sword-witch · 5 years
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sword-witch · 5 years
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sword-witch · 5 years
witch’s herbarium: mugwort
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mugwort in folklore, history, and medicine
in medieval europe, mugwort was used as a magickal protectant and a repellant against moths, fatigue, and evil. it was also used historically  as a seasoning across europe and asia.
medicinally, mugwort tea is said to relieve problems associated with irregular and severe menstruation, as well as digestive and bowel issues. mugwort should not be consumed in large doses or by those who are pregnant.
topically, mugwort can help relieve muscle aches and joint pains. you can make an ointment of it, or relax in a mugwort infused bath. it is also a great antiseptic to help relieve acne issues.
in the primitive days of farming, mugwort became precious for its insect-repelling properties, which helped crops prosper. it has also been used in brewing historically, to help beer stay fresh for longer and give it notes of bitterness.
st. john the baptist is said to have worn a belt of mugwort when venturing into the wilderness for safety, while the romans put mugwort in their shoes to prevent physical exhaustion.
another name for mugwort is “sailor’s tobacco”, as throughout history sailors would smoke wild mugwort instead of tobacco for its alleged nerve-calming effects.
the magickal uses of mugwort
mugwort is associated with the moon, astral projection, and dreams. place some mugwort under your pillow to encourage prophetic and magical dreaming.
mugwort is helpful during divination and ritual work, as it enhances the psychic mind. drink some mugwort tea or inhale the scent of dried mugwort to help with focus and intuition.
the protective nature of mugwort makes it a great charm to hang above your front door to ward off unwelcome energies. you can also cleanse your ritual tools with mugwort water, which purifies them and amplifies their natural powers.
a little mugwort charm
to protect you and keep bad energy away
a bit of dried mugwort
a small square of black fabric
a strand of purple thread or string
a black, white or purple candle
light your candle. warm your hands over its flame, letting the fire charge your hands with its protecting, cleansing spirit. set the fabric square on a surface in front of the candle, and sprinkle your mugwort atop it. whisper to it, “may you serve me well and keep me safe”. gather the corners of the cloth together and tie it shut with the purple thread. keep it in your pocket, purse, car, or home.
psychic mugwort tea recipe
a gentle earthy tea to enhance psychic energy
makes one small pot (or large mug)
one tsp. of chamomile tea or dried blossoms
one tsp. dried mugwort
one tsp. peppermint tea or dried leaves
a bit of honey or sweetener to taste
steep for 3-5 minutes, and drink by candle-flame before a ritual to prepare for powerful spellwork, especially involving lunar magick. for magickal dreams, drink some before bed while meditating on what you want to dream of.
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sword-witch · 5 years
My grandma told me every time you move the clasp of a necklace from the front of your neck to the back, you should make a wish. I’m now using this as a small day to day spell
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sword-witch · 5 years
Forgot about this blog! Super sorry, getting back into the roll of things slowly but surely 🧡
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sword-witch · 6 years
Types of Herbal Remedies
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I’ve compiled a list of types of herbal remedies, with brief instructions on how to make them. Choose your herbs carefully, as some are poisonous, some will interfere with health problems and medications, and some can cause allergic reactions.
If you are concerned about any health issue you have, or worried about herbs reacting with your medications, go talk to your doctor. This post is not intended as medical advice.
This is usually cloth that has been soaked in a herbal infusion so that it can be applied topically. Useful for skin issues, muscle pain, joint pain, and general aches.
You can make one by soaking cotton wool in a warm infusion of your choice, wrapping the balls in a piece of clean cloth, and applying to the affected area. Once the cloth cools down you can soak it again in the warm tea and reapply.
This is basically the herbalist term for tea. The herbs are usually dried and ground before being steeped in very hot water and then strained out. If you use a bag then you can skip the straining.
This is similar to an infusion but much stronger, and with alcohol instead of water, which helps to preserve it.
Put your herbs in a jar. Cover them with alcohol (most people I know use vodka). Put the lid on the jar and shake it daily for a month or so, then strain the herbs out. I tend to keep mine in the little dropper bottles, as you normally don’t need to take much at once.
I like to think of these as a stronger infusion. You need four times as much boiling water as dried herb, and you want to simmer the mixture for about half an hour before straining.
These are herbs mixed with a sugary substance, which makes them easier to consume and helps to preserve them a little. They’re a good way to get your herbs in if you have a sore throat, as they are often quite soothing.
You’ll need a couple ounces of fresh herb per pint of water. Put them on the stove and heat until about half of the water has evaporated. Then you need to add about five tablespoons of sugar/honey/maple syrup per pint of water you used originally (so if you put two pints in the pan, you need ten tablespoons). Keep stirring for about twenty minutes, then take it off the heat and bottle it up. You need to keep syrups in the fridge, preferably in a dark coloured jar or bottle.
Essential oils and beeswax, basically. Add about twenty drops of essential oil to a cup of melted beeswax, stick it in a jar, let it cool, and there you go! You can mix in juiced herbs if you like, but that’s optional.
A salve is basically essential oils mixed with beeswax, oils and herbs. I have seen them made with coconut oil, though if you live in a warmer environment then coconut oil won’t work for you as it melts. You need about fifty/fifty dried herbs and beeswax (if you live somewhere warm) or use a mixture of beeswax and an oil like olive or safflower if you live somewhere colder, just so it’s soft enough to use. Use about twenty drops of oil per cup of beeswax. You’ll need to melt the wax in a double boiler, and let the herbs infuse in the molten wax for about half an hour. Then you add your essential oils, and pour the molten salve into the containers and let it cool.
This is basically a liquid balm or salve. Follow the methods above, but use oil instead of beeswax.
When taking a herbal bath, you are basically making a giant cup of tea! Fill an organza bag with your chosen herbs, and put it in the bath while you run the water, then remove it before you get in. You can reuse the bag of herbs, but they lose potency with each use, so I try to avoid doing this.
This is a paste of herbs and sometimes other things that is applied to the skin. Used for infections, splinters, burns, boils etc. They’re pretty simple to make, you just mix some dried herbs with a tiny bit of boiling water to form a paste, put it on the area, and use a piece of cloth or gauze to keep it there. If you want to use fresh herbs you just mash them up.
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sword-witch · 6 years
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Art Nouveau Japanese Inlaid Damascene “Bat and Crescent” necklace in gold and silver.
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sword-witch · 6 years
girlies if youre into occult shit witchcraft astrology whatever the fuck.. potions maybe even eating leaves… you’re so hot
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sword-witch · 6 years
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sword-witch · 6 years
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sword-witch · 6 years
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sword-witch · 6 years
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sword-witch · 6 years
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“When you are compassionate with yourself, you trust in your soul, which you let guide your life. Your soul knows the geography of your destiny better than you do.” 
–John O’Donohue, “Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World”
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sword-witch · 6 years
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sword-witch · 6 years
Kitchen Witch Tips
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Here are a few tricks I’ve picked up along my kitchen-witchery journey:
• When frying meat, use tongs and always add the meat to the pan by laying it away from you. This prevents the oil from splashing and burning you.
• Do not prep and cook at the same time. Finish your prep before adding anything to a frying pan or sticking anything in the oven.
• 4 tbsps is equal to ¼ cup. So when something calls for 1/8 of a cup, it means 2 tbsps. No one has 1/8th cups.
• If a recipe calls for buttermilk but you’re all out, add 1 tbsp of lemon juice or white vinegar to a cup of milk and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Boom, you have buttermilk.
• Burned the bottom of your pan? No worries, I do it all the time too! To get those stubborn bits off, add water to the pan and boil it once more on the stovetop. This loosens up the grime so you can scrape it off!
• Keep brownies, cookies, and cakes moist by storing them with a slice of bread. The treat will remain decadent while the bread will harden and crust up.
• Speaking of crusty/stale bread, if you want the best french toast, leave your bread out overnight. Stale bread soaks up more egg/custard and will result in richer, Fuller pieces of french toast.
• Before frosting your goodies, stick your frosting spoon/utensil in the fridge. Colder utensils make for better frosting-spreaders.
• To prevent your cakes from cracking or rising unevenly in the oven, place a dish of water on the rack below. The extra moisture helps cakes cook evenly.
• Eat and use veggies and fruits that are in-season!
• Buy local produce when you can.
• Always work with sharp knives and always slice away from yourself. Dull knives and cuts are no good.
• Lean cuts of meat like pork tenderloin and chicken breasts toughen up when cooked in the oven, on the stovetop, or on the grill. To keep some of the moisture, wrap them in foil or add a sauce to the pan.
• Your measurements don’t have to be perfect! It’s okay to spill a little flour here and there!
• If you screw up a recipe don’t get discouraged! Cooking and baking are trial and error. Both skills come with time and part of the fun is making a few mistakes along the way!
• Intent is important. It doesn’t always matter what magical ingredients you’ve added to the dishes, sometimes intent and reason for making are the strongest most powerful forces you can garner during the process.
• Everyone has different tastes! Some people may not like what you make, others may enjoy it whole-heartedly. Don’t get discouraged if a few people shy away from your food!
That’s it for now! I’m sure I have many more to share, but until then, keep cooking!
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sword-witch · 6 years
If someone calls you thunder thighs you should take it as a compliment because you have been gifted by thor and he probably thinks you’re beautiful
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sword-witch · 6 years
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/Ve-llee-kor/ noun. The feeling of walking into a used bookstore, of stories untold and memories clinging to unread pages of the books, spins cracked but not yet loved.
Hiya everyone! We’re an all-inclusive witchcraft related server aiming to provide a home to people sharing stories and resources with each other, while making new friends within the community.
We offer lots of events and a close knit group of members that really feels like a family ! Some of our events that we come together for include study halls, community nights, festival celebrations and organized classes on various topics.
We also have our very own astral space, along with instructions on how to get in if you’re a first time traveler !
Click this link to join, and read the rules thoroughly! There will be instructions on how to get access to the chat! https://discord.gg/bBp8SaE
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