sentofight · 5 months
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ooc. it's admirable that despite cxs being into many people's lives--whether happy ending or bad ending, he still keeps his mentality in check?? kind of?? like he tries to tbh. bro got wicked nightmares of all the people he couldn't save when he goes into the pictures but when he wakes up he's like " 'aight. a new day, let's do our best today!" like how fucked up was when he had to be the basketball guy, chen xiao, and see, well feel the life leaves his mother who is protecting him under the rubble??? thats so traumatic man. you know you could save people but you cannot do that because you can fuck time and space and all that. and u have lu guang yelling in your brain to leave the past and the future alone slfksdfkjsdlkjfsk ffffaaak. xiaoshi is constantly battling his inner strong justice, and the need to help people vs keeping the past/future intact. he tried it once and he fucked the life of Emma. if he hadn't sent the message who knows what could've happened--she might be still alive. it eats him from inside that he tried to do something nice for her and it backfired so badly ended up a target for the serial killer. cxs does his best to heal himself so he can be of use to others but eventually that will break him to pieces and thats why lu guang is always like a hawk..bat...idk from the shadows trying to make sure he does not cause a big mistake and break himself. techincally... ahem mister lu guang did the 'do like what i say, not like what i do' statement and went back in time to save cxs. haha.. idiots. cxs is like an adorable colored glass, so fragile but it can cut you nonetheless. puppy energy but if got pushed to the edge he is a hound ready to tear you apart (exaggeration lol) but still he will aim to hurt. lays on the ground...s3 when? it's unclear how many times did lu guang 'save' xiaoshi because lets be honest, that wild doggy is ready to jump in the line of fire for his friends ..*insert exhibit A*
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