#[Going to be honest - Siegel was probably just screwing this up instead of saving Julian fgsdrgg]
a-dangerous-game · 1 year
Lethal Protection for vienna-game? :)
"It truly is fascinating — bit sticky of a situation but nonetheless a wonder!" Siegel muttered as he paced behind Julian.
The two had been there for some time; Julian sitting at a fine wooden table with eight squares across and eight squares wide with a delicately carved set of chess pieces on top as Siegel quietly paced around him. While the table had initially started with each of the thirty two pieces, it had only whittled down to a final five. A single king for either side, a black queen and a black rook — and finally a single white pawn.
The game had been played beautifully from the moment the first piece had been moved, leading to the events keeping the both of them there for the full duration of the game. The invisible opposing side had been the first to lose a piece; a pawn that had fallen early in the game, soon followed by two more and eventually a bishop.
Following those plays, the skill difference between Julian and their unknown and unseen opponent had seemed to drastically tighten. Julian lost a pawn of his own, soon followed by a rook, and eventually a queen — the later of which had fortunately taken away the opponent's queen as well.
Now, down to the final five, the odds were beginning to tighten. Siegel had raised the question partway through the game, a slight trill in his tone as he voiced the concern of what would occur if Julian lost, something that Siegel had quickly and audibly dismissed after watching yet another of the opponent's pieces be taken.
With Julian's pieces in the final two, however; he couldn't help but watch curiously. What if Julian lost? The board was already keeping them there. There was not a single doubt that it could potentially have another trick up it's sleeve.
As Julian kept his attention on the board, slowly moving his hand to shift the king forwards, Siegel watched the opposing side make another movement — slowly edging closer to ending the game as Siegel came to a slow halt in his pace just behind the invisible opponent's empty seat.
When Julian began to raise his hand towards his king, Siegel shifted his own hand through the empty air, wrapping it around a cold thick wooden handle before plucking the weapon from the air and leveling it at the board before them.
Julian's attention drew up just as he pulled the trigger, a loud bang filling the air with only a moment's notice.
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