snapplec · 2 years
Ok, just listen to me, before I start i am not trying to be a “not like the other girls” person, i just want to vent out how I feel.
Ok 👍🏿
So before stranger things came out I had a really big obsession with the 70s,80s, and 90s, I would go to my local library to read about the events that happened in the time period,I like to ask questions to my parents who grew up in the 70s and 80s , my dad got his car at 19 in 1989 and my mom graduated high school in 1991, yes you can do the math idc if they are old. So they were basically adults in the 80s and 90s so I loved to ask them what it was like. I’m not trying to be “quirky “ or “unique by saying this so I’m sorry if I sound like I am, I don’t like to use my self-phone, I want to talk to people, I get depressed so easily and I have no one to talk to, everyone is always on their phones , yes I know people like to just be alone on their phones and yes, I know that phones are so amazing and helpful when it comes to emergencies and Google but I wish people could control their usage, I wish phones were something that we weren’t able to customize so people did get to attached, just a simple way to call and search things, no tik tok or YouTube or things like that, and yes I know I’m typing this rant on Reddit so I can’t say that I’m an angel or something, but I know how to control my usage. I really like 80s music, unlucky me though bc my mom had a lot of walkmans my aunt bought her back in the 80s and 90s but she left them in her home country, so unfortunately I don’t have any to use, but I listen to my radio. I wonder if maybe I hate they year I’m in bc I hate myself? Could that be why? I always worry like I’m trying to be unique when I’m ready just a boring person. Or if people think that. I know that the 80s weren’t all neon, rock music , side ponys and wind breakers. I imagine my parent’s teenage/ adult years realistically. The reason I dress in clothing that were worn in the 80s and 90s is bc it’s what I like, not saying that stranger things fans can’t do this to, I don’t want to take away someone’s happiness bc I feel like they shouldn’t do what they like, that isn’t nice. I like shows from the 80s and 90s bc it’s what brings me close to my parents and I just enjoy they more than today’s shows. I love 2022, it’s not like I want to live in 1990 . I get real happy when I see someone in my local store or in town who dresses just like people did in the 80s and 90s , not saying that people have to, I just made happy . I do a lot of research on the 70s, 80s and 90s at my library and I’ve been doing this before stranger things became popular. Im not trying to say that people cant like the 80s but some TikTok’s i see from stranger things watchers are just romanticizing it toooo much? I’m sure it was amazing to grow up the 80s but why do they just to a little research on events that happened during that time?Maybe it’s just me? I sound agressive in this post? I’m sorry if I do, I didn’t intend to.
Also tell me what u think abt this, on bye !!
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snapplec · 2 years
Only good knows how bad I want to have someone just care for me, I want the care that a baby has, I want someone who could just let me stim and make me feel comfortable
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