#@istadris is cooking again
aisforinterval · 7 years
I was tagged by @tezzypants, so here’s some garbage
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better
Name: Beth. Not Bethany. Not Elizabeth. Just Beth. That’s what it says on the bloody birth certificate. Nickname: Aima; because I made it up when I was a dumb kid, and it has more than one fucking syllable. Zodiac Sign: Eastern: Dog, Western: Pisces. Height: 5′9″ (and 3/4s, but who cares) Orientation: Ace. Grayromantic, could be bi or panromantic. Not enough experimentation done in this field. Ethnicity: Half Italian, half EVERYTHING ELSE (Scandinavian, Scottish, English, German, Native American, etc. etc. etc.) Favorite Fruit: FUJI APPLES Favorite Season: I like winter cuz I live in SoCal, so it’s a break from the CONSTANT BURNING JUDGEMENT OF THE SUN GOD. Spring is also pleasant, if we’re lucky. Favorite Book: If Manga counts, then probably Black Cat. Or early Detective Conan. Favorite Flower: BIRD OF PARADISE. They’re impressive and beautiful beasts who crane their heads out in constant display. Scent: ...Are you asking how I smell, or what smells I like? I smell like sweat, charcoal, and Old Spice. The smells I like are apple cinnamon, cooking meat (esp with onions), and pretty much any baked good Favorite Color: Firey colors. Red and orange. Only like yellow if it’s with orange or red, OR if it’s gold. Also like rich greens and blues like teal, turquoise, azure, etc. Especially when paired with silver. Favorite Animal: I’m partial to most varieties of cats and dogs, especially the wild ones. Horses too. Hot Chocolate, Tea, or Coffee: Hot chocolate, b/c tea is hot leaf juice, and coffee is bitter bean juice. :c Average hours of sleep: Ok my sleep schedule has been IN THE TRASH CAN since school started, but IDEALLY it’s between 8-10 hours, because I am a beAR. Usually 6-8 though. Favorite fictional character: I can never trust another fictional character again after Sam Tyler broke my heart and betrayed my trust... :’I (For now, I’ll say Daisuke Jigen.) Cat or Dog person?: BOTH, but I am slightly more partial to cats, because I have a cat who is SUPER CLINGY AND LOVES ME DEARLY. Ideal number of blankets you sleep with?: Depends on the weather. These days, it’s 2. One comforter and a sleeping bag on top. In the summer, usually just the comforter with the fan on. Blog created: End of 2012. I wanted to find other Life on Mars fans. These days are no more...
I’ll tag @digitaldragoon​, @rebelxxwaltz​, @danae-b, @ivebeenwaitingforyoutocall​,@istadris, and @rulodecabra​. Do it only if you want, no pressure.
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