# i couldn't resist i just love the nail polish so much asdkjfhd
eohachu · 3 years
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[id: five gifs from the thai bl series “i promised you the moon”, episode 1. first gif: a close shot of teh’s and his mother’s hands. sui puts talisman into teh’s right hand and protectively puts her right hand over them. she wears a dark green ring. second gif: oh-aew and teh lie close together in bed. oh-aew watches the still sleeping teh. third gif: oh-aew and teh stand in an alley in front of teh’s university. they are surrounded by green trees and small bushes. oh-aew takes teh’s right hand and leads it to his chin. fourth gif: q and oh-aew are sitting by a pool. q puts his hand on oh’s knee and talks to him to comfort him. q wears blue nail polish. fifth gif: oh-aew and his new friends from uni dancing. he bends over from laughing. the room is decorated with chains of lights. /end id]
favourite shot from each clip — i promised you the moon ep01
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