starlitemotions · 1 month
I just want to look like the intro of Saathiya
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starlitemotions · 3 months
you ever feel like you were born with something rotten inside you and if people get close enough they’re gonna find out
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starlitemotions · 3 months
you will live and you will say the wrong things and make mistakes and people will love you anyways.
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starlitemotions · 3 months
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@secretsecretbunny told me to post these yoons I un-whitewashed so here are your yoons
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starlitemotions · 4 months
The fluffiest masterpost
Domestic fluff prompts
Soft Domestic Stuff
Fluff Prompts
Fluffy Dialogue Prompts Part I
Fluffy Dialogue Prompts Part II
Fluffy Sentence Starters
Cute Interactions
Super soft intimacy
Make ��em swoon
Casual Affections
Affections without touching
Seeking out physical affection
One Hundred Compliments
Giving the reader butterflies
Making your characters blush
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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starlitemotions · 6 months
i was going to learn 12 languages, read 250 books and learn 75 new skills this year what happened
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starlitemotions · 6 months
me, every second of my life: but is it meaningful? but is it meaningful? but is it meaningful?
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starlitemotions · 7 months
been thinking about everything too much and i’m realizing how lonely we all are and how we get up each day trying to get out of this bubble of sadness thats around us and how hard we try to ignore the fact that everything ends someday but oh despite everything there’s still love
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starlitemotions · 8 months
the older i get, the more i need time & personal space to be as boring as possible
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starlitemotions · 11 months
What I hate about writing is when I have to write so much before I finally get to the part I actually wanted to write.
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starlitemotions · 11 months
you need to be earnest. you need to tell people that you love them. you need to speak on how you’re feeling honestly. you need to be sentimental. you need to stop letting the fear of other people laughing at you have so much control over how you express yourself. you need to get over yourself. you need to be embarrassing but true.
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starlitemotions · 11 months
How to write a love-hate relationship
A love-hate relationship can be summed up with: 'Can't live with them, can't live without them.'
It's a relationship filled with strong emotions, where both participants seek each other out, but then fight about it.
Types of love-hate relationships
There are different types that can have a love-hate relationship: It can turn into a romantic relationship where the love-hate aspect creates a sexual tension between the characters. Or it can be a platonic relationship where a lot of bickering is involved, but also a lot of love for each other.
siblings who always fight with each other, but also for each other
academic rivals that want to be the best, but also enjoy the competition with each other
a criminal and a police officer who are always on opposite sides, but have a deep respect for each other
the MC's best friends, who always fight for the MC's attention, but become best friends themselves in the process
From hate to love
In romance stories, love-hate relationships often turn from hate to love between the characters. To write this you need to think about the reason for the hate at first. Why do they dislike each other? Is it because of an event that took place? Something the other person did? Something they heard about that person? Or is it a character flaw they dislike about them?
After finding the reason behind the hate, you can now work on solving that problem. If it's an event or something they did, there can be an apology or a talk about a misunderstanding. If it's a character flaw they can work on themself or the other person starts to see that it's actually not a flaw, but something they start to like about that person.
You basically need to soften the interactions between both characters until they are ready to admit their love for each other. These interactions can become a humorous point in your story with a lot of banter.
Toxic relationships
It can be in the nature of a love-hate relationship to be toxic. The 'can't live with them, can't live without them' aspect creates a situation where the characters will be at each other's throats all the time, but they just can't leave the relationship. If you want your reader to read a more romantic, cute love-hate relationship, try to stay away from actual physical, psychological and verbal abuse. If they do something more than just banter, write how they realize their mistake and apologize and how they better themselves.
Love-hate relationship prompts
How to write witty banter
Academic rivals ideas
Siblings Prompts
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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starlitemotions · 11 months
i love listening to MUSIC!!!!!! and imagining things happening
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starlitemotions · 11 months
listening to music with headphones is so awesome especially when it shoots straight into your brain and you can pick out all its little layers like sandwich ingredients
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starlitemotions · 11 months
What I hate about writing is when I have to write so much before I finally get to the part I actually wanted to write.
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starlitemotions · 11 months
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starlitemotions · 11 months
पास हैं फिर भी पास नहीं
हमको यह गम रास नहीं bro.
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