stk-main · 10 years
when will you translate the 10th chapter ? i mean how long does it take usually ? :p You are doing a nice job btw
I ordered the magazine as soon as it was published. Gotta wait till it arrives before work can start.
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stk-main · 10 years
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Release: Bokura no Negai - Chapter 9
This release is so long overdue that there is no valid excuse >.<. Definitely my fault and not the rest on the team; the blame is all mine. Sorry for making you guys wait so long!
I've already ordered CRAFT Vol. 61 for the next chapter. I'll keep you posted! Download BnN-09
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stk-main · 10 years
This Weekend!
This weekend I swear that I'll set time aside to QC Bokura no Negai!! I've dropped the ball massively on this one and apologize for doing so! If for some ungodly reason I fail to deliver on this promise, feel free to poke me nonstop with email until I do.
Nope, I have died in a ditch somewhere yet. Though for those that sent messages, thanks for the concern; it's nice to know that somebody is concerned for me.
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stk-main · 10 years
I would like to know where I can find the same template you've used for STK's Scanlations tumblr. Is clean & more neat than other templates, I like it. Thank you. Keep your hard work :D
The theme is a custom theme by Suppi. It's based off of one of her theme's though I forget which. Check out her theme blog: http://suppisunthemes.tumblr.com/
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stk-main · 10 years
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I promise that we're still here! Scans were delayed for a bit longer than originally expected, but we are working on them now!
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stk-main · 10 years
Scans are inbound. It shouldn't be too much longer.
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stk-main · 10 years
It's been forever, hasn't it! I feel horrible that I haven't gotten something out to you by now, and felt like I should at least post something so you guys knew what was up.
Sadly, bad timing meant I did not get selected for the management position at my current company (I actually did get selected for it, but they wouldn't have been able to hire me into the position until I got my degree in May. Sadly, they couldn't afford to leave the position open until then). So besides my current work and school loads, I'm beginning to feel the stress of needing to find a better paying job sooner rather than later. I have an arrangement with my parents that once I graduate I have till August when the lease on my apartment runs out to afford the rent on my own. If I can't afford rent on my own, I get to move back in with my parents. The apartment complex requires a 60 day notice for lease renewal,  so I actually only have till June to be able to afford my rent. Does it sound like I'm panicking yet? Because I feel like I'm starting to. I need a guy to appear, take me in his arms, and assure me that everything will work out.
I know if I apply myself to my job search that I'll manage to get hired somewhere that can support my monetary needs, but every time I apply for something and don't get it I get a little be discouraged. I really didn't mean this post to be so winy, but it ended up that way. Sorry about that.
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stk-main · 10 years
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This manga is just too cute! STK Scanlations is still looking for experienced cleaners to join our ranks. If any of our projects interest you, please shoot me an email at [email protected].
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stk-main · 10 years
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It's about time I got this series scanned. Hopefully, I'll get the first volume scanned completely over the weekend. I swear I'm not procrastinating on schoolwork...
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stk-main · 10 years
Recruitment Open!
STK Scanlations is looking for experienced cleaners to join our ranks. Responsibilities will be focused on redrawing artwork and very light dusting (we work primarily from our our scans). If you are interested in applying, please email me at [email protected] with the following information to receive a skills test:
Current group(s) you work with.
Previous group(s) you've worked with
Links to any previous work that you would like us to see
Any additional information you want us to know / why you want to join
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stk-main · 10 years
When your parents decide to visit, and you have to make a checklist of stuff to do before they arrive -.-
Clean the kitchen and bathrooms
Go grocery shopping
Do laundry
Put that pile of de-bound yaoi pages somewhere safe
Move all those computer files to 20+ folder deep directories where they won't be found
Log out of tumblr Log out of everything and wage thermonuclear warfare against the web browser's history, favorites, search suggestions, etc
Hide if not bury the lube and dildo
In other news, the job interview went well. I should know if I got the position in a little over a week.
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stk-main · 10 years
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Release: Bokura no Negai - Volume 01 Extra
Happy Valentine's Day! If you have a significant other, spoil them rotten and hold them close; if you have a secret crush, be bold and make them feel a bit special; and if you're single like me, read this hilarious extra and let good ole yaoi keep you company today. (Did I forget to tell you guys that I broke up with my boyfriend back in December... Gomen! I'll try to keep you all better informed as to my personal life for those of you who are stalkers interested.) Big thanks goes out to dimitmaria for providing scans of the extra from her copy of the first volume. Go check out her blog and follow if you enjoy her posts!
BnN-06.5: Mega.co.nz
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stk-main · 10 years
Thank you so much for the new chapter, you did an amazing job as always. Can you please tell me, if you know, how often does a new chapters come out in Craft?
Craft is quarterly magazine, which means that new issues are published four times a year. New issues are published in January, April, July, and October. Typically the issues are published on either the 19th or 20th the corresponding month.
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stk-main · 10 years
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Release: Bokura no Negai - Chapter 08
Happy Valentine's Eve everyone! I'll hold off commenting on the chapter here to avoid spoilers (I'll save my opinions for the comment section below). The direct download link can be found after the break.
BnN-08: Mega.co.nz
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stk-main · 10 years
Would you guys do 'Mad Cinderella' (also by Kotetsuko Yamamoto) as well? I've been searching for it since forever but no one does translates them :(
Mad Cinderella has been licensed in English to the Digital Manga Guild. You can read it online and support the author here. We do not work on licensed series. If you have any non-licensed series like you would like to recommend, we will gladly take them into consideration when selecting new projects.
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stk-main · 10 years
BnN-08 Final Status Update
Came across one issue during the QC that we are still resolving. Once it gets resolved, we'll post the release.
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stk-main · 10 years
BnN-08 Status Update
I'm almost through QC'ing the chapter (gotta love snow days). Probably safe to assume release in the next 24 hours.
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