fitness-trans · 2 years
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fitness-trans · 3 years
Sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks, I've been feeling kinda out of it. And I was busy painting a present for my sister for Christmas and stressing about getting it done lol.
Anywho today's video is on the deadlift. It is a very versatile exercise that I put in my workouts pretty often. The deadlift works your lower back, legs and glutes. So its especially good for trans women who want to improve their butts.
These can be donw with or without weights. And the weights can be anything from a pair of dumbbells, a barbell or the strongman log I'm using.
In order to do a proper deadlift you want to have your feet shoulder with apart or slightly inside shoulder width like mine. Next bend down to pick up the weight trying to keep your back straight. Next stand up still keeping your back straight. When you reach the top I tend to pull my shoulders back (which may be hard to tell in the video). You also want to make sure to squeeze your but to further work the glutes.
While I didn't show it in this video because I was in the middle of my own workout, to do deadlift without any weight you'll want to copy my form.
I hope you enjoy the video, I'm gonna try to get back to being consistent with posts again!
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fitness-trans · 3 years
No video this week. Was feeling kinda out of it earlier in the week, then Thursday I strained my inner thigh, and today and yesterday my whole bodyhas been sore from changing up my workout routine.
Instead I'm gonna talk about something that I used to be self conscious about and still am everyonce in a while. This is something that a lot of people around the world have encountered in some way. What I'm talking about is stretch marks.
These can have several causes, the most common being pregnancy and rapid weight gain. Another one that I didn't know about until a few minutes ago is also potentially puberty. Basically the skin is stretched too quickly and doesn't have enough time to adjust to to the changes.
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Mine showed up during college when I put on quite a bit of weight because I didn't really care about what I was eating or being active in anyway. The funny thing is, at the time I didn't care about them or even really notice them. It wasn't until I decided to change my habits and be healthier that I became self conscious about them. I lost about 80 lbs over the next year or so, and I've gone up and down in weight since then.
Another thing that also became noticeable when I lost all that weight was a bit of excess skin. This was also due to the stretch marks.
The thing I hated most about both of these things was it reminded me of who I was before and how heavy I was (at least in my eyes). I never wanted to be reminded of that. However something happened in the past year. My perception of these changed. I don't really remember what it was that changed this but I started thinking of them in a positive way.
Before I didn't want to be reminded of how I looked before but now see those reminders and realize how far I've come. I see how much healthier I am now than I ever have been. I don't see them as unwanted reminders, I see them as battle scars that show I've been victorious in fighting for my health.
Stretch marks are nothing to be ashamed or self conscious of. They are beautiful! They are bad ass! They are a reminder of how far you've come in improving your health! They are something to be proud of!
I hope that this helps any one who is self conscious about stretch marks be even a little more comfortable with them. And if anyone wants talk more about this or anything else I'd be happy to!
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fitness-trans · 4 years
This goes out to all the trans men out there who want bigger shoulders. Along with working the shoulders it also works the triceps. Building the triceps is one of the best ways to make your arms overall look bigger.
This exercise is one I probably did more of then any besides maybe pushups when I was trying to build muscle.
This exercise is called a "Dip" or "Chair/Bench Dip", and its fairly simple to do. All you need is a sturdy chair, a slightly wider one works best.
To get into position I first sit on the chair and place my hands at the corners so they are ruffly shoulder width apart (your going to read this in so many of my posts lol).
Next you straighten your legs and move them out so that your butt comes of the chair and so your holding yourself up with your arms.
To perform the lower yourself by bending your elbow until its about 90°. Then extend your arms to return to the starting position.
This exercise I usually do 3-4 sets of 10-20. Here's a quick tip as well, to make this exercise harder all you have to do is move your feet further away from the chair. You can also put a weight in your lap.
I would do a video on the more advance version where you're basically just hanging while performing the dip but honestly I hurt my shoulder doing that and doing too many to fast. So now I have pretty consistent pain in my shoulder whenever I try to do that. Which is a lesson for anyone starting to exercise, take it slow! Building muscle, amd improving your health and fitness is a journey, not a sprint (unless you're actually doing sprints lol..... Sorry).
Anywho here's the quick video, and sorry about the noise in the video, my fiancee's walker is a little loud.
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fitness-trans · 4 years
Hey everyone, this video is for all my fellow trans gals! And for anyone who wants a better but lol. Squats are one of my favorite exercises for my legs and glutes. The muscles activated when performing a squat are the quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and abdominal muscles.
To begin a standard squat start with your legs shoulder width apart feet pointing forward.
Next you bend your knees and hips simultaneously while also making sure your back is straight. If your back isn't straight a you could risk an injury, especially if you start adding weight to your squat.
If you don't have much leg strength or balance issues you can use a chair to help in the squat.
Essentially you'll be performing the same movement but you'll be able to separate it into 2 parts. My fiancee does this version and also uses a walker to help steady herself when she stands up.
As I demonstrate in the video you can use your hands to assist in sitting down and standing up when you first begin. Then as you progress over a few weeks you can try putting your arms crossed at your chest. This will put a little more burden on your core to help keep you stabilized. As you progress from using your hands to crossed arms I'd recommend still keeping your hands down to your sides just as a precaution. Especially for the sitting down portion.
One thing that will help steady you is to squeeze your butt and core muscles as you perform the whole movement.
Let me know if anyone wants to see a video on further progressions for squats after the standard squat.
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fitness-trans · 4 years
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know I'm starting personal training video sessions this week over Discord and Skype. Like I've said in a previous post this will be mostly for other transgender and nonbinary people like me. Though if your lgbt+ in any way I will happily do personal training for you!
60 minute sessions are $20.
30 minute sessions are $10.
(Payments done through paypal after each session)
Hours will be:
Monday: 12 pm-5 pm and 6 pm-9 pm (I have a weekly 10 am appointment this day so it would be my shortest day)
Tuesday- Saturday: 9 am-11 am, 12 pm-5 pm, and 6 pm- 9 pm
(These may change if something comes up during the week)
To set up a session message me and I'll send you a few forms to fill out just to give me am idea on your general overall health and such.
I look forward to work with anyone interested!
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fitness-trans · 4 years
Here's the first test video where my cat joined me
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fitness-trans · 4 years
Hey everyone, today I wanted to tell you all about my favorite stretch that I learned about during my CPT course. This stretch is for your hip flexor complex. These are the muscles used to bring your legs forward when walking, sitting, etc. This stretch is especially beneficial for those of you who spend a lot of your day sitting down because of school or work or whatever reason.
First as shown in this video you want to have your legs about should width apart (please excuse how awkward I am lol)
Next you get down on one knee. What I do next is shift most of my weight onto my front leg, while simultaneously pushing my hips forward slowly. You should feel a stretch in the front of your hip/pelvic region, as well as potentially the front of your leg. You'll want to hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds. If the stretch starts to hurt however stop immediately. I try to do this stretch 3 times with each leg. Either all at once, or if I know I'm going to spend a lot of time during the day sitting I'll spread it out through the day. To start out, however, if say to do 1 stretch with each leg and then progress to 2 and then 3.
If you are unable to get down on one knee due to having bad knees or another reason you can also do this stretch while standing up. Just take a step forward like I do and then like before gently push your hips forward until you feel a stretch. I've noticed the bigger the step you take, there will be more of a stretch.
Now here's the video, pardon the fact that my skin acts like a reflector lmao
I will reblog this with the 2 test videos I took because my cat joined me and who doesn't love pets interrupting workout videos!
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fitness-trans · 4 years
One of the most important things involved in any attempt to change your body composition, be it lose weight, or build muscle is the mental aspect.
There will be many times throughout anyone's fitness journey that you won't want to work out because you're too tired, or there's too much going on. Or you may cave on your diet and have junk food. I want everyone to know that its okay. This happens to everyone. No one is perfect.
Often times when this happens its better to listen to your body and what it says. If you are too tired, don't workout. More likely than not you will hurt yourself if you try exercising when your body is too exhausted. I've learned this one from experience. Too many times I've hurt myself because I ignored my bodies signals. Skipping one day, or even a week won't effect your progress. From what I've read it takes up to 3 weeks for a decrease in muscle to occur.
The same thing happens with diets. If you're really craving ice cream, for example, it tends to be better to just have some. What worked for me is to have one unhealthy thing like ice cream or a cookie or something a day to every other day. Otherwise if I keep ignoring that craving, when I do eventually cave I go overboard. And even if you do cave and to overboard, that doesn't make you any weaker than anyone else. It just makes you human. One of the keys to any fitness program is being able to compromise with your own body on what it needs. It may take some time to figure out what your body is telling you, but when you do you will start to feel better overall.
If anyone has any questions let me know!
Also message me if I miss any trigger warnings! I'm new to this and want to make sure everyone can feel safe to view my posts. So just bare with me as I get more informed on what may trigger people!
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