speedyserrano · 1 year
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By: Doudou_ 
From: weibo
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speedyserrano · 1 year
Dear Mr. Nail, I couldn't help but wonder as to why Sandman took so long in production up until it finally came to live as a show.
Did it often felt hopeless because it seemed like it would never come to fruition?
No. I was much more worried someone would make a bad show or film than that it wouldn't be a show. We had the books and the comics.
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speedyserrano · 1 year
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this tweet hasn't left my mind once in the two years since it's been posted
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speedyserrano · 1 year
Tumblr staff: ten options is enough for polls, right? No one needs more than that on a regular basis. The average tumblr user: Hey guys which element of the periodic table do you think is the most fuckable?
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speedyserrano · 1 year
I’m sorry, but If your claim to friend me is a cleavage, a bikini shoot or botoxy duck lips at the selfie stick, imma block you and toast you in tea.
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speedyserrano · 1 year
i mean this completely seriously but… a cup of coffee can save your life a little, a shower can save your life a little, making your favorite meal can save your life a little…….little things actually add up to really big things in the long run if you let them, the secret to surviving everyday is infusing a little bit of magic into the mundane i truly believe that
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speedyserrano · 1 year
“People who read are hiders. They hide who they are.
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People who hide don't always like who they are.”
-André Aciman
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speedyserrano · 1 year
”Everything happens for a reason, but sometimes the reason is that you are stupid and make bad decisions”
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speedyserrano · 1 year
Misty Mountains
Pairing: Thorin x Reader
Genre: Light romance/fluff
Description: Throin helps you get back to sleep when you wake up from a nightmare while he’s on watch.
Warnings: None
Word count: 717
Your blanket fell to your waist as you jolted up from your bedroll, breathing heavily.
As your eyes adjusted to your surroundings you groaned quietly, rubbing your face with your hands.
Ever since you’d heard the orcs and wargs shrieking in the night, you’d been on edge. Fili and Kili’s story hadn’t helped matters, although thankfully Thorin had shut that down quickly.
Knowing you wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep easily, you pushed your blanket off your legs and stood up, stretching silently before you began weaving your way through the sleeping dwarves and towards the small fire at the mouth of the cave, careful not to step on anyone.
You doubted Thorin would be happy if everyone woke in a panic because you’d taken a tumble onto one of them.
You sighed silently. Thorin.
Despite the dwarf king's grouchiness and stubborn manner your attention had been drawn to him from the first time you met him, the unimpressed expression he’d worn as Gandalf announced you’d be coming was still etched in your brain as clearly as if it had only just happened.
Still, you liked to think-or hope-that he’d warmed up to you by now. It certainly seemed like it sometimes before he’d say something in that grouchy tone and it felt like you were back to square one.
Or maybe you were just delusional and imagined the tiny smiles you thought he gave you before turning away when you caught his gaze.
Speaking of, when you reached the mouth of the cave Thorin, who sat against the wall on his bedroll keeping watch, was already looking at you.
When he caught your gaze he raised an eyebrow in question.
“Couldn’t sleep.” You mumbled, holding your hands out to the fire, hoping to warm them on the dying flame.
“Nightmares?” His voice was low, quiet enough not to wake the others.
You gave a slight nod. Were you really that easy to read?
Again, as if reading your thoughts, he spoke. “Everyone has them. I’m not surprised after that story Fili and Kili told.” He shook his head in exasperation.
You were both silent for a moment before he murmured your name, drawing your attention again. “Come here.”
He beckoned you towards him again, and you stepped away from the fire, stopping in front of the dwarf on the ground in front of you. 
“Sit down.” 
You blinked.
When you made no move to do as he said, Thorin reached up and took your hand, tugging you down to sit with him.
“Thorin, what-” Your cheeks flamed, and you were glad it was night as the dwarf maneuvered you so that you leant against him, head on his chest, fur coat soft against your cheek.
“Try to sleep. You need your rest.” You tried to keep your breathing steady as you felt his arm around you, holding you securely, but comfortably against him while his chest rumbled slightly under you when he spoke.
You hesitated to close your eyes, feeling your tiredness creep up on you again, but gave up and let them flutter shut at Thorin’s next words. “I’ll wake you if you have a nightmare. Don’t fight it.”
You sighed quietly as you turned your head into Thorin’s chest a bit more, and felt him drape his blanket over the two of you with the hand that wasn’t holding you to him.
You listened to the embers crackling as they died, when Thorin shifted slightly and his voice joined the sounds of nature. You easily recognised the song as the one sung the night at Bilbo’s place and found yourself focusing on his voice, his chest vibrating beneath your ear.
“Far over the misty mountains cold,
To dungeons deep and caverns old,
We must away ere break of day,
To find our long-forgotten gold.”
Thorin’s voice was the last thing you heard as you drifted off to sleep, his thumb rubbing across your upper arm lightly as he sang.
“The pines were roaring on the height,
The winds were moaning in the night,
The fire was red, it flaming spread,
The trees like torches blazed with light.”
And no one needed to know if he pressed a kiss to the top of your head while you slept when he finished the song.
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speedyserrano · 1 year
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speedyserrano · 1 year
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I find this much snow in early April totally unneccessary
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speedyserrano · 1 year
… eh, no.
The only way I replay the past is to learn from it, and to do better.
No point in wallowing in emo. Hitch up your skirts, deep breath, move on.
But then, I never was a romantic in the emotional sense, only in the aesthetic.
do you still perform autopsies on conversations you’ve had long ago?
Autopsy: Thirteen Ways of Looking at Thirteen by Donte Collins
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speedyserrano · 1 year
Or do ye want me to bring you a box? Sit down, lad!
What if.. okay you guys, hear me out… what if… gigolas forehead touch.. maybe even a forehead kiss as a treat
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speedyserrano · 1 year
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adulthood is just a fight to hold onto innocence
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speedyserrano · 1 year
As simple as Yes.
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speedyserrano · 1 year
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Is floof. Is best floof.
Ogwai.exe has stopped working
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speedyserrano · 1 year
I’m getting pretty tired of the bots.
However, tired or not, it’s out the airlock by block hammer they go
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