#; { where does a historian get their water - a well actually : munday
pyratetm-a · 6 years
send 🔥 receive unpopular opinion | accepting | @piracys
Every time I go to type your username I try to spell it in the original 17th/18th century english spelling, which is pyracys.  It’s hilarious and tells me I quote too many primary sources.  But this isn’t the salt.
Still angry at the treatment of female characters in the rpc, canons or ocs, doesn’t matter because they both get treated like shit.  Like.  Y’all.  As much as tumblr talks about inclusion and equality and then the rpc is gonna pull this No Girls Allowed bullshit?  Why, because a character might be considered a cockhop?  When healthy sexual openness is otherwise encouraged, but not in the rpc?  Because a female oc might - gasp - ship with a canon?  Babes, you bring your ocs to me, I’ll ship the fuck out of them.  Or try to.  I’m very bad at paying attention to the dash when I’m on campus, but I’m making a point to start just annoying the shit out of ship partners.  You can’t preach inclusion and then shut female characters out.  You can’t.
This shit goes for trans characters.  Nonbinary characters.  All characters, honestly.  But I’ve heard several, several times from friends with female muses of all stripes about how hard it is, and fuck that noise.  Hector’s continued relationships are with more women right now than anything else and you know what?  I’ll ramp that number higher if I can, because I love the ladies and they can absolutely come plot with my boy.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
♫ ━ a small playlist for a muse of your choice
brown bird; bilgewaterflogging molly; selfish manthe porters: lady whiskeybrown bird; the gallowsthe band; the weight
A very, very short playlist but.  A sampling from the giant playlist I have for some Hector inspiration when I need it.
munday questions : accepting : @greylich
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
🔥 disney >:)
send 🔥 receive unpopular opinion | accepting | @beenpole
Oh God, Disney.  I hate the whole scrubbed, squeaky clean family friendly bullshit they do while turning around and mailing C&D letters to literally everyone who breathes in their direction.  Like, maybe when Walt Disney (gross trash) was alive that was acceptable, but.  It’s because of them we get a very sanitized version of piracy in PotC and there are days I dream about if it had been made by like.  HBO.  Stars.  Netflix, even.  What we could have gotten.  This is why I consciously try to strip the Disney out of Hector.  He does say fuck.  He does curse, and he can do so fluently, because that wouldn’t be uncommon as a sailor.
There’s a reason the phrase is curse like a sailor and it comes directly from the Age of Sail.
Disney was my childhood but they’re probably going to kill off my superhero son, they ruined my pirate son, and Marvel is the only thing keeping me going until they do pull that shit and I…Probably won’t be worried about Disney anymore.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
🔥 fallout pre-war
send 🔥 for an unpopular opinion | accepting | @courierdusters
I don’t have any gripes about prewar Fallout, per se, as it exists.  It is what it is, and what it is - in my opinion - is a very cheeky commentary on a warped reflection of our own world.  What I do have a problem with is the endless circular arguments this fandom gets involved in that go nowhere because people don’t understand the Great Divergence.  That the Fallout world wasn’t static, there are references to things from the 80s and 90s in the lore and it wasn’t trapped in some time loop centered around the early 60s.  (Also that aesthetic is straight early 60s, moving away from what it was in the 50s).  But with everything that was taking place in the prewar world, for some reason that post-WWII feel good during an age of darkness (the Cold War) came back into vogue before the bombs fell.
Tl;dr:  It wasn’t static, it was just like any other trend from the past that comes back into vogue.  Also they get points because they had working ai and we’re still lagging behind it with superior computing technology to what’s available in the prewar world so....
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
🔥 spill the tea babe
send🔥 for an unpopular opinion | accepting | @criminalscvm
Goddammit, Todd, we don’t need another fucking remaster of Skyrim.  I swear to God, if he puts out one more, I’m going to personally put my foot in his ass.  Where is my Elder Scrolls VI, Todd?  Where?  When am I going to actually, really get to play a Dwemer that’s NOT down to mods?  Why can’t we have a game in the Merethic Era?  With Ayleids and Dwemer and Snow Elves and Betmer and Chimer and the Dragon Cult and…Goddammit, Todd, just let me for once.  ONCE.  Play a dwemer.
That’s all I ask.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
🔥 brotherhood of steel
send🔥 receive unpopular opinion | accepting | @courierdusters
I think the real thing to consider the BoS is that West Coast/Maxson’s East Coast and Lyons’s East Coast are practically different factions.  With the Western chapters, you see that conservative hardnosed line about not recruiting outsiders - staying “pure”, if you will, which puts them on the same level there as the Enclave - and how they do treat Veronica if you choose to encourage her to move on with her life outside of the BoS, and what they do to the Followers of the Apocalypse.  There’s nothing terribly redeeming about them, they’re basically just Enclave with shittier power armor.
Lyons’s group actually seemed to be making strives to be better, to do better, and to actually make themselves a part of the world and help the others in it.  Lyons was basically breaking a shitton of rules and didn’t really much care.  And I wonder, had Sarah not met that fate, how Arthur Maxson would have turned out, because he idolized her.  If she had kept on, taken Elder Lyons place so that Arthur could have grown up as normally as a kid in the BoS (and the last Maxson at that) could, how differently he would have looked at things, rather than spewing the hate propaganda the East Coast chapter does after reuniting with the West Coast.  One day I’ll get back over on his blog and get things rolling, because I’ve got some au verses I want to explore with him, but.
Tl;dr:  Outside of the DC Brotherhood, they’re racist, xenophobic trash.  Veronica and Christine were the only good to come out of the Mojave chapter, and it’s fucked how they couldn’t stay together.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
🍔- Favorite food?🍦- Favorite ice cream flavor?🍭- Favorite candy?🍸- Do you drink?
getting to know your local pirate historian | accepting | @ledyanayakoroleva
🍔- Favorite food?Do I...Have one?  Yes.  Yes, I do.  Deer sausage, y’all.  I had to think about it, but this is it.  The texture is a+, cooked in a pan of water in the oven makes it literally the perfect tenderness where it’s not too dry, not too greasy.  It tastes good.  It works for dinner or breakfast.  And I grew up on the shit so I like it better than pork sausage.  Runner up would be potatoes in most formats:  Fries.  Mashed potatoes.  Baked potatoes.  Twice baked potatoes.  Hashbrowns.  Anything like that, and I’ll eat it.  Third runner up would be chicken biscuits, and @roipirate is still wrong; they are delicious.  I can’t help the northern US can’t make a proper biscuit nor proper fried chicken.
🍦- Favorite ice cream flavor?Honestly, there aren’t many ice cream flavors I do like - I’m not really big on ice cream to begin with.  But the one I will literally never turn down is peppermint, and it’s the perfect time of year to be able to find it around here.
🍭- Favorite candy?Gummy candies.  Most especially peach rings, gummy peaches, gummy worms, gummy bears, sour patch kids, swedish fish - I love gummy candy a lot.  Also the Cadbury mini eggs that come out around Easter are something I will hoard like a dragon when I can get them.
🍸- Do you drink?I do.  Dark liquors tend to be my favorites:  Dark rum, scotch, bourbon, and whiskey.  I’ll do a mixed drink but prefer on the rocks or neat.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
❤️ 💛 ⭕️
getting to know your local pirate historian | accepting | @bravedfate
❤️- How would you describe yourself?Uuuuh a bit pirate-obsessed.  Owns too much yarn for one person to ever need but will always buy more.  Has a gel pen collection the size of most small nations.  Only ever uses the same five.  Always reading.  If not, always needing to read and procrastinating.  Lives under an electric blanket.  Drinks too much coffee.  Should probably sleep more.  Will invariably start a statement about an inaccurate historical fact with, “Well, actually.”  Picked that up from the advisor, who literally does the same thing.  
💛- How do other people describe you?Mean.  No bullshit.  Won’t sugarcoat to spare feelings.  Dark sense of humor.  Not a people person irl.  Likes pirates.  Always has coffee.  Would rather walk than get a ride somewhere.  (I have a reputation to maintain in the department okay.)
⭕️- Favorite Pokemon?Bulbasaur followed by Ditto.  I love Bulbasaur so much, you guys have no idea.  And I will own the Ditto plushes.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
this munday i made a friend on campus while bumming around getting shit done.  i named him asshole and i wish i could take him home with me.  he’s very sweet and talkative.
this is apparently further proof i am hector irl.  i admit it, it’s true.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
munday meme | accepting | @goregospel
♪: Name three things, that are absolutely mandatory for you, to be able to roleplay!I have to be able to brain when I sit down to do it.  What this basically means is that I’ve eaten, I’ve had some form of caffeine (preferably coffee), and that I’m not otherwise distracted.  The first two are easy to take care of, the last…Eh.  Sometimes I can’t focus at all and just reblog shitposts or disappear into a game or netflix, or knit or something.  A comfy place to be is also mandatory, if I’m not at home and, say, on campus.  That’s actually harder to come by than you’d think, because once I bed down to do tags, I’m doing tags for a while.  I can write without music on hand, but honestly, it’s kind of hard because it helps block out outside noise, and I prefer it.
So there you go.  Three things required to actually make me be productive.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?
hella sweet munday meme | accepting | @conquistadoradelmar
⚓ Are there any small details you tend to like in roleplays?It’s probably just because of who I am and what I do (because let’s be real, fam, rp ain’t really that deep, it ain’t), but one thing I do that I think tends to be something that most others might not particularly stick to, or even realize, is doing my best to keep Hector to a period-appropriate world view, especially with anything in a canon setting.  How he looks at the world and how a modern person does are going to be very different from one another in some ways (though amazingly similar, too, in ways you’d least expect it - seeing Jack the monkey as a companion rather than a possession is actually fairly common in the early modern period), and he’s not going to react the same way I would, for example, to some things.  Life and death are precarious and certain things in his world, and that especially is going to fuel his hedonism.  So, really, in general, I try to keep in mind the time he lives in, what it’s like then and in his where in the world, and kind of approach him the way I would digging into records from the period in that my modern sensibilities have to be pushed to the side to see the world as he does.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
♻ Any advice on improving Tumblr RP experience?
hella sweet munday meme | accepting | anon
♻ Any advice on improving Tumblr RP experience?Unfollow people that stress you out or make you uncomfortable.  It can’t be said enough that you’re in change of your own experience, and if someone doesn’t sit well with you, just unfollow.  You’re not obligated to follow anyone at all if you don’t want to, and at the same time, you have to take charge of your own experience.  Follow people who brighten up your dash and to hell with everyone else, to be honest.
And at the same time, be open to meeting new folks.  It’s been one of my best experiences moving from dreamwidth, in that I’ve met some rad people I never would have otherwise if I’d stayed in my hole over there.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
☺ What tends to bring out your muse the most? What inspires you?
hella sweet munday meme | accepting | @vvarlcrd
☺ What tends to bring out your muse the most? What inspires you?Another thing I do is canon review pretty frequently.  I might not do a full marathon of the four movies (dmtnt who? never met her) but I’ll watch at least one fairly often if I have a couple of hours to kill.  Never fails to leave me ready to go and do things.  Now, whether I have time to go and do those things right then is another thing altogether, but I’m always, always ready to write after that.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
hella sweet munday meme | accepting | @minvtesnotice
⛅  Do you believe aesthetics are another form of expression?Honestly, I really actually do.  Like anything, I think the aesthetics can be taken to the point of ridiculousness:  Y’all see how much I actually format my posts, which is more than I was originally doing to begin with, just because tidy text is best text - but I think on the whole, it gives a person’s rp blog some individuality.  I like to have nice themes and do a bit of spiffing up posts, not because I’m an elitist asshole, but because I like having nice things.  Whether someone else has an ultra-aesthetic theme or formats their replies to hell and back doesn’t mean diddly squat to me on whether I’ll roleplay with them, but I also think putting time and effort into the blog’s appearance says you mean business about roleplaying the character.  Why waste that time otherwise, right?  But not everyone wants to or can, so it’s a personal choice for me.
♻ Any advice on improving Tumblr RP experience?I think there’s a lot of emphasis on follower count, and honestly.  If you’ve got people who like to write with you and you have rp things to do, and you’re entertained, the keeping up with that number is kind of bullshit in the end.  We’re playing paper dolls on the internet, and some people are going to treat it like a popularity contest, but in the end, if you’re having fun, that’s all that matters.
☘ Is there anything that makes you instantly want to follow someone?Idk about instantly.  Especially since I’m a compulsive info reader.  Though typically if it’s a friend and they’ve made a new blog for a new character, I follow those right off.  I mean, obviously they’re already quality so I don’t typically harbor doubts about new ones.
⚈ What sweet things tend to happen to you from time to time RP wise?UM.  I get a lot of nice messages on here, and that’s always nice.  Makes my day even though I’m slow to getting around to answering those asks because I’m bad at it.  I’ve been gifted paid accounts on dreamwidth here and there, and that was always really sweet, too.
☐ What trends are you currently into?I finally bit the bullet on double small text.  It just looks neater to me.  I’ve got matching icons, which is a literal first in my rping history because I do tend to make my own (though rn I’m using one of @rebelsouled‘s psds), and this is the first time I’ve done one giant batch and called it good.  Other than that, nah.  Not really.  I kinda do my own thing.
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
☀ ━ how long have you been roleplaying? how did you get into it?
☀ ━ how long have you been roleplaying? how did you get into it? Oh, God, longer than I want to admit.  Well over a decade.  The first character I ever picked up was Gippal from Final Fantasy X-2, and it was a game on GreatestJournal.  Which, if you know what GreatestJournal was, you know how long ago that was.  GJ was a format similar to LJ and Dreamwidth, but it was free and at one point you could have something like 2k icons so it was appealing for rpers. 
I can’t really remember what exactly got me into it, but I was running domains at the time that were fandom centered, and I want to say a friend I made through that dragged me into it.  It stuck and with a few hiatuses here and there about a year or two long, it’s been a continual hobby for me.
Hector I’ve been rping almost six years at this point, and we don’t speak about those very early days when I was trying to nail down his voice.  It was bad.  Just like we don’t speak about that whole month I tried to rp Jack Sparrow, because it was also bad.  
munday questions : accepting : @beenpole
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pyratetm-a · 6 years
🔶- Favorite color(s)? 🐻- Do you have any stuffed animals? 🐝- Favorite season?
get to know your local pirate historian | accepting | @beenpole
🔶- Favorite color(s)?You know that mid-century mod red, cream and turquoise combo?  That.  And lime green.
🐻- Do you have any stuffed animals?I have too many stuffed animals.  I still have one (a rabbit wearing a straw hat named Waskally Wabbit) from when I was two.  He’s the most special.  But I have a ton of others, as well.
🐝- Favorite season?Definitely autumn.
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