susanbailey · 6 years
S22: Breaking Down This Incredible SARM
Ever since bodybuilding became popular, people have been looking for ways to enhance their physics. Often, this meant taking poorly known drugs that came with a host of side effects. Injecting anabolic steroids, for example, can cause episodes of manic depression. It can also fuel lousy mood swings and a litany of other physical and mental issues. S 22 gives the same benefits of using an anabolic steroid. And all without the off-putting side effects.
What is S22?
Like other SARMS (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), S 22 targets specific chemical receptors to help increase the body’s muscle mass and bone density. In fact, S 22 works better than even anabolic steroids in stimulating muscle growth.
S22 is also in a family of natural steroid receptors. Because of its ability to attract bodily-produced steroids, S 22 plays a significant role in the growth, maintenance, and maturation of secondary sexual organs, muscles, and bones.
How Does S22 Work?
S22 is one of the most effective SARMs to use for bodybuilding because of how potent it is. Studies have shown S 22 to increase tissue stimulation that causes muscles. When combined with strenuous workouts, the results are muscle growth and better endurance.
Also, S22 has no androgenic properties, which means it doesn’t affect in non-skeletal muscle tissues. It will only affect bone and muscle tissues, not other bodily masses. And those are the exact tissue groupings you want to target to improve your physique.
Is S22 Safe?
For the most part, taking S 22 is very safe. Because of how it affects which the body’s hormonal receptors, excess S22 is secreted from the body. Once you’ve reached “saturation point,” the body can’t use anymore S 22. For this reason alone, it’s essential to dose correctly so that you’re not throwing money down the drain. However, here a few things to look out for when taking S22:
When on a cycle of SARMs S 22, the substance is detectable by blood and urine for up to 72 hours.
If you compete as a professional athlete or bodybuilder, consult WADA rules and coach before taking S 22.
Excess energy during the first week or so might get in the way of sleeping.
Does S 22 Cause Cancer?
As of now, there has been no cancer diagnosis linked directly to taking S 22. Because of how the body metabolizes the substance, even excess S 22 use won’t cause cancerous side effects.
However, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re only taking high-quality S 22. Seller and vendors who don’t lab test their S 22 for purity could add fillers and low-quality testosterones to save money. And some of those synthetic fillers and testosterone additives might have carcinogenic properties.
Are There any Side Effects of S 22?
Because S22 is a non-steroidal receptor modulator, side effects are minimal. Users might experience increased energy levels and urination when cycling S22. Also, S22 can show up in both blood and urine work, which can skew specific drug tests. But aside from those mentioned things, S 22 is nearly side-effect free. This lack of adverse side effects makes it one of the safest SARMS to take.
What are the Benefits of S 22?
Taking SARMS S22 in proper dosings can result in genuinely incredible gains. Here are just a few benefits of taking SARMS-S22:
S-22 Helps Maintain Muscle Growth
Regularly cycling with S22 will help you maintain your gains. Consider doing short cycles, if you’re looking to keep your gains.
No adverse Effect to Your Overall Well-being
Unlike anabolic steroids, S22 won’t impair your mental or physical health in terrible ways. You can expect level moods and a healthy prostate when taking S22.
S-22 Increases Bone Density and Mineralisation When Taken Properly
Like other SARMS, using S-22 can help improve bone density and overall skeletal health. However, if you suffer from a bone disease, it’s best to consult with a doctor before going forward with S22. Cycling with S-22 could affect any bone-density medications you may be using.
It has the Ability to Fight Off The Symptoms of Some Muscle-Wasting Diseases
SARMs S-22  also works as a treatment for muscle-wasting diseases like andropause, certain cancers, and advanced AIDs. In clinical studies, SARMs S22 has been shown to be about three times more efficient than TP (Testosterone Propionate). TP is one of the most dangerous steroids available to consumers, so I’d recommend not taking it at all.
A Decrease in Certain Diabetic Symptoms
Also, SARMS S-22 has been linked to decreases in type-2 diabetes symptoms. This decrease in diabetic symptoms is attributed to how S-22 helps the body use insulin reserves. Because S-22 helps the body utilize insulin, it can increase insulin resistance. Nevertheless, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before using any SARM. This is especially true if you have a preexisting condition like diabetes.
It’s Much Safer to Take Than Anabolic Steroids
When compared to the dangers of taking anabolic steroids, takings SARMs S-22 for muscle growth is a no-brainer. Still, you need to know how to dose correctly.
Does S-22 Come in Many Forms?
SARM S-22 is available in many forms, each having high bioavailability within the body. If you want to take S22 in a non-invasive way, consider taking oral pills or rubbing S22 creams. This specific SARM is also available in injectable doses, which offer more immediate bioavailability for the body.
Where to Buy S22 Online?
SARM S22 is available from a bevy of online stores and vendors. No matter which brand you buy, it will come with the SARM label “for research use only.” LIke other SARMS, S22 has yet to be cleared by the FDA for human consumption by the FDA.
All that said, I’d highly recommend buying from SARMS4YOU. They’re one of the only reputable online vendors that lab tests each of their synthetics. This will not only give you peace of mind but also ensure you get the best results from your S22. Plus, you’ll know your money’s being well spent. Less reputable companies may combine their products with fillers and even cheaper steroids. Avoid those business and products like the plague.
What’s the Correct Dosage of SARM S22 to Take?
To start, take SARMs S-22 at 0.25ml once daily. Follow this dosage every day for up to eight weeks. During this first week of taking S22, you might experience excess amounts of energy. But don’t worry: your energy levels will eventually out.
However, make sure not to take SARMs S-22 for a longer than eight consecutive weeks. This timeframe of using the drug is also known as a “cycle.” To begin with, consider doing a more regular cycle of four weeks.
Commonly Asked Questions
Odds are, you still probably have a few questions about S-22. Here are a few of the most common answer for you:
When will I notice results from taking S22?
After about two weeks of regular doses, you’ll begin to notice the S-22 taking effect. You can expect a considerable amount of fat loss, as well as muscle gains. You might be able to see improvements in your endurance within two weeks of taking S-22, as well.
Will S22 make me feel lethargic?
Not at all! In fact, you’ll probably feel energetic when properly cycling S-22. Take advantage of this newfound energy, and push through an extra set.
Will S-22 make my moods swing?
SARMs, like S-22, won’t impact significantly skew your body’s natural hormone levels. Because so, you won’t experience the mood swings associated with testosterone enhancers.
What’s the best way to take S-22?
Like I said before, S-22 can be taken in many ways. No particular dosing avenue is generally better than the ever. Injections will give the body the easiest and quickest access to S-22. Injections also ensure that the S-22 isn’t damaged or denatured when entering the body.
Creams and oral dosing work well too. Those two methods might take upwards of 30 minutes for the S22 to be entirely absorbed by the body.
Does S 22 cause gyno?
Gynecomastia, also known as “gyno,” is not something to be worried about when talking S 22. Just like testosterone, estrogen levels are not affected by s 22 when cycled correctly. Interestingly enough, steroids can sometimes increase estrogen levels as a side effect. Because S 22 has little impact on hormone levels, you have less of a chance of developing gyno with S 22 than regular steroids.
Final Thoughts on S22
SARM supplements are quickly becoming the go-to for muscle building and physique enhancement. Because of their low-level side effects and the jaw-dropping results they can create, SARMs like S 22 are an excellent choice for anyone, who wants to change their physical look. Unlike anabolic steroids, S 22 won’t mess with the body’s natural hormone levels. You won’t suffer from the random mood swings associated with taking testosterone-based steroids.
I’d highly recommend taking S22. It’s a safe and beneficial substitute for steroids that can provide profound results.
The post S22: Breaking Down This Incredible SARM appeared first on 101SARMs.
S22: Breaking Down This Incredible SARM published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
S-40503: A SARM with Almost No Downsides
In the bodybuilding world, using supplements help you achieve your body goals. And while traditional anabolic steroids will get you results, they can take a toll on our health. However, cycling through SARMs can provide the same beneficial results without the adverse side effects associated with testosterone use.
S-40503, one of the latest SARMs to hit the market, is also one of the safest to use. In fact, S-40503 may even be OK to use for women who wish to body build or improve their overall muscle mass. Interested in seeing how a cycle of S40503 can help you achieve your body goals? Keep on reading to find out how to safely and efficiently take this new SARM.
What is S-40503?
S-40503 is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) that is still currently under testing. Developed by the Japanese company Kaken Pharmaceuticals, it was mainly designed to treat bone deficiency disease. S-40503’s primary function is to help treat osteoporosis. Those who take S40503 display good bone tissue growth and show a slight increase in muscle mass. Better yet, this SARM appears not to affect the prostate or testicles either.
How Does S-40503 Work?
Like I said before, this SARM is primarily for bone growth. But, some skeletal muscle mass has been observed as a welcomed side effect. In animal studies, S-40503 improve bone mineral density for those treated animals. Its benefits for the body also appear to be dose specific. In small doses, S40503 only affects bone tissue. But when the amount is increased, both bone and muscle growth were observed. However, no matter high or low the dose, the prostate wasn’t affected at all.
Is S-40503 Safe?
Using S-4050s is one of the safest ways to increase muscle mass and endurance through supplementation. Because of how S40503 interacts with the body, this SARM is one of the mildest and safest to use. However, there are a few things you’ll want to know before starting a cycle of S-40503:
S-40503 will be detectable in the blood and urine for 72 hours.
Read through WADA rules and ask a professional coach before taking any SARM, just to make sure you’re not breaking existing competition rules.
What are the Benefits of S40503?
SARMs, especially S40503, can have wide-ranging benefits on the body. Below are a few of the most revered benefits S-40503 has when taken correctly:
Taking S40503 Can Help Build Muscles and Increase Stamina
SARMs specifically target skeletal muscle mass. This skeletal muscle mass is the most important for achieving when trying to achieve a muscular appearance. By taking S-40503, you can expect noticeable muscle gains, all without the side effects that come with anabolic steroids. Also, S40503 will increase your stamina, as a result of building skeletal muscles.
S-40503 Helps to Maintain Bone Density and Possibly Help Keep Muscle Growth
Because of how S 40503 was designed, it’s great for improving overall bone health. While more studies are needed to see how it affects muscle growth, odds are it will help maintain skeletal muscles as well.
It’s One of the Safest SARMs to Take on the Market
Unlike anabolic steroids, S40503 has no risk of affecting your overall well being. When cycling S 40503, you can expect your moods to be unchanged. Also, you won’t have to worry about any cardiovascular or testicular problems, as well.
S 40503 can Increase Bone Density and Improve Mineralization
Like other SARMS, using S 40503 can help improve bone density and mineralization. However, if you suffer from a bone disease, always consult with a doctor before going forward with an S-40503 cycle. Cycling with S 40503 could affect any bone-density medications you may already be using.
S40503 Might be OK for Women to Use
Unlike other SARMs, S 40503 has no virilizing effects on the body. Because of this, it may be safe for women to use. Women, too, are often more prone to osteoporosis than men.
While the universal gender outlook for S-40503 is promising, additional data about S-40503 is needed. Let us hope this SARM will be further developed and more widely available in the future.
Are There Any Side Effects of S 40503?
Because S-40503 doesn’t affect testosterone, it produces minimal side effects in the body. It’s also a not a metabolic viralizer. All in all, S-40503 might be one of the safest SARMs on the market.
Where to Buy S 40503 Online?
S-4503 is hard to come by online. Because it’s so new on the market, few online stores and vendors are selling S4503. But no matter how your S4503 will be buying, it will come with the SARM label “for research use only.” Like other SARMs, S-4503 isn’t accepted by the to be FDA for human consumption.
However, you can find S-40503 available through SARMS4YOU . Their S40503 product is manufactured from the very same Japanese labs the drug was first created. When buying from Striker Labs, you can rest easy knowing your S-40503 supplement is of the highest quality.
What’s the Correct Dosage of S40503?
S-40503 is chemically very similar to Andarine, although much weaker. Dosings of Andarine are recommended between 50 to 75mg a day. It can even be tolerated as high as 100mg. But like many SARMs, start low and gradually increase the dosage. This gentile increase will allow your body to adapt to the substance best. By starting slow, you’ll also be able to see if you have any side effects to S-40503.
S-40503 has a known half-life of four hours. Because of that short half-life, I’d recommend splitting your dose so that you can take it at least twice a day. If possible, dosing three times per day is ideal.
Cycle up to at least eight weeks, which is longer than most other SARMs. S 40503 is not hepatotoxic, so long or repeated cycles won’t cause damage to the liver.
Commonly Asked Questions
Like when researching any new supplement to take, many questions can come up. Here are a few of the most frequently asked about S-40503:
When will I notice results from taking S-40503?
Because S-40503 is much milder than other SARMs, results can take time. I wouldn’t expect you to see any visible results in less than a month’s time. But if you cycle for a full eight weeks, you’ll see changes by the end.
Is S-40503 to take if I’m Sensitive to testosterone?
Yes, it is! Because S-40503 does not increase hormone levels, it can be safely used by those who have testosterone sensitives. Just make sure to dose gradually and gauge how your body reacts to it.
Can S-40503 be injected?
S-4050s is only available on the market in orally ingestible forms. As of now, no S4503 creams or injectables are for sale.
Will S-40503 make give me moods swing?
No, not at all! S-40503, unlike anabolic steroids, will not throw your hormones out of whack. You can rest easy knowing your mood won’t significantly fluctuate while taking S-40503.
What’s the best way to take S 40503?
Orally via capsules or tinctures is the optimal way to take S-4503. This SARM has high bioavailability, so it will remain intact when ingested in capsule or pill form.
Will I need a TRT or PCT after doing a cycle of S40503?
No, you won’t! S-40503 will not affect your HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis) system at all. And unlike anabolic steroids, S-40503 won’t offset your testosterone levels. Because you’ll be maintaining regular testosterone levels while using S4050s, you won’t have to follow with a TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy), either.
Can S-40503 cause prostate or testicular damage?
Nope! S-40503 is one of the mildest SARMs on the market, and it’s also not a virailizer. This means that it can’t throw your sex hormones out of balance. These stable hormonal levels will keep your prostate or testicles healthy.
Final Thoughts on S 40503
SARM supplements offer a fantastic alternative to anabolic steroids. Because they increase mass safely, SARMs like S 40503 are gaining popularity. They’re great for bodybuilders and people who want to improve their physique. Better yet, S 40502 is one of the safest SARMs to use on the market. But just like other SARMs, it’s best to dose S 40503 on the small side before increasing.
For a beginner just getting into SARMs, I’d highly recommend taking S 40503. It has a gentle, gradual effect on the body and comes with almost no side effects, making it an excellent choice for those who might be apprehensive of SARMs. And because you don’t need to cycle with a TRT or PCT after, a cycle of S 40503 requires no additional treatments when complete. So if you’re looking to gain muscle mass but aren’t in a rush, opt for S40503. I promise you won’t be disappointed by the results.
The post S-40503: A SARM with Almost No Downsides appeared first on 101SARMs.
S-40503: A SARM with Almost No Downsides published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
S23: “The Big Daddy” of SARMs
S23: “The Big Daddy” of SARMs
In recent years, the supplement market has boomed with products that promise almost overnight muscle gains. But that doesn’t mean taking anabolic steroids is going the way of the Dodo, either.  In fact, steroid use has increased over these past few years alone.
If you’re looking to avoid the many drawbacks that come with taking traditional steroids, consider looking into SARMs. They can give you the same gains as anabolic steroids, and, unlike many other supplements, are proven to work. And arguably, there’s no more effective SARM than S23: The “Big Daddy” of SARM supplements.
What is S 23?
SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) help increases the body’s muscle mass and bone density. S 23 orally bioavailable, which means it can be taken via pills and capsules. It’s also a non-steroid derivative so that it won’t cause hormonal imbalances.
It’s a very concentrated version of S4, also known as Andarine. When used correctly, S 23 can help increase lean tissue mass and muscle growth far better than Andarine, which is already regarded as a powerful muscle-building supplement.
Also, a handful of studies show that S-23 is the closest SARM to anabolic steroids regarding efficacy. However, there are some fundamental differences. Unlike traditional steroids, S-23 doesn’t decrease prostate size or cause dangerous mood swings. Other user reports suggest that S 23 is perhaps the best SARM to use when wanting to harden muscles and create a more chiseled aesthetic.
How Does S23 Work?
S23 is often referred to as “The Big Daddy” of SARMs because of how powerful it is. S23 works by specifically targeting chemical receptors in the muscles to skeletal bone masses of the body. After being stimulated, these muscle and bone groupings are encouraged to grow by utilizing stored energy reserves.
Studies have shown S23 to increase both lean muscle and skeletal mass while decreasing body fat. When combined with strenuous workouts, S23 can result in a grainier muscular build and increased endurance levels.
Is S 23 Safe?
Correctly using S-23 is a safe way to increase muscle growth and endurance through SARM supplement use. Because of how S23 affects the body’s hormonal receptors, not much needs to be used when compared to other SARMs. However, S23 is so potent that it affects people in wildly different ways, even under proper dosing.
For this reason alone, it’s essential to dose correctly. Here a few things to keep in mind before taking S23:
When cycling S 23, the substance will be detectable in the blood and urine for 72 hours.
It’s important to consult with WADA rules and coach before taking S23 if you want to compete without breaking existing competition guidelines.
What are the Side Effects of S-23?
Because of how close S23 is to steroids, it can come with more side effects than other SARMs. Read through the following carefully before deciding whether or not to start using S23:
S-23 May Cause Testosterone Shutdown
Like I said before, S 23 is the most potent SARM to come on the market today. And because of how strong it is, S23 can cause a metabolic problem known as testosterone shutdown. Unlike other SARMS, S 23 has been studied to alter testosterone levels in the body significantly. People who cycle using S23 report eliminating the side effects of testosterone shutdown by supporting their supplementation of S 23 with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).
Thankfully, side effects were reversed entirely in studies where users stopped taking S23 and completed a full TRT plan.
An Increased Sense of Aggression Across the Board
S23 can throw your testosterone levels sky high. Constant aggravation and expressing signs of outward aggression have been reported by users cycling through S 23. These mental side effect can vary significantly from person to person. But it needs to be said: If you have a history of mental illness or violence, consult with a professional before taking S 23.
Testicles and Prostate May Shrink
Like when taking steroids, S-23 can cause abnormal shrinkage of the testes and prostate. This is, for the most part, temporary and will go away after the first week or so of cycling. To avoid permanent damage, never cycle more than eight weeks with S23 if you observe testicle and prostate shrinking.
Hair Loss May Rear its Ugly Head
Using S-23 can cause hair loss in men. If you’re already experiencing thinning hair, expect shedding to increase.
Excreting Darker Than Usual Urine
Users of S-23 have reported peeing darker than normal urine. This off-colored urine is attributed to how S23 causes the body to release retained water.
What are the Benefits of S23?
Cycling S-23 with proper dosings can result in noticeable performance gains. Here are just a few benefits of taking S23:
You’ll Have a Grainy Muscular Build When Using S 23
People who take S-23 develop a visibly more grainy muscular build than those who don’t. If you put two people who are at 10 percent body fat, with only one of them taking S23, you’ll be able to notice the clear difference.
S-23 Helps Improve Stamina During Hard Workouts
Because of the anabolic effects of S-23, you can expect to increase your stamina while taking them. In fact, the increased stamina will be present even after you cycle off of S-23.
Reduces Water Retention in the Body
S23 depletes the muscles of water so that they can flush excess insulin and lactic acid. The result is dramatic water weight loss, which could be plus if you’re competing at weight levels.
Will Offset Muscle Catabolism When Cutting
If you’re cutting, taking S23 can help mitigate muscle loss. Cycle through a course of S-23 when trimming down, and you’ll retain all your muscle gains from bulking.
S23 Produces Quick Results
Because of how potent S-23 is, results come quick. You can expect to see a visible difference in as little as two weeks.
Skeletal Bone Density Increases When Using S-23.
Like other SARMs, S-23 can help improve bone health and density. Calcium mineralization in the bones is also possible when taking S-23 bone health, as well.
Even though S 23 has more significant side effect than other SARMs, they offer even more benefits than less potent varieties. And they’re still much safer to take the anabolic steroids. Again, you need to know how to dose correctly to get all these benefits.
What’s the Correct Dosage of S23 to Take?
Studies conducted on rodents suggest that the human equivalent to dosing with S 23 would be between 0.5mg to 50mg. Because of this wide margin, specific dosing is difficult to pin down. However, most users suggest using between 20mg and 30mg. This amount is split between three doses throughout the day.
Correct cycling with S-23 is just as hard to exact. But using current research results as guidelines, users can cycle for up to eight weeks. However, consider doing a single four-week cycle before lengthening your run. After eight weeks of cycling, allow for a 30 day rest period. You will also need to follow with an appropriate Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).
In What Form is S-23 Available in For Supplement Use?
SARM S23 is primarily available in oral forms. When shopping for S-23, choose either pill or capsule products. It’s a good idea to make sure each pill or capsules measures between 5mg or 10mg for easy dosing.
Where to Buy S-23 Online?
S23 is available from many online stores and vendors, particularly in oral forms. Each S-23 product will also come with the SARM label “for research use only.” Like other SARMs, S23 hasn’t been cleared by the FDA for human consumption by the FDA. But independent clinical and case studies show that it is, in fact, ok to be taken.
With that in mind, I’d recommend buying from SARMS4YOU. These company’s labs test their S-23 supplements, so you can rest assured your product is pure. Less reputable companies may combine their products with fillers and even cheaper steroids. Avoid those business and products like the plague.
Commonly Asked Questions
As with any new supplement, many questions can come to the foreground. Here are just a few of the most common about S23 supplementation:
When will I notice results from taking S 23?
If you stay consistent in your daily doses, you can expect drastic results in as little as four weeks. Because of how S23 strips the muscles of water, it’s crucial to remain hydrated. If you’re dehydrated, your on-scale results can be skewed.
Is S23 Safe to take for up to two months?
Yes, it is! However, eight weeks is the longest you should cycle with S23. And when you are using it this long, make sure you follow with a PCT.
Will S23 make my moods swing?
Because S23 is such a potent SARM, it’s unlike others in the fact that it can cause your mood to change. Users have noted increases of aggression, frustration, and anger when cycling S23. Take this into account when you’re deciding if you want to use S23.
What’s the best way to take S 23?
The optimal way to take S 23 is via ingesting capsules or pills of the SARM. Oral bioavailability is surprisingly high with S23, so it will remain powerful when ingested in capsule or pill form.
Can S23 damage my prostate?
The long-term effects of using S 23 are still unclear. Some users have reported shrinking testicles and protesters as a result of heavy S23 cycling. Thankfully, these symptoms cleared after stopping and using a PCT regimen.
Final Thoughts on S 23
There’s a good reason why SARM supplements are gaining popularity among muscle building and physics enhancement. Even though S23 does have more side effects than other SMARs, it’s still a much safer alternative than using anabolic steroids. Because dosing S 23 is quite tricky, I’d recommend starting on the conservative side, then going up from there.
I’d highly recommend taking S23, as long are mindful of your dosing and follow with a PCT cycle. S23 is an overall safe and beneficial substitute for steroids that can provide jaw-dropping results, on and off the scale.
The post S23: “The Big Daddy” of SARMs appeared first on 101SARMs.
S23: “The Big Daddy” of SARMs published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
RAD 1901: A Promising New SARM for Bulking and Cutting
Competitive bodybuilders, as well as diehard fitness enthusiasts, are always on the lookout for new shortcuts to gain muscle and lose fat faster.
In the past, anabolic steroids, such as human growth hormone (HGH), were among the most popular shortcuts.
Though there’s no denying how effective these performance enhancing drugs were for bulking muscle and cutting fat, they came with a number of serious short-term and long-term side effects.
Today, there’s a far safer, and equally powerful, option: SARMs.
Short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, SARMs are a new breed of performance enhancing drugs that provide countless bodybuilding and fitness benefits with few, if any, negative side effects.
Though there are a lot of different SARMs out there, one of the most exciting for those in the bodybuilding world is none other than RAD 1901.
Today, I’m going to explain what RAD1901 is and who will most benefit from it.
What Is RAD1901?
RAD 1901 is a SARM.
As I stated above, a SARM is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator.
Instead of affecting your entire body, SARMs like RAD 1901 only target one specific area, minimizing the side effects.
Better yet, they do not actively affect your hormones. Instead, they simply promote muscle growth so that you can gain mass while also losing fat.
RAD 1901 was initially discovered and developed by Radius, a biopharmaceutical company already well known in the SARMs world.
The company’s most popular SARM, at least for bodybuilders, is RAD 140. Also known as testolone, this drug has the potential to be a true replacement for testosterone.
RAD 1901 is equally exciting. Though it’s still in its early stages of development, it already showcases several promising benefits for fitness.
Despite its benefits for fitness and bodybuilding, RAD-1901, like the majority of SARMs, was developed with medical treatment in mind.
The drug is aimed at treating osteoporosis, muscle wasting, and other similar diseases with its bone strengthening and muscle building effects.
Though these medical applications are undoubtedly extremely exciting, I’m going to focus on the bodybuilding benefits of RAD 1901 from now on.
Is RAD 1901 Safe?
RAD-1901 is safe to use.
It’s created in the same way as most SARMs. Instead of affecting the entire body, it only targets a specific area.
The method in which SARMs work make them far safer than other performance enhancing drugs, especially anabolic steroids.
Anabolic steroids, like human growth hormone (HGH), for example, pose a number of side effects that range from swelling to breast enlargement (in men) to joint paint and many more.
RAD 1901 and other SARMs do not pose the risk for any of these side effects.
In addition to its notable lack of side effects, RAD1901 is safe for consumption and use as a performance enhancing drug in other ways.
Although its long-term effects have not been studied, chances are likely that RAD 1901 is in the same boat as other SARMs.
In other words, there are no long-term side effects so to speak.
Benefits of RAD-1901
Chances are that you are interested in what RAD1901 can do for you in terms of developing your perfect physique.
Well, you’re in luck. RAD1901 is packed with benefits for those involved in bodybuilding and fitness.
It’s notable for its muscle growth and fat loss benefit which make this SARM an extremely useful tool for bulking and cutting.
In addition to these fitness benefits, RAD 1901 has several other exciting and promising medical benefits, especially for osteoporosis treatment.
Here are the top three benefits of RAD 1901 for bodybuilders.
Increases Muscle Mass
The top benefit of implementing RAD 1901 into your training routine is that it increases muscle mass.
It’s able to promote the growth of lean muscle tissue, throughout your body, without simultaneously promoting fat growth.
This benefit in itself makes RAD 1901 incredibly effective for clean, successful bulking.
Improves Strength, Stamina, and Endurance
A pill, powder, or supplement, even one as powerful as RAD1901, can’t get you the perfect body by itself.
You also need to put in the work in the gym. RAD1901 helps you make the most of your workouts by giving you more strength, stamina, and endurance.
This SARM will boost the intensity of your workouts so that you reap even more benefits from all of your hard work.
Aids in Fat Loss
RAD 1901 accomplishes what many SARMs are able to by simultaneously aiding in fat loss while promoting muscle growth.
At the same time that it increases muscle mass and bone density, it also reduces the amount of fat in the body.
Also, of note is that RAD 1901 causes an increase in metabolism. This, in itself, has huge benefits on fat loss as well as overall weight loss.
Side Effects of RAD 1901
There are no notable side effects to RAD-1901.
SARMs in general don’t come with many side effects, RAD-1901 included.
In fact, this is what makes them so beneficial, as well as so increasingly popular, in the bodybuilding and fitness industries.
SARMs like RAD 1901 promote incredible muscle growth and fat loss for bulking and cutting without any of the harmful side effects of anabolic steroids.
You’re able to avoid all of the pitfalls of other performance enhancing drugs by sticking to RAD 1901 and other SARMs.
Dosage of RAD 1901
RAD 1901 is still in the research and development stages.
The SARM is still undergoing in-depth testing, mainly for its medical benefits, including the proper dosage.
With that said, it appears that RAD1901 is similar to RAD 140 as far as dosing recommendations go.
Preliminary information from RAD1901 studies suggest that the best dosing recommendation for a male is approximately 20 milligrams per day.
Of course, the exact dose you take depends not only on your body and the way you individually handle SARMs, but also on your personal fitness goals.
Most studies suggest that you should take 20 milligrams of RAD-1901 per day for 12 weeks before taking a break for the best bodybuilding effects.
Where to Buy RAD 1901
RAD 1901 is not currently available for sale.
The exciting new SARM is still undergoing extensive clinical trials, including human studies, to finetune the formula.
SARMs that are very similar to RAD 1901, including RAD 140 (also known as testolone), are available from many online retailers.
It’s smart to research each individual retailer before making a purchase to ensure that they have a reputation for selling quality products.
Because of the popularity of SARMs and bodybuilding in general, several unscrupulous retailers have opened up shop that sell low quality products.
My top recommendations for an online store that sells SARMs is Sarms4You.
Frequently Asked Questions
  How Long Does It Take RAD 1901 to Work?
Most SARMs, including Rad 1901, take roughly two weeks to kick in.
At this point, you will notice minor changes. The real benefits become noticeable after the first month.
Studies suggest that most people grow a tolerance to RAD 1901 after approximately 24 weeks, so it’s smart to use the drug in a cycle to gain the best benefits.
Does RAD 1901 Require a PCT?
Post cycle therapy is not necessary for SARMs, at least in the traditional sense.
With anabolic steroids, for example, you must take a break equal to the length you took the drug for safe results. So, if you took HGH for 12 weeks, you must then take 12 weeks off of it.
This is not so with RAD 1901. You are generally safe taking a much shorter break, say one month for every 12 weeks, with these types of SARMs.
How Long Is a Good RAD 1901 Cycle?
The length of cycle for RAD 1901 depends largely on your fitness goals.
SARMs newbies should start with a short cycle, such as 12 weeks of use. This will give you the ability to measure the results and your body’s reaction.
It’s been shown that it’s safe and effective to take RAD 1901 for much longer, up to 24 weeks in a single cycle.
Final Thoughts
Not a lot is currently known about RAD 1901, although new information is released all of the time.
This guide contains all of the information currently known about this SARM. I will continue to update it as more information becomes available.
If you have any questions about RAD 1901, or any other SARM, please let me know in the comments below. I am happy to answer any questions.
I’d also love to hear about your experiences with RAD 1901 and other similar SARMs, especially your dosages and cycle lengths.
So, what do you think? Do you think that RAD 1901 will turn out to be one of the best SARMs for bulking and cutting?
The post RAD 1901: A Promising New SARM for Bulking and Cutting appeared first on 101SARMs.
RAD 1901: A Promising New SARM for Bulking and Cutting published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
AC-262536: A Promising SARM for Muscle Growth
Developing your dream physique is demanding.
That’s why so many bodybuilders and other serious fitness enthusiasts utilize anabolic steroids.
But there’s a safer and equally beneficial way to achieve many of the same weight loss and muscle growth benefits without the long list of negative side effects:
Short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, this new class of performance enhancing drugs is changing the bodybuilding world and fitness industry as a whole.
Though many SARMs are well researched and clinically tested, AC-262536 is a relatively new SARM with promising health and fitness benefits.
Today, I’m going to break down the facts about AC-262536, especially its powerful benefits and any potential side effects, to help you decide whether this SARM is right for your fitness goals.
What is AC-262536?
AC-262536 is a promising new drug that’s primarily aimed towards muscle growth.
As a SARM, it works by effecting your body’s hormones in a specific, targeted way. It focuses on muscle growth without effecting the rest of your body (like testosterone and other anabolic steroids).
AC-262536 was first developed by Acadia Pharmaceuticals in 2007.
Despite the promising muscle growth benefits, relatively little research has been performed into the drug’s uses.
In fact, no human clinical studies have yet to be performed. However, numerous studies have been performed on animals with incredibly promising results.
In addition to muscle growth, these animal studies have shown that AC-262536 also has the potential to lower the risk of prostate cancer and protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
Despite the limited research, many bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and athletes effectively use AC-262536 as part of their normal routine.
That said, it’s important to take any information and reviews about AC-262536 with a grain of salt, until more in-depth studies are performed.
Is AC-262536 Safe?
Like the majority of SARMs, AC-262536 is safe to use.
It doesn’t affect the body’s hormones, so it proves to be a safe and efficient method of building muscle.
The side effects also appear to be very mild. AC-262536 is a relatively weak SARM with a low anabolic rating.
For instance, AC-262536 shows approximately two-thirds the anabolic benefits of testosterone with roughly one-quarter the androgenic activity.
AC-262536, like other SARMs, has also been shown to have no serious risks or long-term side effects.
In fact, animal studies have even shown that the drug might be beneficial at reducing the size of the prostate and even protecting the body against Alzheimer’s disease.
Still, it’s important to remember that AC-262536 still hasn’t achieved the popularity or widespread use of other SARMs, so it doesn’t come with the wide range of scientific backing that similar drugs do.
Benefits of AC-262536
The many powerful benefits of AC-262536 are what are most exciting about this SARM.
From the initial studies by Acadia Pharmaceuticals to further animal studies, the results have been exhilarating.
Better yet, you can take AC-262536 on its own, combine it with other SARMs, or even use it with a testosterone cycle.
The exact method in which you take AC-262536 not only dictates the results, but depends largely upon your specific bodybuilding and fitness goals.
Here are the three most important benefits of AC-262536.
Builds Muscle
The number one reason that most people take this SARM is because of its muscle growth benefits.
Countless studies on animals have shown that the drug equates muscle growth. Not only does it make building more muscle mass easier, but it also promotes quicker recovery after exercise.
At the same time, AC262536 does promote fat loss by lowering your percentage body fat, although it doesn’t do this nearly as much as some other SARMs.
Might Prevent Prostate Cancer
An additional benefit of AC262536 that’s important to note is that it has the potential to prevent prostate cancer.
What has been proven is that it actually shrinks the prostate gland by limiting the harmful effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the prostate.
Of course, this particular benefit must be taken with a grain of salt as clinical studies into AC 262536 are fairly new and have yet to examine its long-term benefits.
Might Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Another promising “side-benefit” of AC-262536 is its potential for preventing Alzheimer’s disease, or at least reducing its harmful effects.
In recent tests on animals, the application of the SARM actually helped recover some of the cognitive abilities of the effected animals.
Most notably, AC-262536 was administered to mice who then showed a large increase in their spatial memory.
Sides Effects of AC 262536
Most SARMs, AC-262536, do not have any side effects, at least not those commonly associated with anabolic steroids.
In fact, the side effects of anabolic steroids are one of the number one reasons why bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts are hesitant to take them in the first place.
This makes AC262536 an excellent alternative. It provides many of the same powerful benefits of anabolic steroids without the notable side effects.
Most notably, this SARM doesn’t affect the testes. Anabolic steroids, most notably testosterone, can cause prostate enlargement and testes shrinkage.
AC262536 does neither. In fact, at the same time that it keeps the testes normal, it actually has the potential to shrink the prostate.
Though the short-term side effects of AC 262536 have been proven mild, it’s still unclear what the long-term side effects, if any, might be, thanks to the lack of long-term research.
Dosage of AC-262536
One of the most important aspects of taking any SARM is taking the correct dosage.
Unfortunately, there is no exact information on the correct and safe dosage of AC 262536 available because of the lack of clinical trials on humans.
With that in mind, there are a lot of AC 262536 users out there. They have been experimenting with the drug for a long time to find a safe and effective dosage.
It appears that most men should take approximately 10 milligrams to 30 milligrams of AC-262536 per day.
Like all almost all SARMs, it’s beneficial to take AC262536 in a post cycle therapy (PCT) style.
A PCT is basically taking the SARMs for a specific period of time, say 12 weeks, and then going for the same length of time, so another 12 weeks, without taking the SARMs.
Because SARMs do not affect the hormones in the same way as anabolic steroids, you do not have to cycle them in the traditional PCT manner.
Instead, most users report that a break of roughly 4 weeks after 12 weeks of use is smart to see how AC-262536 is affecting your body.
Taking a break for 4 weeks will also help you explore your baseline to ensure that your hormone levels are balanced.
Because all SARMs effect each person differently, it’s best to be safe and slow, especially if this if your first time using AC-262536.
Where to Buy AC-262536 Online
AC-262536 is slightly more difficult to find for sale than other more popular SARMs.
However, it is for sale on numerous websites and online vendors, including my favorite SARMS4YOU.
Not only does this particular online retailer have an incredibly large selection, they only buy from the best providers and maintain an impeccable reputation.
In addition, SARMS4YOU continues to be one of the only online retailers to test all of their SARMs in the laboratory to ensure that they are safe for human consumption.
Now, this dedication to quality means that AC 262536 and other SARMs sold by Sarms4You might be more expensive, but you definitely get what you pay for.
When you buy through some other online stores, especially those with bargain basement prices, you run the risk of buying a SARM that isn’t pure and is spiked with fillers that weaken their benefits.
Frequently Asked Questions
  How Long Does It Take for AC262536 to Work?
You will probably first start to notice the benefits of AC 256536 in as little as two weeks.
It takes some time for the levels of the SARM to build up in your body as well as a little more time for them to start to make changes.
Though the muscle growth benefits are gradual, you will almost assuredly notice changes after your first month of use.
Does AC 262536 Require a PCT?
As we outlined above, AC 262536 and other SARMs do not require a PCT.
It’s safe to take them continually and without a break because they do not have any effect on your body or your hormones.
However, as we also mentioned above, it is smart to take a one-month break after your first three months of usage to absolutely ensure that your hormone levels are normal.
How Long Is a Good AC-262536 Cycle?
Most users recommend using this SARM in 8 week or 12-week cycles.
Others have extended their cycles up to 20 weeks or even 24 weeks without ill effect.
The key is to experiment with small doses and cycles of AC262536 to ensure that you know exactly how it will personally affect your body.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully my guide to AC-262536 has been helpful in educating you about the SARM.
If you have any questions about this SARM, or any other SARM, please reach out to me for advice.
And, as always, I want to hear about your personal experiences with SARMs. Please leave a comment below if you’ve used AC-262536 before.
The post AC-262536: A Promising SARM for Muscle Growth appeared first on 101SARMs.
AC-262536: A Promising SARM for Muscle Growth published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
MK4541: A Versatile SARM to Increase Muscle Mass
Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have long been on the lookout for the next big performance enhancing compound.
At one time, that go-to compound was anabolic steroids. Human growth hormone (HGH) was particularly popular at one point in time.
Yet HGH isn’t without serious problems. In addition to the fact that it must be injected up to three times per day, this anabolic steroid is very expensive and can pose serious side effects.
Sure, you might get the perfect physique that you’re after, but you’ll likely experience a number of negative side effects, including mood swings, acne, shrunken testes, and the potential for developing serious diseases with long-term use.
That’s exactly why Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are now so popular in the bodybuilding and fitness worlds.
SARMs provide many of the same benefits of HGH and other anabolic steroids without actually affecting your hormones. They boost your muscle mass without any negative side effects.
There are dozens upon dozens of different SARMs currently available or in development, but the one I want to talk about today is MK4541.
A potent and powerful SARM, here is everything that you need to know about MK4541.
What Is MK4541?
MK4541 is a relatively new SARM.
Despite its newness to the scene, this drug is already making a name for itself in the pharmaceutical world.
The most important pharmaceutical benefits of MK 4541 is for men with prostate cancer.
The drug is currently in development to treat prostate cancer and also to prevent the risk from developing in the first place.
Simply put, MK-4541 gets rid of androgen-independent prostate cells. The drug is designed to induce their death to free men with prostate cancer from these harmful cells.
What’s so important about this application of MK 4541 is that most other prostate treatments have seriously negative side effects.
For example, most prostate cancer treatments cause the body to become androgen deficient.
MK-4541 is capable of treating prostate cancer while maintaining androgen levels and without causing any other side effects.
In addition to its benefits and continued development for the treatment of prostate cancer, MK-4541 also features numerous fitness benefits.
Chief among the fitness benefits of this SARM are that it helps increase lean muscle mass, lose fat, and even boost endurance.
All of these benefits combine together into a powerful bodybuilding tool. Not only is MK-4541 a so-called “workout in pill form,” but it actually gives you the energy for more intense workouts.
Anyone interested in achieving the perfect physique through the use of SARMs should look more deeply into MK4541.
Is MK4541 Safe?
MK4541 is safe to use.
Like all SARMs, it’s designed so that it doesn’t affect the body’s hormones at all.
It’s overall lack of side effects mean that MK4541 continues to be an extremely safe, and also very efficient, method of building lean muscle mass quickly.
MK4541 is also safe for men with prostate cancer. As mentioned above, it was developed to kill prostate cancer cells without affecting androgen levels.
Compare the safety of MK4541 to anabolic steroids like HGH and it’s a no brainer.
SARMs, like MK4541, are undoubtedly the safer option between the two.
Sure, they might prove slightly less powerful in terms of muscle growth and fat loss, but they are still extremely potent.
And the balance between the benefits and the lack of side effects makes SARMs the much smarter choice for most of the bodybuilders out there.
Benefits of MK4541
MK4541 was initially developed as a treatment for prostate cancer.
Yet like most other SARMs, it was quickly discovered to have additional benefits that are particularly enticing to those interested in bodybuilding and fitness.
From the initial findings to subsequent testing, these benefits have been more deeply explored and proven over and over.
Of course, the exact benefits you receive from a SARM like MK4541 depend on the dosage and cycle you decide to utilize.
Here are the top three most powerful benefits of MK4541.
Increases Lean Muscle Mass
For bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, the most exciting benefit of MK4541 is to increase lean muscle mass.
In studies on mice that are representative of humans, the application of the drug has been shown to have serious muscle building benefits, especially for lean muscle mass.
At the same time that it increases lean muscle mass, MK4541 also has the potential to lower your overall body fat.
Improves General “Feeling of Well-Being”
An interesting, and equally exciting, benefit of MK4541 is that it has the potential to promote a feeling of general well-being.
The SARM is shown to improve the mood, a vastly different side effect from the negative mood swings that anabolic steroids cause.
The improved feeling of well-being directly translates into better quality of sleep and more energy throughout the day.
Might Treat Prostate Cancer
The actual reason that MK4541 was developed was for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Though the SARM is still in the investigative stages, it’s prostate cancer benefits look extremely promising thanks to clinical research on mice.
In these studies, MK4541 appears to block the growth of androgen-dependent prostate cells, and even fight off the growth of cancerous cells that are already there.
Side Effects of MK4541
MK4541, like most SARMs, does not have any real side effects.
The easiest way to consider the side effects of this drug is to compare them with those of anabolic steroids, another type of performance enhancing compound with similar benefits.
The major difference is that anabolic steroids cause countless negative side effects, ranging from hair loss to mood swings to severe acne.
SARMs, like MK4541, work differently in that they target only one small area of the body rather than the entire thing.
This targeted approach, as well as their overall chemical makeup, make them far safer than anabolic steroids.
It also means that they have few if any side effects that you need to worry about if you take SARMs for their bodybuilding benefits.
Dosage of MK4541
MK4541 is still classified as an investigative drug.
It’s not currently in production or available to buy. It’s still being researched and developed.
In fact, MK4541 hasn’t even been tested on humans yet. It’s still only been tested in animal trials, mostly on mice.
It will likely be several years before there are human trials with MK4541. At this point, we will learn more not only about its human benefits, but also the correct dosage to use.
That said, another SARM that is similar to MK4541 in its benefits and lack of side effects is MK-677.
This extremely powerful SARM is notable for its potent muscle growth and fat loss benefits as well as its ability to boost overall cardiovascular endurance.
If you are interested in a SARM that is similar to MK4541, I encourage you to check out the correct dosage for MK-677.
Where to Buy MK 4541 Online
MK4541 is not currently available for sale.
If you do happen to see it for sale online, know that the product being sold isn’t the real thing, it’s a fake or a knockoff.
In fact, it’s best to avoid any online retailers that are trying to sell “MK4541” altogether. These retailers are knowingly selling a fake product to unsuspecting customers.
When it comes to buying SARMs online, it’s important to find a reputable retailer with a great customer record and affordable prices.
Sarms4You and Proven Peptides are two of my favorite retailers that only sell the best quality products at very competitive prices.
Frequently Asked Questions
  How Long Does It Take MK4541 to Work?
You can expect MK 4541 to work in as little as two weeks.
Though these first bodybuilding results will be minor, they will be even more noticeable in as short a time as one month.
Those interested in using MK 4541 to fight prostate cancer will likely experience a different length of time for the drug to work.
Does MK4541 Require a PCT?
SARMs do not require post cycle therapy (PCT).
Unlike anabolic steroids, these drugs are safe to take in longer cycles with shorter breaks.
You can safely take MK-4541 for several months with only a short month break.
How Long Is a Good MK 4541 Cycle?
The exact dosage and length of cycle of MK4 541 is currently unknown.
However, similar SARMs, such as MK-677 can safely be taken for up to 20 weeks, or even 24 weeks.
After this period of time, you’ll want to take a break to see how your body is affected. Those new to SARMs should usually start with a shorter cycle.
Final Thoughts
MK4541 has a promising future as a potent SARM to build lean muscle mass.
Though it’s not currently yet available for sale, it’s already causing waves in the bodybuilding and fitness worlds.
Please let me know if you have any questions related to MK-4541 or any other SARMs.
The post MK4541: A Versatile SARM to Increase Muscle Mass appeared first on 101SARMs.
MK4541: A Versatile SARM to Increase Muscle Mass published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
LGD-2226: A Promising SARM for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss
SARMs are all the rage in the fitness world right now.
Short for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, they provide many of the performance enhancing benefits of anabolic steroids without any of the notable negative side effects.
Anyone interested in achieving the perfect physique can benefit from the muscle growth and fat loss benefits of the best SARMs.
LGD-2226 is a relatively new, investigational SARM that was initially developed for the treatment of osteoporosis and muscle wasting.
However, it’s incredible muscle growth and fat loss benefits are what I’ll focus on today. The drug is extremely promising for those interested in gaining an edge in bodybuilding or fitness.
Here’s what you need to know about LGD-2226.
What Is LGD-2226?
LGD-2226 is an experimental, investigational drug that’s actually still in its development phase.
The SARM is still undergoing research and clinical testing. It’s still being tweaked and modified for the utmost effectiveness.
For this reason, it’s very important to note, right off the bat, that LGD-2226 is not currently yet available for sale.
It should be available for sale soon, but for now, any online store that claims to sell LGD-2226 is currently selling a fake. There’s no other way to put it. You want to avoid these retailers for all your SARM needs at all costs.
LGD-2226 first began development to treat osteoporosis and muscle wasting. Countless clinical trials have shown its potential for effectively increasing bone density and muscle mass.
In fact, it achieves many of the same benefits as anabolic steroids, except that it does so without any of the harmful side effects, such as prostate growth.
LGD-2226 is also incredibly beneficial to bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and athletes.
The powerful SARM not only increases muscle growth and fat loss, but it also improves cardiovascular endurance and promotes quicker recovery from intense workouts.
If you’re interested in the latest and greatest SARMs to boost your training, you should keep your eye on LGD-2226 and any upcoming developments.
Is LGD-2226 Safe?
Safety is at the forefront of the development of LGD-2226.
It does not have any safety issues and does not come along with any serious side effects.
At the same time, however, it’s still able to provide massive bodybuilding and fitness benefits that rival those from taking anabolic steroids such as testosterone.
This makes LGD2226 a viable alternative to anabolic steroids. It’s a performance enhancing drug that you can take without any potential for harm or damage.
LGD2226 is also relatively mild. Even though it has powerful benefits, you won’t be pumping your body full of outside substances.
You can take a relatively small amount of the SARM over a relatively short period of time and experience amazing results without any negative effects.
My only piece of cautionary advice is to remember that LGD2226 is still experimental.
Because the drug is still being developed and tweaked, the exact long-term side effects aren’t known.
The vast majority of SARMs, including those that are very similar to LGD-2226, do not have any long-term side effects, so the chances that LGD-2226 are slim to none.
Benefits of LGD-2226
LGD-2226 can be used in two main ways.
The first is for bodybuilding and fitness. Here, it has its own set of important benefits.
It can also be used for its initially intended use to treat osteoporosis and muscle wasting. It’s still in the developmental stages for this particular use and is not currently in use.
Here are the three most important benefits you need to know about LGD-2226:
Builds Lean Muscle Mass
Undoubtedly, the number one reason why there is so much fuss about LGD 2226 in the bodybuilding world is because of its muscle growth benefits.
The SARM builds lean muscle mass through the process of anabolism, or the development of lean muscle tissue.
At the same time that it builds muscle, LGD2226 also helps burn fat. You’ll lose fat without losing muscle when you take this potent SARM.
Increases Strength and Boosts Endurance
Muscle mass growth isn’t the only benefit of LGD-2226.
The SARM has also been proven to increase strength and boost endurance. Not only is this beneficial in its own right, but it also makes your workouts that much more effective.
The increase in cardiovascular endurance makes your workouts more intense and promotes a quicker recovery time.
Might Treat Osteoporosis and Muscle Wasting
  The original goal of the development of LGD 2226 was to treat osteoporosis and muscle wasting.
The drug does this because it actually enhances bone density and builds muscle mass. Both of these things are pivotal to the effective treatment of the two medical conditions.
In fact, LGD-2226 is still being finetuned and developed so that it’s even more effective in the realm of treating osteoporosis and muscle wasting.
Side Effects of LGD-2226
LGD-2226 is a very effective SARM for muscle growth and fat loss.
Despite the fact that it’s not yet for sale, it has been used in experimental settings with great success.
All of the drug’s amazing benefits come without a negative cost. Unlike anabolic steroids that are known for their severe side effects, LGD-2226 causes little if any ill effects.
The lack of side effects is actually one of the top reasons why SARMs have taken off in the bodybuilding and fitness world.
It’s possible to take these performance enhancing compounds for long periods of time without experiencing short-term side effects or even long-term side effects like disease or cancer.
All of this said, it’s still important to be cautious while using LGD-2226, and other new SARMs, because they haven’t been available long enough for much long-term research to be done on their long-term effects.
Dosage of LGD2226
The exact dosage of LGD-2226 for bodybuilding and fitness is not yet known.
The drug is not yet available for sale on the market. It’s still in its developmental and investigative stages, primarily for osteoporosis and muscle wasting treatment.
As more time goes on, chances are that you will hear of more and more bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts that are able to get their hands on this SARM.
Once more people begin to experiment with LGD 2226, we’ll have a better idea of what the right dosage is for the best effects.
If you are interested in achieving the muscle growth and fat loss benefits of LGD-2226 right away, then we recommend looking into MK-677.
Also known as ibutamoren or nutrobal, MK-677 is the SARM that most closely resembles LGD-2226 in its chemical makeup and its benefits.
MK-677 is incredibly powerful and versatile. It boasts the ability to provide huge spikes in GH levels to increase your muscle mass and promote fat loss.
Where to Buy LGD 2226 Online
As I stated above, LGD-2226 is not currently available for sale online.
The drug is still in its developmental stages by Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc and Spectrum.
The current research going towards the drug is focused on its treatment for osteoporosis and muscle wasting.
Once the drug is better researched, we will undoubtedly see more information related to its bodybuilding and fitness benefits, including its sale online.
Like I also mentioned above, you should avoid buying LGD-2226 online if you do see it for sale in the near future.
Because the drug is not yet offered for sale on the market, any online retailer that is selling it is actually offering a fake or knockoff product.
Simply put, if you see LGD-2226 for sale today, it’s not LGD-2226.
With that said, LGD-2226 is very similar to the extremely popular MK-677. This SARM is widely available for sale online from several reputable retailers.
Chief among these reputable online retailers are Sarms4You . Not only is the quality of the product top-notch from this retailer, but the prices are also reasonable.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does It Take LGD-2226 to Work?
Though little research has been done into the bodybuilding benefits of LGD-2226, it appears that it takes as little as one month to work.
Like most SARMs, you won’t notice any results in the first week or two. But by the second or third week, you should begin to notice changes in your body.
You will likely start to notice major changes, comparable to other SARMs, around the one month mark of taking this drug.
Does LGD-2226 Require a PCT?
SARMs do not require a PCT (post training cycle).
They are safe to take without the traditional PCT. Anabolic steroids, on the other hand, require a typical PCT of an equal time off the drug as the time on the drug.
It’s still a smart idea to ease into your use of LGD-2226 and other SARMs by taking a short month-break after the first three months of use to truly understand how your body is being affected.
How Long Is a Good LGD2226 Cycle?
Preliminary reports indicate that it’s best to take LGD2226 in an 8-week or 12-week cycle.
This cycle is approximately the same as other SARMs. If LGD-2226 ends up being similar to other SARMs, which is very likely, it is safe to take for up to 20 weeks at a time.
It’s vital to slowly experiment with LGD2226 and other SARMs so that you know how your body specifically reacts to the drugs.
Final Thoughts
Please reach out to me if you have any questions regarding LGD 2226 or other SARMs.
And, like always, I’m interested to hear your own thoughts, or even your experiences, with all of the SARMs I discuss.
Remember that despite the proven benefits of SARMs, it’s essential to listen to your own body by easing into the process slowly and with caution.
The post LGD-2226: A Promising SARM for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss appeared first on 101SARMs.
LGD-2226: A Promising SARM for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
GTx-026: Powerful SARM to Build Lean Muscle Mass
Building your dream body is a grueling task – sometimes you just need a little extra help.
Rather than turn to potentially harmful anabolic steroids, why not consider a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) instead?
SARMs have numerous health benefits, although they’re most popular among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts hoping to increase lean muscle mass while simultaneously reducing fat mass.
Though there are dozens of well-researched and thoroughly-studied SARMs on the market, new SARMs are constantly being discovered.
One of the most recently discovered is GTx026.
Created by the well-respected GTx Inc., this SARM has shown promising lean muscle mass growth results, as well as the potential ability to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Today, I’m going to show you exactly how GTx 026 works and how it can benefit you.
What Is GTx-026?
GTx-026 is a powerful Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator.
SARMs are a quickly developing new class of performance enhancing compounds that have exciting benefits for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.
Not only does GTx-026 promise the ability to grow lean muscle mass and help reduce fat, but it’s also been shown to boost cardiovascular endurance to improve the intensity of your workouts.
And that’s not even to mention the non-fitness applications of this SARM. These include the potential to help treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
It’s important to note that GTx-026 is still a newly developed drug. Little clinical research, especially in human trials, has been performed.
However, GTx Inc is widely regarded as one of the top pharmaceutical companies working in the SARM space.
All of this company’s many SARMs are extensively tested not only to ensure their safety and effectiveness, but also to explore their health benefits.
It’s also essential to mention that GTx-026, as a SARM, does not need to be injected like an anabolic steroid. It also has minimal side effects, certainly not any of the serious side effects of these anabolic steroids.
Best of all, GTx-026 can help you improve your overall lean muscle mass while also reducing your percentage body fat.
Is GTx-026 Safe?
One of the top benefits of using SARMs is that they are safe to use.
This is especially true when you compare them to anabolic steroids, a class of performance enhancing drugs known for their negative side effects.
SARMs, including GTx-026, do not cause any of the side effects that anabolic steroids are known for, yet they provide many of the same bodybuilding and fitness benefits.
Even better, SARMs can typically be taken without the normal cycles that you are required to do with anabolic steroids. This makes them safe to use for longer periods of time for even more beneficial muscle growth.
All of this said, GTx-026 is still a newly developed drug. It hasn’t been around long enough for any long-term research to be done into its long-term side effects.
However, GTx Inc is a pharmaceutical company known for its cautious and safety conscious approach to all of its products.
Take a reasonably amount of GTx-026, for reasonable intervals, to minimize any potential chance of risk.
Benefits of GTx-026
GTx-026 has several powerful benefits that make it so exciting for those of us in the bodybuilding and fitness industry.
It’s particularly beneficial for those looking to develop the perfect physique. Of course, it must be combined with proper exercise and diet for the best benefits.
Here are the three most important benefits of GTx-026:
Builds Lean Muscle Mass
The top benefit of GTx-026 is that it builds lean muscle mass.
It provides an ample amount of muscle growth while also promoting an increase in overall strength and endurance.
Though it’s not quite as powerful as some other SARMs, there’s no denying that GTx-026 is incredibly effective for building lean muscle mass.
Promotes Fat Loss
GTx-026 is notable among SARMs because it pairs the ability to build lean muscle mass with the ability to help you lose fat.
This makes this drug a good choice for cutting cycles. It can help you lose a sizeable amount of body fat without effecting your muscle mass or strength.
Combine this SARM with regular exercise and a healthy diet for even more powerful fat loss benefits.
Might Treat Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Yet another exciting benefit of GTx-026 is that fact that it has the potential to help treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
In fact, this is the top reason the drug was developed in the first place. The muscle growth and fat loss effects are simply side benefits.
Countless studies, both by GTx and outside groups, have shown that GTx-026 helps develop muscle mass and increase bone density to help treat some of the more harmful effects of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Side Effects of GTx-026
Just as important as exploring the benefits of GTx 026 is making note of any potential side effects.
Fortunately for those interested in this SARM, it does not have any notable or serious side effects. It is, in fact, extremely safe to use for bodybuilding and fitness.
Most notably, GTx-026 doesn’t come with any of the severe side effects of anabolic steroids, such as acne, hair loss, liver or kidney disease, altered mood, and shrinking testes.
Of course, not everyone that uses anabolic steroids experiences all, or any of these side effects, but it’s incredibly nice to know that you’ll avoid them all together with GTx-026.
Even though no side effects of GTx026 are known, it’s best to use the SARM with caution.
Ease into a cycle slowly, taking a month break after two or three months of use, to ensure that you are achieving the results you want without any negative symptoms.
GTx-026 is safe and free of side effects, but it’s still necessary to take it with caution so that you can see how it personally affects your body.
Dosage of GTx-026
Never take a SARM without first knowing the correct dosage.
When it comes to GTx-026, the recommended dosage, according to GTx Inc, is roughly 18 milligrams per day for most men.
This dosage can be used as a baseline from which to experiment further from. Increase or decrease the dosage depending on your fitness goals and your body.
Like most SARMs, GTx-026 is safe to use without a traditional PCT (post cycle therapy) like anabolic steroids.
It’s still smart to take the drug in cycles though. Typically for 12 weeks with at least a 4 week break before repeating.
Where to Buy GTx-026 Online
Understand that no two SARM providers are the same.
Unfortunately, you don’t always get the same quality of product from one supplier as another.That’s why it’s so important to do your research to ensure that the GTx-026 you buy is pure, safe, and quality.
We strongly recommend buying GTx026 from Sarms4You. SARMSx is another good choice, although their prices are typically higher than other retailers.
In addition to price and overall value, it’s vital to research the reputation and customer satisfaction levels of any online store that sells SARMs.
Frequently Asked Questions
  How Long Does It Take for GTx-026 to Work?
The first benefits of GTx-026 are typically noticeable in the first two or three weeks.
You will start to feel some changes within your body and begin to experience the muscle growth and fat loss benefits.
After one month or more of continual use, you’re almost certain to see big changes.
Does GTx-026 Require a PCT?
SARMs, including GTx-026, do not typically require a post cycle therapy (PCT).
It’s still smart to take them on a cycle, just that you don’t need to cycle time off for the same amount of time as time taken.
A good start is to try GTx-026 for approximately 12 weeks before taking a 4-week break.
How Long is a Good GTx 026 Cycle?
Most of those that use GTx026 recommend taking it in three-month cycles.
They’ll take it for approximately 12 weeks at a time before cycling off of it for 4 weeks.
Of course, the exact best way to use GTx 026 depends on your body’s reaction to the drug as well as your overall fitness goals.
Final Thoughts
GTx-026 is an exciting new SARM from GTx Inc.Though it was initially developed to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy, it’s proven to have extremely powerful lean muscle mass growth benefits.
My goal with this website is to help educate you on all of the best and most recently developed SARMs available on the market.
A huge part of the success of this website is user feedback. If you’ve used GTx 026 before, I’d love to hear from you.
The same goes for any questions. I’m here to answer any questions that you might have about GTx026 or other SARMs. Just leave your question in the comments below.
The post GTx-026: Powerful SARM to Build Lean Muscle Mass appeared first on 101SARMs.
GTx-026: Powerful SARM to Build Lean Muscle Mass published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
SARMS4YOU: Our New #1 Rated Sarms Store!
I’ll be real with you. The SARMs game is changing. You need to check out this Sarms4You review now before it’s too late to buy sarms in the usa.
Ever since the Sarms Control Act of 2018 was announced, vendors have been shutting down. First, Choice Compounds closed their doors. Now IRC.bio is closing as well.
Many vendors are having trouble processing credit cards as well. Some companies have even resorted to taking bank transfers and western union payments.
Can you say sketchy?
So what do you do when you want to buy sarms before the upcoming ban? Luckily we have an answer for you. This is our Sarms4You review.
9.9 / 10 Reviewer
Go to Sarms4You
Simply the best SARMs store out there. Their products are pure, they accept credit and debit cards, and their shipping is insanely fast.
We love this store and will be placing more orders. Seriously, their products are legit!
Our Sarms4You Review
To get things started, let’s talk about this company and why we’ve grown to trust them.
First of all, they are based in Holland. That means that they have a huge advantage over US retailers. Stores here in America are getting shut down left and right, and there’s currently nobody out there that can accept credit or debit cards for payments.
Sarms4You is proudly accepting credit cards, along with a whole host of other payment options. Their store automatically converts Euros to US Dollars for people like us living in the USA.
Their Lineup of Products
Sarms4You has a huge lineup of different products, and they specialize in SARMs. They stock “the big 8” which is 99% of the products that most people are looking for.
They sell Capsules!
Oh boy! Finally a company that gets it right. We were SO tired of the nasty liquids that all these other companies are creating in bathtubs. It’s hard as hell to dose and it tastes like garbage. Sarms4You sells encapsulated sarms so you know exactly what you’re getting. No more worrying about spilling liquids or gag-inducing tastes.
They have their own PCT supplement
Another great thing they sell is their own PCT stack. It works by naturally increasing your testosterone levels while you are not running a sarms cycle. This is fantastic. They also sell a cycle support supplement which is meant to be taken while you are on cycle.
They have ARA for Cheap
ARA is probably the most powerful “natural” muscle enhancer out there. They have it for a very affordable price.
Is Sarms4You Legit?
The biggest question is whether or not Sarms4You is legit or not. We decided to order one of EVERY one of the products that they sell and have it shipped to america for a review. Here’s what we found.
Every single SARM was sent to a lab and checked for purity. Each result came back at over 99% pure. Houston, we have liftoff.
Shipping time
The biggest thing I hear from people who don’t want to order from overseas is the shipping time. We paid for the normal shipping rate and it took exactly 7 days to get here. Not bad at all! I’ve had sarms from american companies that take longer than that.
Customer service
We reached out to the owners of Sarms4You to see how quick they would respond. They emailed us back within 5 MINUTES. I can’t remember the last time a company got back to us so quickly.
Sarms4You is incredibly well priced when compared to some of the other options out there. They’re focused on providing top quality products at the lowest possible price. We compared them to some of the other competitiona and found that out of all the companies we looked at, they scored in the best 10% for prices.
Sarms4You Coupons and Discounts
A lot of people ask about discounts and coupons for Sarms4You. Occasionally you will see them advertise some codes on their website. Their products are already so aggressively priced so when you see something go on sale I would definitely snatch it up.
So here’s the moment everyone was waiting for. We tried our bulk stack using only SARMS4YOU products. This is what we found.
Day one: Immidiately feeling stronger right off the first dose. Weights went up and amount of reps we could do went up as well.
Day five: By this time, I weigh 5 pounds more than I did when I started and my partner has gained 7 pounds!!
Day ten: Both of us are absolutely killing it in the gym. Strength is up, so is vascularity and endurance. This stuff is legit.
Day 30: By this time we both acheived our goals so we ended the stacks. I ended up gaining 17lbs and he gained a total of 14lbs. Not bad at all for one month in the gym! The only difference was taking the products from Sarms4You.com
Here’s the real deal. There’s no longer any good sources of sarms in the USA anymore. At first, we were skeptical about ordering from overseas. But now, we’ve found by far the best source of sarms on the planet. These guys have legit products that work, period. Their prices are amazing, and best of all they take credit cards! If you want to buy sarms with a credit card, these guys will be happy to have your business.
This is BY FAR the best store we’ve ever reviewed. We hope you found this sarms4you review helpful!
The post SARMS4YOU: Our New #1 Rated Sarms Store! appeared first on 101SARMs.
SARMS4YOU: Our New #1 Rated Sarms Store! published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
USA SARMs Review: American Made SARMS
Finding the best source of SARMs can be a challenge. We’ve dealt with the best and the worst. There are a few things that you can do to ensure that you are buying your SARMs from the right place. Going over reviews of the sellers is often one of the best options at your disposal. Luckily, you’ve landed on our USA SARMs Review.
Over the course of today’s review, we’ll be taking a look at USASARMs.com, one of the more prevalent providers of these compounds. Whether or not you have heard of USA SARMs before will shortly be irrelevant. We will be covering them in complete detail and looking at their services and products.
By the end of this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to find out whether or not you want to purchase your SARMs from this vendor. As usual, we will be using our favorite SARMs seller as a benchmark for USA SARMs, and that site will be Choice Compounds.
6.9 / 10 Reviewer
Click here to go to our recommended store
USA Made, good customer service
Some people questioning purity. Prices are also higher than average.
USA SARMs is a decent store for buying sarms online. They don’t beat out Choice Compounds of Proven Peptides, but they are by no means a bad store.
USA SARMs Review
USA SARMs is one of the more reliable sources of SARMs on the market, and that is not just general perception. Every one of the products on their site is developed in research facilities in the USA. You don’t have to worry about your SARMs being tainted with fluff or prohormones.
This provider understands that customers are wary of what they are putting into their bodies. They ensure that their SARMs are tested for purity and consumer safety. If you are worried about trying SARMs due to perceived poor quality control, then there are few producers as trustworthy as USA SARMs.
Besides improved SARMs purity over the competition, USA SARMs also tends to offer a much more extensive selection of products than the competition. They pride themselves on it. In fact, right after we take a look at a few relevant aspects of USA SARMs, we’ll dive right into their selection.
Some of the best and purest compounds
They adhere to all relevant and necessary regulations
Improved stock and selection over competitors
Reliable customer service department
Choice of liquid SARMs or SARMs powder
Range of Available Products
As I just mentioned, USA SARMs has one of the most extensive ranges of SARMs available. Also, every one is made in an American facility. Regardless of whether you prefer pre-diluted SARMs or you would rather purchase the concentrated powder and dilute it yourself, USA SARMs has you covered.
Let’s go over just a taste of what this seller has in stock:
And many more of the most popular choices
Most of the SARMs that I just mentioned are also available in powdered form. Powder is superior for those who know the exact concentration that works best for them. As always, powder is not recommended for beginners. You don’t want to end up over- or under-diluting your SARMs and ruining them.
Available Sizes and Their Prices
When looking for powder, you will find that USA SARMs sells them in several different quantities. They do not change from product to product. All of their powdered SARMs come available in containers of either 1, 5, or 10 grams. This gives you a wide range of options for your needs.
The price range for powdered SARMs ranges from just over 30 dollars to just over 800 dollars for the most substantial amount of YK-11. As always, the more quantity that you end up buying, the less that you will end up spending per gram.
Liquid SARMs, on the other hand, tend to be more affordable because their dilution means that you will get less of the actual SARMs. This option is ideal for both beginners and advanced SARMs users since there is a wide range of different concentrations that you can choose from.
As we mentioned, liquid SARMs have a bit more reasonable of a price range. This is especially true when you compare them to their powdered counterparts. From 40 dollars to 440, there is a wide variation of prices for different sizes and concentrations of liquid SARMs which makes them more of a reasonable choice for those who are new to SARMs.
One final thing to consider is the range of concentrations in which you will find USA SARMs’ products available. The lowest concentration available for their liquid SARMs is 5 mg per ml, on the other hand, the highest possible concentration is 60 mg per ml, giving you a decent number of options.
USA SARMs Results
As always, one of the most important things to consider is purity. Better purity means better results. After a rigorous testing program, we discovered that USA SARMs’ products are pure.
If you want to make sure that you get the best results possible, you will need to know the best SARMs to use. This is where research comes into play. Thankfully, USA SARMs also provides a little bit of information so that you can have an idea of what you are buying.
Is USA SARMs Legit?
In our experiences with USA SARMs, we had relatively few issues with deliveries and the quality of the compounds that we purchased. If you are worried about getting ripped off by your SARMs provider, you will have few issues with this seller.
At one point, we encountered an issue when we mistyped our delivery address. We were shown just how helpful USA SARMs is when we called up customer services. The company had our problem sorted out in moments. Also. the package was on its way to us by the next day.
While USASARMs may not be able to match Choice Compounds in effectiveness, they are very close to doing so. If you want a source of SARMs that you can be sure comes from America, few competitors can match the reputation of USASARMs.com.
The post USA SARMs Review: American Made SARMS appeared first on 101SARMs.
USA SARMs Review: American Made SARMS published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
Geo Peptides Review
SARMs are one of the best ways for you to improve your workout routine safely and quickly. If you don’t want to fill your body with steroids or other chemicals that can potentially cause you harm in the long run, studies demonstrate that SARMs are one of the safer alternatives available.
If you have never used SARMs before, it is understandable that the full range of options that you can choose from can get a little bit overwhelming. That is why you need the right seller. The best SARMs vendors will be able to simultaneously inform you about what you’re buying while offering an excellent product.
In today’s review, we are going to be looking at Geo Peptides. They mainly deal with peptides, but they do stock a lot of sarms. Before we get into the details about their SARMs, let’s take a look at Geo Peptides themselves. We’ll also look at what their mission is regarding their products and customers.
Geo Peptides
6.4 / 10 Reviewer
Click here to go to our recommended store
Good selection of peptides, some good sarms on there as well.
Website design is sloppy, sarms are expensive, limited selection of sarms.
Overall, there are plenty of good options out there for buying sarms online. Geo peptides delivers, but in our opinion there are much better options out there.
Geo Peptides Review
Geo Peptides is one of the more versatile vendors of SARMs on the internet. They do far more than just sell those compounds. As you may have deduced from the name, Geo Peptides’ primary source of income consists of peptides. But don’t take this to mean that their SARMs are subpar in any way.
Seeing as Geo Peptides is such a massive vendor of several different compounds, they have several specialized departments that ensure that they handle the product you are purchasing correctly. You won’t have to worry about getting peptides instead of SARMs from this site, or vice versa.
In addition to the compounds that they sell, Geo Peptides also has a storefront for durable medical equipment. There is typically a deal of the day so you should often visit to see if your preferred compound will go on sale. It is evident that Geo Peptides is a company that looks after their loyal customers.
One final thing to note about Geo Peptides is that they also feature many educational resources on their site. This makes them an excellent choice for those who are purchasing SARMs for the first time. If you lack experience with these compounds, merely check the FAQ on their site.
Several available resources for Peptide and SARMs information
Wide range of products available
They have more than just compounds in stock
Based in the USA
Daily sales
What Does Geo Peptides Sell?
Seeing as we are reviewing the SARMs that you can get from Geo Peptides, we’ll only include a cursory overview of the products apart from them. As we already mentioned, the most popular product that Geo Peptides sells is their peptides, which comes as little surprise when you consider their name.
Other than peptides, you will also find other chemicals apart from SARMs stocking their (virtual) shelves, which gives you further options if you also use those to supplement your gains. Finally, they also have a stock of durable medical equipment available on their site, should you require it.
Regardless, let’s take a look at what you came here for; the SARMs:
Of course, this is only a small selection of the SARMs that they have available. It would be long to list all of them out, especially considering the range of concentrations in stock.
Interestingly enough, Geo Peptides offers an option for custom SARMs as well. You can purchase a combination of two SARMs in one package. While this option may not be of as much use to beginner users, if you know exactly what works best for your workout routine, you will be using it quite a bit.
Sizes, Prices, and More
All of the SARMs from Geo Peptides come in liquid form, making them more accessible for all users. This may be a bit of an inconvenience for advanced SARMs users. Of course, it comes as little surprise that powdered SARMs are not available from a site that primarily deals with peptides.
Some, but not all, of the SARMs from Geo Peptides are available in either 30 ml bottles or 60 ml bottles. The latter being less common. Many of the SARMs on the Geo Peptides site go on sale regularly, so if your preferred option is a little too pricey, we’d recommend waiting a little bit.
Prices for liquid SARMs are all below 100 dollars, which is reasonable. One bad thing is that this site doesn’t offer very high concentrations. Overall, the storefront for SARMs is what you would expect from a company that doesn’t deal with them primarily.
Is Geo Peptides Legit?
As with any SARMs retailer, it is understandable if you want to know about the legitimacy of this business. They seem to pass this test. The biggest risk when purchasing from Geo Peptides is being unsure what you want and getting the wrong SARMs.
After a rigorous routine using a sampler of most of the SARMs available from Geo Peptides, we found that they were above average. While Geo Peptides may not market their SARMs as much as their peptides, their quality is better than you would expect from a secondary product.
We used a stack that was focused mainly on gains, though we switched to a cycle that emphasized cutting near the end. Both of the routines were made far easier through the use of the SARMs that we tested out. It bears repeating that this is an excellent source of SARMs for first-time buyers with a lower tolerance.
Of course, Geo Peptides is not as effective for those looking for the best SARMs as a dedicated platform like Choice Compounds. In addition to a broader selection of SARMs and more information, Choice Compounds also has peptides that rival those of Geo Peptides.
We hope that this review has been able to provide all of the info that you need about Geo Peptides and we wish you luck with your workout regimen.
The post Geo Peptides Review appeared first on 101SARMs.
Geo Peptides Review published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
Elite Sarms Review: Austrailia’s Hottest SARMs Supplier
Finding the best place to buy your SARMs can be risky business. If you are looking to buy SARMs, it is safe to assume that you care about the health of your body. You are actively seeking to improve it. Why would you want to pollute your body with fake chemicals when there are plenty of providers of real SARMs? Luckily you’ve landed on our elite sarms review.
Elite Sarms
7.5 / 10 Reviewer
Our #1 Pick for Buying SARMS: Click Here
Great stacks, good customer service, good reputation and purity standards.
Not worth the extra cost if you don’t live in Australia.
Elite SARMs is a great choice for buying SARMs if you live in Austrailia. We’re a fan of the clean site layout and good customer service.
The hardest part of using SARMs is finding the right retailer, and that is what we are here to help you with. Over the course of this review, we will be taking a look at Elite SARMs. This company is based out of Sydney, Australia. Their mission is to make the best SARMs possible.
Of course, just because this company is based in Sydney, it doesn’t mean you can’t order their SARMs. As long as you are willing to pay the cost of shipping, you can buy from them. However, keep in mind that there is a more versatile option in www.choicecompounds.com.  This is true if you are located in America.
Let’s take a closer look at Elite SARMs’ intentions and some further details about their company. Then we will examine the products that they have available.
Elite SARMs Review
As we have already mentioned, Elite SARMs is an Australian company. If you live down under, or if you are planning a trip there, you can rest assured that you will still have some SARMs. Being located in Australia, it will be challenging for them to deliver to many places around the world. That is one of their few flaws.
While the location may limit the number of customers that Elite SARMs can cater to, they make up for it in virtually every other way that they can. Elite SARMs, as is hinted at in their name, sells to those who are looking for the highest quality SARMs on the market, but don’t want to break the bank.
Elite SARMs also has a website that is laid-out very well by the standards of most SARMs sellers. This is due to the different regulations in Australia, where they can still be marketed for what they are. In America, SARMs will have to be marketed as research chemicals. This severely limits companies’ ability to advertise the effects of their substances.
Notable Aspects
They provide more info about their products than most other retailers
Located in Australia
SARMs are still research grade
Products are non-toxic and fit for safe consumption
They offer premade stacks for beginners
You can filter the products by workout goals
What is Available from Elite SARMs?
Having read over those aspects, you may have noticed that Elite SARMs is entirely different from most of the providers available in the USA. Due to the restriction on how SARMs can be advertised, American sites leave much of the research up to you. Elite SARMs lets you know everything you need to up front.
Being able to filter the available SARMs based off of what you want to accomplish makes the buying process so much easier and more straightforward.
Another benefit to being able to advertise the effects of SARMs openly is that Elite SARMs can sell their own stacks while letting you know what purpose they are for. All of these features help make Elite SARMs an excellent source of quality SARMs as well as one of the best places to do your research.
Even if you don’t end up buying anything after reading our Elite SARMs review, it is likely that you will end up leaving their site having learned something about how you can use SARMs more effectively. Let’s go over some of the SARMs that you will find available from them, as well as some custom stacks:
Build and Shred Stack
Hard and Shredded Stack
Fat Burner Stack
And so much more
Prices, Concentrations, and Sizes
All of the SARMs in liquid form from Elite SARMs come in 30 ml bottles. The concentration will vary between substances. We noticed that concentrations tend to be a little bit weaker than on other sites, including Choice Compounds. For example, YK-11, which is usually available at 15 mg per ml, is only 10 mg per ml.
Even though you can’t choose different sizes, if you purchase more than three bottles of a specific substance, then you will be eligible for a 10% rebate. This encourages bulk purchases. Prices are also a little higher than you would expect from some of the more barebones storefronts. To us, that comes as little surprise.
Perhaps the biggest issue will be getting the compounds delivered to you if you live outside of Australia, as the shipping costs will be very steep. Still, if you are dedicated to finding the best SARMs possible, then you might just want to give Elite SARMs a try.
Is Elite SARMs Legit?
We understand that everything that we have said over the course of this review may sound too good to be true, especially for customers who are used to dealing with American SARMs companies. Thankfully, we found in our Elite SARMs review that they are one of the most reliable marketplaces available.
Customer service quality was excellent when it was required (which was not that often). And the SARMs themselves were highly impressive. We tried both our own stacks and one of theirs to see how they compared, and we found that they were both of roughly equal effectiveness.
Of course, more advanced users will rarely need premade SARMs stacks as they already know exactly what they like, but they are a massive aid for those who are new to the world of SARMs. Shipping wasn’t necessarily as quick as we would have liked, but that is unfortunately the cost of dealing with Elite SARMs.
As you can see from our Elite SARMs review, this is one of the best sources in Australia, and if it weren’t for Choice Compounds, we might say that they are the best in the world. We hope that this review has been able to help you decide on the right source for your SARMs, and we wish you luck!
The post Elite Sarms Review: Austrailia’s Hottest SARMs Supplier appeared first on 101SARMs.
Elite Sarms Review: Austrailia’s Hottest SARMs Supplier published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
SARMs Recomp Stack 2018
It’s that time of year again. Summer is coming up, and you want to look your best. Maybe you spent all winter making gains and building up muscle. Regardless, having a good sarms recomp stack ready can help you lose fat while gaining muscle.
In the past, “recomping” was a term reserved for people who could afford to spend thousands of dollars on dangerous steroids and HGH. It was thought in the past to be impossible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.
Thankfully, there’s some cutting-edge technology that’s been introduced for use by the general public. They’re called SARMs, and they will blow you out of the water. Previously these were only available to extreme athletes. but now thanks to companies like Choice Compounds, they’re available for everybody.
In this article, we’re going to look at the best SARMs for you to achieve a full body recomposition. Whether you need to lose some weight and cut up, or you need to pack on the muscle, this stack will help you do both. Let’s take a look!
Your SARMs Recomp Stack
Before you start your taking your new SARMs recomp stack, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. As excellent as these SARMs are, they’re not a magical pill that’s going to work overnight. You will still need to maintain a clean diet and a regular exercise routine. However, if you’re consistent with your stack dosage, your routine, and your diet, then you will achieve results.
A Few Words About Diet
While you’re taking these SARMs your body is going to have some extra needs. In addition to eating healthy foods and staying away from the potato chips you’ll also need to:
Drink at least a gallon of water a day to help your body stay hydrated and break down the SARMs.
Eat a high-protein diet to make sure that you’re able to build the most amount of muscle
Balance your carbs and your fat intake. Carbs are necessary for daily energy, but you need to eat healthy fats (mono and polyunsaturated) to stimulate your metabolism.
For a recomposition, you need to train for both fat loss and muscle gain. The best way to achieve that is to combine High-Intensity Interval Training into your regular weightlifting routine. HIIT will allow your body to shred fat. These workouts only last for 15-20 minutes at a time. Because of this, you won’t have to worry about them hurting your muscle gains.
Best SARMs for Recomposition
Now that you know some basic diet and training information let’s take a look at the SARMs for recomping. These sarms will allow you to achieve your full-body recomposition in record time.
MK 677
This SARM is essential for a recomp and offers several great all-around benefits. The best benefit of MK 677 is that it increases your HGH levels. It will also improve sleep quality. Your body will need the extra HGH and sleep to help recovery and burn fat while you rest.
MK 677 also helps to balance out your body’s Nitrogen levels which allows your body to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. It will also increase your vascularity and give you a better “pump” when you are working out.
Cardarine is another wide-spectrum SARM. It was initially developed to help reduce cholesterol levels, but exercise scientists have found out that is has quite a few other benefits as well. For one, it boosts your natural metabolism levels which can lead to increased fat loss.
The second major benefit that Cardarine will give you is increased healing ability. This will lower the possibility of you sustaining a lasting injury from overtraining. This is very common with people who are trying to do a full-body recomp.
SR 9009
Sometimes called Stenabolic, this SARM is going to help you take your fat loss to the next level. It does this through a couple of different methods. The first is that it decreases your insulin levels. This means that your body is going to be far less likely to store fat in the first place.
The second thing that SR 9009 will do for you is that it will allow you to up your cardiovascular endurance. You will be able to do your HIIT workouts at a far higher intensity, and you will be able to keep up the fast pace for a longer amount of time. This will allow your body to get the most out of every cardio workout.
LGD 4033
This SARM is essential for your recomp stack. This is the chemical that’s going to allow your to build huge amounts of muscle in a short period. Your body treats LGD 4033 in the same manner that it treats anabolics. You will gain hard, dry, muscle, while losing fat.
Best SARMs Recomp Stack For Beginners
This may be the first time that you’ve ever done a recomposition or may be the first time you’re using SARMs. If that’s the case, then I’ve made a good SARMs recomp stack for beginners. If you’re new to this whole thing, then you should start with a cycle of this before moving onto more my more advanced stack listed below.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 LGD 4033 5mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 15mg Cardarine 10mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 30mg
Best SARMs Recomp Stack For Extreme Results
If you’re an experienced bodybuilder and you’ve had some experience with using SARMs, then this is stack that you need to use. It is guaranteed to give you some incredible results.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 LGD 4033 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg Cardarine 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg SR9009 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg MK 677 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg
Note: This is an extreme sarms recomping stack. You will swap out 10lbs of fat for 10lbs of muscle. People will accuse you of taking steroids. Only follow this stack if you are experienced!
The best way to get these SARMs is to head on over to Choice Compounds. They’re who I get my own SARMs from, and I recommend them to all my friends. Choice Compounds has a great lineup of products, and most of all, none of their SARMs contain fake fillers.
Cycle Instructions
When you’re doing a SARM cycle, you need to stick to the recommended methods of dosing. If you try to diverge and do things your own way, then you may be sacrificing performance and gains.
Dosage Timing
Because most of these SARMs have short half-lives (especially the SR 9009), the smartest way to take this stack is to split it up between morning and night. You should take your full stack in the morning, but at half of the dosage that I listed above. Eat a healthy breakfast, and go about your day.
After you’ve done your daily workout and eaten your dinner, take the other half of your stack. This will ensure that you have a good flow of SARMs through your body at all hours of the day.
Support Supplements
Although these aren’t necessary, they will help you out in the long run:
Omega-3 Oil Capsules. These will help prevent joint injury during intense training sessions.
Zinc 50mg. If you take one of these a day, it will boost your natural energy levels and cause an increase in testosterone which will lead to more gains.
Multi-Vitamin. This will keep your immune system in good condition.
Post Cycle Therapy
After you’ve completed a full cycle of SARMs, then you will have pushed your body to its limits. A full body recomp can be very stressful on your HPTA system. Individual sarms don’t usually cause shutdown, but stacks can. This is especially true if you run sarms for a long period of time.
I recommend that you go pickup some nolvadex. It is sold under the generic name Tamoxifen. Choice Compounds stocks this chemical as well as many other suppliers. Take 20mg a day for 4 to 6 weeks following your stack.
Final Words
If you’ve gotten out of shape, and want to achieve the best results in the shortest amount of time, then this SARMs recomp stack is the best way to get there. You’re guaranteed to drop the blubber, and pack on pounds of high-quality muscle tissue.
The best place to get your SARMs is at Choice Compounds. Unlike many competitors on the market, they provide their customers with top-notch chemicals. They don’t use fillers or any other junk. What you see, is what you get- 100% pure SARMs.
If you have any other questions, please leave me a comment below!
The post SARMs Recomp Stack 2018 appeared first on 101SARMs.
SARMs Recomp Stack 2018 published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
Best SARMs Strength Stack for 2018
Finding the best sarms strength stack can be tough. There are quite a few sarms out there to choose from. Some are great for building strength, but some are geared more for cutting/gaining weight. Today we are going to look at two sarms stacks for strength. If you follow these protocols, you will break PRs, gain muscle, and achieve a hard, dry look.
Before You Start Your SARMs Strength Stack
Let’s go over some critical matters that you should address before starting your SARMs strength stack. While it may seem like it, SARMs are not a type of miracle substance. They will give you maximum results if you follow a strict prototypical of diet and exercise. Let’s talk about some modifications you will want to make before starting your sarms strength stack:
High Protein Diet
Your diet will determine a good part of your results. It is crucial to inrease your protein intake while on a sarms stack. Regardless of whether you are bulking, cutting, or building strength, your diet is a cornerstone of your routine.
Most trainers will recommend 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight while training. I’d recommend increasing that even further. If you are on a strenth stack with sarms, you’ll want to increase that to 1.5g/lb. So if you weight 200lbs, aim for 300g protein.
Beyond your diet, you will also need to take a close look at your training routine.  Volume training (like I discuss in the bulking stack guide) will lead to increased muscle mass. But if you a purely aiming to increase strength, you’ll want to do less reps.
Two good programs for increasing strength are Stronglifts 5×5 and 531. You can google both routines and pick which one is best for you. Stronglifts is an easy, fun progression. I’d recommend it for anyone.
Best SARMs for Strength
If you’re looking to find the best SARMs stack for strength, you need to know which SARMs are synergistic. Stacking them will give you the most bang for your buck. You can find these sarms at choice compounds when you’re ready to buy.
LGD 4033
This SARM is the backbone to any sarms strength stack. In addition to making you physically stronger, you will find that LGD 4033 is also capable of adding quality muscle mass. As you may know, weight gain is an instrumental part of building muscle. Due to this, LGD 4033 helps on two fronts for bodybuilders who are looking to increase strength.
YK 11
You may not have heard of YK 11 because it is a relatively recent introduction to the SARMs market. It is not as popular as some of your other options. Don’t let that fool you because YK 11 is perfect for building up pure muscle mass. It’s also insanely powerful when it comes to building strength.
This compound is essentially a myostatin inhibitor. You can read more about it on my full writeup here. It interacts well with LGD 4033, and you won’t have to worry about any adverse side-effects.
MK 677
Often referred to is Ibutamoren, MK 677 is another compound that often accompanies strength stacks. This SARM works by flooding your system with growth hormone.  HGH targets your muscle tissue, building it up far faster than usual. It’s also known to shovel nutrients into your muscle (glycogen) which increases strength.
RAD 140
RAD 140 is referred to as Testolone, and it is currently being studied as a replacement for testosterone. It is a great all around SARM. I have found that it’s one of the best strength builders on the market. It’s mild, and it stacks extremely well with other sarms.
Best SARMs Strength Stack For Beginners
If you’re not an experienced bodybuilder, or if it’s your first time experimenting with SARMs, then you should start here. I’ve put together a great SARMs strength stack for you to achieve good results, but that won’t overstress your body.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 LGD 4033 10mg 10mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg YK 11 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg
Best SARMs Strength Stack For Extreme Results
If you’re a bodybuilder, or you’ve had considerable experience working out in the gym, then you’re ready to do the advanced stack. This is NOT for beginners and is guaranteed to give you extreme results.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 LGD 4033 10mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg YK 11 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg RAD 140 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg MK 677 12.5mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg
If you want extreme results, then you’ll want to use only the highest-quality products. Many cheap distributors are known for scamming their customers with products that contain a bunch of cheap fillers and fake animal hormones.
The crew over at Choice Compounds provides some of the best SARMs on the market. All of their products are pure and contain none of these cheap fillers.
Cycle Instructions
A common mistake when starting your SARMs strength stack is to want tbe original and do things your own way. There’s no harm in experimenting. With that being said, I highly suggest you follow my guide to achieve the best results. I’ve been training guys for years and coached many people with sarms. Follow the procedues and you will get good results.
Dosage Timing
If you want to build strength, then you will need to make the most of your SARMs. The best way to see quick results is to time your doses in a way that ensures you have a constant supply of the chemical in your bloodstream.
Most SARMs have relatively quick half-lives and aren’t meant to stay in your system for more than 16-18 hours at a time. The best way to ensure that your SARM stack is always bioavailable is to split your dosing up into a twice-daily routine. Take half of your SARM dosage in the morning with breakfast. The other half can be taken at night with your dinner. Doing that will make sure your body will have a constant supply in your bloodstream.
Support Supplements
Additional supplementation isn’t necessary, but it’s still a good idea to take a few extra vitamins.
Omega-3 Fish Oil. This will keep your joints in good health and prevent overstraining during your weight lifting workouts.
Vitamin D. Helps to boost your body’s natural energy levels.
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2). Helps your body break down and utilize fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Post Cycle Therapy
After you complete your SARMs strength stack, your body will be exhausted. You might experience minor shutodown. Most of the sarms above don’t cause shutdown by themselves. When you stack them though, it can happen.
Choice Compounds has a few great compounds that will greatly aid in your body’s recovery process. Nolvadex (tamoxifen) will jump start you natural testosterone process. Take 20mg a day for 4 to 6 weeks. Start your first dose of Nolva 2 days after your last dose of sarms.
Final Words
If you’re looking for a SARMs strength stack that will build muscle and power like never before, then this is the one for you. It’s a stack that I have used personally, and one that I have tested on quite a few others as well. The results are mind-blowing every time.
It’s very important, however, that you get high-quality SARMs. There are quite a few shady distributors on the internet that will give your fake SARMs that are made up of animal hormones, caffeine, and sugary fillers. These will do nothing for you and can even set your gains back by weeks.
If you want to get the best SARMs on the market, then you need to shop at Choice Compounds. They have some of the highest-quality supplements that you can find on the market, and I recommend them to all of my friends. There are absolutely no fillers, and you are sure to achieve explosive strength gains with their products.
If you have any more questions, please leave me a comment below!
The post Best SARMs Strength Stack for 2018 appeared first on 101SARMs.
Best SARMs Strength Stack for 2018 published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
SARMs Cutting Stack: How to Get Ripped Fast in 2018
If you’re trying to get the definition you need in your muscles, and you have tried everything, SARMs can give you that last push to get it done. Unfortunately, getting the right SARMs cutting stack can be more of a challenge than you would expect. Luckily, you don’t have to worry. We’ve put together the sarms cutting stack you’re looking for.
Over the course of this guide, we’ll discuss some of the best SARMs for cutting. We’ll also show you some tables that go over the info that you will want to know.
This comprehensive article should cover everything that you need to know to get started with your SARMs cutting stack, so let’s get right into it.
Before Starting Your SARMs Cutting Stack
There are some things that you will want to account for before you start your SARMs cutting stack. Doing so will make it much easier to get the tone and definition you want in your muscles. These two things are your diet and your exercise routine, so let’s start with the former.
The Importance of Diet
Whenever you’re trying to change your body in any way, diet will be crucial. Some of the most important things to consider about your diet are as follows:
Keep your protein intake consistent if you want to improve your muscle mass
Don’t radically change your diet from day to day
Make sure that you eat both before and after your workout to seal in your efforts
Exercise Regimen
The second thing that you will have to consider is how you are going to organize your workouts. This is mostly a personal matter, and there isn’t much advice we can give you as everyone who wants to cut is likely looking at different muscle groups.
One crucial thing to do is to ensure that you work out consistently, but you don’t want to burn yourself out. Push hard in the gym and get adequate rest. As long as you have a proper rest period, you should be fine. Sarms will prevent your body from getting fatigued during cutting.
Best SARMs for Cutting
While most SARMs will help you out if you are trying to cut more efficiently, you will find that some of them are superior to others. Before we get to the exact numbers that you will have to use, let’s take a look at some of the ones that we will be recommending for your cutting stack.
If you find that other SARMs than the ones we recommend work better for you, make sure that you use the same concentration. You can find any of these SARMs available for sale from Choice Compounds, one of the more reliable suppliers of these chemicals.
Ostarine is one of the more useful and widely-used SARMs due to its versatility. When you compare Ostarine to some of the other available options, it is slightly less specialized, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. If you don’t know what you want out of your SARMs, or you are looking for several results, Ostarine is a good choice.
You should have few issues with suppression, provided you know how to use Ostarine responsibly. This SARM is sometimes referred to by the name enobosarm.
SR9009 is also known by the slightly less scientific-sounding name of Stenabolic. This SARM is an excellent choice for someone looking to cut because it doesn’t focus as much on building up sheer muscle mass. What it does do is make it easier to exercise for longer periods of time. This is essential when cutting.
SR9009 also shovels nutrients into your muscles. This prevents catabolism when you are eating a resticted amount of calories. There’s nothing worse than losing muscle while on a diet. Stenabolic prevents that from happening.
Andarine is one of the more popular SARMs because it is pretty straightforward with what it does. You will find that this substance makes it substantially easier to build up muscle mass with a restricted calorie intake. This chemical is also referred to as S4. It’s also very good at burning fat, which makes it ideal for cutting.
Cardarine is a miracle SARM. I know a lot of people that run it year round. It’s great at cutting down your fat and helping with energy. The biggest thing is that it increases your cardivascular ability. With Cardarine, you will run faster, run longer, and shred fat.
Best SARMs Cutting Stack for Beginners
The first of the stacks that we are going to take a look at is a little more moderate. It is an ideal choice for anyone, whether you are a first-time user or a veteran of SARMs. If you are only looking for a little bit of support in your cutting, then this will also help you out.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Ostarine 10mg 20mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg Cardarine 10mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg
As you can see, there is a bit more of a gradual dosage in this one than in the next stack. The next stack is for extreme athletes only. It’s more advanced and full speed. Let’s move on to the next stack so you can get an idea of what we mean by this.
Best SARMs Cutting Stack for Extreme Results
If you are sick and tired of SARMs stacks that are doing little to help you out and you want to see results now, then you’re ready for this stack. We would highly recommend experience with SARMs before using it.  You will need to know about proper dosage and monitor your health.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Ostarine 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg Cardarine 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg 30mg Sr9009 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg Andarine 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg 50mg
This stack will get you results like you won’t believe. I’ve trained high profile athletes who follow this same protocol. With that being said, you will also have to show an excessive amount of commitment to your protocol. Don’t skip doses and stick to your diet. As long as you keep at it, this stack is a gateway to a ripped body.
Cycle Instructions
First you need to have acquired your SARMs from a trusted source. We recommend Choice Compounds. Also, there are a few things that you will want to consider when you are getting started with your cycle. Let’s take a look at them.
Dosage Timing
One of the more important things that you can do is timing your doses correctly. That will help your blood absorb the SARMs better. If you are taking larger doses, you will want to spread them out over the course of the day.
Some SARMs users choose to take one dose in the morning and another at night. Others will split their doses into quarters and take one every six hours. It is up to you how you time your doses, but we recommend splitting them.
Support Supplements
Since SARMs don’t have that heavy of an effect on your body, there are only a few supplements that I would recommend:
Vitamins (taken with plenty of water and food)
Protein powder/creatine
Taurine (if you expereince muscle cramps from bigger pumps)
Post Cycle Therapy
Doing a proper post cycle therapy after running a sarms stack is extremely important. While individual sarms don’t cause shutdown very often, stacks can increase that risk. Some people opt for an over the counter PCT supplement after a sarms cycle. Usually that’s fine, but I always recommend Nolvadex. It’s prescription only, but you can actually buy it as a research chemical since it is unscheduled. Take 20mg a day for six weeks for best results. Start dosing your PCT the day after you stop taking your sarms.
Final Words
I hope that these sarms cutting stacks can help guide you in the right direction. I promise if you follow the protcols, you will be ripped like never before. Stay active in the gym, don’t skip doses, and keep that protein intake high. Good luck!
The post SARMs Cutting Stack: How to Get Ripped Fast in 2018 appeared first on 101SARMs.
SARMs Cutting Stack: How to Get Ripped Fast in 2018 published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
Best SARMs Bulking Stack: Gain Insane Amounts of Muscle
Getting good results from a bulking cycle can be difficult. It’s especially difficult if you were born with a small frame and have a hard time gaining weight. Luckily, a new class of performance enhancing compounds called SARMs can help you achieve your goals. Today we’re going to show you the best SARMs bulking stack.
In this article, we’re going to go over which SARMs are best for bulking. We will also give you two example stacks to run. The first bulking stack is for beginners. The second one is for the extreme athlete who wants to pack on an insane amount of muscle mass.
Before you start your SARMs bulking stack
There are a few things you should know before jumping on a SARMs bulking stack. Making sure that your diet is in check is always a necessity. Also, following a consistent training program is vital as well while on cycle.
A few words about diet
The number one thing you need to remember while on your bulking sarms cycle is to always keep your diet on point. Here are a few tips to remember:
Keep your protein intake high. Shoot for at least 1g of protein per lb of body weight.
Try to drink a gallon of water per day.
Carbs after a big workout will help you gain muscle.
Training routine
It’s crucial to follow a strict training protocol. I personally like to switch over to a high volume routine when I’m bulking on sarms. You can look into German Volume Training if you’re up for a challenge. If your main goal is to gain strength, I recommend checking out my sarms stack for building strength.
The biggest thing to remember is to stay consistant. You should be in the gym at least 3 days a week. Preferably though, try to shoot for 6 days a week with one rest day.
Best SARMs for Bulking
Now that we have the basics out of the way, lets jump into the good stuff. SARMs are extremely effective for building muscle mass. While all of them are technically good choices for bulking, there are a few that really stand out. I’m going to give you a brief run down of each one before laying out two bulking cycles for you.
LGD 4033
LGD 4033 is a must have for any sarms bulking cycle. Out of all the available SARMs out there, LGD 4033 is one of the best for building quality muscle mass. It drastically increases protein synthesis, glycogen storage, and blood flow. You will experience bigger pumps, longer workout, and a faster recovery time. Best of all, LGD 4033 is one of the more inexpensive sarms on the market. There is no excuse to not be using it in your stack if you are bulking.
YK 11
Next on the list is one of my personal favorite SARMs. YK 11 is a real myostatin inhibitor. It is not hormonal and thus plays well with LGD. Simply put, YK 11 forces your body to build muscle mass rapidly. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: YK 11 is strong stuff. If you’re serious about transforming your physique, you’ll want to use this SARM in your stack.
Ostarine is a versatile SARM that can be used for both bulking and cutting cycles. It’s mild and causes very little suppression when used correctly.
MK 677
It’s commonly known that bodybuilders use human growth hormone to pack on insane amounts of size and strength. The problem with HGH is that it’s extremely expensive and needs to be injected frequently. MK 677 is your ticket to drastic increases of HGH. It is an oral solution that produces the same exact spike of growth hormone that real HGH does. It’s a fraction of the price as well. MK 677 has the added benefit of promoting quality sleep and also giving you better hair, skin, and nails.
SARMs Bulking Stack For Beginners
Now that you’re educated on the best sarms for bulking, it’s time to break down some example cycles. This first sarms bulking stack was designed for beginners who want to pack on five to ten pounds of muscle mass over a 6 week period. If you’re looking for more extreme results, there is another bulking stack below that can deliver more powerful results.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 LGD 4033 5mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 15mg MK 677 12.5mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 32.5mg
If you’d like to buy this stack, I recommend picking up your SARMs from Choice Compounds. They have the purest sarms (I’ve done my own 3rd party lab tests) at the best prices. You can also read our Choice Compounds review here.
Best SARMs Bulking Stack For Extreme Results
If you’re ready to take it to the next level, then this is the stack for you. This is my personal bulking cycle, and I have used it for years with great results. I have fine tuned this bulking stack to produce the best results possible over an 8 week period. Keep in mind that if you are going to run this bulking stack, then you must be committed. It’s either in or out. If you want to pack on 10 to 20lbs of muscle mass and look like a new person, then this is the stack you want to run.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 LGD 4033 5mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 15mg 15mg 15mg MK 677 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg 25mg YK 11 5mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 10mg 20mg 20mg 20mg Ostarine 10mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 20mg 40mg 40mg 40mg
Warning: This cycle was designed for extreme athletes only. Everyone around you will be asking you if you’re on steroids if you run this cycle. Only buy from reputable sources such as Choice Compounds.
Cycle Instructions
The first thing you want to do is buy your sarms bulking stack. Like I mentioned before, I recommend checking out Choice Compounds. I’ve been burned by suppliers providing cheap under dosed sarms before and it can ruin a cycle. Once you have your bulking sarms in hand, there are a few things I suggest you do while on cycle.
Dosage Timing
I suggest you split your doses to obtain a consistant blood plasma level. What that means is that if you are doing 10mg of a certain compound a day, you should take 5mg in the morning and 5mg at night. This is less important with some sarms (MK 677 has a very long half life), but I still choose to split all my doses between morning and night. It helps to get into a routine when you’re on your bulking cycle.
Support Supplements
There’s only a few key support supplements that I recommend while on a sarms bulking cycle. It’s not a total necessity, but if you’re going to go all in you might as well do it the right way.
Fish oil
Liver support such as milk thistle or TUDCA
Post Cycle Therapy
If you’re running the advanced cycle, then you’ll want to run a post cycle therapy. Doing so makes sure your body bounces back from all the hormone fluctuations. A lot of people choose not to and end up fine, but it’s usually best to play it safe with these kind of things. Choice Compounds carries everything you need for a successful post cycle therapy.
My personal recomendation for post cycle therapy is a compound called Tamoxifen. It’s cheap and it works well. Run 20mg a day for 8 weeks for the advanced cycle. Start taking it 3 days after your last dose. You can read my full guide on PCT for SARMs here.
Final Words
I want to wish you the best of luck with your sarms bulking stack. Remember that if you train hard and follow the stacks, you will obtain your goals. Feel free to post in the comments section below if you have any questions at all.
The post Best SARMs Bulking Stack: Gain Insane Amounts of Muscle appeared first on 101SARMs.
Best SARMs Bulking Stack: Gain Insane Amounts of Muscle published first on http://101sarms.com/
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susanbailey · 6 years
SARMS1 Review: Purity Tests, Prices, Coupons, and More
If you’ve done any research on how to boost your performance than you’ve no doubt heard of SARMs. This odd sounding word is just a handy acronym for selective androgen receptor modulators.
These compounds have been proven to give great results to both bodybuilders and athletes alike. There are many different options available, each with their separate benefits, but the SARMS1 reviews are evidence enough of their results.
6.5 / 10 Reviewer
Go to Our Recommended Store
Pure products, lots of great reviews.
Not a huge selection and extremely expensive.
SARMS1 is great if you want to pay for a name brand that spends thousands on advertising on forums. In our opinion, they are extremely overpriced.
SARMs are far safer than traditional anabolic steroids. After the bodybuilding rage of the 1980’s, the public began to realize just how bad anabolic steroid abuse had become. There were people who were juicing up with dangerous animal growth hormones, and the results were sometimes disastrous.
SARMs are far more targeted, and what better; they’re made for humans, not animals. They have significant effects on growth, muscle development, and recovery time. They don’t have the same awful side effects that steroids do such as acne, violent bouts of anger, and decreased sperm count.
I heard a lot about SARMS1.com recently and was told that they have some outstanding products. I did my research and found some SARMS1 coupons and discount codes, picked a few of their products up for myself, and decided that I would give my honest review of them.
SARMS1 Products
These guys sell selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) and stick to their guns. They don’t offer much in the way of additional research chemicals and compounds, so if you’re more interested in those, head over to ChoiceCompounds.com and check out their selection.
However, if you’re just looking for some SARMs for workout purposes, then SARMS1 are legit. They’ve been around for seven years now and have a good repute in gyms and among online forums alike. All of their products come in a powdered form and are easily added to food or water for administration. Let’s take a look at some of their top products.
Cardarine is an interesting SARM that binds to your body’s PPAR receptors and amplifies the gene that’s responsible for expressing energy. This means that you’ll have far more energy in both your daily activities and in the gym.
If your expending extra energy in the gym, then you’re going to get a lot more benefit from your workout. You’ll push your body to the point of absolute exhaustion, which will cause enhanced muscle breakdown, and result in explosive growth.
Ostabolic-Osta was originally developed for people who suffered from diseases which caused their bones and muscle tissue to wither away. This chemical has been proven to increase anabolic growth activity in both your muscles and bones.
As you can imagine, this is great for bodybuilders. It will cause rapid muscle growth, and strengthen your bones to withstand injury and be able to support all of your added muscular weight.
This is one of the latest products on the market and is growing very popular in the athletic community. Like ostabolic, it’s a SARM that was originally developed to treat patients who were made weak by disease. Anabolicum is a lot stronger, however.
If you want to build some unreal strength and see jaw-dropping results, then this supplement is definitely one that you need to check out.
Customer Service
To me, customer service is the greatest feature that any company can have, especially when I’m trusting them to send me chemicals that are going to rapidly change my body. I don’t want some shady people who are just trying to make a quick dollar off of me. I am proud to say that SARMS1 has a great support team, though. Let’s look at some details.
Safe and Confidential Delivery
SARMS1 packages all of their supplements in a box with secure padding to prevent any damage or excessive agitation to your compounds. This means that my orders are fresh and ready to use as soon as they arrive on my doorstep.
They also offer entirely confidential delivery, which I appreciate. I don’t want everybody knowing my business or what type of supplements that I use in my personal life. SARMS1 delivers all orders in a plain, unassuming package.
Return Policy
This is one area I feel that the company is lacking in. Their return policy is nonexistent. On their website, they claim that because these are research chemicals, the risk lies in the buyer’s hands. So make sure you do your research before making a purchase.
Personally, I’ve never had a problem with any of my orders. Everything has always arrived in the mail exactly as I ordered it. Just be sure to double check before confirming your order. If you’re looking for the best return policy on the market check out ChoiceCompounds.com.
SARMS1 Coupons
If you look around the web, you can find a few coupons and SARMS1 discounts. They are usually offered by forum webmasters and fitness coaches. They also have a newsletter that you can sign up for which they will sometimes provide promotions for.
SARMS1 Reviews
If you like to read reviews before purchasing a product, then you’re in luck with these guys. Most of their products have good reviews and a supplementary video that you can view to teach you all of the science of how the compound works. This means you will be making an informed decision every time.
The Verdict
If you’re looking to get a discount on some SARMs, then SARMS1 is a good distributor to order from. They are a little pricey initially, but if you can find one of the coupon codes, then you’ll be good to go. I’m not impressed with their nonexistent return policy, however.
It’s a toss-up. If you can find a great coupon, then these guys offer some excellent products, and they have a good reputation. Otherwise, they are a little too expensive for my taste, plus orders can take up to two weeks to arrive.
In my opinion, ChoiceCompounds.com still offers the best supplements for an affordable deal. They also have an incredibly fast turnaround time, which I much appreciate. Not to mention their product selection is far broader. So be sure to check them out as well!
The post SARMS1 Review: Purity Tests, Prices, Coupons, and More appeared first on 101SARMs.
SARMS1 Review: Purity Tests, Prices, Coupons, and More published first on http://101sarms.com/
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