#‘all people see is the great penelope fittes’
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ghostlystyles · 1 year
anthony lockwood x gn!reader
lockwood is really just a lovesick teenager
request: Could you do a Lockwood X reader where they are getting ready for the gala at Fittes and Lockwood sees reader in the dress for the first time?
tessa’s notes: this was the fic that i didn’t save properly when i was nearly done, but it turned out alright so we vibe
warnings: honestly just pure fluff + lucy and reader are close friends :D, comment if i missed any <3
word count: 0,9k
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—“OKAY, LUCE, WHAT do you think of this?” you asked, turning around to face the girl who was reading a book on her bed. “That definitely looks like you’re going to a funeral,” she replied. You turned back around to look in the mirror and sighed frustratedly, “well, considering what we’re about to do, I might be in a few days. I agree, though, it looked fine in the shop but this is terrible.”
“Well, you have one more, don’t you? Try that on,” Lucy suggested, looking up from her book. “Good call, give me a second,” you spoke, walking back to your wardrobe and pulling out the other dress. It was a red silk dress that reached your ankles and the woman in the shop had specifically told you it would look great on you, so you had high hopes.
You slipped into it and turned around to face Lucy again. “What about this?” you questioned as you twirled around. “Oh my god. You look so good!” Lucy gasped, throwing her book to the side and jumping off the bed. You looked in the mirror and tugged on the dress to get it in place. Lucy was right, you looked undeniably beautiful. “Yeah, this is definitely better than the funeral dress.”
“Can I do your makeup now? Please?” Lucy asked, as she held up her basket of makeup products. “As long as you don’t stab out my eyes or make me look like a total idiot, sure, go ahead,” you replied, sitting down at Lucy’s desk chair and she got to work. She put some eyeliner on you, stuck a line of gems alongside it and finished it off with a bit of highlighter and a tinted lip balm. “There. You look so pretty.”
“Wow, Luce! I’m impressed, thank you!” you exclaimed happily, as you tilted your face to look in the mirror from a different angle. “You’re welcome,” Lucy said in a singsong voice, while you grabbed the stuff you needed to do your hair. “Are you nervous?” asked Lucy. “‘Course I am. We’re stealing this extremely rare book from Fittes’s library, which, knowing us, may very well get us killed, and we’re supposed to act ‘casual’ around the other people, of which I’m sure there are going to be lots. Also, those people are going to treat us as a couple, because why else would two people go to a ridiculously fancy gala together? So yes, I am a tad nervous,” you ranted quickly.
“Yeah, all of those are very valid. But why does it bother you so much that people are gonna treat you like a couple on a date?”
“Well, it’s not a date, is it? Do you know how hard it is to act like and be treated like a couple with someone who you have genuine feelings for but aren’t actually dating?”
“I think you’re allowed to treat it like a date. At least a little bit. He asked you to go with him, no? He could’ve asked me or George, but he asked you.”
“Luce, that was literally a 1 out of 3. I was probably the best option for the occasion or whatever.”
“No, N/N, he already called me an asset and I think he still feels guilty for that. He wouldn’t do something like that again.”
“Okay, fair enough, but still. Just because I could hypothetically treat it like a date, doesn’t mean he is. It’s bloody embarrassing if it’s one-sided.”
“Y/N!” Lockwood called from downstairs, “are you almost done? I’m pretty sure our taxi is gonna be here in a few minutes!”
“Yeah, just a second!” you responded, as you took one final glance at yourself in the mirror. “Do I pass as a posh person who genuinely has business being at the Fittes gala?” you questioned. “Definitely. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were rich and probably a part of Penelope Fittes’s inner circle without a doubt,” Lucy reassured you. “Okay, great. Well, wish me luck, then,” Lucy gave you a quick hug and you then walked downstairs.
Lockwood was waiting for you by the front door and he looked star-struck when you descended the stairs. “Wow, Y/N— you look—”
“Stunning? Gorgeous? Charming?” you joked and Lockwood laughed softly. “Dazzling, honestly,” he finished his sentence, making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. “Why, thank you. You look very pretty yourself,” you replied with a smile. “I really wish I could kiss you right now,” Lockwood whispered. Your stomach flipped upside down and you did a double take. “Did you just say what I think you said?” you questioned with your eyes wide open, “because if you did, I really wish the same.”
Lockwood wasted no more time and he grabbed your face between his hands, pulling you close. He placed his lips onto yours into a soft kiss which made your insides completely melt. You pulled apart far too quickly for your liking and you both broke out into a huge grin. “Hey, that’s half your worries gone! Now all you have to do is steal the book, it’s gonna be a breeze!” Lucy yelled from halfway up the stairs. “Okay, Luce, that is enough stalker behaviour for today. We’re leaving,” Lockwood deadpanned, as he entwined his fingers with yours and dashed out the door. “Good luck, lovebirds!” you heard Lucy laugh before pulling the front door shut.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Secrets In Tangled (Part 4)
Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: Secrets revealed causes everyone to get hurt.
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“Mother? Y/N, what are you talking about?” Lockwood questions with a confused look on his face. Lucy and Geroge’s faces show the same emotion. Y/N turns to her mother, “Can you give me a second with them, please? And then I’ll talk to you. I promise.” Her mother motions for her to do as she wishes. She closes the door and turns towards the others. “So you know how you guys are always asking me how I know all the things that I do? Well, that woman out there is your answer. I am technically the daughter of Penelope Fittes, and I ran away from home.” Lucy snaps out of her confusion, “But how come we’ve never heard of you before? If that were true, then you’d be everywhere.”
“Yes, good point. I should be, but since I am talentless and technically, a bastard, dear old mom wanted to keep me a secret. It’s why I grew up just outside of London with only my tutors and coaches as my only source of social interaction.” 
“And you kept this from us?” Lockwood asks, his facial expression has now turned to one that she cannot read. Y/N nods slowly, “Yes, at first, I didn’t know how people would deal with it. I mean without my mother calling me her daughter, who would believe that I am biologically hers? I’ve always looked more like my father from what my mother says. But also… I didn’t know if I could trust you guys just yet.” Lockwood’s face contours to anger at her words, “You didn’t know if you could trust us? We aren’t the ones who kept a massive secret from you. We took you in when we saw you needed a place to go. We fed you and clothed you.” “Lockwood, maybe you should cal-” George tries to suggest, but is cut off by Lockwood. “We made you a part of our family and this is who you paid us back? You keep secrets from us and you don’t trust us? How could you?” It’s Y/N’s turn to interrupt the boy, “I’m sorry, Lockwood. I really wanted to tell you. But after keeping it a secret for so long, all my secrets in tangled themselves into one giant ball and I wasn’t sure how to tell you guys. I’m sorry.” 
The continual anger and frustration on Lockwood’s face causes tears to stream down her face. “I want you out of the house by the time that I get back,” he threatens, opening the door quickly and pushing his way past the waiting Penelope. George runs after him, “Lockwood, wait. Be reasonable.” As she watches Lockwood go, Y/N seeks comfort in Lucy’s arms. “I will go back home with you, but at least let me get my stuff from my room first, please,” she begs her waiting mother. Penelope nods, “Don’t expect to see any of them again because you are never coming back here. And I already have Jenna coming over with NDAs for them to sign.” Y/N meekly nods her head and lets Lucy guide her upstairs to her room to pack. “You don’t have to go with her. We can argue with her for you to stay here,” Lucy reasons, not wanting to see her best friend go. Y/N shakes her head sadly, “There is no arguing with the great Penelope Fittes. And even if we did convince her. I don’t think Lockwood wants me here anymore.” 
“Nonsense, he just needs some time to cool down.”
“Lucy, he’s never been so mad at me before. I don’t think that’s the case. I really want to stay, but for the sake of Lockwood, I’m going to go.” 
Lucy develops the girl in a tight hug and starts to silently cry, “But if you go, I’ll never get to see you again.” 
“I know. I’m sorry, I don’t want to leave you either. My mother can’t take my phone away at least. It’s how she yells at me for not doing well in my lessons when she is too lazy to be bothered to actually come down to see me. So we can call each other,” Y/N offers with tears in her eyes. Lucy nods her head in the crevice of Y/N’s neck and begins to help the other girl pack. “You can keep this lipgloss, I know how much you love it. And I can always get more later,” Lucy hands the lipgloss over to her and now it is her turn to give the massive hug. “Thank you.”
The girls are quick to finish packing and then bring everything downstairs to see a black SUV with tinted windows already waiting for her. The only person outside is Penelope’s assistant, Jenna. “Y/N, your mother wants you in the car. And Miss Carlyle, I need you and your co-workers to sign the papers and drop them off at the Fittes building by tomorrow evening. If not, then we will send our whole legal team after you.” Lucy takes the papers with a nod of her head and gives Y/N one last hug. Y/N returns it tearfully and pulls away to get into the car. Lucy has no choice but to watch as her friend gets into the car and is driven away from her life. 
Y/N slowly unpacks all of her stuff back into her big old empty bedroom. Without the presence of Lucy in her room, she isn’t sure if she is going to able to go to sleep here anymore. She had gotten so used to sharing her space with someone else that it felt weird to be alone. Penelope walks up behind her daughter and moves her hair over to one shoulder. “I know it’s hard now, my dear, but I promise that you will soon see why I have to do what I do. I am only trying to protect you. See how fast Lockwood turned on you when he found out the truth,” Penelope says in an attempt to make her daughter feel better. Y/N jerks out of her mother’s touch, “It wasn’t Lockwood’s fault. If I hadn’t kept it a secret, then he wouldn’t have felt so betrayed by me. They cared for me and loved me no matter if I had a talent or not. They protected me even when they let me go outside of the house, which is more than you have ever done. I may be biologically related to you, but they are my family by choice.” 
Penelope looks at her daughter with a scornful look on her face, “Say whatever you want, but you are never going to see those hooligans again. I have had the common sense of hiring on-site bodyguards who will be watching you twenty-four hours a day. You won’t be able to sneeze without me knowing. So don’t even try to pull that trick again. Is that understood?” Y/N narrows her eyes at her mother. “Whatever you say, mother.” 
“Lockwood, it wasn’t that big of a secret. It’s not like it harmed any of us anyways,” Lucy rationales, looking at him with the hope that he would agree. Lockwood does not, “It’s not about the secret itself, Luce. It is about the fact that she didn’t think that she could trust us with it.” It’s George’s turn to try to get Lockwood to forgive Y/N. “Well, how could she? Trust is earned and although she may trust us with certain things, a big secret like that is something that takes time to earn. Her whole life she’s never had to learn to give someone her trust, so why are we expecting her to get it perfect the first time around that she’s learning how?” Lockwood sighs in defeat, “I just thought we had a special connection that would make her trust me a little more. But I guess not.”
George and Lucy know that they aren’t a part of the we that Lockwood mentions and they now fully understand what is bothering him. “It doesn’t matter anymore anyway. I never want to see her again,” Lockwood promises. “Come on, we have an agency to run and a new assistant to hire.” Lucy and George watch as Lockwood pushes his true feelings away and tries to fill his sadness with work. They have no idea how to help him or Y/N. 
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