#building up.| xiaoshi
sentofight · 5 months
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ooc. we don't know why xiaoshi's parents left him all alone so suddenly, but since that day and he was all alone. Ling managed to break into that rough and stubborn shell of his and became his older sister figure, then Lu Guang came and became his friend, his only friend. With these two, Xiaoshi is now not alone, yes he misses his parents, he does not why he was abandoned, but he is happy to have these two in his lives. Ling, the sister he never had. Lu Guang the best partner and quote "How precious it is to be with trustworthy partners in our life." commence ugly sobbing...
Just to think how he spent his years struggling to find someone to relate to in any way. Ling did her best but he can't ask Ling to play basketball with him? Technically, she might join but you know, it hits different with a friend. anyway, he wants someone to not judge him solely on the fact his parents abandoned him. He wants someone to see him for who he is--Cheng Xiaoshi. Lu Guang appears and Xiaoshi is just THE ONE?????? looking back at the scene when he was renovating the shop, he didn't tell Lu guang to join them, it was Ling. It's all thanks to Ling that she made sure their friendship blossom.
Ling noticed that unlike other people, Xiaoshi was TALKING to Lu Guang and not just 'nod/simple greetings' etc, but his tone give it away that he perhaps warmed to him. Ling asked Lu Guang to join them in the renovating business and the fact Lu Guang walked two steps, two a step to the back then turned and looked at them with "oke...what do I do now?" Xiaoshi didn't say anything. dunno maybe he was not sure if he should say something. like he was afraid if he got a little bit attached to him, lu guang would disappear like his parents. he is surprised that ling hadn't disappear but he thinks she is too stubborn, more than him, to leave him alone. so, when lu guang came to help he was like 'bro for real??? bro!!!!!!' and hence why he is attached to him. man is puppy energy he will appreciate whoever stay by his side.
also it is know that xiaoshi is afraid of being alone and the darkness and lu guang's name means brilliance and even the jp name (hikaru) light. waaaa...waaaaaaaaaaaa. he became the light to rid him of the darkness. waaaaaaaaa bestofriendo!!!!!!!! who is willing to destroy time and space for cxs!!!!!!! and he did!!!!! he did!!!! he did go in time and change his death waaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anulithots · 2 days
Lu Guang feels most comfortable talking to CXS about the 'important things' while CXS is in a dive.
Perhaps because he's not talking to CXS face to face, or because he knows CXS can't realllyy get angry with him while he's in another time.
in the aftermath of episode 5's trauma (*sounds of sobbing in the background*), Lu Guang didn't tell Cheng Xiaoshi his answer to this question:
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...until episode 6, while Cheng Xiaoshi was in a precarious, time sensitive, high stakes dive. (Doudou will get kidnapped at literally any moment and Lu Guang choses NOW to tell Cheng Xiaoshi about his reasoning)
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(I didn't screenshot everything because shows are hard to screenshot but you get the idea.)
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Along with the above screenshot, I theorize that one of Lu Guang's most prevalent fears is that CXS will be angry with him... possibly because Cheng Xiaoshi has done so in previous timelines?
I'm still trying to get some finalized analysis for the trio, but for now, I'll go with, 'Lu Guang tries to avoid mistakes and regrets, while craving control over his future, for the sake of keeping those he loves around.'
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Whereas Cheng Xiaoshi has similar motives - to keep those he loves around - but in manifests differently. Cheng Xiaoshi tries to prevent those he loves from leaving him - in the dives and in his own life - through his empathy and 'saving' others, and he believes that his ability lets him prevent others he cares about from leaving. (Albeit he's other people in the dives, but the point still stands.)
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Pretend I have better screenshots. I still need to build up my collection
... Hmm.. perhaps both Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang believe that their respective powers allows them to prevent(Lu Guang) or fight against (Cheng Xiaoshi) the past, which will repeat itself and kill those they love.
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er... I can phrase this better. Cheng Xiaoshi reacts and adapts in an effort to prevent his 'light'/those he cares about from leaving him again. He hopes that everything will turn out okay, no matter what happens, because of his actions, his abilities, and his optimistic empathy. Lu Guang also seeks to keep Cheng Xiaoshi alive/around always, but he does so though control and a more 'planed' approach. He's not adaptive in the slightest. Rather, he'll keep everything in a meticulous order and try to keep any unpredictable factors (Cheng Xiaoshi) from messing with the future he wants. (That makes him sound so awful but Lu Guang means all the best and Cheng Xiaoshi trusts him and NOTHING WILL BREAK THEM APART STUDIO LAN YOU BETTER KEEP IT THAT WAY KDJFLKSDJF)
And Qiao Ling tries to avoid a repeating past through avoidance.
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MVP. We stan. Absolute queen.
So that's what I got so far. Eventually I'll go over everything again and do a more detailed analysis at later date. The fear that I'm wrong about something is getting to me... any corrections or thoughts are much appreciated!!
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mykingdomforapen · 8 days
mahjong headcanons of the link click trio
Qiao Ling is a sore winner 100%. She gets very smug when she can snag another person’s discarded piece and usually is the one with a ton of pongs piling up on her side of the table.
Cheng Xiaoshi is good at strategy but terrible at keeping a poker face. He usually snatches victory from the jaws of defeat by building up his pieces quietly through collection. Dark horse winner, he wants to win with the highest level of points rather than just grabbing pieces but he DOES argue with qiao ling all the time about who has the right of way for a discarded piece. They nag each other all the time about who takes longer to throw down a piece.
Lu Guang has the worst luck and ends up with all the direction tiles no one likes. If he wins it’s when he is barely hanging on by a thread and usually by accident. He will go “oh I need that tile” pick it up, look at his row and belatedly realise he won. Is the only one who knows how to use the flower tiles correctly but none of this helps him. He grew up watching the grannies play all the time so no one knows why he’s so bad at it.
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
I’m sharing another heartwarming article from one of my favorite movie blogger/s ( 鬽影縫匠) on weibo that appreciates Wang Yibo ✨this was posted 11/6 as a sort of response to the GRA ceremony.
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Although the Golden Rooster has ended, the scattered sparks have not been extinguished. Let’s chat about him through the remaining warmth, hoping it’s not too late...
As soon as the name “Wang Yibo” was spoken, the people were immediately divided into three or five camps. Some had thousands of lights flashing in their eyes, and some had a puddle of black water on their chests. Once a person becomes famous, he will become black and white in the world. Likes and dislikes are equally direct and violent, not to mention, he is still a young man standing on the top of the mountain. If someone wants to help him up to the blue clouds, someone will naturally want to pull him down to hell. But his choice surprised me. He neither looked up to the clouds nor stared down into the abyss. He was pious step by step, like a pilgrim heading towards his own "Temple of Light and Shadow", and in this year, he defined perfection.
"成全" is a wonderful word. It refers to both "helping others achieve their wishes" and "one's own perfection and completeness". It is very suitable to use this word as the keyword of Wang Yibo's 2023 big screen.
This year's Golden Rooster, Liu Xiaoshi won the "Best Director's Debut" with "Born to Fly", and Cheng Er won the "Best Director" with "Hidden Blade". In the interview, they mentioned a common name - Wang Yibo. In an art created by a collective, the director is the core, and the lead actor must be the part closest to the "core". They must not only achieve the director's creative intention by interpreting the characters, but also use their own influence to build momentum for the film. Wang Yibo is the leading star of these two works.
His appeal is unquestionable, his talent and hard work have been praised, and his ever-improving acting skills are obvious to all. Mr. Ye's "standing" supported half of the sky of "Hidden Blade" and helped the film become the highest-grossing literary film in mainland film history which gave Cheng Er, who insisted on serious creation, the confidence to win the award; and Lei Yu's vivid interpretation made the image of modern soldiers appear on the screen, giving "Born to Fly" a realistic focus. In this way, director Liu Xiaoshi "expected the main theme of aviation" "Creative and personalized expression of major themes" can be implemented; standing on the podium of the Golden Rooster is every director's lifelong wish, and a leading star like Wang Yibo must be the best person to fulfill it.
Perfection also means completeness. From Mr. Ye to Chen Shuo, we have seen actor Wang Yibo express his roles more and more freely, his emotions are gradually becoming more accurate, and his performances are becoming more solid. His lack of experience is being filled by his redoubled efforts. In 2023, he used an almost perfect rise. The plot has reached the perfection of his debut on the big screen, and his nomination for Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Rooster Award is the end of another period of progress for him.
When Cheng Er talked about “Mermaid”, he once said, "No matter what happens, Mermaid will reach its destination." I want to say that no matter what, actor Wang Yibo will reach his "Temple of Light and Shadow", and I have no doubt about it!
While writing this article, another good news came. Wang Yibo won the 11th Zhejiang Film Phoenix Award for Outstanding Actor for his role as Chen Shuo in "One and Only".
You see, his time is coming...
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muninnhuginn · 9 months
okay but I do really like how the revelation/confirmation of how the twins' powers instantly reflects back on shiguang
Passive vs enactor dynamic
Each pair has a passive player (Lu Guang and Li Tianxi) and an enactor (Cheng Xiaoshi and Li Tianchen). The passive player can see/feel for relevant information but is unable to change anything by themselves. By contrast, the enactor can use their power to change things, but without their passive it's much more difficult for them. For CXS, he has to dive blind and risks altering nodes and/or being unable to fish for info without LG's framework. For LTC, he can't possess anyone from a distance and has to both get in close contact and maintain that close contact for the duration of the possession which heavily limits what he can do.
Which leads onto the next point...
LG&CXS and LTC<X's powers are massively more useful when used in combination. I don't know if we'll ever find out the origins of the powers, but honestly, it's like they're made specifically for the pairs to complete each other. Any other combination of the powers doesn't seem to be anywhere near as useful and the fact that LG&CXS's are based in the past and LTC&LTX's in the present is only part of why that is the case.
The synergy in both cases is activated by touch. LG can communicate with CXS when he's in a dive because they activate their powers together. LTC can use LTX to possess and actively control puppets by maintaining touch as she uses her powers.
(Side note: I think the way that LTC possession is more like puppeting than possession is how he was able to make Liu Min commit suicide. If the person actually *in* the body tried to commit suicide like that, as Xiao Li explains to us, the body's defence mechanisms would kick in and it wouldn't work out.)
Building on to how shiguang and the tian twins have massive synergy in terms of their powers it also appears that if you try to switch it up they end up disrupting each other.
In CXS's dive into the twins' backstory, he first retains his possession but loses contact with LG and then later when LTX is jumping into Liu Lan and LTC is possibly channeling his power through her's CXS gets a staticky POV from LL and then booted out entirely. I'm unsure of the specifics of which twin is affecting which angle of shiguang's powers, but I think the gist we should be getting from this is that whilst shiguang and the tian twins have a lot of internal synergy they don't have a lot of cross-pair synergy. If anything, it may be difficult or impossible to combine outside of the standard pairs.
Anyway, the idea of possession fits with how CXS and LTX are able to feel what their hosts feel and have some degree of memory leakage. CXS is active possession and LTX is passive possession, but they're truly one with their hosts to some degree (which fits with their personalities being the more empathetic of each pair).
We know CXS also carries over some physical aspects when he possesses and LTC by virtue of "puppeting" (rather than possession) is able to override the host's natural ways of working (as exhibited twice by Liu Min, first with his legs, and later with his suicide).
(I'm not entirely sure I'm interpreting the physical aspects of this along with the show's intent but this logic at least follows in terms of it making sense for me)
This is a bit of an odd one, but it seems that LG, CXS, and LTX all require photos for use of their powers. LTC... doesn't. I don't know that there's any specific reason for why it's like this, but it does stand out when nearly every other trait has an analogue in the opposing pair.
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digitalagepulao · 8 months
Sun clan AU character directory
[this directory will be edited and updated as time goes on and the story progresses]
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THE ELDERS: older generation, live on the deeper chambers of the Shuilian Mansion and enjoy the respect and honors by all the beings in Huaguoshan.
An-kong Tudigong (Grandpa Earth God)
Earth God of Huaguoshan, appears mostly as a moss-green furred orangutan but has many forms. Reclusive and reticent, but loves dearly all the beings living on his mountain. Adoptive father of Wukong.
A-ma Longan (Grandma Dragon-Eye)
Matriarch of a monkey troop, Francois Langur. Dry yet caring, often serves as a protector of the monkeys of the mountain and a middleman between spirits and mortal creatures. Her duties were mostly taken over by Wukong after he became king. Adoptive mother of Wukong.
I-bo Lanye (Auntie Orchid-leaves)
Granddaughter of Longan, and second in command, Silvery Lutung. Fond and overbearing, takes care of the troop whenever Longan leaves to maintain the peace. Biological mother of Jinju.
Shandanmao (Coral lily cat), also called Au-bo Shanhu (Stepmom Coral)
An asian golden cat who once attempted to eat Longan, and was made to atone for her attack on the mountain's Tudipo by serving as her bodyguard.
Wukong, also called Shihou (Stone Monkey) and Xiaoshi (Little pebble)
King of Huaguoshan. Rules over several troops that live on the mountain and shelter in the Water-Curtain Cave, and helps to keep the peace and balance among the creatures and demons.
THE FOUR STALWART MARSHALS: The Monkey King's trusted second-in-commands in the kingdom's hierarchy, and Wukong's closest confidants.
Liu Jinju (Golden-Orange)
Ma Yuehua (Moon-Flower)
Ba Hongteng (Red-vine)
Beng Maqaw (Mountain-pepper)
THE GOLDEN CAPTAINS: Trusted soldiers directly under the command of the Stalwart Marshals, but especially under Jinju/Marshal Liu
Songzhen (Pine-needles)
Second-oldest of the group, a laidback Ebony Javan Langur.
Suanguo (Sour-fruit)
The youngest and grumpiest of the bunch, a red-shanked douc.
EXTENDED FAMILY: Members of the sworn brothers' kingdoms who end up joining Huaguoshan in some manner.
Erwangzi Xiangjing (Second Prince Fine-Fragrance), also known as Prince Rougui (Cinnamon)
Wukong's mate and trusted friend, Cat Ba langur. One of the rescued monkeys from the Monstrous King of Havoc's lair, trusted advisor and cousin-in-law of Yurong Wang (Golden Snub-nosed Monkey King). Charming, eloquent and wise, but wears his heart right on his sleeve. After the two kings build an alliance, Xiangjing and Wukong become quite fond of each other, and after some failed courting attempts, Wukong accepts Xiangjing's affections.
Rinrin, also called Xiaohuo (Little fire)
Ranked sentry and scout, Rhesus Macaque demon. Once part of Niu Mowang's kingdom, she sought to earn further rank and merit by learning exorcism techniques to dispel minor demons who'd dwell on the edges of the mountains. She became emotionally attached to a human demon hunter, and when she left the mountain in shame, said human followed her. She earned the friendship of Wukong swiftly, which also earned her a spot in his court despite displeasing the Bull Demon.
Xiaojie Duan
Skilled demon hunter, human. While she's accomplished in exorcising and conquering demons and spirits, her true goal was to find someone she loved to settle down and raise a family with. What luck, that said person turned out to be a demon monkey in disguise! Not one to back down from her affections, she followed after Rinrin and together they settled in Huaguoshan.
THE SEVEN PRINCELINGS: Wukong's children by order of age.
Wumiao (Witch-sprout)
Adopted first daughter, fairy crane demon. Eternally youthful and ethereally beautiful lady. Often bears a feathered fan in her hand and a pinewood sword at her waist. Gentle and demure, adores her father and siblings. Head priestess of the Huaguoshan Daoist temple, and protectress of the Heavenly gate there.
Bailian (White-face)
The largest of the quintuplets, Bailian has snow-white pale skin no matter the season or weather, and fur like clouds at dusk. Despite being the firstborn son and the only one able to walk on clouds and water, Bailian has frail health and a sickly disposition, and thus seldom interacts with the world at large. His father and siblings tend to be overprotective due to this, much to his dismay.
Liangwei (Two-tails)
The second daughter, Liangwei has a head of golden fur and two prehensile tails. She has a cunning mind and a sharp tongue, always quick to reply and twist people into knots with her words. She enjoys entertaining guests and kindred with masterful poetry and rhymes, as much as others enjoy hearing her. Her eyesight is quite poor, and she often relies on Sanyan and her tails to help her find her way around.
Sanyan (Three-eyes)
Second-born son, with a somber and dry temperament. Though his appearance seems at first not to stand out against his more visibly magical siblings, Sanyan possesses a third eye often hidden in his fur when closed. It can see the true nature of all things, though what he knows he seldom shares. Sanyan is selectively mute, and communicates through sign language or by borrowing Liangwei's sharp tongue when she's around.
Shuashua (Playful):
Third son among the five, and by far the most energetic. Most well known as a never-still blur, Shuashua is nimble and covered in colorful stripes of fur and has a snub nose. He's known for never sleeping or ever seeming to rest at all, and spending most of his time with some activity or another. Not the sharpest tool in shed, but his bright and hard-working disposition more than makes up for it.
Si'er (Four-ears)
Third daughter, and by all measures the runt of the quintuplets. She has a calm and sweet disposition, but her particularity of having four calf-like ears and sensitive hearing often tends to put off the others of her family and kingdom. Reincarnation of [redacted], aware of past life. Deeply devoted daughter and sister, tries her best to right the wrongs of the past. Has terrible tinnitus and migraines that turns her physically monstruous. Keeper of the sealed temple of [redacted].
Danxia (Cinnabar Cloud)
Adopted fourth son, human. An orphan left in Wumiao's temple. Despite growing up surrounded by demons, immortals, and fairies, the boy had no contempt for his peers, instead striving to learn as much as he could to keep up with his siblings.
THE KING'S DISCIPLES: newcomers to Huaguoshan after the fire, brought in thanks to the pilgrimage west.
Xiaoyu (little fish), Congcong (verdant), Jiazao (hearth)
Three female macaques Wukong rescued from being stable monkeys, and have stuck to the group to cater to the artifacts and run minor errands. Trained in combat by Wukong, and later joined the mountain kingdom as warrior nuns and established a Buddhist temple.
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friedwizardwhispers · 9 months
I'm here to defend Cheng Xiaoshi this episode a tiny bit.
As much as I love the fact that Cheng Xiaoshi called himself an idiot and was annoyed by his own recklessness, to be fair to past!Cheng Xiaoshi, he has no idea Li Tianchen is even Li Tianchen and that he can control people by touching them so waking up, being very confused but then seeing the person who stabbed Lu Guang get away from them, it's pretty natural for his fist reaction to be:" this person is getting away, I can run I'm gonna go grab them".
As for present!Cheng Xiaoshi, is plan was solid. I would argue that using a photo to travel in a few seconds in the past so he could essentially teleport out of the building and be safe was brilliant. He just didn't take into account the fact that there would be someone outside and that's not on him, I would argue, that's on the police for not realising that Qian Jin would know how they operate and plan his hostage exchange with that in mind.
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coffeestainedcamera · 10 months
Dammit the wait for next Friday will hurt. Anyways, spoilers below.
Also, yeah, this arc is still dealing with domestic abuse. Heads up on that and note that the first ten minutes or so of this week's ep are extremely rough.
Okay, so Xixi can possess people in present and it seems that this was the first time she jumped into someone via a photo. That poor baby, even if there's a distinct possibility she's a serial killer now. And I'm guessing Cheng Xiaoshi got kicked out bc of her possessing someone else? Although maybe it was the potential superpower interference of Tian Chen? However, I do wonder if he can possess people too.
I'm not entirely sure of whether this is really Xixi yet. The explainer for her childhood muteness feels off, so I'm not discounting the possibility of her brother possessing her yet. Cheng Xiaoshi's possession could temporarily get rid of things like nearsightedness and make the person much stronger, so maybe it'd be a similar principle here? Spit balling tho.
Additionally, Qian Jin getting access to the twins during his cop days didn't surprise me. But why did they basically fall off the face of the earth for a while, considering that a double homicide in front of two children would definitely go public? Witness protection? Idk, we'll see.
And the illegal cliffhanger with Lu Guang's disappearance has me scratching my head. The glass appears to have been broken from inside and a bunch of henchmen storming a hospital to kidnap someone would have attracted attention. It's unlikely to be them and the window shot indicated quite a drop. I'm not sure a healthy person could have made this jump, nevermind someone who got stabbed earlier.
But a lot of emphasis was put on the 18:55 shot, which makes me wonder if there was time travel involvement. He'd have stood a chance in this scenario bc of possession's strength increase and temporary ignorance of conditions. Additionally, maybe he's seen the henchmen storming the building via checking the security cams and thus began pulling together an escape plan earlier. Perhaps it involved future Cheng Xiaoshi? But given that they've already dropped a bunch of nods to the slice of life spinoff, I do wonder if the photos Cheng Xiaoshi took for the shop's social media are still accessible. If so, could be possession by a twin too.
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sentofight · 5 months
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ooc. it's admirable that despite cxs being into many people's lives--whether happy ending or bad ending, he still keeps his mentality in check?? kind of?? like he tries to tbh. bro got wicked nightmares of all the people he couldn't save when he goes into the pictures but when he wakes up he's like " 'aight. a new day, let's do our best today!" like how fucked up was when he had to be the basketball guy, chen xiao, and see, well feel the life leaves his mother who is protecting him under the rubble??? thats so traumatic man. you know you could save people but you cannot do that because you can fuck time and space and all that. and u have lu guang yelling in your brain to leave the past and the future alone slfksdfkjsdlkjfsk ffffaaak. xiaoshi is constantly battling his inner strong justice, and the need to help people vs keeping the past/future intact. he tried it once and he fucked the life of Emma. if he hadn't sent the message who knows what could've happened--she might be still alive. it eats him from inside that he tried to do something nice for her and it backfired so badly ended up a target for the serial killer. cxs does his best to heal himself so he can be of use to others but eventually that will break him to pieces and thats why lu guang is always like a hawk..bat...idk from the shadows trying to make sure he does not cause a big mistake and break himself. techincally... ahem mister lu guang did the 'do like what i say, not like what i do' statement and went back in time to save cxs. haha.. idiots. cxs is like an adorable colored glass, so fragile but it can cut you nonetheless. puppy energy but if got pushed to the edge he is a hound ready to tear you apart (exaggeration lol) but still he will aim to hurt. lays on the ground...s3 when? it's unclear how many times did lu guang 'save' xiaoshi because lets be honest, that wild doggy is ready to jump in the line of fire for his friends ..*insert exhibit A*
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cupcakesmoothie · 7 months
Just finished Season 2 of the emotional damage show, also known as Link Click!
Spoilers (And a lot of screaming (That means full caps) ahead)(Also swearing)
Anyway. That was. An experience.
New powers got explored, which was cool. They can be transferred and Qiao Ling got an ability, which was also cool.
The whole thing with the siblings was. Oh my god. I can't believe they would do this to me. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE FUCKING SPOKE. WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE DIED RIGHT AFTER. YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME.
AND LU GUANG???????? HELLO????? WHAT? WHJAT? WAHT? Bro fuck this show for putting a whole ass funeral in their trailer and fuck this show FOR STILL HAVING A CHANCE TO DO SO.
Ok so actual notes (<- Probably a lie): It's very obvious they're setting up for a Season 3 (If they don't get a Season 3 I will simply cease to exist), because we get a lot of build up for a bunch of things.
They STILL don't really explain how they got these powers in the first place, although they do have the scene with Qiao Ling (I mean, I guess they don't have to, it would be cool, but not very necessary. What IS very needed however-). And there was pretty much no development on Xiaoshi's parents. It's kinda understandable with how they ended the last season but a little bit disappointing considering it is one of his character motivations. Besides, of course-
Xiaoshi cares about people. A lot. The THINGS that happened last season made that very hard, but he still cares about people. But also and however, Lu Guang cares about him. They are so "I would sacrifice myself for the world" vs "I would sacrifice the world for you" and OUGH. Taking damage. Crying. No joke there are tears in my eyes. THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO ME????????????
There are. Consequences. In this show. Unfortunately. They explore time travel quite well in my opinion, and they put quite a lot of emphasis on how important it is that Xiaoshi doesn't let his heart take over (It is a kind heart which can't bear to see bad things happen to people). WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THREE PEOPLE DIED. HUH? HUHHHH???? I'M SHAKING YOU LAN STUDIO WHAT DO YOU MEAN LU GUANG SAW HIM DIE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
A collection of reactions and memes that best describe me rn:
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anulithots · 28 days
Random ask, do you love ChengGuang because somehow their dynamic remind you of SatoSugu and because both ships (can/have potential to) end up tragically?
Also, is there a certain story or fairy tale from your childhood that made you love storytelling.....
Hi, I'm new to your blog and until now your blog is the most unique one I ever see and your metas are so great (especially from a new fan of JJK). I've been a JJK fan for almost 3 years and I can't ever wrote metas even half as good as you...(Also because I know something in my mind but somehow can't wrote them down).
Thanks for this blog of yours....🌷🌻
Okie dokie, I shall address the ps first, because (a) thannkkkk youuuu and (b) there is a method to my madness.
As a storyteller, I see other storytellers often build characters in themes with the same sort of narrative logic, which can usually be predicted across stories (to a certain extent due to people's different storytelling styles, but it works fairly well regardless of which story you're looking at.) In knowing how to tell stories myself, I only have to work backwards to figure out the 'deeper meaning'
(ALTHOUGH, analyzing stories is only part of the fun. I see nothing wrong with reading/watching stories like poetry is read, with the words appreciated not for the content alone, but for the subsequent feelings imparted. Stories with ease of comprehension and that vicarious way of experiencing different ideas and concepts are - in my opinion - the ones that hold the true essence and wonder of storytelling.... mmm that was too fancy... hold on...
There we go.)
In essence:
The themes dictate the characters, the characters dictate the plot.
The way I tell stories is to have a theme/question and use characters as different perspectives on that theme. The characters then get a backstory relating to that theme, one that 'teaches them' that certain perspective, which they will utilize to tackle the issues the plot throws at them. (the plot should also 'poke and prod' at the character's internal conflict to showcase and test the extent of it, but one can discern most internal conflict from the backstory.
Which is why JJK was sooo hardddd, especially for Itadori and Gojo - who get little to none compared to all the other characters - and even still, Gojo's takes some inference but someone could figure out his backstory... Itadori's? All we get is the faint idea of how his grandfather raised him.)
Usually for analyzing it's easiest to pick out the themes or main character conflict first (although themes can help figure out the main character conflict, so it depends on the story really.)
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Take Link Click as an example. The overall theme/concept to explore is that of 'ambition and goals getting in the way of relationships and love, leaving one with the regret of loneliness'.
ANnnddd I have yet to actually write down my thots for Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi, but here we go. (characters have the basic structure of - perspective, and a desire and fear that contradict each other based on that perspective) :
Cheng Xiaoshi: he represents the aftermath of this, with his parents leaving him, and the loneliness and pain lingering through his every action. He then clings to the love he receives - and that often manifests when he possesses others - which causes him to never stop waiting for his parents to come back. Overall, his perspective is something along the lines of - 'the people I care about are the most important thing, and the ambitions and goals should support that'
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(the best screenshot I have right now... I'm rewatching and will probably screenshot nearly everything.)
Desire: For his parents to come back mostly, but also to experience that same love and comfort again. He often tries to vicariously experience this through helping others. Fear: That others - like his parents - will leave him alone, and he can't face his overwhelming fears and emotions on his own.
He's silly and jovial yet also quite strategic (he figured out what's-the-brother's-name's powers with a word alone, and upon a rewatch, he does often try to deduce how to find whatever it is they are looking for, yet his trust for Lu Guang and the overwhelming emotions from possession 'dilute' that a bit.)
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Lu Guang: ... his is more unknown, so I won't be doing a full analysis until I have more information, buuuut there's a lot you can get on a rewatch of his 'moment by moment' reasoning. He wants to protect Cheng Xiaoshi at the expense of everyone else, and he doesn't like it when CHeng Xiaoshi is in danger/is upset with him.
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But my random musings for his perspective are something like: 'stick to the plan, for it's the only way for things to turn out okay, even if others and their emotions get hurt along the way.' (Cheng Xiaoshi is the exception to this. ALSO Lu Guang then becomes a REALLY GOOD foil for CHeng Xiaoshi alkajdfkjalsdf the analysis I will do of them later aljkflaksdfjas)
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(I get to use dividers eeee)
Okay now for your first question.
Do I like ChengGuang because their dynamic reminds me of SatoSugu and they both end tragically?
... Initially.
(They both got that 'kuch kuch hota hain' (did I spell that right?) basketball scene.
(yes my mom wanted to show me all the classic Shah rukh khan - did I spell his name right? - movies and yes I liked the first half before female love interest got.... docile? More 'oh she'll be good wife material yada yada' and blah blah blah they should argue over basketball more... and yes I think the classic structure of the classic movies - being full of backstory and such - are better than the modern ones. At least the Dunki movie brought that back.
Anywho, my point:
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If you got a tragic ship, they need to play basketball apparently. No I do not know why this is a thing.)
But to be honest... I kind of like ChengGuang better than SatoSugu, which is my own personal preference really. (Also the platonic ship in my story reminds me of ChengGuang, whereas SatoSugu reminds me of the way I cling to other people)
I like the way SatoSugu were each other's comfort people, the only ones who could understand each other, and how they both teased and comforted each other.
But they got... so little time together...
I do LOVEEEEE them a lottt, but like.... ChengGuang...
They get to tease each other and be around each other and aljdfaklsdfsadf they are just so comfortable in each others' presence and IDK they give more of a queer platonic vibe than SatoSugu does and er, I just love them a lot.
I would list my reasons but that would take too long.
So instead, enjoy the beginnings of my screenshot collection:
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(I reached my image limit)
To be clear, I don't think narratively one is better than the other, and I don't like ranking things I like; I'm just weak for fluffy character dynamics of any sort and Cheng Xiaoshi, Lu Guang, and Qiao LIng have my favorite character dynamics ever. (Not shipping Qiao LIng and the other two. ALso also... 'Cheng Xiaoshi, his sister, and his queer platonic bf get traumatized while breaking all of time and space' is now my favorite 'trope' and akldfjaksldfjaskdnfskdlfj.
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Okieee after all that writing, we get to the second question!
What stories made me love storytelling?
I don't know if there's a story that got me into storytelling per se per se, because I've been doing it since I was little... perhaps Wings of Fire?
But the stories that most heavily inspired the stories I want to tell are these:
Song of the Sea was my childhood. It has ~ siblings ~ and ~ whimsical magic ~ and the soundtrack is all my comfort and nostalgia. The animation and the gentle pacing and the absolute wonder this movie is.
(I got the book recently and aijfaskdfaksldfaklsdf askdfjasdkfjasdfl, I love it so muchhhh)
What to say about the Little Prince? It's a masterpiece. The soundtrack is also all my comfort and nostalgia. The back and forth between the original book and the 'current timeline', the themes and the whimsy interwoven throughout, it's my everything.
Thank you so so much for the ask!
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mykingdomforapen · 6 months
Man, the AU you mentioned about LTC possessing LG and causing damage with his voice and hands that he'll wake up to has not left my brain. I do have some questions, if you would maybe expand on it a bit!
Do you think this is a bit of a role swap, in a way? Of LG being the one possessed instead of QL after what happens with Liu Min and Emma? In that case, what could happen? LTC would have access to his memories, to CXS's vulnerabilities and fears that LG is well aware of, and coming back right after Emma's death might have CXS in a position where only words could do immense damage, without even mentioning the knife he might or might not have access to.
I feel CXS might recognize it's not LG even if LTC tried to act like him, right? But it would not make what he says sting any less, or would not make a sudden stab any less surprising as he comes back from a dive with his guard down, I guess. Ah!!
He might be possessing LG in a completely different context, too, I guess! Although he would need LTX to be around for it to be done remotely, right?
Please forgive my rambling, even just as a concept, I'm very very curious to know what you considered for that idea. Thank you for your time!
Thank you for giving me an excuse to expound on an indulgent au that I dream of whenever I have trouble staying awake during my jet lag aksjsksksk.
I admit that when I have my sleep-affected stories in my head, it is effectively Whump Without Plot so I didn't really have a logical reason of why Lu Guang would be possessed. However, if we were to make a rhyme or reason for it, it would likely be to make Qian Jin's capturing of Cheng Xiaoshi quicker. Since CXS was targeted by the antagonists because they wanted to take advantage of his abilities, after all.
(Which of course is what happens vaguely in the canon, but shhh)
But in an AU where CXS doesn't recognize LG is being possessed (or, even if he does find something odd, isn't in a position to question it), he would easily follow Lu Guang anywhere no question. So he would be an easy mark as long as the baddies can use LG to take him somewhere else.
As for my indulgent AU in which it's a completely different context, maybe baddies want to separate CXS from LG for whatever reason, make him run away from LG and make him more vulnerable to the baddies' attacks, whether to capture him or something else. In which case, they can use LG and force him to push CXS away even if it's just for one vulnerable night. And since LTX's abilities are such that she can see all the memories of a person, it would be at least enough to glean what LG's usual personality and talking style is like to make his possession seem at least believable. And as you say, if it's on such a night that CXS is perhaps already vulnerable--maybe a bad dive, or a hard reminder about his parents--really, it's about saying something hurtful to CXS that he already kind of believes about himself that would make him less likely to question whether or not LG actually means it.
Like, if a possessed LG were to say that CXS is cruel and dishonest, I think CXS would be a bit ? about that. But if LG were to call CXS, idk, clingy and burdensome, which arguably (at least in my headcanon) CXS has wrestled with in his own self-image already, that would make him a bit more likely to believe those are LG's words. Because CXS is already struggling with those worries that he is so, and hearing it from his best friend who knows him most deeply would feel like confirmation ...
(and if he doesn't believe it's LG, then possessed!LG would just knife him and drag him to the baddies we get the best of both worlds lol)
Of course, in the way that Chen Bin was able to sort of gain some sense of self when he was possessed because he was being forced to walk off the edge of a building but the love for his unborn daughter gave him some consciousness to, while unable to resist, have sentience, I can imagine that Lu Guang's love and care for his best friend and seeing the way that he was being used to hurt him would give him some ability to try to resist, or at least be conscious about what he was being forced to do...which is perhaps even worse....
Witnessing his own body and mouth hurting his best friend but unable to stop it...
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
sharing parts of this article ( interview with liu xiaoshi ) about the character of Lei Yu and some production stories about Yibo during the shoot of Born to Fly ✈️
keeping things under the cut, very mild spoilers but just to be safe.
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On the day Yibo was finished, I was filming on the spot, and other young actors went to say goodbye to him. he greeted everyone in the car, and everyone watched until his car completely disappeared.
Lei Yu, played by Wang Yibo in the film, is different from the image of a soldier in many of our traditional film and television dramas. First of all, he has a good family, a good educational background and foreign language proficiency, and there are many other life path choices besides joining the army. Secondly, he seems to be a young man with a wide range of hobbies, who can surf, listen to music, understand machinery, make drawings, and put together a small building block model of his code name Shook, and is an attractive young man.
Liu Xiaoshi said that they really met a test pilot like Lei Yu during the interview——
The young test pilot finished graduate school, and his family is in the south. His father owns a factory, and his family conditions are very good. As an only child, the family gave him two choices, one is to go home to inherit his father’s career, and the other is to study abroad, but he still has the dream of being a pilot. He bought a lot of aviation magazines since he was a child, and even installed a professional flight kit in the dormitory.
Later, he really signed up to be a pilot, and his traditional-minded father was so angry that he severed the father-son relationship with him, and he had no contact with him until several years before his child was born. After many years, the father and son began to understand each other slowly. Once they finally sat down to eat together, and the news broadcast was TV, and neither of them spoke. When the weather forecast was broadcast, his father suddenly said, fly if you want, and pay attention to the weather. This sentence was also written into the lines of "The King of the Sky" by the creators.
Lei Yu has a complete growth arc
Wang Yibo said frankly that work pressure is digested by himself, and the bridge between him and the role is opened
"I'm very interested in growth themes," said director Liu Xiaoshi.
Lei Yu, the protagonist of "The King of the Sky", is not a perfect character. He has his own shortcomings. In the film, he experienced three major dangers, and formed a complete growth arc in the process.
"Lei Yu has the talent to be a pilot. He is very young, very idealistic, and his family background is good. He has been excellent since he was a child, so while he is confident, he also has a little pride.
At the beginning of the movie, he showed his excellent flying ability, so he was appreciated and invited by Team Zhang. He was originally only interested in front-line combat, but when he heard that being a test pilot had the opportunity to be the first to fly a stealth fighter, he was tempted. This temptation attracted him more than any conditions.
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But after going there, he was very disappointed and unwilling to fly as a stealth fighter for the first time. There is a healthy competitive relationship between him and Deng Fang. They work hard for a common goal. They are not only the best opponents, but also the best comrades in arms. "
In the team, Lei Yu's code name is "Shu Ke". This is a well-known name in Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales, and it is also the real code name of a certain air force unit in the past. Before the filming started, the main creator obtained the consent of Zheng Yuanjie himself. Zheng Yuanjie had served in the Air Force, and when he learned that he wanted to use this code name for the character played by Wang Yibo, Zheng Yuanjie said that this is the honor of Shu Ke, who originally belonged to the Chinese Air Force.
The director believes that the code name "Shook" can form an interesting contrast with the test pilot. Just like Lei Yu and his actor Wang Yibo, although they look cool and sunny, they are actually very shy people.
On the emotional line between Lei Yu and Shen Tianran (played by Zhou Dongyu), the director's approach is very subtle and restrained. "Many soldiers are like this. For example, if I like someone, I will bury it in my heart and express it more with actions."
In the original release plan, "Born To Fly" may be his first big-screen debut in theaters. Wang Yibo attaches great importance to this role. "He hopes to satisfy the audience's expectations for this role in all dimensions." Looking forward to it," said the director.
According to director Liu Xiaoshi, the main creator has done a lot of experiments on Lei Yu's hairstyle and skin texture to get rid of his handsome idol aura and make him look like an ordinary soldier. His skin has been processed to be more grainy, and his hairstyle has been stripped of all personalization.
"Yibo will think clearly about every scene before the performance. Because I have to edit the film, I sleep late every day when shooting, and he has been taking notes, preparing, and analyzing the characters, often in the middle of the night. Send me a message or call me at two o'clock to discuss his understanding of the characters, and he has put forward his own ideas in almost every scene in the film."
Liu Xiaoshi is the kind of director who doesn't like to tell the actors how to act in every detail. He prefers to discover the commonalities between the characters and the actors and build a bridge between them, so as to inspire the actors to find emotional support when performing.
For example, in the scene where his parents came to visit the injured Lei Yu, Liu Xiaoshi said to Wang Yibo: You went abroad to study, dance, and act when you were young, and you must have encountered incomprehension from family and friends, and made painful choices... Wang Yibo also talking to the director, he did have a lot of pressure in study and work, but he would not tell his family, he digested it all by himself.
During the filming, when his father walked to the corner with the suitcase, Wang Yibo's tears fell from his eyes. At that moment, he was Lei Yu.
"I didn't ask him to shed tears in this scene. It was his own emotions that were there, and he would have a very real expression." Director Liu Xiaoshi recalled
In order to play the test pilot well, the actors of "King of the Sky" spent about 200 unforgettable days together from pre-training to filming.
"From the moment they joined the crew, they have been training and exercising every day, otherwise they would not be able to bear it during the shooting. Every day, real test pilots will go to the scene to guide and teach aviation theory, and aviation experts will accompany me to watch by the monitor. One time an expert came late and asked if it was a comrade from the flight test team or our team members sitting in it. I said it was an actor and Yibo was sitting in it. He said that I thought he was a real pilot, and the operation was very professional. ’ said the director.
After getting along for a long time, the main creative team and young actors of "The King of the Sky" formed a brotherly friendship.
"Our team is like comrades-in-arms, including Yibo and Brother Jun. They all get along with everyone and have a very deep relationship in life. On the day Yibo was finished, I was filming on the spot, and other young actors went to say goodbye to him. , he greeted everyone in the car, and everyone watched until his car completely disappeared.
They all get along like brothers, and there is no sense of distance between them. I think this is the premise of making a good movie. Because a very important part of this movie is about the friendship between comrades in arms. If their relationship is not so deep in reality, it will form an obstacle in performance in the movie. "
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winter-literature · 8 months
When You Wish Upon A Star
A Shiguang Fanfiction
Prompt: Shooting Star
Summary: On a winter’s night, Cheng Xiaoshi watches for a shooting star.
Rating: General Audiences
Despite the frost building on the edges of the windows, their place was warm. Cheng Xiaoshi observed the crystals along the glass roof, framing the sky of stars.
One of Cheng Xiaoshi’s favorite aspects of this house was the ability to get lost in the night sky. He’d count stars or search for constellations on the nights felt too big, too lonely.
A warm wool blanket was wrapped around his shoulders. Tugging it closed around his neck, he kept his eyes on the sky, hoping for a shooting star. Qiao Ling said that it was all bogus, but Cheng Xiaoshi would keep wishing on them anyway. Maybe she just wanted to keep him from getting his hopes up.
It was onerous to keep pulling at a child’s dream; to tell them their parents would probably never return.
He knew this. Even young, the odds of their return plummeted. But he’d still keep searching for shooting stars to wish on.
Reaching his hands through the crack in the blankets, Cheng Xiaoshi accepted a steaming mug. Grinning, he watched as the marshmallows twitched on a bed of chocolate bubbles. Inhaling the steam, the hot chocolate immediately began warming Cheng Xiaoshi’s chest.
A plane shot across the sky, seemingly teasing him. Hanging the promise of a wish by a fool's thread.
Years have passed, and his parents’ bedroom collects layers of dust behind a bolted door. The memory of their faces and voices trickling into oblivion. Part of him fears that his parents could walk straight in and he’d have no idea.
The couch shifted, setting the ‘Cheng Xiaoshi blanket burrito’ off balance. Before he had time to tumble, cold fingers gripped his mug and a firm chest pressed against his back.
Without protest, Cheng Xiaoshi allowed himself to be maneuvered. He was shuffled in between legs, a chin resting at his temple. Shutting his eyes, Cheng Xiaoshi savored the steady breaths that danced along his skin.
“See any shooting stars yet?” Lu Guang planted kisses against the wild mop of curly black hair.
“Nothing yet.” Cheng Xiaoshi tilted his head, nuzzling deeper into Lu Guang’s hold.
Nights like these were one of the reasons Cheng Xiaoshi loved Lu Guang. When the sky was particularly clear, Lu Guang would stay up with him until he finally saw his shooting star. Once Lu Guang understood what he was wishing for, he always offered silent support.
Yawning, Lu Guang nodded against his skin.
“You should go to bed if you’re tired.” Cheng Xiaoshi pulled far enough to look into Lu Guang’s eyes. The glacier shade of silvery blue was dulled by exhaustion. The constant purple bags under his eyes were heavier than usual.
“Mmm…” Lu Guang hummed, finding a resting spot on Cheng Xiaoshi’s shoulder.
Huffing a small laugh, Cheng Xiaoshi patted at the tuft of white hair. “I’ll wake you up when I see one.”
“Okay.” Lu Guang’s voice rasped, already starting to lose the fight against slumber. Closing his statement, he firmly pressed kisses against the back of Cheng Xiaoshi’s shoulder.
Sipping at his hot chocolate, Cheng Xiaoshi loved the warmth that felt as if it was running through his veins. With Lu Guang, the best hot chocolate maker, wrapped around him, Cheng Xiaoshi felt at peace.
A minute smile pulled at his lips as a line of light streaked across the sky. Squeezing Lu Guang’s forearm, he repeated his wish through his head.
He’d always kept the ritual of stargazing, and he probably always would. But the wish, over time, had finally changed.
I wish… he told the sky, a deep sigh leaving his chest. I wish to keep my family safe.
Maybe somewhere, his parents would hear it. Maybe, a simple wish, would be the billow of wind that guided them home. As much as he still yearned for their return, his wish was no longer just for them.
It was to keep Qiao Ling smiling as she teased him.
To protect the arms that made a haunted house a home.
His definition of family had changed. No longer was he merely a boy left behind.
“Did you wish?” Lu Guang’s lips ran along the edge of Cheng Xiaoshi’s ear.
“Yeah.” Cheng Xiaoshi set his empty mug on the coffee table. “Let’s go to bed, GuangGuang.”
Too exhausted to fight the nickname, Lu Guang pinched at the opening of the burrito and hoisted Cheng Xiaoshi into his arms.
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joeys-piano · 1 month
Tagged by @voxofthevoid, who usually tags me in writing games when I feel a sort of way with my writing. It's happened twice so far, not including this time, so I feel something. I hope you don't mind the whiplash because I'm going off of my most recent works, and I've written for 5 different fandoms in the past 6 months.
Soft tagging: @fellshish, @sid3buns, @boinin, @kryptalia, @chenqing9, @heymacareyna
Rules: Post your favourite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
To the Marrow, To the Bone | Blue Lock
“Guys like us…” Isagi pauses, and then he swallows. “The only thing that makes it better is to win the game, and prove them wrong.” And to show them, he doesn’t say that but it’s evident at his mouth. Him pressing edges of a broken nail against his lips now to cool the sting, him pulling away as he’s out of bed to feel the world beneath his feet. “And there’s no other option – ”
But that’s not true.
He thinks one of his ribs has shrunken in, like a ball and chain for a smaller heart than the one fighting inside his chest. Because he breathes in—all he smells is a brand new football from a shelf. And it’s on his clothes, on his bed, on his pillow, within the padding, on the heavy lurch of him trying to walk, and irrefutably in his mouth. He can swipe it across his lips. It’s in his organs, blood and bones. It’s the cover box to a thousand puzzles pieced together when he’s on the pitch. Because in Blue Lock, you start in the middle. But in Ichinan you start at the edge, and once the border is in you build the next one as you meander towards the centre.
Where the Book Ends, It’s Hard to Say | OHSHC
And so it goes that every fairytale had a beginning, middle, and end.
The doors had opened; the doors were closed. The guests arrived; the guests were home. The play was had; the play was done. The hosts were princes, and now there were none.
As Fire Tempers Steel, So Too Does The Cloth | Blue Eye Samurai
Safer still was a battered inn, battered safekeep, a single room, about as wide as one tatami if someone lied to you about the length.
Behind the checkpoint to old Kyoto, these sprung up as the shrines do. Twenty steps in—there’s an inn. Upon thirty others—then there’s two. One could pilgrim the forty stations of rickety rooftops above their heads before every stray line turns to one. Old Kyoto, there at the end. If you can manage it: sunken floorboards, nothing softer than your flesh, a row of strangers sent to rooms where even two of you was just too much, and there is no guarantee you’ll survive here after a single meal off the bone, a missing coin or two, someone fights, pray the sutra: and survive the night. Yet safer still was to wake up with a stranger inside your breath, tongue for tongue trying to bite you before they lose you for a ghost; but even easier was to wake up beneath a cedar or its limb.
Buoyancy | Link Click
“I’m taller.”
“So you are.”
“And so are you.”
“I’ve noticed.”
Cheng Xiaoshi narrows his eyes. “We’ll be in and out before it rains.”
“Then after you,” Lu Guang tells him. There’s enough room to move around him. “Hold the umbrella.”
He lets go. But the touch of him still remains: the trace of his outline fades to nothing just as silently as he walks, but still is the warmest spot on his elbow—as far as Xiaoshi would’ve noticed.
Sasaki and Ogasawara Discover Friendship is a Beautiful Thing | Sasaki to Miyano
“So spill it. What are they like?”
He considers. “Anything else?”
“Oh, the height difference.”
“Just call ’em short, man!”
Sasaki laughs. “That’s weird, huh?”
“Big wooooooorrrd, ’gasawara.”
“So y’think they’re cute – ”
“I know they’re cute.”
“ – and you’re into shorties.”
“Am I that tall?”
They’re about the same height while sitting down. And who gives a fuck, but he indulges him.
“So you’re Godzilla and have a crush on ’em.” He finishes the chickens without him choking, sparing the soggy ones into a corner for Sasaki to nibble on. “And like ’em so much you don’t wanna hurt ’em.” Between the nibbling, Sasaki nods. “So what else?”
Hostel | Trigun
He is a cruel man, Nicolas, to love the worst of him, Needle Noggin. And to say the worst of him is still as beautiful as this fucked up little world.
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lesbianpegbar · 9 months
IT WOULD BE SO WEIRD IF TWO TIMELINES WERE NOT HAPPENING RN...the eyes were completely different when lu guang rescued cheng xiao shi the first time...theres just no way. he better not get on that boat or i swear to god
LITERALLY LIKE. it would be such a disappointment tbh. it would kinda stomp on all the careful planning and small details they put into s1 that made it so compelling and rewatchable. watching s1 over and over i’d be like OHHH so that’s why that tiny detail is that way it’s building up to this bigger thing. so if they forego small details mattering this season and all of this just builds up to like a basic murder mystery plot or something it’ll just leave such a sour taste in my mouth. it’s like it would be punishing you for paying attention. but obviously i’m withholding judgement until the season ends, all i’ll say is cheng xiaoshi better not get on that damn boat
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