tada-no-honzuki · 6 months
Ascendance of a Bookworm (29) Part 5 Volume 8 Extra Chapter 3
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series and is purely made for my own entertainment. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Since the title of this chapter contains spoilers, it has been hidden beneath a “read more” for your safety!
[The Battle for Ehrenfest] Philine - Evacuating as practiced
"Philine, we have to hurry. We are running late."
“You’re right,” I replied. “Let’s go. It would be rude to make everyone wait."
Gretia and I hurriedly left the dressing room in the main building and headed up the stairs to the retainer's room that was attached to our lady’s room in the castle. Since Lady Rozemyne went to Ahrensbach to rescue Lord Ferdinand, she wasn’t presently in the castle. However, each day at second bell, those of us who remained in Ehrenfest gathered in the retainers’ room for a debriefing session. We would exchange information, before going about our daily tasks.
"Good morning, everyone,” I said. “I apologize for the delay."
"Philine, Gretia,” Ottilie spoke. “It’s unusual for you to be tardy. Did something happen?"
She gave us a concerned look.
"The dressing room was a bit crowded is all,” I explained. “Ever since Lord Bonifatius left for Illgner, everyone has been eager to exchange information..."
Retainers of the archducal family were usually arch- or mednobles, so they generally brought attendants from home to take care of them, even if they lived in the castle. There were few people who, like Gretia and I, didn't have the financial means to hire someone and depended on others in a similar position to help them dress in the dressing room. On top of that, since we were minors with a weak status and position, we were easy targets. It had been hard to escape the hordes of people hungry for even the slightest bit of information.
"I see,” Ottilie said. “Next time you are running late, please send an ordonnanz.”
“I’ll come and fetch you,” Bertilde added with an excited smile.
As an archnoble, she had no reason to set foot in the dressing room under normal circumstances, but it made sense that she was curious about the current state of the dressing room.
Once Gretia and I took our seats, Ottilie looked around at everyone.
“Then, let us begin. First, I received an ordonnanz from Rhiyarda.”
Since Lady Rozemyne was currently absent, Rhiyarda and Lord Melchoir’s retainers would update us on any vital information. It was Ottilie’s job to receive their ordonnanzes since she was always at the castle. Additionally, Ottilie's husband was one of Lady Florencia’s scholars, so she was in a position that made it easier to get information.
“Suspicious movements have been reported not only by Illgner and Griebel, but by Gerlach as well. Lord Bonifatius remains on high alert.”
The evening before yesterday the atmosphere inside the castle had suddenly grown tense when Lord Bonifatius and a unit of knights were teleported to Illgner as reinforcements. Yesterday, we had been informed that enemies had appeared not only in Illgner, but also in Griebel, and that the battlefield was becoming more widespread and thus difficult to manage. This morning, it was Gerlach. Everything indicated a battle was approaching.
"Then, I also received a letter from Clarissa. She says that Lady Rozemyne has not woken up yet, but Lord Ferdinand is currently heading to Ehrenfest with Dunkelferger’s knights in tow. I have already reported this to the Aub.”
Ottilie showed us the envelope. It was impossible to know for certain whether Ahrensbach’s border gate had fallen into enemy hands or not, but no letters other than those sent by Clarissa, who belonged to Dunkelfelger, made it through. We realized this after Clarissa wrote, “As Hartmut reported in his letter…,” but no such letter had arrived.
“Bertilde, how is the situation with the archducal family?” Ottilie asked while looking at her.
Bertilde quickly took out a sheet of paper. With Lady Rozemyne away, Bertilde was currently assisting Brunhilde during the day. This was partly because Brunhilde still had few retainers of her own, and partly because this allowed us to get information from someone in close contact with the archducal family.
“Since last night, Lady Charlotte has occasionally been taking over as the knight’s order’s liaison and overseeing commander,” Bertilde read. “Thus, there will not be any issues while the Aub is holed up inside the foundation. The day before yesterday, provisions and rejuvenation potions were distributed to the knights under the supervision of Lady Florencia, but yesterday my sister took over that role. Each can take over for the other as necessary… she says."
The report had likely been composed by Brunhilde, because Bertilde was clearly reading out the text on the sheet of paper. It sounded like the main building had descended into a state of chaos as nobody knew when the archducal family might need to take the battlefield.
“Even so, I still cannot believe that Lady Rozemyne acquired Ahrensbach’s foundation,” I said. “Is something like that truly possible?”
This was probably because I was a laynoble and had no idea how the foundation’s magic worked. The idea that the position of Aub was hereditary was deeply ingrained in me, so the thought that someone could just come and steal it seemed absurd.
“Well, Lady Rozemyne knew it was possible. In other words, it is entirely possible for Lady Georgine to steal the foundation of Ehrenfest,” Damuel said with a troubled face.
Ever since Lord Bonifatius went into battle, Damuel had been posted at the knight’s order instead of the temple so that he may obtain any information shared with the order as quickly as possible. I could almost feel the tense atmosphere radiating off him.
“Philine, Roderick,” Damuel said. “Are you still continuing the evacuation drills at the temple?
I looked at Roderick, then nodded firmly.
"Yes,” I replied. “We are now able to smoothly coordinate with Lord Melchior’s retainers."
At first, we did not look beyond the tasks assigned to each of us. Naturally, this led to many gaps in the chain of communication. However, after practicing the process several times, we became able to communicate smoothly. Blue priests and gray priests could not use ordonannzes, so without practice, even something as simple as contacting someone might become impossible in an emergency.
“Lieseletta, Gretia,” Ottilie said. “Are you ready to receive the Gutenbergs?”
“We have finished preparing the necessary bedding and two days' worth of food,” Lieseletta replied. “Since this is an emergency and they are all commoners, we concluded it would not be necessary to prepare a separate room for each guest. Instead, we decided to prepare two rooms, one for the men and one for the women. Although it does seem rather simple, so… we are currently considering whether it might be better to use the beds in the servant rooms.”
As attendants of the archducal family, they seemed dissatisfied to be not fully prepared to receive guests, whether they be commoners or not. Upon hearing their words, I remembered I had something to report of my own.
“Um, we received a request from the Plantin Company,” I said. “They request that should we come under attack, the unfinished clothes and the seamstresses of the Gilberta Company be evacuated to the Library along with the Gutenburgs who are to accompany Lady Rozemyne to the Sovereignty. They do not want the clothes to be damaged in the chaos of the battle.”
Since Lady Rozemyne was due to be adopted by the king and move to the Sovereignty, it was of the utmost importance that her clothes were completed as soon as possible. It was a matter of great concern, especially to her attendants. Lieseletta and Ottilie briefly glanced at each other, before nodding.
"It will be a problem if her clothes aren't ready in time,” Ottilie agreed. “Lieseletta, Gretia, coordinate with Lasfam and prepare to receive the seamstresses as well. Preparing a sewing room may be difficult for a man."
Lieseletta and Gretia nodded at Ottilie's words.
“Then,” Ottilie continued. “Today, as usual, Bertilde will be assisting and gathering information from Brunhilde. Lieseletta and Gretia will be preparing for our guests at the library. Judith will accompany Philine and Roderick to the temple. Damuel will stay with the knight’s order. Everyone, please be ready to act when called upon. Now, off you go."
After the meeting ended, Roderick, Judith, and I met up with Lord Melchior and his retainers, then headed for the temple.
"Good morning, everyone."
Lord Melchior and Lady Rozemyne's attendants welcomed us into the temple. Even though Gill would normally be in the workshop at this time of day, he was there to greet us too. I suspected he was hoping I had an answer for the Plantin Company.
“Gill, permission has been granted to the request from the Plantin Company. Please inform them to evacuate Lady Rozemyne’s clothes and the seamstresses as well in case of an emergency.”
"Understood,” he replied. “I will inform them right away."
It clearly had been the answer he was waiting for, for he immediately turned on his heels and left for the workshop.
“Lady Judith and Lord Roderick,” Fran said. “This way, please. Monika, I will leave Lady Philine in your care.”
Following Fran's instructions, Judith and Roderick headed straight to the High Bishop’s room, while I followed Monika to the orphanage director's room to get changed into my blue shrine maiden robes. Although I was given the orphanage director's room, I could not actually live there, because the attendants and personal chefs to be assigned to me still belonged to the High Bishop’s room. So, at the moment, I was a commuting blue shrine maiden apprentice.
“Lady Philine, the battle in Ahrensbach has ended in victory, did it not?” Monika inquired with a worried expression as she helped me put on my blue robes. “When will Lady Rozemyne return? Have you received any news?”
I smiled softly in return. She had asked me the exact same questions yesterday.
“We haven’t received word yet that Lady Rozemyne has woken up,” I replied. “However, we expect her to wake up sometime today.”
Although Monika must be used to Lady Rozemyne being absent from the temple due to spring prayer and the harvest festival, her master was currently not only in another duchy, but out in battle as well. It made complete sense to me that she would be worried about her. Besides, it was not just Monika, Fran and Gill would also casually check in with us on Lady Rozemyne’s situation.
“Like everyone else at the temple,” Monika smiled. “I am praying for Lady Rozemyne’s speedy and safe return.”
After I finished changing, I called on Judith and together we went to Lord Melchior’s room to get some paperwork done. Meanwhile, Roderick would stay in the High Bishop’s room to transcribe books. Since he would accompany Lady Rozemyne to the sovereignty, there was no need for him to learn the ins and outs of the temple's work. So instead, he was working hard to transcribe as many books as possible for Lady Rozemyne, since books would be few and far between in the sovereignty.
“Today we will check the income and expenses of the Rozemyne Workshop and the orphanage.”
Checking the income and expenses once a month was said to be the most important job of the orphanage director, as it directly affected the lives of the orphans. And, to make sure the orphanage director could not embezzle any of the money, this had to be done in cooperation with the High Priest and the High Bishop.
Monika lined up numerous wooden boards and sheets of paper in front of me, the current orphanage director, Lord Melchior, the next High Bishop, and Lord Kashmir, the next High Priest. The documentation had been provided by several sources. It included documents submitted by the Plantin Company, logs recorded by the workshop, and records compiled by Wilma at the orphanage.
"Food costs have suddenly increased,” I noted. “Is there a reason for this?”
"Since we are no longer trapped inside by snow and the market has opened again,” Monika explained. “We are spending more on food."
"There should be earnings from our winter handiwork, right?” I asked. “I cannot seem to find them... "
“Those will be included next time,” Monika replied. “Although we have received the money, we have yet to receive the final report from the Plantin Company.”
While comparing the income and expenses not only with last month’s report but also with last year's, we checked for any mistakes or problems.
Dong… Dong….
When third bell rang, we still had not fully finished checking the flow of money. Lord Ferdinand had been able to point out mistakes and irregularities just by glancing through the documents, but that was still beyond our capabilities. Although I bemoaned my lack of experience, I found that leisurely comparing documents like this with everyone was quite enjoyable.
"This is the list of apprentices who will have their coming-of-age ceremony this spring, and this is the list of orphans who will be baptized this summer. We are preparing their rooms and robes accordingly, as you can see here."
"...the amount of money is completely different from what I spent when preparing my room,” Lord Melchior noted. “It makes me feel like I indulged myself too much."
"Lord Melchior,” Kashimir said. “Please don't think your own room and that of an orphan to be the same."
As we were having this conversation, an ordonnanz soared into the room. I expected it to head for Lord Melchior or Lord Kashmir, but to my surprise, it landed on my arm.
“Philine, this is Damuel.”
All of us instantly fell silent and turned our attention to the ordonnanz.
“According to information we received from a commoner, suspicious noble-looking people, whom we believe to be Lady Georgine and her entourage, boarded a merchant ship heading to Ehrenfest in Leisegang. When we contacted Leisegang, they informed us that the ship is expected to arrive at Ehrenfest’s west gate around noon. I would like you to evacuate the temple before fourth bell. There is still plenty of time, so there is no need to panic. Just evacuate as you practiced."
Although Damuel had just told me to remain calm, my heart was already pounding in my chest. Lady Georgine and her associates were really headed our way. My hands started shaking, making it hard to hit the yellow feystone with my schtappe and send a reply to Damuel.
“Philine,” Lord Kashmir spoke. “I will contact Lord Melchior’s guard knights and inform the blue priests to evacuate. Do you remember what you need to do after you send a reply to Damuel?”
Still trembling, I automatically replied, “I must inform the orphanage and the gatekeepers to evacuate.”
“Good,” Lord Kashmir nodded.
Only then did I calm down enough to regain control over my schtappe.
"This is Philine. Thank you for contacting us. We shall now proceed to evacuate the temple. Damuel, good luck out there."
With a flick of my schtappe, the ordonnanz flew off. I stared at it until it was completely out of sight, then put my pen away. Monika had already cleaned up the documents, and Judith had sent an ordonnanz to inform Roderick.
"We received word from Damuel to evacuate by noon. Philine and I shall proceed to the orphanage. Roderick, please proceed as we practiced."
First, Roderick was to contact the Plantin Company using a magic letter. After that, he would prepare the High Bishop's room.
“Let’s go, Philine,” Judith said.
We left Lord Melchior's room while Lord Kashmir started sending ordonnanzes all over the place. There were no nobles in the orphanage and workshop, so to contact them we had no choice but to go there in person. We swiftly moved along the hallways, calling out to any gray priests and shrine maidens we came across, telling them to quickly put away their cleaning tools and evacuate to the orphanage. I found my younger brother Konrad cleaning in the hallway just outside the noble’s section.
“Konrad,” I called out to him. “Please put away your tools and evacuate to the orphanage.”
“Are Dirk and the others okay?” Konrad asked, sending a worried glance toward the noble’s section while putting his cleaning rag away in a bag. Dirk and some others had already been baptized as nobles. As blue apprentices, they lived in a different place now.
"Don't worry, I will check on them later. If you don't evacuate quickly, Dirk and the others will be the ones worried."
"I see," Konrad nodded.
Just then Fran's voice rang out from behind us.
“Lady Philine, I am going to the workshop to make sure that Lutz and the others return home.
Several people from the Plantin Company were currently present in the orphanage’s workshop. Since some of them were Gutenbergs who had to evacuate to Lady Rozemyne's library, it was vital to contact them immediately.
"Please do,” I said. “Meet us in the dining hall once the men’s wing has been evacuated. As we practiced.”
Fran nodded and turned right, toward the men’s wing of the orphanage, while we turned left and headed towards the women's wing. I called out to Wilma and the others as soon as I stepped through the door that Monika had opened for me.
"We have received word from the knight’s order. We must evacuate right away, but there is no need to panic."
Wilma nodded with a stiff face, then swiftly left to check if there were any gray shrine maidens on the third floor. At the same time, Delia ran down the stairs, yelling, “I will check if there is anyone in the rooms on the first floor.” Lily went over to the children playing in the dining hall to inform them it was time to go to the basement.
“We shall be evacuating just as we practiced the other day.”
Everyone knew exactly what they needed to do.
After assigning Monika to instruct the gray shrine maidens who were returning from work, Judith and I descended the stairs to the basement to inform the gray shrine maidens who were about to make soup for lunch that the order to evacuate had been given. On our way down, an ordonnanz landed on Judith’s arm.
"This is Fonzel. I have arrived at the noble’s gate. Dedrick is headed towards the front gate."
Lord Melchior's guard knights were arriving at the temple’s gates one after another.
"Philine, I shall be going to the back gate to relieve the gray priests and activate the schumil,” Judith announced. “After you have confirmed that the orphanage has been evacuated, return to the High Bishop’s room with Fran and Monika.”
"I know,” I replied. “I will leave the gate to you. Please be careful, Judith."
Judith nodded and went outside through the basement door. Soon after, the gray shrine maidens who had been working in the workshop returned.
“Lady Philine, this is everyone. There are no more shrine maidens in the workshop.”
"Then, let's close the doors."
In the past, the basement doors could only be opened from the outside, but nowadays, there were bolts on the inside too, so it could be opened and closed from the inside as well. I didn't think Lady Georgine would try to enter through the orphanage, but to be on the safe side, we used some pots and pedestals to block the door as well. After confirming everything was in place, I returned to the dining hall.
“There is no one left upstairs,” Wilma said.
“Everyone is gathered in the basement,” Lily reported.
As I was listening to Wilma and Lily’s reports, Fran entered the dining hall and informed me that the evacuation of the men's wing had been completed. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad to know that I had successfully fulfilled my role as the orphanage’s director.
"Very well then,” I said. “Please be quiet and stay inside until someone comes for you."
Fran, Monika, and I left the orphanage. I heard the door lock behind us, and the footsteps of Wilma and the others moving away.
"Then, let us return."
We locked the door to the noble’s section to lower the chances of any enemies entering. Then, I checked on Dirk and Laurenz’s little half-brother Bertram, just as I had promised Konrad.
"Be quiet and stay inside. Don’t open the door, even if you hear screams or any commotion. Is that clear?"
After giving them a firm warning, I went up to the third floor to check on the blue shrine maiden apprentices. Since the floor was reserved for women, Lord Melchior and his retainers were not allowed to go there unless it was an emergency. Therefore, it was up to me, a fellow woman, to check up on them.
"I understand it may be scary, but do not leave your room, no matter what happens. You will be safe as long as you stay inside," I told the blue shrine maiden apprentices, before returning to the High Bishop’s room.
“Welcome back, Philine,” Roderick said upon our return.
Gill, Fritz, Nicola, Hugo, and the other kitchen personnel were already gathered in the room. Normally, commoner servants were not allowed to enter the High Bishop’s room, but Lady Rozemyne had told us to use our mana to protect everyone with a magic barrier.
The table and chairs had been rearranged, and a magic barrier tool had been placed in the middle of the room. Lady Rozemyne had created it to protect all the non-combatants remaining in the temple. Once it was activated, hiding in the High Bishop’s room should be as safe as hiding in her Library.
"This is Philine. The evacuation of the orphanage has been completed, and the door to the noble’s section has been locked. I also checked on the blue shrine maiden apprentices on the third floor and warned them to stay inside. All the High Bishop’s attendants have returned to the room, so we shall now proceed to activate the magic barrier.”
After confirming that everyone was indeed present, I sent the ordonnanz to Lord Kashmir.
"Very well, is everyone ready?” I asked. “Once the barrier is activated, no one will be able to leave or enter the room until it is turned off."
I looked around at the people in the room, then nodded towards Roderick. He immediately downed a rejuvenation potion that greatly restored only one’s mana, then touched the magic tool with a nervous look on his face and allowed his mana to flow into it.
Although it was reassuring to know that the magic barrier created by Lady Rozemyne would be able to withstand any attack, it required a ridiculously large amount of mana to be activated. Moreover, since it absorbed a lot of mana all at once, Roderick and I were at risk of mana depletion if we removed our hands a second too late. So, I nervously waited for my turn while holding the same rejuvenation potion as Roderick had used.
“Philine, get ready!” Roderick warned.
I quickly downed the rejuvenation potion and placed my hands on the magic tool. Only after confirming my hands were securely in place did Roderick withdraw his own, making sure that the mana flow would not be interrupted.
...yipes, my mana!
Even though my overall mana reserve was increasing due to the potion, mana kept flowing from my body whether I wanted it or not. The unfamiliar sensation made me sick to my stomach. However, unless I endured it, we would not be able to protect the people that were entrusted to us by our Lady.
...this is absolutely nothing compared to what the guard knights outside must deal with!
Much like my own, Roderick’s mana was also recovering at an unusually rapid rate, so he looked similarly sick and was breathing heavily with furrowed brows.
"Ah, the feystone’s color has changed,” he mumbled. “Just a bit more."
 Enough of his mana must have recovered, because Roderick replaced his hands on the magic tool after taking a deep breath. A few seconds later, the feystone flashed and a yellow light filled the room. The barrier was complete, and mana stopped flowing from my body.
The moment the cord of tension was cut, I was hit by a wave of exhaustion. I guessed the same went for Roderick, because we both slumped down, putting our hands on the floor to keep ourselves from collapsing completely.
“Lady Philine! Lord Roderick!” The attendants around us exclaimed.
Monika and Nicola pulled me up, while Fran and Gil moved to support Roderick. We both breathed a sigh of relief as they sat us down on the chaise lounge.
"Are you alright?"
" ...the High Bishop’s room is secure now,” I stated. “We did it, Roderick."
Roderick looked at the magic tool with a relieved expression, likely thankful that the barrier activated before our mana ran out.
"We have completed our duty,” Roderick replied. “Even Hartmut won't be able to scold us now."
Before leaving, Hartmut had told us, “Although you two will be completely useless in battle, you are still nobles. So, you should be able to activate this magic barrier and protect the commoners that Lady Rozemyne needs.”
“Well done, Lady Philine, Lord Roderick.” Fran smiled appreciatively.
Zahm handed each of us a cup of fruit juice, while the other attendants and the chefs continued to praise us, calling us “amazing.”  Hearing their words of appreciation, an indescribable sense of accomplishment filled my heart. Looking at the barrier that we activated with our own mana, I felt proud that I had been able to complete the role entrusted to me.
Then, an ordonnanz soared in.
"This is Judith. I received a message from Damuel. A ship has arrived at the west gate. They have spotted several people wearing silver cloth. I was told to prepare."
The faces of all in the High Bishop's room stiffened. It was finally starting.
"...may victory be ours. May everyone be safe. O mighty King and Queen of the endless skies, O mighty Eternal Five who rule the mortal realm, O Goddess of Water Flutrane, O God of Fire Leidenschaft, O Goddess of Wind Schutzaria, O Goddess of Earth Geduldh, O God of Life Ewigeliebe! We offer you our prayers and gratitude. Praise be to the gods!”
As we offered up a prayer, fourth bell rang.
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tada-no-honzuki · 7 months
Ascendance of a Bookworm (29) Part 5 Volume 8 Extra Chapter 2
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series and is purely made for my own entertainment. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Since the title of this chapter contains spoilers, it has been hidden beneath a "read more" for your safety!
[The Battle for Ehrenfest] Brigitte - The Battle of Illgner
"This is Helfried. Brigitte, could you please come to my office?"
I tilted my head in wonder as I received an ordonnanz from my brother, Giebe Illgner. Now that I was married to Victor and the paper-making industry was on track, the number of nobles living in Illgner was gradually increasing. As a result, I was rarely called into the office. The last time was when Lady Rozemyne ordered a large quantity of magic paper.
“Does Lady Rozemyne desire more magic paper?” I mumbled, mostly to myself.
"Helfried even sent an ordonnanz,” my mother replied.  “That means it must be urgent, right? I will watch Lilarose for you. Now, don’t make him wait."
My mother smiled and gestured for me to get going. We had been embroidering together in the children’s room. I put my needles and thread away, then looked at my daughter, who was fast asleep in her bed.
"Thank you, mother. I hope Lilarose is a good girl and doesn’t wake while I am away."
I left my one-and-a-half-year-old daughter in the care of my mother and quickly headed to my brother’s office. Just as I arrived, Volk, a former gray priest and trusted aid of my brother, exited the office. Maybe he had heard my footsteps approach?
“Volk, I was called by my brother. May I go in?”
"Of course,” he nodded. “The Giebe is waiting for you. Please come in."
Since Volk had already opened the door for me, I went inside without knocking. I was met by the troubled faces of my husband and brother, who were both reading a letter.
“Brother, what happened?” I inquired.
"It's a letter from Lady Florencia,” Helfried replied. “Apparently, it's been sent to all Giebes."
I accepted the letter and scanned its contents. It informed us that it was highly likely that Lady Georgine of Ahrensbach would be invading Ehrenfest to obtain the foundation, so we were to increase our patrols of the area and contact the castle if we found any suspicious people.
"We received a similar request at the beginning of spring, remember?” Helfried said. “So, we were just wondering how to respond this time."
Last time, we prepared rejuvenation potions in case a battle ensued, but Illgner didn’t have many knights to begin with. Even if they told us to prepare for an invasion from Ahrensbach, there was not much we could do.
“It says it is highly likely, but I don’t get the feeling there is any particular urgency to the request,” Victor remarked. “If Lady Georgine is aiming for the foundation, Illgner holds no value.”
Illgner bordered Ahrensbach only on a small section of land. Although we had acquired some extra funds thanks to the paper-making industry, our land held no strategic value. It was too far from the castle to be used as a base of operations, and most of it bordered Frenbeltag. Attacking Illgner came with the risk of getting Frenbeltag involved as well.
“Besides, if a noble from another duchy crossed the border, the Aub would notice, right?” Victor continued. “Don’t you agree it’s unlikely to cause any issues if we act only once we are notified?”
"For now, I think we should increase the patrols and keep a close eye on the border,” I advised. “How about twice a day? Once during the day and once at night? Personally, I don't think it’s necessary, but I fear we don’t have a choice."
The mana of Ahrensbach’s land seemed to be weakening, and the duchy’s starving commoners often ventured into Illgner’s mountains in search of food. If we were going to keep a close watch on Ahrensbach, we must be wary of its commoners too, and keep them out.
“It is possible the Aub will reprimand us for overlooking certain activities until now,” Volk noted. “I feel sorry for the commoners, but we can’t please everyone. Filling their land with mana is the duty of Ahrensbach’s archducal family and its temple.”
Although Volk grew up in a temple, he was able to cut off the commoners with surprising ease. As we looked at him in surprise, he smiled, looking a little embarrassed.
“It only makes sense that when the situation changes, the treatment of the commoners changes drastically as well,” he explained himself. “It would be in Illgner’s best interest to prioritize the needs of Ehrenfest’s archducal family rather than the wellbeing of another duchy’s commoners. I also believe it would be wise to gather information from the merchants. Lumber traders go all over the place."
Even after discussing things with Victor and Volk, I couldn't think of any options but increasing the frequency of the patrols. Since we wished to prioritize the paper-making industry, our main source of income, it was difficult to maintain a state of heightened vigilance for a long period of time. Especially since we had no idea when and if Lady Georgine would invade the duchy.
"Very well, I shall inform...  Oh? An ordonnanz."
Just as I was about to head out and give orders to the few knights Illgner had, an ordonnanz flew into the room. I expected it to head for my brother or Victor, but it landed on my arm.
“This is Rozemyne.”
Lady Rozemyne had been so ill that she had been unable to attend the feast celebrating spring, but it seemed she had recovered. Her voice sounded more mature than I remembered. Although I had no proof, I could tell she had grown.
“Lord Ferdinand is hovering on the verge of death due to Lady Georgine’s scheming and we expect her to use this opportunity to invade Ehrenfest. It seems she has already closed in on the border and may act as early as today or tomorrow. At the latest, it will be a few days from now.”
We exchanged worried looks. If Lady Georgine had already closed in on the border, wouldn’t that make this an emergency?  Lady Rozemyne’s message conveyed an urgency that hadn’t been present in Lady Florencia’s letter.  I could also tell how worried she was about us. On top of that, Lady Rozemyne even added some pointers should it come to a confrontation.
"Be very careful when the enemy is dressed in silver-colored clothes. Mana cannot penetrate this cloth. I advise you to carry weapons like the ones that commoners use at all times, since schtappe-made weapons and mana attacks have no effect. It is also possible they will utilize a powdered type of poison. Please cover your mouth with a piece of cloth. Lady Georgine will likely travel by carriage rather than highbeast if she intends to operate in the shadows. Be sure to gather information from your province’s commoners, and keep in close contact with the other Giebe along the border. Grandfather is ready to provide backup at any moment. If you notice any border irregularities, contact us immediately."
After repeating the same message three times, the ordonnanz turned back into a yellow feystone. We stared at the feystone that had warned us of the impending danger in a daze.
"That sounded quite different from Lady Florencia’s letter...”  Victor muttered.
"It would be best to send a patrol out at once,” Helfried concluded. “It sounds like she will be here in a few days at the latest."
“I shall intensify my training so that I may participate in the battle.”
I had resumed training when we were informed of the impending threat in early spring, but I had been absent for a long time due to pregnancy and childbirth, so I was far from my peak fighting strength. Still, we needed as many knights as possible so we might protect Illgner and our families. The more hours of training I had under my belt, the better.
“Brigitte, I understand your enthusiasm, but please send a reply to Lady Rozemyne first,” Victor pointed out. “She likely shared this information with you because you used to be her retainer. Although you are no longer in her service, she is clearly still worrying about you.”
I immediately sent an ordonnanz to Lady Rozemyne to thank her. It reminded me of the days when I served her, and it warmed my heart to know that she still thought of me.
“This is Brigitte. We received an ordonnanz from Lady Florencia earlier, but she didn’t relay nearly as many details. I would like to thank you for the additional and valuable information. We shall keep in contact with the other Giebe and ask our citizens to keep an eye out.”
As I watched the ordonnanz fly away, my brother placed several ordonnanz stones on his desk.
“Brigitte, may I ask you to send the ordonnanzes to the other Giebe as well? The urgency of the matter would be better conveyed if they received it from you, since you directly served Lady Rozemyne.”
Since Lady Florencia's letter did not convey a sense of urgency, our warning might be ignored. However, since I used to serve Lady Rozemyne, they would likely take it seriously if I told them, “I received an urgent message from Lady Rozemyne”.
As I sent the ordonnanzes, the men in the room started discussing our next step. If Lady Georgine might commence her attack as soon as today, where should we start? There were many things to consider.
"It's important to gather information from the commoners,” Victor said. “But shouldn't we first warn those going into the mountains? It will be trouble if they come face-to-face with knights from another duchy."
“We have secured enough food to sustain a siege for a few days and the evacuation site is ready, but please consider how to guide the commoners as well,” Volk added.
"Let's issue a warning to stay away from the mountains near the border until we receive further information about Lady Georgine.” Helfried proposed. “We should have more information within a few days."
I took a deep breath as I realized that the men were only focused on protecting the commoners. While it may be the right thing to do for a Giebe, the knights would not be able to act unless they also considered what came before.
“Brother, I agree that evacuating the commoners is important, but whether Ahrensbach launches a large-scale attack at the border, or stealthily invades with a small number of people to acquire the foundation, will greatly affect the number of knights we must keep on guard duty and send out on patrols. Won't that also impact the number of people available to assist with the evacuation?”
“Brigitte, I understand what you're trying to say,” Victor said while looking at a map of Ehrenfest. “But at this point, we don't know how they are going to attack. If they intend to attack Ehrenfest from Ahrensbach, it is far more likely that they will invade through Gerlach, Wiltord, Garduhn, or Griebel. I doubt they will come all the way out to Illgner.”
If one considered the small stretch of land bordering Ahrensbach, it was certainly unlikely that we would be a target. My brother seemed to have the same idea. However, we could not let our guard down.
"Victor, I understand your point,” I countered. “But Illgner has fewer nobles and a weaker defense. If Lady Georgine is aware, it is possible we may be besieged to create a diversion."
"A diversion... "
“I see,” my brother said. “It seems like Lord Bonifatius is ready to provide aid, but we cannot say with certainty how long it will take for our request to be approved by the Aub, the orders to be issued, and the knights to be ready for departure.”
"Yes,” I agreed. “And on top of that, no matter how fast they fly, it will take them a whole day to arrive. In the meantime, we will be on our own."
As Lady Rozemyne’s former guard knight, I was the one who knew the most about the inner workings of the knight’s order. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how dangerous it would be if Illgner was targeted. Victor seemed to understand the danger we were in after my explanation.
“If prompt discovery and communication are the key, then we should increase the frequency of our patrols.” Victor agreed. “The situation isn’t likely to last more than a few days. If we only increase the patrols near the border, we should be able to achieve it with the bare minimum of people."
My brother nodded, “If our enemy aims to acquire the foundation, they will likely hurry along without slaughtering the commoners. I want you to focus on minimizing the casualties as much as possible and buying time until the reinforcements arrive.”
I immediately headed to the training grounds to inform the knights.
" ...And that's why we must increase our patrols near the border,” I explained. “I shall assist as well. Did last night's patrol notice anything of note?"
"There have been no reports of unusual activities, neither last night nor this morning," the commander of Illgner’s knights assured me. I immediately felt a wave of relief wash over me.
“Lady Rozemyne said to expect movement in the next few days,” I warned. “So, please be careful when patrolling at night. If they are planning to sneak across the border, they will likely act under the cloak of darkness.”
 “It would be helpful if they would stealthily pass through when the commoners are asleep. Then we would only have to inform the archducal family…”
Our knights specialized in hunting feybeasts. Outside of practical lessons at the Royal Academy, they had no experience fighting other people. Besides, there were only fifteen adult knights in Illgner. Even if I included the apprentices and myself, we still had less than twenty people. I completely understood their reluctance to go up against a greater duchy.
“That certainly would be great,” I agreed. “But in that case, they would probably pass through Griebel instead of Illgner. There is no guarantee that the enemy will appear in our province, but let’s stay alert.”
"Indeed,” the commander nodded. “I plan to entrust the real fighting to the reinforcements from the noble’s district. Though, I would like them to hold back on using destructive magic tools if possible."
If our mountains and forests were destroyed, that would greatly impact the paper-making industry. So, avoiding battles that used large numbers of destructive magic tools was certainly preferable.
"Regardless of the enemy’s plans, if you are joining the fight, Lady Brigitte, that will make it easier for us to contact the Giebe. Not to mention, you are a mednoble and thus a valuable battle asset."
It was decided the patrols would focus on the area near the border with Ahrensbach. We were on good terms with Frenbeltag, and Lady Rozemyne had not included them in her warnings, so it was safe to assume we would not be invaded from that side. I accompanied the squads on their rounds, but nothing of note happened that day.
The next afternoon, I and five other knights were out patrolling the border on our highbeasts, when I noticed a change in the scenery.
"Don't you think the shape of that ridge looks different?" I asked as I pointed at the mountain ahead.
I wasn’t quite sure how to put it, but it seemed like an abnormal dip in a part of the tree line, or rather, like an unnatural dent in the gentle curves of the ridge.
"Let's have a closer look."
Sensing something was off, we cautiously approached. As we got closer, I quickly noticed almost all the trees on the opposite side of the mountain, next to Ahrensbach’s border, had disappeared. The bare, reddish-brown soil reminded me of the aftermath of a trombe attack.
“Just what on earth is going on!?” I exclaimed while squinting my eyes to get a better look. At the same moment, more trees disappeared up ahead. As I stared at the empty spot in a daze, unable to comprehend what just happened, two of the knights cried out.
"Look over there! I see people!"
"Those are Ahrensbach's capes!"
Several people could be seen standing atop the center of the reddish-brown soil. When I noticed they were all carrying black weapons, an audible gasp escaped my lips.
"Black weapons can be used to steal mana from dark feybeasts,” I said. “Maybe they can be used to steal mana from the land as well."
Since the archducal family had contacted us, we had mentally prepared ourselves for the possibility of an invasion. However, we had not seen this coming. We had not expected the enemy would try to steal mana from our land, rather than head straight for the foundation.
“If they were just trying to pass through Illgner, we could have watched from a distance,” I muttered in shock. “However, we cannot sit back and watch as mana is stolen from our land and the trees are disappearing before our very eyes.”
If they took our trees, that would greatly affect the paper-making industry.  Moreover, most commoners relied on the blessings of the mountains for their meals. Not to mention, if it rained, the flow of the rivers could change as well. In the worst case, life in Illgner could be destroyed.
"I count four,” one of the knights said. “Shall we attack?"
"...no.” I shook my head. “Let's head back and request the Aub to send reinforcements. If there are any people hiding out of sight, we will be outnumbered."
Just then, arrows came flying at us. Our enemy was swiftly making way for the tree line while attacking us to keep us at a distance.
"They spotted us! We are under attack!"
"Kill them before they can hide! "
"Mana attacks will be absorbed by their black weapons!” I warned. “Be careful!"
Since the area was already devoid of trees and had turned a reddish-brown hue, there was no issue in using offensive magic tools. We flew overhead and dropped magic tools from above. Two of the intruders disarmed their black weapons and readied their shields.
"Once they disarm their weapons, it will take about a day before they can use the blessing again!” I shouted. “Attack with the intent to make them cancel it and use their shields!"
Without the darkness's blessing, they would not be able to steal mana from the land, at least for today. As everyone readied themselves to attack, a gasp escaped my throat when I detected numerous mana signatures approaching.
“There are more units nearby!” I alerted the others. “I can feel their mana! They are swiftly approaching us!”
The fact was, the unit before us already had the upper hand strength-wise. On top of that, they were about to regroup with other units nearby. It was abundantly clear we were at an overwhelming disadvantage. Try as we might, there was no chance of winning. In fact, we would likely lose our only chance to retreat.
"Don't pursue the enemy!” I shouted. “We shall retreat for now!"
While sending an ordonnanz to my brother to warn him, we returned to the summer mansion.
“Brother, Lady Rozemyne was right! The enemy is here! Not only are they draining the mana from our land, but we are also dealing with a large number of people spread out over a wide area. We cannot deal with it by ourselves. Please request the Aub to send reinforcements."
When I arrived at my brother's office with the commander, he and Victor were already waiting for us with a map of Illgner spread out on the table.
"I immediately sent the request after receiving your ordonnanz,” Helfried replied. “It seems Lord Bonifatius will lead the support unit. However, considering how much damage has been done in such a short period of time, I wonder if Illgner will last until reinforcements arrive. Brigitte, what is your opinion as a knight?”
In this case, simply scattering the enemy would not be enough. It was important that we limit the amount of damage to a level that would not interfere with the lives of Illgner’s people.
“The enemies we encountered were acting in small units, but I could sense mana everywhere around us. Even if we gathered all our knights, I cannot say for certain how long we would be able to stall for time. Neither can I predict how much damage will be done to the land until reinforcements arrive.”
If their sole purpose was to drain mana from the land, we could limit the number of human casualties by staying quiet and holing up. However, Illgner’s land would be devastated.
" ...those were nobles from old Werkestock."
“I remember them from my time at the Royal Academy,” the commander explained. “The one they were protecting is a Giebe from old Werkestock.”
The frequency at which we found commoners from old Werkestock and Ahrensbach invade our mountains in search of food made it abundantly clear that their lands were lacking mana. However, I had never expected that a Giebe of all people would invade another duchy to steal mana.
“If this invasion is headed by a Giebe of a mana-deficient duchy, and has the support of Lady Georgine, they won’t give up easily,” I observed.
As a member of the Giebe’s family, I understood their desire to have enough mana to fertilize their land and feed their starving people very well. I could tell neither of us would back down.
“Both Old Werkestock and Ahrensbach are greater duchies, and we are greatly outnumbered,” the commander said. “It is only a matter of time before we are overrun. But even so, we have no choice but to stand our ground until Lord Bonifatius and the reinforcements arrive. That said, I would like to avoid casualties among the younger generations as much as possible.” He let out a deep sigh.
"Whatever will become of us if we cannot count on Illgner’s knights to protect the lives of the province’s people?” I asked, then added, “I will fight too."
"Brigitte, wait," Victor said, his face as white as a sheet. He shook his head in disbelief. "You are no longer a knight. You are a member of the Giebe’s family and Lilarose's mother. For your daughter’s sake, please do not rush into a battle that the commander himself deems reckless. Haven't you been away from training for a while due to giving birth and nursing our child? Right now, you are more vulnerable than the other knights."
I understood what Victor was trying to say. However, I did not agree with him.
"I am a member of the Giebe’s family and a knight,” I declared. “Isn't it natural that I go out and protect Illgner? If I back out, it will affect morale."
"But... " Victor tried.
"I won’t be in any more danger than the other knights,” I said. “Moreover, the reason I resigned as Lady Rozemyne’s guard knight and got married was to protect Illgner. I have no intention of backing down from the fight to protect it now."
Although I was no longer her guard knight and there was a long distance between Ehrenfest and Illgner, Lady Rozemyne still looked out for us. She continued to support our paper-making industry and had provided us with valuable information. Although I only served her for a short period of time, I was greatly indebted to her. More than anything, I wanted to be a knight who Lady Rozemyne would be proud of.
“Besides, if I can’t even protect Illgner here, I won’t be able to protect Lilarose either,” I stated. “Suppose I was to perish in this battle, Lilarose still has you, her father, my brother, and my mother to protect her. Illgner, on the other hand, has very few knights to protect its land. I will entrust our daughter to you. So, please let me go. "
Victor looked at my brother with a pained expression, but my brother shook his head.
“I'm sorry, Victor,” he said apologetically. “As a Giebe, I want as many knights as I can get. Besides, I cannot keep my sister away from battle because it might be dangerous, while at the same time demanding the other knights risk their lives on the battlefield. Brigitte, if you wish to fight to protect Illgner, I will respect that. ... although I pray you won’t do anything too reckless.”
Hearing my brother's words, Victor hung his head and sighed.
"As much as I hate it, you truly are a knight at heart. I understand your desire to protect Illgner and your pride as a knight. However, you are also Lilarose's mother. Don’t be reckless. Stay aware of your surroundings and retreat if necessary. We are just trying to buy time.”
Watching Victor concede to my desire, the commander smiled wryly.
"Lady Brigitte, please don't disregard everyone's concerns. The fewer the casualties, the better. As Lord Victor says, buying time is our top priority. If we can make them cancel the darkness blessing, that will be enough. Let's work together to get every last one of them."
While we were discussing how to make our enemies cancel the blessing and what magical tools might be useful, an ordonnanz flew in.
"This is Bonifatius. I have received the Aub’s permission to use the teleportation circle. I will arrive at fifth bell. Clear the area around the teleportation circle in the front yard of your estate, and have your knights ready to depart. We will head into battle as soon as I arrive."
After repeating the same message three times, the ordonnanz turned back into a yellow feystone. Even then, I still couldn't believe its message.
“Hold on, fifth Bell?” I asked confused. “He means today? And they will use a teleportation circle? To teleport a whole unit of knights?”
We had discovered the enemy when we set out on patrol after lunch. After we returned, we immediately reported to my brother, so we had yet to formally inform the other knights. Yet now we were told that the reinforcements would be arriving within less than a bell.
“Isn’t fifth bell about to ring!” Helfried shouted in panic. “Where is that teleportation circle!?  What is the front yard!?”
"Please calm down, Lord Helfried,” Victor said. “The front yard is the front yard."
“Lady Brigitte, we should inform the knights!” The commander interjected. “At this rate, we won’t be ready to head into battle!”
My steadfast resolve was instantly blown away. First, we had to prepare Illgner to receive the reinforcements, and those of us who went on patrol needed to recover and prepare for the next battle.
As reported by the ordonnanz, right as fifth bell rang, a magic circle appeared in the front yard. Black and golden flames whirled around, and figures started appearing. I had been told that the magic circle connected to the Royal Academy could only transport three people at a time, but I could see the shadows of about fifty people in this teleportation circle.
Once the flickering of the flames subsided, the knights exited the teleportation circle in an orderly manner with Lord Bonifatius in the lead. However, a group of at least ten people remained in place. When he noticed the person standing at the center, my brother cried out in surprise.
“Aub Ehrenfest!?”
We had known that reinforcements would arrive by teleportation circle, but we had not expected the Aub would be accompanying them. As our eyes widened in surprise, Aub Ehrenfest calmly gestured us to calm down, “There is no need to panic. This teleportation circle can only be activated by me, so I had to come along to deliver the reinforcements. I will be returning at once."
"Aub Ehrenfest, I cannot thank you enough for your kind consideration. I didn't even know that there was a teleportation circle like this."
As my brother expressed his gratitude, the Aub nodded lightly.
"Neither did I,” he admitted. “Until Rozemyne mentioned its existence. This battle is the first time I am using it. She read about it in some old book it seems. I am sure you have heard she has been busy reviving ancient magic circles and rituals recorded in the bible and other old literature. That appears to have led to the discovery of this teleportation circle.”
“Lady Rozemyne… ” I whispered.
How could I ever express my gratitude? If not for Lady Rozemyne, this teleportation circle would likely never have been discovered and Lord Bonifatius probably would not have been able to reach us in time.
"Giebe Illgner,” the Aub continued. “These men here are just scholars I brought along to activate the teleportation circle. They aren’t part of the reinforcements."
Apparently, the people who remained standing on the teleportation circle were providing the mana necessary for the Aub to return.
“I cannot send any more people at the moment. So, Illgner is in your hands now.”
I decided to leave it to my brother to see the Aub off, and headed over to Lord Bonifatius, who was giving instructions to the knights.
"Those who assisted with the teleportation will stay here for now. Prioritize your recovery. The rest of you will follow me. Now, who is in charge on Illgner’s side? I want to know what we are dealing with."
"Lord Bonifatius, please allow me to explain,” I said. “We happened upon the enemy while we were out patrolling the border."
"Ah, Brigitte. It's been a while."
In truth, this would have been the job of the commander of Illgner’s knights, but he begged me to take his place, noting, “I'm much too nervous to talk to a member of the archducal family. Who knows what kind of mistakes I will make.” Since I had received special training from Lord Bonifatius as Lady Rozemyne’s guard knight, the idea of having a direct conversation with him did not bother me.
"I see,” Lord Bonifatius nodded. “Those black weapons certainly spell trouble. Not only can they drain mana from the land, but our mana attacks will also work to our opponent’s advantage. It would be better if we used metal weapons. Come to think of it, were they dressed in silver cloth?”
"No, as far as we know they aren’t,” I replied. “Since they can counter our mana attacks with their black weapons, there probably was no need to use silver cloth."
"Since the Aub has been unable to detect their crossing the border, I guess there is a high possibility they do own it though... " Lord Bonifatius mulled. After thinking it over for a moment, he nodded.
"It's not a bad idea to prioritize canceling the blessing. Moreover, it is likely that they are using small chalices too, I have been told. That way they can use the stolen mana to revitalize their land. All right, let's go."
Perhaps Lady Rozemyne had told him that too? I remembered the days when I accompanied Lady Rozemyne across the duchy to perform rituals. Small chalices were divine tools used to fill the land with mana, but it seems that in the hands of the wrong people, they could be used to steal mana from the land as well.
Lord Bonifatius set out, leaving behind the knights who were still drinking rejuvenation potions.
... yes, Illgner will be fine now.
The battle was only just beginning. Even so, the thought of having Lord Bonifatius with us was reassuring, and for some reason made me believe everything would be okay.
... first, I would like to recover the mana that was bestowed onto Illgner by my master and the temple.
“Lord Bonifatius, it’s over there. …it seems more land has been drained of mana.”
As I guided Lord Bonifatius towards the border, I couldn't help but feel frustrated seeing the barren spots of land.
"Can any of you feel the enemy's mana?" Lord Bonifatius asked.
" ...maybe if we fly a little lower," I suggested,
Mana could not be detected if the distance was too large. As I began to lower my altitude, I noticed some trees disappearing out of the corner of my eye.
“Over there!” I shouted.
"Follow me and seize the chalices!" Lord Bonifatius instructed the knights, then immediately sped up, charging the enemy alone.
I saw a schtappe appear in Lord Bonifatius’ hand while he was clearly anticipating the enemy’s route of escape. Even though he had ordered the knights to use non-schtappe weapons to counter the black ones, he changed his own into a halberd.
“Lord Bonifatius!?”
We could not help but cry out in surprise. While we still had no idea what he was aiming for, Lord Bonifatius raised his halberd in the air.
“Lord Bonifatius!?” One of the enemies shouted. “What is he doing here!?”
"Don't stop!” Another yelled. “Counter his mana with your black weapon!"
“Protect the Giebe!”
“Spread out and run!”
To the enemy, it must have been looking like he was attacking them head-on, as they started to scatter in confusion. That’s when Lord Bonifatius brought his halberd down.
His mana attack was not aimed directly at the enemy, but instead hit the tree line along their path of escape. Shredding the trees to pieces, causing roughly chopped logs and thick branches to rain down upon their heads.
"Holy shit!"
"Entwafn ... ugh!"
Their black weapons had no effect on the mana-less pieces of wood, nor did they have enough time to cancel the blessing and bring out their shield. Soon, the enemy was buried under a thick pile of logs and branches.
"Don't let them escape!" Lord Bonifatius ordered as we caught up to him.
From there, everything went fast. Most of the people buried under the trees were seriously injured, and even those with minor injuries were unable to make their escape, so they were easily captured.
"I found the chalices! We can return the mana to our land!"
After we stripped the captured Giebe of his possessions and seized the small chalices, joyous shouts of victory emerged from Illgner’s knights.
However, the battle did not end there. Last time, the enemies present in the surrounding area had rallied together to aid their friends. However, this time, they immediately scattered and ran away in fear of Lord Bonifatius’ might.
"We have told Frenbeltag to be on guard, so the enemies’ options for escape are limited,” Lord Bonifatius said. “They are not particularly strong, but if they spread out, it will be enough to prolong the battle. Creating a diversion to keep the knight’s order occupied must be their true aim. Not to mention, their number is smaller than expected.”
I noticed a bitter expression on his face as he spoke. The attack would not destroy Ilgner, but it was intense enough that Illgner’s knights could not deal with it alone. And since the land's mana was being drained, the archducal family had no choice but to respond.
Unfortunately, Lord Bonifatius had been completely right. The next day, the enemies that fled from Illgner started showing up in Griebel.
"Griebel has also requested reinforcements.” Lord Bonifatius announced. “So, we will head for Griebel while mopping up enemies along Illgner's border. Brigitte, you and your men will stay right here!"
"Yes, sir!" I replied.
It was decided that Illgner’s knights would remain camped near the border to prevent a new invasion. Lord Bonifatius promised he would leave some of his knights behind, but to be honest, it was disheartening to see him leave.
"Don't worry,” he said with a confident grin. “I'll give you a good view, so you can focus on protecting the border. If you are overwhelmed, inform me at once."
Lord Bonifatius and his knights unleashed powerful mana attacks on Ahrensbach’s land, mowing down the trees on the other side of the border bit by bit as they moved toward Griebel.
"I see. The view has become much better indeed."
"The enemy can no longer hide, but they may shamelessly attack from the sky. So, let's remain vigilant."
As Lord Bonifatius had said, their purpose was to keep the knights occupied, so the enemies showing up from time to time were not that strong.
"Lady Brigitte, I have something to report,” one of the knight apprentices said to me while we were between battles. “I wanted to inform the Giebe directly, but since a mobilization order was issued, I have instead come to you... It seems that a lumber merchant who traveled to Leisegang by boat to make a delivery noticed some strange noble-looking people trying to board a ship to Ehrenfest while he was there.”
As I listened to the rest of the apprentice’s report, I felt cold sweat start dripping down my back. It had been two days since the lumber merchant saw the people who appeared to be nobles. Even if it was a merchant ship that made stops along the way, there was a possibility that it had already arrived in Ehrenfest.
“I must contact Lady Rozemyne at once!”
However, the ordonnanz I tried to send her immediately turned around.
...don’t tell me Lady Rozemyne is…!
I held my breath as my mind jumped to the worst possible explanation. Ordonnanzes would refuse to fly if the receiver was dead. With trembling hands, I tried sending an ordonnanz to Cornelius and Angelica,
"This is Brigitte. What's the situation over there?”
To my despair, both returned to my hand.
“Then, what about Damuel…?”
Contrary to my fears, the ordonnanz I sent to him soared away as normal. And soon his response arrived.
“We are still waiting for the enemy to make a move.”
His voice sounded as nonchalant as ever, as if nothing was amiss.
I had been fighting for days on end and scared out of my mind at the prospect that Lady Rozemyne might have perished along with her guard knights. Hearing Damuel’s carefree voice made an indescribable anger well up inside me.
I was aware in the back of my mind that I was being irrational. However, if Ehrenfest wasn’t under attack, then why didn’t my ordonnanzes fly? The lack of rest between battles was probably to blame for my heightened emotional state, and in addition, I suppose part of me felt that I was allowed to be casual with him like we used to. So, the reply I sent was dripping with anger.
“Then why can’t I reach anyone by ordonnanz!? I have vital information to report! Where are Lady Rozemyne, Cornelius, and Angelica?”
After that, I included the report from the lumber merchant, and concluded with, “Since we are still under attack, we do not have the leeway to investigate when the ship will arrive. Please make the inquiries yourself and stay on guard.”
"We shall contact Leisegang,” Damuel replied. “Thank you for providing this valuable information in the midst of a tough battle. ... Oh , and Lady Rozemyne and the others are in Ahrensbach, so ordonnanzes won't be able to reach them."
Without even naming my unreasonable anger, Damuel casually told me Lady Rozemyne's whereabouts. I felt so embarrassed that I was the only one getting emotional that my anger slowly began to subside. Once I calmed down, I realized that even Lord Bonifatius had not mentioned the information Damuel had shared with me.
...Lady Rozemyne is in Ahrensbach?
I remembered the Aub had said that he couldn't send any more reinforcements. So, it made sense that even Lady Rozemyne was fighting to protect Ehrenfest.
...it sounds like she is still giving it her all.
I remembered the days she would fight alongside us to collect the materials for her jureve. Although a normal archduke candidate would leave it all to their guard knights, Lady Rozemyne joined the battles despite her frail body, and while falling asleep from exhaustion. Ever since then, Lady Rozemyne hadn't been just a little girl that needed to be protected.
...the people around her seem to have changed though.
Back then, it was me, Damuel, Lord Ferdinand, and his retainers fighting alongside her. Cornelius and Angelica, who were minors at the time, were made to stay behind at the castle. Now that they were adults, she would be taking new guard knights in. I left due to my marriage, and Lord Ferdinand and his retainers moved to Ahrensbach due to his engagement.
I suddenly felt the passage of time as I realized that not only the people surrounding Lady Rozemyne had changed, but my position as well. I was no longer protecting Lady Rozemyne, I was fighting for Illgner and my family now. Although, my desire to protect what was important to me had not changed. If Lady Rozemyne was fighting to protect Ehrenfest, then as her former guard knight, I could not afford to muck around. Through fighting and winning the battle at this border, I would be able to help Lady Rozemyne protect Ehrenfest.
“Lady Brigitte, we have spotted the enemy!”
I jumped to my feet at the sound of the knight's voice. The other knights also mounted their highbeasts, reeling with fighting spirit.
...Good luck to you, Lady Rozemyne. I will do all I can to protect Illgner.
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tada-no-honzuki · 7 months
Ascendance of a Bookworm (29) Part 5 Volume 8 Extra Chapter 1
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series and is purely made for my own entertainment. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Since the title of this chapter contains spoilers, it has been hidden beneath a "read more"!
[The Battle for Ehrenfest] Giebe Kirnberger - Opening the Country Gate
With Spring Prayer just around the corner, an urgent letter from the castle arrived at Kirnberger’s Summer Estate. The white bird flew straight into my office and turned into a letter on my desk. One of the scholars picked it up, checked it, and then handed it to me.
"Giebe Kirnberger,” he said. “It is from Lady Florencia, Aub Ehrenfest’s first wife.”
I frowned as I accepted the letter and gave it a read. Since there was a high possibility that Lady Georgine of Ahrensbach would be invading Ehrenfest to acquire its foundation, we were told to increase our patrols and to immediately contact the castle if we came across anyone suspicious.
...they have been telling us to be prepared since the beginning of spring. Has Lady Georgine finally made a move?
I remembered the girl who, after enduring a strict education to become the next archduchess, had lashed out in anger when she was removed from that position on the day of her younger brother’s baptism. Was she still holding onto that grudge? Or was there some other reason?
During last winter's purge, several nobles were executed, because they had sworn their name to her. I had heard that she had been requesting names to antagonize Veronica, but I very much doubted she had many pawns left within Ehrenfest at this point.
"It certainly is a tense situation,” I said. “But I doubt it will have much to do with Kirnberger.”
If Lady Georgine were to invade, she would likely head toward the capital from Ahrensbach or old Werkestock, which were respectively located to the south or southwest of Ehrenfest. If her aim was the duchy’s foundation, it was quite unlikely she would come to Kirnberger, which was in the east.
"It is unlikely that she will come this way, but we should be prepared nonetheless,” One of my scholars said. “Would you like to increase the frequency of the patrols, as well as the training sessions?"
“Maybe we should also keep Kirnberger knights at the ready to assist the border provinces, in case a request arrives?” I mused.
"Please consider it carefully. There is no guarantee that she will not come our way.”
I gave a slight nod to my scholars and stroked my chin as I considered our options.
"If we are going to lend our knights to others, shouldn’t we prioritize the central district?” I mulled. “Protecting the foundation is what’s most important.”
"Why don't you try asking Lord Alexis? You never know when we may need their assistance."
My scholars suggested I get into Lord Wilfried and Aub Ehrenfest’s good graces through Alexis. I had to agree, if I were going to send reinforcements anyway, it might as well benefit my son. So, I sent an ordonnanz to Alexis to check whether they might need reinforcements from Kirnberger.
“This is Alexis. Has Lady Georgine already invaded the duchy? Lord Wilfried is still in a meeting with the archducal family and the higher-ups of the knight’s order, and no information of that kind has reached my ears yet. As soon as my Lord returns, I shall consult him on the matter.”
I folded my arms as I watched the ordonnanz repeat its message two more times. I had not expected Alexis to be unaware of the present situation. He was a guard knight of the archducal family after all.
“What news must have reached the Aub’s ears that Lady Florencia felt it necessary to send a letter to each Giebe in the middle of a meeting?” I muttered to myself. “Perhaps Alexis was ordered to keep quiet? Or maybe he is kept in the dark on purpose?”
“Maybe Aub Ehrenfest received some urgent news and had to step out of the room. His family may be waiting in the meeting room, unable to proceed.”
My scholars suggested they were possibly trying to do what they could until Aub Ehrenfest returned. A typical way of thinking for a scholar. However, I felt that, more than anything, it conveyed that Lady Georgine's invasion was imminent.
“I suppose we should at least assess the placement of our knights, just in case they do ask for reinforcements?” I concluded.
I immediately summoned the higher-ups of Kirnberger’s knight’s order and showed them Lady Florencia’s letter. Then, as we were discussing our next step, another white bird arrived and turned into a letter after landing on my desk.
“What is it?” I asked. “A request for assistance from Alexis?”
"No, it's another letter from the castle.” The scholar replied. “It’s from Aub Ehrenfest himself."
"We only just received a letter from Lady Florencia,” I exclaimed. “What is it this time?"
It hadn't been that long since Lady Florencia contacted us. If he were just trying to counter Lady Georgine's invasion, Aub Ehrenfest shouldn't have any particular requests to make to Kirnberger.
"...it seems that Aub Ehrenfest will be visiting Kirnberger tonight. To open the border gate.”
“He is going to open the border gate?” I asked confused. “For what purpose?”
I snatched the letter from the scholar’s hand and quickly skimmed it. The scholar was right. To summarize, the letter said, “I shall be arriving in Kirnberger around midnight to open the border gate. We will be using the teleportation circle located at your summer estate. There is no need for Kirnberger to take any action. I am just contacting you since I shall be entering your mansion's premises with my knights.” I tapped the letter with my finger, unable to fully grasp the meaning of the message.
"The teleportation circle of Kirnberger’s summer estate?” I frowned. “Does such a thing exist? Has it ever been used before? Where on earth is it? Exactly where will Aub Ehrenfest appear?"
“Although he says we don’t have to take any action, we can’t just sit back.” My scholar said. “Shouldn’t we review the night watch for tonight, find that teleportation circle, and clean the area around it?”
As it had not been used in ages, we didn't even know the location of the teleportation circle. It was quite possible that it was currently blocked by equipment, or the surrounding area was inaccessible. The blood quickly drained from our faces. Aub Ehrenfest had made it sound easy, but the estate and its premises were quite spacious. It would be difficult to find something that we had never seen before.
"Hurry up and find that teleportation circle!” I ordered. “Get it ready by midnight!"
"The magic circle is probably carved into the floor or wall.” A scholar suggested. “Even if it’s not visible to the naked eye, it might react if you pour some mana into it."
“Have the attendants check inside the estate and tell the knights to look outside. Make sure they do not forget to check the training grounds. I want all scholars to go through the documents in the archive and see if there are any mentions of the teleportation circle!”
Within a moment the whole estate was in an uproar.
As a result of everyone’s fervent search, we found the teleportation circle was carved into the stone pavement in front of the estate. The place was currently being used as a training ground for the knights. Unlike the teleportation circle connected to the Royal Academy, which could only transport up to three people at a time, the estate’s teleportation circle was much larger and seemed to be designed to transport many people at once. The shelves and training dummies that had been left on top of the teleportation circle were quickly removed. After which the knights used waschen to remove the dirt. We had successfully averted a crisis.
“Is he really coming?”
"He even went out of his way to inform us,” I replied. “I'm sure he'll come."
Aub Ehrenfest had said he would arrive around midnight. So, I took a quick nap, then sat up and waited. Although it was already mid-spring, the nights were still cold. So, I was watching the teleportation circle from my office accompanied by several knights.
Suddenly, the teleportation circle lit up. We immediately rushed out onto the balcony and jumped onto our highbeast. Black and golden flames swirled around. By the time we could see shapes appearing, we had arrived at the site of the teleportation circle.
“Welcome, Aub Ehrenfest.” I said.
Although my face radiated calm, my heart was in shock. It wasn't just the Aub and his knights who had arrived.
“… is that Lady Rozemyne?” I whispered under my breath.
“Judging by the guard knights around her, I suppose it is…” The knight standing next to me replied quietly. He seemed just as confused as me.
She had grown so much that it was hard to believe it was really her. I knew Lady Rozemyne had been indisposed for a long period and had consequently not attended the feast celebrating spring, but I had seen her at the start of winter. No matter how you looked at it, this was an unnatural amount of growth.
I couldn't help but wonder why she had grown so much, but the Aub and his knights were engaged in a serious conversation about the practical uses of the teleportation circle. The atmosphere did not allow me to inquire after Lady Rozemyne’s abnormal growth.
...that said, didn't those two go to Ahrensbach with Lord Ferdinand?
Lord Justus and Lord Eckhart were included in Lady Rozemyne’s entourage. Feeling at a loss as to what was going on, I folded my arms.
“Sylvester, would you please leave the discussion for later and open the border gate for me.”
"That's right. The assessment can wait. Let's go."
It seems that Lady Rozemyne had requested the Aub to open the border gate. Although she had grown into a beautiful young woman, she unfortunately still used that strange highbeast.
...it just doesn't suit her.
I felt a more elegant highbeast to suit her beauty would be better, but it seemed that Lady Rozemyne had no intention of changing her fat grun-like highbeast. Since I had seen her traveling with all her Gutenbergs, I knew it was a useful design that could carry a lot of luggage, but I still wished she would pay a little more attention to its appearance.
We also got on our highbeasts and accompanied our guests to the border gate. Since the white gate stood out against the dark, it would be hard to miss. However, we couldn’t just leave the Aub and his entourage to their own devices as we still had no idea what they were planning to do.
"It's Aub Ehrenfest. He is really here."
The knights on night watch looked down with interest from up on the roof of the border gate. Like them, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going to happen. As we quietly watched on, the Aub took out his schtappe and tapped the gate, chanting "offnetor."
The doors of the pure white border gate slowly started to open. At the same time, the pale rainbow-colored country gate came into view. It shone like a mother-of-pearl inlay. It wasn’t just a trick of the moonlight; it was actually glowing softly.
Even though I had lived in Kirnberger all my life, it was a sight I rarely got to see. As I admired the beautiful view before my eyes, Lady Rozemyne stepped out of her high beast and approached the country gate. She pulled out her schtappe and chanted “Grutrissheit." As she did, something that looked like a faintly glowing stone slab appeared in her hands.
...hold on, Grutrissheit!?
I gasped. Shouldn’t only the Zent be able to wield it? However, the country gate immediately started glowing strongly in response and its triangular roof started sliding open. It was clear as day that Lady Rozemyne wasn’t merely imitating Grutrissheit’s shape with her schtappe. Only those in possession of Grutrissheit could open a country gate. There was no doubt in my mind that she had obtained the genuine copy.
"Look how bright the country gate is shining! Never did I ever… "
“Wait, did she say Grutrissheit!?”
“I can’t believe it, Lady Rozemyne has…”
All eyes were glued to the country gate that was coming to life for the first time in about 200 years. Although it was a moving sight, I could not ignore the fear gripping at my heart. I approached Aub Ehrenfest, who was admiring the country gate just like us.
“Won’t this be considered treason?” I asked.
The failed attempt of Eisenreich’s archducal family to usurp the throne had meant the end of Eisenreich and was the cause of Kirnberger’s decline. The sight of Lady Rozemyne wielding Grutrissheit, while the current Zent could not, sent shivers down my spine.
"Don't worry. Adoption talks with the King are progressing in secret. Besides, there is this."
The Aub assured me the royal family was aware that Lady Rozemyne had obtained Grutrissheit and showed me the first prince had gifted her a courtship necklace. I was relieved to hear Ehrenfest would not be charged with treason, but my eyes widened when I realized this meant that Lady Rozemyne would soon be leaving the duchy. Not only would she be adopted by the King to bestow Grutrissheit onto the royal family, but she was also being courted by the first prince. It was clear she would not be returning to Ehrenfest in the future.
An incredible change was about to occur in Ehrenfest. At a loss for words, I watched Lady Rozemyne instruct her retainers to get into her highbeast, paying no mind to the blow she just dealt to all of us.
“Then, we shall be off,” she spoke. “Don’t worry, I promise I will bring Lord Ferdinand back.”
"Wait, Rozemyne,” the Aub interjected. “Take this... Prince Sigiswald asked me to give you this. He said, it will prove that you have received permission from the royal family, so be sure to wear it at all times."
Aub Ehrenfest offered Lady Rozemyne the courtship necklace. It had the emblem of the royal family engraved in gold into a feystone of six elements. She accepted it without any objection.
Lady Rozemyne stepped into her highbeast and flew up to the roof of the country gate, then landed on the plateau that had become visible due to the roof opening. The Aub and his guard knights chased after her on their highbeasts and so did I, but unlike her, we were all repelled by a barrier and could not approach the country gate.
After waving goodbye, the Grutrissheit in Lady Rozemyne’s hand lit up.
"Koschlussel Dunkelferger."
A magic circle that emitted light from all elements floated up into the air and started spinning. As if prompted by that light, the teleportation circle below activated too.
“Take care of Ferdinand, Rozemyne!”
As Lady Rozemyne disappeared, the roof of the country gate slowly started to close again, as if it knew its job was done. I had just witnessed an event I had only ever read about in history books. While everyone else was excited that the country gate had been opened and that Lady Rozemyne was going to rescue Lord Ferdinand, I tasted a bitter feeling in my mouth.
If Lady Rozemyne was adopted by the King, she would be able to bestow Grutrissheit onto Yurgenschmidt without Ehrenfest being charged with treason. It must be a joyous occasion for both Yurgenschmidt and Lady Rozemyne, who would be joining the royal family.
...I wanted Lady Rozemyne to become the next Aub Ehrenfest, but I suppose that won’t be happening anymore.
As a Giebe of Ehrenfest, I felt it was a shame, but Lady Rozemyne’s departure itself wasn’t a major issue. The much more pressing issue was what direction Ehrenfest, and the archducal family would take after Lady Rozemyne left. Since talks of her becoming the adopted daughter of the King were progressing, and she had received a courtship necklace from the first prince, it was clear the engagement between Lord Wilfried and Lady Rozemyne would be canceled soon. It was safe to assume that this had already been discussed behind the scenes.
...what will happen to Lord Wilfried afterward? He surely hasn’t forgotten his stained reputation, has he? How is he going to act going forward?
I stared at the Aub's back as he closed the border gate. He had been adamant about making Lord Wilfried the next Archduke. Even though Lord Wilfried had committed a crime that could have seen him disinherited, Aub Ehrenfest had gone as far as to reinstate him to the position of next archduke through an engagement to Lady Rozemyne.
I knew from the information Alexis had given me that Lord Wilfried’s archduke training had been put on halt due to his poor attitude. If his engagement to Lady Rozemyne was canceled, and Lord Bonifatius had given up on him, he would most definitely be out of the running for the position of next archduke.
...will Lord Wilfried remain a member of the archducal family? Will he receive any compensation from the royal family for the cancellation of his engagement? And what will happen to Alexis, who is serving him?
Yurgenschmidt's future was important, but my son's future was just as important to me. Even though opening the country gate with Grutrissheit to travel to another duchy was a historical milestone, Lord Wilfried, the supposed fiancée, and Alexis, his close retainer, were not here to share in the occasion. I could not help but worry about their futures.
However, neither could I bring myself to put a damper on everyone's joy and excitement. Unable to question the Aub, I quietly stared at the border gate as its doors slowly closed again.
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tada-no-honzuki · 7 months
Ascendance of a Bookworm (29) Part 5 Volume 8 Chapter 1 
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series and is purely made for my own entertainment. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Joining forces
After finishing my discussion with Dunkelfelger and discussing the treatment of Justus and Eckhart with Sylvester, I left Sylvester's office and joined Cornelius, Hartmut, and Lieseletta. Since I wasn’t feeling confident yet that I would be able to walk swiftly with the elegance expected of a young lady, I formed my highbeast and got in. We were in a hurry.
"I have secured Dunkelfelger's assistance. We are leaving tonight.” I declared, before asking, “Oh, and before I forget, do you know what became of the archducal family meeting?"
Cornelius nodded and quickly explained, “Florencia required all the attendants and knights in attendance to sign a magic contract that prohibits them from further spreading the confidential information you accidentally spilled in the spur of the moment. As people were signing the contract, we received an ordonnanz from Aub Ehrenfest relaying that you secured Dunkelfelger’s assistance and would be leaving for Kirnberger at midnight and that he would be leaving for the Royal Academy at once. I presume something else happened on your end?”
I nodded, "I shall explain the details later, but it's not bad news."
It would be foolish to discuss the arrival of Justus and Eckhart right here in the hallway. After skillfully preventing Cornelius from making any further inquiries with a smile, I turned my gaze to Hartmut, who was walking on my other side.
“Hartmut, please inform my guard knights to gather in my room at once.”
“I presume you wish to hold a strategy meeting?” Hartmut asked with a calm and collected face. “I have already contacted everyone. I informed them time is of the essence, so even those who were stationed at the temple should be arriving about now. I told Roderick and Philine to stay as they are.”
Somewhat taken aback by his efficiency, I involuntarily did a double take at Hartmut.
"...w-well done."
“I am glad to be of use to you, Lady Rozemyne.”
As Hartmut had predicted, everyone was already there when I returned to my room. However, it did not escape my eye that the knights who had rushed over from the temple still seemed slightly out of breath.
“Um, Lady Rozemyne. Hartmut informed us there was some kind of emergency…”
"Yes,” I said. “I know this comes rather suddenly, but I'm going to attack Ahrensbach’s foundation tonight.
"……excuse me?"
The situation had changed considerably since this morning. It was not something I could have predicted either, so their reaction was to be expected. I quickly explained the current situation to those who hadn’t attended today’s meeting. That Ferdinand lay collapsed in Ahrensbach’s replenishing hall, that Georgine would likely use this opportunity to invade Ehrenfest, that I would be going to Ahrensbach tonight to rescue Ferdinand, that I secured Dunkelfelger’s assistance with the help of Sylvester, and that Justus and Eckhart had arrived at the Royal Academy and would join us later.
There was no denying it, this was an emergency. As everyone's face tightened, I started giving instructions. There was little time until departure.
"First of all, for my attendants, I ask that Lieseletta and Gretia accompany me to my Library. Ottilie and Bertilde, please stay here and pack my highbeast-riding clothes, shoes, and any feystones and magic tools in this room I might need. Also, since I shall be taking dinner and a nap at my library, please arrange to move my personal chefs as well.”
“Lady Rozemyne, how many people shall be having dinner at the library tonight?” Ottilie asked. “I believe it would be wise to prepare extra ingredients as well……”
As I looked around and started counting, Lieseletta quickly stepped in.
“Ottilie, please pack as many ingredients as possible. I shall check with the chefs at the library. If it turns out we don’t have enough, I shall contact Lady Elvira. It seems Lord Eckhart shall be returning, so I’m certain she will be happy to cooperate."
Ottilie and Lieseletta had quickly divided the work between them. So, I moved on.
"When you are done, I would like you to assist Florencia, Charlotte, and Brunhilde to collect information and prepare for Georgine’s invasion.”
"Understood," Ottilie smiled. “Better not waste any time then”, and immediately got to work. Bertilde, yet unaccustomed to my reckless behavior, hurried after Otillie in a fluster.
“Then, Lady Rozemyne,” Lieseletta asked. “Would you like Gretia and me to go to the library and assist Lasfam with the preparations to receive our guests?”
"Yes, indeed,” I replied. “You are very perceptive, Lieseletta. Eckhart and Justus shall be having dinner with us and taking a nap as well. I will leave the preparations to you."
"Understood. Since there is little time, we shall go ahead,” Lieseletta said, then added, “Oh, and please don’t accidentally send all your retainers off on errands. Be sure to keep a guard knight to accompany you to the library.” before leaving the room with Gretia.
"Hartmut and Clarissa, I would like you to distribute the magic tools and rejuvenation potions you have made so far, and after that..." I began, but I was interrupted by Clarissa.
"Please rest assured!” she enthusiastically declared. “We have prepared enough magic tools and rejuvenation potions to last us. So, we can leave at any time. Once we have distributed everything, Hartmut and I shall take turns to take a nap."
Setting aside Clarissa, a scholar of the sword from Dunkelfelger, it surprised me that she thought Hartmut would be included as a member of our invading party as a matter of course.
“It will be difficult for you to manage the magic tools and potions loaded inside your highbeast by yourself,” Hartmut pointed out. “Even more so if you wish to distribute them to Dunkelfelger as well. So, please allow me to tag along, so you may focus on rescuing Lord Ferdinand."
"...I appreciate the offer,” I replied. “But I do not believe this battlefield is a place for scholars to go." As I folded my arms and slightly tilted my head, contemplating whether he would do all right on the battlefield despite lacking any ditter experience, a smile appeared on Hartmut’s lips.
“Oh, do you truly believe that to be the case, Lady Rozemyne?” he asked in an amused tone. “Aren’t you an archduke candidate and a scholar apprentice yourself?”
"Ugh... Time is of the essence, if you slow us down, I will leave you behind!” I declared in frustration, unable to argue with him.
Hartmut smiled calmly in response, “That won’t be a problem since I will be riding inside your highbeast, Lady Rozemyne, to manage the magic tools.”
"Just leave it to us!” Clarissa proclaimed. “…I suppose it’s time to fully demonstrate my true strength. I have traveled from Dunkelfelger to Ehrenfest without rest once before!"
……NOOOO! That’s not something to be proud of!
Since I wanted to increase our stock of antidotes as much as possible before departure, I decided to let Hartmut and Clarissa do as they wanted and sent them off to the library. Then, I looked around at the knights who would be accompanying me to Ahrensbach.
"Laurenz, since you are still a minor, you have a choice,” I said. “Would you prefer to come with me or stay here?"
“I have given my name to you, Lady Rozemyne,” he stated with a bitter smile. “Please do not leave me behind.”
As if on cue, Judith’s hand shot into the air, "I don't want to be left behind either!"
However, as things were, I could not give her permission to accompany me. Knight apprentices were not allowed to work outside the noble’s quarter to begin with. For my sake, Sylvester had made an exception and included the temple to be within their scope of action. He had also given permission to bring them along should I be visiting their birthplaces for work. However, invading another duchy was most definitely not on the list of allowances given.
"Judith, since this is an emergency situation, you will need your father's permission. I cannot bring a minor to fight a battle in another duchy without their parent’s approval.”
"Why! ... I will send him an ordonnanz at once, to get his permission!" Judith exclaimed with teary eyes, before rushing out of the room.
I took this opportunity to give orders to my guard knights.
“I would like all of you to take turns going to the knight’s dormitory to have dinner, take a nap, and prepare for departure. Damuel will be the only adult knight to remain in Ehrenfest.”
My guard knights gave Damuel a surprised look, then gathered to discuss their rotation schedule. Damuel was left to stand on his own. I softly tugged on his cape and handed him a sound-blocking magic tool.  
"I want you to stay here, because there is something only you can do."
“Lady Rozemyne?” Damuel asked cautiously.
“Please protect my family,” I said. “They are more important to me than anything else in Ehrenfest. Georgine and her lackeys kept contact with the former high bishop. So, there is a chance she knows about my family and their whereabouts in the lower city. She may have realized they are my greatest weakness.”
If one carefully studied the circumstances surrounding my entering the temple, Charlotte’s rescue, my connections in the lower city, my choice of exclusive craftspeople, and my trends, it would be abundantly clear who were the most important people in my life. Considering that Georgine was planning to sneak into the temple and seize the foundation, as the high bishop, I was probably the biggest obstacle in her way. Objectively speaking, taking my family and the Gutenburgs hostage would be the most effective way to block any resistance on my side.
"Damuel, I cannot ask this of anyone else. You are the only one who knows. Please."
“Understood.” Damuel sighed. “… I made the same promise to Lord Ferdinand after all.”
"To Lord Ferdinand?"
As the question left my lips, Damuel gazed into the distance, presumably in Ahrensbach’s direction.
“Before he left for Ahrensbach, he told me I would become the only one who directly knew you from your shrine maiden days.”
Both Sylvester and Karstedt knew that I was a commoner as well, but when I was still an apprentice blue shrine maiden, we had only met face-to-face a few times, not daily. Even though Ferdinand had given them reports on my life in the temple, they likely did not fully understand how much I cared about my family.
“Therefore, he ordered me to protect your heart, Lady Rozemyne,” Damuel continued. “He also told me to keep tabs on Hartmut’s information-gathering activities, to keep him from stepping out of line. A truly unreasonable request, if you ask me."
Damuel looked down at me with a bitter smile. I suddenly realized his face was a lot closer than it used to be. Back in my shrine maiden days, our eye levels had been completely different.
......when we first met, I only reached up to Damuel’s stomach. I couldn’t look him in the eye unless he kneeled.
As the thought crossed my mind, Damuel kneeled before me. Rather than making eye contact, however, I could only see his brown hair.
"I suppose that as your guard knight, I should advise you that staying here in Ehrenfest is the safest option…" Damuel paused for a moment. Then he raised his head and looked me in the eyes. “Take care, Lady Rozemyne. Stay true to your desires and be sure to save Lord Ferdinand. May you have the blessing of the gods.”
"Thank you, Damuel. You are truly a knight of the finest sort."
As Damuel returned the sound-blocking tool and left the room, Cornelius gave me a curious look.
"Where is Damuel off to?"
“He is off to protect my most important things. Damuel is a guard knight too, after all,” I smiled. “Have you decided in what order you will take your naps?”
After confirming the knights' rotation, I headed to the library.
“Lady Rozemyne, I have been waiting for your return. I heard about Lord Ferdinand…”
As soon as Lasfam finished his greeting, he quickly came over to inquire after Ferdinand. He must have heard about it from my retainers who had arrived earlier. Anyone would get anxious upon hearing that their Lord was on the verge of death far away in another duchy, let alone a name-sworn retainer. Until now, I had rarely seen anything but a smile on his face, but today Lasfam’s expression was stiff, his green eyes betraying his inner turmoil.
“I understand your concern, Lasfam. However, I have obtained permission from Aub Ehrenfest to invade Ahrensbach to rescue him, and secured assistance from Dunkelfelger. I also expect Justus and Eckhart to arrive here by sixth bell."
As we walked toward my room, I inquired Lasfam about the status of the preparations.
“Are the guest rooms for Justus and Eckhart ready? The number of people eating dinner here has increased significantly, are there enough ingredients? Have the chefs arrived yet?”
As I rattled off my list of questions, Lasfam assured me the preparations were proceeding smoothly.
"I was hoping to have everything ready before they arrive,” I said, then added, “And if I inquire after the situation in Ahrensbach over dinner, that should leave sufficient time to prepare any additional things we may need.”
"Understood. I will have everything ready by sixth bell."
I noticed the tinge of unease had disappeared from Lasfam's voice. So, I added another task to the list.
“Also, if possible, please contact Eckhart and Justus’ family homes to see if any of their clothes are still left in Ehrenfest. I presume they did not have the chance to bring any.”
Lasfam nodded, “In that case, I shall prepare a change of clothes for Lord Ferdinand as well. He may need it.”
As I entered my room, Lasfam energetically walked off, his mind focused on what needed to be done. Since my retainers were all busy taking care of preparations, I knew I would only get in their way if I started wandering around. So, I decided to do what I could while staying in my room.
First of all, I sent an ordonnnanz to Brigitte in Illgner to inform her that it was highly likely that Ahrensbach would use Ferdinand’s incapacitation to invade Ehrenfest, and that Georgine was likely to operate in the shadow. I also told her about the silver cloth, requested she gather information from the commoners in their province, and reminded her to stay in close contact with the other Giebe.
“Grandfather is ready to provide backup at any moment. If you notice any irregularities at the border, contact us at once.”
Brigitte immediately sent a reply, “We received an ordonnanz from Lady Florencia earlier, but she didn’t relay nearly as many details. I would like to thank you for the additional and valuable information. We shall keep in contact with the other Giebe and ask our citizens to keep an eye out.”
Realizing that the Giebe’s of the border provinces hadn't received much information, I sent an ordonnanz to Florencia telling her, “Please share more details with the border provinces, and request Giebe Gerlach and Giebe Gardun to have their knights tighten their defenses.”
With the ordonnanzes taken care of, I entered my hidden room and searched the book of Mestionora for a map of Ahrensbach. I hoped to learn the location of the border gate and the temple. My efforts were rewarded, as I found a map of the duchy and the blueprint that was used to build the temple, thus learning everything I wished to know.
……it went through hell to get it, but I'm glad I did. It's amazingly useful! Thanks be to the Gods!
I copy-pasted the map and blueprint each onto a sheet of magic paper that Clarissa had prepared, thoroughly pleased with the results of my search. Understanding maps wasn’t exactly my forte. I always had trouble figuring out my current position and the location of my destination, but I was sure that at least one of my knights would be able to read it.
With high hopes, I searched for a blueprint of the castle too, so I might determine the location of its replenishing hall, but unfortunately, nothing popped up.  Since a castle’s floor plan would rarely be revised, about the only opportunity to see a blueprint of the entire castle was when Entwickeln was performed. Maybe it was in the part of the book that Ferdinand had?
“Seriously, why am I missing the most crucial information!?” I grumbled to myself.
There was no point in crying over it. Besides, Justus and Eckhart probably knew its location, so it didn’t really matter. So instead, I decided to copy-paste some magic circles that might come in handy.
After a while, the summoning tool glowed, indicating someone outside wished to speak with me.  As I exited my hidden room, Judith reported, “I was told to stay in Ehrenfest.” with a disappointed face. Considering a parent’s feelings, I hadn’t expected anything else.
"If you think that accompanying me to Ahrensbach is the only job expected of my guard knights, you are mistaken. It is also their job to protect the people important to me who I cannot bring with me."
"That's true, but..." Judith’s voice trailed.
Invading another duchy probably seemed like a spectacular job to a knight. The difference in mindset between Damuel, who was working hard on a humble job, and Judith could not be clearer.
“To allow me peace of mind, Damuel has promised to stay behind and guard my loved ones,” I said. “Judith, I want you to work with Damuel to protect the temple and the lower city. My Gutenburgs will be essential if I ever hope to expand the printing industry. They are indispensable to me. Tell yourself, “I shall not allow Georgine in.” Do not compromise on that determination as you protect the temple and Ehrenfest.”
Judith had good eyesight and specialized in ranged attacks. Stationing her at the temple, and having her attack with bug bombs, should give even a noble-born lady like Georgine a good scare. That silver cloth would not protect her.
"Understood,” Judith acceded. “I shall guard the temple.”
As I continued preparing as I saw fit, sixth bell rang. Soon after, Justus and Eckhart arrived. I immediately left my room to welcome them.
“Justus, Eckhart!”
"...L-Lady Rozemyne?"
Seeing me all grown up, Justus froze in place, left at a loss for words. Apparently, Sylvester had not informed them. However, unlike Justus, Eckhart quietly turned his blue eyes to me and softly murmured, “Rozemyne, is that you?” Then, immediately moved on and questioned me on the current state of our preparations.
……Eckhart certainly cares more about whether we can save Ferdinand and how far our preparations have progressed, than my sudden growth. No surprise there.
His lack of reaction was refreshing and reassuring.
“We have already prepared everything you just mentioned,” I told him. “I also acquired Dunkelfelger’s assistance, and we shall leave to rescue Lord Ferdinand tonight.”
“Just as I would expect from my little sister,” Eckhart replied. “It’s clear you were educated by Lord Ferdinand."
Hearing the honest praise and seeing the sparkle of hope in his eyes made me very happy. Eckhart only ever praised me whenever I was exceedingly useful to Ferdinand. In short, I was doing an amazingly good job right now.
"...Aub Ehrenfest said you have some kind of plan. Is that true?"
"Yes, brother,” I answered. “I do have a plan. And with you and Justus here, the odds of success have significantly increased."
My biggest worry was that I didn't know the location of the replenishing hall, but with their help, I should be able to get there without getting lost. Eckhart nodded in reply, “Good.”
“Eckhart, how can you completely ignore how much Lady Rozemyne has changed?” Justus asked, exasperated.
“I do not care how much she changes on the outside,” Eckhart answered. “As long as she still cares about Lord Ferdinand on the inside, I am good.” Showing no interest in the situation whatsoever, he walked over to Lasfam. In his hand, he held a metal cage containing a single name-swearing stone. I guessed it was probably Lasfam’s.
"Even then, doesn’t it intrigue you?"
Unlike Eckhart, it seemed Justus wanted to hear more details about my rapid growth. His brown eyes were gleaming with curiosity, and he started squirming in place. He clearly wanted to know more, but was unsure how to broach the subject in our current state of emergency.
"Lady Rozemyne, what happened to your body?” Justus eventually asked. “I have never heard of anyone growing that much in such a short period of time, and into such a beautiful young lady not to mention."
As Justus slowly approached me, Hartmut slipped between us, saying, "I am glad you asked." His orange eyes were gleaming with anticipation, sending a shiver down my spine.
"I doubt anyone other than Lady Rozemyne shall ever be bestowed the privilege of a miracle like this. It proves beyond a doubt how truly blessed she is by the gods. This was a miracle granted by Anwachs, the god of growth! Please allow me to explain in great detail the workings of this wonderful miracle."
“Certainly, but do stop when Justus gets tired of listening," I said.
I expected even Justus would soon get tired of Hartmut. He was in the habit of looping same-sounding compliments and overreferencing the gods, making his explanations hard to understand. In fact, my closest retainers kept dismissing him, saying, "No thanks, you already told me that before.”
……unfortunately, their evasions only motivate him to come up with new ways to express his excitement, infinitely increasing the number of unnecessary compliments.
15 notes · View notes
tada-no-honzuki · 8 months
Ascendance of a Bookworm (29) Part 5 Volume 8
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series and is purely made for my own entertainment. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
From yesterday into today, from today into tomorrow, time passed without delay. Each day seemed to be the same. However, Justus knew from experience that seemingly mundane days could change on a whim’s notice. Like that day he gave his name to Ferdinand to gain his trust, or that day that Ferdinand was run out of noble society following the previous archduke’s death and entered the temple, or the day that Ferdinand received a royal order to marry into Ahrensbach…. And then, there was today….
“Lady Letizia!? Have you finished replenishing the foundation already!?”
“Please open the door. I’m in a hurry.”
The voice of Lady Letizia echoed behind the door, even though she had only just entered the archduke’s office to replenish the duchy’s foundation.  
Justus’ gaze met Eckhart’s. Ferdinand had been asked to supply mana to the foundation even though he and Detlinde had yet to marry.  Their Lord had accepted this request and was simultaneously using it as an opportunity to educate Lady Letizia and hear her woes. They were both supposed to be in the mana replenishment hall right now.
When a duchy’s foundation was being replenished, only archnoble retainers related to the archducal family were allowed inside the archduke’s office. Therefore, Justus and Eckhart were not allowed in. The other retainers kept telling them to rest in their rooms while the foundation was being replenished, but they would always wait outside the office’s door. Because Ferdinand had ordered them to keep Detlinde away and inform him immediately should she show up.
“…did something happen?” Justus muttered.
“But that woman isn’t here,” Eckhart replied skeptically.
It had never occurred to Justus that something might happen without Detlinde present. However, the worst had happened. As soon as Letizia left the archduke’s office, she offered him the cage in her hands. It was the cage Ferdinand usually wore on his belt and contained his highbeast and three white, cocoon-like name-swearing stones.
“Ferdinand said… Go…”
An audible gasp escaped Justus’ mouth. A high-pitched ringing sounded in his ears. He could not believe what Letizia was holding in her hands. It was at that moment that Justus’ life in Ahrensbach turned upside down.
The days in which he had frowned upon Detlinde’s words and actions and been stumped by the arrogance of Lanzenave’s representatives. The days in which he had felt increasingly frustrated watching his Lord’s health deteriorate, because meals had run out due to Rozemyne’s disappearance. As everything was coming apart, he realized how relatively peaceful life in Ahrensbach had been until then.
…Lord Ferdinand!
Justus snatched the cage from Letizia’s hands. There was no doubt about it, these were their name-swearing stones. He was sure Ferdinand would never entrust them to anyone else unless he had no other choice.
…what happened? Who did this….?
As his mind went blank, the order Ferdinand had previously given them resounded in his head. It was almost as if Ferdinand had known this day would come.
“When I believe my life is in danger, I shall return your names. For I do not want you to die with me, and I need you to deliver my findings to Ehrenfest. Do not fail me.”
Justus glanced at the cage in his left hand, then touched his chest with his right hand to confirm all the necessary documents were still safely in his inner pocket. The permission slip to use the teleportation circle, the information to be delivered to Aub Ehrenfest, and the name-swearing stones that proved Ferdinand’s life was in danger. Everything was right there.
…do we really have to go?
Justus’ whole body started trembling. His legs refused to move and leave his Lord behind as he was ordered. What exactly had happened to Ferdinand was a mystery to him, but one thing he knew for certain, although Ferdinand was in serious straits, he was still alive. Yet no matter how badly Justus wanted to save him, his Lord was beyond his reach.
“What did you do to Lord Ferdinand!?” Eckhart roared.
His partner’s shout brought Justus back to his senses. Eckhart, who was trying to restrain Letizia, and the guard knights, who were trying to protect their charge, were staring daggers at each other.
…that idiot!
Realizing Eckhart had completely lost his cool, Justus quickly regained his composure. He could not allow Eckhart to draw his weapon here. Justus’ hand swiftly reached out, grabbing Eckhart by the collar, and he yelled, “Eckhart, the interrogation can wait! We should prioritize Lord Ferdinand’s orders! Remember what he said!?”
Eckhart turned back in surprise. However, anger was still burning in his eyes, and he continued glaring at Letizia through gritted teeth. It was clear to Justus he did not have the time to wait for Eckhart to cool his head. If they did not leave soon, Eckhart would no doubt be captured and questioned for pointing his sword at Letizia.
…this is no laughing matter.
Justus glared at Letizia and the archduke’s office, then turned around. Ignoring the inquiries coming from Sergius and Strahl, he ran off toward the teleportation room. They could not afford to be arrested right now.
“This way.”
They would stand out running through the castle. To lose any pursuers, Justus quickly turned into one of the small hallways used by the servants. Eckhart silently followed him.
Walking at a brisk pace, Justus greeted the passing servants with a smile and a light wave as if nothing was amiss. Meanwhile, he took his name-swearing stone from the cage.
“Justus!?” Eckhart yelled in shock.
“If we do not undo the binding, we shall climb the towering staircase before we can complete Lord Ferdinand’s orders.”
“Don’t jinx us!”
Ignoring Eckhart’s angry glare and cry of outburst, Justus firmly gripped his name-swearing stone and started dissolving the mana binding him. As the white cocoon fell apart, all that remained was a bare name-swearing stone, stripped from its white box. The mana of his Lord that had surrounded him for so long had vanished. He usually took no note of it, but now that it was gone, he felt a strong sense of loss.
“…no matter what happens, I shall carry out Lord Ferdinand’s final orders,” Justus said calmly. “If you want to die with him, that’s fine with me. I can return your feystone to Lord Karstedt and Lady Elvira when I report to Lord Sylvester. Now, what is it going to be?”
The moment Justus suggested he would reunite Eckhart with his parents, even if he failed to complete their Lord’s final orders, Eckhart send him an angry glare and grumbled “Give it to me,” with an outstretched hand. “I shall deliver the information and proof Lord Ferdinand gathered to Aub Ehrenfest, then follow him once I have confirmed his death.”
“That isn’t so bad, is it?”
Thinking the reaction was very in character for Eckhart, Justus handed him the cage with name-swearing stones. You could only distinguish your own stone, because it would react to your mana. Telling other people’s stones apart was impossible.
“This one.”
Eckhart grabbed the stone with trembling hands and returned the cage to Justus, who quietly accepted it. Keeping their brisk pace, Justus watched as Eckhart started to undo the binding with tears in his eyes. He could tell at a glance that the hand holding the name-swearing stone was shaking.
Eckhart had lost his wife Heidemarie and their unborn child to poison mixed into her food. Back then he had wanted to follow her in death, but as a name-sworn retainer, his life belonged to their Lord. Ferdinand had not allowed Eckhart to take his own life and follow his wife in death. He had ordered him to, “Live your life for both of you.”
It had been Heidemarie who had originally suggested, “Let’s serve Lord Ferdinand as man and wife.” Ever since he lost her, Eckhart had faithfully served Ferdinand on her behalf as well. By now, serving Ferdinand had become the reason for his existence.
…this must be even harder on Eckhart than it is on me.
They had to undo their ultimate show of loyalty with their own hands. Few would be able to understand the frustration and disgrace they felt right now. They had failed to protect their Lord, proving their loyalty and devotion had not been enough.
…it’s only Lasfam now.
Justus looked at the final name-swearing stone that remained in the cage. It belonged to Lasfam. Ferdinand had judged that as a laynoble attendant, he was unable to protect himself. He had therefore been told to wait in Ehrenfest until after the starbind ceremony when Ferdinand’s position as the Archduchess’ husband had been established before moving to Ahrensbach. Lasfam must have been the one who regretted the postponement of the starbind ceremony more than anyone else.
…I guess we failed to keep our promise to Lasfam then.
They had promised Lasfam to play their cards wisely to ensure his smooth acceptance by the Ahrensbach retainers, and to protect Lord Ferdinand from Lady Georgine’s schemes and the various rumors going around. Yet Justus and Eckhart had ultimately failed to protect their Lord.
…I wonder if we’ll be able to return Lasfam’s name-swearing stone in time.
Lasfam’s name-swearing stone would respond when Ferdinand’s life ran out. It was hard to say if Ferdinand would last until they could return it. Just thinking about Ferdinand’s inevitable death, Justus felt his stomach turn. However, if he allowed himself to vomit, he was certain all the tears, anger, and despair he was desperately trying to suppress would come out too, and nail him to the ground. Swallowing everything back down, Justus focused on moving his legs, telling himself to prioritize Ferdinand’s final orders.
Justus took a deep breath before leaving the servant’s passages to clear his mind and plastered his usual smile on his face. The teleportation room was right ahead. They could not let the knights in there know something was amiss.
“Eckhart, your emotions are showing on your face. Quell your anger. Don’t forget, we are simply going to see Raimund at Lord Ferdinand’s request.”
There was the possibility the knights had been informed by ordonnanz, therefore some caution was required. However, when she handed him the cage with name-swearing stones, even Letizia had seemed unsure of what exactly happened. They would certainly prioritize questioning Letizia, trying to contact Ferdinand in the mana replenishment hall, and obtaining Detlinde’s permission to arrest Eckhart and him. They would not think to contact the teleportation room, right?
“Oh, off to the Royal Academy again, are we?”
“We are just going to deliver the corrected assignments and some ingredients Professor Hirschur asked for…. Extorting the necessary brewing ingredients for her research from Lord Ferdinand is unfortunately one of her specialties. It’s really quite troubling.”
As expected, no one had contacted the knights stationed at the teleportation room. Although the two knights on duty gave Justus and Eckhart looks of surprise, they immediately started preparations to activate the teleportation circle upon seeing their permission slips.
“Lord Ferdinand isn’t joining you today, is he?” One of the knights asked. “It’s rare to see both of you leave his side at the same time.”
The teleportation circle was generally only used during the Royal Academy term and the Archduke Conference. For that reason, the knights stationed at the teleportation room had been informed that Raimund was holing up in Professor Hirschur’s laboratory, that Ferdinand was keeping an eye on him, and that Detlinde had given them permission to use the teleportation circle for research purposes. That said, Eckhart and Justus had never visited the Royal Academy without Ferdinand. Justus shrugged lightly, hoping to avoid any suspicion.
“He has the former knight’s commander, Strahl, with him, and I very much doubt anything will happen while he’s replenishing the foundation. Lord Ferdinand should be fine without us for a bit. Professor Hirschur always forces whoever comes to see her to assist with her brewing, so it is not a task he can easily entrust to someone who does not know how she rolls.”
The knights, who just contacted the dormitory to inform them of their upcoming arrival, blinked in surprise.
“What? She even asks attendants and knights to assist with her brewing?”
“That’s right,” Justus answered. “She constantly had us help her while Ferdinand attended the Royal Academy. Although I am officially an attendant, I can brew as well as any scholar. To be honest with you, I fear she will be keeping us all night.”
“Haha. Joint research with Ehrenfest certainly is rough.”
With all preparations completed, the knights beckoned Justus and Eckhart to step onto the teleportation circle. As they did, they were engulfed in black and golden flames. Feeling a slight floating sensation in their stomach, they left Ahrensbach’s castle behind them.
They smiled at the knights stationed at the dormitory as they left the teleportation room. Then walked at a leisurely pace until the sound of their footsteps could not be heard anymore. As they turned around the corner, Justus pulled out the magic letter he always carried on his body. It was a permission slip that was preemptively signed by Sylvester, authorizing them to use Ehrenfest’s tea party room as a place of refuge in case of emergency.
“Eckhart, get rid of that vase.”
After Eckhart swiftly moved it away, Justus unfolded the letter on the empty pedestal and transformed his schtappe using stylo to write a request for an emergency meeting with Aub Ehrenfest and signed his name. He then passed it to Eckhart, who signed it as well.
As Justus put it in the accompanying envelope, the letter turned into a white bird and flew off. That’s when Justus and Eckhart started running. There was no one in the empty dormitory to chastise them for it.
As they exited the dormitory from the entrance hall, they ran towards the door to Ehrenfest’s tea party room in the central tower. After a short wait in front of the eighth entrance, the knight who had received their letter hastily opened the door.
“I have contacted Aub Ehrenfest. Please wait inside.”
The knight allowed them inside, then left the room. Since Justus and Eckhart no longer had their authorization brooches, they could not enter Ehrenfest’s dormitory itself. They had no choice but to wait in the tea party room for Sylvester to arrive.
Justus looked around the room and quickly rearranged the furniture for the upcoming meeting. Then, he plopped down in a chair, showing not a shred of the grace expected of a noble. He could not help it, his body just felt too heavy.
“…Is Lasfam still okay?”
Hearing Eckhart’s whisper, Justus glanced at the golden cage. Lasfam’s name-swearing stone was still there. Nothing had changed. It meant Ferdinand was still alive. However, that knowledge was not enough to stop the feeling of hopelessness eating away inside him.
…when everything is said and done, it’s not like we can save Lord Ferdinand.
Exploiting the information they carried, Justus and Eckhart would likely be accepted back into Ehrenfest, and it would give them good cause to attack Ahrensbach. However, that would not save Ferdinand. Neither Aub Ehrenfest nor the Grutrissheit-less Zent could change that. There was no one in this world who could save Ferdinand from Ahrensbach’s mana replenishment hall.
…after everything he has been through, this is what he gets?
Their attitude was inexcusable. Be it the Zent, who issued the royal order, or Ehrenfest, who completely cut them off from any information and stopped sending them food, medicine, and such after Rozemyne disappeared. Justus decided that, depending on Sylvester’s attitude at this meeting, he would take revenge on Ahrensbach’s archducal family without even considering the consequences it would have for Ehrenfest.
He would never forgive Detlinde, for pushing all of her work onto others and doing nothing herself, Lanzenave’s people, for stealing Detlinde away and increasing their workload, and Letizia and her retainers, for wasting Ferdinand’s time and putting him in danger despite him bothering to educate her.
The desire to assassinate Detlinde and Letizia, and completely ruin Ahrensbach’s archducal family surged through Justus’ body. Let the Zent tear his hair out deciding how to deal with a greater duchy that had lost its entire archducal family.
“Justus, what are you thinking about?” Eckhart asked.
“I was wondering where and what kind of magic tools I might set off in Ahrensbach’s castle.”
“…Hm, I’d rather kill all of them with my own hands first. I would not want any to get away in the chaos.”
“We could leave a single way of escape. Then, as they think they are safe, we will sink them into the depths of despair.”
They both chuckled, a devilish glint shining in their eyes. Although their laughter was light, the air in the room felt sharp and heavy. Possibly because they were suppressing their desire to go on a rampage immediately.
Suddenly, the door opened with a click.
“Excuse us.”
A few attendants entered the room and started preparing tea for their meeting with the Aub.
“My apologies for our knight’s incompetence.” One of them said. “Leaving without serving our guests some tea…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Justus responded. “We arrived rather suddenly. It’s not the knight’s fault. …when is Aub Ehrenfest expected to arrive?”
The attendant forced a smile, as she put some snacks on the table.
“He should be here soon. We were instructed to hurry.”
“Sorry for the wait.”
The attendant had not lied, Sylvester had arrived much quicker than expected. Justus briefly glanced at Lasfam’s name-swearing stone. No changes yet.
“I see the tea is done. Then you may leave and start preparations for our next guest.”
Justus and Eckhart were not the only ones, Sylvester himself seemed to be in quite a hurry too. Right after instructing the attendants to leave the room, he placed two sound-blocking magic tools on the table. After checking everyone was holding one, Justus opened his mouth to speak.
“Aub Ehrenfest, Lord Ferdinand was…”
But before he could complete his sentence, Sylvester interrupted him.
“I know. He was poisoned, right? Rozemyne told me.”
Justus and Eckhart were taken aback.
“Wait, Lady Rozemyne has returned?” Justus asked in surprise. “We heard she went missing…”
“Who told you that?” Sylvester replied with a stern look. “I gave strict orders to everyone to keep that information from leaking.”
Eckhart quickly tried to change the topic.
“Let’s focus on Lord Ferdinand’s situation for now.”
If possible, they would rather not reveal their information source, but Sylvester would not have it.
“A royal order was issued to keep it under wraps. So, state your source. I don’t want more of our information to leak.”
“…it was Professor Hirschur.” Justus admitted reluctantly. “She told us in exchange for helping her with her brewing.
Sylvester gave a heavy sigh, and grumbled, “Seems I must be more careful with what information I share with Hirschur.” with a bitter look on his face. Even so, he seemed to be relieved the information did not leak from a more threatening source. Then, his expression suddenly softened.
“That reminds me, these are a gift from Rozemyne. Should bring some color back to your faces.”
As he said that, Sylvester plopped two rejuvenation potions on the table. Eckhart and Justus had been hesitant to use any at all, since their stock had been running low in Ahrensbach. So, they were quick to accept Rozemyne’s consideration and downed the potions without delay. They tasted awful, but the rejuvenating effects were excellent.
“Where did Lady Rozemyne get her information?” Justus inquired. “We headed here immediately after the events took place….”
“She received Ferdinand’s Last Words.”
In this context, Last Words referred to the event in which a person in mortal danger started emitting mana to inform someone else of their situation. The person on the receiving end would be able to watch the situation like it were a video and was always a person the sender cared for very strongly. The image was generally transmitted subconsciously, and it often happened to people engaged in battle. Since it was hardly ever possible to save the person in question, people referred to it as their Last Words. In short, Rozemyne had witnessed events that Eckhart and Justus had not seen.
“What is Georgine up to?” Sylvester inquired. “According to Rozemyne, she is the mastermind behind Ferdinand’s downfall.”
Since Georgine had left her villa days ago and had not had any interactions with Letizia at all, Justus had not yet considered she might be pulling the strings.
“She left her villa roughly ten days ago to perform Spring Prayer,” Justus replied through gritted teeth.
“Then, I guess that means she could be arriving in Ehrenfest any day now?”
Sylvester let out a heavy sigh.
“Is Lady Georgine truly pulling the strings?” Justus asked.
“Yeah, Rozemyne said Georgine planned it all, then Detlinde flung the powder at him.”
…Lady Detlinde? But only Lady Letizia was there?
Detlinde wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near the mana replenishment hall. Ferdinand had made sure of that. There was a large discrepancy between the information Rozemyne had and what they knew for themselves to be true. But before Justus could ask for clarification, Sylvester suddenly grinned widely.
“Rozemyne is going to save Ferdinand tonight.”
Unable to process the full meaning of Sylvester’s words, Justus’ eyes merely opened wide in surprise. As far as he knew, there was no one in this whole world who had the power to save Ferdinand from the mana replenishment hall of another duchy. There was supposed to be no chance of success.
“You say it is possible? That little princess can…”
“Hm? Oh, she isn’t that little anymore. Just wait till you see her, you’ll be surprised.”
Justus hadn’t seen Rozemyne in over a year. So, he agreed she probably would have grown some, but that was not what he had meant.
“Did Lady Rozemyne say it is possible to save him?”
“She persuaded Bonifatius to let her try, claiming she could save him and decided to leave at midnight. So, she must have seen something that makes her feel there is some leeway. It seems to me there is a good chance of success.”
Even if they departed at midnight, there was still a good chance of success. That meant their Lord would not die just yet. As the realization struck him, Justus felt the coil of tension snap and his body started to relax. The pitch-black darkness of despair that had engulfed him while they were waiting for Sylvester to arrive cleared up in an instant. The relief of learning there was still some hope left nearly brought him to tears.
“I have a message from Ferdinand for Lady Rozemyne. That if she stays in Ehrenfest and waits quietly, she will be able to save Yurgenschmidt and Ehrenfest. Do you think she will listen to him?”
“You think a mere message could stop her?” Sylvester replied with a smirk. “When all is over, Ferdinand will be at his wit’s end trying to clean up her mess, but that is what he gets for getting himself into trouble.”
Wry smiles appeared on Justus’ and Eckhart’s faces as they remembered how Ferdinand would always tap his finger against his temple as he dealt with Rozemyne’s unexpected actions. It was easy to imagine Ferdinand pinching her cheeks, and grumbling, “Why didn’t you listen to me?”, after she successfully saved him.
…Lady Rozemyne is truly extraordinary.
The way in which Lady Rozemyne exceeded Ferdinand’s expectations and plans time and again was exhilarating, to say the least. Now, was there anything else they could do to increase Ferdinand’s survival rate? All of a sudden, Justus had the leeway to consider the option. There was very little he could do if he limited himself to orthodox methods. No, he needed to be prepared to play his full hand, irrespective of the consequences.  No matter how questionable, if he prioritized his Lord’s life, there should be something he could do.
…that reminds me, we have that.
Ferdinand would be furious and Rozemyne would absolutely hate the idea. However, he would do anything to save his Lord’s life. A way to help Rozemyne, prolong Ferdinand’s life and in passing, pay one out to his Lord. Realizing he had found a way to do it all at once, a smile played on Justus’ lips.
Eckhart however, still had a stern expression on his face.
“You say that Rozemyne is going to save him, but wouldn’t that be an act equivalent to invading another duchy. Did you give her permission for this, Aub Ehrenfest?”
“Yes, I gave her my permission. I told Rozemyne she and her retainers can do as they want. I’m sorry, but I cannot spare more manpower while Georgine could arrive at Ehrenfest’s doorstep at any moment.”
Upon hearing the words, “I gave her my permission.” directly from Sylvester’s mouth, Eckhart finally seemed to relax too. He heaved a sigh, then wiped away some tears. Taking a deep breath Eckhart stood up and kneeled before Sylvester, took his hands in his, and pressed his forehead against them.
“I thank you from the bottom of my heart for committing to invade a greater duchy. I am beyond happy that you are willing to try to rescue Lord Ferdinand. I cannot express in words how grateful I am he has an older brother like you….”
Except for ceremonial purposes, it was extremely rare for Eckhart to kneel before anyone but Ferdinand. Aware of this, Sylvester should understand how deep Eckhart’s gratitude truly ran. His dark green eyes narrowed softly.
“I will accept your gratitude, but Ferdinand isn’t safe yet. The battle has yet to begin.”
Eckhart lifted his head with a snap. Sylvester pulled his hands free from Eckhart’s and gently gestured for him to sit back in his seat.
“I shall be speaking with the royal family after this. If they grant us permission, that would be greatly appreciated, but even without it, Rozemyne will go ahead.”
“And that’s fine with you?”
Eckhart’s facial expression tightened again upon hearing they still needed to get permission from the royal family.
“You came here, leaving Ferdinand’s side while his life is in danger. I bet you have something for me, don’t you? Show me already.”
If he wanted to have any success at convincing the royal family to give him permission to attack Ahrensbach and subjugate Lanzenave’s envoy, Sylvester needed proof to support his claims. He spoke with complete confidence that Ferdinand had gathered just that.
Prompted by Eckhart’s gaze, Justus pulled several recording tools from his bag and several sheets of paper from his inner pocket, arranging everything on the table.
“Lord Ferdinand intended to use these as evidence to show that Detlinde is not suited to become Aub Ahrensbach, but if you emphasize the close relationship between Ahrensbach’s archducal family and Lanzenave, and the harm they brought to Lord Ferdinand who headed there at the Zent’s orders, it should be possible to keep the royal family from interfering.
As Justus explained the contents of the documents and recording tools, an ordonnanz arrived. It contained a message from the first prince.
“Rozemyne is waiting for you at Ferdinand’s esta…” Sylvester began but quickly corrected himself. “Ah, no, it’s Rozemyne’s library now. She decided to prioritize preparations instead of meeting you here.”
He then placed two authorization brooches on the table. The proof they would be treated as nobles from Ehrenfest from here on. It hit Justus this meant Sylvester had prepared them before even hearing their circumstances.
“Having people that are familiar with the castle’s layout and can guide her to the mana replenishment hall, will dramatically increase the success rate.” Sylvester continued. “Be sure to save your Lord, my little brother. I’m counting on you.”
“Don’t worry, we will save him without fail.”
18 notes · View notes
tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [8/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Spoilers for Part 4! (Mostly general Royal Academy trivia, no true story-line spoilers)
Ⓠ The Advancement Ceremony was led by a certain “someone”. Who was this person?
Ⓐ One of the teachers of the Royal Academy. Since they do not teach Rozemyne’s grade, she doesn’t know them.
Ⓠ Does the ranking of their home duchy apply to the Royal Academy’s staff members?
Ⓐ Sometimes staff members may act with more restraint, but strictly speaking the rankings do not apply.
Ⓠ I suspect knight apprentices sustain injuries on a regular basis. So, I was wondering if perhaps they have an infirmary somewhere in the Knight’s Tower. When someone gets hurt, is there any danger they may turn into a guinea pig for scholar apprentices who aspire to become doctors?
Ⓐ There is a first-aid room, and some knight apprentices may fall prey to the teachers and their disciples who are working there. For example, knight apprentices like Damuel…. who don’t have enough money to pay for medical care or buy rejuvenation potions.
Ⓠ Why don’t the Dunkelfelger students who fail to get into the knight’s course take it up as a secondary course? I presume it would be possible to do for archnobles mana-wise and I feel Dunkelfelger students would have the passion to do it.
Ⓐ Because the duchy forbids it. The number of people allowed to take the knight’s course is fixed. Those who failed the selection exam reluctantly become scholars and attendants of the sword. If they were allowed to take both courses, it’s quite likely they would extend more effort towards the knight’s course. So they are not allowed to take both courses, because their passion would likely backfire and cause trouble down the line. It’s a regulation set with their duchy’s nature in mind. Those who failed the selection exam are allowed to train with the knight apprentices at the dorm, however.
Ⓠ I’m curious about the particulars of the welcoming party for the first-year students. Do all the older students participate in the events? Were the students of the former Veronica Faction in charge of welcoming Roderich?
Ⓐ Typically, all students are present in the common room. Since the number of returning students is overwhelmingly larger, there are plenty of people around to receive the new students. Sometimes it may be decided by drawing lots who receives whom.
Those who have already been taken as retainers will attend to their own master. Wilfried already had his own retainers to see to him, but Rozemyne had yet to decide on anyone but Cornelius and Angelica. Therefore, she was received by students trusted by them and those who were wishing to become her retainer.
For the other students, whoever is in charge depends on their faction. Philine’s was neutral, Roderich’s was former Veronica faction, and Wilfried’s attendant Gregor was welcomed by his fellow retainers.
Ⓠ It sounds like you cannot prepare a name-swearing stone without a schtappe, but does the person on the receiving end also need to have a schtappe?
Ⓐ If you are baptized and able to control your mana, you can accept a name. However, there is no precedent of someone receiving a name without having a schtappe…
Ⓠ Is it possible to swear your name to someone with less mana than yourself?
Ⓐ It would take a lot of energy to bind the name, and it would be a rather painful experience, but it is possible.
Ⓠ During the dedication whirl, if there is a surplus of either male or female archduke candidates, but not enough of the other, would it be possible to dance as a deity of the opposite gender?
Ⓐ No, you cannot dance as the other gender. A substitute will be chosen from among the fifth years.
Ⓠ It appears substitutes are prepared for the dedication whirl. Are they at some point given a chance to show their skills? Or do they sing with the choir?
Ⓐ That’s right. Since they are substitutes, they won’t have an opportunity to shine. They will join the choir.
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [7/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Spoilers for Part 4! (Mostly general trivia though, no true story-line spoilers)
Ⓠ Is there sound way judge the rank of a noble at first sight? (Something similar to different colors of indoor shoes for each school grade as we have in Japan) Or do you have to guess based on the quality of their clothes and their behavior?
Ⓐ It’s impossible to judge one’s rank at first sight. That’s why it’s essential to treat everyone with due courtesy until you have confirmed their duchy, status, and human relationships. For example, Philine is a laynoble, but if a mednoble were to treat her with too much disdain, it’s possible her fellow archnoble retainers might intervene.
Ⓠ There are instances of people being removed from the archduke candidate list and becoming archnobles, like Karstedt and the first Giebe Groschel, but would adoption be preferable?
Ⓐ Adoptions don’t always turn out to be positive. The treatment you receive depends on your adoptive guardians and the purpose of the adoption. It’s relatively easy to lower your status through adoption or marriage, but raising it that way is much harder.
Ⓠ If you completed the archduke candidate course, but become an archnoble, will you inevitably become a Giebe?
Ⓐ No, you’re most likely to work in the castle and assist the archduke.
Ⓠ Do the adolescent boys at the Royal Academy ever talk about things that would make the girls faint were they to hear the conversations?
Ⓐ Well, I suppose they do. They are that age after all.
Ⓠ Are many of the teachers of the Royal Academy single?
Ⓐ That’s right. Maybe because it’s the place where all the weirdos of the Sovereignty gather? Some women move to the Sovereignty to escape the marriages decided upon by their parents, which contributes to the number of unmarried people.
Ⓠ Is it necessary for the Aub to be present when using the teleportation circle to the Royal Academy? Whose mana is used to teleport someone to the Royal Academy?
Ⓐ Only the Aub can activate a completely deactivated teleportation circle, but their presence isn't necessary anymore once it has been activated. It would be hard for them to be present for the whole week that students are being teleported to the Royal Academy. However, you do need the Aub's permission to use the teleportation circle. Authorization stones are given to those who must travel between the castle and the Royal Academy. The teleportation circle uses the mana of the person being teleported.
Ⓠ Are the knights stationed in the teleportation room at the Royal Academy assigned there permanently, or do they work in shifts. Since their capes are never mentioned, I assume they belong to Ehrenfest, but where do they live?
Ⓐ They work in shifts. Ehrenfest is their main place of living. They use the teleportation circle to go to the dormitory for work.
Ⓠ In battle, the knights turn their schtappe into a weapon, but what is used for the shield? Some kind of feystone perhaps?
Ⓐ Both are made from their schtappe. You learn how to do this during the Knights Course.
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [6/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Spoilers for Part 2 - Part 4!
Ⓠ Myne’s name was secretly changed to Rozemyne, but is it possible to publicly change one’s name? If possible, what would be the necessary procedure?
Ⓐ In the case of a rather unique baby name you mean? If you’re not baptized yet, there is no record of your name and it’s easy to change. Once you’re baptized, it’s a matter of changing your registration medal. Which is possible. You will need the Archduke’s permission though. He likely won’t give it unless you have a good reason. Once you enter the Royal Academy, it becomes even more difficult. You’ll need the King’s permission to change the name you registered with the Sovereignty. To have the King work for a single person… It’s not impossible, but it is unlikely that permission will be granted.
Ⓠ Would there have been a difference between being adopted by Kardstedt as a devouring child, and the current situation? And, whether officially or unofficially, does the Royal Academy track admissions of devouring children?
Ⓐ Since she will enroll as Karstedt’s adopted daughter, there won’t be a record of her devouring status. If Frieda had been adopted by a noble before her baptism, her new family would enroll her as their adopted daughter as well, so there would be no record of her devouring status.
Ⓠ I have a question about Marguerite, the former orphanage director. Since she was able to use her hidden room, that means she must have had a ring. Does that mean she was baptized as a noble?
Ⓐ In addition to the fact that they financially could not raise her as a noble, her father send her to the temple for various other reasons as well. However, since she had just enough mana, she was given a ring. So, after the purge when the blue priest and shrine maidens started to return to noble society, her family reached out to her as well. Unfortunately for her, she was unable to return to noble society due to her bad behavior at the temple…
Ⓠ If the Archduke’s first wife originally belonged to the archducal family of a different duchy, is the time she gets to spend with her children limited to minimize the influence from her home duchy?
Ⓐ No, children are raised by their mother until their baptism. That Veronica took away Wilfried is not normal practice.
Ⓠ The term “wet nurse” appears several times in the books, but I’m quite sure the “breast milk” of nobles also contains mana, I am wondering if it is even possible to feed a child “another person’s (the wet nurse’s) breast milk”? (Would it experience repulsion?) But it seems to me that the term “wet nurse” doesn’t necessarily refer to a “person who breastfeeds on behalf of the mother”. What does the job of a “wet nurse” entail in this world?
Ⓐ The wet nurse is an educator who earned the trust of the mother and is assigned to the child before their baptism ceremony. Since they will spend most of their days together, they are like a second mother to the child.
Ⓠ When the deadline drew near Hartmut corrected misspelled or missing words, and so forth in Roderick’s story like an editor. Do Rozemyne and Elvira’s writing team also employ an editor when making books?
Ⓐ Then books Rozemyne made were checked by the employees of the Rozemyne workshop. Of course, the novels Elvira’s team makes are also checked beforehand. Right now, that work is done by the printing workshop.
Ⓠ It was mentioned at one time that Rozemyne added a colophon to the poster she printed, but does she also add it to the picture books and stories? Incidentally, I am sure that the picture books and popular stories were reprinted already, does she include the edition number? Will she push to include future release notifications and advertisements as is customary in Japan as well?
Ⓐ The colophon is the most basic form of publication information after all. She also includes it for classification purposes. I’m not too sure about adding advertisements. It would be impossible unless she had a lot of spare paper and ink.
Ⓠ Do nobles know their exact birthday? Do they celebrate their birthdays?
Ⓐ No, they don’t know the exact day. They only celebrate season-related milestones, like their baptism and coming-of-age.
Ⓠ At what point in time are you considered ten years old and do you qualify for enrollment into the Royal Academy?
Ⓐ Both the baptisms and gifting ceremony of the capes take place at the start of Winter Socializing. All children born from spring to winter are in the same grade.
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [5/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Spoilers for Part 1 & 2? (Lots of temple-related matters!)
Ⓠ Nobles turn into feystones when they die, when a commoner without mana dies, does their corpse remain? For example, who has Liz’s feystone?
Ⓐ Unless they die an unusual death, like in battle, a noble’s corpse will remain for a certain period of time as well. The feystone is extracted from the body by a priest wielding the Sword of Life during the noble’s funeral ceremony. So, unless the feystone is extracted from the body, it will be lost. Liz’s feystone returned to Geduldh’s womb.
Ⓠ When a blue priest or child in the temple with mana dies, will the remaining feystone be given to the family, or does it belong to the temple?
Ⓐ The feystone from the blue priest would be given to their family. If they refuse to accept it, it will belong to the temple.
Ⓠ When nobles die, they turn into feystones, but what about commoners? If there is a difference between nobles and commoners, what will happen to Myne?
Ⓐ Commoners aren’t completely devoid of mana, but they have too little to turn into a feystone. Since Myne has a lot of mana, even among the nobles, she will turn into a relatively large feystone packed with densely compressed mana.
Ⓠ Are they any cases of blue priests secretly taking one of their own children, which they had with a gray shrine maiden, as their attendants?
Ⓐ It is a very rare occurrence, but it happens.
Ⓠ Did the blue priests who returned to noble society have a debut? Would it only be attended by their relatives, or did they have a proper winter debut? I’m curious, if they haven’t come of age yet, would they join the other children?
Ⓐ They debuted in the Great Hall along with the newly baptized children. If their parentage wasn’t made clear, it would be a sure cause for trouble, and they needed to prove they could conduct themselves as nobles.
Ⓠ Are the blue priests and shrine maidens who weren’t baptized as nobles and those who became servants because they didn’t have sufficient mana for their status considered commoners? How does this affect their baptism and the storage of their medals?
Ⓐ There are nobles and commoners among them. Blue priests and shine maidens must occasionally leave the city to perform religious ceremonies, and they are paid by the temple, so they must be baptized before they enter the temple to clarify their parentage. If they can make the magic tool that measures their mana shine, they will be treated as a noble, if they cannot, they will be treated as a commoner. Those who are likely to return to noble society will always be baptized. But among those who became servants, some aren’t baptized and lack a family register.
Ⓠ When a laynoble lacks mana or was born without it, would they become a “commoner”? What would happen if they didn’t have enough mana to be useful to their house as a servant, or if their family didn’t have enough money to send them to the temple?
Ⓐ Those without mana cannot become nobles. They could become commoners, but they are more likely to become unregistered servants. If most children of a family do not qualify as nobles, the family is most likely ruined already. The best solution would be to move out of the city to Giebe-ruled land, have their children baptized as commoners, and gradually mingle with the commoners. If they decide to remain in the city, they will have to adopt a child of their relatives who would make a suitable head of the family. If the head of the family refuses to recognize reality and desperately clings to life in the city, the whole family will be wiped out eventually.
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [4/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Contains spoilers for Part 1 - Part 4
Ⓠ Is there a perceivable difference in the average height of individuals of different duchies or social statuses? (For example, due to the availability of food, or lack thereof.)
Ⓐ The average height of people is roughly the same across all duchies. The height difference between nobles and commoners is about 7-8 centimeters. Nobles are on average taller than commoners. Gunther and Benno, who are considered tall among commoners, are roughly as tall as the average noble.
Ⓠ In part 2, when Myne and Tuuli were sewing stuffed animals, does the polar bear-like animal Tuuli made actually exist?
Ⓐ It’s just that Myne felt it looked like a polar bear. It’s possible it was something completely different.
Ⓠ Is there a minimum age for drinking alcohol?
Ⓐ There isn’t.
Ⓠ What is Hugo’s ex-lover thinking right now?
Ⓐ Nothing in particular. Hugo is one of many men she dated, she won’t spare him a thought unless his name is brought up. She met a man who met her criteria, got married, and is just living life.
Ⓠ Can all the Gutenberg’s read?
Ⓐ No, not all of them can. Johan and Zack only learned to read the words that are necessary to understand any schematics, and Heidi is only interested in learning to read the names of the ingredients she uses.
Ⓠ When printing with metal letter types, the number of characters per line and the number of lines per page are fixed. Does Elvira’s writing team use something (like a squared manuscript paper with space for 400 characters) to create their manuscripts? Or do they simply write however they want and is their manuscript edited at the printing workshop?
Ⓐ For now, their writing is edited at the printing workshop.
Ⓠ Is the owner of the workshop where Effa works a close relative of hers? It really surprised me when she suddenly selected a piece of high-quality fabric fit for the archducal family and took it home. I assume she had permission, but I imagined she would have to be closely related to receive permission to bring such an expensive fabric home with her. Am I right?
Ⓐ In general, all people introduced to a workshop have a strong connection to it, like family members. Therefore, craftsmen’s workshops have a strong family business mentality. Of course, she received permission. Nevertheless, weavers sometimes bring high-quality thread home with them, and no one was surprised when Myne brought expensive thread home so Tuuli and Effa could make hairpins, so it’s not an all that unusual practice.
Ⓠ Am I correct to assume that since Effa was awarded the title Renaissance, her family’s standard of living is considerably higher than their neighbors?
Ⓐ By all rights, they could move into a better house.
Ⓠ If I understood correctly, Lutz’s family is keeping chickens and trading the eggs they lay, but I doubt they have a full-size chicken ranch, so what is the situation? Doesn’t it stink? When the whole city was still dirty it may not have mattered, but what about now? Isn’t it hard for Karla to take care of them all by herself? Do they keep them somewhere outside the house after all?
Ⓐ They are still keeping them in the attic room. Lutz’s family isn’t the only one keeping chickens. Some families even keep pigs, and there are butchers who will process them. The bad smell, or rather the smell of daily life remains the same. While the scattered human waste disappeared from the streets, their way of life is still different from modern Japan. Although Karla essentially takes care of the chickens by herself, please don’t forget about Ralph. He still lives with his parents. When he gets married, one of their sons will offer to live with their parents.
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [3/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Contains spoilers for Part 4
Ⓠ Am I correct to assume that Tuuli prepared more armbands than asked for, because Rozemyne said they would be “gifts for her friends” and therefore Tuuli felt she would need more than the one she had ordered?
Ⓐ That’s right. Tuuli has a lot of friends, so she believed, “She is definitely going to need more.”
Ⓠ Rozemyne compared the people around her to various objects. What would Charlotte be?
Ⓐ I wonder. She is cute and precious, and just looking at her makes her want to work hard… Maybe a beautiful ornament that’s worn on formal occasions? To wear it without shame, she must carry herself appropriately. To Rozemyne, Charlotte is something she needs to put the effort into even when it’s already within her reach.
Ⓠ Why is Rozemyne still prohibited from entering the library until she passes all her exams in her second year? Wilfried’s thoughtless words caused a lot of trouble for her fellow classmates in their first year after all. I don’t believe it’s necessary to ban her from entering the library to make the better grades committee a success.
Ⓐ In their second year, the requirement that all her classmates had to pass was dropped. Rozemyne is banned from going to the library until only she passes all her exams. Archduke candidates cannot go to the library alone and her parents and guardians agreed that she would neglect her studies were she allowed into the library any sooner.
Ⓠ When they were discussing the magic circle in the bible, what would Ferdinand have done had Rozemyne said, “I want to become King”?
Ⓐ Since there are many things he could do without directly opposing her, I think Rozemyne would likely have climbed the towering staircase soon after the dedication ritual.
In Part 4 Volume 7, in “planning for the tea party” Rozemyne, Charlotte, and Hannelore are discussing Royal Academy Love Stories. Who is the story of “the apprentice knight who stayed resilient even after failing many times” modeled after?
Ⓐ Heisshitze.
Ⓠ In the side story Rendezvous at the Gazebo, what does the sentence “the God of Darkness spread his cape and enveloped the Goddess of Light” imply? Something like giving someone a hug or sitting very close to them?
Ⓐ The exact meaning depends on the situation and sexual knowledge of the person in question.
Ⓠ In “The Ditter Match” of part 4 Volume 7, the attack that Hannelore launched at Ferdinand at the start of the match appears to be a physical attack, but what did she hurl at him? Also, did she throw it by hand, or did she use a weapon of some sort?
Ⓐ Rozemyne couldn’t see it, but Hannelore used a slingshot like the one Judith uses to shoot a magic tool at Ferdinand.
Ⓠ Did no one find it suspicious that Ferdinand did not react to Rozemyne’s mana when she healed him during the ternisbafallen attack at the Interduchy Tournament?
Ⓐ The repulsion would only be felt by Ferdinand, who is being infused with mana, it’s not something others around them can feel. To Rozemyne it just felt like washing black sludge off with magic. Since it’s a rare feybeast, others may wonder whether such purification is necessary, but would not question the healing process itself.
Ⓠ Is it necessary to be trained as an archduke candidate, or to have more mana than the user/concealer to be able to discover the traces of usage of the teleportation circle of old Werkestock?
Ⓐ One would need to have taken the archduke candidate course and have a keen eye for spotting subtle differences. Thanks to Gundolf’s report, Anastasius was able to confirm it was used, but without that information, he likely would have missed it.
Ⓠ They found evidence that the teleportation circle of old Werkestock had been used, but the location of Werkestock’s foundation is still lost, right? Does that mean it was used by someone who received permission from the previous Aub Werkestock before the purge? Or did someone else manage to dye the foundation? Do they know anything other than “it was used”?
Ⓐ The location of the foundation remains lost. The investigation of the Sovereign knights revealed that it was used by someone with an authorization stone. Whether the terrorists received their stone directly from the previous Aub Werkestock or obtained it through illicit means is unknown.
Ⓠ Should I envision the translation of Dunkelfelger’s history book mentioned in Part 4 Volume 7 to be like a modern translation of a text originally written in classical Japanese or entirely in kanji? (If you don’t know the specific rules, you cannot read them right away.) Or is it more accurate to say it’s like translating Chinese into Japanese?
Ⓐ It depends on the age of the text. Since Dunkelfelger is one of Yurgenschmidt’s oldest duchies, it feels like making a modern translation of a text originally written in man’yo-gana, an early Japanese syllabary composed of Chinese characters used phonetically.
Ⓠ Rozemyne’s translation of Dunkelfelger’s history book was well received, but am I right to assume it’s different from a translation their archducal family would make?
Ⓐ Since the mentality to “read the original to study!” is in their nature, they eagerly welcomed an easy-to-read modern translation.
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [2/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Contains spoilers for Part 3 & 4
Ⓠ In Part 3 Volume 1, why did Ferdinand attend the Starbind Ceremony and wander around the venue, even though, as a priest, he cannot get married?
Ⓐ To gather information and divert malice. How would the nobles perceive Veronica’s downfall and Rozemyne’s adoption? By putting himself —the person shunned most by Veronica— in the room, Ferdinand was inducing the attending nobles to gossip about him, rather than voice any dissatisfaction with Rozemyne or Sylvester.
Ⓠ At some point, Rozemyne says something along the lines of, “I must exercise restraint”. However, I don’t believe she ever exercised much restraint, even as Urano. If she did, at what point did she let all restraint go?
Ⓐ It may not seem like she exercised any restraint from an outsider’s point of view, but I suppose she herself felt she did. In Part 3 Volume 1 she declared, “I wasn’t going to hold back anymore. The gloves were off. Copyrights for likeness didn’t exist in this world, and that meant there was nothing stopping me from going all out.”
Ⓠ I have a question about the “song dedicated to Leidenshaft the God of Fire” that Rozemyne played at her debut. Was it the melody that earned it this title? Or was it the result of being asked, “What’s it about?”, as happened with the “song of love and courage”? If it was due to the question, what was Myne’s answer?
Ⓐ It’s the result of her answer to the question, “What sort of song is it?” Her answer, “About fighting to get stronger… Something like making sure you’ll never lose? Wanting to be the very best? That kind of passionate feeling”, turned it into a song dedicated to Leidenshaft.
Ⓠ When Ferdinand cleaned the lower city, Rozemyne excitedly showered him with praise, yet everyone else remained silent. Were they at a loss for words? Was it because they were on duty? Or are they simply used to this kind of thing? (I’m asking, because I am wondering where a normal noble would draw the line between normal and insane.)
Ⓐ They were at a loss for words. They were thoroughly confused by Rozemyne making the ridiculous suggestion, “We can just use… waschen”, and Ferdinand taking it seriously and executing it. On the other hand, since this happened right after they cast Entwickeln, part of them also felt like, “This may be something an adult member of the Archducal family who graduated from the Royal Academy should be capable of.” However, since they weren’t sure if that was right, they simply decided to remain silent. Karstedt, who is used to their unusual antics, just watched on with a faraway look in his eyes, thinking, “Nothing I say will stop them. They can do as they want.”
Ⓠ Who was the woman who attended Lamprecht and Aurelia’s Starbind Ceremony with Aurelia’s father? Rozemyne thought she was Aurelia’s mother, but from Aurelia’s point of view, we learn that her mother already passed away.
Ⓐ It was the first wife of Aurelia’s father.
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tada-no-honzuki · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Fanbook 4 Q&A [1/?]
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the series. Please purchase the official fanbook when it becomes available!
Contains spoilers for Part 1 & 2
Ⓠ Where is the room that Myne was taken to after she fell ill at her Baptism ceremony?
Ⓐ She was taken to an empty room meant for laynobles in the south part of the noble's section. If you look at the floor plan included in Fanbook 1 or Part 2 of the manga, it would be the third room from the left of the southernmost row of rooms.
Ⓠ At the end of part 2 volume 1, Myne claims that this is the first time she learns the High Priest's name. Is that true? Do the High Priest's attendants never call him by his name?
Ⓐ Yes, that’s true. Before he became the High Priest, Ferdinand’s attendants would call him by his name, but when he took up the position, they started calling him "High Priest". Likewise, the previous High Bishop Bezewanst was always addressed as "High Bishop" within the temple. So, Myne likely never had a chance to learn his name. The Blue Priest Egmont, who holds no position, is addressed as "Brother Egmont".
Ⓠ In Part 2 Volume 1 Ferdinand lent Myne a handkerchief with his name embroidered on it. Did he embroider it himself? If not, who did it and why?
Ⓐ He had his name and crest embroidered onto it to make sure it would not be mistaken for someone else’s when being washed at the temple. The embroidery itself was done by a seamstress at his request. Ferdinand didn't embroider it himself.
Ⓠ In Part 2 Volume 2, Myne is told that education will be vital to protect herself, and given harspiel sheet music she must learn to play by the High Priest. However, she doesn't seem to have any thoughts on the musical score. Are the scores perhaps formatted the same way as in our world?
Ⓐ No, they are formatted quite differently. But, considering that the letters and culture are different, it only makes sense that the sheet music looks different too, right? Piano scores are formatted differently than those of traditional Japanese instruments, so I don’t think it would be a surprise that Ehrenfest’s sheet music looks incomprehensible at first glance.  Especially in Myne’s case, while she may lament her inability to read books, she would lament her inability to read sheet music…… But there is a scene where she asks to be taught how to write sheet music.
Ⓠ I think a female knight who likes shumils participated in the trombe hunt, because Myne spotted a “rabbit with wings” among the highbeasts. However, considering there was no mention of this, does that mean she could not distinguish between the male and female knights? Is this because the design of their full-body armor must be the same?
Ⓐ If one has a rather large chest, it may be noticeable. The design of the full-body armor is made uniform when it is taught to all students following the Knight’s Course.
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tada-no-honzuki · 2 years
Ascendance of a Bookworm (24) Part 5 Volume 3 Chapter 16
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Exchanging Books and Moral Support
After saying our goodbyes, we quickly left Anastasius’ villa. We had no sound-blocking magic tools on hand and were surrounded by our retainers, so even as we walked alongside each other, Ferdinand and I could not discuss the Royals' situation among ourselves. So instead of the magic circle, our topic of conversation was the proposed joint research with Klassenburg.
"Are you an idiot?” Ferdinand grumbled. “Why did you not tell her you would discuss it with the Aub?"
"Because he previously told me that joint research is something between students and does not need to be discussed with him."
As I repeated Sylvester’s answer to him, Ferdinand replied, "I suppose so..." with a deep frown. “But in this case, you can hardly speak of joint research between students. It is nearer a large-scale study that involves Royalty. Besides, at this rate, it will become an annual event. What are you going to do after your graduation?"
“Melchior will be High Bishop by then, so I think it will work out as long as I educate him,” I said.
Then I added silently in my head that another baby was due to be born in Ehrenfest who could potentially take over after him. And by the time that baby entered the Royal Academy, Wilfried was likely to have children of his own. Either way, I was planning to have one of Melchior's retainers take the position of High Priest after Hartmut, so there should not be any immediate problems even if it became an annual event.
...wait, won't I be the one giving birth to Wilfried's children? Hmm, I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Love, marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth were things I had never experienced as Urano. I found it hard to imagine what it would be like.
It wasn't that far from Anastasius' Villa to the door of Ehrenfest's dormitory. So, we had arrived before I knew it.
"Well then, Lord Ferdinand, please take good care of yourself," I said.
“I heard you the first time,” Ferdinand replied dryly. “Now, watch your own health. While you are a little healthier, it doesn't mean you are fully recovered."
"Yes, I will.” I nodded. “......next time we meet will be at this Spring's Star Bind Ceremony, won't it?"
"We shall see......" Ferdinand muttered, leaving any confirmation up in the air. "Now, there is a good chance the Sovereign Temple will make some foolish demands. I sincerely hope you will keep yourself out of trouble, but... I suppose my concern is wasted on you.”
"Ughh.... I intend to avoid them as much as possible."
I wasn't sticking my neck out because I wanted to. I was dragged into this vortex against my will. However, Ferdinand didn't seem to understand that.
"You seem very happy to stick your neck out time after time, " he said, looking down at me with cold eyes.
“There is often a discrepancy between the objective and subjective perception of a situation." I retorted.
"Yes, that is true.” Ferdinand agreed. “Please learn to look at yourself objectively."
As we were talking, Rihyarda had opened the door of the dormitory. When I stepped inside, Ferdinand walked on, heading towards the door of Ahrensbach the sixth. Although our capes were the same color, the doors we used were different. It felt kind of weird.
"Haa, I am glad that is over.” Karstedt sighed. “What a nerve-racking experience. I am glad Lord Ferdinand was there."
As we returned to the dormitory, he started stretching his neck and shoulders. It had apparently been very exhausting to stand still without knowing what I was saying or what was happening due to the sound-blocking barrier.
"Thank you for coming over at such short notice to guard me, Father. How is Ehrenfest?"
"......that will have to wait until you return. It was decided we would not drag it into the Royal Academy." Karstedt said with a slightly troubled expression, before hesitantly patting my head.
"Did something happen?" I asked.
"No, it's just, you came first in class again, didn't you? Well done. I cannot speak up when I am on guard duty, so..."
Since he would lose the opportunity to praise me once he returned to Ehrenfest, he decided to congratulate me while he still had the chance.
"Hm, I think this is the first time you praised me like this, Father." I mused.
"Really? ......Anyway, your grandfather appears to be over the moon again. We must take care he does not toss you into the air or hug you to death."
I appreciated Bonifatius' feelings, but my life would be in serious danger if we allowed him to run wild. Vigilance was required. It would be nice if he could hold my hand while escorting me back to the Northern building again, like last year, if possible.
While waiting for everyone to return from the Graduation Ceremony, I sat down in a chair near the hearth of the common room, so Karstedt could guard me, and started on the second volume of the Story of Fernestine. As I did, I realized it had been a while since I last sat down to read a book. That's how busy I had been.
"Rozemyne, are you back?"
Wilfried rushed into the common room as soon as he returned. Some other students followed him, but none of them were graduates. The dinner party to celebrate their graduation was about to start.
"Wilfried, did something happen?"
"Lady Hannelore let me know she wishes to visit our tea party room to deliver Dunkelfelger's book of myths and Lord Lestilaut's illustrations. It seems she would like to give them to you before you return. And she also said she would like to borrow a new book. So, when will you be free?"
I just finished checking the second volume of Fernestine, so I assumed there would be no issue lending it to her. Above all, I could not wait to read the book of mythological tales from Dunkelfelger.
"The sooner the better, in my opinion, but I suppose tomorrow would be considered too soon. How about the day after tomorrow? I shall send her an ordonnanz to confirm the time."
"Sure, I'll leave it to you."
I asked Brunhilde to coordinate with Dunkelfelger and gave Muriel permission to read the second volume of the Story of Fernestine. With the Interduchy Tournament and the Graduation Ceremony done, everyone seemed to settle down. The tense and lively atmosphere had given way to an air of relaxation.
When one of Sylvester’s attendants announced that, “The Aub wants all Archduke Candidates to gather in the meeting room. You may bring only one of your attendants," I promptly headed to the meeting room with Rihyarda. Since some knights of the Knights Order would be guarding us, our personal Guard Knights were barred from entering. He likely wanted to know what Ferdinand and I discussed with Eglantine.
Florencia probably wasn't feeling well and resting in her room, because she wasn't present. Once Wilfried, Charlotte, and I were all together, Sylvester addressed me.
"First, Rozemyne, allow me to inform you what happened at the Graduation Ceremony, since you were unable to attend. When the Sovereign Temple's High Bishop announced that the magic circle was used to select the next Zent, the room was thrown into an uproar."
Although the Sovereign Temple had records on the magic circle in their book room, those did not include where and when it would appear. So, they had been extremely excited to discover it did in fact exist.
However, when they proclaimed that Detlinde, who had thoroughly disgraced herself, was closest to becoming the next Zent, the nobles present in the auditorium had responded with skepticism. As expected, the words of the Temple wouldn’t be trusted so easily.
"They said that the day was near that Mestionora would bestow Grutrissheit to the rightful Zent. So, Rozemyne, what did Ferdinand have to say about that circle?" Sylvester asked. Then added in a worried tone, "Please tell me that girl isn't going to be the next Zent."
"Ferdinand said the magic circle is used to select the Zent Candidates,” I replied. “However, since she failed to activate it properly, Detlinde isn't one of them."
"I see. That is good to hear.” Sylvester nodded. “But that thing is really used to select the next Zent...?"
I explained to him what Ferdinand and I had discussed with Eglantine. I also informed him that Ferdinand's loyalty had once again been called into question and that he had scolded me for trying to clear up the misunderstanding.
"But you somehow got her to understand...? That's good to hear."
“After that, we also discussed joint research with Klassenburg.” I continued. “I told her we are willing to participate if Klassenburg takes care of all the preparations and I only need to lead the ceremony as the High Bishop.”
I also added that Ferdinand had warned me I should have discussed it more thoroughly. Sylvester nodded with a troubled face, “A valuable piece of advice.”
The next day, Sylvester, and Florencia, who wasn't feeling all that well, hurried back to Ehrenfest. With the help of my retainers, I checked the information and manuscripts we received from the students of other duchies and determined the amounts of money to be paid. With that done, I spent the rest of the day reading.
"Well then, we are off to redo the Invocation Ritual."
All graduates, given the opportunity to redo the Invocation Ritual, had left for the auditorium together. Upon their return, it seemed that the knight apprentices, who had repeatedly practiced Dunkelfelger's Ritual to obtain blessings, had been most successful. Leonore and Alexis had both received the divine protection of the God of War, Angriff, and the Goddess of the Gale, Steifebrise.
"Lady Rozemyne, I have received the divine protection of Heilschmerz," Lieseletta reported proudly.
It appears that after watching me heal everyone, she had started attending to the apprentice knights in a bid to receive Heilschmerz's divine protection. So maybe that was the reason Lieseletta was so popular with the knight apprentices.
…well, at least part of the reason. She has a pretty face, is a model attendant, and excels at sewing and embroidery. That’s some Girl Power for you!
For a moment I considered whether I should try to follow Lieseletta's example, but quickly decided I did not want to sacrifice my reading time. My reading time was more precious to me than any kind of Girl Power!
The day after that I was meeting up with Hannelore to exchange books. With the second volume of the Story of Fernestine prepared, I waited in the tea party room. A bell rang outside the door and Hannelore came in.
"Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to see me before you return home. I honestly cannot wait to read the second volume of Fernestine."
"The pleasure is mine, Lady Hannelore. I must admit I am quite curious about Dunkelfelger's myths myself."
While Hannelore and I exchanged greetings, scholar apprentices entered one after another carrying books and illustrations. There were two thick books and many illustrations made by Lestilaut.
"Oh my, two books...?" I cried.
"You have lent me quite a lot of books this year, and I reckoned it might somewhat serve as an apology...... Mother gave me permission. They are both mythological books.”
…Lady Sieglinde is such a good person!
While our scholar apprentices finished the book exchange, I offered a seat to Hannelore and took a bite of the yogurt mousse tart to signal the start of our tea party.
"These are the illustrations drawn by my brother. Use them as you like."
My scholar apprentices accepted the illustrations, then handed them to me. I quickly leafed through them. He had created a shocking amount of illustrations to accompany Ditter Stories. I would leave it to Wilfried, who was a huge fan of Lestilaut's illustrations, and Roderick, the author, to decide which we would add to the book.
"These are absolutely wonderful!" I exclaimed.
As I admired the ditter illustrations, I suddenly noticed an illustration of my Dedication Whirl. And not just one. He had drawn multiple sketches on both parchment and plant paper. As I flipped through the pages the image seemed to be spinning around like an animation.
"Oh, this one has color."
As I folded out the large piece of rolled-up paper, it was another Dedication Whirl illustration. Arms raised in the air with softly fluttering sleeves, a billowing skirt due to the spinning, hair the color of the night sky, and several intricately glowing feystones. Although I was fairly sure this was supposed to be me, I almost wanted to yell, "Who the hell is this!?" I didn't look like that, did I? My retainers looked at the illustration in surprise and started whispering among themselves.
"......um, Lady Hannelore. This is an illustration of that Dedication Whirl practice session, right?” I asked Hannelore a tad nervously. “Is this what I looked like to Lord Lestilaut?"
Somehow it felt like it would make more sense to me if she said that it was someone else.
"It seems my brother found your whirl so beautiful he wanted to capture it in drawing immediately. It truly is a pity that I missed it, because I was concentrating on my own practice."
After I left, everyone had been discussing what a wonderful and thrilling whirl it had been. However, because she hadn't seen it, Hannelore had felt left out.
"I have such bad timing. It is a real shame." Hannelore sighed.
"I suppose so." I chimed in, while swiftly rolling up the illustration. I still found it hard to believe it was actually me, and the thought that it was drawn by Lestilaut was somehow a little mortifying.
…I think it would be best to keep this hidden away from sight. Somehow.
"Could it be that the Dedication Whirl is one of Lord Lestilaut's favorite subjects in art?" I asked.
"It might be.” Hannelore pondered. “He has drawn some illustrations of Eglantine's whirl before."
I felt somewhat relieved hearing Hannelore's answer. If an illustration of my whirl were this beautiful, I could only imagine how wonderful the illustrations of Eglantine's would be.
"I would love to see his illustrations of Lady Eglantine's Dedication Whirl sometime. Please extend my thanks to Lord Lestilaut for this wonderful illustration."
"Yes, I will," Hannelore replied with a smile.
"Speaking of the Dedication Whirl, this year's was quite a mess, right?” I said. “To think the Goddess of Light would lose consciousness. It must have surprised Lord Lestilaut as well."
"Yes. It truly did.” Hannelore agreed. “Not once did he suspect Lady Detlinde would sway his way and collapse......"
It seems that Lestilaut had been very troubled about how to deal with an adult woman whose hair had come loose. After all, an adult woman would only ever wear her hair down in the bedroom. Under normal circumstances, it was a sight only her husband and her attendants would ever see. Yet Detlinde's hair had not only come undone in public, but she had fainted as well. She had committed an unthinkable blunder as an adult woman. It seems he had wanted to reach out to her and help her up, but ultimately had been unsure whether it would be proper to touch her right in front of her fiancée.
"Lady Rozemyne, are you familiar with the magic circle that emerged from the stage?” Hannelore asked. “The High Bishop of the Sovereign Temple said it is used to select the next Zent......"
"It appears there are materials on it in the Underground Archive. So, you may be able to find the answer during the Archduke Conference. The Royal Family will need them too."
I didn't disclose I only knew this because Ferdinand told me, or that the Royal Family already questioned us. I just told her it was possible to investigate the circle.
Hannelore nodded, “It looks like we are going to be very busy during the Archduke Conference.”
"That reminds me, Lady Hannelore. How is your relationship with Lord Lestilaut and Dunkelfelger now? At the Interduchy Tournament, it sounded like everyone has been criticizing you for surrendering. It worries me.”
"I am fine. Lestilaut has been rather depressed since all of his drawings were confiscated, and the apprentice knights have been unusually quiet since my mother gave them a stern warning, so the atmosphere in the dormitory is actually quite pleasant at the moment." Hannelore said with a wry smile.
She was probably exaggerating here and there, but as long as Hannelore wasn't suffering, I was satisfied.
“I'm looking forward to reading the second volume of Fernestine when I get back home.” Hannelore said excitedly. “The first volume ended just as Fernestine, after enduring years of relentless bullying, met the prince and took a step closer to happiness, did it not? I cannot wait to read how her life will change for the better.”
Hannelore's happy smile hurt my heart.
…I am so sorry, Lady Hannelore. At the end of this volume, Fernestine and the Prince will be torn apart by a Royal decree ordering her to marry another man.
But I would not spoil it for her. I wanted her to enjoy that thought while it lasted.
"I quite enjoyed Royal Academy Love Stories, so I am looking forward to the continuation of the Story of Fernestine. Speaking of which, what kind of men do you prefer, Lady Rozemyne? Lady Charlotte told me she preferred men who show fortitude and determination. However, I have never asked about your favorite type of men, Lady Rozemyne."
…oh, when was the last time this topic came up? Must have been when I was still Urano. That takes me back.
If I blatantly told her I was not interested in men, I could not complain if I would be shunned from women's society forever. These kinds of topics needed to be handled with tact and an air of secrecy.
"You once told me your parents decided on your marriage with Lord Wilfried, right?” Hannelore asked. “Is there someone you care about or who embodies your ideal husband?"
…hah, as Urano I made up imaginary, unrequited crushes to maintain friendships. This won't pose a challenge!
Whenever the girls would interrogate me with questioning eyes, suspecting I was dating my childhood friend, I would pull out the hugely successful imaginary crush as a distraction.
It was always better to model the crush after someone your conversation partner wasn't familiar with. If you modeled the crush after someone they knew, it would only lead to misunderstandings and give rise to strange rumors. And it was also foolish to go with a completely imaginary crush, because it could cause problems if they ever asked to meet them. Finally, you would just add, "Unfortunately, they don't think of me that way," at the end, and it would be perfect.
…now, who am I going to use?
It would be best to choose someone she, and my retainers weren't familiar with. Anyone attending the Royal Academy was out of the question.
…hmm, if I exclude any noble acquaintances... I suppose I should go with a mix of Lutz and Fran?
"Although I am engaged to Wilfried, there is in fact someone I care about.” I replied. “This will be our secret, Lady Hannelore."
When I lowered my voice into a whisper, Hannelore looked at me in amazement.
"T-There is?"
"Yes. When I was a little girl... I am talking about before my Baptism, there was someone who never left my side and supported me every step along the way. He always cheered me up when I was feeling depressed or frustrated. Even though I cannot readily meet him anymore, the promise I made to him still provides emotional support and keeps me going." I confessed."......don't tell anyone, all right?"
Hannelore nodded repeatedly.
"What kind of man do you prefer, Lady Hannelore?"
"M-me? Let me think...... I think I would prefer someone who is the exact opposite of my brother. I mean, my brother never listens to my opinions."
Hannelore glanced around the room, then whispered, "Don't tell him, okay?" and put her finger to her lips. Everyone around us looked like they were seeing some very heartwarming scene, and I couldn't blame them.
Like that, I utilized my experiences as Urano to safely maneuver women's society and borrowed two thick books from Dunkelfelger.
…today I did perfect, didn't I?
Thus ended the socializing season at the Royal Academy, and I returned to Ehrenfest.
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tada-no-honzuki · 2 years
Ascendance of a Bookworm (24) Part 5 Volume 3 Chapter 15
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Discussion with Eglantine
"I am sorry for calling you out here on such short notice."
Once we had finished our obligatory greetings, Eglantine offered me a seat on the sofa. When Oswin immediately started to prepare a sound-blocking barrier, Karstedt gave me a worried look, before taking a few steps back. As did Rihyarda.
Eglantine had already cleared the room and sat down on the sofa opposite me. She looked straight at me. It seemed that Anastasius was attending the graduation ceremony, and I would be speaking with her.
"Lady Rozemyne, we don't have much time,” she said. “So, please allow me to be straight with you."
“Of course,” I nodded. I would be grateful if she were direct with me, because I couldn't exactly say I was any good at interpreting noble euphemisms. It would only inconvenience everyone if I misinterpreted her because she beat around the bush.
When the High Bishop and High Priest of the Sovereign Temple had informed the Royal Family during lunch that the magic circle was used to select the next Zent, they had caused quite an uproar. It seemed that Trauerqual's oldest retainers, who had watched him struggle all this time and believed he deserved to have Grutrissheit, were feeling quite uneasy hearing that Detlinde might be the next Zent. Especially in light of today's events. On top of that, some people were claiming it was all orchestrated by Ferdinand. Because he could no longer manipulate me, he was now controlling Detlinde's actions.
"Opinions are divided, but Lord Trauerqual maintains that Grutrissheit is essential to rule over Yurgensmidt, and should Lady Detlinde truly have Grutrissheit, he intends to surrender the throne without a fight," Eglantine explained.
"I wonder, why would he willingly surrender the throne to Lady Detlinde, but did he send Lord Ferdinand to Ahrensbach when suspicion fell on him?"
I didn't understand why he unjustly accused Ferdinand and drove him to Ahrensbach, when he was clearly willing to give up his throne to someone who owned Grutrissheit. In that case, he surely could have waited for Ferdinand to find Grutrissheit and surrender the throne to him, right?
"I can only explain it as… the difference between their home duchies,” Eglantine said. “Ehrenfest's services to the crown have been recognized and after the next Archduke Conference, you will be treated the same as any duchy that sided with Lord Trauerqual during the civil war. However, it does not change that Ehrenfest was a neutral duchy at the time. If an Archduke Candidate from Ahrensbach, a greater duchy that supported the current king during the civil war, obtains Grutrissheit, the response from the other duchies will be completely different.”
It was impossible to say how many duchies would side with Ferdinand, were he to obtain Grutrissheit and become Zent. It seemed that if one considered Ehrenfest's ranking, population size, and manner of socializing, he was unfit for the job. His support base was too small. Eglantine also mentioned that someone would likely try to steal Grutrissheit from Ferdinand, throwing Yurgensmidt into chaos once more.
"The civil war began because the First Prince was dissatisfied that the Second Prince had inherited Grutrissheit and attacked him to steal it from him." Eglantine continued her explanation.
However, after killing the Second Prince, the First Prince failed to acquire Grutrissheit. He then suspected that his brother, the Third Prince, had it, and started a war.
“The Royal Family lost many of its members and loved ones in all the fighting,” Eglantine said. “That's why we would like to avoid any more disputes if possible. Should Lady Detlinde acquire Grutrissheit, then, that certainly brings its own difficulties. However, Lord Trauerqual seems to think that everything shall work out if she has Lord Ferdinand, who is knowledgeable in various areas, supporting her as her husband.”
…stop that thought immediately! You will kill Lord Ferdinand!
"However, we don't know if the Sovereign Temple is correct. So, we need to learn more about that magic circle as soon as possible. ......Lady Rozemyne, tell me, is the Sovereign Temple speaking the truth?"
Eglantine's orange eyes were locked on me, ready to see through any lies or trickery. I answered her anxious gaze with a polite smile.
"I am sorry, Lady Eglantine, the Dedication Whirl as a ritual is only performed at the Royal Academy, not in Ehrenfest."
"......so, you do not know either, I see."
Eglantine sighed regretfully. It pained my heart that I could not tell her everything I knew. However, I hadn't lied to her. Considering the wording of the scripture, "Ye who wish to be Zent, read on", one might assume the magic circle was somehow related to it. However, I didn't know the details, and I hadn't investigated it, so I could not say anything with absolute certainty.
"However, there are many documents on various rituals in the underground archive of the Royal Academy’s Library,” I said. “Lord Ferdinand has read them all, so he may know something.”
The words had barely passed my lips when Oswin announced, “Lord Ferdinand has arrived." We briefly suspended our conversation, so Eglantine could step outside the sound-blocking barrier to greet him. With the formalities taken care of, Ferdinand entered the sound-blocking barrier.
Justus and Eckhart, who had accompanied him, stood beside Karstedt, who was guarding me on this occasion. Karstedt and Eckhart, Rihyarda and Justus. Two sets of parent and child.
…let the sneaky exchange of information begin! I know for a fact that Sylvester gave Karstedt some small, folded piece of paper, and I’m sure Rihyarda also prepared something.
As these thoughts passed through my mind, Ferdinand looked down at me with a face that grumbled, "What are you doing here?"
"Lord Ferdinand, may I ask you to sit down next to Lady Rozemyne?" Eglantine said.
"Excuse me."
"How is Lady Detlinde? Had she been feeling ill prior to the ceremony?"
"No. It would appear she fell unconscious because the Dedication Whirl depleted her mana.” Ferdinand answered. “I already gave her a rejuvenation potion, so she will recover in time. I sincerely apologize for the disturbance caused by Ahrensbach's Archduke Candidate on this important day."
The eccentric hairdo, the sparkly dedication whirl, collapsing and falling unconscious, activating an unknown magic circle. ..... Ferdinand apologized for all the shocking events of the day.
“I tried to stop her, but she would not listen to me. Please forgive my inadequacy."
While expressing his regret, Ferdinand pulled out the recording tool he had taken only this morning and started to play the recording. We heard how Ferdinand warned her that wearing all five hairpins would be disrespectful to the Royal Family. To which Detlinde sourly replied, "So I just need to reduce the number of hairpins, right?"
“Of course, I never imagined that agreeing to reduce the hairpins meant she would add other hair accessories." Ferdinand sighed.
As I reflexively muttered, "You certainly had a rough morning, Lord Ferdinand," Eglantine gave a wry smile.
"Something bigger than any of Lady Detlinde's shenanigans has happened,” she said. “So, let us not dwell on it. You may rest assured."
As she said those words, Ferdinand seemed to relax a little, then gave a frown.
"Since I received a royal summons right after Lady Detlinde made a fool of herself, I assumed I was being called to account. ......was it just an excuse to discuss something concerning Rozemyne?"
"No, the matter most certainly concerns Lady Detlinde.” Eglantine assured him. “During lunch, a certain declaration of the Sovereign Temple left us in a state of confusion, so we are currently trying to gather as much information as possible. I heard from Aub Ehrenfest and Lady Rozemyne that you are well-acquainted with the Temple's rituals, Lord Ferdinand."
As Eglantine smiled apologetically, Ferdinand for some reason glared at me. The question, "What exactly did you say to get me involved?" was written on his face.
"I only told her you were well informed, Lord Ferdinand,” I said. “That's true, right?"
"......may I ask you to tell me what happened?”
As Ferdinand sighed in resignation, Eglantine and I told him what had transpired, including the declaration of the Sovereign Temple.
"So, are you familiar with the magic circle that appeared on the stage during the Dedication Whirl, Lord Ferdinand?" Eglantine asked.
Ferdinand nodded slowly, "I do," then stopped. He refused to say another word, causing Eglantine to probe further.
"The Sovereign Temple says it is used to select the next Zent..."
“I must say I am surprised that the Sovereign Temple knows that much,” Ferdinand said, clearly surprised. “Considering they can't even read their whole Bible.”
At last year's Bible investigation, it had become clear the priests of the Sovereign Temple were able to read less than half of the Bible. Therefore, I thought it highly unlikely they could see the floating circle on the first page of the book. Still, they had been able to identify a magic circle that had only appeared for a moment. Even I was impressed with their knowledge.
“In Ehrenfest's temple, there are wooden reference boards and old copies of the Bible, that the gray priests use to prepare for the ceremonies,” I said. “It's possible the Sovereign Temple also has a book room with documents that can be read by anyone, even those without mana."
As I fondly thought about the book room of the Sovereign Temple, which I had never entered before, Ferdinand glared, "I am not saying you are wrong, but shut up!" As I quickly closed my mouth, Eglantine gave a wry smile, then frowned.
"So, you are saying the Sovereign Temple is speaking the truth and that magic circle is definitely for selecting the next Zent?"
“I cannot say they are absolutely wrong,” Ferdinand replied. “But why are you asking us this?"
In response, Eglantine placed a hand on her cheek and said, “This is kind of embarrassing, but there is no one in the Royal Family who is familiar with the Temple's affairs.”
Since a gap had formed between the Temple and the Royal Family, they didn't have the knowledge to refute the Sovereign Temple's claim.
“By performing the dedication ritual at the Royal Academy, Lady Rozemyne has earned the trust of the Royal Family as a High Bishop capable of performing authentic temple rituals,” Eglantine explained. “That's why we decided to consult her on the matter......"
“That's not what I meant,” Ferdinand grumbled. “I am fairly sure I communicated this through Rozemyne, but... there are records in the underground archive of the Royal Academy’s Library that contain necessary knowledge for all Royals and Archduke Candidates. Knowing this, why does the Royal Family still lack this knowledge?......did you not inform them of this?”
As Ferdinand send a piercing glare my way, I quickly shook my head.
"I told them,” I assured him. “I even went to the underground archive with the princes and helped them make contemporary translations of the records.”
"......did I not forbid you from entering that archive?"
I had planned to keep it a secret, but now I had stupidly exposed myself. In a panic, I explained, "B-But it was a royal order! I could not refuse!” Whatever I had done had been beyond my control.
"We requested Lady Rozemyne, who is proficient in the archaic language, to help us understand the texts.” Eglantine intervened. “Please do not scold her."
"Rozemyne has an all-consuming passion for books,” Ferdinand said. “Since only the Royal Family and some Archduke Candidates can enter that archive, it is impossible to say whom she may disrespect once she goes inside. It would be best for everyone if she did not enter."
Considering I had given Sigiswald nothing but half-hearted replies, and got myself dragged out by Anastasius, I could not object.
"But Prince Sigiswald and Prince Anastasius can barely understand the old texts.” I protested. “So, what was I to do? It is already decided that Lady Hannelore and I will be helping them out during the Archduke Conference as well.”
When I explained that the princes had a tough time reading the archaic language, Ferdinand scowled.
"So, you have taken charge......?” Ferdinand sighed. “Then, they will have a long way to go."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"You always start from the top left, then work your way down, right? Be it the book room of the Temple, Karstedt's estate, the Castle, or my estate, you always do. If I remember correctly, the materials covering that magic circle are on the lowest shelf, so it will be a while until you get there."
…he is right! I always start reading from the top left corner, then work my way down the rows to make sure I do not miss anything. How on earth did he figure that out!?
"Anyway, that archive is packed with the necessary knowledge for the next Zent. If you cannot rely on the Temple, you must start by reading what is available in the archive. If you truly believe it necessary, you must learn to read the archaic language."
"......we don't have time for that." Eglantine protested.
I remembered how pale the King had looked when he was living on a diet of rejuvenation potions, just as Ferdinand was right now. It would certainly be difficult for him to find the time to study.
“Rozemyne learned to read the old language in a season or two by poring over the bible on a daily basis, while simultaneously memorizing the prayers necessary for the temple's ceremonies, and struggling to reorganize the orphanage,” Ferdinand objected. “Busy as you may be, you can familiarize yourselves with the old language by reading in your beds, just like Rozemyne."
Eglantine looked at me like I was crazy. Certainly, when I was learning the prayers as an Apprentice Blue Shrine Maiden, I felt like I was staring at wooden boards every day. It seemed such a long time ago that I had been complaining about the long names of the gods.
“Since it seems there truly is no time today, I will tell you what you need to know, but only this once.” Ferdinand conceded. “However, if you cannot read the materials that you need yourselves, you cannot tell how the information you are given may be incorrect. I believe it is a necessary skill for the Zent to be able to read the old language. The Grutrissheit that was bestowed onto us by the Goddess of Wisdom Mestionora is probably far older than the Bible that the High Bishop holds."
As Ferdinand made his point, Eglantine looked up with a start. Now that he mentioned it, he was probably right. The Grutrissheit that was bestowed onto the King by the Goddess of Wisdom was most definitely much older than the Bible, which described the method to become King.
"The magic circle in question is used to select the Zent Candidates,” Ferdinand explained. “However, it is wrong to say that Lady Detlinde is closest to becoming the next Zent."
I only knew it emerged from the Bible, so I listened intently to his explanation as well.
"All that magic circle does is measure whether a Royal or an Archduke Candidate has enough mana to become the Zent."
Apparently, the magic circle could be made to appear by offering mana through the Dedication Whirl or a prayer to the gods. Only those who had all the attributes, and enough mana would be able to erect a pillar of light.
"Only those who have been able to erect the pillar of light can move on to the next step,” Ferdinand continued. “Since Lady Detlinde was unable to properly activate the magic circle, she does not have the qualifications to become Zent."
"However, neither I nor Lord Anastasius activated the magic circle......"
Eglantine anxiously looked at Ferdinand. If Detlinde had been able to do something that the Royal Family could not, the Sovereign Temple's claim that "Lady Detlinde is closest to becoming the next Zent," would in fact be correct.
“It's essential that you pray to the gods and offer your mana during the Dedication Whirl to erect the pillar. Lady Detlinde danced while releasing her mana to make feystones glow. No one has ever done either of those, so the magic circle just never emerged."
Ferdinand basically said it was pure chance that Detlinde had been able to make the magic circle glow.
"You can verify it yourself with the other Royals,” Ferdinand suggested. “Fortunately, Ehrenfest and Dunkelfelger's joint research also revealed the way how to increase one's attributes. So, why don't you go ahead and try to activate the magic circle, while simultaneously offering prayers and mana to the gods, and redoing the Invocation ritual?"
Eglantine muttered, "Offering mana while dancing?" in response while glancing at me. “Then, may I ask you to help us? I heard that you gave blessings during Whirl practice, Lady Rozemyne?"
Ferdinand immediately refused Eglantine's request. "We don't need any more suspicion drawn to us than we already have. When you are used to praying, and overflowing with mana like Rozemyne, you will be able to trigger the magic circle quicker than Detlinde did. However, that alone is not enough to decide on the next Zent. You would merely be a Zent Candidate. The important thing comes next......"
Eglantine softly muttered, "What is next?" But Ferdinand ignored her question and instead focused on what would happen should I make the magic circle emerge.
“I assume the Royal Family is well aware that even if Rozemyne assumed the position of Zent, Ehrenfest would not be able to adequately support her. Not to mention, if we conduct a large-scale verification of the Dedication Whirl, Zent Candidates would spring up like mushrooms from all Duchies. It would only become a source of unnecessary discord. The Royal Family will have to perform the verification of the Dedication Whirl themselves."
Eglantine's eyes darted around the room as Ferdinand flatly refused her, like she was searching for the right words. Then she hesitantly opened her mouth.
“Lord Ferdinand, what do you think of the people who claim you are planning to become the next Zent and are looking for Grutrissheit by manipulating Lady Detlinde and Lady Rozemyne?”
"It is suspicious that the very year I moved to Ahrensbach, Lady Detlinde made an unknown magic circle appear,” Ferdinand replied without batting an eye. “I am sure the Knights Commander has told you that much."
His nonchalance irritated me. There was no way he did not feel the slightest bit irritated his loyalty was still being questioned even after he obediently went to Ahrensbach, despite his misgivings.
"I frankly think the Zent is surrounded by people who say the most ludicrous things,” I said. “Although he already refused Aub Ahrensbach's request, Lord Ferdinand ultimately went to Ahrensbach at the King's order, did he not?"
When I expressed my honest feelings, Eglantine's eyes widened in shock. I think I made the right call when I decided to swallow, "It seems you all conveniently forgot about that."
"Rozemyne, I believe I told you to shut up." Ferdinand glared at me with narrowed eyes. However, I refused to shut up.
"We cannot convey our information and thoughts to the Royal Family if we remain silent. It is much simpler to tell them everything, instead of putting on a calm facade, while fostering anger and hatred. Did you not teach me yourself, Lord Ferdinand, that it is important to hear all sides of an issue?" I said, sternly returning his glare.
Ferdinand sighed, bidding me once again to shut up, "Yes, but you are being disrespectful to the Royal Family."
"You accepted the King's order exactly to avoid this kind of suspicion, did you not? Knowing that you might end up breaking the final promise you made to your father because of it! If after all that, you still have not earned their trust, then whatever did you accept the King's order for!?"
Ferdinand momentarily shut his mouth, as if he were stuck for an answer, then said, "Rozemyne, that's enough. It is fine......" in another attempt to stop me.
"No, it's not fine.” I objected. “People cannot act on the information they do not have. Sometimes it is important to express one's thoughts and feelings without holding back. Don't you agree, Lady Eglantine?"
Eglantine nodded with a smile, "Yes, it is very important. Now, please explain your circumstances, Lord Ferdinand. It might not be worth much, but I may be able to help you."
"I don't know what evidence the Royal Family and the Commander of the Knights Order have to doubt Lord Ferdinand's intentions,” I said. “But please believe me when I say all he is interested in is research, and all he wants is research time and his own workshop. There is no need to doubt him. It is a waste of your time. He even told me, that, if possible, he wants to hole up in his workshop and immerse himself into his research day and night."
Eglantine giggled when I insisted that he was happiest when holed up in his temple workshop.
"Lord Ferdinand, is Lady Rozemyne speaking the truth?" Eglantine asked, fixing her eyes on him.
After pinching my cheek and grumbling, "You did not need to tell her that," he sighed in resignation. "I will leave it to your discretion whether you believe me or not, but I have no intention to become the Zent"
Even if Eglantine believed him, it was impossible to say whether the other Royals would. However, his situation could change greatly if at least someone in the Royal Family understood him a little.
“But you are knowledgeable about many rituals. You say that you never considered taking Grutrissheit for yourself, Lord Ferdinand?” Eglantine asked, perfectly serious. Ferdinand wore a painfully bitter smile.
“I do not intend to ever lay my hands on Grutrissheit. I do not wish to become Zent and live for the sake of Yurgensmidt."
"Yes, yes. I totally understand.” I agreed. “If you become the Zent, you would be too busy with paperwork to do any research, right? I wouldn't want to lose any of my reading time either."
Although I completely agreed with Ferdinand’s mentality, he grumbled, "Don't lump me in with the likes of you," wearing a deeply displeased look.
"Huh? Is there another reason?" I asked.
"There is, but it does not matter."
…if it doesn't matter, that means it is nothing major, right?
Eglantine, looking between Ferdinand and me, said, "Then, I have one more question for Lady Rozemyne. Aub Klassenburg told me you refused his offer to do joint research and perform the dedication ritual again......"
"Yes. It's too heavy a burden for Ehrenfest."
I went on to explain that we had had to finish our own dedication ritual posthaste to transport the Divine Tools to the Royal Academy in time, that the High Priest had only been allowed to visit on the day of, which had put a great burden on him, that preparing enough rejuvenation potions had been difficult, and that it was very likely I had to return to Ehrenfest next year to perform the duchy's Dedication ritual.
“I wonder, what role would Klassenburg take in this joint research?” I asked.
“It seems the Aub wanted to discuss that with you,” Eglantine replied. “He was taken rather aback you cut off the negotiations before they even started."
"However, you cannot order another duchy's temple to lend you their Divine Tools, because you want to hold a dedication ritual at the Royal Academy,” I said. “It would affect next year's harvest. Also, as I explained during the dedication ritual, I am not the one who originally concocted that rejuvenation potion."
Eglantine's eyes immediately turned to look at Ferdinand. It seemed she already had an idea of who did. However, he ignored her stare. After the Starbind Ceremony next year, Ferdinand would officially join Ahrensbach. He probably felt he had nothing to do with the joint research of Klassenburg and Ehrenfest.
Besides, rather than publishing the recipe through our joint research with Klassenburg, he'd better save it as a trump card for a rainy day. If you asked me, he could never have enough trump cards to clean up Detlinde's messes and avoid being implicated.
“Of course, I agree with Klassenburg's desire to offer mana to the Royal Family,” I stated. “However, is it truly research that should be left to the students of the Royal Academy? I believe it will be hard to make it an annual event, unless we can borrow the Divine Tools and some priests from the Sovereign Temple, Klassenburg provides the rejuvenation potions for the participants using a recipe of their own, and all Ehrenfest's High Priest needs to do is lead the proceedings."
I thought I successfully concealed the fact I did not want to lose any of my precious reading time preparing and cleaning up joint research that had no other purpose than providing the Royal Family with mana. As I congratulated myself for a job well done, Ferdinand softly tapped his temple, looking at me like I was some incompetent child.
…huh? Did I mess up after all?
"I understand what you are saying, Lady Rozemyne.” Eglantine agreed. “I see there are many circumstances that make it challenging to perform the ritual each year. I shall relay your answer to the Royal Family and Aub Klassenburg."
In the end, our conversation concluded before the Graduation Ceremony ended. Although Anastasius had only summoned me, Eglantine had invited Ferdinand at her own discretion. It came to my ears that Anastasius had shown his understanding for her decision considering the urgency of the matter, but his jealousy still had been giving her a bit of trouble.
…it seems Prince Anastasius still acts like Ewigeliebe.
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tada-no-honzuki · 2 years
Ascendance of a Bookworm (24) Part 5 Volume 3 Chapter 14
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Detlinde's Dedication Whirl
With all eyes focused on her, Detlinde, who was dressed as the Goddess of Light, gracefully approached Lestilaut, who was dressed as the God of Darkness. Lestilaut was supposed to escort her up on the stage for the dedication whirl. Instead, he looked at her head with an exceptionally horrified look on his face.
"Can you dance with all those accessories?"
I silently applauded Lestilaut for asking on behalf of everyone else. Only the bravest of men would dare to ask that question without reserve. However, the intent of his question went right over Detlinde's head.
"Yes. Of course, I can. I have practiced a lot," she said, while looking at her hands, not her heavily decorated head.
…I think Lord Lestilaut was referring to your hair accessories. So, what are you looking at? ......are you wearing something on your arms? Ah, perhaps, the feystones?
It looked like she had not only prepared flashy hair accessories, but also the feystones needed to perform a sparkly dedication whirl. I couldn't conceal my surprise. How on earth had she escaped Ferdinand?
While I was considering this, the Archduke Candidates climbed the stage as their long sleeves fluttered around. The God of Darkness was supposed to escort the Goddess of Light, but Lestilaut was clearly trying his hardest to keep Detlinde out of his sight. His gaze was turned slightly to the side.
…he is totally making the same face as Lord Ferdinand did earlier......!! Good Luck, Lord Lestilaut!
The Archduke Candidates lined up on the stage, then knelt down, and touched the stage. This little movement was enough to make Detlinde's hair sway dangerously. Will it hold? Will it come apart? I sat on the edge of my seat.
"I am one who offers prayer and gratitude to the gods who have created the world."
The moment Lestilaut spoke those words, a magic circle appeared on the pure white stage, just like last year. I stared at it in silence because no one else was able to see it.
As the music started, the dancers slowly rose to their feet. When they gently raised their hands, their sleeves fluttered in the air. The Dedication Whirl had begun.
…oh, she is really going to make them shine.
As soon as the dance began, the feystones that Detlinde wore started to glow softly. It looked like she had hidden feystones all over her body. Small lights shone here and there, on her wrists, in her hair. Since she was the only one glowing, it certainly stood out. However, her dancing itself was pretty shabby. I held my breath with every whirl, fearing that she might lose her balance due to her heavily decorated head.
"Oh, the Goddess of Light is glowing,” Sylvester said in a whisper. “Is that what it looked like when Rozemyne made her feystones glow during practice?"
Charlotte shook her head with an ambiguous smile.
"Sister's stones were of an entirely different quality. In addition to her protective charms, the hair ornament made of rainbow-colored feystones was glowing too, so it looked much more impressive than these tiny stones. However, at the time I was mostly afraid she would give a blessing, so I could not fully appreciate the beauty of it."
I instantly felt a flash of cold sweat roll over me. At that time, I had been so desperate to keep from giving any blessings, that I had not considered what my outward appearance had been like.
"......um, did I stand out more than Lady Detlinde right now?" I asked hesitantly.
"Well, it was bright enough that I unconsciously stopped dancing to look at you,” Charlotte answered. “So, I suppose you did."
…nooooooo! If I stood out more than Lady Detlinde... I must have come off as an obnoxious attention-seeker!?
As I silently screamed in my head, I noticed Detlinde had stopped glowing. In the end, the light had only lasted a few seconds before it suddenly disappeared. Detlinde, who had clearly noticed it too, frowned a little. Then, after a few seconds, she was glowing again. A few seconds later, she stopped glowing again. This repeated a few times.
I could not help but look at the flickering light. At first, I thought she was doing it on purpose to attract more attention. However, on closer inspection, Detlinde seemed to frown every time the light disappeared. She did not seem to be doing it on purpose.
…I wonder why it's flickering. ......huh? Is that, mana?
I got the feeling I saw a veil of mana shimmering around Detlinde. Every time she emitted a large quantity of mana, the resulting shimmer was immediately absorbed by the magic circle. However, I wasn't sure if anyone else could see it. I unconsciously turned to look at Ferdinand. His brow was deeply furrowed, with no trace of a forced smile.
When Florencia murmured, "Is it just my imagination, or does it look like there is mana leaking from Lady Detlinde......” Charlotte nodded in agreement. "I can see it too. At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but don't you think it is becoming more obvious?"
It seemed that I wasn't the only one who could see the mana fluctuation. By that time, about everyone in the auditorium had taken notice of the phenomenon. "She is releasing quite a lot of mana, isn't she?" some people whispered. This stir rippled through the audience seats.
"Say, Rozemyne. Do you think she will be all right?” Wilfried asked. “Releasing that much mana......"
“Rozemyne, you used to end up like that quite often for a while,” Sylvester said. “What do you think?”
Unfortunately, I had no answer for them. While my mana did leak out occasionally despite my desperate attempts to prevent it, and I may have forcefully exuded it a few times when I became too emotional, I had never purposely released mana to make a feystone glow.
"I've never released my mana to purposely make feystones glow all over my body, so I am not exactly sure what's going on right now,” I replied. “However, releasing mana from all over my body would put enough of a strain on me to confine me to my bed for a few days, even with medicine."
I had tried to answer their questions with the utmost seriousness, yet Sylvester rolled his eyes at me.
"You're so weak that wandering outside for a moment is enough to confine you to your bed for a few days. That comparison means nothing."
"......well, I don't know how much stress is put on a normal person's body when they release their mana." I pouted.
Everyone who had participated in the Dedication Ritual had been utterly exhausted, and some of the women of Haldenzel had fallen unconscious during Spring Prayer after their mana was forcefully sucked out. Based on that, it was safe to say that Detlinde must be feeling something.
"However, since she is an Archduke Candidate, she should be used to supplying mana, so I doubt it will put too much of a strain on her. I'm sure she will be fine. "
The moment I said the words, shouts rose from the audience.
"Ah!" "Watch out!"
Detlinde unexpectedly swayed to the side, heading straight for the God of Darkness, who was dancing next to her.
…she isn't fine at all!
While holding my breath, I gazed up in horror at Detlinde's wobbly figure. As a red flower ornament fell from Detlinde's tower of hair, time seemed to slow down.
"What the heck!?" Lestilaut yelled.
Maybe he had still been trying to keep Detlinde out of his sight. Maybe he had been too focused on dancing. Or perhaps his long sleeves had blocked his view as he was whirling around. But Lestilaut, who was trained as a Dunkelfelger Archduke Candidate, noticed a little too late that Detlinde was swaying his way.
The staggering Detlinde was sent flying with great force, as she bumped into Lestilaut, who had been mid-spin. His eyes opened wide in shock. Detlinde was now headed straight for the girl portraying the Goddess of Wind. Detlinde's hair accessories slipped out and the tower of hair began to fall apart.
"Watch out!"
"Look out!"
The warnings from the audience were too late. The Goddess of Wind cried out in surprise, as Detlinde crashed into her, and she fell on her bum.
The moment Detlinde collapsed to the ground and her hands touched the stage, the magic circle flashed.
"Did you see that!? I saw a magic circle on the stage!"
The flash of light had only lasted for the briefest of moments, but it seemed that at that exact moment everyone had been able to see the magic circle. It had shone just long enough to burn the sight into everyone's memory. The sudden appearance of the magic circle threw the audience in an uproar.
"Why is there a magic circle on the stage......?"
"What the heck was that?"
I could see Ferdinand massaging his temples as people started whispering. The moment our eyes met; Ferdinand put his index finger over his lips with a troubled face.
…don't say anything, right?
"Silence! The Dedication Whirl is not over yet!"
"You cannot interrupt a divine ritual."
The Sovereign Temple's High Bishop and High Priest shouted at the unruly audience and the graduates, who were glancing up at the stage, because they had no idea what was going on. However, Detlinde seemed to be unconscious, and the girl representing the Goddess of Wind had not moved an inch since falling down. There was no way that the Dedication Whirl could continue in this state.
"We can't leave Lady Detlinde lying on the floor like that. Come." Ferdinand said, then stood up and climbed the stage, while calling out to some of Ahrensbach's nobles. They quickly followed him. “You there, carry Lady Detlinde from the stage and tell her attendants to remove the ceremonial robes. Everyone else, hurry up and collect the hair accessories."
One of the retainers lifted the unconscious Detlinde up and carried her off the stage, while the others collected the scattered hair ornaments. Ferdinand cast a glance at Detlinde as she was carried away, then knelt before the Goddess of Wind, who was still sitting on the floor, and apologized to her.
"I am terribly sorry that you got caught up in Lady Detlinde's fall. I imagine it must have hurt. May I have your permission to heal you?"
"......you may." She murmured.
Ferdinand gave Heilschmerz's healing to the unfortunate Goddess of Wind, then offered her a hand to help her up. After confirming she wasn't hurting anymore, Ferdinand stepped off the stage.
At the foot of the stage, Detlinde's attendants had removed the ceremonial robes of the Goddess of Light. As Ferdinand instructed them to return the robes to the Sovereign Temple's priests, Georgine told him to accompany the unconscious Detlinde and he left the auditorium.
"We shall resume the Dedication Whirl from the beginning."
The robes of the Goddess of Light were given to Detlinde’s substitute by one of the priests. The stand-in quickly prepared herself, then climbed the stage. Under the direction of the Sovereign Temple's High Bishop, the Dedication Whirl was resumed from the start.
"I am one who offers prayer and gratitude to the gods who have created the world."
The Dedication Whirl restarted while the audience was still whispering. This time, no one glowed, and no magic circles appeared. The ritual concluded without a hitch, and fourth bell rang, indicating it was time for lunch.
"Lady Detlinde truly delivered one surprise after another." I sighed.
Her towering hairdo, the flickering feystones, her flashy crash to the ground, and the appearance of the mysterious magic circle. Without a doubt, this would be the topic of conversation for years to come.
During lunch, all of Ehrenfest talked about nothing but Detlinde and the mysterious magic circle.
"I never knew there was a magic circle hidden in that stage."
"We could not see it, unfortunately..."
Leonore and Lieseletta said. It seemed that the graduates, who had been lined up at the foot of the stage, had not been able to see the magic circle from their position. The students, who had been watching from the tiered audience seats, immediately started giving a detailed explanation to the graduates about what had happened.
"Say, Rozemyne, Charlotte. Don't you think it resembles the magic circle in Haldenzel?” Wilfried said. “I mean, it disappeared without activating, but it suddenly emerged out of nowhere and I feel they are similar in the way that some conditions need to be met to trigger it."
Charlotte and I nodded in agreement. The patterns and symbols of the magic circles were completely different, but they were remarkably similar in the way that they were both hidden in white stages.
"Rozemyne, did you recognize that magic circle?” Sylvester asked. “Since the Dedication Whirl is a temple ritual, you must know something, right?" As he looked at me searchingly, I shook my head.
"I don't recognize it,” I said. “None of Ehrenfest's temple rituals include a Dedication Whirl. It must be something unique to the Sovereign Temple."
"I see......"
While Sylvester still regarded me with suspicion, an ordonnanz flew in. Although we were almost done eating, it was unusual for an ordonnanz to be sent during lunchtime. As I considered this, the ordonnanz landed in front of me and opened its beak.
"Lady Rozemyne, this is Eglantine. I am terribly sorry to bother you during lunch. A messenger is on its way to your tea party room. Could you please go there to accept the letter?"
Although she sounded relaxed, normally it would be unthinkable to send an ordonnanz during lunch or dispatch a messenger to the tea party room on the day of the graduation ceremony. Something big must have happened.
"Sylvester?" I asked.
"Tell her we will be there. Hurry up."
I replied, "Understood", by ordonnanz, and quickly finished my lunch. Then, the archducal family, as a whole, headed for the tea party room. While enjoying our after-meal tea, we waited for the messenger to arrive.
"All retainers, leave the room,” Sylvester ordered. “This is an urgent request from the royal family. It would be better if you wait outside."
Allowing only the bare minimum of guard knights to stay, Sylvester cleared all retainers from the room. As he watched them leave, Sylvester looked anxiously at Florencia.
"I doubt we will be receiving good news. Don't you think it would be better for you to rest in your room, Florencia?"
"Whether I hear it now or later, the blow will be the same,” Florencia answered. “Besides, I am here today as the First Lady of Ehrenfest."
Sylvester nodded weakly.
"I wonder what it is about." I mused.
"It is obviously an inquiry about that magic circle,” Sylvester replied. “While it is urgent, it is not something that can be done by ordonnanz."
I sighed quietly. In that case, there was nothing I could say without Ferdinand's permission.
As a tense air filled the tea party room, a bell rang outside the door. Oswin, Anastasius' head attendant, had arrived to deliver the letter. He thanked Sylvester for clearing the room ahead of time and asked for permission to activate a sound-blocking barrier.
"Sure, that is fine. Guard knights, stay out of range."
After activating the sound-blocking barrier, Oswin offered me the letter.
"Lady Rozemyne, this letter is from Prince Anastasius. I am sorry for troubling you, but I have been instructed to return with a reply."
I quickly opened the letter and started reading it. The fact that Anastasius' head attendant had been sent as a messenger, conveyed the gravity of the situation. Still, the contents of the letter made my head spin.
During lunch, the Sovereign Temple's High Bishop and High Priest had informed the royal family that the mysterious magic circle was in fact the one used to select the next Zent. According to them, at this moment, Detlinde was closest to becoming the next Zent.
…hold on, Lady Detlinde might be the next Zent!? Not the next Aub?
None of the royals had known that there was such a magic circle hidden on the stage and since it didn't emerge during either Sigiswald's, Anastasius', or Eglantine's Dedication Whirl, the Sovereign Temple argued that the day might be near that the true Zent, someone not from the current Grutrissheit-less royal family, would ascend the throne.
They wanted to collect as much information as possible to discern whether that magic circle was truly used to select the next Zent, and whether Detlinde was truly closest to becoming the next Zent, before any strange rumors started to circulate. They also wrote that Trauerqual was willing to give up the throne should Detlinde find Grutrissheit.
…Lady Detlinde as Zent!? The mere thought! That's scary!
Though I was familiar with many temple rituals and magic circles, I could not say with absolute certainty whether the Sovereign Temple was speaking the truth or not. Anastasius wished to speak with me at his villa, while the temple priests attended the afternoon's graduation ceremony. Although it was phrased like a request, it was essentially a royal summons.
"I am really sorry, but you are the only person other than the Sovereign Temple the royal family can turn to, to ask about temple affairs, Lady Rozemyne." Oswin said. He was smiling as calmly as usual, but there was a hint of impatience in his voice.
I totally understood how he felt. If I were told that the next Aub of Ahrensbach, who attended the coming-of-age ceremony with the most outrageous hairdo, was closest to becoming the next Zent, I would be impatient too.
…but this is beyond me! Lord Ferdinand!
"The Dedication Whirl is a ritual of the Sovereign Temple. Therefore, she does not know anything about it. Isn't that right, Rozemyne?" Sylvester asked with a look that demanded, "That's what you just said, right?" I obediently nodded. It was decided that I knew nothing. Sylvester turned to look at Oswin.
"Nonetheless, I shall heed the royal family's request and send Rozemyne. However, you may yet be able to acquire more information by asking Ferdinand, who moved to Ahrensbach. Right now, they could safely summon him under the pretext of inquiring after Lady Detlinde's health."
Given the circumstances, we could not refuse the royal summons. However, Sylvester suggested they summon Ferdinand too, and not just me. Oswin nodded immediately and informed Eglantine by ordonnanz.
"It seems that Lord Ferdinand may be familiar with the temple ritual. Aub Ehrenfest suggests you summon him under the pretext of inquiring after Lady Detlinde's condition."
Oswin wore a look of indescribable impatience on his face, as he said, "Thank you, Aub Ehrenfest, for the valuable advice." After retrieving the sound-blocking magic tool, he left the room at a brisk pace.
The only people remaining in the room were from Ehrenfest's archducal family. Everyone was making a troubled face.
"To think that that magic circle is used to select the next Zent......" Wilfried muttered.
"Wilfried, don't say such a silly thing.” Sylvester chastised him. “It is not decided yet. I find it extremely hard to believe, so I need you to tell me what Ferdinand thinks, Rozemyne."
Ahrensbach was Ehrenfest's neighbor, and the duchy Ferdinand was to marry into. The treatment Detlinde would receive hereafter would greatly affect Ehrenfest as well. We needed as much information as we could get.
"Considering the royal family wishes to learn the truth during the graduation ceremony, it would be best for us to feign ignorance.” Sylvester decided. “If anyone asks, Rozemyne is not feeling well. Then, I shall have Rihyarda and..... Karstedt accompany her. Quickly, call him over."
Sylvester and the others would attend the graduation ceremony as if nothing had happened, while I would head for Anastasius' villa with Karstedt, who was currently still in Ehrenfest, just after the graduation ceremony started.
“Anyway, by suggesting they summon Ferdinand, I secured the best possible guardian for you,” Sylvester said to me. “So, leave all the talking to Ferdinand. I want you to focus on listening."
I nodded in understanding.
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tada-no-honzuki · 2 years
Ascendance of a Bookworm (24) Part 5 Volume 3 Chapter 13
This translation is not supposed to replace the official releases of the light novel series. Please purchase the official light novel when it becomes available!
Goodbyes and the Coming-of-Age Ceremony
The coming-of-age ceremony and graduation ceremony were held the day following the Interduchy Tournament. Just before second bell rang, Gretia came to wake me up.
"Lady Rozemyne, it's time to wake up."
"It's unusual for you to come and wake me, Gretia,” I said sleepily, as I rolled over to look up at her. “Where is Rihyarda?"
"I know it's a little early, but the Aub asks that you have breakfast with Lord Ferdinand at second bell,” Gretia explained. “Rihyarda is currently preparing breakfast in the tea party room."
I enthusiastically jumped out of bed. I had initially been told I could not eat my breakfast together with Ferdinand, because I would get in the way of the attendants that would be busy cleaning up the tea party room.
"It seems Lord Ferdinand looked over the research materials after his conversation with the Aub,” Gretia continued. “So, Aub Ehrenfest wants you and your siblings to wake him up by joining him for breakfast."
Part of the reason Sylvester had ordered us to get up early was to send Ferdinand off in time. The other part of the reason was, that the clean-up of the tea party room was likely to be completed more efficiently if our attendants would help out.
…yay! Thank you, Sylvester!
With the help of Gretia and Brunhilde, I happily got dressed. Lieseletta and Leonore weren't around this morning, as they had to be ready for breakfast by second bell too. Graduating students had to finish their breakfast and bathe before their parents arrived.
"Graduates certainly have it rough." I chuckled to myself. As I remembered how much trouble Lieseletta and her parents had had two years ago to get Angelica ready in time, I send an Ordonnanz to Ferdinand.
"Good morning, Lord Ferdinand. I am ready, so I will be heading over to the tea party room to have breakfast with you.”
As I left my room I ran into Charlotte. We met up with Wilfried at the foot of the stairs. When we arrived at the tea party room, we were greeted by the attendants taking care of the breakfast preparations. The space reserved for Ferdinand's retainers had already been cleaned up and the daybed had been moved so that the graduates could sit on it while waiting for their escorts to arrive. The luggage crates had likely already been moved to Ferdinand's space, because I could not find them.
"It seems you have pretty much finished cleaning up already," I said.
"Indeed, Milady. You can have breakfast over here.” Rihyarda replied. “This way, please. Your retainers shall have their breakfast in the dining hall."
Our underage retainers, who had gone with us to the tea party room, promptly headed to the dining hall, while Rihyarda guided Wilfried, Charlotte, and me to a table. Ferdinand must have heard us arrive, because he soon emerged from behind the partitioning screen. Although he was smartly dressed, he still looked dead tired.
"Good morning, Lord Ferdinand," I greeted him.
"Ah, morning," Ferdinand replied.
"You sound a bit groggy. Did you stay up late reading the research materials?" I asked.
He looked like he had done two years ago after he pulled an all-nighter with Hirschur. It was highly unusual to see Ferdinand spacing out.
"...I suppose, but that daybed was more comfortable than I expected." Ferdinand mumbled.
"If you feel like you slept well, it has been worth the effort of bringing it over,” I replied happily. “Shall I bring it along when I drop off your luggage in Spring?"
Since he had left for Ahrensbach in a hurry, Ferdinand had only taken the most immediate daily necessities and the bare minimum of wedding gifts with him. The daily necessities he would need in the next seasons and many gifts from nobles all over the duchy were still sitting in Ehrenfest.
“I'm still staying in a guest room, so I won't need it,” Ferdinand said.
"What about after the star binding ceremony?" I asked.
"......I will consider it once I have my own room."
It was a rather half-baked answer for Ferdinand, who usually looked far ahead, but it certainly would not do to bring it over before he got his own room. When I replied, "Just let me know if you want it.", Ferdinand nodded and sat down in his chair. Then, he gestured for me to get closer.
"Rozemyne, come here. Has your fever gone down?"
"I think I'm doing well, but..."
I obediently approached Ferdinand. As Ferdinand started measuring my temperature and pulse, Charlotte asked, "Did you fall ill, Sister?" in surprise.
"I only had a slight fever, due to the exhaustion from the Interduchy Tournament,” I explained. “I already took my medicine and am feeling fine now.”
"Rozemyne, could you zip it?” Ferdinand grumbled. “You're making it impossible to measure your pulse."
"I'm sorry."
After completing the examination, Ferdinand told me, "Your fever has gone down, but don't push yourself too hard." and allowed me to take my seat.
"You have been falling ill less often recently, Sister, so it never crossed my mind you might be unwell," Charlotte said.
"It must have been the excitement of attending my first awards ceremony,” I replied. “How was dinner last night, Charlotte? When Sylvester joined us after dinner, he sent Wilfried and me straight to bed, so I haven't been able to ask him any details."
While we were having breakfast, I asked Charlotte what the situation had been like in the dining hall last night. She told us that all students had been excited that we produced so many honor students this year, and it was overall a pleasant dinner.
"Speaking of which, what did you talk about with Sylvester after we went to bed, Lord Ferdinand?” I asked. “Considering it has been a while since you last shared a drink, I assume it must have been a lively conversation?"
As I tried to involve Ferdinand in the conversation, he lowered his eyes in thought for a moment, then said, "You can ask Sylvester later", refusing to go into details.
After we finished our breakfast and the table had been cleared, Justus started arranging some items on the table. Two recording tools, and one leather bag. Ferdinand placed one of the recording tools in front of me.
"This recording tool is for you.” He said. “As your attendants requested, I recorded an endless amount of warnings."
"Lord Ferdinand, what happened to my request?" I asked.
"Who knows..." Ferdinand replied.
"That's mean!" I pouted.
With puffed my cheeks, I played back the first message he recorded. It was as Ferdinand had said. He started with, "It's time to eat. I don't know what you're doing, but stop right now."
…I wonder what else he did record.
"Rozemyne, could you at least wait until you're back in your room to check it? It's weird to hear my own voice when it's not coming from my mouth."
I was stopped by Ferdinand, who wore a deep frown on his face. I desperately wanted to listen till the end, however, if I did not do as he asked, he might take it away, so I decided to play it safe and listen to the rest in my room. Then, he gave me the mana-blocking leather bag. When I opened it, I found another recording tool and a piece of paper.
"Since you recorded your messages for Lady Letizia into the recording tool you gave to Sergius, I assume this one is also a spare,” Ferdinand said. “I would like to take our research a little farther. So, I need you to use this recording tool as described and report the results to me. You can do so by letter."
Considering it was originally joint research, I had no choice but to agree to his request to continue. I accepted the leather bag saying, "I understand."
"Then, can I have the remaining spare?” Ferdinand asked. “I want to think about other ways to use it by next winter."
"You made it and paid for it,” I said. “Of course, I don't mind."
As Sylvester had ordered, we had eaten breakfast with Ferdinand. Our work here was done. Now it was time for Ferdinand to change into his formal clothes and leave to pick up Detlinde. Therefore, we would now return to the common room, so he could get changed in peace.
"Rozemyne, Rihyarda.” Ferdinand called out to us. “Sylvester told me that you two prepared this room for me. I had a very relaxing night. I appreciate it."
It was clear Ferdinand must have thoroughly enjoyed his stay, considering he went out of his way to thank us. He acknowledged that Rihyarda and I had done our absolute best to ensure he had the most pleasant stay possible. This made me especially happy because he had refused to praise me last night. Despite my happiness, a lonely feeling clouded my heart as I realized we were once again saying farewell.
"At times like these, you shouldn't beat around the bush. Just say thank you." I said jokingly in an attempt to shake off the lonely feeling, even if just a little. I expected Ferdinand to brush me off with one of his cynical smiles or remarks, but instead, he returned the gentlest smile I ever saw.
" ......thank you, Rozemyne, Rihyarda."
With that, he quickly disappeared behind the screen. There was no time to talk more. It seems I wasn't the only one brought to tears by Ferdinand's sincere words of gratitude. Rihyarda addressed me with watery eyes. "Now, please go to the common room, Milady. Lord Ferdinand has to get changed."
Students were gathering in the hall, ready to go prepare the auditorium. As soon as I tried to join everyone, Wilfried stopped me.
"Wait in the common room as Rihyarda told you. Do not forget you developed a fever after yesterday's Interduchy Tournament. If you get too excited now, you will have to retire halfway through the day again. Uncle will be worried sick if you suddenly disappear."
He left no room for objection. I decided to leave the preparations to everyone else and wait in the common room with Judith. Soon, the guardians of the graduates started arriving. Leonore’s and Lieseletta's parents came over to greet me, then headed to their daughters’ rooms.
Once the wave of guardians subsided, the graduates' escorts started flowing in. "Good morning, Lady Rozemyne." Cornelius and Hartmut, both in formal clothes, came over to say hello.
"Cornelius, Leonore's parents have only just arrived, so I think it will be a while longer before she is ready. Hartmut, please do not make Clarissa wait too long. According to Royal Academy Love Stories, waiting for one's escort is a very nerve-racking experience."
Based on her personality, Clarissa would likely come for him if he didn't pick her up, but it was wrong to make a girl unnecessarily anxious.
"Did you receive permission to marry her?" I asked.
“After considering all the circumstances, we concluded it would be for the best," Hartmut replied.
…does that mean you received permission to marry her?
Since everyone else was satisfied it was probably fine, but I still felt a little worried about the situation.
As I was talking to Hartmut, one of Wilfried's retainers approached me. I had seen him before at the castle.
"Lady Rozemyne, may I have a word?" He asked.
It was Thorsten, Lieseletta's escort. I knew he was one of Wilfried's scholars, but since his name didn't match his face, I hadn't made the connection before. He appeared to be a calm and laid-back person. I thought he and Lieseletta were probably on the same wavelength.
"Please take good care of Lieseletta," I said.
"I will." He replied.
When I finished my conversation with Thorsten, the archducal couple arrived. Sylvester had temporarily returned to Ehrenfest to fetch a slightly pale-looking Florencia. To all appearances, she looked sick. Sylvester carefully escorted his beloved wife to a chair.
"Thank you very much, Lord Sylvester," Florencia said.
"Florencia, how are you feeling?" I asked.
"I seem to be a little nauseous from the teleportation." She replied.
"That's why I told you to stay home and rest," Sylvester muttered.
“For the students, their graduation is a once-in-a-lifetime event.” Florencia objected. “I know I am being selfish, but I would like to celebrate this day with them."
I could tell they had repeated this exchange many times before. It just came to show how much Sylvester cared for Florencia.
"Milady, let's go to the auditorium,” Rihyarda said. “If you do not arrive before the guardians do, you will stand out very much."
"What will you do, Sylvester?" I asked.
"I would like Florencia to rest until the last minute. Even at the best of times, you walk very slowly, Rozemyne. So go on ahead."
As he chased me out with a wave of his hand, I headed for the auditorium with Rihyarda and Judith.
Just like last year, the walls had been removed and a ring of tiered seating had been added, making the auditorium look like a colosseum. A white cylindrical stage was raised at the center of the auditorium with the altar behind it. As I automatically started heading for the same seats as last year, Rihyarda stopped me.
"Milady, you aren't sick this year. You may sit with the archducal family."
Unlike the seats reserved for Ehrenfest's guardians, the seats reserved for the archducal families were very close to the stage. From here I would have a splendid view of the performances. As Charlotte softly called, "This way, Sister." and beckoned me over, I took my seat next to her.
"Have father and mother arrived yet?" Charlotte asked.
"Yes, they have,” I said. “However, it seems that Florencia is feeling a little nauseous from the teleportation, so she will be resting until the last minute."
"Is she feeling that ill? I'm worried."
Sylvester had told me to stay quiet about the pregnancy. Since there were too many Aubs of other duchies around and there was the issue of taking a second wife, he would only tell Charlotte and Wilfried about the suspected pregnancy after we returned to Ehrenfest.
Just before the graduates were due to enter, Sylvester and Florencia arrived. I didn't know whether she had taken medicine, the short rest had performed its magic, or it simply was the nobility's habit of hiding their emotions, but Florencia sat down wearing her usual graceful smile.
"Florencia, please don't push yourself too hard," I said.
"I could tell you the same, Rozemyne," Florencia replied with a chuckle as the doors of the auditorium opened.
The graduates started to enter and line up on the stage. Among them walked one person who stood out more than anyone else. A stir went through the crowd.
The hairdo of Detlinde, who wore a proud smile on her face as she entered the auditorium, was a statement. It was so outrageous, that it stunned everyone into silence. The smile on Ferdinand's face, as he walked next to her, was so obviously forced that for a moment I was convinced it must simply be my imagination.
…ahhhhhh! Lord Ferdinand, you're not fooling anyone!?
Detlinde had probably been very obstinate in her desire to use a lot of hair accessories. She had piled her hair up higher than ever, à la Marie Antoinette. Even though she already had gorgeous blond hair, the hairstyle made it look even more luxurious. She had decorated her coiffure using three reddish Ehrenfest hairpins and an outrageous amount of ribbons and lace.
…in a way, it's quite impressive. I never thought I'd see such a hairdo in Yurgenschmidt.
If I looked closely, I could tell she hadn't used all the hairpins she ordered. It seems those around her had managed to convince her it would be disrespectful to the Royal family if she didn't go easy on the flower decorations. So, she refrained from using all hairpins and instead opted to use other accessories.
…so, she reduced the number of flowers to match the Royal family? I honestly don't think the number of flowers matters anymore if you use that many ribbons and lace instead. Besides, how is she going to dance like that?
My eyes unconsciously wandered to the archducal couple of Ahrensbach. Georgine was watching her daughter with a cool expression. Had she failed to stop her daughter's eccentric behavior?
…well, if she had succeeded, Detlinde wouldn't be walking around like that. I wonder what Lady Georgine was thinking, allowing Lady Detlinde to have her way?
Although I felt very uneasy about this, Detlinde herself seemed incredibly pleased with all the attention she was getting.
After escorting the graduates onto the stage, the non-graduates headed for their designated seats. By this point, Ferdinand already looked utterly exhausted.
Then, after the coming-of-age ceremony performed by the Sovereign High Bishop, it was time for the students to offer up music to the gods. Since I had left for the auditorium before Lieseletta and Leonore had finished changing, I had yet to see them in their finest clothes. Unfortunately, that outrageous hairstyle kept grabbing my full attention, so I hadn’t been able to find them. Since Detlinde had to momentarily get off the stage to make place for the singers and musicians, this was my only chance to find them!
"Now, where is Lieseletta?” I muttered. “I could not find her, because I was too distracted by Detlinde."
"I totally understand you, Sister,” Charlotte replied. “I could not find any of my retainers either."
As I looked around the crowd of students, my eyes kept wandering back to Detlinde's tower of hair. I had no idea where Lieseletta might be. She should be among the singers, so I strained my eyes. It was a lot easier to focus now that Detlinde was gone from my sight.
"I found her, I said. “I found Lieseletta!"
She wore a light cream-colored dress, and a hairpin of the same color was swaying in her bundled-up hair. Lieseletta had always been modest and more reserved than everyone else. Because of that, her beauty was easily overlooked, but she looked absolutely stunning today.
…according to Muriel, she is quite popular with the students of other duchies.
I had somehow managed to spot Lieseletta. As I sighed in relief, the performance ended. The singers and musicians got off and lined up around the stage.
Then, the knights entered the stage, all dressed in blue, to perform the sword dance. The twenty names who had been selected climbed the stage. Leonore was among them. Thanks to the small number of women, I had no trouble finding her. I spotted white and red flowers in her wine-red hair. So, she must be born in Winter.
The knights readied their swords. As the music started to flow, their swords flashed to the beat. Among all the mighty and sharp sword movements, a feminine one stood out. Leonore's sword dance was as flowy as it was graceful. Though she was holding a sharp sword, her dance somehow felt soft.
"Leonore’s dance looks really pretty, doesn't she?" I said.
"Yes, it's beautiful. But so is Alexis' sword dance." Wilfried laughed, proud of his retainer.
While we were talking, the sword dance ended.
"The dedication whirl is next. ......I wonder if she can dance with that head?" Sylvester murmured.
I believed that at that moment he spoke the words that were on everyone's mind. All eyes focused on Detlinde, as she climbed the stage wearing the fluttery ceremonial robes for the dedication whirl.
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