solutionsstaffing · 2 years
Hiring Remote Employees in the Philippines: A Quick Guide
There are many benefits to hiring remote employees in the Philippines, including multilingualism and a global talent pool. The process of finding and hiring an employee in the Philippines is easy, thanks to English proficiency and translation capabilities.
Why Do People Hire Remote Talent from the Philippines?
Some of the reasons why people hire remote talent from the Philippines include: The Philippines has a large pool of talented, English-speaking workers.
The cost of hiring remote talent from the Philippines is much lower than hiring in-house employees or talent from other countries.
The Philippines has a good infrastructure that allows for easy communication and collaboration between team members.
The Philippines is a culturally-similar country, which makes it easier for remote teams to communicate and collaborate.
The Philippines has a good work ethic, which is often reflected in the quality of work produced by remote teams from this region of the world.
The Philippines has a large population and skilled workforce. Low wages and cost of living are also factors to consider when hiring remote talent from the Philippines. English is the second official language in the Philippines, making it easy for employers to find workers who can understand and speak it.
What Is the Average Salary of a Filipino Remote Employee?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it largely depends on the skillset and experience of the employee. However, according to Payscale com, the average salary for a Filipino remote employeefalls in the range of $8,000 to $12,000 per year
What Are the Working Hours in the Philippines?
The Philippines has a flexible working hour system where employees can start and end work at different times depending on their agreement with their employers. The working hours in the Philippines are 8 hours per day, 6 days a week. or 5 days a week. Overtime must be compensated by providing a daily salary plus a minimum of 25% additional pay.
On regular days, all hours worked above the standard 8 hours per day must be compensated by providing a daily salary plus a minimum of 30% additional pay on Special holidays and legal holidays.
It also depends if the employee works as a freelancer, part-time or full-time. You can hire someone to work for a few hours in a flexible schedule as long as the output was submitted on time and on schedule. How Do I Hire a Remote Employee in the Philippines?
There are a few things you should consider when hiring a remote employee in the Philippines:
Make sure you have a solid remote work policy in place. Establish clear expectations and guidelines for the role. Train your new employee on your company’s processes and tools. Manage their workload and performance. Provide regular feedback.
To legally hire a remote workerin the Philippines, you must abide by local labor laws and pay your employees in Philippine pesos. The Philippines is a hub for remote talent with workers in the Philippines being extremely positive about remote work arrangements.
The process of hiring a remote employee in the Philippines can be complex, so it’s important to contact an expert if you’re considering this option. 
StaffingSolutions io will help you with hiring remote and trusted workers from the Philippines and other international countries.
How Do I Pay a Filipino Remote Employee?
There are a few options for paying a Filipino remote employee. You can wire money through a bank, use a money transfer service like Western Union, or use a service like Paypal. There are several methods for paying Filipino remote employees, including payroll through PEOs, PayPal, Transferwise, etc. Employers can request monthly payments instead of bi-monthly payments.
How Do You Recruit Employees in the Philippines?
There are a few ways to recruit employees in the Philippines. Some companies use online job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Jobstreet to find qualified candidates. Others use agencies that specialize in finding employees for companies in the Philippines. And finally, some companies travel to the Philippines to interview candidates in person.
Recruiting is best done through word of mouth in the Philippines, which is indicative of their community focussed culture. Outreach via Linkedin can be a good way to tap into these networks. Advertising on websites and using recruiters are also popular.
There are a lot of different websites, including many catering to particular industries or job titles. Similarly, there are recruiters specialized in general recruitment, specific industries and particular roles.
It’s relatively straightforward to hire a temporary freelancer in the Philippines, but if your business needs fully-fledged employees who’ll be committed to your business over the long term, it’s important that you hire full-time employees. There are two main ways to recruit and employ remote workers in the Philippines: by working with either an Employer of Record (EOR) or a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firm.
How Do You Interview Remote Workers in the Philippines?
To interview remote workers in the Philippines, you’ll need to use a video call service such as Skype or Zoom. You’ll then need to interview the worker in the same way you would interview someone in-person. Ask questions about their experience, their skills, and their goals to see if they would be a good fit for your company.
The Philippines is a hub for remote workers with Filipinos being extremely positive about remote work. US employers can interview remote workers through video conferencing and phone calls. Internet bandwidth can often be a problem in the Philippines, so it is good to have a variety of options available (e.g. try for video but have a phone line available as a backup). The rise in remote work & tougher visa regulations is creating a massive opportunity for businesses to hire remote workers in emerging economies to meet their talent needs. What to Consider When Hiring a Remote Worker in the Philippines
When hiring a remote worker in the Philippines, it is important to consider the cost of living in the Philippines, the worker’s skill set, and the worker’s ability to communicate with your team. You should also be sure to have a clear plan for how the worker will be integrated into your team and how they will be managed. Remote work has become increasingly popular in the last decade. Virtual Assistants are especially popular for businesses looking to hire their first employee. There are two ways to hire a remote worker in the Philippines: through the online job marketplaces or through an agency.
Do you want to hire employees from the Philippines but don’t know where to start? Staffingsolutions.io can help you with this. We help you find the best staffing solutions in your industry so you can fully focus on managing your business and save all your time finding the right one. Contact us now. We’ll help you find the best Staffing Solutions in the industry, with the experience you want, so you can focus on running your business.
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solutionsstaffing · 2 years
How To Remotely Onboard New Employees
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What is Remote Onboarding?
Remote onboarding is orienting and training new employees who will be working from a remote location. The main goals of remote onboarding are to ensure that the new employee is comfortable with the company’s policies and procedures, is familiar with its systems, and has the tools and resources needed to succeed in their new role.
It integrates new team members into an organisation using technology without any face-to-face interactions. It entails all of the steps of the traditional onboarding process, facilitated by different digital tools (for example, video calls or other collaborative tools like shared documents, etc.).
It is important to evaluate your current onboarding process and determine which aspects can be improved with technical assistance to implement remote onboarding successfully.
What Is Remote Employee Onboarding?
Remote employee onboarding is the process of orienting and training employees who will be working remotely. This can include setting up their computer and email, providing them with company policies and procedures, and orienting them to the company culture.
Employee onboarding is a series of activities that allow new hires to get to know their team and learn about the company’s attitudes, methods, rituals, and tools. Remote employee onboarding is the same process, but when the new hire is going to be working remotely rather than from the office.
From an employee’s perspective, an onboarding program is an opportunity to get used to a new environment. For an employer, it’s a valuable time to share all of the elements that will help new team members be successful as they learn more about their role in the company.
Formal onboarding usually includes a series of workshops, training sessions, video calls and exercises. Informal onboarding can be more ad hoc and include shadowing other people on the team, getting to know various stakeholders, understanding the company’s conventions and approach to problem-solving through observation and impromptu coaching with the new hire’s manager.
How to Manage Onboarding New Hires Remotely
There are a few key things to keep in mind when onboarding new hires remotely:
Set clear expectations from the beginning.
Make sure all the necessary tools and resources are available.
Have regular check-ins with new hires.
Encourage them to ask questions.
Celebrate their successes!
Onboarding new hires remotely should focus on three key dimensions: the organisational, the technical, and the social. Remote onboarding takes various forms depending on the company’s needs; it can include activities like technical requirements checks or socialising with employees.
Discuss company values, vision, mission, and goals with the new hires.
Review the organisation’s policies, dress code, communication guidelines etc., to make sure they are aligned with the company’s values.
Answer any questions and provide an overview of day-to-day operations.
Help new hires understand different roles in their department, what
their job entails, and how their work interacts with other departments.
Discuss company culture.
Answer questions about company benefits and other compensation.
Review the employee handbook to familiarise yourself with policies that apply to you as an individual
Review company policies and procedures to familiarise yourself with your expectations as an employee.
Keep up-to-date on changes in employment law, social media policies, and company policies.
Participate in workshops on the law of workplace harassment, diversity training, ethical standards.
Know your company’s policies on attendance, sick leave and vacation time.
Answer questions about benefits such as 401K, health insurance and other compensation.
Stay up-to-date on current events and the news related to your field of work.
Keep a positive attitude, be professional, and treat others.
How to Consider the Remote Onboarding Successful
You can use a few tips to make sure your onboarding program is successful, including setting up clear expectations for new hires, providing support after they’ve joined, and focusing on employee satisfaction throughout the process.
Implement a remote onboarding process to improve employee satisfaction and retention. Evaluate your existing onboarding process to determine if high-touch or low-touch methods are more effective. Encourage employees from the get-go with empowerment tools that support their individual needs.
How To Prepare For Remote Onboarding
Companies should first assess their existing onboarding process to manage onboarding new hires remotely. When preparing for remote onboarding, it is important to ensure that all necessary documents and materials are ready to go. In addition, it is important to have a plan for how the remote team will be integrated into the company culture and how communication will be handled.
The length of onboarding should be based on the individual needs of the new hire. There are some technical requirements for all-remote onboarding, but most challenges can be overcome with careful planning and preparation.
Best practices for remote onboarding include providing activities and materials that meet the needs of new hires while maintaining a positive atmosphere and creating a sense of community among employees.
What Do New Hires Want from an Onboarding Program?
New hires want a simple onboarding program that provides a head start and measures their progress. They also want a program that is fun and provides a quick win. Finally, new hires want onboarding content that is easy to understand and uses the right words.
New hires want to feel comfortable in their new job and understand what is expected of them. Remote onboarding helps new hires connect with team members and learn the company culture. Onboarding activities should be tailored to the individual employee’s needs and include introductions to co-workers and teammates.
New hires want to feel welcomed and supported when they join the company. They want a high-touch, personalised onboarding program that provides the necessary tools and resources to help them succeed. The process should be flexible enough to adapt as each new hire progresses through their career at the company.
Remote Onboarding Steps You Must Know
Step #1: Start strong with great pre-boarding
Pre-boarding is everything that happens from contract signing to arriving at the office – or signing in for Day One from home. Your new hires need access to your systems, including email or chat, project management, time tracking instructions, learning modules, and anything else they’ll be using from day today. This might sound like a no-brainer, but access issues are one of the most common first-day problems.
With remote onboarding, this communication is even more important – you want your new hire to feel plugged into the workplace, even if they can’t be physically present. Pre-boarding might seem like a basic admin task, but overlooking this important step jeopardises a smooth first day for your new hire.
Pre-boarding is a good way to start off a meeting or conversation. It establishes the tone for the rest of the meeting or conversation. It shows that you are interested in continuing the conversation and are willing to listen. It is important to start strong with great pre-boarding communication.
Step #2: Make Your Onboarding Process Collaborative
Collaborative onboarding means creating and using content to help new hires learn the company’s products. It helps new hires feel connected and supported during onboarding. It is important to ensure that new employees integrate smoothly into the company culture.
The process begins by creating a welcoming environment for new hires and then provides support throughout their time with the company. As part of the onboarding process, managers should ensure all new employees have access to the training and resources necessary for their success.
Finally, ongoing communication between managers and employees is key to ensuring that everyone is on track.
Part 1: Collaborating to create excellent onboarding content
To make this process collaborative, subject matter experts (SMEs) from different departments can share knowledge. By decentralising content creation, everybody’s lives are easier, and the onboarding process is more engaged.
Part 2: Collaboration during the onboarding process
This includes using discussion forums and virtual team building activities to encourage interactions and collaboration.
These interactions help new hires understand the courses better, and create a sense of community. It also helps the course author improve and iterate on the courses, continuously improving the quality of the course content.
Step #3: Tailor the Onboarding Experience for Each Hire
Every onboarding process is collaborative, engaging, and tailored to the needs and expectations of each hire that were clear in their application, cover letter and interview process. To really prepare them for their new job, you need to offer customised learning paths that provide information and support for each role and their learning needs. Use video and interactive tools to help new employees learn quickly. Make the onboarding process as smooth as possible for employees.
Step #4: Use Checklists and Nudges to Keep New Hires Engaged
Use checklists and nudges to keep new hires engaged. Checklists and nudges offer visible progress indicators and create positive reinforcement for learners.
Step #5: Seek Regular Feedback – And Refine Processes as You Go
Seek regular feedback from new hires to understand their onboarding experience and improve the process. Check-in with new hires about their progress and ask questions that help them provide detailed and constructive feedback.
Use instant feedback to identify any issues as they happen, so you can address them quickly and keep information fresh. Feedback is essential for refining processes. It should be regular and frequent to ensure ongoing and effective learning. It should be given constructively to be used to improve the learner’s performance.
Step #6: Measure your success with clear onboarding metrics
Onboarding metrics help you measure the effectiveness of your process and show the value of onboarding. Recognising learner achievement is a great way to keep people engaged and motivated.
By measuring your success with clear onboarding metrics, you can track progress and ensure that everyone who participates in your training program is successful. This will help you maintain motivation and improve the quality of the training program for future participants.
A Few Things to Avoid with Remote Onboarding
1. Information Overload
When employees are remote, giving them all the information they need at once can be difficult.
2. Unclear Communication
Keeping in touch with your hires is important, but make sure you’re communicating clearly and concisely.
3. Software fatigue:
Introducing new technology to remote employees can be tiring. Try to limit the amount of new software your staff uses and introduce it slowly.
How Is Remote Onboarding Different from Orientation?
Remote onboarding is a process that allows new employees to complete their onboarding process without having to come into the office. This can be done through a variety of methods such as video conferencing, online courses, and mentorship. On the other hand, orientation introduces new employees to the company and their new roles.
Orientation is a one-time event that welcomes new employees to an organisation and, often, creates a space for them to learn about the company’s vision, mission, culture, and history. Onboarding is a series of events happening over an extended period of time and is usually tailored for a specific role.
How Long Should Remote Onboarding Take?
Remote onboarding should take as long as necessary for the employee to feel comfortable and productive in their new role. It can take a few days or a few weeks, depending on the employee’s experience and the company’s requirements.
Why Your Virtual Onboarding Processes Matter
Onboarding new users is an important part of the customer experience, and it’s especially important for virtual products and services. In this post, we’ll look at why your virtual onboarding processes matter, and we’ll offer some tips for making the process as smooth and easy as possible for your users.
Onboarding is the first contact that an employee has with your business’s internal processes and culture. You want to make sure that your process for onboarding sets the right tone for all of the future training that your new employees will enjoy. Remote onboarding offers a way for teams to connect and welcomes new team members into their new workplace.
Onboard Your New Employees Remotely with Us!
Are you having a hard time onboarding remotely? Staffingsolutions.io will make everything easier for you. We offer you the best platform and place to find and onboard your new employees the right way, no matter when or where you are. Partner with us and save yourself from worries and hassle. Keep in touch.
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solutionsstaffing · 2 years
Reasons To Hire Remote Workers: The Top 7 Benefits Of Outsourcing Work
What Remote Workers Do
Do you consider hiring remote workers for your company? What do remote workers do? Remote working is a way of life, and employees are more productive. Employees should be self-starters, expert writers, and independent. Remote employees can be more productive because they are less distracted and more focused on their tasks.
Top Reasons to Hire Remote Workers for Your Business
1. Access to Global Talent
Remote work allows you to access a wider talent pool. Offering flexible work options is a smart way to appeal to office workers. A remote employee is not a replacement for a local employee. It is an extension of your existing team and should be treated as part of the whole team and company. Remote employees can be more efficient and flexible than their local counterparts because they are free to work when and where they want.
The world is getting smaller every day. because of technology, it’s safe to say that we have become a global community. So why not make connections with those who are far away? In the 21st century, the internet has opened up new possibilities for communication. It’s no longer necessary to be near a certain location to communicate with someone.
2. It Can Be Cost-Effective for the Employer and the Employees
Employers save money by outsourcing their recruitment process, saving on time, paying for ads and job platforms, etc. Both the employer and the employees will benefit from this working setup. The worker will no longer commute or travel to offices saving more time and transportation costs. Also, the cost of office space is reduced saving more utilities and rent expenses for the employers
3. Diversity
The best way to get the best people is to allow them to work where they want to work. When looking for new employees, I take a comprehensive approach to my search. I search for candidates with a variety of skills and experiences, but I also look for people who are passionate about what they do. I try to find people comfortable working remotely because remote workers tend to be more flexible than in-office workers.
A company with a diverse staff is much more likely to have better, more innovative ideas. Diversity in a workplace can also help increase trust and reduce conflict. It is often said that diversity is the solution to many problems, which is true in the corporate world.
4. It Increases Employee Retention
Employee retention is essential for highly specialised jobs and roles. When you employ remote workers, you provide them with workplace flexibility which impacts employee satisfaction. Job satisfaction is increased when employees believe they are valuable to their employer. Increased employee engagement leads to increased productivity and reduced turnover rates.
Working from home is becoming increasingly popular for a number of reasons. Some of these reasons include flexibility, reduced costs, ability to work in their own time, increased productivity, lower stress levels, and being able to spend more time with their children. It’s no wonder why people working from home have increased over the last few years.
5. It’s Greener
Working remotely can have a positive impact on the environment. Remote employees have the opportunity to live in a greener, more tranquil places with cheaper living costs. Hiring remote employees can also improve work-life balance for employers.
6. You Can Have People Working in Different Time Zones
When you have employees who can work in different time zones, you can have them update social media at any time of the day or night. This is extremely valuable when it comes to marketing since you can reach a larger audience if you post content at a time when they are awake. If you need an employee to work around the clock, you can have someone working in the middle of the night.
We all have busy lives, and it’s hard to find the time to schedule meetings or set up phone calls. However, it’s important to keep a consistent schedule to build a great customer service team. Scheduling and following up with customers helps you quickly identify problems and resolve them. It also enables you to build trust and rapport with your customers.
How to Transition Your Team to Remote Work
There are a few things to consider when transitioning your team to remote work. First, make sure that everyone is on the same page about the expectations and the remote work policy. Second, create a system for communication and collaboration. Finally, make sure that everyone has the necessary tools and resources to succeed.
Businesses should consider transitioning to a remote working model. Working from home can be beneficial for businesses but not for everyone. Remote working can reduce time tracking administration by 75%.
Why Now’s the Best Time to Hire Remote Employees
Remote employees are a great asset to any company because they can help to improve productivity and efficiency. Additionally, remote employees can help reduce costs by allowing companies to avoid paying for office space. By hiring remote employees, companies can also improve their reach to potential customers and employees worldwide.
Changes brought about by the pandemic have given rise to a new way of thinking – working, studying and travelling virtually is now commonplace.
Remote teams are becoming more popular as employers see the benefits in having access to the best talent in the world.
There is always a risk of hiring employees remotely, as with everything in life. If you don’t trust yourself, or your staff, to manage them effectively, then it’s best not to try this approach. However, if you can trust your team and trust yourself to make sure they are getting the best job possible, then it’s worth a shot. The benefits of hiring remotely are huge.
You might be thinking that remote work is a luxury. And while that is true, it doesn’t mean you have to remain stuck in your current job. For example, you can work remotely from home or wherever you are comfortable. It’s all up to you. You might be able to get a promotion or even find a better job.
Let’s Grow Together
StaffingSolutions.io is a platform for you to start and find the best remote workers for your business. Start by requesting a demo or posting a job for free to discover how we can help you find and hire great people.
Need to Hire Faster? STAY IN TOUCH!
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solutionsstaffing · 2 years
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Staffing Solutions is a recruitment agency that strives to build long-term relationships between you and your new recruits. No cookie-cutter, one-size fits all solution. We look for the most suitable talent to meet your needs and don't stop at good enough. Our success depends upon your satisfaction.
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