#[ Maybe the voices were right about me (character development): Hovo]
Character Development Time
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
Tanwen and Hovo are probably the most open with their feelings when they’re sad. Tanwen in particular will cry over just about anything (like she’s probably seen a dead bird on the road and cried about it), and really doesn’t care who sees. Meanwhile Hovo kind of always looks sad anyways, so there’s not much he’d be able to do to hide it.
Conversely, Elio is the best at disguising his sadness (and other emotions, for that matter). He is expected to maintain professionalism at all times, and that means his own emotions take a backseat to his work as the prince and heir to a kingdom.
Ketsuroshi is the type to compartmentalize. This means as long as he keeps himself super busy at all times, he can forget anything he’s upset about. So he’s not really hiding it or expressing it. He’s just not letting himself feel it.
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