softlyspokentruth · 3 months
Ice and Apostasy
How should "ἀποστασία" be translated in 2 Thessalonians 2? How would this change how we understand this passage? Come check out this new post and see!
Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition. – 2…
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softlyspokentruth · 5 months
Breakdown: The Need For a New Temple
Let's breakdown a statement made in "The Need For a New Temple". How does Israel's partial hardening "until the fullness of the gentiles comes in" affect our Eschatology? Come and read the newest post to find out!
It has been a while since I have done a breakdown. One of the passages I emphasized in “The Need For a New Temple” gives me good reason to write one again. Romans 11:25-26a says, “I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and in this way…
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softlyspokentruth · 5 months
The Need For a New Temple
If we, having the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts, are the new temple, how can we justify the building of a new temple in Jerusalem during the times of the end? (1 Cor. 3:16) Come check out the latest post as we discuss this interesting topic!
We come now to a less controversial topic, however, it is a topic that some theological camps poke at and stir the pot with. It has been stirred enough recently for me to begin spending some extra time breaking it down for clarity. As I have mentioned in other posts, sometimes my questions derive from real-time conversations with people in Facebook groups who have much different Eschatological…
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softlyspokentruth · 10 months
Defending Pre-Trib Believers
When we let our Eschatology dictate the way we view the Gospel instead of letting the Gospel dictate how we view Eschatology, we are doing something wrong. I will quickly come to the defense of those who are on the receiving end of spiritual abuse in the form of eschatological dogmatism. Check out the latest post!
Over the past number of months, I have joined a few “Eschatology-based” Facebook groups to immerse myself with real-time debates and discussions concerning a wide variety of eschatological views. It became apparent to me very quickly that these eschatological Facebook groups were toxic pools of heretical views extending far beyond the scope of eschatology. It became very clear to me that most of…
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softlyspokentruth · 10 months
When Christians Die...
Where do Christians go when they die? Do we go immediately to heaven? Or do we "Soul Sleep" until "the dead in Christ rise first" at the rapture? Great Question! Complicated answer! I've got some thoughts. Check out his post and see!
The year is 4023. For centuries, humans have been exploring and colonizing the cosmos, reaching far beyond our galaxy and settling on planets with suitable living conditions lightyears away from earth. Technology has reached a point that allows us to travel extremely close to the speed of light, making travel across the cosmos a rather simple endeavor. Billions of trillions of humans are…
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softlyspokentruth · 10 months
Soul Sleep
The year is 4023. For centuries, humans have been exploring and colonizing the cosmos, reaching far beyond our galaxy and settling on planets with suitable living conditions lightyears away from earth. Technology has reached a point that allows us to travel extremely close to the speed of light, making travel across the cosmos a rather simple endeavor. Billions of trillions of humans are…
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softlyspokentruth · 11 months
Ah, The Millennium
Amillennialism is up to bat. Does it pass the test of the text? Check out the newest post and see for yourself!
For the majority of my posts on eschatology, or end times, I have pushed back against “pre-trib” interpretations primarily. I have defended Pre-Wrath eschatology thoroughly. But as we move forward in the end times chronology, there becomes much less disagreement between they and I because the majority of evangelical “pre-tribbers” also hold to a pre-millennial view. It is a pre-millennial view…
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softlyspokentruth · 11 months
Assurance of Salvation?
Am I truly saved? Can I have any assurance that I won't hear the words, "away from me, I never knew you"? Read and share this message of hope to all!
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ – Matthew…
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softlyspokentruth · 11 months
The Early Antichrist
The third post in our Preterist series is out! Who is this early antichrist? And is he legit? Check out the latest post and see!
“Therefore, when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand) – Matthew 24:15  In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus was asked by his disciples when the end of the age will come and what signs will proceed its coming. Among the many signs mentioned, Jesus is seen here referring to the words Daniel the prophet…
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softlyspokentruth · 1 year
Defending the Olivet Discourse
Does Preterism pass the test on the text? Did the signs and events described in the Olivet Discourse really already happen? Check out the next post in this series to find out!
In the American Civil War there was over 10,500 battles that took place. But of all the battles that were fought, the Battle of Gettysburg was by far the bloodiest. There were well over 50,000 casualties during that battle between the two forces. For some perspective, the 2nd and 3rd bloodiest battles averaged to have about 30,000 casualties. The Battle of Gettysburg was substantially larger in…
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softlyspokentruth · 1 year
A Timely Problem for Preterism
A new short series on Preterism is on it's way! Is Jesus on the clock? Did he already come? Check out the latest post and see!
Throughout this extensive journey in eschatology, I have consistently made it known my dissatisfaction with pre-tribulation interpretations. This was not done empty-handed just to cast doubt. The criticism was always secondary to the eschatological position I was teaching. The pre-wrath teaching was always at the forefront of my focus. However, in doing so, it still resulted in a very defensive…
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softlyspokentruth · 1 year
The End of The World
A poem on the end of the world. How pleasant. Enjoy!
I’ve written and written, until it’s all been wrote  The end of the world is coming, that’s the content of my notes  Christ is coming at an hour you could never predict  But if you think it could be at any moment, then you’ve been tricked  Let no man deceive you by any and all means  That Day will not come until the man of sin has been seen  He’ll sit in the temple and declare that he’s…
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softlyspokentruth · 1 year
THE Eschatological Model
Follow the Biblical end times model, as presented in Daniel and reflected all throughout scripture. Take a read and share it with others!
In Daniel’s Division, I brushed through the first 7 chapters in the book of Daniel to demonstrate the thematic pattern woven throughout. This pattern begins with mankind placing itself above God and demanding worship. The next successive theme is the persecution of the faithful and God fearing. However, God redeems his people and protects them. The thematic pattern ends with God punishing those…
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softlyspokentruth · 1 year
Considering the Horns
Typology is God's "For example...". Check out how God demonstrates this in the next post of the series in Daniel. See the example God is giving us of what to expect of the "little Horn" yet to come.
“I (Daniel) was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words.” – Daniel 7:8    Continuing in our series on Daniel’s Division, we find ourselves at another division in the book of Daniel. In my…
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softlyspokentruth · 1 year
Considering the Horns
“I (Daniel) was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words.” – Daniel 7:8    Continuing in our series on Daniel’s Division, we find ourselves at another division in the book of Daniel. In my…
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softlyspokentruth · 1 year
Daniel's Division
A new series on Daniel is out! Check out the first post as we break down what is often considered to be a difficult book to read and understand! Stay tuned for more to come!
If you have been keeping up with my end times posts, you may have noticed that there is somewhat of a progression. I may take some pauses to go back and elaborate something further, but I never stray too far away from the natural progression. If you jump in and start reading in the middle, you may find yourself a little confused at first. You will miss the big picture and fail to see the greater…
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softlyspokentruth · 1 year
Daniel's Division
If you have been keeping up with my end times posts, you may have noticed that there is somewhat of a progression. I may take some pauses to go back and elaborate something further, but I never stray too far away from the natural progression. If you jump in and start reading in the middle, you may find yourself a little confused at first. You will miss the big picture and fail to see the greater…
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