sneezysubbyboi · 46 minutes
CW: Messfuckery, Contagion, kinda nsfw
You're laying with your partner who is down with an awful cold and they're a mess. You're passionately kissing their neck and they're gearing up for a sneeze... or two... or a fit, you don't know.
You hear their hitching and you look up at their flaring nostrils, you can see inside them, and they're stuffed up with snot that you can see moving around as they hitch. You know when these sneezes are released, all that snot is coming out with it...
And it's going to be
All. Over. You.
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sneezysubbyboi · 11 hours
hypo-allergenic? no no no, i said hypno-allergenic!
*begins swinging a pendulum*
you are getting veryyyyyy sneezeyyyyy...
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sneezysubbyboi · 1 day
I feel like there should be a heritage post about all the lore i’m seeing in the reblogs as someone who’s never been on there – who’s this Count? What was the banner drama? 😅
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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sneezysubbyboi · 2 days
definitely not snz, just 2nd hand experience with trauma to share
It’s so downright horrifying how much abuse and trauma can change a person and put them through a living hell… One of my co-workers had been violently beaten by their partner a couple months ago, which I didn’t know until recently — and it clicks how much damage it’s done to her demeanour. Constantly apologizing for minor mistakes, even apologizing for things I didn’t remember happened a couple days after. Needing reassurance that no one is mad at them, generally overthinking how other people feel beyond reason. Inability to reject advances from other men out of fear. Chronic insomnia and nightmares. Needing to keep busy, chatty and hyperfocused to avoid an idle mind.
Plus what she’s showing on the outside and struggles that she chooses to confide with me might only be scratching the surface of the damage. This is a strong, 30-something woman with a child who has been reduced to a shadow of her former self thanks to her partner — it’s heartbreaking what she’s going through on top of the legal procedures and finding a new affordable home. The fact that she manages to put on a smile every day is nothing short of a miracle. She’s always been a sweetheart and that much hasn’t changed at least.
She reminds me of someone else dear to me who has been a victim of childhood trauma, and what I initially thought were just personality quirks now registers as lingering scars and it’s chilling. I know I can do little but to empathize and be understanding, but it’s hard to truly communicate when I haven’t lived through it myself. And I always feel like i’m patronizing when I can only muster up “hope you’re doing okay”; because of course she’s not. I think it’s telling of society how there’s little to no social code for how we properly can express deeper empathy into words, because I just don’t want her to feel alone or that I think she’s crazy (which she sometimes tells me that’s the energy I give off). idk, i’ll just keep trying my best. Pray for her
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sneezysubbyboi · 4 days
The sheer hotness of an incomplete "I can't— 😩" before trailing off into a fit Like you can't whaat? ~ 🥰 can't stop sneezing?.. can't hold them back?.. can't handle how intense the tickle is?.. can't stop how embarrassingly messy you're getting?.. can't keep them from getting harsher and harsher?.. can't even stop to catch your breath?~ Like use your words~ not your sneezes~ 💕  but really their fit speaks a more than thousand words 🤭
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sneezysubbyboi · 7 days
So there's this scene in a show where the main character walks in on a side character (who is a banana) watching what is clearly fruit porn. So I thought of making a lil' sneezefucker version
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sneezysubbyboi · 8 days
Purring at the thought of Person A not being able to control themselves any longer and sneezing their tickle out as Person B, their colleague, blinks in disbelief because how long has this guy been holding those in??? Person A, despite holding their fit in at first, sneezes SO unapologetically too. They’re loud, wet, and most importantly uncovered. They don’t care that Person B is blatantly staring at them — all they need to focus on is getting rid of that feathery tickle that keeps thrumming inside those twitchy, flaring nostrils.
Person A keeps directing their disastrous sneezes towards the floor and Person B just keeps watching them mist the white tiles beneath them. Person B doesn’t think much of it until they take note of how much of a mess Person A is. There’s drool dribbling down their chin, dripping down onto the ground and only when Person A feels that string of saliva drip down, then they attempt to cover them up. But they cover them up with their hands and now Person B is clenching their jaw watching them because they can see how wet they are by how the spray is building up and slowly trickling down Person A’s forearms — their hands completely soaked. Person B is stood there wondering why this is so… embarrassingly arousing.
Person A soon wipes their nose and chin with the back of their wrist before finally glancing up to catch a glimpse of their coworker’s mesmerized stare.
“What? You wondering if I have any more left in me for you?”
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sneezysubbyboi · 9 days
Nsfw!!!🥵 snz sesh idea
making a ✨variety pack✨ snz wav for your shy snzfucker partner, then giving them earphones to listen to it while getting them off…
You slowly tease, then soon observe/feel them get visibly more aroused during a certain part… then asking them, “ohh~ you sure liked that~ which sneezes were those?..”
and watch them embarrassingly stutter “t-those stifled ones..” or “the.. ngg.. harsh s-sneezes” all while holding back their moans as you purposefully get them off harder 🥵
and once the wav ends, you reward their admittance and endurance by inducing those specific sneezes just for them in real life, until… 💦
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sneezysubbyboi · 9 days
Thinking about someone sneezing out mess other then snot.. that’s it.. (Not it lol)
Like slime just the thought alone ()
Hear me out now.. glitter and maybe each time they sneezes a different color comes out (ok now thaats it)
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sneezysubbyboi · 10 days
Did yall ever get really bad second-hand embarrassment from watching embarrassing things happen to characters on TV? I remember being a kid and running off to the other room to jump around and get all the energy out during certain scenes.
you fucking bet that I did the same thing during sneezing scenes 😫, god forbid my parents being in the same room too which definitely probably absolutely amped up already-high suspicion.
aaand now I get off to both sneezing and getting embarrassed/exposed so looks like kid me was just afraid of strange overwhelming new feelings that he didn’t understand
but it’s interesting how even so young the feelings have already been bubbling… the way characters got all flustered and have no way out except to face the exposer and admit whatever they’ve been hiding… hawt
I distinctly remember a kids book where a character blushed redder and redder and it did things to me the same way sneezing in books did wowow..
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sneezysubbyboi · 12 days
“N-no, I don’t have toooo…heh…to…sneeze”
“Oh really? So if i touch your nose juuuust so….. that doesn’t bother you?”
“No, I’m not distracted by your sneezing” 
“Oh? So it doesn’t bother you that I still need to- hehh! My nose still tickles so bad…iiHHH! I’m gonna….”
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sneezysubbyboi · 12 days
people should rly start treating having a big nose like having a big dick. like it should be a positive sexy thing
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sneezysubbyboi · 13 days
I am always a supporter of bodily autonomy, and I never say this to people, but the prevalence of rhinoplasty as a cosmetic procedure (not for corrective reasons like for breathing problem) in our society always saddens me a little
The idea that big noses are something that need to be fixed is something so deeply rooted in antisemitism and anti-black racism, and honestly society would much rather normalize changing nose shape over examining its own prejudices
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sneezysubbyboi · 17 days
Y’all’s sneezes are too hot. It’s illegal…….pls stop (pls never stop but I’m dying over here >/////<)
This community is so generous with the content yall put out & just know………im always so grateful yall put out absolute bangers…….for free…….
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sneezysubbyboi · 17 days
yall ever sneeze just twice (2) and just the feeling of those sneezes makes you go: "...yeah this is gonna be a problem" as you proceed to take your antihistamines?
it's crazy how I was fine one moment and when those sneezes came it immediately changed my fragile sinus ecosystem
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sneezysubbyboi · 18 days
"I always sneeze in threes" ok but I can only cum in ones so what are we gonna do
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sneezysubbyboi · 19 days
Totally not me having a mini-heart attack when I was scrolling through Facebook and this popped up – & my knee-jerk thought was that my snz p0rn somehow got uploaded through some Cloud witchcraft, for all my family and friends to see 😰💀
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