#[[ I liked the idea of writing HCs about completely normal shit for these two xD ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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Muse: Evil Morty
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CAN THEY USE CHOPSTICKS? Yes. He’s pretty good with them, no matter how small or slippery the bits of food might be. He has learnt while traveling the multiverse with his original Rick. Moreover, since becoming president, he has taken up the habit of indulging, even if just in rare occasions, in more exotic foods, Earthen and alien alike, and some of them require to be eaten with chopsticks or similar tool.
WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY CAN'T SLEEP? Sleep is something he struggles a lot with, for several reasons (nightmares first and foremost), so he has a few distractions he uses to keep himself occupied with during his sleepless nights.
If he has work he takes care of it first and foremost, be it presidential responsibilities or checking in with the progresses of his real plans.
If not, he goes on walks, touring the areas of the Citadel that tend to be the quietest at night. Parks, purely residential neighbours, the roofs of the highest buildings. He sits and looks up at the artificial sky, allowing himself to daydream about what his life will be once free of Rick and his world.
Other nights he stays in, reading or tinkering with the latest prototypes the Citadel labs have submitted to him.
WHAT WOULD THEY IMPULSE BUY AT THE GROCERY STORE? He’s not very likely to impulse buy anything, but if he did it would probably be a couple of boxes of his favourite kind or tea.
THEIR COFFEE ORDER: He usually picks tea over coffee, but the few times he drinks it, he usually gets either a macchiato or an expresso with a tea spoon of sugar.
WHAT SORT OF APPS WOULD THEY HAVE ON THEIR SMARTPHONE? Task manager apps, encrypted chats, hacking tools, tracking systems, surveillance. All specifically developed on his orders.
HOW DO THEY ACT AROUND CHILDREN? He never really had a chance to be around children. Nowadays, the only people he has contacts with are mostly versions of himself and of Rick. He ran into children of different species while he was still travelling with his Rick, but he barely acknowledged them and never engaged. If he were to, he’d probably put on the friendly, considerate facade he uses for his presidential public appearances and make the interaction as brief as possible.
WHAT WOULD THEY WATCH ON TV WHEN THEY’RE BORED AND NOTHING THEY REALLY LIKE IS ON? Usually, he just turns the TV off and finds something else to do. Otherwise, he might put on some talk show or the news to keep in the background while working. 
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Muse: Evil Rick
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CAN THEY USE CHOPSTICKS? Yes. There’s very few sorts of cutlery he doesn’t know how to handle. Having travelled as much as he has after leaving his Earth behind, he has run into so many civilisations and customs that nowadays he knows his way around most tools, of any sort.
WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY CAN'T SLEEP? He doesn’t sleep much in general, also because his modified physiology allows him to go on without sleeping for prolonged periods of times. If he decides to rest and doesn’t manage to, he simply gives up goes back doing what he usually does during his free time. Experimenting, working on his projects, reading. If particularly frustrated, he might go out and find a convenient target he can take the edge off on.
WHAT WOULD THEY IMPULSE BUY AT THE GROCERY STORE? It’s safe to say that you might never see him in a normal grocery store. He tends to buy shop in anonymous street markets or on the black market. He never buys anything he doesn’t need, but if he ever did it would probably be some kind of weapon, exotic torture device or chemical that catches his fancy.
THEIR COFFEE ORDER: Plain black. He tends to favour bitter flavours, especially when it comes to drinks.
WHAT SORT OF APPS WOULD THEY HAVE ON THEIR SMARTPHONE? All apps and programs of his own design. Mostly encrypted databases, hacking tools, tracking systems.
HOW DO THEY ACT AROUND CHILDREN? He doesn’t. As a general rule, he doesn’t engage or even just acknowledge people unless the circumstances force him to or unless  he has a good reason to. Usually children belong to the category of people who don’t offer him any. So, if a child were ever to approach him, they would be met with an impenetrable whole of cold indifference and wouldn’t be spared a single glance.
However, it’s also to be said that, when someone happens to stand in his way, he mercilessly gets rid of them without distinction of any kind, including age.
WHAT WOULD THEY WATCH ON TV WHEN THEY’RE BORED AND NOTHING THEY REALLY LIKE IS ON? Nothing. As he does with many things, if one activity isn’t enough to hold his focus / keep him entertained, he merely switches to a different one.
tagged by: Stolen ! Tagging: Feel free to steal it from me !
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piracytheorist · 2 years
(laa) oh Ethan's far from my first obsession or hyperfocus (earliest RE were OG chris, Jill and Claire in early 2000s), but normally these last a month or 2 then fade to 'man I really like this thing' and I occasionally revisit them when something pops on my feeds or any tracked tags in some sites,,, but with these characters? so far it's been nothing but 'Ethan! Rose! classic!RE lore revisit! sometimes Venom! rarely the lords+miranda! then back to Ethan! Rose!' and and the whole loving a chara that *loves*? aw yisss
like I'm at work, and sometimes if there aren't any customers or things to write on the pc, there's just fanfic in my mind 'hm *Ethan doing mundane stuff I do at home - or teaching Rose how to play piano* ah yes happy hcs ♥' or 'enough of Ethan survived and was picked up by the Connections bc Lucas told them about him and/or their mole in the BSAA found out his moldy status and now Rose is going to find him while on a completely unrelated mission and they've experimented on him and hurt him so much during all these years she thought him dead (I need the whump (ʘ‿ʘ✿) ), she could barely recognise him, it was only bc of the emotion in his eyes when he looked at her and when he tries to whisper her name (and ofc the mold itself probably screaming at her that's Daddy!!) and she well she rains absolute hell on them and brings down the entire facility - chris being disturbed is a must, he understands why she did it but also serves as a nice reminder of how powerful she is and how much she loves her dad and how far she'll go for him ok just like that agent said 'you're a lot like him, you know?' (did this guy know Ethan or just heard about him? why say 'today of all days', was it a special date, what about? they both know chris (and she's not v happy w him) so whats with the sniper? i have questions! capcommm! these years of waiting - also i need sleep rn)
Oh, yeah. Like Ethan's a pretty simple character, he doesn't really need much to work as he does, but the things he does are so in sync with what I like.
Like on my first watch of a playthrough, at first I was both "He seems kinda boring lol" and "Aw poor dude. Don't worry Ethan, we're in this together. But your screams of pain ARE kinda doing it for me..." at the same time XD It was through his continuous refusal to give a shit and to accept he's in a horror game and through his love for Rose that moved him forward that took me from liking him straight into loving the shit out of him.
Coming up with fic ideas during boring work hours is a must. How else are we gonna spend our time? XD Ethan teaching Rose how to play the piano 🥺🥺 Im lov. I want this, sweet moments between a daughter and the father who fought like hell to save her 😭😭 But this:
"she could barely recognise him, it was only bc of the emotion in his eyes when he looked at her and when he tries to whisper her name (and ofc the mold itself probably screaming at her that's Daddy!!)"
sadafdsgfadgafsdgfdv!! I want this!! I want them to reunite so bad! And if it's after Ethan has been tortured and experimented upon... well, the more whump the better! Like you know, make him suffer hell and then give him a happy ending. That's how it works for us! They deserve to get to know each other 🥺🥺
I'd honestly love to see how Rose grows up to see Chris as. She says to that agent "I can show you things even Chris doesn't know I can do" so Chris knows a lot, and is supposed to be the guy who knows THE most about Rose, at least when it comes to her mold powers. And I'd really like to see the dynamic of those two.
About that agent, I've heard the theory that he was one of the guys who gave Ethan military training before re8. Otherwise, if he's just heard about Ethan, it doesn't make too much sense, because it's different to get to know a person and to just hear stuff about them. Or maybe Ethan's story became a BIG thing in whatever team they've got going on (I'm guessing it's not BSAA) and he knows a lot of stuff about him. He says "Today of all days" because it looks like it's Ethan's birthday. Like Rose says "Sorry I missed last week" when she puts the flowers down on his grave, but I don't know if that means that she missed his birthday which was last week, or if she missed her weekly visit to his grave, and the day she went happened to be his birthday.
And about the sniper, I'm pretty sure they're afraid of her. I don't think them having a sniper on her was approved by Chris - in fact, I have a theory that her working with that agent is happening completely behind Chris' back, like Chris has a team training Rose and this guy is with them and secretly working with her, perhaps because he's a Connections/BSAA mole and they want to use her or something - but in any case they probably think she may get uncontrollable and unpredictable, so they're having a failsafe in case she tries something. Super creepy, by the way. But it's also an awesome sequel hook, as soon as I saw it I was like "So Rose for protagonist on re9, right? Is it coming tomorrow or what??"
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countlessrealities · 1 year
🔥 any subject you want, go wild lmao
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[OOC] Let's talk about a very common and very general issue, which is the foundation of pretty much all the problems in the RPC (at least in my opinion, then hey, I could be wrong, but this is how I see it).
People use the excuse "RPing is a hobby" to act like selfish assholes towards the people who are not their besties or favourites or whatever.
I could write a whole essay about this, but I'm gonna sum it up because I doubt that anyone wants to see me going on a 2k words rant on dash xD
Taking care of your mental health, assure your comfort and prioritise your issues is legit and valid. Everyone has the right to do it because yes, this is a hobby. Real life comes first, and I'm a firm believer of this.
However, this doesn't give you the right to enact a certain series of behaviours because that's not creating your safe space, that's being a self-entitled JERK. Here's some example
Letting OTHER people do all the work when it comes to initiate interactions. And this include: coming out with plot idea, writing starters, sending memes, reaching out in general
Linked to the point above, sending a meme takes literally five seconds, so there is no excuse for NEVER sending one to people. I'm not talking about interaction memes, because if you don't want extra threads, that's completely understandable. But mun memes, HC memes, things that can be left as a one-shot, etc? You should spend those FIVE SECONDS to send something in. Especially if the other person does it with you
And that leads me to a more general point: taking people for granted. I don't know where this idea comes from, but a lot of RPers just assume that their mutuals / followers will keep on feeding them stuff without them having to raise a finger in return. That's NOT how it works. RPing is a two-ways street and sooner or later people get fed up and leave. And then said people wonder why no one wants to interact with them -insert long eyeroll-
Crying for attention on main and trying to guilt-trip people. Guilt-tripping is ALWAYS wrong, no matter the context. It's a fucking asshole move and that's were people should shove it. That said, feeling down about low interactions is normal, we've all been there. But how about actively looking for them instead of sitting on your ass and waiting for them to fall in your lap?
Posting replies always and anyway at your convenience, without giving a shit about people who OPENLY SAY that they are struggling. You wanna get that particular draft done? Cool, your free to do it, nothing against that. But instead of dumping it without a care in the world, how about scheduling it so that it posts in a week? It's not that hard.
...I could go on, but I want. Instead I'll put down what I think are easy basic rules NOT to be a selfish asshole: pull your weight, try to match people's efforts, keep your mutuals' biggest needs in mind, show interest.
And the most important of all: DON'T BE A FUCKING ASSHOLE.
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