#// but I kept on hyperfocusing on his twitching ears
viatrixtravels-a · 7 months
❥ Gorou or Tighnari?
Send me ❥ + two names and my muse will say which one they'd rather date.
"Gorou! Have you seen his fluffy tail? I want to nuzzle my face in it!"
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openvacant · 4 years
Got dicked down really well for the first time in a while. My partner and I hadn’t had sex in a couple weeks,  the longest it had ever been in the ten years we’ve been together, but I tried not to panic about it. We’re so physically close all the time. It’s hard to feel that erotic charge of seeing someone at the end of the day, enjoying their presence and their body after hours of being away from it, when you never get much space. And we have both had days of being depressed or anxious or of trying to avoid those hard feelings by hyperfocusing on our creative works. Yet I could also feel that we were getting closer in other ways, more in sync, more capable of seeing one another as true partners. So that helped make the intimacy gap feel less frightening.
But then we finally got back into sync sexually. Showered together. I gave him a massage. Curled up against him. Felt his hand trace the curve of my hips, up to my waist and back down again. I ran my hands up and down his arms, which have gotten a lot more strong after a few months of us both lifting weights a lot together. His hand slid between my legs, started circling. I gasped. It felt so good. He moaned as I rapidly began dripping onto his hand. 
I curled onto my side, enveloping his body with my legs, moaning into his ear while he played with me, fingering me, teasing me, bringing me to the edge of orgasm and then pumping his fingers on the side of my dick until I shuddered with pleasuring and rolled my eyes back. I came and came and it kept feeling so good. He wouldn’t stop. He kept moaning in rhythm with me, bringing my arousal back up whenever it crested or waned after an orgasm. 
He kept probing deep inside me, circling the outside of me, pumping my dick, releasing pleasure from my body until i was a writhing, swaying mess, desperately kissing him and squirming against his body and drenching the sheets. 
then I crawled on top of him and slipped him inside me, and we both gasped and held eachother and reveled in how welcome it felt to return to this. his cock was incredibly stiff and hard and pulsed inside me with desire. he took hold of my hips and dug his fingers in deep and thrust up into me rapidly. Pushed me back so he could watch my chest sway and toy with me with his hands. He squeezed me, caressed me, held me in place, pulled me down to kiss him, wrapped his arms around my waist and fucked me hard, threw me back and cupped my ass and pushed in as deep as he could go and held himself there. 
I felt very in tune with him. Sometimes during vanilla sex I try to drive and get out of rhythm with the other person. Sometimes he and I are on the same page, other times we are not, but this time we were completely. i could feel every twitch and pulse and minute thrust of his dick. i knew when to stay completely still and let him seize with pleasure inside me. i knew when to relax my body so he could reposition me or hold me how he wanted and move in and out of my desperate cunt at whatever speed he wanted. I knew when he wanted me to pick up the speed, lean down, lean back, bounce on his cock, tense myself around him. 
I don’t always  come just from penetration, and when I do it is hard to predict. It shoots through my body all of a sudden, takes me over completely and leaves me slumped over convulsing and yelping with desire. That happened this time. One moment I was leaning back, straddling him, his hands on my ass while he pushed up inside me rapidly, the next moment I was shuddering and my cunt was clenching and unclenching rapidly around his cock and my body was pitching forward while I yelled out “oh god oh god oh god oh fuck oh GOD” completely unable to stop myself. He cradled my body and my head in his hands and kept thrusting, visciously, hungrily, as my body shook and my entire world disappeared. 
Other orgasms build up, plateau for a long time, and then arrive, bringing relief and release. these sudden internal orgasms are nothing like that. They just erupt all through me, robbing me of all control of my body and mind and even my voice. I can’t even estimate how long orgasms like these last, because I’m so blinked out of existence during them. 
after I was done, limp and pulsing and dripping around his cock, he flipped us over so that I was on my back, and threw my legs onto his shoulders. i’m still very flexible, i still can get my legs behind my head, and he didn’t hesitate to throw me into that position and begin pounding me as deeply as he could. he was insatiable at that point, hungrily chasing orgasm after ages of fucking me and forcing my body into orgasm but stopping before he himself went over the edge. Now it was his time to take his pleasure from me. 
I am such a different person when I have been fucked into submission like this. I become so much softer, breathier, more agreeable and gentle and attached. the normal barriers that keep me detached from everyone else just fall away. I was his and my holes were his and I was attuned completely to his cock and his body moving over me. It felt so good to take his come inside me, to sense his cock spurting and tensing in my body, to know that my body was absorbing him and more connected to him than ever. 
I don’t know, it’s been a scary time in the world. we’ve been at a lot of protests and we don’t know if we’ll get covid from them. he has art to make for his work and i have a book to write. his theater is organizing a big donation drive and a bunch of online classes. our neighborhood was preyed on by white supremacists and our neighbors and friends have been brutalized and arrested by cops. it felt good to find a moment of deep and abiding connection in the midst of all that. 
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landprince · 7 years
By now Riku was actively seeking out the spiky brown hair that belonged to his human. It had scarcely been a full day since he last saw Sora, but he missed the boy and watched to show off his latest achievement.
The sun was high in the cloudless sky; its warm rays heating up the tropical waters that surrounded the islands and invigorating the merman. He loved the warmth the waters brought him when the sun rose to its midday point, while it sometimes made him lazy and sleepy, he also found burst of energy and raced around his territory, making sure to keep other predators at bay.
For Riku, there couldn’t have been a more perfect day. Now if only Sora would show up….
In his eagerness to see the human, there were nearly a few times he started following one of the many rowboats that had made their way to his island. However, after trailing them for a few meters, he was able to see it wasn’t Sora that maneuvered the boats and he was starting to become restless and anxious as the day wore on and his human hadn’t shown up.
After the third mistaken boat, he decided to fill the time with chasing around small fish, snapping up those that were too slow to outswim him, and searching the murky silt and sand on the ocean floor for small, shiny objects and bits of coral he could use to give as a gift to his human.
Even now, two weeks into their friendship, Sora was delighted and turned the softest shade of red whenever Riku brought him something. Which only made Riku more eager to bring more items for his human, especially when Sora wore them.
The reverence Sora always gave the items Riku brought to him had the merman’s stomach dropping low and filling him with a sense of accomplishment. While he still couldn’t always make out what the human was thinking or saying with just expressions and gestures, Riku could tell Sora always enjoyed the small gifts brought to him.
So wrist deep in the silt, Riku sifted through it, coming up with little scraps of sodden wood, water smoothed stones, and old shells of crabs and sea snails. He picked several small, brightly colored cone shaped shells and quickly swam off to his resting area, tucking the precious items away in a seaweed bed. Later he would return and bring them to his human, but for now he didn’t want to be taxed with holding them.
Satisfied that he wouldn’t be overburdened with his presents until later, he went back to lazily swimming around the island as he waited for Sora to show up, actively ignoring the few brave fish that crept up to him and began to nip at the silver scales that made up his lower body. They were picking away grime and parasites that might have cling to him, and Riku wouldn’t hinder their meticulous cleaning.
While he usually kept on top of his hygeine, even a little extra help was appreciated by the fish that plucked off little bits he might have missed. Letting his eyes fall shut, he lazed about near the bottom of the seafloor and allowed fish to slide against his skin and scales and clean him.
Time passed in warm, soothing waves. His tail continued to tread water and pushed him forward in short intervals, and he slowly moved around the island to keep himself awake as he waited for Sora to arrive.
Finally familiar brown spikes caught his keen eyes from underwater after his third or fourth lap around the island. Riku’s heart thundered behind his ribcage and he rushed forward, breaching the surface of calm seawater and shouting his greeting to Sora.
"Sora!” The name that spilled from the merman’s lips still sounded off. The S was hissed out more than actually pronounced properly, and the R sounded gravelly and rough, like a growl. But he had practiced all night, trying his best to give the name the respect needed to actually say. It wasn’t the best, in fact it was from from it in his opinion, but he had quite some time to better learn how to give the name the due care it deserved.
“Sora!” He shouted again. He heard a startled scream and watched as the boat rocked violently on the water as Sora scrambled to stand. His hands gripped the edge of the boat and Sora leaned over the edge, face flushed and brows furrowed as shouted words were hurled Riku’s way.
The waves that surrounded him helped push him closer to the small boat in the middle of the water. With one magnificent flick of his tail Riku bolted forward, doing a few laps around the boat and building up more momentum before launching himself out of the water.
He wanted to surprise Sora, the delight that coursed through him at learning how to actually pronounce his name in such little time had the merman veritably trembling in elation to show off his newfound skills in human language.
Riku slithered into the rowboat the human had been using, immediately wanting to press, not only his face, but his entire body against the little human’s as pride and excitement reverberated throughout his entire being. Water splashed everywhere, and he heard a slight cry of alarm come from Sora as he clambered into the boat.
The human grabbed at a large amount of cloth with a concerned yelp, picking it up and hugging it to his chest as Riku closed in. The oars were abandoned in the process and clattered atop Riku’s large tail as the merman quickly made himself as comfortable as possible in the tiny area, sidled up close against the brunet’s side and beaming in joy as he began to chatter.
Puffing his chest out, he grinned up at Sora, sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. The concern that had once occupied the human’s expression quickly was overcame by his own brilliant smile.
“I’ve been practicing,” he said, trying his best to keep his own enthusiasm down about his ability to now somewhat pronounce Sora’s name. Riku wriggled for a moment as he tried to tell Sora about how he spent all night practicing saying the name properly, no longer to keep back the bodily excitement.
Even his own chirps and chatters started to slur and stutter from his excitement.
Reaching a hand out, he calmed down enough so he wouldn’t accidentally scratch the human and gently cupped Sora’s face, brushing a clawed thumb against the soft skin there. “Sorry it’s not the best, but considering I only had one night to work on it…”
The human leaned into the touch, dark lashes falling shut over his eyes. It seemed Riku’s sudden appearance and immediate need to reform their social bond was forgiven as Sora smiled softly and nuzzled against the cold palm against his jaw. His hand came up to cover the merman’s own, but after one rather turbulent wave Sora released Riku and shook off the hand against his face so he could finish rowing his way to the island.
Riku’s long tail draped itself over the side of the boat, twitching back and forth in the ocean as Sora grabbed the oars so he could carry them both to the island. The other humans were already there, Riku saw two of them show up early with a round object and run the length of the shoreline while trying to take it from one another.
He was usually careful to keep himself submerged so the other children wouldn’t spot him, but now that Sora was here, his whole world hyperfocused to the single point that was Sora. While he would still be cautious about his presence, he was more lax in order to be with the human as much as possible.
Keen ears picked up the high pitched screams of play from the other children. As long as he made his way into the water once Sora got closer to the island he should be fine.
The cloth that Sora had been holding was now sitting on the seat beside him, well out of the small puddle of water that had accumulated in the bottom of the boat after the merman climbed into it.
He had a few minutes to wait as Sora rowed them to the shore, so he grabbed the item and began rifling through it. Usually when he gave his human gifts, the boy would put them in here. Obviously it was used to carry thing without over encumbering his hands, he just didn’t know what it was called.
Riku fumbled with the strings that kept it closed, careful not to shred the delicate material, and began pulling things out.
A hand came into his vision and smacked his own.
“What?” He scowled, gripping the cloth tighter and bringing it protectively to his chest when Sora tried to take it from him. Another swipe and Riku reached out with a hand to ward the human off. He starting to click angrily at the human’s actions and spoke to him in his usual whistles and high pitched keens,“I’m not going to break it, I just want to see what’s in it. Are all the things I gave you still here?”
The merman flipped it upside down and began to shake it, trying to get the contents inside to tumble out to the water filled bottom of the boat. With only one hand, it was the only way he could think of to get what he wanted without struggling to keep the cloth on his person without sliding off.
“Stop!” Another cry of dismay came from his human, and he found the bag ripped from his hands. Several long strips of cloth still clung to his claws from how forceful Sora was with taking it away from him.
The guttural, primitive words Sora spoke were hurled at him. Riku didn’t understand a single word, but guilt crept up his stomach and latched onto his heart.
He made soft apologetic clicks and moved closer. Sora was glaring at him, blue eyes filled with anger, and he half-heartedly shoved at Riku each time he pressed close and made soft keening noises of distress at his actions.
“Sora---” Riku said, this time forcing the name out in his most proper human voice.
An exasperated sigh left the human. Sora threw his hands up into the air and slumped against the side of the boat. Even Riku could tell the human was pouting, no longer able to stay mad at the merman for an accident yet unwilling to give up on being angry.
Riku butted his head against his human’s arm. “Sora.”
The human whirled around then, grabbing Riku’s face and squishing his cheeks. He pulled on his face, forcing Riku to make marvelous expressions, and fell into a fit of giggles after a few moments of Riku being too surprised to do much more than allow it to happen before trying to make his own sour expression.
“It’s okay.” He said while gesturing at the item. He repeated the words a few times, fingers stroking Riku’s cheek for a moment before letting his hands fall so he could grab at the, now shredded, cloth once again.
Sora began pulling things out. Two small square things wrapped in more brightly colored cloth were pulled out. Multiple colors and patterns were on the cloth squares, and before Riku could grab at them, one was put into his hands.
“Unwrap,” Sora said, then began untying the knots that kept the cloth on.
Riku eagerly began unwrapping the square, only to reveal a see-through box inside.
Sora got his attention again, and demonstrated to Riku how to remove the top with his own box, and soon the scent of food wafted upwards. His stomach rumbled, even though he had eaten scarcely two hours ago.
He could catch the scent of prey and seaweed, yet was unsure what the other food items were. Or even if they were food.
“Fish.” Sora pointed out to some stick looking food. “Fiiiiish.”
“Shhh-- Ffffsh---” Riku mimicked, nodding knowingly as he grabbed a handful and shoved them into his mouth and noisily ate.
It sort of tasted like some of the small fish Riku ate earlier. Yet there was something about it that tasted better, and Riku was quickly trying to get the few that Sora had as well.
However, the food his human had was kept far from Riku’s reach and after seeing the scowl on Sora’ face, the merman went back to eating the other bits of food in the box. It tasted good, and he was delighted the human brought him food.
His tail flicked water onto the both of them after he finished scarfing down the rest of the food. Since Sora brought them a snack, it seemed only fair that Riku did the same.
Before the night ended, he planned on bringing back a large fish for the two of them to eat. It wouldn’t be hard at all, and he knew the best places to go for decent sized prey.
“Sora,” Riku suddenly lurched forward, nearly knocking the human out of the boat and making it rock dangerously. “Sora! Feesh!”
He nodded decisively after his words.
It was a promise to get Sora the biggest fish he could manage.
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