mmsunwoo-blog · 5 years
accio — @mmchoa !
he doesn’t know when this little tradition started. the two of them, eating to their hearts’ content. her reliving her glory days out on the field, him half listening, half stuffing his face whilst nodding periodically and secretly playing clash of clans underneath the table. ( you can’t blame him for not listening to the same dementor fighting story over and over again, though. )
but sometimes it’s more than that. it’s her comforting presence, reassuring in more ways than one. even her voice alone is something akin to a motherly warmth, swaddling him from head to toe. it allows him to let his guard down a little bit, relax, and think—maybe everything will turn out just fine in the end. or at least, that’s what he’ll keep telling himself.
so he finds himself very much looking forward to these monthly check-ins? get togethers? counseling sessions? whatever they may be, anticipation always finds its way into his fingers, drumming along the surface of the table. into the balls of his feet as he continuously bounces his leg up and down. he'll say it’s just the food, but he knows ( just knows ) that it’s really the solace she never fails to bring.
“so what’s new with you, noona ?” he asks, but his eyes are glued to the grill between them, watching as the pork belly slowly browns. he uses the tongs to flip the meat over, pulling back just in time to dodge the occasional splatter of oil.
once all the pieces were flipped, the decency to look up and across the table finally finds him. familiarity is a strange thing. supposedly well known, yet novel all the same. “how was russia ?” he pauses to pick up the scissors and begin cutting the meat into smaller, bite sized pieces.
park sunwoo, ever the gourmet.
“did you bring back anything cool for me ?”
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mmsunwoo-blog · 5 years
accio — @mmjaeho !
maybe he should consider packing his bags and moving here permanently. he’s been confined inside these septic, plain white walls often enough. every time it’s the same careful, stern words of advice. and every time he nods wholeheartedly. resolution in his eyes. resolve in his steps. yet, every time he always somehow ends up back here: square one.
sure, sunwoo’s been careless the countless times before, popping the nearest snack into his welcoming mouth without much thought or question. and yes, that’s occasionally gotten him into some ( a lot ) of trouble, but that’s what the doctors at ymmc were for, right ?
what’s different this time though, is the circumstance. this time it wasn’t his fault. this time it hit him blindsided. he’s not sure who, what, where, when, or how. all he does know is that someone, something slipped a trace of the wretched allergen into his food, and now—well, now all has been said and done.
he shifts uncomfortably in the examination chair, mentally preparing to confess all this and more to a certain, disapproving scowl, which ( unfortunately ) sunwoo is all too familiar with.
his inner turmoil, however, dissipates as soon as the door opens, revealing—“jaeho hyung !” csi: yosul will just have to wait then, at least until the itching of his skin and the tightness in his throat goes away. 
“nice to see you again, i guess ?” he tries to hide the sheepishness with a chuckle, but instead it comes out forced. awkward.
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mmsunwoo-blog · 5 years
accio — @mmdaehyun !
sunwoo doesn’t think he’ll be able to fall asleep tonight. not when he’s already on his fifth cup of tea, one too many milligrams of caffeine running through his already pulsing veins, making his hands shaky as the beating of his heart continues its steady acceleration.
he’s heard from a few professors, though, that god, buddha, dumbledore-nim or whatever—that they all work in mysterious ways. maybe this is one of those moments. perhaps the universe was doing him a favor after all, keeping him up all night so that he won’t walk home tomorrow, a big, red “T” branded metaphorically across his forehead.
( that is, assuming he’ll somehow be able to eloquently interpret a random, unassuming cluster of tea leaves into a sophisticated prediction of some poor soul’s certain death by morning. )
he’s been squinting at the bottom of his cup for the past ten minutes, focus only hindered occasionally by a persistent eye twitch. ( he can’t tell if it’s because he’s frustrated, or because he’s just been staring at the damn leaves for so long. )
“hyung, i really don’t get how you can see anything in here. all i see are blobs.” the exasperation hits him hard. pounds against his hyper-caffeinated head like a drum. it shows in the way he sets the half empty cup down halfheartedly; in the way his back slowly slouches into the chair; in the way he lazily drapes his arms across the desk, sending his pens on a slow roll across the uneven wooden surface. they land on the floor with a thud, but the thought to reach down and pick them up doesn’t quite cross the lethargic barrier of his mind.
tired eyes roaming, he takes in the array of notes and tea bags before him. it’s funny really, the stark contrast between the haphazardness of his strewn papers and the neatly organized ones of daehyun ( star student, boy wonder, park sunwoo’s possible divination life saver, that jo daehyun ) sitting a mere two feet away from him.
maybe that difference ( that big, big difference ) is what will make or break his grade tomorrow. only time will tell. for now he decides to make daehyun’s life a tiny bit easier by taking one final look at the god forsaken leaves.
“i mean, if i turn my head this way,” his brow furrows, lips scrunching in last ditch effort concentration. “i kind of see a hot dog shape ?”
screwed ? he knows. how screwed ? that, he doesn’t. 
( does he want to find out ? maybe later. )
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mmsunwoo-blog · 5 years
tag dump !
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mmsunwoo-blog · 5 years
accio – @mmyemi !
he’s too easy. complacency follows him around, dragging him by the ear. unrelenting. unwilling to let go. his heart forever pasted on his sleeve. not proud, but visible for all to see nonetheless. it’s something he needs to learn to fix. the easy smiles and automatic head nods. they need to stop if he wants to save himself the trouble. he can’t though. it’s just not in the cards. so when haesung comes around, eyes gleaming, with yet another concoction up his sleeve, sunwoo knew he was done for.
( it goes down easily—cherry sweet. )
maybe sung’s hit a lucky streak. sunwoo’s feeling fine ( it’s a first ) as he walks quickly through the halls and out onto the courtyard. he’s looking for a certain bob of blonde. jiyi. eyes searching, darting this way and that. and yet somehow he fails to see the whirlwind of familiarity and foreign all jumbled up before him. all mixed together. a storm that’s ready to lay destruction in its path. all this is right in front of his own two eyes—he misses it completely.
“ow !” the impact has her shoulder digging into his ribs, knocking the wind out of his very lungs. it’s sudden, both the collision and the realization that finally dawns. “o-oh. sorry. i’m just gonna—“ he tries to untangle himself from her as he stands up. “—go ?” that’s weird. he can’t. like, physically can’t.
he pulls on his hoodie, following the soft cotton material with his eyes. it leads him straight to her. what the—he tries to move his foot. to take a step in the opposite direction, far, far away from here. from the person he thought he used to know. from the weird pang that seems to play in tune to the beating of his heart. betrayal, is it ? ( most likely. ) it’s useless. he quickly realizes that the whole entire right half of his clothes, his body, is stuck. actually, physically, krazy glue sticky—stuck to her left half.
at times like these, he wishes he was just a plain old maeobsa. no magic. no fun and games. ( he’s really gonna have to kill sung for this one. )
“um, do you know any spells that could like,” he raises his—their hands. all while expertly averting her gaze. he really doesn’t want to deal with this right now. “fix this ?”
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mmsunwoo-blog · 5 years
july 2019 / coney island—brooklyn, new york
accio — @mmseol !
he’s been doing things for the sake of just doing something lately. no, he’s been doing that for a long time. lately more than usual perhaps, but the feeling is the same nonetheless. it’s a gift of summer that’s been taken for granted more often than not. endless days. no responsibilities. any child’s golden dream.
so here he is, baking under the brooklyn sun, carnival music blasting in his ears, and the smell of greasy fast food enveloping him—all for the sake of just doing things. for summer vacation. for the ( fiery ) girl who dragged him all the way from the comfort of his own bed into this bustling, rowdy crowd.
“we should have gone on like a tuesday or something,” he mumbles as he tries to navigate the sea of people before him. it’s blinding, really. how the sun reflects off of almost every surface. the light is bright, hitting his eye at just the right angle. he should have brought his sunglasses to new york with him, but he wouldn't be park sunwoo if he hadn’t forgotten to pack something.
he looks at her now. at her dyed, bright red hair. at how conspicuous it is against the tide of browns and blondes. he sees the gleam in her eyes. the bounce in her step. and he sighs, knowing it was going to be a long day. the fatigue already sinking into his skin, wrapping around his bones. it'll be fun, hopefully. tiring ? definitely.
“alright, what ride are we going on first ?”
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mmsunwoo-blog · 5 years
accio — @mmyuanlan !
yuanlan’s good at a lot of things, he’s noticed. dueling club being one of them. for five years now he’s gotten his ass beat ( singed hair and everything ) at the weekly meetings. it's fine, he’s only there for the free food anyways. but there’s only so much a boy can take. even one as patient as he. there’s a breaking point. intangible, yet fragile all the same. he’s reached it a long time ago. ( the ceiling is just barely grazed: spidery patterns on glass. )
this is typical. it’s always a marathon to get through class. but when the bell tolls at the end of the day, the world suddenly plays at normal speed. unmuted. in color. he’s here, comfortably seated at his usual spot in the far right corner. fingers on autopilot fighting whatever opponent he decides is worth his while. when the opportunity arises for yuanlan to join in on the fun, he sees no reason to say no. it’ll be a nice change of pace for once. her getting her ass beat instead.
“oh, you’re here. just give me a sec,” his eyes don’t stray from the lasers and graphics on screen. it’s understandable, though. he's mid battle when he hears footsteps come up behind him. still, for all he knows he could be just talking to the air. the game ends with numbers flashing across the screen. he’s grown accustomed to the pixelated golden streamers by now, but he still finds his heart swelling just a bit at the sight.
he turns to her, grinning from the rush. “it’s your first time at a pc bang right ? so you can either just sit here and watch,” he pats the empty seat next to him, “or if you wanna play, we can do that too. there’s couple seats over there,” his eyes wander in said direction, but not before a flush creeps into his cheeks. it was an innocent comment, really. park sunwoo, ever the honest.
“i mean it’s meant for couples ! but we’re not obviously. but like, we can still sit there. it’s just. y’know. easier to play together that way.”  ( shit. he really didn’t mean it like that. )
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mmsunwoo-blog · 5 years
accio — @mmdaeil !
why is here, you ask? sunwoo doesn’t know either. what he does know is that he was a goner from the minute he said, “yes,” nodding at his sunbaes ( his wonderful, hazing-perpetrating, party crazed, dueling club sunbaes ) and grasping onto the money slipped into his clenched fist. from the minute he decided to take the road less traveled, the so called shortcut. from the minute he sees the colorful signs and streets of seoul morph into something less familiar, darker, grimier.
but his eyes are still bright—as bright as ever ( ripe for the taking ) as they dart from storefront to storefront, vendor to vendor. how is he supposed to find something as obscure as “the shady looking wizard with a stash of jinxed soju at the street corner” is uncertain. the definitive: he really doesn’t belong here.
he doesn’t belong among the shadows that lurk around every dim streetlamp. among the strangled pleas and desperate shouts. and certainly not among the peddlers lining the dingy alleyway in which he is currently trying to pass through.
it's a strange predicament, really. a glassy eyed boy, filled with nothing but blood in his veins ( gold in his heart ) , strays a bit too far from the yellow brick road. said boy is a lamb, wandering freely, willingly into the lion’s den. of course, he doesn’t realize this. not when his intentions are pure, bleach white.
he doesn’t realize this even as he’s about to hand his money over to some strange looking lady with a toothy smile and a tight, rough grip on his forearm. he’s desperate now, just wanting it to stop. to be left alone and on his merry ol’ way again.
“ahjumma, please,” the enunciation of the latter and the strain in his voice does nothing to deter her though. she’s hungry for her prey—the green and blue bills in sunwoo’s left hand.
and when her nails start digging into his skin, her voice becoming frantic, he concedes. he’ll just have to deal with his disappointed ( sober ) sunbaes later. right now, he just wants to go home.
“here, this is all i have left so please, please, let go of me !”
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