#//i was practicing drawing hat kid in the ahit style and idk how i did that
ahit-oc-corner · 2 years
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OKAY I FOUND MORE SNATCHER DOODLES first one is more recent and second doodle is I like the noodle okay?
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lemonadesoda · 2 years
Bored transferring data for work so time for oc and worldbuilding rambles again featuring my very best friend, bullet points
Cerians don't generally do birthdays as a culture because being scattered across the galaxy and fucking around with spacetime makes relative time weird, even with standardized clocks. That's why Hat Kid is like "idk" when asked how old she is because while she does have an absolute age, she doesn't really know how to translate that into Earth context.
The ages I give for the hat aliens are more for real-life contextualization tbh, like that's their equivalent age in human development time. It's actually not a common personal info metric they exchange with each other because they have to literally look it up in the standardized time keeping system. They would have other ways of establishing social status and seniority but that's not a can of worms I've opened yet.
That all being said, I think the Subcon Birthday festival from ch 16 takes place sometime in the fall, probably September, so that's around when her Earth bday would be.
Tevane and Lemel's Earth birthdays would be 2/16 and 10/31 respectively. Yes Halloween.
Do they have Halloween in ahit world? Probably not exactly, but there would be some kind of fall festival equivalent that varies across cultures.
Lemel's family life back home involved a lot of extended family gatherings including numerous people who aren't blood related who nevertheless are still family. They had big noisy parties with an obscene amount of food and Lemel looks back on that fondly.
At the same time, they like bonds they can count on. They like feeling understood, so while big get-togethers are fun, they are really only vulnerable with a select few people who have earned the intimacy of trust.
Tevane's family was very much more the nuclear style with all it's trappings. Putting up a good image was highly valued, and he and his brother both received pressure from their parents to varying degrees to maintain that. As the older child, far more of this fell onto Tevane and his brother developed an entitled, spoiled personality when he realized he could deflect a lot of accountability onto Tev. Any sort of nurturing or intimacy was practically nonexistent.
They're both written with different sorts of neurodivergency in mind, but Tevane specifically is autistic and gets kindly gifted a lot of my personal particularities but Worse This Time. Lemel is more vague because I project less onto them but I did draw from friends with ADHD.
Tevane thinks Lemel is really good at giving him gifts that he likes, though Lemel is convinced it's because he's so enthralled about getting anything at all that any of the random crap they gift him is exciting. It's one of the ways he's unexpectedly sentimental because even if he doesn't necessarily like the object itself, the giftness of it matters a lot.
Lemel doesn't really care about getting items as gifts on the other hand, making them difficult to get stuff for unless you know they want a Specific Screwdriver or something. They prefer experiences and quality time, and enjoy things like aquarium dates, concerts, going to fairs and theme parks, road trips, etc.
Lemel eventually takes up boxing/martial arts as a way to channel their energy. Remember that Cerians are wicked strong and have high bone density.
Lemel enjoys video games but doesn't have the patience for an extended plot nor the hand stamina for intense button mashing. They like things like shooters and Smash Bros and such, but can't play for long. They usually just watch Tev play things while leaning on his shoulder and being a pest about it. He prefers strategy and puzzle games but will play things they suggest for them. He's more likely to finish games than they are by a long shot.
Ok that's all i've got rn. my data is still transferring........
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