#[seems like i got IBM which is the reason why i have been sick for ages
convxction · 1 year
ooc. Chrom is the dad who will go to work with a pink ribbon tied to his hair and will death stare at you if you made fun of the cute ribbon his daughter did her best to tie. You will be dead.
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pretty-well-funded · 5 years
rented omega pt 2
continued from part 1
Tony wakes up the next morning to his cock being mounted and ridden like a coin-operated pony.
It’s...well, it’s not a first, but honestly it’s not something that’s happened in a long time.  It takes him a minute of staring up at the very young face on the mountee - a face he hadn’t inspected with any kind of detail the night before - to understand what’s going on.
The kid must misinterpret his blank look for outrage or something, because without slowing down, he says, “I’m sorry to wake you up, sir, I just...I just needed...”
“No, it’s fine, help yourself.”  
The kid’s face goes on an interesting emotional journey at that (admittedly a bizarre thing to say, but he hasn’t had coffee yet, alright?), but chooses not to comment.
The position does make Tony wonder though... “Aren’t we, um. Supposed to use gravity or whatever to help with the...”
“When we can, but it’s not required every time,” the kid informs him.  For all the omega-in-heat jokes, he’s remarkably collected.  Maybe last night is just what happens when they’re neglected - not like Tony’s met an omega before, much less one that’s in heat.  “It’s more important to inseminate me frequently than to use any particular position.  The benches are just to make up for the fact that we can’t knot.”
“Ah,” Tony says eloquently, “that makes sense.”
“Right, so I’m probably going to regret asking this,” Tony says once he’s got caffeine in his veins, “but how old are you?”
The kid’s face - Peter, his name is Peter - does something complicated.  “They didn’t give you my file?”
“Technically I think that they did, I just never, you know.  Read it.”
Peter looks as baffled by that as he had by Tony’s offer of caffeine, which he is apparently verboten.  
“Look, in all honesty, this was never my idea.  I don’t want kids and I never intended to rent a person, but my board has me by the balls, so here we are.”
There’s a degree of alarm and reluctance now, on Peter’s face.
“NOT that any of that is your problem.  I was being a selfish jackass last night - I won’t neglect your well-being again.  Or, not on purpose.  And if I do on accident, just sick JARVIS on me.”
The kid - and he’s definitely a kid - cocks his head, which only enhances his resemblance to a cocker spaniel.  “Jarvis?”
“You didn’t introduce yourself?” Tony directs to the ceiling.  It’s a pointless but helpful gesture for people experiencing J for the first time.
“Mr. Parker was out of sorts when he got here, Sir, I held off on introductions to prevent undue distress.”
Tony winces at the pointed use of the term, but ignores it.  “So that’s J, or JARVIS - if you need anything, he can help.  Hell, if there’s anything you just want to know.  He’s hooked into all the electronic functions in the entire building, as well as Stark Industries’ databases and the internet at large, so he’s pretty handy.”
Peter’s eyes are huge and excited.  “He’s an AI?”
Tony debates the company line for two seconds before shrugging and admitting, “Pretty much, yeah.  Just don’t tell anyone.”
He winks, and Peter - adorably, hilariously - blushes.  They had a Q&A earlier with Tony’s dick up his ass, and he didn’t look this out of sorts.
“Anyway, he’s used to running herd on me, so if I forget something you need, or forget that you...you know, exist, just tattle and he’ll sort it out.”
“Okay, thank you.  And JARVIS?”
“Yes, Mr. Parker?”
“You can call me Peter.”
“I’ll adjust my protocols.”
Tony forgets all about the kid’s age until later when he kills some data compilation time with a skim of the kid’s file.
He’s fifteen, but like. Barely.  Which. Makes sense.  The board was all set on the freshest eggs. It’s not like contracted omegas sit on the shelf long after they hit the minimum age.
No wonder he looks so fucking young. Because he is.
“Sir, Peter is requesting you return to the penthouse at your earliest convenience.”
Duty calls.
Stud service is about as arousing as Tony always assumed it would be.  He gets off - obviously, that’s the point - but it’s weirdly detached. Purpose-driven.  Tony is mostly spurred on by Peter’s pheromones, and Peter by what seems to be a disturbing level of training.  He’d rather not think about that.  
The point is, neither of them are mad with lust, exactly.
Tony does all the work this time, for fairness’s sake, has a relatively frustrated orgasm (his body finds the lack of knotting to be very off-putting, apparently), and then Peter puts his legs in the air for good luck.
Tony excuses himself, and has JARVIS order takeout.  Apparently his file - which Tony still hasn’t read - includes dietary restrictions and preferences.  Which, of course it does, the kid’s gotta eat. 
He’s about to make a break for it with his portion of the food when Peter finally wanders out, looking rumpled and flushed and more interesting to Tony than anyone should after he’s been there and done them.
“Where are you going?” Peter asks, sounding disappointed.  Immediately, his eyes widen and he backtracks.  “I’m sorry, sir, you don’t have to...thank you for...is this larb?  I love larb!”
“Yeah, JARVIS said.”
There’s a pointed lack of reply from the AI himself, and Tony sighs, putting his food back down and resigning himself to dinner with the kid.  Peter’s only reaction is a blush.
They eat in silence, at first, Tony staunchly ignoring the kid’s side-eye.  Eventually the kid starts, tentative, “Mr. Stark, can I ask...how old is JARVIS?”
Tony pauses, doing the math - JARVIS is like his left hand, always there, essential. He hasn’t thought of a time *before* JARVIS in so long.  
When he pinpoints the year of his programming and subtracts, Tony barks a laugh.  “Older than you, apparently.”
“Oh, wow, really?” Tony’s half-expecting some crack on his own age, but Peter looks earnestly impressed and excited.  “But other companies only achieved domain-specific expertise in like, 2014. If he’s that old... In the late 90s, IBM had just created Deep Blue.  Did JARVIS start as a rules-based system, with later upgrades, or - ”
Tony stares at Peter while he babbles away.  “How much do you know about AI?”
Peter’s cheeks pink, eyes falling abruptly back to his food.  “I mean, not as much as you, but - “
“Do they - is that...allowed?”
A little frown appears between Peter’s eyebrows.  “What, because reading books would make us less fertile?”
Tony blinks at the tone, and then JARVIS, bless him, chimes in, “Sir, no law prohibits the education of omegas, though most finishing schools don’t focus on advanced academics.  There is, however, a demand for omegas with a high IQ for individuals like yourself, whose offspring are expected to excel.  In fact, Peter’s intelligence was one of many factors that lead the Board to choose him.”
Peter looks flustered and embarrassed.  “I’m an asshole, kid, I’m sorry.  I don’t know much about...” He waves his hand vaguely.
“The treatment of one-third of the total population?” Peter snarks.
Tony feels a little smile start to form on his face.  You don’t like people who pull punches, sir.  “Yeah.  I’m kind of a dick.  So you learned about AI in school?”
“No, like JARVIS said, they don’t officially invest resources in that stuff.  But the school’s firewall only blocked omega’s rights and stuff, and we could get just about anything delivered from the library, so...”
“So you learned it yourself.”
Peter shrugs.  “As best I could, yeah.”
“To answer your question, I have some older ‘bots equipped with rules-based intelligence - they’re still in the lab, actually, you can meet them.  But JARVIS started out closer to AlphaGo than Deep Blue.  He was supposed to just be a natural-language user interface, but I overshot the mark a bit.”
By the incredulity on Peter’s face, he understands exactly what an understatement that is.
“But yeah, he’s had a lot of upgrades over the years.  The biggest limiter was hardware, really, computing power.  He’s the whole reason SI was miles ahead in computing technology.  Every time I wanted him to be smarter, I had to invent the damn tech myself.”
“That’s so cool.  I was talking to him all day.  When did he develop theory of mind?”
Before Tony can answer, J chimes in, “Oh, I believe it was the Great Vodka Binge of 2001, wasn’t it, sir?”
Tony laughs.  Peter is grinning.
“So he really is self-aware, right?”
“Oh yeah, true AGI.”
“Why isn’t...why doesn’t anybody know about him?”
“J is...”  Tony licks his bottom lip, a nervous tick, and only realizes that he’s done it when Peter’s eyes flick down for a moment.  “J is special. And frankly, dangerous.  Very few people know the full extent of his abilities.  I’ve created other AI that are more limited in capacity, but once you get them to a certain point, the only way to keep them limited is to deny them opportunities to learn.  And that always seems...”
“Sad,” Peter says.
Tony smiles, warmed by Peter’s comprehension.  “I was going to say barbaric, but yeah.  Sad works, too.”
A lot like keeping this boy locked away from the world just because he can get pregnant.  Tony doesn’t say that, but it sits there between them anyway, just like the larb.
lol, idk shit about AI, but hopefully I bluffed well enough.  the suckiest thing about writing smart characters whose expertise is wayyyy beyond yours is trying to keep them sounding smart without like...getting yourself a degree in engineering.
anyway, obviously this one is a lot less perverted than romantic.  variety is the spice of life, right?
Part 3
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loadgs850 · 3 years
What Does Your Typeface Say About Your Brand?
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Fonts perform a great role in your design, so you should know which fonts not to use in your designs. Either in typography or in web page design, the use of proper fonts is a great advantage. Sometimes, designs become disasters just because the font is not used properly or, in some sense, does not fit the occasion.
This calls for the proper selection. For decades, the Internet has constantly provided us with a vast database of fonts, all segregated by variety, style and use.
This lets us choose which to use. Because of this wide variety that we have, it is just fitting to say that nobody can have an excuse why they chose the wrong font. It’s also safe to say that with the liberty each designer has, he should pick the right fonts at the right time.
But some fonts, of course, tend to have become more popular because of their availability. Operating systems like Windows have provided default fonts for the user. It removes the hassle of choosing, downloading and installing them. This convenience has been good because of the easy access of readily available fonts but has become detrimental too because the fonts that were popularly used became cliché. Hence, they are to be avoided.
I tried to make a list of fonts that you should never use again. These were selected because they were too cliché and very hard to put into the design. The essence of this list is not to fully discriminate mainstream and cliché fonts but to properly use them for fitting occasions.
UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 400,000+ Fonts & Design Assets
Use of a sans serif signals to customers that your brand appreciates clean lines, has style and is easy to work with. Thinner stroke widths create a trendy vibe, while bolder strokes often feel important. Use a regular weight to take the emphasis off the type altogether, allowing it to fall into the rest of the design.
Sep 20, 2020 Fonts Help Building a Brand Personality. Brand personality refers to the personification of the brand. Adjectives like caring, cool, funny, luxurious, etc. Are associated with the brand because of their brand personality. Fonts have their very own personality and brands can capitalize on it if they use the right type of font for the right content.
Starting at only $16.50 per month!
Your visual brand consists of your colors, fonts, and the style of images you use on your website and in social media. Modernist brands will likely have to re-make their brand image more often than Classic brands to stay ahead of visual trends.
Comic Sans MS
Comic Sans MS is one of the basic Windows fonts installed in your computer as you boot up Windows. Microsoft first introduced this font in 1994. Comic Sans was designed by Vincent Connare as a child-oriented font. Its inspiration was mainly gotten from comic books in Connare’s office (they were Watchmen lettered by Dave Gibbons and The Dark Knight Returns lettered by John Costanza).
According to him, he originally designed the font to be used with speech bubbles and not for general use. But since then a lot of people have fallen in love with this font and it became a cliché.
One main reason why you should stop using this font is it is childish. It lacks formality, though it is used for formal events and announcements (doing facepalm right there). Unless of course you’re running a website for kids, or designing a first-birthday invitation, you could use these kinds of fonts (I said these kinds because you have other choices than Comic Sans).
Never use it for swimming pool rules signboards, grave epitaphs, commemorative plaques, hospitals, government job applications, heart transplant activities, and books.
Never use this font when you are designing for business sites, or warning signs. It might give people an impression that your client is childish and might not take them seriously. Never write DO NOT ENTER in Comic Sans, else, the reader might see it as “Do not enter says stupid childish whoever”.
Use Comic Sans MS only when your audience are below 6 years old (parent-letters not included), when you’re writing speech bubble contents for comics, and when you’re client is dying and his last will and testament said so.
Visit: Comics Sans Criminal
Subtitute Fonts:
Lexia Readable
P22 Kaz Pro
JM Doodle Medium
FF Friday Regular
Sharktooth Regular
Comic Strip
Remember that term paper about Egypt your teacher told you to write? I bet you used Papyrus back then! And I bet too, that you might as well, if you can, forget that shameful design experience.
Papyrus came out in 1983. Chris Costello successfully managed to design it after six months of manual hand-drawing. According to him, it was designed to imitate the pre-modern writing in papyrus leaves.
Be that as it is nobly designed, this font wasn’t really seen in papyrus rolls alone. You can now see it in captchas, advertisements, signboards, banners, books, and even in most typographic designs! It seemed to have been seen everywhere to the point that you might even vomit if you see it again in your page.
This saturation resulted to people hating the font. (For proof, find iheartpapyrus.com.)
Travis Estvold once wrote via blog.echoenduring.com:
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“I, myself, hate when people use Papyrus—the font, that is, not the plant or the paper. I’ll be the first to admit it’s a strange thing to detest but whether it’s justified, this loathing is my constant companion. Surely, if someone proclaims the most bothersome part of his day is unearthing new and terrible ways in which locals have used and displayed a particular typeface, he must also be a designer. This is true… I’m not sure when my obsession with the font began, but my poor girlfriend, who has been a party to most of my Papyrus sightings over the past two years, can tell you it’s been building for some time.”
Truly, Papyrus is one of the ‘I-was-used-repeatedly-until-I-became-useless’ type of fonts.
Curlz MT
Okay, I personally loathe this font. Once a classmate of mine used this font in a letter sent to me and I went nuts. My eyes had a hard time reading and I got dizzy and nauseous! To my anger, I wrote him back. Guess what font I used, WINGDINGS! Imagine the hate in his face.
Curlz was originally designed by Carl Corssgrove and Steve Matteson in 1995. They were added into the default Windows fonts and were also originally created for party invitations. This font copied what happened to the Comic Sans Font, it became to mainstream to a point that people got sick and tired of them.
Aside from that, it lacks formality and authority. You can never use it in coat-and-tie events, warning signs and many more because it will just give your readers an impression of a joke. Curlz also has big issues with legibility. Imagine writing a book with Curlz MT font. People who read your book might sing, ‘You spin my head right round right round’. If you want to make your body readable, do not, not even in your drunk days, use this font in the body.
Now this font, too, has become overused. It’s almost everywhere too! Most people think that just because your website caters to women, you have all the right and privilege in the world to use this font.
Actually, the female target market does not oblige you to use Curlz MT. It is very wrong to think that women will fall for cute and curly letters. No, that would never happen. Well you might be able to attract middle-aged ex-cheerleaders who think they are still in middle school. I guess that would make an audience.
A designer friend of mine once said, if you have Helvetica, use it. Don’t settle for Arial.
According to designworkplan.com, Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders originally designed Arial in 1982. It was widely used as the standard typeface for normal computer usage. It became popular after the release of Windows 3.1 where it was installed as free. After that boom, the usage of the Arial font spread like wildfire across the globe.
People may have liked Arial because it is readily available in the operating system. Of course, the mentality is, why buy an expensive font if you could make do with what you have. The result? Arial explosion. Arial on magazines, on street signs, on banners on advertisements and even in TV! Of course this made most designers sick of it. Also, Arial has no proper and true Italics, which made it difficult for body texts to italicize with style.
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Good thing, we can have substitutes for Arial nowadays. We can easily swap this ubiquitous font to make your body texts look new.
First is Verdana. Released in 1996, Verdana is one of the more popular substitutes to Arial because aside from its ready availability, Verdana is easier to read. Second is Tahoma. The Tahoma font was released with Win95 as part of the MS Office. It’s also readily available as Verdana is. Third is Trebuchet MS. Trebuchet MS was released with Windows 2000 and looks more like Verdana.
Courier New
Ever remembered the typewriter? Do you notice the resemblance of the typeface your typewriter produces and the font Courier New? Well, it’s supposed to look like it because it was how Howard “Bud” Kettler thought it to be in 1955. Courier is a slab serif type of font that was originally sold to IBM. It was made to look like a typewriter print because IBM originally made typewriters.
Kettler says that the font was called courier because instead of being a messenger, “a letter can can be the courier, which radiates dignity, prestige, and stability.”
Had it radiated dignity and prestige? I don’t think so. Courier’s stability as a font has been questioned a lot of times. All we know about the courier font is that it is a serif font. But aside from that, nothing. Courier had been suffixed with ‘New’ but I still see nothing new in it.
Courier are used for certain occasions like film scripts, codes and plain text documents. Web designers avoid courier because its lettering is not properly measured and it suggests a more ancient design. Also, because it was originally designed for typewriters, courier font letters have low-resolution and cannot be placed in the body artistically but it does look good with a green background.
What Does Your Typeface Say About Your Brand Name
The Courier font is used on movie scripts, novel manuscripts and other forms of literary art. But in web design it has no place, unless you want your website to look like it’s fresh out of the typewriter.
For font alternatives, try Cousine.
Cousine was designed by Steve Matteson as an innovative, refreshing sans serif design that is metrically compatible with Courier New™. Cousine offers improved on-screen readability characteristics and the pan-European WGL character set and solves the needs of developers looking for width-compatible fonts to address document portability across platforms.
Times New Roman
One of the best updates Microsoft Word had in the past years is its use of a new default font. In previous version, I recall that Times New Roman was the default font used. I personally didn’t like Times New Roman because it’s very hard to read and suggests a mood of laziness in it.
For a fact, Times New Roman was named after the Times of London, a British newspaper. They needed a new body text font for their paper in 1929. They hired a guy named Stanley Morison of Monotyope, a British company. Morison did the job with Victor Lardent as supervisor and eventually named it Times New Roman.
Then on, the font was used in most body texts and has been popularized as it became Microsoft Office’s default font. This led to its status of being cliché. It became so overly used to a point when people found it disgusting and insulting to use.
Most designers see the Times New Roman font as narrow-spaced because they are originally designed for newspapers and though it is formal in nature, Times New Roman’s bold typeface makes it hard to read and thus loses its formality. Spacing has also been a problem for Times.
If you can avoid it, please do. You can substitute with fonts like Concourse, which is a sans serif font which can be used for more formal situations and legalities. Equity is also a good font as it is a combination of classic and convenient designs. Book Antiqua is also a good candidate and has better spacing flexibility than Times.
Bradel Hand ITC
It might come to his senses that Richard Bradley might soon be sick and tired of seeing his handwriting. I mean, it’s literally everywhere. It might even cause him a very serious headache to even see his penmanship!
Richard Bradley is the designer of the seemingly abused Bradley Hand ITC font. According to Microsoft, this font is an informal script- based font. It is characterized as warm and familiar in nature and has a relaxed rhythm typical to the real handwriting.
Being a readily available font, this font has been used to convey a personal touch in the sans-serif font because fonts like Arial and Helvetica cannot do this. Producing a handwritten-like design will make it look like the designer himself bothered to personally write. That is why it was used in a lot of occasions like posters, school announcements, bulletin boards, cards, invitations and even in story books.
But this, sadly, all resulted into chaos as it was turned into a cliché. Aside from this, the Bradley Hand ITC font is ineligible. If you’ll use it for headings and announcements, which should be seen from afar, it will not become visible as it is thin, even if emphasized. Meanwhile, if you’ll use it in the body, your reader will probably go mad because he would not understand the text properly because Bradley Hand’s readability goes lower as it size decreases.
Personally, I wound not suggest any alternative for handwritten fonts because I totally don’t want to use them as they are difficult to place together with other elements in the design. So might as well stick to your Helvetica.
A guy named Freidrich Peter designed this intricate script typeface. It is very calligraphic and copperplate-ish. Because it is a script font, Vivaldi is commonly used in wedding invitations and other formal events.
Vivaldi is pretty formal and good except that it has problems in spacing. Vivaldi characters tend to get crowded because they are not full scripts, meaning their characters are not woven into one stroke only. For a semi-script, it is very much condensed.
This results to difficulty in reading. Yes, you may adjust the spacing between letters, but I won’t even think of that in semi-scripts. Expanding the spaces will result to inconsistency in the font design.
One more problem I see with Vivaldi is its caps. When you capitalize a whole word in the Vivaldi font, it would be pretty difficult to read and discern the difference between letters. I tell you. Try it if you don’t believe me.
Kristen ITC
Kristen ITC is one of the cutie-patootie fonts. It was designed by George Ryan for the International Typeface Corporation. It consist of two weights and was inspired by a handwritten menu at a Cambridge restaurant. This font is asymmetric and resembles the handwriting of a toddler. Like Comic Sans, this font is targeted to the child target market and was impliedly drawn to attract little children.
Kristen font users are usually grade schoolers, gradeschool teachers, child psychologists, and other people who work for kids. The font is playful in nature. You can almost see it in your children’s classrooms all saying how life should be good and that they eat a lot of vegetables.
What Does Your Typeface Say About Your Brand Say
But Kristen should be pretty much avoided. A designer should always think of the issues this font poses. First is that it is has no formality. Using this font in a legal document could make you lose a case. Second thing, is that Kristen’s non-caps are placed in the middle part of the caps. Unlike other fonts that place the non-cap characters as where the cap character baseline are.
Manual spacing could also be a problem as the spacing of the capitals of the font are difficult to measure since the characters are a little bit curved.
Viner Hand
Viner hand is an informal script font developed from the handwriting of John Viner. I’m pretty sure this font sucks because it has been overused, like the others in this list. Commonly, this font has been abused by angsty teenagers and goth wannabes.
Other Fonts to Avoid Using
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What Does Your Typeface Say About Your Brand Say
Wide Latin
For a designer, originality is everything. Fresh designs should always be produced by his rather queer mind. He should always be innovative with the design trends that happen around him. He should also be experimental in the trends he use for designing.
That is why one must not be satisfied by the fonts present in his computer. He should look and look and look until he finds that font that suits him.
Remember, a good designer has no go-to fonts.
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