#/ rookheeya khan / headcanons
noblehcart · 10 months
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Khademi Siblings List (Oldest to Youngest; top left to bottom right)
Kian (FC: Ya.n Feld.ma.n )
Masoud (FC: Ar.iya Ghahra.ma.ni )
Nasrin (FC: M.elody Za.ra )
Laleh (FC: Arien.ne Ma.ndi )
Jahan (FC: Bah.ram Rad.an )
Rookheeya (FC: Naz.anin Bonia.di )
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noblehcart · 10 months
HC Dump: Khademi Family
The Khademi family would be a family seemingly haunted by good wealth and family tragedy. Erfan Khademi came from a long line of merchants and traders that had profited for many generations dating back to the Achaemenid period; it is because of this long line of success that an ancestor had married royalty and added a few precious drops of prestige to the family. Marrying young, he took Cyra Almasi as his first wife and they had a healthy and strong boy, Kian, very soon after, however its two years of attempting to conceive and struggling to do so through miscarriages Erfan took a second wife, Azita Khodadad and they shortly after had Masoud. Masoud didn't have the loud vigorous cry that his elder brother Kian did, but he was a far more temperate babe and child.
Its another year and a half after Masoud's birth that both Azita & Cyra were expecting again and would give birth to two girls, Nasrin (by Cyra) first and then Laleh (by Azita) following a few months after. It would be a seven year lull (though there were still a few miscarriages & stillborns between both women that never survived) between children for both women as the household accepted that this would be the last of the children and thanked Allah for the blessing of two boys and two girls, but at the seventh year does Azita give birth to another boy, Jahan. Jahan was a difficult delivery and would prove to be a difficult child to raise within the household as he was the youngest and the most wild- often getting away with every sort of mischief. His mischief was tempered just slightly however with Azita's passing when he was four years old due to tuberculosis.
Efran was also infected with consumption but would recover eventually though is forever weakened after that and would succumb to a heart attack three years later and just a few months after discovering that by a miracle Cyra was expecting once more.
It is now that at eighteen years old that Kian assumes the role as the head of the household to care for his siblings and expectant mother. The last of the Khademi family is born and she is named Rookheeya. Rookheeya would only know her mother for a few short hours before it was discovered that she was hemorrhaging still from the delivery and passed away after. As his baby sister was placed into Kian's arms does he realize how the family now rested entirely on his own shoulders and mind thinking of how the infant in his arms would never know either of their parents and would look to him first.
Kian takes the next two years to settle further into the family business and trade before marrying to allow his siblings time to recover and get their bearings before he brought in another member to their family. Rookheeya, growing up, would look to Kian as something of a father figure and to the other women of the household as mother figures as Nasrin would take on a distant role as a sister and Laleh followed after Nasrin in tow. It was Rookheeya's brothers that would dote on their youngest in all manner of affection and over-protectiveness with Kian in his success in business supplying her near every desire, Masoud's patience with her curiosity and Jahan as a playmate-fellow mischief maker. As the years would pass Rookheeya would see both her sisters marry young to upstanding well to do men and, in a final tragedy to the Khademi family, lose Masoud to a fever that swept the area.
Rookheeya would grow up to be beautiful in form and in heart with a deep curiosity that was only outdone by her compassion for people and love of her family. She loves listening to the violin music and the setar, pours over maps and books thirsting for the rest of the world and her wit is as sharp as her skills on the chessboard. She befriends people of every class and station and saves a man from the side of the road from death, who then becomes the family's protective guard, and looks forward to having a family of her own one day.
Efnan Khademi
Cyra Almasi
Azita Khodadad
Sibling's Ages at the time of Rookheeya's birth.
Kian (18 )-
Masoud (15 )
Nasrin (13)
Laleh (13)
Jahan (7)
Rookheeya (0)
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noblehcart · 10 months
HC Dump: Rookheey.a Kh.an (favorite flower)
Persia is well known for its many flora, especially that of the Saffron flower and the Persian rose, but Rookheeya's favorite flower is that of the Gulnar flower otherwise known as the Pomegranate flower (LINK).
Pomegranates were her favorite part of fall to eat but its in June to watching to see the flower bloom on some trees (males do not produce fruit) to later watching in fall for the other trees as the green fruit to turn to a luscious crimson.
She loves the fringing white of the red petals of the pomegranate flower and her best memories are beneath the tree with her late brother Masoud as he told her all he had learned that day at school and all the medicinal properties of the flowers before tucking it into her hair fondly.
He regaled her with every story he had ever heard relating to the fruit and the flower like that of Hades and Persephone. He'd tease her as he tucked the flower behind her ear and told her the fruit symbolized fertility then tweaked her nose saying that one day she'd have children of her own to tell these stories to. She argued that she'd have him tell the stories because he was the best storyteller she had ever heard. Its these memories she clings to when he's buried and gone long before she ever meets her husband.
And so every season she looks forward to the blooming of the gulnar flower and the fruit of the fall in fond remembrance of her brother Masoud.
and yes- she loves Fesenjan which is a is a traditional Persian stew made with chicken simmered in a pomegranate molasses and walnut sauce. The combination of earthy walnuts, slightly sour pomegranate molasses and tender, juicy chicken create an unparalleled balance of flavors in this special occasion dish.
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noblehcart · 1 year
HC Dump: Rookheey.a Kh.an (Matters of Estate)
Rookheeya has a personal attendant named Haleh who she trusts with everything!! Haleh is her right hand woman and helps her run the household because its a fairly big estate. Its paltry for the Shah's courtiers who might have more elaborate fancy homes, but the estate for the Khan's is a source of pride, joy and shelter from the world. Haleh came to her role because her parents worked for Rookheeya's parents and so the girls grew up together and it felt natural that Haleh would stay with Rook after she was married; though Rookheeya continues to leave the door open to Haleh if she wishes to leave and get married with all her blessings. Haleh right now however is content in the freedoms she has within the Khan household with her dear friend and mistress as it is. Haleh is far more of a spitfire than Rookheeya ever is and far more brutally honest in a way that Rook can't make herself be.  
There are three gardens in the estate. One courtyard garden for receiving guests on the veranda that is meticulously neat with a large fountain. There is a second featuring tree peonies, daffodils and roses, but the third garden is perhaps Rookheeya's personal favorite and hobby as she insists on tending to it herself. It features an array of flora and is a bit messy in its almost untamed beauty with a variety of Roses climbing along the walls of the small courtyard, Tulips and Crocuses waving in the soft breeze, in June the household admires the Lilium Ledebourii with its chandelier like appearance and the ruffles of the Gulnar flower.
The third garden also features a shallow low pool meant for wading during the hotter seasons and it's Rookeeya's favorite thing to do first thing in the morning when the household is asleep and she can enjoy the garden in its floral serenity before her bustling day begins.
While her husband is paid rather handsomely for his role, as Daroga of Mazandaran and any additional raises for jobs well done in court, the household does have its own means of income from loomwork and a small section of land worked for crops that were sold at market (a small section is grown for the household). Rook for her many talents however is terrible at the loom and has tried many times to get better, but she just can't quite manage it.
The estate also has a library room that used to be a private study, but at her request was converted to a library to store all the books, manuscripts and maps that she has accumulated or received as gifts from friends who know her well (mostly family & mostly being Jahan). The library is also where Reza receives his education from his tutor and Rookheeya loves to walk by and see them sitting beside a pile of books and papers even though she knows her son just wants to run about and play as all boys do his age. She also has one of her chess sets neatly arranged on a table for whenever her husband or company decide to dare challenge her (there is another smaller chess set that can be set up anywhere in the estate when she so pleases).
Rookheeya loves to be in the kitchen with the women cooking as it feels like being part of the family though the women always give her the easier parts to handle. Not that she's a terrible cook, but that it sometimes feels a bit odd that the lady of the house is in there getting just as dirty as they are. Haleh sometimes drags her out of there to focus on more 'lady of the house' type responsibilities, but Rookheeya loves being in the kitchen with the women. For that, her willingness to learn and be more hands on with the household that the staff and servants have a deep love and respect for her and are willing to overlook some of her eccentricities and behaviors.
One such behavior is her bleeding heart. More than once her husband has had to gently chide her for her open hand and she has learned that its simply not possible to just 'give' as much as one likes and that throwing more money at a problem won't help much. However, she has a system and few trusted servants that if they hear of someone- anyone in need of medical attention and cannot afford the fees that they are to tell her or send those people to the estate so she can give them the needed money and send them in the direction of her sister's (Laleh) husband, who is a physician with word that they were sent by her. Also she never turns away beggars who come to the estate and sends them away with a small something to eat at least.
When questioned by Haleh about the expenses of her generosity Rookheeya merely replied that her husband provided her with an allowance of money monthly that she was fit to spend however she wished- and this was how she so wished to spend it.
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noblehcart · 10 months
HC Dump: Rookheeya & sword fighting
Rookheeya is by NO MEANS a fighter or a swordswoman but she does have some very basics thanks to her older brother Jahan.
She plays at sword fighting with Jahan while growing up until her older sisters pulled her away from playing as the boys do in order to do more appropriate things. However as Jahan gets older and learns to actually sword fight she continues to plead with him to teach her something. Jahan unable to deny Rookheeya most anything agrees and helps her learn the basics of handling a sword and some simple movements over the years.
While she doesn't know much what she does know is very precise and expertly handled as the Khademi household's guard, Rashid Al-Maghrabi, discovers her practicing alone and sometimes spies on her and her brother's lessons. A firm scolding follows though he only continues it with teaching her how to better angle herself, the grips and the motions over the years. Its thanks to his instruction that she perfects what little she does know.
and yes, she learns to fight with a shamshir.
the only OTHER person who knew about Rookheeya learning to handle a sword was her second oldest brother, Massoud, before he died. he was the one who also inspired her desire and interest as he told her stories of Pantea Arteshbod and the family lore that they were descendants from the warrior commander of the Immortal army. he reminded her that it was just a rumor, but she clung to it and the stories he told her about these women and tucked their bravery away in her heart for when she'd need it.
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noblehcart · 10 months
Rashid Al-Maghrabi was always a solid healthy man who attributed his good health to god. He had been spared the sickness that had wiped out his entire village, save for him and a handful of others. He had spent most of his years as a mercenary or guard to wealthy families and when he tired of that he provided protection to traveling caravans.
Then one day god's favor seemed to have left him and sickness ravaged him to the point of his caravan abandoning him on the roadside in Persia. He couldn't even blame them. They had wasted enough resources and precious time and who was he to them? Rashid had accepted his fate and wondered why hadn't it come sooner?
It was as the sun beat down mid morning after having been left behind hours earlier as he was believed to be at death's door that he heard voices in the dim darkness of awareness he held. Several of them.
Feet scurried away then stopped before hissing remarks of 'come away from there' faintly carried till a face was peering into his. A girl. She reminded him of his little sister's voice. A voice he thought he'd hear again soon enough when he finally left this mortal coil. She gave orders to the others to hurry home and bring her brother. The next memories were of water poured between his lips and strong arms lifting him up. He heard arguments shortly after in the futility of the endeavor to save him, but the girl argued and stayed at his bedside with a cool rag.
He WILL live. She said firmly. And she was right. He learned her name was Rookheeya and it was into her family's home that he was brought into. Her physician brother-in-law who sometimes helped in healing him. It was two months before he was back on his feet and indebted to her fierce kindness. He asked the head of the household, Kian, the elder brother who was trying to care for his siblings, what position could he take amongst the household. There was a tether in his chest to the kindness of the young woman who had shown him mercy and kindness. It was little in the way of pay, but roof and food were met and he rather liked keeping guard over the small family and helping out in other means the household needed. It was as if he had lost one family only to have it restored to him.
FC: Saif Al-Warith
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noblehcart · 1 year
HC Dump: Rookheey.a's siblings (oldest to youngest)
Kian- Eldest son and head of the family after their father passes away. Stoic, insanely clever but duty ruled. Married, with children, but completely dedicated to his family and siblings.
Masoud- The quiet academic son who is utterly dedicated to the faith. When a fever sweeps the village he is among the many lost.
Nasrin- Eldest daughter but also the vainest. She marries a courtier in the Shah's court and enjoys the luxuries it affords her though she remains incredibly close to Laleh despite the distance.
Laleh- The second daughter and is just as her namesake the tulip as she bends to whatever she faces. Her flexibility and sunshine attitude makes her favorite of the village and marries a physician.
Jahan- Youngest son and rascal of the family. Always up to mischief, impulsive and still unmarried though as he enjoys his freedom. Despite his trouble he's adored by his sisters and is closest to Rookheey.a.
Rookheey.a- The youngest and most doted on by both her brothers, but especially by Kian. She's the most curious of her siblings, and sometimes the quiet spitfire amongst those she trusts. All the siblings agree that she's most like their father with her quiet demeanor and sharp wit.
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noblehcart · 1 year
HC Dump: Rookheey.a Kh.an
growing up it was often easy to find her because she was practically glued to her brother, Jahan's hip, because he was always doing something interesting. Since he was a good eight years older she was adored by the entire family, but her brothers spoiled her relentlessly and so Jahan let her tag along till she was too old to do so.
Rook loved when people from the European missions would call on the family or they'd be invited to gatherings because typically someone would play the violin and she was enamored with hearing/watching them play different instruments or tell stories from their countries.
But some of her favorite days were market days when she'd go with Kian, her eldest brother, shopping when she was young. She adored seeing everything and the books and maps. He always indulged her and bought her something.
She'd burn the oil lamps to their last staying up late reading into the night about every story, myth and country that she could get her hands on.
Her chess skills are unparalleled and the only one who can possibly sometimes best her is Kian or Masoud, as he is the one who taught her. Every time she plays chess now she thinks of her late brother and hears his patient instruction.
However, she also loved keeping busy during the day with her sister in regards to housework and traditions. She looked forward to the day she'd find her husband and have a home and family of her own as she saw how happy it made her sister, Laleh. Her oldest sister, Nasrin, however continued to always emphasize that she needed a proper wealthy match and promised she'd find one at court for her after she had married her husband. Her brother Jahan swore to her that he'd fight Kian on making sure she received the love match that she wanted.
It's thanks to Jahan's mischief that Rook first meets Nadir. Jahan sneaks her out of the house to the market place to hear a street performer and its there that the young teenagers get their first glimpse of each other listening to the sound of the Tar. Their eyes meet and the rest is history as the story goes.
Her siblings are all completely at odds about the match; Jahan and Laleh are absolutely for it after seeing the weeks of stolen glances and almost secret conversations between the two. Nasrin believes the match could be beneficial but also thinks her sister could have a better match at court. Kian doesn't like the instability and danger of the role that Nadir will inherit as Daroga of Mazanderan and what that will mean for Rookheeya's future. In the end Kian consents to the match and arranges the marriage.
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noblehcart · 1 year
HC Dump: Persia Timeline (Rookheeya)
Erik is believed to be 19 years old when he meets Nadir who says "he was in the prime of manhood, probably a few years younger than myself."
Lets say Nadir is 26 years (& Rook is 25) at the time and Reza is 6.5- 7 years as Tay Sacs in Juvenile form appears after age 5 and Nadir tells Erik that it has been 18 months since symptoms began.
Meaning Rook & Nadir were 18.5-20ish years old when they had Reza.
Married at 17-18 years old, with a one year age gap between them.
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noblehcart · 1 year
💭 + sleep habits for anyone but also the ivanovs
𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 — send 💭 + a topic to receive a headcanon about said topic. @myhiraeth
Rookheeya Khan- Rook is a relatively good sleeper actually until her pregnancy, but mostly it was in the last months as all women suffer in those last months. After birth however she slept terribly because she was obsessively worried about her newborn, Reza, as he was very small and fragile which honestly she doesn't have great sleep for the next two years because she worries and checks in on him at night. She does ease up and start sleeping a little more till he hits about age 5-6ish because he starts showing symptoms of his degenerative disease. After Reza's passing her sleep patterns are all over the place trying to sleep to forget and sometimes trying to avoid sleeping because she forgets. Its a good year or two before she starts sleeping somewhat normally again.
Liesel Ivanov- Liesel is what you call an insomniac. She's not a great sleeper and is a night owl. She stays up late and naps maybe two-threeish hours before starting her day and pounding that caffeine. Sometimes she takes sleep gummies, sometimes she takes wine and sometimes she does both. But sometimes you will catch her in the apartment manically tracking or authenticating a rare book and her apartment is sheer chaos of destruction- but by 7am its neat and pristine again.
Stefan Ivanov- God, Stefan is a Swiss clock. The man has a routine and a schedule and he sticks to it unless he absolutely can't. He has a regular time for scheduled sleep and its usually at least 6-7 hours. He's a pretty good sleeper unless he's having a ptsd related nightmare which DO happen and when they do happen he just generally stays up the rest of the night doing something productive.
Nina Ivanov- Nina is a fitful sleeper and always has been (which drove her mother crazy), but manages to sleep a little more soundly when she starts actively journaling because she has so much on her mind. She's not great at a routine sleep, but generally she's good at getting up in the morning unless it was a rough night.
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