#<- new tag for my ahit au btw!!!!
twilightprince101 · 4 years
Hi hope your days been good. I read your carrd and saw the Dimensional Drifters au and it sounds too cute. Do you have any more information about it you can share?
You actually caught me at a good time, I was planning on talking about this AU a bit more!
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So bare bones, the Dimensional Drifters is like
The ultimate escapist fantasy for me
As it says on Carrd, it involes every single one of my F/O’s joining together in one big travelling group, hopping through worlds to explore, help others or just to have fun! Every day we go and explore somewhere new, pretty much just hitting the RANDOM button on the roulette for whatever world is out there. This AU also leans heavily into the whole “infinite worlds” theory, so we quite literally have endless possibilities
It started out with just me at first, finding an enchanted pendant and gaining these abilities (like in the AHiT verse). The Spyro-verse was my first stop, and after helping out around there, Elora decided to tag along for the ride (Later on we came back to pick up Spyro, Lindar and Bubba). Over time we gradually picked up more and more people, adding more to our ranks as we explored. Not everyone we met wanted to come along, but traditionally those who did join either were craving something new in their lives (Elora and Grooves), were found at a big low point (Shu Chi, Likulau and Lin Hu) or just wanted to go on adventures for the fun of it (the AHiT kids, Spyro). 
The worlds we travel to vary wildly. Some of them could be giant landscapes that are filled with pure nature, some could have bustling cities that have towers reaching to the literal heavens, some could even be dangerous and we help out whoever’s there. No matter where we go though, all of us go together like one gigantic band of misfits. As an added bonus, anyone who joins our group is given a small little patch of multicolor fabric that they can use to accessorize in different ways (Hat Kid turns it into a hat, Moomintroll wears it like a scarf, Empress ties it around her arm). The color of the fabric is akin to my sona’s robe, akin to the colors of a sunset.
The cream of the crop for this AU though is our home base: Campsite Starlight. 
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Inside, I’ve always had a fondness for camping, laying out in nature and campfires and all that (although due to bugs that enjoyment is cut short). Plus with society as a whole making me want to just run away into the woods and live as a hermit, I put all my love for that sorta stuff into this! It sits in a place in between worlds, with the sky above this gigantic forest like a watercolor painting, constantly changing, each star being it’s own little universe
It’s a gigantic campsite for one, mainly centered in an open field surrounded by dense nature. If I had to give a rough estimate, I’d say the field is a giant circle about a quarter mile in diameter. There are storage areas for all of our supplies, a meal station along with a kitchen where we make our own food, a few crops where we grow our own food and foods we found across different dimensions, and even some different landmarks nearby like a cliff diving spot and a hot spring! (I have thought intensely about the layout of this place).
And in the center of it all is a gigantic tree, possibly going a mile high and is far too thick to even get a twig off. When I started off solo I started to create a treehouse for this gigantic thing, but over time I got others to help me and it took nearly half a year even with all of my F/O’s strength and mine combined! It’s set up with a little bit of all of our interests combined: slides and playspaces for the kids, condos for each person to have their own bed, a room made to keep all of the logs of our adventures, and at the very top a big balcony overlooking the entire forest! Of course, while there are condos for each person, we often set up camp on the ground to get that authentic camping experience.
This AU alone is something that I have thought IMMENSELY about, sinking probably close to an entire 24 hours into in daydream time. Just the idea of travelling with all my F/O’s, family and friends alike, is really comforting. Like a gigantic, strange family that loves to go on adventures. I’m not lying when I say there were times I wish I could actually be there. But even still, daydreaming about this AU and this gigantic band of misfits is always really fun to do.
(Thanks for asking btw, I’ve been planning on talking about this stuff for a while!)
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