#:v heckin heckity heck
pixlokita · 2 years
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I guess idk I’ve never experienced it myself so that’s why I can’t draw it -w- or maybe there’s a secret that nobody is telling me┌( ◕ 益 ◕ )ᓄ pls sharing is caring
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moth-lesbian · 7 years
A lot of highschoolers seem to think that the academic kids (uni level // wowo advanced classes) are some kind of ethereal beings who are smart and have their shit together but I'd like to let you know that...
👏we're all idiots🎉
And here's some reasons why!
On the first day in my academic geography class 3 different kids fell out of their seats and this proceeded to happen everyday by different students until Friday. There's nothing wrong with the chairs people just like to "push the limits".
On the first day, in that same geography class, someone asked if there was going to be flooding because of Hurricane Irma. Which was a totally legitimate question, but the teacher had literally just finished saying that it was predicted to be a category 4 hurricane. I feel like you could assume that there's probably going to be at least some flooding.
The amount of bs that is pulled off is great. I don't know a single kid who doesn't bs there way through homework, or tests or really any type of project. We're all just idiots who have perfected the art of how to bs their way through school.
I only know 3 kids who can actually ask their teacher a question when they're confused. All we do is ask eachother how to do stuff because we're a self-conscious bagels who don't want to seem like idiots by asking the teacher a question. In my opinion, the "if you ask a teacher a question it means you're an idiot" stereotype is a really harmful and false stereotype. To be completely honest, the stupid decision is not asking the teacher a question (but that doesn't stop me or my friends from not asking because hah opinions are scary).
The amount of procrastination is unreal. Everyone always says things like "I'll get this done as soon as I get it so I don't have to worry about it during the week" but we all know that that rarely happens. Most of the time kids will bs their way through a project 1-3 days/hours/minutes before it's due and somehow get just the right amount of bs, obscure observations and facts to get a passing grade. I literally did this all through my history and geography classes last year and I managed to pull a 93% overall grade out of my arse.
No one has any time management. One of my friends who seems "perfect in every way" and has obscenely strict parents, manages to stay up 'til 3am reading smut. I don't think anyone gets any sleep except for me (on a good night when my brain stops thinking of frickin' book ideas I don't want to write at 4am and wake up at 6am if this is what creativity is I didn't sign up for this Susan) and like 1 other kid.
No one is okay. Maybe it's just my class, but it's like we're all that one song by mcr. I don't care if someone seems dreadfully perfect there👏is👏something👏going👏on. I only know a few academic kids who seen mentally okay-ish, or have an okay home life, and most of them are people I don't really know (by that I mean there's probably something under the surface that they haven't told me yet. Wow that sounds horrible but I'm not wrong). If there was a top 10 list of mentally healthy kids in my class I'd make it on that list. To put that in perspective, I wrote a suicide note at age 8 and held a knife up to my neck at age 9 (pretty s*itty way to kill yourself tbh glad I didn't do it. Like that butcher knife was v blunt and I probably would've died from blood loss and not decapitation). I'm doing really well right now but like heckity heckin' heck everyone else isn't.
Staying with the theme of mental health, the line between death jokes and cries for help is really blurry (You could say it's blurrier than Tyler Joseph's face ;)))) I'll leave). Who is suicidal and who is just self-deprecating? Who is suicidal and self-deprecating? No one knows. It's like a really depressing game of guess who.
So, maybe you're an academic kid who relates to these things or maybe you're a college level kid who can use this to understand that the cocky academic kid is really just compensating for their crippling fear of failure. But whoever you are, I want you to know that we're all going to die someday therefore we're all equal when we're gone and that even the most perfect people are struggling to fit into society's slim definition of greatness. Don't be afraid to talk to someone of a different socioeconomic status, who knows, you might start a beautiful friendship (or maybe they are actually just a prick, but you would have never known for sure if you hadn't taken that risk).
I'm going to go back into my cave of procrastination now.
Bye famalam
Ps. I'm sorry if there's a plethora of spelling mistakes in this I'm tired
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