startgamc · 14 hours
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@sadamenai continued from here
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"I texted you three days ago about plans you already agreed to and you never responded!!!" She hissed back at him. No more delaying. She's dragging him back to Iwatodai dorms before he can bother to come up with some kind of excuse for why he can't go this time.
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startgamc · 3 months
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[ small vent about P3Re below the cut.
for the record, I'm still incredibly lukewarm about P3Re. I can't get excited about it fully when atlus decided to completely shaft my girl. The most prominent leaker on twitter has said that she's not going to be DLC in any way.
So unless atlus decides to rerelease the game (like they've done with most every other game they've made in the series) I have no hope of ever seeing her in HD. And that really bums me out.
I'm not worried about spoilers. I'll watch the new content. But I'm so... aaggghhh. I'm happy for everyone that's excited. I don't mean to be a bummer, but I just want to temper expectations if anyone reaches out to me about it. ]
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startgamc · 3 months
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2/2 is tomorrow.
Happy "I'm just a fucking bargaining chip" day.
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startgamc · 3 months
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[ to my non-pokemon mutuals, thank you for your patience while I've been vibing on my other blog. I intend to be here some time this weekend to reply to drafts/answer asks. ]
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startgamc · 4 months
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Thinking again about how in PQ2, even though that timeline's Shinjiro doesn't know her, he's still softer towards her than he probably means to be. He cannot keep up the gruff attitude when she needs some encouragement.
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startgamc · 4 months
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[ It's very bare-bones at the moment, but you'll find Kotone, Drayton, Perrin, and Katsumi over @destinybcnds going forward! ]
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startgamc · 4 months
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[ It's very bare-bones at the moment, but you'll find Kotone, Drayton, Perrin, and Katsumi over @destinybcnds going forward! ]
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startgamc · 4 months
Let's play truth or dare! Send 'truth' and ask my character any question they'll have to answer truthfully. Or send 'dare' along with something you dare them to do.
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startgamc · 4 months
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[ update: I have two urls saved for the pokemon multi-muse. I'll be working on setting the blog up and migrating the muses there tonight. I'll update this blog with the posted url once it looks decent-ish.
Side bar has anyone ever made a gif and would be willing to walk me through it? ]
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[ seems like most people think the separate pokemon blog is a good idea. Well we'll give it a shot, and in the absolute worst case scenario, I can always move my pokemon muses back here
Now the real question is, what will the url be??? ]
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startgamc · 4 months
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"Team Star is squad goals."
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startgamc · 4 months
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[ seems like most people think the separate pokemon blog is a good idea. Well we'll give it a shot, and in the absolute worst case scenario, I can always move my pokemon muses back here
Now the real question is, what will the url be??? ]
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startgamc · 4 months
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-- WHEN IT'S GOOD IT'S GREAT, WHEN IT'S GREAT IT'S A SMALL CALAMITY. lacey & amarys of pokémon scarlet / violet / all game verses. featured on madefate multimuse. cred.
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startgamc · 4 months
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[ Debating whether to move all my pokemon muses to a separate multi-muse account or just keep them all here...
What do you guys think? ]
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startgamc · 4 months
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Well... there's some relief in that. Sora was strong. If he'd wanted to break the damn computer he could've, very easily. At least he'd shown some level of self-restraint. Cid wasn't the easiest to read, but now and then he couldn't look Leon in the eyes. He had to wonder if he'd done something.
Maybe he was just overthinking.
"... I don't think he got what he wanted but the information he got was still useful. He managed to brute force his way into some of Ansem's old files if you can believe it."
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"Not as bad as it could'a been." Thankfully, these weren't all that hard to fix. He'd just need to let them dry before he put the keys back onto the board. If this didn't work, then he'd just have to replace the keys themselves.
Finishing this up, he turns around and leans back against the desk.
His eyes dart to Leon—specifically his scar—before flickering away. He rubs his nose and tries to push down the uncomfortable feeling. "Did the squirt actually get what he wanted from it?"
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startgamc · 4 months
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[ Debating whether to move all my pokemon muses to a separate multi-muse account or just keep them all here...
What do you guys think? ]
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startgamc · 4 months
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It's quickly become apparent that she was in way over her head with this one. This guy... there's no way he was just a Player. Players couldn't manipulate Noise. Not like that anyway. Was her from higher up? A composer? An Angel? Whatever he was, he had no interest in playing by the rules.
"What the hell is your deal?!"
In spite of her bravado, Shoka's legs were shaking as she stared up at the Noise-like entity. This thing was powerful, and she had no backup right now. She had to get back to the other Reapers fast so they could deal with him.
As the Noise moved towards her, Shoka hopped back, narrowly avoiding the ooze that spilled from it.
"If you think I'm going to be a cute little guinea pig for you, you've got another thing coming!"
She needed something to keep this thing away from her while she made her escape. She gripped the pin in her pocket and as she focused a chain of electricity shot out in front of her, tangling the the noise up and shocking it.
"Sorry, but I've got places to be. Later loser!" And already she was booking it, using her natural talents to get herself up to the highest buildings in the square.
The Sigil broke open, dumping an entirely different sort of Noise onto the ground. All Noise tended to take the form of living things--be they animals or plants--but this was something completely unrecognizable. It looked almost like a perfume container. There was a fancy crystal-like ornament at the top, keeping everything inside.
Crimson eyes gleamed down at the young Reaper. Rather than the Noise segments being limbs in their own right, they were tattooed directly onto the Unversed.
Vanitas turned toward the girl, and his voice was thick enough that one could hear the smile on him, "I'm just having a little fun. This world has more negativity than I know what to do with."
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The Unversed at his side shook itself from side to side, a tinkling sound emanating from inside of it. Vanitas snickered. "Why don't you help me test somethin' out? I wanna see how tough these things are."
Without any further words, the Unversed shakes again and drifts toward Shoka. The topper shifts to the side, and a strange liquid splashes to the ground. It would probably...be a good idea to not get hit by that stuff.
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startgamc · 4 months
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indie. rp blog for MELA of the Pokemon SV franchise. written by red -- a mun that totally knows how to tumblr. headcanon-based. semi-selective. open.
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