#⌎ ‘ ⁎ ━━ ⌠ ☆ ⌡ ꞉ ⌣ MUN. │ ☾. wanted connections. ’
whvspershq · 1 year
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welcome to afon vale, mo! please stop by the town hall to pick up your WELCOME PACKAGE and you have TWENTY FOUR HOURS to send in your ACCOUNT(S).can you hear the whispers?
☼☾ ( DOMHNALL GLEESON , 650 / 39 , HE/HIM, MALE, NIXIE, COURT MEMBER) - have you seen RONAN GALLAGHER?  they’ve been living in afon vale for SIX MONTHS and they really think they’re safe. people say that they’re BENEVOLENT but i heard they’re IRRESPONSIBLE. you can usually find them working as a PART-TIME WAITER at EARTHA. they’ve tried hard to keep THE TRUE REASON HE CAN NO LONGER SWIM buried but the truth always comes out. a few things that remind me of them are … light sky reflected on dark water, dew on grass, millais' ophelia, algae on the surface of a lake. a lonely newt languishing under a rock. ( mo , 18 ,  est , she/they , none )
are you filling a wanted connection? if so, which wc?: possibly art byrne's first love, though i would like to discuss it more with his mun. :) he also works as a standalone!
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amplichor · 30 days
☾ ·. ⋅ — 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕  !
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  —   BASICS.
NAME. ford ( pending change ) AGE. 24 PRONOUNS. she / her YEARS OF WRITING. oh god uhh i've been writing since middle school ... i think ? i always liked to read and started writing poetry in like 6th grade ... as for roleplaying uhh , i believe i started writing on here when i was 13 or 14 ? so a good 10 or more years .
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING?   i read A LOT as a kid and was like .. advanced placement in that subject and everything ... but i think the thing that really jumpstarted everything was an assignment in school ... and i ended up loving writing ( poetry mainly ) so much that i picked it up as a hobby !
DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES?   uhh i'm really not a very organized person so no . i will say, i tend to write more when i've been reading more ! and i always have like 4 tabs open just for my writing like.. looking up things, thesaurus, etc. cause i hate using the same words and just having flat writing.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING?   i like the ability to write these unique story lines / plots with other people, and especially here on tumblr where ocs are so prevalent ? it's so fun to see everybody's ocs and what their story is. not to mention the different takes on canon characters were everybody has their own unique portrayal . my favorite part of writing is to see what i can come up with.
POV.  i tend to jump between the 2nd and 3rd POVS, i wasn't sure about it at first but through writing with them both i really like the way it flows at times. i know it can be confusing at times too, but in the end i think it's a nice way to impliemnt a personality .
PROSE. my writing is VERY poetic, as a poet it only makes sense. i like how i tie in different points of nature , or just general refrences : i use a lot of literary elements like metapors, hyperboles, similies, etc.
CHARACTERISATION.   i put A LOT of thought into my muses and their characterizations. for utahime alone , i've found myself researching so much in an attempt to not only be accurate but to make sense in a whole. i very much enjoy being able to play around with my ideas until something sticks, the unique elements i can bring into writing utahime and the takes that i have that could be different from another muns.
HAVE YOU MADE ANY STRONG CONNECTIONS / FRIENDS DURING YOUR TIME WRITING? oh god yeah, i have a few friends around that i've known since i started on tumblr, and keep in contact with regularly. Plus the many i've been close with since rejoining tumblr. one of my favorite things to do while writing and just being in the RPC, is how easy it is to make friends, to form strong connections to people who enjoy the same hobby as you, and being able to bounce ideas off eachother as well as simply being there for one another . i love the friends i've made and in general love to make friends and form bonds !
WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE MOST INSPIRATION FROM WHEN WRITING uh, really just nature and poetic symbolism / imagery. i tend to associate my muse with something in particular, with utahime it's the moon so i pull a lot of inspiration from the moon, astrology as well as more witchy things in general. i listen to music pretty much ?? anytime i write, it helps me find inspiration and figure out my mood and how i want it portrayed through the writing . utahime has her own playlist, as do all my other muses just because i treat each one as it's own entity / personaily.
utahime caught my eye the first time i saw her, not enough to write her but enough to like her character and the way she was clearly always trying to present herself as professional and mature all while being goaded by gojo to react, she's a known spitfire and doesnt help her allegations any. i really really liked that she got more of a spotlight during the shibuya arc, with the mole thing and all and truly think she blames herself. We don't know much of anything about her and it makes me so upset that gege doesn't treat her better / come up with more in terms of her family / background / what happened to her ???? but -- i think the biggest part of her that resonates with me is her being extremely tempermental but being extremely nice / sweet when it comes to anybody other than gojo, and even in the right circumstances i think she'd be cordial with him -- if he stopped goading her the way he does.
alright,  alright my question for all of you !! what kind of aesthetics do you draw from for your muse ? any specific inspirations ?
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tagged by, @deathsmaidens
tagging, @waraningyo , @ak4rin , @pontevoix , @article31 + anyone who hasn't done this yet . ♡
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catchwaves · 3 months
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written by angie. 28. she/her. selective. oc indie rp. single muse. cst. aries. infp. mun of this blog along with some others.
wanted connections
her band’s playlist
leo ☀, cancer ☾, sagittarius ↑
charismatic, feisty, outgoing, ambitious, stubborn, funny, easily agitated, talented, inappropriate, affectionate, determined, flirtatious, confident, bold, closed-off, loyal, confrontational, loving
sun kissed skin, waves crashing, firework sizzling, torn jeans, sea salt hair, cheap beer, movie screens, blonde ambition, surfboards & sand, confident insecurities, dive bars, guitar strings, dark mind but a lot of heart.
the beach, beer, surfing, movies, music / playing guitar & singing in her band, stargazing, fireworks, breweries, concerts, affection, competition, flirting, bonfires, family, weekend getaways, fruit, hosting events, backyard barbecues, soft kisses, long drives on the coast, being right
vulnerability , her depression, entitled people, losing, being wrong, living far from her family, being underestimated, giving second chances, backing down from an argument, faking it, apologizing
[tw: mentions of depression & suicide]
It was the word that often came to mind whenever the name Amanda Chey Johnson rolled off your tongue. Age seven, naïve as ever, she climbed the highest tree in her neighborhood’s park out of sheer stubbornness of proving herself to her brothers. The fall, however, could’ve been deadly – should’ve been deadly as she tumbled to the ground head first. Two broken bones and a measly headache. Age sixteen, deciding to ignore the endless warnings of the weather, she took off to surf rocky waves alone. The gulf opened up, swallowed her whole and her lungs filled with water. She flat lined in the ambulance. Dead for a total of ten seconds, her heart kicked in as sea water spewed from her lips. Alive and well. She spent her youth cheating death one miraculous time after another. Was she just lucky? Most likely, but those around her deemed her invincible.
But, she never once felt that way. For someone who constantly cheated death, it happened to be the only thing she truly wanted. At the age of eighteen, she inevitably decided to take her own life - but to her dismay, she awoke in a hospital with a beating heart in her chest.
The girl spent her childhood with salt in her hair and toes in the sand of small town Port Aransas, Texas. Though she had her loving father, mother, and three reckless brothers, Chey was plagued with something no one could ever understand – depression. With all her spunk and confidence on the outside, it was hard for others to see anything other than invincibility. Depression had been in her blood for as long as she could remember – no circumstance ever made her this way, and perhaps that’s why the people around her always wrote off her illness as a cry for help or desperate need of attention.
She lived her life with a smile stitched on her lips around the friends she considered merely strangers. As she grew, she resulted to regularly visiting a therapist, taking medication, and forcing herself to find escapes in everyday life. Film, music, surfing – these were the things that reminded her she was alive. No, it was never the near death experiences that made her appreciate what she had, but just the simple things.
However, after her failed attempt at suicide, something finally began to settle within her. Maybe… just maybe, she was meant to be alive. Taking the easy way out had never been a method she preferred, so why start now? The pain and love of her family had come to light after that day, and she realized what she was originally willing to throw away. Her family was every bit of who she was, and without them, she’d be better off dead than alive. So, for them, she pushed herself after high school came to a bittersweet end and decided to change the vicious state of her mind. Of course, this doesn’t mean her depression would ever fully go away – but it was a start.
She received a scholarship to study film at UCLA and she took this opportunity to invite some change into her life and move to California for a clean slate. All of her life she was convinced she was an atomic bomb, something only negative that would eventually detonate and obliterate all those around her into bits. It wasn’t until she took a leap of faith by leaving the only place she has known as home to realize she was an atomic bomb – but in a completely different sense. She was powerful, bright, and came into this new life like an explosion. It was then she knew that she had to keep fighting.
After college – and being the queen of any and every drinking game – Chey truly found herself. No one sees the reserved girl with a broken smile, but a boisterous woman full of life and free-spirit. Her horizons opened, even job opportunities came easier. She landed a PA position at a production studio that later helped her career in film. Now she works as an assistant director (and aspiring director) for television series and feature films. Chey became something new entirely, became the person she was destined to be. With her father’s sailor’s mouth and her brothers’ alcohol tolerance, she’s rather awkward, clumsy, and a little inappropriate at times – yet, deep down, she was still the girl from Texas with a lot of heart.
Maybe everyone was right when they said Amanda Chey Johnson was made for big things. Maybe her mother was right all those nights she reminded her daughter to never let her fear decide her fate. Despite what life brings her, nothing will stop her from becoming who she’s meant to be.
Her whole family, and those closest to her, tend to call her “Mandy”. She is a woman of many names - Amanda, Chey, Mandy, Manda… Most know her simply by Chey. Her whole family have ‘C’ names, and though her mother originally named her Amanda to break away from that annoying trend, they ultimately ended up calling her by her middle name.
Chey used to date the lead singer of a band that has gotten recent fame. Back when they were dating, he actually used her to gain some access to put his music in some of the films she worked on. What she refuses to believe is that he genuinely fell in love with her after, but she could care less. He made her feel like a fool, and for that, she continues hating him. If anyone mentions his band or he comes on the radio, it takes everything within her to not smash something. 
She mostly works on independent films and some major motion pictures. The type of films she creates are similar to the following: Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Lady Bird, Drinking Buddies, Blue Valentine, Sleeping With Other People, Little Miss Sunshine, Comet, Whip It, 20th Century Women - to name a few!
A part of Chey contemplates one day leaving the film life behind to open up a brewery, potentially with her brothers. She’s family oriented at her core and often misses when life was less busy.
She has extreme confidence when it comes to her abilities in her career and skills. However, when it comes to the world of romance, she is full of doubt. One too many bad experiences has scorn her for good and she fully believes that a happy ending is not in her future.
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thenextchapterbegins · 5 months
Send me a ✮ for me to talk about my favorite fandom to rp in. Send me a ☾ for me to talk about a fandom that I’d like to rp in but haven’t. 
of all the fandoms ive rped in its probably a tie between the many rps i got to rp in the MHA fandom and probably the one or two rps i got to do in pathologic. truly finding cryptids that rp super obscure muses makes me very happy.
as for fandoms i want to rp in but havent.
i actually have two muses ive been meaning to add that i dont know if they have active fandoms but again i lean to obscure every once in a while.
ive been wanting to interact into the ghostwire tokyo fandom or just pick up akito from the game because hes a real one. i liked his character alot.
um and i also wanted to be the only one activly rping within "The void" fandom with uh. "The hero" or Golden eyes. thats one of my more favorite aliases. i actually already sorta rp in this fandom two of the BROTHERS from the void are connected to my alastor because my alastor is a major divergent alastor because i cant stop attaching obscure fandoms to known characters. XD
truly i am a disaster mun.
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iilahalzili · 1 year
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Anonymous ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ Does your muse get jealous easily? ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☼ Mun Related Shipping Questions
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Oh, Marik is extremely jealous and gets so easily when he actually gets a connection with somebody. Aside from the fact he is needy for attention, will have toxic traits until he knows they are the one he wants to bond with forever and extremely protective, Marik will want his partner's attention on him solely. He's confident but also insecure when it comes to romance, so he will be lingering around and getting hissy when people seem to be flirting with his partner or if they are giving more attention to others.
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