#Filipino Remote Employee
solutionsstaffing · 2 years
Hiring Remote Employees in the Philippines: A Quick Guide
There are many benefits to hiring remote employees in the Philippines, including multilingualism and a global talent pool. The process of finding and hiring an employee in the Philippines is easy, thanks to English proficiency and translation capabilities.
Why Do People Hire Remote Talent from the Philippines?
Some of the reasons why people hire remote talent from the Philippines include: The Philippines has a large pool of talented, English-speaking workers.
The cost of hiring remote talent from the Philippines is much lower than hiring in-house employees or talent from other countries.
The Philippines has a good infrastructure that allows for easy communication and collaboration between team members.
The Philippines is a culturally-similar country, which makes it easier for remote teams to communicate and collaborate.
The Philippines has a good work ethic, which is often reflected in the quality of work produced by remote teams from this region of the world.
The Philippines has a large population and skilled workforce. Low wages and cost of living are also factors to consider when hiring remote talent from the Philippines. English is the second official language in the Philippines, making it easy for employers to find workers who can understand and speak it.
What Is the Average Salary of a Filipino Remote Employee?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it largely depends on the skillset and experience of the employee. However, according to Payscale com, the average salary for a Filipino remote employeefalls in the range of $8,000 to $12,000 per year
What Are the Working Hours in the Philippines?
The Philippines has a flexible working hour system where employees can start and end work at different times depending on their agreement with their employers. The working hours in the Philippines are 8 hours per day, 6 days a week. or 5 days a week. Overtime must be compensated by providing a daily salary plus a minimum of 25% additional pay.
On regular days, all hours worked above the standard 8 hours per day must be compensated by providing a daily salary plus a minimum of 30% additional pay on Special holidays and legal holidays.
It also depends if the employee works as a freelancer, part-time or full-time. You can hire someone to work for a few hours in a flexible schedule as long as the output was submitted on time and on schedule. How Do I Hire a Remote Employee in the Philippines?
There are a few things you should consider when hiring a remote employee in the Philippines:
Make sure you have a solid remote work policy in place. Establish clear expectations and guidelines for the role. Train your new employee on your company’s processes and tools. Manage their workload and performance. Provide regular feedback.
To legally hire a remote workerin the Philippines, you must abide by local labor laws and pay your employees in Philippine pesos. The Philippines is a hub for remote talent with workers in the Philippines being extremely positive about remote work arrangements.
The process of hiring a remote employee in the Philippines can be complex, so it’s important to contact an expert if you’re considering this option. 
StaffingSolutions io will help you with hiring remote and trusted workers from the Philippines and other international countries.
How Do I Pay a Filipino Remote Employee?
There are a few options for paying a Filipino remote employee. You can wire money through a bank, use a money transfer service like Western Union, or use a service like Paypal. There are several methods for paying Filipino remote employees, including payroll through PEOs, PayPal, Transferwise, etc. Employers can request monthly payments instead of bi-monthly payments.
How Do You Recruit Employees in the Philippines?
There are a few ways to recruit employees in the Philippines. Some companies use online job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, or Jobstreet to find qualified candidates. Others use agencies that specialize in finding employees for companies in the Philippines. And finally, some companies travel to the Philippines to interview candidates in person.
Recruiting is best done through word of mouth in the Philippines, which is indicative of their community focussed culture. Outreach via Linkedin can be a good way to tap into these networks. Advertising on websites and using recruiters are also popular.
There are a lot of different websites, including many catering to particular industries or job titles. Similarly, there are recruiters specialized in general recruitment, specific industries and particular roles.
It’s relatively straightforward to hire a temporary freelancer in the Philippines, but if your business needs fully-fledged employees who’ll be committed to your business over the long term, it’s important that you hire full-time employees. There are two main ways to recruit and employ remote workers in the Philippines: by working with either an Employer of Record (EOR) or a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firm.
How Do You Interview Remote Workers in the Philippines?
To interview remote workers in the Philippines, you’ll need to use a video call service such as Skype or Zoom. You’ll then need to interview the worker in the same way you would interview someone in-person. Ask questions about their experience, their skills, and their goals to see if they would be a good fit for your company.
The Philippines is a hub for remote workers with Filipinos being extremely positive about remote work. US employers can interview remote workers through video conferencing and phone calls. Internet bandwidth can often be a problem in the Philippines, so it is good to have a variety of options available (e.g. try for video but have a phone line available as a backup). The rise in remote work & tougher visa regulations is creating a massive opportunity for businesses to hire remote workers in emerging economies to meet their talent needs. What to Consider When Hiring a Remote Worker in the Philippines
When hiring a remote worker in the Philippines, it is important to consider the cost of living in the Philippines, the worker’s skill set, and the worker’s ability to communicate with your team. You should also be sure to have a clear plan for how the worker will be integrated into your team and how they will be managed. Remote work has become increasingly popular in the last decade. Virtual Assistants are especially popular for businesses looking to hire their first employee. There are two ways to hire a remote worker in the Philippines: through the online job marketplaces or through an agency.
Do you want to hire employees from the Philippines but don’t know where to start? Staffingsolutions.io can help you with this. We help you find the best staffing solutions in your industry so you can fully focus on managing your business and save all your time finding the right one. Contact us now. We’ll help you find the best Staffing Solutions in the industry, with the experience you want, so you can focus on running your business.
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thistransient · 11 months
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Destination revealed: Kuala Lumpur! (yet another place I visited with my ex exactly ten years ago- not intentionally a factor in my choice, but perhaps subconsciously). Ok, I did spend a night at a hostel by the airport in 2018, but that doesn't count. I honestly don't remember the original trip very clearly (besides the kindly Filipino guy who intervened as I absolutely butchered a mango in my first ever attempt at peeling one... also the hostel employee who gave me a haircut while slightly drunk, and was completely clueless when I told him I wanted to look like G-Dragon who was on a billboard across the way). But I digress.
The flight was uneventful, for possibly the first time ever someone hot sat next to me but they barely looked over and I had no desire to make things awkward for the next five hours. When I'm stuck in the middle row, I like to fold my arms, cross my legs, and then bend forward, balance my forehead on my uppermost knee and go to sleep, which I have never seen anyone else do but y'all are missing out.
Landing was even less eventful, Malaysia doesn't even have landing cards. No questions. Just fingerprints, photo, stamp, goodbye. I know airport currency exchange kiosks are a rip off but when I have small amounts of random cash I want to get rid of, they're convenient. I was exchanging baht this time. The kiosk guy said something to me that I thought was about baht, but I couldn't quite make it out, so I kept saying "what?" and after the third time he yelled "PASSPORT!" Oh. I was shamed. I wanted to say, it's not your accent, it's me, but by that point fleeing was more of a priority.
The wifi would not connect on the airport train, and my phone's GPS function was doing precisely the opposite of functioning, but I had looked up directions to my hotel already in the morning, and thus resorted to the old-fashioned tactic of examining posted maps and looking at the street signs. (Perhaps this dates me a bit, as a younger friend of mine refused to even leave his immediate neighbourhood without a smartphone when his was away for repairs.)
Ironically I am staying in Chinatown (why even leave Taipei, huh). After finally arriving and collapsing in bed for a while, I dragged myself back out to a nearby Chinese restaurant open late, impressed one waitress by ordering in Mandarin, tried to ask a question to another waitress only to discover she only spoke Cantonese (I wanted to know what these bowls of hot water were for, lest I do something embarrassing with them- turns out they were just for washing the cutlery, which was new for me because iirc people usually do it with a teapot and cup in China/Taiwan), ate a ton of noodles, and was convinced by a wandering fruit-selling lady to buy a pack of cut guava, partly because she was willing to have a conversation in Mandarin, and partly because the last time an old lady hassled me to buy stuff at night I told her I would if it had been fruit and I might as well stick by my principles. (Also I haven't had guava in ages but I was ogling it at the fruit stand back home lately.) I don't know what's in that lil packet for sprinkling on it but it was fantastic.
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I have no idea what I'm going to do here (for a week), I suppose just wander around taking photos and trying not to overheat. I had half a mind to take the overnight train around the east coast just for the heck of it, but it leaves at odd hours and I'd just be going there and back. If I'm determined to take a long train ride I could just...go down to Singapore...(I may have been investigating the remote browsing feature on the dating app, and Singapore was the only Asian city available). We shall see how things unfold!
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cebutelenet · 1 month
Unlock Cost-Effective Solutions for Exceptional Call Center Services with CTNP
CTNP Corp is a well-established BPO company with 30 years of experience in providing exceptional call center services. Our skilled Filipino staff is known for delivering outstanding customer service, transpo dispatch and customer support, technical support, virtual assistant, and remote employee services. With our decades of experience in the industry, we have helped countless businesses achieve…
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qwertyatty · 2 months
CHARTED: How's the heat index in your area in 2024 so far?
Can you feel the heat? Filipinos sure can! The Philippines seems to be cooking in a big oven these days in the middle of the warm, dry season, coupled with the effects of El Niño. As a result, many schools have returned to remote and other alternative modes of learning, and the offices of some local government are set to adjust their work schedules to somehow spare the students and employees…
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Navigating Mandatory Contributions in the Philippines and Adapting to the Work-from-Home Landscape
In the dynamic business landscape of the Philippines, navigating mandatory contributions is crucial for both employers and employees. This article explores the key mandatory contributions in the Philippines and delves into the implications of the work-from-home setup on both sides of the employment spectrum.
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Mandatory Contributions in the Philippines:
Social Security System (SSS):
Private sector employees and some self-employed individuals are mandated to contribute to the SSS.
Contributions go towards providing various benefits such as sickness, maternity, disability, retirement, and death benefits.
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth):
Employees and employers contribute to PhilHealth, ensuring health insurance coverage for medical expenses.
The system aims to make healthcare services more accessible to all Filipinos.
Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG Fund):
Both employees and employers contribute to the Pag-IBIG Fund, designed to assist members in acquiring homes through housing loans.
Additionally, Pag-IBIG offers savings programs to help Filipinos build a secure financial future.
Employees' Compensation Program (ECP):
Employers contribute to the ECP to compensate and benefit employees who experience work-related sickness, injury, or death.
The program plays a crucial role in supporting the welfare of workers in case of unfortunate incidents in the workplace.
Work-from-Home Setup: Impact on Employees and Companies
The work-from-home setup has become increasingly common, allowing employees to work outside traditional office spaces.
Remote work may impact employees' daily routines, requiring adjustments to maintain work-life balance.
Despite the remote nature of work, employees remain obligated to fulfill their mandatory contributions to SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG.
Employers must adapt to the changing work landscape and ensure compliance with labor laws, even in remote work scenarios.
Companies must continue remitting employees' mandatory contributions, reflecting the accurate amount corresponding to their salaries.
Human Resource departments play a crucial role in managing and facilitating the submission of contributions in adherence to government regulations.
Navigating Challenges and Ensuring Compliance:
Communication and Education:
Employers should communicate changes, expectations, and compliance requirements to remote employees.
Regularly updating employees on any adjustments to contributions or policies helps maintain transparency.
Digital Infrastructure:
Companies should invest in robust digital infrastructure to facilitate seamless communication and efficient management of mandatory contributions.
Online platforms and digital tools can simplify payroll processes and contributions tracking.
Government Guidelines:
Staying informed about any updates or changes in government guidelines related to remote work and mandatory contributions is crucial.
Companies should engage with legal and compliance professionals to ensure adherence to current regulations.
In the evolving landscape of work and employment in the Philippines, understanding and navigating mandatory contributions is essential for both employees and companies. By staying informed, adapting to remote work challenges, and maintaining compliance with government regulations, businesses can thrive while fostering a supportive and secure environment for their workforce.
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Tips For Hiring Virtual Assistant Companies In The Philippines
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Are you feeling overwhelmed with the never-ending tasks that come with running a business? Do you find yourself struggling to keep up with administrative duties and wish you could focus more on growing your company? If so, then it's time to consider hiring a virtual assistant. And when it comes to finding top-notch virtual assistants, look no further than the Philippines. The Philippines has become one of the go-to destinations for businesses in need of reliable and skilled virtual assistants. With their excellent communication skills, strong work ethic, and cost-effective rates, Filipino VA companies have gained recognition worldwide. In this blog post, we will explore how hiring a virtual assistant company in the Philippines can benefit your business and provide valuable tips on choosing the right one for your specific needs. So let's dive in! When it comes to running a business, time is money. And as the saying goes, there are only 24 hours in a day. This is where virtual assistant companies come in to save the day! By outsourcing tasks to a team of highly skilled professionals from the Philippines, you can free up your valuable time and focus on growing your business. One of the key benefits of hiring a virtual assistant company is cost savings. Instead of hiring full-time employees and dealing with all the associated costs like office space, equipment, and benefits, you can simply pay for the services you need on an as-needed basis. Another advantage is access to top talent. The Philippines is known for its pool of highly educated and English-speaking individuals who excel in various fields. Whether you need help with customer support, social media management, content writing or graphic design - there's no shortage of talented virtual assistants ready to assist you.
Another factor to consider is the experience and expertise of the virtual assistants. Look for companies that have a track record of success and positive client testimonials. It's also important to inquire about their training programs and how they ensure quality control. Communication is key when working with remote employees, so it's crucial to choose a VA company that has strong communication channels in place. This can include regular check-ins via email or video calls, as well as clear guidelines for project deadlines and deliverables. Pricing is another factor that shouldn't be overlooked. While cost shouldn't be the sole determining factor, it's important to find a virtual assistant company in the Philippines that offers competitive rates without sacrificing quality. By considering these factors when hiring a virtual assistant company in the Philippines, virtual assistant jobs Philippines, virtual assistant Philippines, you'll be well-equipped to find an experienced team who can provide valuable support for your business needs.
For more information, visit our website at https://www.ovavirtual.com/
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globalsquirrels · 6 months
Hire Filipino Workers Remotely
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Skilled Filipino workers attribute their expertise and bring success to their organizations’ tables. Hire Filipino employees for your company to increase result-oriented growth.
📑Check our blog: https://globalsquirrels.com/blog/why-you-should-hire-filipino-workers-remotely-learn-their-qualities/ 📅 Schedule a Demo: https://app.globalsquirrels.com/request-demo 💰 Check Pricing: https://app.globalsquirrels.com/pricing
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darrendigitalgenetics · 9 months
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Outsourcing Virtual Assistants in the Philippines
Filipino VAs have characteristics and skills that make them unique and suitable to outsourced roles. As a result, the Philippines is one of the top VA providers in the outsourcing business. You will benefit from the following attributes if you engage a dedicated VA from the Philippines.
Hiring a virtual assistant from the Philippines will change your life.
This may sound like an exaggeration, but it’s not.
Entrepreneurs, startup founders, and small business owners spend countless hours on low-value and no-value activities. Estimates vary, but one business coaching firm studied time management and discovered that more than 30% of a business owner’s time is spent on low-value and no-value activities.
This means that during a typical 40-hour workweek, you spend 2.4 hours per day on tasks that someone else could easily do for you.
What would you do if you had two to three extra hours per day?
Would you spend time perfecting your product or service?
Would you teach your current employees skills to help them be more successful in their roles?
Would you take a yoga class or join a community service organization?
Would you coach your six-year-old’s basketball team?
When you sign up for a virtual assistant service, you can improve your sales, employee satisfaction ratings, health, and personal relationships all at the same time.
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Do I Need a Virtual Assistant From the Philippines?
Feeling overwhelmed? Drowning in busywork? If the answer is yes, you’re like many other workers. Most knowledge workers find most of their day gets eaten up by low-value tasks, including:
Meetings (both important and nonessential)
Administrative tasks
Interruptions for nonessential tasks
Whether you’re the founder of an ecommerce shop or CEO of a consulting firm, outsourcing some of your work to VAs can save you hours and enable you to use that time for higher-value tasks.
VAs from the Philippines are particularly popular with business owners. Google “virtual assistant Philippines” and you will find pages of businesses that provide access to VAs in the country.
What are the Benefits of Hiring Virtual Assistants in the Philippines?
A strong work ethic, advanced English, and high education standards are some of the top benefits of hiring virtual assistants from the Philippines.
If you’re unsure as to why Filipino virtual assistants are so popular, here are five benefits.
1. Filipino virtual assistants are well-educated
In the Philippines, the literacy rate reached 99.27% in 2021.
Even more impressive? Filipinos aren’t just literate but college educated. Since 2017, college has been free to all Filipino students, and much of the population has taken advantage of this opportunity.
2. More than 90% of the Philippine population speaks English
The Philippines is the third largest English-speaking country in the world.
There are two official languages in the Philippines, Filipino and English. While the Philippines is very linguistically diverse, English is taught in schools from a young age because it’s used in government and business. As a result, the standard of English is very high.
3. Filipino virtual assistants have experience working with U.S companies
The BPO industry in the Philippines currently employs 1.44 million full-time employees and recorded $29.1 billion in revenue in the first half of 2022. This accounts for at least 7% of the Philippine economy.
4. Executives are impressed by their strong work ethic
One of the main reasons that the Philippines is so popular with BPO companies is because of the Filipino work ethic. A strong work ethic and a dedication to one’s employer are part of the national culture.
Managed virtual assistant companies usually have both full-time and part-time employees available to work in several time zones. Given their strong work ethic, remote work isn’t a problem either –– you can trust them to complete tasks on time.
5. Filipino virtual assistants are a cost-effective solution
VAs from the Philippines usually have much lower hourly rates than virtual assistants from Europe or the US. You won’t need to supply office equipment or desk space as you would with an in-person executive assistant either.
Plus, you can reinvest all the time you save back into your business.
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your-lovely-va · 11 months
The Rise of Virtual Assistant Philippines Services:
The concept of virtual assistance has gained tremendous momentum in the digital era, where remote work and online collaboration have become the norm. A virtual assistant (VA) is a professional who provides administrative, creative, technical, or specialized support to clients from a remote location. As businesses seek cost-effective and efficient solutions to manage their operations, they are increasingly turning to Virtual Assistant Philippines services.
The Increasing Demands on Businesses that Needs Virtual Assistant Philippines Support:
As businesses grow, so do their administrative and operational demands. Entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even large enterprises often find themselves overwhelmed with routine tasks, administrative duties, customer support, social media management, and other time-consuming responsibilities that need Virtual Assistant Philippines Support. As a result, entrepreneurs and managers often find their time and energy stretched thin, limiting their ability to focus on crucial business aspects such as strategic planning, expansion, and innovation.
Virtual Assistant Philippines as The Solution
Virtual Assistant Philippines offers a compelling solution to address the challenges businesses encounter. The country's workforce boasts several key advantages that make them stand out in the global virtual assistant market:
English Proficiency:
The Virtual Assistant Philippines boasts a high level of English proficiency, making it an ideal outsourcing destination for English-speaking countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Communication becomes seamless, ensuring efficient collaboration between businesses and their virtual assistants.
Cultural Compatibility:
Filipino culture is known for its strong work ethic, respect for authority, and friendly and accommodating demeanor. The Virtual Assistant Philippines' ability to work across various time zones and cultural backgrounds fosters a positive working relationship with clients from around the world.
Skill and Talent Pool:
Virtual Assistant Philippines has a vast pool of highly skilled and educated professionals, with a significant number of specialized certifications. Businesses can easily find virtual assistants with expertise in various fields, including administrative tasks, customer support, digital marketing, graphic design, content creation, and more.
Hiring Virtual Assistants Philippines offers a cost-effective alternative to hiring in-house employees. Businesses can save significantly on overhead expenses, such as office space, equipment, and benefits while gaining access to top-notch talent.
Time Zone Advantage:
The Virtual Assistant Philippines operates in a time zone that overlaps with many Western countries. This time zone advantage allows for real-time communication during working hours, ensuring timely responses and project updates.
Freelancing Platforms and Agencies:
Several freelancing platforms and agencies connect businesses with Virtual Assistants Philippines, streamlining the hiring process and providing access to a diverse talent pool.
Virtual Assistant Philippines has become a game-changer for businesses worldwide, providing cost-effective and reliable outsourcing solutions. The country's skilled workforce, proficiency in English, and ability to accommodate global time differences make it an attractive destination for businesses seeking virtual assistance. By partnering with virtual assistants in the Philippines, businesses can overcome challenges related to cost, time zone differences, talent acquisition, and administrative overload.
Embracing virtual assistance from the Philippines opens up a world of opportunities for businesses to streamline operations, improve productivity, and stay competitive in the dynamic global market. As the virtual assistance industry continues to grow and evolve, the Philippines remains at the forefront, playing a vital role in empowering businesses and entrepreneurs with the support they need to succeed in today's digital age. https://mslovelyvduldulao.wixsite.com/your-lovely-va
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What is a Virtual Assistant? What Can a Virtual Assistant Do?
by Level Up Outsourcing
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A Virtual Assistant are becoming more popular, especially after COVID. Business owners have realised that their employees don’t necessarily need to be in an office anymore! Having a remote assistant is becoming the norm. So, wondering if this is the right option for your business? Need to know what a VA can do? In this guide, we’ll discuss who are they, what they can do and why + how you should hire a VA from the Philippines.
First things first…
What is a virtual assistant?
A VA (also called a VA) is someone who acts as an assistant and performs tasks and jobs for other people, primarily online and via email. VAs are here to make your life easier. Hiring a virtual assistant from the Philippines will allow you to focus on your area of genius in business and give you back free time.
It’s the best way to give freedom and freedom is priceless. Time freedom and money freedom. All VAs can work from home, so there’s no commute or you don’t need to spend $200,000 on an office which you could invest in your business instead.
What can a virtual assistant do?
A VA can help you in a number of different areas. A VA can manage your email inbox and help you with email marketing. He or she can schedule your day and help you stay organized. He or she can also help with planning projects, such as marketing campaigns, scheduling social media content or editing videos.
They can also help with more complicated things such as developing a new product on a deadline — things that you normally need to invest a lot of time and money for. Basically, anything that needs doing on a computer, you can get a VA to support you in doing it! Here is a list of 27 time-saving tasks a virtual assistant can do!
Why you should hire a VA from the Philippines
I hope we answered the top questions on your mind about ‘What is a VA’ and What can a they do for your business? If this sparks your interest and more justification before you jump into your decision-making, here is why.
The best part about hiring a virtual assistant from the Philippines is that they will dramatically increase the profitability of your business. You know that feeling you get when you are doing a task and you think to yourself ‘Why am I stuck doing this?! I should be focusing on sales and marketing’? Well, your Filipino virtual assistant can take care of all of those tasks for you! And because the cost of living is so low in the Philippines, hiring a virtual assistant from the Philippines is a more affordable option than hiring an employee from Australia.
How to hire a VA from the Philippines
Wondering how to hire a virtual assistant? Hiring virtual assistants has never been easier thanks to Level Up Outsourcing. You can select your own VA based on their experience, skills and availability. We will have a call to see exactly what you need a virtual assistant to help with. Then we will go ahead and find the perfect VA to meet your needs. We will all have an introductory call where you will be able to ask questions and get a feel for the VA’s personality.
Are you looking for a more prominent spotlight on what is a virtual assistant? Or needing a VA but unsure how to move forward?
We are delighted to assist you in selecting a candidate so that you may get started.
To find a virtual assistant that is perfect for you and your business, please email us on [email protected].
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jayhorsestar · 1 year
[a] woman of 2023 Feb is MY miss Dove Cameron, honorable mention Applause song to appear and invited at the Oscars on 12th March. [b] Cara is perhaps revealing Falco in view of the Pope's Exorcist trailer, and the red jay symbolizing a cute doll and selfish Bruno of Austria reaching LAX. [c] Josephine quoting Up In The Air, true HR services outsourced in the USA a very long time ago, no problem. imagine JMB employer shopees for Filipinos aiming at RO citizenship, then Police investigations finding pocket thieves, trials, and even prison years determined. those Filipinos can still continue working inside the RO and the E.U. once the prison years solved and those credentials over HR could barely be imagined REMOTE webcam from Vienna, or from Malmo. that's reason why JMB RO HR could even tackle Greek deceased onto RO employees of JMB, back to Greece for burials. m
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maevisjames · 1 year
Are you looking for ways to increase the productivity of your business without breaking the bank? Outsourcing is a great way to tap into a talented, cost-effective labour pool and boost your bottom line. One option that many businesses are increasingly turning towards is Filipino outsourcing — the practice of hiring Filipino employees or teams in remote locations around the globe to complete specific tasks.
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staffwiz · 1 year
An Overview of The Offshore Virtual Workforce
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Offshore virtual workforce is a type of outsourcing that allows companies to benefit from the services of professionals in other countries. This type of workforce is typically made up of remote workers who are hired to complete tasks and projects that are too complex or expensive to be done in-house. In the offshore virtual workforce, employees are located in different countries and work remotely. The advantages of offshore virtual workforce are numerous, such as cost savings, access to specialized skills, scalability, flexibility, improved productivity, and increased access to global markets. Additionally, offshore virtual workforce provides access to different time zones, which can be beneficial for meeting deadlines and dealing with customer inquiries.
When it comes to outsourcing remote talent, the key is to hire the right people with the right skills. You need to decide who is the best fit for your particular project or business needs.
First, you need to decide what type of person you need. Do you need a software engineer, a data analyst, a content writer, a web designer, or a virtual assistant? You should also consider the skills required for the job and ensure you are hiring someone with the right qualifications.
Next, you need to decide how much you can afford to pay for the services you need. It’s important to be realistic about your budget so you can find the right candidate for the job.
Finally, you should consider the culture of your business. Are you looking for someone with a similar mindset, or someone who can bring a fresh perspective?
Once you have a clear idea of what type of person you need and your budget, you can start your search. Look for remote talent online through job boards, freelance websites, and social media. You can also speak to recruitment agencies and other companies who have previously outsourced remote talent.
When it comes to hiring remote talent, the key is to find the right person with the right skills for the job. Take the time to assess your needs, consider your budget, and make sure the candidate you select is the right fit for your business.
Outsourcing remote talent can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. It can save both time and money as companies no longer have to pay for the overhead costs of having an in-house employee. Outsourcing also allows companies to access talent from all over the world and find specialized skillsets that would not have been available in their local market. Additionally, remote talent is often more productive as they are more focused and have less distractions. This can lead to higher quality work and faster completion times. Lastly, remote talent often requires less management, allowing companies to focus on other aspects of their business.
 StaffWiz offers a wide range of Filipino workers available for hire. These workers are available for a range of roles, including administrative assistants, customer service representatives, virtual assistants, medical coders, medical transcriptionists, data entry operators, and many more. Our Filipino workers have a strong work ethic and are highly motivated to succeed. They are also well-equipped to work with a variety of technologies and are comfortable working in an international environment. With their language skills and cultural understanding, our Filipino workers provide a great asset to your business.
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shahidakhatun · 1 year
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Choosing freelancing as a career
Are you willing to risk your time, money, and effort  to achieve your goals? Perhaps some of us have done that, but we haven't gotten the results we want. We all dream of being able to travel and enjoy the God-given gift of life. Wouldn't it be great if you could spend more time with your loved ones and have fun? Yes, I know what you're thinking. Enthusiasm and determination that one day your dreams will finally come true. Poverty is still visible in our country today. Many families go hungry because of job loss.
There are graduates who cannot realize their jobs due to  high  competitiveness. Every day we are stuck in traffic jams to get to the office. These are  situations  we cannot leave aside. But we Filipinos are born with  brave hearts and wise instincts. Therefore, many strategies were applied only for survival. Some of you may have tried to search "how to make money fast" or "how to make money online" on the internet. And guess what? This results in what they call "freelance". Also called telecommuting. According to BusinessDictionary, freelancing means working on a contract basis for a variety of companies. There are  benefits to being a freelancer.
Freelancing benefits
 Working from home allows you to manage your time better. You can balance work and  family. Liberated from office slavery, you can finally break away from  traditional  office work. You can work without leaving your home. Liberation from  rules that stifle us as employees
 Because I work remotely with clients, I'm less likely to get sick. You don't have to deal with daily traffic jams or  our country's rapidly changing weather. higher wages Most of us think of work as being pay-based. Working as a freelancer can help you  earn dollars that help people and families with the needs they want. Are you addicted? You can start freelancing as a part-time job for extra income or  as a full-time job opportunity. But first you need to think about how you are preparing for your new chosen job. freelance preparation
 Higer Salary Rate
 As  mentioned before, you have to risk your money and effort for this job. Requires a computer and stable internet connection. It will serve you in the end. Remember what your goals are. improve your english  Customers need someone who speaks and writes English well. You can purchase a dictionary for more vocabulary. Read books and watch Hollywood movies. Knowing the grammar is also important, so don't forget it.
 Here you can meet new things or new knowledge. You have to open your mind and try to explore. Always be prepared, because learning is forever. skills to have For example, people who work for BPO companies already have customer service skills. Therefore, skill  or experience is essential when working with  clients.
Remember, confidence in doing your job builds trust and good relationships. Interested in learning a new skill at the lowest possible cost? Experience the process of growing as a professional. We've added trainers who have been some of the best freelancers on Upwork. I was one of the academy's products. “Don't wait for an opportunity. make it." 
Free Online Freelance Course
free frelancing courseof online is helpful for ours.Because most of the people have no afford of the payment online freelanching course.This pament course is very high demanded. There are graduates who cannot realize their jobs due to  high  competitiveness. Every day we are stuck in traffic jams to get to the office. These are  situations  we cannot leave aside. But we Filipinos are born with  brave hearts and wise instincts. Therefore, many strategies were applied only for survival. Some of you may have tried to search "how to make money fast" or "how to make money online" on the internet. And guess what? This results in what they call "freelance".
 Information Technology, or IT as it is commonly known, is defined as "the design, installation, and implementation of computer systems and applications". From a business perspective, however, this can be extended to include  streamlining  business operations, reducing operating costs and increasing revenue through the constructive application of these technologies.  As technology advances at an exponential rate, the rate of development will continue to increase rapidly along with the number of technologies on the market.
One of the first adopters of these technologies is business... and this is not just large corporations. Nearly every small to medium business now has access to advanced computer systems and software at affordable prices that were not to be seen a decade ago. With the popularity of the home and business computer, advanced software applications that increase workplace productivity and operational efficiency, along with the popularity of websites, databases and online marketing techniques to attract and capture potential customers, the reliance businesses place on technology is unprecedented.
Through the use of the available technology, businesses have been able to reach new markets and apply new services to current and potential clients.  However, as systems and software become increasingly complicated, organisations require specialist IT staff to implement and manage such applications effectively. The greatest software in the world will simply be unproductive if not installed and maintained correctly.
In response, the demand for qualified and experienced IT staff is booming. This was highlighted by a report released in November 2010 by a leading recruitment agency, illustrating that demand for IT professionals, especially within the retail sector, has increased nearly 50% over the past six months. In the analysis of the data in respect to the business environment and trends in technology, the increase had been correlated with a demand and willingness of businesses and retailers to invest in new or updated computer hardware and software applications.
 The business owner firmly believed that adopting the latest information technology would give him a competitive edge in the market and better satisfy his customers. As technology is driving tremendous change in the  roles, functions and capabilities of the workforce, those who  previously relied on IT need a basic understanding of  systems and how they apply in the workplace. Realizing the need for this, professional training service providers have developed free IT courses to improve the skills of people who need more confidence in using these applications. Please open the link below  https://www.facebook.com/amazingtechbangla for  more details.
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Unlocking Success: How a Filipino Virtual Assistant Can Transform Your Business
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In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to increase productivity and efficiency. One such solution that has been gaining immense popularity is hiring virtual assistants (VAs). These talented professionals work remotely and provide invaluable support to entrepreneurs, executives, and small business owners from across the globe. But what sets Filipino virtual assistants apart from the rest? Why have they become a go-to choice for many businesses worldwide? In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons behind their growing popularity and explore How to hire filipino virtual assistant can transform your business for the better. So, if you're ready to unlock success with a skilled and reliable virtual assistant by your side, keep reading!
The Growing Popularity of Filipino Virtual Assistants
The rise of virtual assistants has been nothing short of extraordinary, with businesses around the world recognizing the immense value they bring to their operations. One country that has seen a significant surge in popularity for virtual assistants is the Philippines. Filipino virtual assistants have become highly sought after due to their exceptional skills, work ethic, and affordability. With a strong command of English and a high level of education, Filipinos are able to seamlessly integrate into any business setting. One key advantage of hiring Filipino virtual assistants is cost-effectiveness. Compared to hiring local employees or outsourcing tasks to other countries, working with Filipino VAs can save businesses a substantial amount of money without compromising on quality.
For more tips on How a Filipino Virtual Assistant Can Transform Your Business, visit our website at https://ovavirtual.com
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lablabgail · 2 years
💌 An open letter to those who have strong feelings about job post with low rates
Quit reporting those posts. Let's just agree to disagree.
This is something I view differently.
Filipino Virtual Assistants worth is not determined by their starting rate. Work ethic, integrity, and expertise - a commitment to deliver exceptional work to do.
As far as the client is concerned, they know what they are paying for. It's up to them if they're willing to risk paying that much with little expectations. But if they are looking for instant quality deliverables, then that's where you come into play, and they will have to pay more. Keep your target market in mind.
These people are risking venturing with newbies at minimal rates because they are willing to take a chance:
It may be solopreneurs, startups, or other businesses that lack the funds to pay that much but need help scaling their business. Those individuals just need someone to help them get by, so they can focus on the more crucial aspects of their business that they may continue to grow. Guess what happens if the business grows or expands? The VA will definitely experience growth both in terms of skill set/expertise, and compensation.
Meanwhile, who are these people catering to - offering with minimal pay:
These are employees who want to transition from their day jobs to freelancing. These are stay-at-home moms who want to help their husbands on the side while caring for their children. Newbies, na hindi pa nila na-realize yung kanilang niche, and are willing to be trained.
And at this stage, they wouldn't even count internet connection or even electricity as cost of operation; because given na yun eh, they will still be paying for it anyway since it's constantly running for household use.
I wish you knew how many people are crying out for work every single day, requesting to post their "looking for work" posts - (hindi nga looking eh, their tone is begging for work - which is difficult to read - but we decline them as we encourage them to be resourceful and learn the ropes muna through reading from our best practices shared in this community) and some are even willing to work for free para maka-experience lang and see if remote work fits them. Then let's give them a chance. They just need a little push, that little spark before the ignition.
A Client or recruiter who posts with what they can afford in the meantime - is not speaking to you. And if its not worth anyone's time then no one is forcing anyone to apply, let's leave it up to them. Let's give them the liberty to weigh themselves if it's for them.
Now, the idea of setting a high rate across the board sounds selfish. It seems that you are too focused on yourself. Loosen up, hindi ka mawawalan; the key is to step up your game to deliver quality work and cater to your target market - and tell your prospective Client why they should do business with you vs the competition - value proposition.
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