swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Said something on Twitter about the rivalry of Bob The Builder and Handy Manny
(Poor Scoop in the MAD clip)
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Will do
I saw a drawing of Caine and Pomni on Instagram and it's so good. Thanks for getting me into liking Showtime
Rahhh!! Always happy to drag people into my comfort ship ☺️💕 you should show me the post 👀👉👈
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
This AU is a spinoff of my main human AU that takes inspiration from Anime and superhero shows that started off as a joke I made in the BTB discord server. I don't really have a proper name for this AU yet, but once I come up with one I'll update this post accordingly.
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This is this AU's version of Lofty! Most of his abilities come from his paintbrush, which has similar sorts of powers to the paintbrush used by Bowser Jr. in Super Mario Sunshine, while also borrowing aspects from the magic chalk from Chalkzone in the sense that Lofty can create helpful objects using it. The brush is in fact present in Lofty's civilian form, but shrunken down to a more compact size (basically, it looks like a normal paintbrush). Lofty is the only one able to use the brush (if anyone else tries to use it, it fills the surrounding area with thick coloured smoke. The closest thing I can think of to compare that aspect to is the Ring of Solaria used by Stella in the first few seasons of Winx Club. His design is one I got the basic idea for pretty quickly, and looking at the initial sketch you can see the changes I made are very minor if noticeable at all. His rainbow freckles on one side of his neck and face were present in the original sketch, but for the finalised design I made them more noticeable and coloured them in rainbow order, just like his other details.
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Never ever be normal about fictional characters but please GOD be normal about the people who play them, I am begging you
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
This AU is a spinoff of my main human AU that takes inspiration from Anime and superhero shows that started off as a joke I made in the BTB discord server. I don't really have a proper name for this AU yet, but once I come up with one I'll update this post accordingly.
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This is this AU's version of Lofty! Most of his abilities come from his paintbrush, which has similar sorts of powers to the paintbrush used by Bowser Jr. in Super Mario Sunshine, while also borrowing aspects from the magic chalk from Chalkzone in the sense that Lofty can create helpful objects using it. The brush is in fact present in Lofty's civilian form, but shrunken down to a more compact size (basically, it looks like a normal paintbrush). Lofty is the only one able to use the brush (if anyone else tries to use it, it fills the surrounding area with thick coloured smoke. The closest thing I can think of to compare that aspect to is the Ring of Solaria used by Stella in the first few seasons of Winx Club. His design is one I got the basic idea for pretty quickly, and looking at the initial sketch you can see the changes I made are very minor if noticeable at all. His rainbow freckles on one side of his neck and face were present in the original sketch, but for the finalised design I made them more noticeable and coloured them in rainbow order, just like his other details.
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Can you do human au headcannon of bob the builder please
Sure here are my "Can do crew" headcanons (just in general but some are humanised based lmao-)
Still WIP apologises these are all just nonsensical rambles~
Also most i got for designs are ones i made in picrew and just one of them is still very much a wip aaaa-
[Have "Keep Reading" option just so my blog ain't clogged up by long post sorry lmao]
~ 21 ~
~ 2nd April ~
~ 167cm [5'4ft] ~
~ Any ~
~ Questioning ~
Mature and serious most times
Probably the smartest of the crew but still has their moments lmao
Possibly adopted by Bob at a young age, before “Can Do Crew” even became a thing-
The one who gets constantly 'pranked' on (it’s just the silliest of things like them muttering gibberish to his earpiece)
Can come off as very bossy which some of the others find bothersome
Only acts really strict because he hates to be a disappointment
Perfectionist to the core
If anything goes wrong she can get worked up over it for a while and needs breaks to calm down
But always down to have fun when there isn’t any work to be done or on break
They are kind though I swear they aren’t just a bossy meanie head lmao-
Learnt about different identities from their friends and has since been questioning theirs [friends help them with that ofc] all they know is that they ain't cis lmao-
~ 20 ~
~ 17th May ~
~ 171cm [5’6ft] ~
~ Any ~
~ Genderfluid Questioning ~
Very loud and energetic
Likes to goof around but does ofc take her job seriously
Absolute outdoors daytime person WOO-
Has most definitely tried eating mud once in their life tbh
Gender norms are lame they'll either wear the prettiest of dresses or the fanciest of suits depending on how they're feeling [even in general their outfits are either very feminine, masculine or just androgynous]
Just deodorant... constantly
Blunt with opinions
Sarcastic most of the times
Because she has nyctophobia [fear of dark] she [usually prefers to] go to sleep before the sun entirely sets otherwise needs really bright nightlights around
Loves movies by Dreamworks and always forces everyone to watch one one of them during their movie nights need to figure out everyone else aaa
------ Dizzy:
~ 19 ~
~ 22nd June ~
~ 149cm [4’8ft] ~
~ She/Her ~
~ Pansexual ~
Chaotic and sweet
Can never stay still
Always jamming to music especially with her headphones
Football is the best and has trophies for winning local games
She’ll kick the ball around when she needs to let some stress out since talking it out is kind of hard when you can’t find the right words to describe it
Definitely on record for engaging [sometimes starting] fights
Super protective of friends and will throw hands if anyone dares to do anything despite being short
Very encouraging and vocalises it (especially to Lofty lmao)
She picks up a lot of words/sayings from others
She prefers skirts, she likes to twirl in them :)
No matter what she's wearing she will rock out hardcore if there's an opportunity to do so
------ Roley:
~ 22 ~
~ 16th February ~
~ 167cm [5'4ft] ~
~ He/Him ~
~ Bisexual ~
Laid back usually
Aspiring Rockstar
Either humming tunes or full on singing
Also just begun learning to play the guitar
Loves animals but his favourites are birds [sort of an Ornithologist]
Will get excitable and loud if a certain topic intrigues him
Really clumsy
Like Muck, is also very honest with opinions
Says “Rock n Roll” or anything along those lines constantly and just greets people with that even those his meeting for the first time-
LOVES surprise parties; he always gets one for his birthday but is always clueless and gets overly excited about it every time-
Usually takes naps during the day because his busy at night researching different kinds of birds or writing out songs
Loves his friend bird and always uses him to find out any juicy details like the latest gossip around town lmao-
------ Lofty:
~ 20 ~
~ 15th November ~
~ 185cm [6’0ft] ~
~ He/Them ~
~ Aroace ~
Appears unsure most of the time but tries to does do their best
Very jumpy at any sudden noise/movement
Adopted by Wendy
Has Autism and Anxiety
Goes to daily therapy sessions
Some days are just nonverbal (always carry a notebook and pen in hand to write but everyone is patient with them ofc)
Painting helps them distress
Grew up sheltered (before being adopted)
Wears a charm necklace gifted by Wendy daily
Doesn't like Spud because of the constant 'pranks' and apologises and so rarely goes to the farm unless absolutely necessary
Never really wears any short sleeved shirts or shorts, it’s all long sleeves and long pants-
Bonus dynamics between them all… most anyway;
Scoop and Lofty become official siblings when Bob and Wendy date/marry
Scoop and Muck are exes and do clash with one another but ofc are close friends
Scoop and Roley are dating (get into a silly squabble over who’s the taller one when they’re literally the same height lmao-)
Muck and Roley have a friendly rivalry and duel one another but it’s never really serious
Muck and Dizzy knew each other before being part of the crew (and thanks to Muck Dizzy is part of it) and they’re not trusted alone together since it results in chaos they’re absolute besties
Dizzy and Roley geek out over music stuff in general like certain rockstars, buying the CDs of favourite band(s) and will attend gigs/concerts whenever possible
Dizzy and Lofty are in a Queerplatonic relationship (the only two in the crew who truly believe in Santa and that Bob helps him annually) (also she nicknames him “Softy” most of the time and soon he began calling her “Izzy”)
Lofty kind of struggles to keep up with Muck’s energetic persona but they are besties~
(Any unmentioned either just besties or I just need to think on a bit more hm-)
As mentioned they hold movie nights once or twice a week depending on everyone’s mood lmao-
[can discuss everyone else in different post aaa]
But there we go woo~
Don’t know how to end this…if you got here thanks for reading and stay safe ya’ll~ 💖
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Lofty: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Dizzy will and will not eat. Muck: Grass? Yes! Lofty: Moss? Yes!! Muck: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Lofty: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Muck: Worms? Sometimes! Lofty: Rocks? Usually nah. Muck: Twigs? Usually! Lofty: Roley's cooking? Inconclusive! Scoop: How did you… test this? Lofty: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it. Scoop: ... I don’t know how to feel about this. Roley: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Can you do a headcannon of bob the builder please
Headcanons for the Can-Do-Crew
He carries both a big shovel and a small shovel.
He's hardworking. He's not afraid to get his overalls dirty.
He was Bob the Builder's first machine. The people at the factory built, clothed and styled him with earnest love and care.
He likes to make sandcastles.
He's good at climbing trees.
He plays with action figures and reads comic books. He a bit of a nerd.
He's eager and excitable.
She's a tomboy.
She likes to play in the mud. That's how she got her name; she was mucking about.
She likes to play rugby.
She carries a backpack. She dumps material from her backpack onto the construction site.
She's the tallest and strongest of the Can-Do-Crew. She can lift things easily.
She's kind of like Applejack from My Little Pony.
She and Dizzy have some squabbles due to their differences, but they are besties nonetheless.
She's a girly girl. She has a fondness for jewelry and frilly dresses.
She carries wet cement in her backpack and pours it on the ground for it to dry.
She has to keep her hair in a ponytail, because the cement tangles it.
She's basically me if I were a construction vehicle. lol
She likes the smell of oranges. She carries an orange charm around her neck.
She has strong emotions. She's so happy and hyper most of the time but when she's sad, it's intense.
He is nervous and gets frightened easily.
He has low self-esteem.
Though when he's not scared, he generally cool and laid-back.
He likes when things go smoothly. When they don't, it can give him a hard time.
He listens to Blues music. He's good at playing the harmonica.
He's an artist. He likes to sketch in his notepad.
He's very loud. Spud finds him irritating.
He listens to hard rock. He's good at playing the drums.
He's flashy and outgoing. He's quick to pick up new friends.
He's upbeat. He often hums to himself while roller-paving.
He rocks back and forth while thinking deeply about something. Bob finds it creepy and tells him to stop, but he doesn't know why he does it in the first place.
(the last one is me irl. i don't know why i do that)
He likes to drink soda. Especially root beer.
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Imagine a voiceover of these shitpost tweets
Can’t draw machines but i can do sh!posts so here some fake tweet things I did a while ago lmao-
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This one is kind of long and went off the road uh-
(Please pretend it actual film they mention-)
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Can you do bob the builder humanized characters aus please
Ok, as I finally finished my aus for the BTB crew. Here they are:
Age 22
Birthday: January 14th
Straight/ Heterosexual
He’s the oldest of the crew
Very determined, smart, kind, mature, trustworthy
Bob’s right hand man
Likes reading, literature, his friends, cats
Dislikes rudeness and dishonesty
All his friends looks up to him since he is the oldest and most mature.
He’s often wears glasses but can see without them.
Age 18
Birthday: November 27th
3rd oldest of the crew
He’s funny, cool, slay, and a bit snarky
Roley’s best friend
Likes the colour red, rock music, 2000s era nostalgia, video games, his friends.
Dislikes arguments, rudeness, people mocking others.
A Y2K boi!
A bit of a Skater Boy
Can dress feminine hence he’s genderqueer
Age 14
Birthday: June 13th
Straight/ Heterosexual
She’s the youngest of the crew until Scratch (who’s 11 came in later)
She’s autistic
She’s cute, adorable, funny, giggly, a bit needy
She wears her ear defenders sometimes.
Likes music, drawing, art, her friends, animals, shapes, magical girl anime.
Dislikes being misunderstood, people being mean to her, spiders, loud noises
Her traits of her autism is that she draws to keep her focused, she repeats certain things to help her understand.
Age 17
Birthday: October 1st
4th oldest of the crew
He’s relax, smooth, kind, helpful, strong
Muck’s best friend and frenermies
Likes routine, helping others, birds, his friends, chocolate
Dislikes loud noises, people interpreting him, someone stealing his favourite chocolate, Muck (sometimes)
He’s the most relax guy on earth
Dizzy feels safe with him the most and he protects her at all costs.
Age 20
Birthday: March 10th
2nd oldest of the crew
He’s shy, easily frightened, a bit of a coward, kind, sweet, cautious
He always say “Um yeah I think so” after the chant (Can We Fix It?)
Likes soft cushions, drawing, writing fanfics, nature.
Dislikes scary things, nighttime, Halloween
He’s the tallest member of the crew.
So there you have it, these are my BTB crew aus, well the main 5 😊😊
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
dumbass compilation
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
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he is so timid, nervous, so shy, but sweet. i like him since childhood. what a lovely little miracle.
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
As a fan of BTB who somehow autism'd their way into a Captain Underpants hyperfixation, I kind of had to do this
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
My new favourite storyboard of all time
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Muck is FLIRTING with Lofty as they pretty much get into bed with him
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
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I don’t think any of the machines in this show are cishet have you seen them… I wanted to draw more of the characters in the show but I’ve been so busy this is last minute enough as it is. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BOB FANDOM these creatures mean the world to me
These are my own personal hcs btw :•]
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
Lmao Jax at the end. He took an L on that one trying to go spread Andrew Tate shit like that
The Amazing Digital Circus - Showtime
HEHEH Early stages of their relationship and the other's reactions...
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I missed them, chat
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swaggievortex733 · 3 months
with the new TADC video and your Caine x Pomni art I now ship Caine x Pomni
I don’t know if I should blame you or thank you/j
(seriously Ty tho this ship is cute)
Pehehe! The video played a hand on you shipping them? Oh thats AWESOME! im glad Im not the only one who could see the showtime!
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