#// probs messed some shit up reading on symbolism of flowers etc etc
fidelisfatum · 6 years
Why fidelisfatum?
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From fidēs (“faith, trust”) 
Adjective fidēlis (neuter fidēle); third declension 
faithful, loyal
true, trustworthy, dependable
earnestly, faithfully/constantly/loyally, reliably/accurately, securely/firmly
with reliance on God
From fātus, perfect active participle of for (“speak”). 
Noun fātum n (genitive fātī); second declension
destiny, fate
( in the plural ) death
( of a god ) speech
utterance, declaration, proclamation, prediction
doom, death, calamity, fate, destiny, natural term of life, utterance, oracle
karma ( Hinduism and Buddhism )
kismet ( islam ) the will of Allah
     Rosalina is the depiction of faith and fate, for the two of them are intertwined securely by her character and faith being the main reason she continues to go on living despite not seeing much point to existence due to her upbringing. It’s always hoping that eventually she will find that glowing star that will spark her dull life, that something beyond herself will give her purpose besides her giving herself one, even though she would argue that she has indeed chosen her own path despite that path being dependent on outside forces. Rosa is the very example of two sides of the same coin: being faithful and dishonest, eager to backstab and yet just as eager to obey, she’s a complete contradiction and yet fits. A mark of a rising sun being overshadowed by the moon, a solar eclipse, perfectly describes as a sort of allegory between Vergil and herself: with herself depicting her husband as a sort of God-like figure that gives her purpose, and her shielding him or eclipsing his rays and greatness with herself: as if to protect and to hoard him away. He is merely a symbol of her love and her faith, how she views him almost godlike in instances or others thinks he is deserving of those roles because the current god fails everyone -- including herself. Putting all her purpose and reason to live into one thing and turning into blind faith: no questions, no reasons, no evidence -- he just will save everyone. This could be said of anything else she puts her faith into, having a penchant for getting obsessive -- even dangerously so -- towards individuals or objects she has dubbed worthy of her, that she feels are important to her existence. 
     When it comes to the fate part of the discussion, an omen or oracle, she is both due to the curse placed upon her by the heavenly lily. Not only was it so attracted to her drive for virtue ( faith ) despite her sinful upbringing, it feeds on her strong will and able body, the magical energy that is naturally within the Nephilim and moreso with the females of their race. She is a sort of endless vast space of nothing for the lily to implant in, to create everything anew, to bring forth the wrath of those too heavenly for the mortal coil and attempt again. Her destiny is almost tied to death and suffering, for she is the muck and stain that will push the lily from her empty depths, shrouded in darkness, into a beautiful golden flower -- a symbol of rebirth and ascension. To the curse she will die and again be born anew and pure, as something else: a soldier of faith for God to wield as a weapon on those deemed unworthy of his cause. Like those before her she is a promise of a greater calamity slowly approaching the horizon, almost like that of a lunar eclipse drenched in blood: a sign of great change, shedding the past, an ending to an era. The lily uses Rosalina as symbol to the end of the three races: demons, nephilim and the angels, an end to a war where things will be brought back to one, with humanity being collateral damage. 
     Plants and flowers are very much a theme for Rosa, a majority of it revolves around flowers like roses and lily’s, and with roses symbolizing romance, love and passion and lily’s with humility, devotion, motherhood and rebirth, with the flower also being used in funerals and symbolizing the departed has received their innocence again after death. The rose and lily have some common themes between them:
     It’s also the carrier of secrets and a symbol of balance coupled with undying and immortal love that goes even far beyond death, it’s beauty shows promise, new beginnings and hope while its thorns contrast this with defense, physicality, loss and thoughtlessness. In the major arcane it’s: Magician, Strength, Death and Fool. 
     The lily also holds symbol as high eroticism, sexuality and fertility due to the pistils that protrude from its center, giving it both feminine and masculine symbolism. It also holds meaning for Christians as a symbol of chastity, innocence, purity and piety, along with being associated as the virgin Mary’s flower and her devotion. It has meaning with the trinity symbol with three petals associated with the lunar and solar eclipse cycles, while dreaming of a lily can be a sign of something needing to be done or a plan needing to be executed, hoping to seek rest, peace and tranquility. Lilies also appear in tarot cards, specifically: the Magician, Temperance and Ace of Pentacles. 
     There’s a lot of symbolism with new beginnings, hope, suffering, etc that really express the turmoil and fate of Rosalina and her place within the world she lives and in the story: especially in regards to motherhood and a new life with new responsibilities; casting aside thoughtless murder and sinful glee’s to instead fight for a more noble cause under a being she finds illuminating to her dark existence, helping to mold her beyond the simple facade of a beautiful monster, but a woman trying to obtain innocence she can only acquire by dying and coming back anew -- as something totally different -- hoping to reshape the world. However, one should not assume that her drive to fight for a better future means that it will be a good or just future, for her bias’ color her decisions and her beliefs run closely with: the ends justify the means. 
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