas.
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Australia has a population of 25 million with 66% living in the greater cities. If you look at the geography of Australia, you should not be surprised that 85% live within 50 kilometers of the coastline, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Most of the interior is arid. But why am I telling you that?
Cat fleas don’t like deserts. Cat fleas will be where we are because they like our dogs and cats. The cat flea variants – Sydney, Cairns, and Darwin – are determined by DNA signatures.
The Sydney variant appeared to be pretty much everywhere we looked, except when we started screening fleas from Cairns – up in the far north tropical Queensland, 2000 km north of Sydney. At first, this seemed an oddity, but research and second thoughts proved it otherwise.
The flea, Ctenocephalides felis, is an ectoparasite of dogs and cats. Once a flea finds its host, it rarely, if ever, leaves. It has no reason to as it can take a blood meal whenever it pleases. Most of the blood is not even digested, and so is defecated. The flea poo ends up in dog and cat fur, eventually dropping off wherever the dog or cat sleeps, rests, or just spends time.
You guessed it correctly – your sofa or its favorite spot in the house or back yard. The poo is, in fact, food for the flea larva that is living in the same place. Female fleas lay up to 40 eggs a day all over the dogs’ fur and drop off together with the flea poo. Eggs hatch and larvae feed on the flea poo that is already there.
Outside the host, the eggs and larvae don’t survive in dry, arid environments, they simply desiccate. So major determinants of their distribution are humidity and temperature – the climate. The dog or cat is the same in Sydney and Cairns, so the climate is governing the distribution of cat fleas, but would this be true for the flea variants?
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Climate change is happening and science has produced some groundbreaking prediction models showing how every square kilometer of our planet will look. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate change scenarios are optimistic as well as sadly pessimistic. We wanted to explore if the climate change model will affect the suitable niche for the flea and if any of the predictors can explain the future distribution.
In the recent article published in Parasites & Vectors, we modeled the niches for the cat fleas in Australia, using public bioclimatic data from all over Australia. In places, we identified, and genetically typed cat fleas and we predicted where else suitable niches were. Predictably, the cat flea niche was all along the coast, no surprise there.
Similarly, for the Sydney variant, its niche was predicted almost everywhere except the top end, where Cairns variant reins. The future is volatile for the cat flea in Australia. The size of the flea niche will contract. While the Sydney variant will be losing, the Cairns variant will have a free pass to expand south and overtake the niche that is no more suitable for the Sydney cat flea.
Regardless; the fleas aren’t going anywhere. It may not be the same flea, but it will still be the cat flea. It might not be the Sydney flea that will be ravaging our pets, but instead, the one that will descent from the tropical north.What all this suggests is that the cat fleas in Australia are already prepared for climate change, and the Cairns variant might be the super flea that I happily ignored ten years ago.
And last but not least, fleas are my favorite parasites. The invasive strategy of the pesky cat fleas in Australia illustrates how fragile the balance between the environment, host, and fleas is.
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skynewswire · 4 years
Prevent the cockroach apocalypse at your house
May 04, 2020
Growing up in the Midwest, I always looked forward to the summer. It was a nice break from the terribly long, cold, and dreary winters that can be typical to that area of the country. Moving to Florida has been a nice escape from these winters, but other out of town residents have set up home in Florida because of the nice weather too, cockroaches.
There are at least 38 species of cockroaches found in Florida. Around 13 of these cockroaches were brought in from other countries. Most of the introduced cockroaches are from either Africa or Asia and can become pests if they are not prevented from making your home theirs.
One species from Asia that can infest residences is the German cockroach. The German cockroach is probably the most notorious cockroach pest and is found indoors in restaurants and households with poor sanitary conditions. In apartment complexes, they can spread from one apartment unit to another. This cockroach will rarely be found outdoors and thrives only indoors.
These cockroaches can spread bacteria around the household and their presence has been shown to increase asthma-related health issues. Keeping a kitchen clean and pet food sealed in containers can decrease your household’s susceptibility to German cockroach infestations if any are ever introduced to your home.
If German cockroaches are ever found in your home, the assistance of a pest control company is often needed. This is especially true if you live in an apartment building where multiple apartments may need to be inspected and treated.
While German cockroaches are only found indoors, other cockroach species can live outside and come indoors if given the opportunity. They may not necessarily infest your home like German cockroaches will, but the sight alone of one of them crawling on your carpet may be enough of an issue for most people. Many of these cockroaches live in tree holes, leaf litter, or in dense vegetation.
Species in this group include the Australian cockroach, the American cockroach, the smoky brown cockroach, and the Asian cockroach. While one might suspect that the Australian cockroach and American cockroach are from Australia and the United States, these cockroaches are actually from Africa.
The Australian, American, and smoky brown cockroach all look very similar but can be identified by markings on their body or sizes of certain body parts. The Asian cockroach looks pretty much the same as the German cockroach and cannot be identified easily by just looking at its features. The best way to tell the difference between German and Asian cockroach is that Asian cockroach adults can fly.
Preventative measures can be taken to reduce the entrance of these outdoor cockroaches into households.
Leaf litter and dense vegetation around the foundation of the house should be removed. Weather sealing around doors should be tightly sealed and you should not be able to see any significant light from the outside coming in through the cracks in the door.
A perimeter insecticide treatment can also be done around the exterior of the house by a licensed pest control company to further prevent these cockroaches from entering the home.
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skynewswire · 4 years
Huge and very creepy': Vancouver Island woman stumbles upon rarely seen spider
May 04, 2020
VANCOUVER -- Krysten Leigh was walking her dog in Langford when she spotted something that made her do a double-take
."He was pulling at something and it got my attention and when I looked over there was a spider," Leigh said. "I definitely had to take a second look because it was huge and very creepy-looking."
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The arachnid on the pavement in front of her was like nothing she'd ever seen before. She wondered if it was someone's pet. She also wondered if it was poisonous. Mostly, she knew she had to take a picture.
"It wasn't as big as a tarantula, but it definitely looked like a miniature version of one," Leigh said.
Experts say the spider she spotted is a Pacific folding trap-door spider. It's not a tarantula, but it is a "tarantula" - a related type of arachnid - according to Jaymie Chudiak, general manager of the Victoria Bug Zoo.
"It is the closest thing we have to a tarantula," Chudiak said. "They are incredibly beautiful, but also very large, so people who do see them go, 'Oh my gosh, what is that? It's enormous.' But they're actually extremely docile and timid."
"It is the closest thing we have to a tarantula," Chudiak said. "They are incredibly beautiful, but also very large, so people who do see them go, 'Oh my gosh, what is that? It's enormous.' But they're actually extremely docile and timid."
"They do have venom, but it's incredibly mild," Chudiak added.Asked what she did after she took the photo, Leigh said she "ran away.""I was terrified," she said. "I'm definitely not a spider person."
She shared the photo she had taken with her mother, and then with a pest control company, which was eventually able to confirm the spider was a native species and not an escaped pet.Leigh then shared the photo on Facebook, where it generated much more attention than she expected. In the first 24 hours, her post was shared more than 200 times, she said.Chugiak said Pacific folding trap-door spiders are "absolutely everywhere" on Vancouver Island, but people rarely see them because they spend most of their lives hidden away inside their burrows.
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skynewswire · 4 years
Brilliant ways to rid your kitchen of cockroaches
Cockroaches reproduce fast and you need to get rid of them faster (Shutterstock)Let's face it, cockroaches are a pain to many kitchens. One moment you see one hastily moving around your cabinets, next they are more than you can count. Truly, spotting one roach in your kitchen means there are more than you think. They reproduce fast and the faster you get rid of them, the lower your cases of embarrassing moments. Here are some hacks of how to circumnavigate this common kitchen problem.Use borax powder Read Also: Pest Control You can walk into a pesticide shop and ask for this, specifying that you would want to get rid of the cockroaches in your house. Gently sprinkle the powder in your cabinets and you'll notice that cockroaches will die or stop coming. Bay leaves as a repellant Cockroaches don’t like the smell of bay leaves. These super meal flavor enhancers can save your day by keeping the roaches at bay.Put them inside your cabinets and some surfaces and you'll notice that these ‘terrorists’ get terrorized too. Fix your leaks You may have known by now that cockroaches are a stubborn lot. They can surely survive without food but not without water. You should, therefore, seal all your faucets and any other places with leaks or cleavages in the kitchen.If the problem is beyond your control, you can consider getting a pest control expert (Shutterstock)Red wine works magic This may be hard to do but sparing some will save you. Place a bowl of red wine on top of your kitchen counter and in your cabinet. Cockroaches won't dare to get close by.Use your empty eggshells Mostly, eggshells are disposed of. You can, however, redeem their kitchen use by putting some into your cabinets. To your surprise, cockroaches won't enter your cabinets at all.Exterminator use If the problem is beyond your control and you've tried the above hacks with no positive results, you can consider going for this. Get a pest control expert and they'll come and do a good (though expensive) job. With the hacks, you can enjoy being in your kitchen again and invite friends without worrying that the whole diner will be ruined.
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skynewswire · 4 years
The fury unleashed on yellow crazy ants
The Hon Leeanne Enoch MP, Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef
The Hon Warren Entsch MP, Special Envoy for the Great Barrier Reef
Michael Healy MP, Member for Cairns
A pure-bred Labrador named Fury has joined the front-line protecting Australia’s Wet Tropics, becoming the first in the world trained to detect yellow crazy ants.
The ants are a serious environmental and agricultural threat, listed among the world’s most invasive species, and after a year of training Fury has graduated to be the first capable of identifying their nests.
The innovative approach is part of the Australian and Queensland Government’s $18 million Yellow Crazy Ant Control project to eradicate the pest from Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Area, where they were first detected in 2010.
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Although trained odor detection dogs and handlers have previously been used to locate infestations of electric ants and red imported fire ants in Queensland, Fury’s success in being able to detect yellow crazy ants is a world-first.
Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley said that the move was an important breakthrough in addressing a major environmental and agricultural concern.
“The protection of the Wet Tropics and its wonderful array of native species is critical,” she said.
These ants are a massive problem for native species and for farmers and while we have invested significantly in reducing infestation in the past we are committing to carrying on with the challenge.”
Queensland Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, the Hon. Leeanne Enoch MP said Fury’s training was a fantastic achievement and much needed good news right now.
“This is such welcome news and is a further demonstration of the successful work of the Wet Tropics Management Authority. The Authority has already significantly reduced yellow crazy ant numbers across some 1770 hectares since the program began,” she said.
“Having dogs like Fury will greatly increase the probability of detecting any last remaining pockets of these invasive ants.”
Special Envoy for the Great Barrier Reef and Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has been a passionate supporter of measures to reduce the threat of Yellow Crazy Ants working with environmentalists and farmers alike.
“This a fabulous idea and I wish Fury all the best in her work,” he said.
These ants are an absolute scourge and we are working with the Wet Tropics Authority, with cane-growers and local communities to protect our native species and our local agriculture.”
The Member for Cairns Michael Healy said, “Yellow crazy ants pose a significant threat to the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, as well as to local agricultural industries, tourism, and the quality of life for residents.”
“This is great news for our community, our environment, and our economy,” Mr. Healy said.
Authority Chair, Ms. Leslie Shirreffs, said the successful training of Fury now paves the way to extend the program.
“We aim to obtain three more dogs and another handler as part of the program,” she said.
“The odor detection dogs will work primarily to survey residential areas and open suburban areas within the infestation and will also be used in the search for new infestations.”
Specialist training was provided to both Fury and her handler, Stuart Biggs, to develop the skills, teamwork, and close bond that is essential for successful results on the ground.
The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries carried out an independent validation process that required the dog and handler to complete a series of ten tests with at least an 80 percent success rate.
“Fury passed with flying colors,” Ms. Shirreffs said. “We look forward to continuing success for the program.”
The Wet Tropics of Queensland was first inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1988. This spectacular region provides the only habitat for numerous rare species of plants and animals and is the only place in Australia where Aboriginal people have permanently inhabited a tropical rainforest environment.
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skynewswire · 4 years
Risk aversion as a survival strategy in ants
April 09, 2020    Ants are excellent navigators and always find their way back to the nest. But how do they react when an obstacle or a predator blocks their path? An international team including Antoine Wystrach, a CNRS researcher at the Research Centre on Animal Cognition (CNRS/Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier), has shown that ants are capable of changing their familiar route to avoid traps thanks to an aversive learning mechanism: by associating visual cues with negative experiences, they can memorize potentially dangerous routes. This was discovered when scientists "trapped" desert ants1 by placing a pit trap with slippery walls in their path; a small bridge hidden by twigs was their only exit. On the first attempt, all ants rushed - at almost 1 m/s - towards the nest and fell into the hole. However, on the second attempt, they had already adapted their behaviour: as they approached the trap, some ants stopped to scan their environment before making a quick detour and continuing safely to the nest. The researchers demonstrated that the ants' visual memories experienced a few seconds before falling had been retrospectively associated with the fall. The goal for scientists is to now implement these learning mechanisms into their neural models in order to better understand the complexity of the insect nervous system. The results are published in Current Biology (April 9, 2020) Source:
  https://medium.com/@skynewswire/risk-aversion-as-a-survival-strategy-in-ants-162b17577815 https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-04/c-raa040820.php
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skynewswire · 4 years
Inflatable Water Slide Rentals
Inflatable water slides are big fun for kids and adults of all ages. They have become popular staples at birthday parties, graduations parties, school water days, company picnics, and more. Kids go CRAZY over water slides, sometimes spending all day and all night on them! They are a very refreshing way to cool off on a hot day and have hours of playtime without getting overheated.
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Water slides come in all shapes and sizes now, from 18 feet tall to 27 feet tall. They come with single lanes or double lanes. Most have catch pools at the bottom ranging from a few inches of water to over 24 inches deep. Best Jump has a large selection of Inflatable Water Slides to choose from.
Besides the obvious backyard parties, inflatable water slides are great for summer camps, school water days, and even church and corporate events. We can set up a water slide in any place that has a water source. We can even set up in parks where no power is available by using a generator. Be sure to see our Water Slides Page see out the full selection of inflatable water slides.
Always rent a water slide from a reputable company that is licensed and insured. Check out their ratings on Google and Facebook and read reviews. Not every company has top-quality equipment or practices safe setup procedures. Water slides can be dangerous if not set up properly, and many companies take a lot of shortcuts that put kids at risk for injury.
Measure your yard and check the dimensions of the water slide to make sure it will fit with extra room to spare. Make sure the ground does not slope or have large holes, roots, stumps, or other obstructions. Make sure the setup area is free of any overhead obstructions such as trees or power lines. Rental companies should list the dimensions and setup requirements for each water slide on their website. If you are unsure, text pictures of the desired setup area to the owner of the company. Experienced rental operators will be able to tell you if the slide will fit.
Make sure you have a reliable water source nearby. A normal water spigot on the side of your house is sufficient. Water slides have soaker hoses and do not require a large amount of water. You will also need a power outlet within 125 feet of the rear of the slide.
Finally, if you are planning on setting up in the front yard or any location that might have underground utilities, notify the rental company so they can have the utilities marked.
A proper water slide setup starts with a good, quality water slide from a reputable manufacturer. It should not have any holes, rips, mildew, foul odor, or makeshift repairs. It should look relatively new, be bright and colorful, and have safety and operating instructions posted on the inflatable. The slide should be secured with large steel tent-style stakes or multiple sandbags at each tether point. There should be ropes or straps running diagonally up to the top that is tied off to large stakes on both sides to prevent tip-overs and keep the slide from being able to rock side to side. Oversized tarps are recommended to keep the pool water cleaner and avoid a muddy mess.
Water slides can be set up on driveways or concrete pads, but there are special requirements and procedures for doing this. First of all, the slide must be completely secured at all tether points using straps, stakes, or sandbags. Unfortunately, many companies actually skip this step completely when setting up on concrete! If the slide has a pool that sits on the ground, padding is required to avoid tailbone injuries. Notify the rental company if you plan to set up on a driveway or other hard surface so they can be prepared and bring the supplies needed for a safe setup.
Follow all the safety and operating procedures provided to you by the rental company or posted on the inflatable itself. Common sense goes a long way, but the rules must be followed. Inflatable water slides are a lot of fun, but parents and kids must respect the rules and follow instructions.
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skynewswire · 4 years
Inflatable Amusements — Expert Article on Bouncers, Slides, and other Inflatable Attractions
  In this article, the sports and recreation experts provide an introduction to the hazards associated with inflatable amusements. Topics include the most common causes of injury and steps that should be taken to promote safety
  Inflatable amusements (bouncers, slides, obstacle courses, and others) can be hazardous; on average in the United States, more than 30 children are treated in hospital emergency rooms every day for injuries associated with inflatable bouncers. The causes of these injuries are mostly preventable and fall into several common categories:
Selection and inspection of the site
Cleanliness & housekeeping
 The experts at Robson Forensic are frequently retained to investigate inflatable amusement mishaps when the injuries are serious. Our experts are retained on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants to investigate the circumstances leading up to the event and determine if actions were in compliance with the standard of care in the industry.
Read Also: Uplifting Rentals
Consumer & Rental Inflatable Amusements
Generally, the industry falls into two categories– consumer products often purchased online or at brick and mortar retailers intended for private use and commercial units seen at festivals, birthday parties, and indoor bounce facilities.
Regardless of whether the unit is a consumer or rental product, there are industry practices that should be followed to minimize the risk of injury.
Follow manufacturer’s safety rules for use–often posted on the unit itself
Prevent users of different size/ability from using the unit concurrently
Remove shoes and jewelry before use
No horseplay–flips, tackling, etc.
Keep the entry area free of obstacles and pad the landing
Use the manufacturer’s recommended number of stakes to secure the unit
Ensure that the ground beneath/around the unit is free of debris and other hazards
Provide proper clearances from hazards surrounding the unit
Provide proper supervision any time the unit is in use
Two Models for Rented Units In the world of rental units, there are generally two business models.
Companies that drop the unit off at your home -and-
Companies that provide trained supervision.
When companies drop the unit at the home, they are supposed to train the renter on all the necessary safety precautions and manufacturer’s recommendations for proper use. Under this model, the renter is responsible for providing proper supervision. This model can be problematic because of the many distractions that exist at special events and celebrations.
Optimally, companies will provide a trained staff member to monitor the use of the unit and supervise according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and the safety standards in the industry.
Source: https://medium.com/@jeanddiaz/inflatable-amusements-expert-article-on-bouncers-slides-and-other-inflatable-attractions-39261460a49c
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skynewswire · 4 years
Spring Hill Party Rentals
Welcome to Inflatable Party Express! We are the #1 place for Spring Hill Party Rentals. If you are hosting a birthday party, backyard BBQ, special event, school, or church party, a corporate event we are the ones to call. We have everything you need for your party from bounce houses, combo bouncers, to waterslides and dunk tanks. Not only do we have a variety of equipment, but we also have a great selection of themed bouncers. This can complete your themed party with these awesome event rentals. We also have a great selection of concession rentals as well.
We have more than just your average party rentals! Inflatable Party Express in Spring Hill has a great selection of large event rentals that can entertain a crowd. Our obstacle course rentals are out of this world and affordable to keep you in your event budget.
The boot camp challenge full obstacle course is an inflatable course that entertains and challenges your guests. We also have a smaller obstacle course rental that is great for school, daycare, and anytime you have a little one that wants to bounce. These large event rentals are a great addition to a bounce house rental, combo bouncer rental, and of course our delicious concession rentals.
Spring Hill Party Rentals:
Bounce Houses
Combo Bouncers
Water Slides
Obstacle Courses
Interactive Games
Tent Tables & Chairs
Dunk Tanks
Selfie Booth
Carnival Games
Mini Golf
Dry Slides
And more!
Inflatable Party Express is your one-stop-shop for Spring Hill Party Rentals! We are proud to be a family-owned and operated party rental company. When you choose us for your party rentals you can be assured you are getting clean and sanitized party rentals. Your safety is the most important! We want to help make your party fun and stress-free!
We love bringing our rentals to local parks,
Is this your first time to choose an inflatable rental for your next party or event? Inflatable Party Express makes it super easy and fun. Check out our FAQ page to see some of the most commonly asked questions! If you are thinking about renting multiple items from us, you will want to take a look at our Party Packages.
We have put together some of our best party rentals at great prices that make parties affordable. What want to work with people with all kinds of budgets! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us to learn more.
Source: https://medium.com/@jeanddiaz/spring-hill-party-rentals-5b7874403bc0              https://www.inflatablepartyexpress.com/spring-hill-party-rentals/
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skynewswire · 4 years
Use Content Marketing to Draw Attention to Your Business 2020
You may have heard of content marketing, which is the practice of giving interesting or educational content in return for traffic to a website.This is a fairly easy tactic for businesses to learn, and it not only makes prospects and customers like the business more, but also allows the owners to give out information about their area of expertise.
For example, a company that produces pet doors might blog about pets.When I first went through the 21-step program for creating and making an online business profitable, I learned about this technique, but I learned a lot more.
I learned that John Chow made his living by using the 21-step program and creating content for his blog, and that his revenues exceed $1 million.
I learned that the parent company for this program, MOBE, gave John an SL550 Mercedes Benz to drive for free as a token of their appreciation for John’s excellence in the program.
I learned that those who complete all the steps and work the program are the most likely to succeed, while those who take half-measures get half-results.
Although everyone doesn’t make the kind of money that John Chow is making, it wasn’t unusual to learn of people making $50,000 per month. But the spectrum of income was wide, largely related to the amount of energy the various students put into it.I appreciated the money-back guarantee that came with the program and decided to not only pursue it, but share what I know with others.If you’re creating an online business or own a brick-and mortar business, here are some things you can do to attract traffic to your business and let people get to know you better and see why you’re a likeable and trustworthy business owner.
YouTube — many businesses make videos and post them on their home page. I’ve seen every kind of business from car washes to bakeries to sales post a video to let their prospects and visitors know exactly what they do, how they do it, and why they do it that way. It’s probably the best way you can let people get to know you.
Free Reports — When you land on somebody’s Website and you’re unfamiliar with what they offer you might notice that they ask you to fill in your email address and they’ll send you a free report, newsletter, or eBook. That’s because they have the chance to present their business in this free content, so you can learn about them and hopefully, order.
Email — after you sign up for a free gift, you’ll notice that the business that sent it to you will follow up with a series of emails. The content of the emails should be valuable to anyone who’s looking for a solution to a pressing problem. For example, if you landed on a Website about how to raise chickens, and received the free report about it, the emails will continue to give you information, notices about sales and specials, and other matters of interest to folks with chickens.
I hope this info has been helpful to you. Any business needs to use content marketing to gain attraction and do education-based marketing to those who need your solution. Personally, I really liked this 21-step program to making more money online because that was relevant to the problem I needed solved.
And, as always, I’d like to help you if you’re contemplating an online business or struggling to start one. You can click here to reach me personally, comment below, or check out this 21-step program, which is under $50 and carries a money-back guarantee.
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skynewswire · 4 years
12 Things I Learned By Spending Over £1M On Facebook Advertising
Last year I started paid advertising on Facebook for my clients, with no clue of how
Facebook advertising
works. So I had to start completely from scratch. I learned about bidding strategies, how the algorithm works, and how to use automation to manage and optimize large-scale campaigns. By mid-2018 I have run 300+ campaigns and spent a total of over £1 million on Facebook ads.
If there was one thing that I could definitely tell you, it is that, contrary to popular belief, Facebook advertising does work and has the potential to bring in great ROI when done well. There were quite a few things I learned along the way, including that having a solid social media marketing strategy in place is fundamental to seeing your advertising efforts pay off.If you want to find out more about what I’ve learned on my far-reaching advertising journey, and also what foolproof strategies you can apply to scale your own campaigns successfully, keep reading!
1. There is no universal answer to how much Facebook ads are going to cost you. If you’ve been working in social media marketing for a while, you might have come across clients who wanted to know how much Facebook ads were going to cost them before they’ve even launched their first campaign. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this. Every business is different and your advertising costs will be greatly influenced by the dynamic market conditions, how easily you can reach your target audience and most importantly, your bidding strategy. Facebook advertising
2. Understanding how Facebook’s algorithm works is crucial. Before you get carried away with split testing, custom audiences and other advanced strategies, it is really important to know how Facebook’s algorithm optimizes your ads for delivery and the different factors that influence your costs and results, such as bid strategy, ad placement, target audience or optimisation method. Luckily, Facebook has made all this information available online here, and there’s virtually no question that is yet to be answered. Facebook advertising
3. Patience is key. One of the most important things I learned in the past year is that sometimes it pays to be patient. More often than not, you will not be able to see outstanding results overnight, and your campaigns might need a few days to become profitable. The more data Facebook’s algorithm can gather about your ads, the more seamless the delivery will be, so it makes sense that campaigns tend to get cheaper and convert better once they’ve been running for a while. In fact, this year Facebook introduced the Learning Phase, which indicates that an ad needs 50 conversions to be fully optimized for delivery. Even when you’re running split tests, let the ads run for a few days to gather sufficient data before making a decision. Facebook advertising
4. Don’t focus on vanity metrics. Your Impressions, Reach and even Click-through rate don’t mean anything if your campaigns can’t bring you the results they’re optimized for. You can only measure your social media ROI by looking at how well your ads are converting. Keep an eye on frequency, relevance score and CPA. Look at the click-through rate and conversion rate together — if many people click on your ads but not enough are converting, it might be time to refresh your creative. Facebook advertising
5. Auto-optimisation is your friend. If you have very specific advertising objectives, you could benefit from setting up your own auto-optimisation rules to ensure that those goals are met. Whether you use Facebook’s Ads Manager or an external platform like AdEspresso, their algorithms have been designed to optimise your campaigns based on a specific set of rules that apply well to most advertisers. What they might consider a reasonably cheap conversion might be an expensive one for you, so it’s better to go in and create your own set of rules to ensure your campaigns are running as smoothly as possible. Facebook advertising
6. If you are managing a large number of campaigns, you will need an external tool. This will not only make your life easier by saving you a lot of time and effort, but most tools and platforms give you access to detailed metrics and analytics that you won’t find in Facebook’s Ads Manager. The tool I have been using in the past twelve months to manage a monthly budget of nearly £100,000 is AdEspresso. Split testing in here is a breeze, as you can literally set up hundreds of ad variations within minutes and their custom optimization feature makes it easy to set up your own rules to meet your advertising objectives. Facebook advertising
7. Your ads’ performance is directly influenced by your bid. Whenever you run an ad on Facebook, you are competing with many different advertisers trying to reach the same audience as you. With the average cost per conversion across all industries coming at £14.35, it is likely that most advertisers are willing to bid exceedingly high to reach those users. This doesn’t mean you can’t win auctions with a relatively low bid, especially if your campaigns are performing very well, but underbidding will limit your reach and once you’ve won all the cheaper auctions, your ad performance will stagnate. Be prepared to raise your bid as the auction competition increases (you can monitor this in Delivery Insights in Ads Manager), and note that there are peak times during the year (Christmas, Black Friday) when advertising will be more expensive for everyone. Facebook advertising
8. Choose your target audience wisely. The more specific your target audience, the more likely you are to have higher click-through and conversion rates. Don’t limit yourself to Detailed targeting, you can use Lookalike Audiences to target people very similar to your customers, or create Custom Audiences to retarget users who have already visited your website or convert newsletter subscribers into customers. You can also use a Custom Audience to exclude your existing customers from your targeting, if your goal is to reach new customers. Facebook advertising
9. Maintain consistency. It goes without saying that your ad’s design, copy and landing page should always be consistent. If someone clicks through, something in your ad’s creative has caught their eye, and the landing page should underline the same message from your ad. An inconsistent landing page could make them loose interest or doubt that your message is genuine, and close the webpage within seconds — that is a negative sign of spam content. Facebook has recently announced that it’s tweaking its’ News Feed algorithm to show less spam and clickbait, so maintaining brand consistency on social media is more important than ever. Facebook advertising
10. Be prepared to test and optimize frequently. One of the greatest features of AdEspresso is setting up multiple ad variations and testing different elements until you find the ads that convert best. This is incredibly important, especially if you’re investing the majority of your advertising budget into Facebook, otherwise you will never know what works for your audience. Once you have identified the best performing ads, be prepared to actively optimize — Facebook ads have a very short lifespan, and very soon you would have to look at changing your target audience or testing new creatives. Ideally, you should spend 20% of your advertising budget on discovery, and 80% on existing campaigns that are delivering a great ROI. Facebook advertising
11. The longer your ads have been running, the cheaper they will become. While this won’t make them immune to ad frequency (all Facebook ads are susceptible to frequency), the longer your ad has been around and the more engagement it gets, the less expensive Facebook will make it over time. This means that an ad with a healthy click-through rate and low daily budget will win you more cheaper conversions, even if you’re being outbid by other advertisers in the auction. So start your ads with a small budget and only amp up your spend when you have achieved your target CPA. Facebook advertising
12. Be wary of increasing your budget too quickly. When you see that a campaign is performing particularly well, it can be tempting to increase the budget to get as many low-priced results as possible. I have literally seen advertisers double or triple their campaign budgets, only to be staggered by the results a few days later. What happens when you increase the daily budget by a significant amount is that your CPA will go up, because Facebook will have to go after more expensive conversions to spend your budget, and your CTR will decrease if your bid is limiting Facebook from showing your ads to new people. To maintain a consistent CPA, you should only increase your budget by 10% — 20% at a time. Facebook advertising
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skynewswire · 4 years
7 Fun Games Kids Can Play in a Jumping Castle
Renting a jumping castle is perfect for a kid’s birthday party. Here are 7 fun games kids can play!
Having a jumping castle at your child’s birthday party is the cherry on top of a fun time. But knowing how to keep guests entertained while they are in the castle is the key to success.
By introducing a castle game or two, you’re guaranteed to create a fun time that the children will enjoy and remember forever.
If you’re stuck on what fun activities to do with your guests, keep reading for a list of ideas on how to make the most of your jumping castle party.
Fun and Easy Jumping Castle Games
Jumping castle games are fun and typically do not require more than the castle itself and a little creativity. We’ve compiled a list of games children can play in jumping castles, and there’s something for everyone (yes, parents too).
The Giggle Game
To play the Giggle Game, have one child lay on their back in the corner of the jumping castle. Have the second child lay their head on the first child’s stomach so the two are creating a right angle with their bodies.
Continue this pattern until everyone is laying down. Once everyone is laying on the jumping castle floor, they must stay perfectly still and be very quiet.
Now, here’s where the fun begins. Make the first child laugh by saying “HA!” This will cause a wave of laughter from all of the children.
The Giggle Game is not only fun for kids, but it is also one of the few accessible games to play in a bounce house. While jumping castle games typically involve running, jumping, or standing, this game merely requires the participants to lie down. This means children with physical disabilities can enjoy fun castle games with their friends, too.
Freeze Bounce
Freeze Bounce is one of the especially fun jumping castle games for kidsas it combines physical activity with good listening skills. The only items required for this game besides the jumping castle are speakers and a music-playing device.
The game starts with fun music playing on a set of speakers as the children dance and bounce. Once the music stops, the children must freeze in whatever position they are in when the music stops.
This game is trickier than it sounds because the bouncy jumping castle’s floor will still be shaking and moving even after everyone freezes. If a child falls out of their position while the music is stopped, they are “out” for that round. Otherwise, the children resume with their dancing and moving until the music stops again.
Tumble Race
Kids are sure to love the dizzying Tumble Race game. To play, make one side of the castle a starting line. Have all of the children stand on the starting line with their backs up against the respective wall of the castle.
When the game supervisor says, “Go!” the children will start somersaulting to the opposite side of the castle. Once they reach the other side, they should start somersaulting back to the starting line. The first one back wins.
The Balloon Game
This game is a bit noisy, but thrilling and fun. The game simply requires balloons to toss inside your jumping castle, and determination.
The object of the Balloon Game is to pop as many balloons as possible by sitting on them. The soft floor of the bouncy castle will make this a bit more challenging and it is sure to be a hit.
For added fun, put very small prizes in the balloons such as stickers or small pieces of paper with riddles or jokes. The surprise inside will make the game much more fun and exciting.
Paper prizes are a safe option, as objects like tiny toys might hurt if sat on. As the fun continues, be sure to pick up the remains of the popped balloons.
Obstacle Course
Obstacle courses andbirthday party jumping castlesare a perfect match. This is a great way to keep children entertained while also testing their problem-solving skills.
There are many jumping castles already equipped with obstacles, but you may also want to add your own soft obstacles such as pillows or pool noodles.
This game can be played by individuals competing against each other, or if the group is big enough, the children can be split into teams. The object of the obstacle course is to get through it as fast as possible.
This activity is fun for everyone, as parents and guardians can cheer from the outside and watch the race. They can also be team captains so the competition has more structure.
Dodge Ball
Dodgeball in a jumping castle is a fun twist on the classic game. With a bouncy floor, jumping and leaping is certainly easier, but landing is the tricky (and fun) part.
Any ball can be used for this game and using a bigger, softer ball might be better than a traditional dodgeball.
Tag seems like it might be a pretty straight-forward game to play, but even the quickest runners will have a difficult time keeping their footing on a floor that is practically a big balloon.
Tag is a good game to play that does not promote competition. Instead, the children can let loose and have fun without too much focus on keeping score.
Safety Tips Before the Fun
Before any games are started in the jumping castle, you should be aware of potential danger and be prepared for accidents as they may come. While these games aren’t dangerous, anything can happen and you’ll want to make sure everyone has a fun but safe time.
Set Rules
Setting rules and boundaries can help to keep everyone safe during their time in the jumping castle. Some good ground rules include no shoes in the castle, no roughhousing, no hitting, and no tripping.
You can set your own rules that need to be applied for the group. Remind the children these rules are not there to put a damper on their fun, but to make sure no one is hurt during the game.
Prepare for Accidents
No matter how many rules are set, accidents are bound to happen. Keep a first aid kit on hand for things like scraped knees or elbows and other small boo-boos that might occur.
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skynewswire · 4 years
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skynewswire · 4 years
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