smugcatsstudio · 1 year
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Ironically, in my day job as a mental health therapist, I get asked a lot about organization and being better organized. I always laugh and reply that I'm still working on that one myself. I personally prefer to keep things real simple, only two calenders (phone and monthly white board) and strict time boundaries. As someone who already works 55 hours a week, I do not work past that point and I require advance notice of events. I have found mindfulness helps folks like me with time management and staying focused on tasks. I also try to schedule time to complete tasks when possible. As far as tracking indie dev development, I have no idea. Any suggestions? I am open to advice!
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smugcatsstudio · 2 years
Unfortunately, due to the current situation in Russia, art for The Counting of Crows will be significantly delayed/postponed. Secondly, the artist I had approached and paid for the user interface, ghosted me. I received a refund from Paypal, but I am now back at square one in trying to locate a UI artist. As much as it pains me, I am going to have to put The Counting of Crows on hiatus. I will continue to plan and write up the story, but I'm not sure when the game will make it's debut. I should have posted this sooner, but I had to come to the reality of the situation. Going forward, I plan to continue to work on The Counting of Crows and a couple of other ideas I also have in the works. Thank you everyone who supports indie devs.
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smugcatsstudio · 2 years
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Back again and happy to unveil the second RO of The Counting of Crows, Cassius! Cassius is one of the servants on Lord Ehrenberg's estate that the MC meets. Snarky and unafraid to speak his mind, Cassius represents the divide in Estaria between magical races/the use of magic and the use of magic being illegal in Estaria. Will the MC be able to break down Cassius' cold exterior and find out where his loyalty really lies?
Stay tuned for more unveils! Character art and CG's brought to you by Rica Mitten.
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smugcatsstudio · 2 years
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Round 2 of background art! Here is the finished look of one of the backgrounds you will find in the Counting of Crows! What game is complete without a creepy cemetery? Beautiful background art by the awesome @kjkjmulo!
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smugcatsstudio · 2 years
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Excited to start sharing the wonderful background art for The Counting of Crows by @kjkjmulo! Here is the first sketch of the game's city square. More to come!
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smugcatsstudio · 2 years
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Back again and happy to unveil the first RO of The Counting of Crows, Colonel Marcus Hahn! The MC is unwillingly involved in the war after using their power to save Hahn. Colonel Hahn is an esteemed sharpshooter and respected military leader of Estaria. Will love get in the way of duty?
Stay tuned for more unveils! Character art and CG's brought to you by Rica Mitten.
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smugcatsstudio · 2 years
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First up! The male equivalent of Vera, Vaughn. The plan is for each route to have unique CG's with Vera/Vaughn and each of the RO's. Fortunately, I have plans for a Kickstarter to be able to fully bring each protagonist to life.
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smugcatsstudio · 2 years
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Happy to finally announce the project that I have been working on!
The Counting of Crows is a romance visual novel that explores the themes of love, war, hope, and loss. You play as Vera or Vaugh, both with customizable pronouns and name. With countless choices, multiple endings, routes, and beautiful CG's/sprites by Rica Mitten.
The year is 1916 in the fictional Empire of Estaria. You live a sheltered life in the hometown you grew up in as a one-room schoolteacher. The use of magic is illegal in the Empire having been banned many years ago. Despite this, the Empire is home to different magical races and any individual, regardless of race, found to possess magical powers, is Branded to seal the use of magic. Unfortunately, tensions continue to rise among human and non-human, magic and non-magic users, with the perilous balance being enforced the Ministry of Defense and Magic. Like its symbol, the wolf, the Empire of Estaria continues to devour smaller, weaker countries surrounding it in the name of imperialism. War ignites after the Empire of Estaria’s neighbor, the Kingdom of Ustrad assassinates the Lord Emperor of Estaria. Estaria declares war on Ustrad in retaliation. Your small town has largely avoided the war until now. With war threatening to take away everything you know, challenge your destiny, find love, and potentially change the course of history.
Updates will posted on Tumblr as well as on Twitter @misstabbytales. Please follow for more updates! Pictured above is the female protagonist, Vera.
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smugcatsstudio · 2 years
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Finally feel legit now! Proud to officially announce and present the creation of Smug Cats Studio!
Thanks to @WhiteFoxDesign2 for the wonderful design and logo!
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