spfengyu-blog · 5 years
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This is still the cutest pic of xiaojun
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spfengyu-blog · 5 years
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© Ode
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spfengyu-blog · 5 years
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@sphuba, the sunken shrine.
there’s a lot of things fengyu hates when it comes to his immortality but days like this, days like this he is reminded of the beauty of it.
the phoenix boy sits just at the edge of the lake, enough for his feet to dip down into the refreshing water. it sizzles in contact and he lets out a soft content sigh as he admires the view.
without his immortality he won’t be able to look at this every single day of his life and feng thinks about it, thinks about it for a bit, eyes closed and head leaned back —  this just makes his life a little more worthwhile than he deems it to be.
the darkness dissipates and the color of the haven comes back to light, a familiar silhouette shows itself from the corner of his peripheral not too far from him.
a smile forms on his face, raising his hand up into an enthusiastic wave.
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spfengyu-blog · 5 years
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okay so i know im big late on this whole shabang im sorry ;; im ethan and here is my boy feng/fengyu (pheonox feathers kekeke)
pages: bio & bg
under the cut i’ll be providing a tldr on feng and all the deetz on him lmao also this is a hot mess but i digress
essentially is really old because he is immortal but his immortality has a catch. in the situation he dies, intentionally or not, he’ll be reborn in the ashes but loses memories from the previous life (except stuff like reading, talking, breathing just so it wont be overly complicated as it already is ;;). aka day of embers — happens every 30 years if he doesn’t die earlier. when he is reborn he doesnt turn to a baby in human form but a teenager just so no one has to take care of a baby phoenix who explodes.
because of this feng has sort of a magic guide book? made by a smart enough past fengyu to guide him? themselves??? if he isnt doing anything his reading this book.
other than his immortality, his other abilities include: pyromancy, enhanced strength, accelerated regeneration, flight, phoenix song, healing via tears and pyro-teleportation. in phoenix form, all his abilities and senses are heightened. ex: his tears can pretty much bring someone back to life in the brink of life whereas in his human form he’s only able to heal minor injuries. feng fact! he tries not to teleport as much especially around the shrine because he once caused a “wildfire” in which his co-guardian had to help fix.
he’s pretty adventurous because he feels as tho he needs to try everything due to the fact that he may never experience or remember any of it in the next life.
takes his guardian duties seriously! no littering!!! (but really pls do this would be a fun plot)
legit lights into flames when mad. dont test his patience (pls do)
his irises glow like there is fire in them. intensity varies in his state, emotions, power use, etc.
is pretty friendly and loyal to those who deserve it. actually feels really bad that he won’t be able to remember them in the next life so he started taking note of those special friends and has pages dedicated to them and everything about them.
loves to sing and is actually really good — usually heard singing in the shrine but really shy about it.
is stubborn and childish af so do wat u may with this info lmao
someone he knew before but doesn’t remember??? could tell him or not ;u; someone who used to be really special but was pre-writing friends time. could be the one that prompted the whole i need to write about my friends.
someone who thrashes/disturbs the shrine? someone loitering, trespassing(?), breaking the rules.
BFF! his ride or die. important: has been with him to help him get thru day of embers. he really hates it and gets all riled up about it. takes care of newborn feng too. loool waddap baby sitter.
shrine regulars? villagers?
someone he just doesnt get along with!
you catch him singing and now you wont stop bothering him about it HE IS NOW YOUR PERSONAL MUSIC BOX.
(will update when i think of other plots)
if you cant find anything here we can always brain storm!!! hit me up or give this post a hearteu!!! imma slide into ur dms ;) also i have discord so if you want i can give it to you so we can talk there!
peace out!!!!
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spfengyu-blog · 5 years
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