{{also well-liked non-sexyman. adds up but it would have been very funny if Squall was one}}
made a quiz where you describe your oc and it’ll determine if theyre a tumblr sexyman or not
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squallsong-survival · 3 months
good. now stop divin’ headfirst inta bear’s holes.
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squallsong-survival · 3 months
fuckin’ hell. we already had this chat. don’ punch Beartic. they’ll freeze ya ta death.
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squallsong-survival · 3 months
You know what, why not?
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squallsong-survival · 4 months
I’m Professor Blair S. Tenaza (she/her), and I’m now the head researcher at the Holon Research Tower, located in Holon City in, you guessed it, the Holon region! Our topics of interest at the HRT are as follows:
Find and study the mythical Pokémon Mew
Research the effects of electromagnetism both on the region and on its Pokémon, including and especially Delta Pokémon
Develop and refine artificial equivalents to existing Pokémon (this task primarily falls to our lead roboticist and his team)
Now, I’ll share a brief primer on Delta Species and Holon, as I know that is certainly the least known aspect of our research here. Originally, Holon was a region devoid of people. It wasn’t especially habitable for humans, and so Pokémon were its sole inhabitants. Then my predecessor came along and established Holon City and the HRT, specifically in pursuit of Mew. His machinery used in the search emitted electromagnetic waves on a scale previously unheard of, even beyond the special magnetic fields found in places like Mount Coronet and Chargestone Cave.
Prolonged exposure to these extreme waves altered the Holon ecosystem permanently, resulting in many Pokémon permanently obtaining different typings and mannerisms. Some of these Pokémon, remarkably, are recognizable as extant regional forms! For example, Kantonian, Alolan, and Galarian Meowth are all native to Holon now, where before only the Kantonian variety existed, and Cyndaquil evolved here become the once thought lost Hisuian form of Typhlosion. Many other Pokémon took on entirely new forms, such as the Gardevoir family becoming Psychic/Steel-types, and exposing a male Kirlia to a dawn stone produced an entirely new Psychic/Dark-type Pokémon known as Callord. For these altered Pokémon, the designations Delta Species (for all) and Holonnite (for the unique ones) were introduced.
These accidental changes to the environment were seen as both fascinating and concerning, and studies on their full impact were launched. It was quickly deduced that not only would removing the electromagnetic waves not revert these Pokémon to their previous forms, but that doing so would be detrimental to their health. Furthermore, it was discovered at this time that the islands off the coast of Holon’s mainland, distant from Holon City’s emissions, also held Delta Species. Prism Island was laden with crystals that seemed to be producing Delta Species, which briefly drew comparison to the Terastal phenomenon before further research confirmed no true link. Meanwhile, the further-out Scale Archipelago was found to be a nesting ground for Dragon-like Pokémon, and home to new forms that were determined to be natural Holonnite variations.
And that more or less covers the basics! I can get into Holonnite geography another day for those curious, but I think this post is plenty long already. Just know that those early days of research were nearly 20 years ago, now, and much of the staff here at the HRT has changed since then. We feel very strongly about not altering Holon’s ecosystem any further, and work hard to ensure the continued health of all people and Pokémon in Holon.
Finally, allow me to introduce the Pokémon I keep as research aides!
Claire the Castform. She helps me with studying the weather here in Holon, which has also been impacted.
Sprout the Holonnite Meganium (Grass/Ground). He’s great at judging the health of plant life, another important aspect of our impact.
Trace the Holonnite Smeargle (Normal/Ghost). He sketches anything I need documented, which is great because it can be hard to take pictures here in Holon. There’s solutions, but I just find him much more reliable.
Beacon the Artificial Starmie (Water/Steel). One of our robotics team’s creations. It’s extremely reliable for taking electromagnetic readings, and a trustworthy ride if I need to do work out on Holon Lake or along the coast, above water or below!
Shade the Alolan Persian. She’s my tracker. If I’m looking for a specific Pokémon, she’s almost always able to hunt it down. I chose her over the other Meowth variations present here because her Dark typing further helps in keeping a low profile to observe wildlife.
Magnus the Scorlev (Electric/Flying, evolution of Holonnite Gligar). He’s my aerial transport, and incredibly in-tune with Holon’s electromagnetic field. There’s quite a few options here for those needs, but what sets him apart is that Holonnite Gligar are a natural Delta Species from the Scale Archipelago!
Plus Zed, my PoryPhone. We use PoryPhones here in Holon because Porygon are native and already proven unaffected by the extreme electromagnetism. We actually impose some fairly strict regulations here in order to protect visitors’ Pokémon, and that includes barring entry for many species which might be impacted by Holon’s unique conditions.
Oops! I made another one! This time it’s inspired by the Holon region, an official setting from the TCG in back 2005! With my own personal twists, of course. I made a big list of Pokémon known to officially be in Holon (regular or Delta), and then did some minor retcons if a Delta Species resembled an existing regional variant. For any missing evolutions (released in Gen 4 or later) I’ve invented entirely new evolutions to replace them, and for any existing Delta Species that didn’t match a regional variant, I’ve devised a new Holonnite variant matching the card game’s typing. Unlike in the TCG, it’s not just a glow of energy, but a whole new form
And yes, Blair is aware what else HRT stands for. It’s something of an internal joke at the Tower because a sizable portion of the team, herself included, is trans :)
My main blog is @tlblitz, and I also run @tlblitzle, @zenith-exploration-guild, and @squallsong-survival
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squallsong-survival · 4 months
Sure I will make a hyperspecific poll
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squallsong-survival · 5 months
Reblog If You're OK With IN-CHARACTER Anon Hate!
//Note this is SPECIFICALLY IN CHARACTER. Attacks against the muse(s) are fine and all in good fun. Attacks against the mun are harassment and are NOT okay.
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
Reblog if your Pokemon IRL character is an Adult!
//A lot of the pokeblogs here on Rotomblr are younger trainers, which is cool, but it's also nice to see some older characters as well!
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
//Hi there, mod! I've just realized my latest ask in response to the other two Squall answered might have been too intense. I also hope you're not getting harassment from behind-the-scenes from other anons. And I've realized Squall likely won't change as a better person, not anytime soon, but I'm sure you're wonderful!
{{Hey! The dip in activity here isn’t to do with harassment or anyone pushing too far IC. I just get easily distracted haha. I think I’ve only deleted a single ask over the past week or so, bc it was somebody overeager to do something I’d already said no to. You’re right that Squall isn’t gonna be changing drastically any time soon, because I’d much prefer to pace out my writing on this blog.
Learning about eebydeebies deserves to be a plot point all to itself, for Squall, bc unlike other characters who can just speedrun learning all about rotomblr’s quirks, it’s something he has very strong and hurtful feelings about, and I think it’s interesting to give that its own spotlight, without worrying about multiverses or Pokémon-free realities. It both lets me flesh out how Squall feels about an inarguable complication to his job, and gives other pokebloggers a chance to expose their EBDBs to (at least, imo) unique takes on anti-eeby sentiment. As long as everybody stays respectful of boundaries and polite OOC, I welcome some extreme IC stuff! Squall’s behavior IS extreme! Even his “polite” conversations have some casually horrible stuff slipped in.
So again, no worries anon! This is entirely on me and my attention span. I’m planning on sinking most of my energy into @tlblitzle rn (she’s got a journey going I’d like wrapped before Indigo Disk drops, and I’ve been dragging my feet for months), and then in a few days I’ll be back to writing Squall :) }}
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
eebydeebies? yeah, so I’ve been told.
and obviously Pokémon can be kept. Skiddo and Gogoat are the most weirdly docile beasts I’ve ever met. my partner Pax breeds an’ raises Pidove fer food and as messengers. some rangers raise Pokémon from eggs just ta have a permanent work partner. the damn things’re still dangerous. had a farmer friend break some ribs ‘cause she spooked her ‘goats. and that’s what happened when she dodged the horn leech and fell hard on a fence.
are. are you suggesting that we are somehow less human now despite no proof backing you up? i have literally. never seen anyone go feral. some people have been pokemon for fucking years.
i have a wonderful daughter. she got caught in this mess too. do you think she is no less than common, rabid pokemon? her friends still see her despite all this. they play and talk and none of them think she's changed. sure, she might be banged up from having your body be insanely different from what it was, but she's still the same person at heart. and you think this is bullshit? you think this is false based off of claims you dont know are true for people like us? (-@pragmaticinstant)
years? fuckin’ hell every one a you freaks has some new horrible news ‘bout how dire all this is and none a y’all can see it. yer a psychic type now, but are we sure these transformations don’ fuck up the victim’s brain? ‘cause ya gotta be dumb as rocks ta not see how bad it is that random fuckin’ people can get overtaken by violent monsters capable a boilin’ ya inside-out, with no clear end in sight and no certainty how much they’ll lose or how fast.
and yer kid too? ya gotta be worried yer little thing’s gonna have an accident and turn an old friend inta a droolin’ husk. can only keep yer spawn safe so long normally, but when they got the power ta snap necks with a twitch a the eye that shit’s tenuous at best.
you ‘n yer girl don’ belong anywhere near humans, fer everyone’s sake, yer own included. ‘cause I know I ain’t the only one who’d have ya destroyed if there was a slip-up. an’ with a kid that young there will be a slip-up.
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
You still don't realize that if you somehow managed to lay a finger on one of these people, let alone continue this behavior online, more will be against you than on your side. I really want to call you out on your ignorance, and yet, I wonder... did something out of your control made you this way? And no, I'm not just referring to the fact that the Pokemon world you inhabit may be an entirely different one.
and what else is new? there’s freaks that see burst as an abomination, and freaks that see huntin’ as selfish violence, same as these freaks who used ta be human and’re still in denial ‘bout it. I’ve had years ta learn how ta live with nutjobs wantin’ me dead. these ones’re even easier than usual, ‘cause they’re just text on a screen. no screamin’ an’ spittin’ in my face or nothin’. means I can get angry back, if I want, ‘cause they can’t do shit about it. refreshin’, compared ta havin’ ta bite my tongue when some ranger goes on a self-righteous tirade.
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
would ya prefer photos of my scars or obituaries of friends and colleagues. I’ve collected far too many a both.
are. are you suggesting that we are somehow less human now despite no proof backing you up? i have literally. never seen anyone go feral. some people have been pokemon for fucking years.
i have a wonderful daughter. she got caught in this mess too. do you think she is no less than common, rabid pokemon? her friends still see her despite all this. they play and talk and none of them think she's changed. sure, she might be banged up from having your body be insanely different from what it was, but she's still the same person at heart. and you think this is bullshit? you think this is false based off of claims you dont know are true for people like us? (-@pragmaticinstant)
years? fuckin’ hell every one a you freaks has some new horrible news ‘bout how dire all this is and none a y’all can see it. yer a psychic type now, but are we sure these transformations don’ fuck up the victim’s brain? ‘cause ya gotta be dumb as rocks ta not see how bad it is that random fuckin’ people can get overtaken by violent monsters capable a boilin’ ya inside-out, with no clear end in sight and no certainty how much they’ll lose or how fast.
and yer kid too? ya gotta be worried yer little thing’s gonna have an accident and turn an old friend inta a droolin’ husk. can only keep yer spawn safe so long normally, but when they got the power ta snap necks with a twitch a the eye that shit’s tenuous at best.
you ‘n yer girl don’ belong anywhere near humans, fer everyone’s sake, yer own included. ‘cause I know I ain’t the only one who’d have ya destroyed if there was a slip-up. an’ with a kid that young there will be a slip-up.
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
I don't claim to understand Burst too much, not a common phenomenon where I am. What I DO understand is that you're threatening others, those whose life has been made upside down. And that is not something I stand for.
You've brought up Giratina, so you're at least familiar with Legendary Pokemon. Yes, they're real, they watch. And one is not happy with you. Pray it does not become multiple.
(From @the-true-shinetales )
(ooc: I absolutely love this character, you're doing an amazing job!! Don't mind the angry muse.)
what’s this make, alleged threats from three legends an’ three myths? or maybe that Silver kid’d say he don’t even count, so yer the first proper legend. fuck if I know. think maybe I oughta start framin’ these asks, though, they always get a laugh outta me.
can’t say I’ve heard a Shinetails before, but I just learned ‘bout Komala last week an’ it’s no more unbelievable than that, so fuck it why not. the bit I can’t believe, same as always, is that some powerful beast is on a phone somewhere bitchin’ at me over nothin’. ain’t it past yer bedtime, kid?
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
I think y’all have the potential ta preserve yer humanity. but humanity lost ain’t somethin’ ya can just find again. there’s somethin’ inside the lot of ya that ain’t human, an’ I think y’all lose yerselves to it at different speeds, unchecked. I don’ have anythin’ against yer daughter. I’m against the thing that might just take her place one day. against the danger both the kid and her playmates’re in by just continuin’ on like nothin’s wrong.
an’ surely at yer age ya know legality, morality, an’ necessity’re all separate issues. if a serial killer were runnin’ around killin’ folk, and I as a civilian took it inta my own hands ta hunt ‘em down an’ stop ‘em with force, it wouldn’t be legal fer me ‘cause I ain’t the authorities, but it would be moral, yeah? a little violence ta stop a lotta violence? an’ the necessity’d be a topic a debate no matter how violent or peaceful my solution, ‘cause it weren’t my job ta begin with! y’all give somebody like me reason ta hunt ya, and it don’t matter how illegal the deed is.
don’t let yerself fuck up. I’d like ta believe at least one a you idiots can see yer on thin fuckin’ ice. else I might really hafta change my priorities ‘bout this whole mess, ‘cause sooner or later that ice’ll crack.
are. are you suggesting that we are somehow less human now despite no proof backing you up? i have literally. never seen anyone go feral. some people have been pokemon for fucking years.
i have a wonderful daughter. she got caught in this mess too. do you think she is no less than common, rabid pokemon? her friends still see her despite all this. they play and talk and none of them think she's changed. sure, she might be banged up from having your body be insanely different from what it was, but she's still the same person at heart. and you think this is bullshit? you think this is false based off of claims you dont know are true for people like us? (-@pragmaticinstant)
years? fuckin’ hell every one a you freaks has some new horrible news ‘bout how dire all this is and none a y’all can see it. yer a psychic type now, but are we sure these transformations don’ fuck up the victim’s brain? ‘cause ya gotta be dumb as rocks ta not see how bad it is that random fuckin’ people can get overtaken by violent monsters capable a boilin’ ya inside-out, with no clear end in sight and no certainty how much they’ll lose or how fast.
and yer kid too? ya gotta be worried yer little thing’s gonna have an accident and turn an old friend inta a droolin’ husk. can only keep yer spawn safe so long normally, but when they got the power ta snap necks with a twitch a the eye that shit’s tenuous at best.
you ‘n yer girl don’ belong anywhere near humans, fer everyone’s sake, yer own included. ‘cause I know I ain’t the only one who’d have ya destroyed if there was a slip-up. an’ with a kid that young there will be a slip-up.
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
aight kid. just ignore what I said. sure. take a break from the net, yeah? I don’ gotta help ya outta denial, an’ certainly not if yer fuckin’ drownin’ in it, but I ain’t blockin’ ya, ‘cause yer mess hasta go somewhere. but ya ain’t gettin’ shit outta me ‘til ya’ve calmed the fuck down and looked in the mirror, yerself.
What the actual FUCK is wrong with you?
You're more of a monster than any of us will ever be.
if ya really wanna know yer best bet’s ta read my blog, but I’ll cover the basics ‘cause I’m just so nice.
yer literally somethin’ called a pocket monster. those same monsters gladly kill given the slightest provocation. my job is killin’ monsters fer supplies, ta keep this wretched ecosystem runnin’ fine, and so the damn things don’ find their way inta human settlements ta do some real damage.
I’m the hero. yer the monster. now run back ta yer pissbaby friend and tell everyone how mean I am fer tellin’ it like it is.
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
great. I see. there’s some sort of edgelord roleplayer network where y’all pick somebody ta hassle. sucks ta be you, ‘cause ya can’t bother this guy anymore.
[Moments after clicking on this reply, Sans finds that he has been blocked.]
as if humans werent monsters either.
lemme tell ya something kiddo. the amount of "people" that pokemon has killed is an infinitely small number in comparison to how many pokemon you alone have ended.
if karma was real, it would be after your kin, not theirs.
I’m not sure where ta start with this, frankly. I figured even sheltered city folk’d understand that ALL POKÉMON has a higher kill count against humans than one human against all Pokémon. and if I’m just not readin’ this right, well how the fuck else am I supposed ta read it?
are ya sayin’ I’ve killed more than that sniveling brat? ‘cause no shit! if he’d hurt anythin’ yet he’d hafta grow the fuck up accept he’s become a killing machine.
regardless, I’m well aware I got monster in me. these freaks’re the ones in denial ‘bout their status as monsters. hassle that fuckin’ Goldenrod abomination commune or whatever the fuck, jackass.
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squallsong-survival · 6 months
“Mr. Squall” huh? cute. ya really are so much tamer than the rabid horde pestering me. if huntin’ weren’t an awful idea of a profession fer a parent, I’d say yer probably cream a yer crop. Gardevoir ain’t ta be trifled with, after all.
point I was makin’ is that Pokémon are beasts with violent impulses, and the transformation is liable ta give ya the same. I have no interest in personally dolin’ out punishment ta yer kid. I’m sayin’ that neither of ya belong in a city when both of ya, but especially the fuckin’ emotional landmine that is a literal child, could and likely will let that instinct slip.
I don’t kill people. I kill threats. and that’s what one of your kind poses. a threat. you actually seem like a nice person, so I’m tryin’ ta warn ya against settin’ yerself up fer failure. the idea of dead kids makes me sick, and yer girl playin’ with humans is a danger ta the whole group. get outta there ‘fore things turn bad.
are. are you suggesting that we are somehow less human now despite no proof backing you up? i have literally. never seen anyone go feral. some people have been pokemon for fucking years.
i have a wonderful daughter. she got caught in this mess too. do you think she is no less than common, rabid pokemon? her friends still see her despite all this. they play and talk and none of them think she's changed. sure, she might be banged up from having your body be insanely different from what it was, but she's still the same person at heart. and you think this is bullshit? you think this is false based off of claims you dont know are true for people like us? (-@pragmaticinstant)
years? fuckin’ hell every one a you freaks has some new horrible news ‘bout how dire all this is and none a y’all can see it. yer a psychic type now, but are we sure these transformations don’ fuck up the victim’s brain? ‘cause ya gotta be dumb as rocks ta not see how bad it is that random fuckin’ people can get overtaken by violent monsters capable a boilin’ ya inside-out, with no clear end in sight and no certainty how much they’ll lose or how fast.
and yer kid too? ya gotta be worried yer little thing’s gonna have an accident and turn an old friend inta a droolin’ husk. can only keep yer spawn safe so long normally, but when they got the power ta snap necks with a twitch a the eye that shit’s tenuous at best.
you ‘n yer girl don’ belong anywhere near humans, fer everyone’s sake, yer own included. ‘cause I know I ain’t the only one who’d have ya destroyed if there was a slip-up. an’ with a kid that young there will be a slip-up.
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