starkinventor · 2 years
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me over the last few months:
girl, get you some help because whatever you’ve been getting? hasn’t been enough. you continue to be as delusional as ever, still trapped in your own psychosis. pro-tip: the right way to apologize to someone is “i’m sorry for my actions”.
your paragraph about me was as laughable and ridiculous as you are and for the record? I blocked you first you absolute psychopath. i’m done trying to play nice with you. you are a legitimate danger to yourself and to those around you. you don’t get to decide what is or isn’t transphobic or antisemitic you absolute cantaloupe. and for someone who “wasn’t going to address the callout” you sure had a lot to say.
but just in case anyone has forgotten? bowie’s callout was 150 pages.so like. i’m sure it was just other people being mean right? you never called me a demon or harassed anyone who played the same character as you or - my personal favorite - tried to catfish people into being friends with you AFTER YOU TREATED THEM LIKE SHIT AS BOWIE. 
there is no moral high ground for you. you don’t get to come back under a different name and go ‘waaaah my feefees’. no, fuck you. you’ve hurt enough people. oh and don’t flatter yourself, your information was never in my rolodex. i don’t keep track of where the garbage ends up. <3
p.s. i’ve had you blocked longer than you’ve had me blocked. stop talking about me you atrocity of a human being. xoxo, gossip girl.
just in case u missed it, she’s still got the self awareness of a rotten potato.
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starkinventor · 2 years
Walks in. Hey am I late for the Stark Internship? 🧍‍♂️
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"I'm hiring an intern?"
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starkinventor · 2 years
Hey. You guys remember this? Remember how people told me I was crazy and literally dropped me like a hot potato?
I was right. :)
me over the last few months:
girl, get you some help because whatever you’ve been getting? hasn’t been enough. you continue to be as delusional as ever, still trapped in your own psychosis. pro-tip: the right way to apologize to someone is “i’m sorry for my actions”.
your paragraph about me was as laughable and ridiculous as you are and for the record? I blocked you first you absolute psychopath. i’m done trying to play nice with you. you are a legitimate danger to yourself and to those around you. you don’t get to decide what is or isn’t transphobic or antisemitic you absolute cantaloupe. and for someone who “wasn’t going to address the callout” you sure had a lot to say.
but just in case anyone has forgotten? bowie’s callout was 150 pages.so like. i’m sure it was just other people being mean right? you never called me a demon or harassed anyone who played the same character as you or - my personal favorite - tried to catfish people into being friends with you AFTER YOU TREATED THEM LIKE SHIT AS BOWIE. 
there is no moral high ground for you. you don’t get to come back under a different name and go ‘waaaah my feefees’. no, fuck you. you’ve hurt enough people. oh and don’t flatter yourself, your information was never in my rolodex. i don’t keep track of where the garbage ends up. <3
p.s. i’ve had you blocked longer than you’ve had me blocked. stop talking about me you atrocity of a human being. xoxo, gossip girl.
just in case u missed it, she’s still got the self awareness of a rotten potato.
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starkinventor · 5 years
me over the last few months:
girl, get you some help because whatever you’ve been getting? hasn’t been enough. you continue to be as delusional as ever, still trapped in your own psychosis. pro-tip: the right way to apologize to someone is “i’m sorry for my actions”.
your paragraph about me was as laughable and ridiculous as you are and for the record? I blocked you first you absolute psychopath. i’m done trying to play nice with you. you are a legitimate danger to yourself and to those around you. you don’t get to decide what is or isn’t transphobic or antisemitic you absolute cantaloupe. and for someone who “wasn’t going to address the callout” you sure had a lot to say.
but just in case anyone has forgotten? bowie’s callout was 150 pages.so like. i’m sure it was just other people being mean right? you never called me a demon or harassed anyone who played the same character as you or - my personal favorite - tried to catfish people into being friends with you AFTER YOU TREATED THEM LIKE SHIT AS BOWIE. 
there is no moral high ground for you. you don’t get to come back under a different name and go ‘waaaah my feefees’. no, fuck you. you’ve hurt enough people. oh and don’t flatter yourself, your information was never in my rolodex. i don’t keep track of where the garbage ends up. <3
p.s. i’ve had you blocked longer than you’ve had me blocked. stop talking about me you atrocity of a human being. xoxo, gossip girl.
just in case u missed it, she’s still got the self awareness of a rotten potato.
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starkinventor · 5 years
me over the last few months:
girl, get you some help because whatever you’ve been getting? hasn’t been enough. you continue to be as delusional as ever, still trapped in your own psychosis. pro-tip: the right way to apologize to someone is “i’m sorry for my actions”.
your paragraph about me was as laughable and ridiculous as you are and for the record? I blocked you first you absolute psychopath. i’m done trying to play nice with you. you are a legitimate danger to yourself and to those around you. you don’t get to decide what is or isn’t transphobic or antisemitic you absolute cantaloupe. and for someone who “wasn’t going to address the callout” you sure had a lot to say.
but just in case anyone has forgotten? bowie’s callout was 150 pages.so like. i’m sure it was just other people being mean right? you never called me a demon or harassed anyone who played the same character as you or - my personal favorite - tried to catfish people into being friends with you AFTER YOU TREATED THEM LIKE SHIT AS BOWIE. 
there is no moral high ground for you. you don’t get to come back under a different name and go ‘waaaah my feefees’. no, fuck you. you’ve hurt enough people. oh and don’t flatter yourself, your information was never in my rolodex. i don’t keep track of where the garbage ends up. <3
p.s. i’ve had you blocked longer than you’ve had me blocked. stop talking about me you atrocity of a human being. xoxo, gossip girl.
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starkinventor · 5 years
There's 150+ pages.
400 notes.
And literal proof.
Gremlin dropped your URL as his girlfriend. You kept the same style for your Discord name. You came back as Felicia and were IMMEDIATELY obsessed with Felinoir.
Get a job and help.
apparently  there’s  some  confusion  because  i  blocked  a  felicia  hardy  blog ?  i’m  still  trying  to  make  sense  of  this  but  this  is  really  all  i  have  to  say .
i’m  not  bowie .  i  don’t  know  bowie .  i’ve  heard  about  her  in  passing  and  now  from  being  accused  of  being  her .
i  blocked  a  felicia  because  i  was  getting  anons  about  another  blog  and  i  wanted  to  keep  the  peace  because  it  made  me  anxious .  
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You’re still going after Sam after two literal years my dude.
Try again.
this  is  a  discord  message  to  a  friend  back  in  september  because  i  was  getting  anons  about  how  the  fandom  didn’t  need  another  felicia  because  that  person’s  felicia  existed .  i  blocked  that  person  for  my  own  mental  health .  this  isn’t  the  first  anon  i  had  gotten .
i  don’t  know  you .  and  i  don’t  appreciate  the  harassment .  i  haven’t  done  anything  to  you .  please  leave  me  alone .  
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starkinventor · 5 years
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You're still going after Sam after two literal years my dude.
Try again.
apparently  there’s  some  confusion  because  i  blocked  a  felicia  hardy  blog ?  i’m  still  trying  to  make  sense  of  this  but  this  is  really  all  i  have  to  say .
i’m  not  bowie .  i  don’t  know  bowie .  i’ve  heard  about  her  in  passing  and  now  from  being  accused  of  being  her .
i  blocked  a  felicia  because  i  was  getting  anons  about  another  blog  and  i  wanted  to  keep  the  peace  because  it  made  me  anxious .  
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starkinventor · 5 years
In case you missed it, here's the 378 note proof that Bowie's a lying abuser. I'm not gonna spend my time and effort on this bitch anymore, just know these are her four new urls:
@seeksghosts @luckheist @drowningembers @sucksahoy
Hey @sheworthied / @heprogress / @shebrilliant / @shefallen / @shesurvivor
Now you dont really know me, bowie, but I surely know you. You’re pretty notorious if I do say so myself. If its not gaslighting , its theft . if its not theft , its lying. If it’s not lying its, well you get it. Beware this call out is…long. Bowie I genuinely hope you get better. But if you don’t…I mean…sucks to suck.
CONTENT WARNINGS: manipulation, abusive behaviour, bullying, gaslighting, lying, incest ment., ableism, and many others, please take care when reading this and put your own mental health first.
I never thought this post would need to be updated so soon after being posted and blowing up, but as someone who was hurt deeply by Bowie and her actions and has good friends who were targeted by her, I won’t stand by as she tries to weasel her way back into the RPC with new blogs, a new alias, and ZERO accountability for her abusive and manipulative actions. 
Bowie is currently operating under the new alias GLITCH. Her URLs are currently @falseiidol and @asylumsilenced. More blogs may be under way soon based on recent OOC posts. Jane Foster has been mentioned specifically for any people in the Marvel fandom. Please, take a second to acquaint yourself with the information in the callout and subsequent testimonies in the notes if you’re comfortable and stay safe. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through what me and my friends went through.
this is exhausting there’s even proof that they’re the same person because she copied her rules from her old blog. just…. go the fuck away please? i would love to come back here without worrying about her lurking.
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starkinventor · 5 years
Bowie's back at @luckheist @drowningembers @seeksghosts @sucksahoy safe and remember she's a lying abuser.
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starkinventor · 5 years
“Why, Universe, did you decide I was strong enough to handle this?”
— skipthisvoid 
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starkinventor · 5 years
posted this on my twitter but i’ll drop it here too since i don’t have any followers there lmao. probably can’t take more than a few at a time since i’m already kinda behind on bigger pieces and i refuse to slow down that progress any more, so limiting this to things i can use to warm up between that work. i’m happy to waitlist and such if more than a couple people want them and will try and keep these on a quick rotation cycle if there’s a demand.
doing my best to earn again and replace my car before the fall semester starts, so single chara sketch bust sale. will take as much as i can without backlogging! +3 usd for flat color. accepting paypal, cashapp & ko-fi. 
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usual tos! usd only, will try to complete within 1-2 weeks max since they’re just sketches, accepting up until i reasonably can’t, refunds unavailable after first approved draft! pieces that fall outside of sketch and/or flat colors, negotiable. reserve rights to refuse a comm. clients have full rights to final pieces to use however they wish as long as i receive credit in some form.
will do / won’t do: wings, horns, tails etc. are cool, minor surcharge for excessive details; nsfw is fine but i mean these are just busts so idk, i mean if you want tittum ig; accessories fine; shoulder pets or smth small surcharge; simple backgrounds free, no detailed for this; i can try anthro but honestly i don’t recommend asking to start; no mecha or elaborate armor ty! ocs or fanart all cool. feel free to ask for more examples.
(accident tw) for follow up in case you have no idea what i’m talking about: i was in an accident. i am fine, a lady in a buick suv did not yield to traffic and turned left into me lol. lots of bruises and aches but nothing broken or seriously injured. lots of stress and expense but I was v lucky. my car was totalled, and replacing it with a newer used car is of course costing me more than my previous car’s value. extended family loaned me some money but still not an easy time, so this is mostly to earn up for the following things.
food bc…uh, yeah this one’s self-explanatory. hungy boi
school supplies for the start of semester (textbooks, notebooks, blue books - mostly textbooks)
gas money so i can attend the classes i sold my soul to go to
if i’m really lucky and get enough, it will be put aside to buy supplies so i can make a friend a bday gift.
thanks for reading! anyway please don’t stretch yourself to help out or anything but if you would like something and can comfortably afford it i would really appreciate the support, and reblogs are super helpful no matter what!
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ANyway, please support Dante. He should be charging way higher prices but he knows that people don’t necessarily have a lot of money for luxury items like art. He works really hard, he’s super flexible, and I’ve got several pieces of his work and I’ve never been disappointed. 
^^^ i second, third, and fourth the above sentiment. dante’s a beautiful human who does incredible art at incredibly affordable prices.
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starkinventor · 5 years
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starkinventor · 5 years
i wonder if my mother is ashamed of who ive become
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starkinventor · 5 years
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What’d be so awful about [your son turning out exactly like you]?
Tony Stark is not his father’s son
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starkinventor · 5 years
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Do you even remember how all this started?
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starkinventor · 5 years
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Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus. And I needed you. As in… past tense. That trumps what you need. It’s too late, buddy.
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starkinventor · 5 years
hi in case you didn’t see it
wlw can use femme and butch.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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