#♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  & and the world opened wide ❪ aesthetics ❫
floraprin · 2 years
♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  i wish i was at disneyland  ❪ out ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  & i wish that i was anything like her ❪ in ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  i hate it when they leave me behind ! ❪ promo ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  what will it take just to find that special day ? ❪ answered ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  & and the world opened wide ❪ aesthetics ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  & the world was inside of me ❪ musings ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  i see nothing but the candle in the mirror ❪ images ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  we are a god & angels weep ❪ promo ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  is it love if i take you ? ❪ dc ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  or is it love if i set you free ? ❪ dg ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  i fall in love too easily ❪ isms ❫ ♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━  friendship is the foundation of any lasting relationship ❪ psa ❫
0 notes
[CN] Victor’s Assimilating The Light Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 摄光之约 , that is yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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[Translation Under The Cut]
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[T/N]: The video link: ♡
✧ [Section 1] ✧
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I sit cross-legged on the soft rug, facing the wall in front of me in a hail of distress.
After my entire week of continuous decoration with utmost care, it should have turned into a beautiful Polaroid photo wall.
It should have drips of traces of the life of the owner of this house. It should have that ambience that makes people feel, “Wow, so warm!” at first glance.
However, the status quo is––
The sparsely posted photos on the wall are separated by wide expanse of blank spaces. One can hardly make out any aesthetic appeal in them.
There are many Polaroid photographs scattered on the rug, and the subject of these photos is mostly the same person.
In the photo on the left, he is holding a cup and drinking coffee. In the photo on the middle, he is flipping through a French newspaper wearing a golden wire-rimmed spectacles....
Without exception – though all of them are in a haze of ambiguous tones, they still portray Victor in a grave and stern temperament.
In the photo in my hand, it seems as though Victor is slightly frowning at me. Seeing this look, I can’t help but sigh again.
Victor: A certain someone has been sighing at these pictures all night.
Victor: Is my face so likely to make people sigh?
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Victor’s voice resounds from behind me. Startled, I tilt my head to look up and meet a pair of inquiring eyes.
He walks up to me. Looking at the photo in my hand, he opens his mouth with a tone of discontentment.
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Victor: Do you know what time it is?
I heave a long sigh.
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MC: Reporting to Mr. CEO, it’s almost midnight.
I look at the clock. The hour hand is about to point to 12 o’clock. The curtain of night outside the window is deep, bringing the entire revolving world into a slumbering halt.
Victor: Since you know that, what are you still doing here?
He hands me the warm milk in his hand. I know he’s saying that because he doesn’t want me to waste the rare weekend. So, I put down the picture and get up to take the milk.
My fingertips brush against his warm finger pads, as though they’re still carrying the residual warmth of the coverlet.
His hair is slightly messier than usual. It seems that he woke up in the middle of his sleep and found that I wasn’t there, so he came out to look for me.
The sweetness of this conjecture sweeps through my heart. Crinkling my eyes, I swiftly squeeze his cheek as I draw out my tone of voice.
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MC: Victor, aren’t you a little unaccustomed to me not being there when you go to bed now, hmm?
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Victor doesn’t admit it, only looks at me and sighs softly.
Victor: You’ve always been good at focusing on this sort of minutiae.
MC: Because when you’re in front of me, I always can’t help but pay more attention to some things.
MC: Since you’re here, would you like to review this photo wall and give me some ideas?
Victor’s gaze sweeps towards the unfinished photo wall in front of him, halting there for a moment.
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Victor: [almost talking to himself] ....how come it’s all my pictures?
MC: Actually, I took some other photos. But I kept feeling that any of the others weren’t very resonating to who you are. So I’ve been choosing and sorting out, but I still haven’t been able to reach a decision.
Victor: What do you think my temperament should collocate with?
He stares at me, tossing a straightforward question. I obviously have many images in my mind, but I’m unable to describe any of them.
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MC: Mm.... you know the kind that’s gorgeous and elegant, the kind that makes people want to stare at it for a really long time.
MC: I can’t really describe it specifically, but I think this photo wall is lacking that sort of ambience right now.
As I say this, I can’t help shifting my gaze and look at the photos I’ve taken. Then, I start choosing and arranging them once again.
A brief sigh seems to come from above my head. In the next second, two gilded black invitation letters appear before my eyes.
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Victor: Since you can’t think of anything, let’s leave it here.
Victor: This is the invitation to an event tomorrow, come with me.
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✧ [Section 2] ✧
I take the invitation letter and open it to find that it’s an invitation to an offline promotion of a movie. When I see the name of the director, my eyes can’t help but widen.
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MC: It’s the new movie directed by Xin Ruo!
MC: I’ve always really liked his style, and I wanted to see this movie when I participated in the Film Festival before!
I look up at Victor jubilantly, and at the same time with some confusion.
MC: But why would he invite you to an offline promotional event.... could it be that.... the two of you know each other?
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Victor: LFG was partly involved in the investment of this movie.
Victor: Wanna see it?
I nod my head like a chicken pecking at rice, lean my body forward and look at Victor expectantly.
He looks at me with downcast eyes, the corners of his lips arching upwards imperceptibly.
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Victor: I can take you there.
Victor: But the condition is – now, you’ve to go to bed obediently.
I look at the unfinished photo wall in front of me with difficulty, wanting to continue haggling with him. But I know very well that I will only be at a further disadvantage with such an attempt in front of Victor.
I stand up in compromise. Then, I take Victor’s hand and place the empty glass of milk on the table next to me while I’m at it.
MC: Alright, you win. Who knows, perhaps I’ll be rewarded with a surprise at the offline promotional event tomorrow.
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MC: Moreover, it seems you woke up suddenly and have been waiting for me just now. On a rare Saturday night, how can I let CEO Victor “be alone in an empty bed”~
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The next day, Victor and I arrive at Director Xin’s offline promotional event on time. Just as we’re about to walk into the venue, I can’t help but exclaim “Wow”.
It’s a semi-open arena, laid out as an island, with dried-up branches and rocks illustrating a desolate scenery that stretches out to the maxim of your horizon as the faint sound of sea waves laps from afar.
One can tell that the director has invested an enormous amount of thought into it.
??: CEO Victor, you’re here.
A tall, thin man greets Victor and shakes hand with him. I recognize the man as Director Xin Ruo.
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Victor: Director Xin, it’s an honor to meet you at last.
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Victor: This is MC, the producer of [MC’s Company Name].
Victor turns his head and concisely introduces me. I realize that he knows I’ve always wanted to meet this director, so I extend my hand and shake his with a smile on my face.
MC: Director Xin, I’ve heard so much about you.
Director Xin: You flatter me. CEO Victor was being too polite.
Director Xin: After the investment meeting last time, I haven’t been able to make the free time to have a comprehensive chat with CEO Victor.
Director Xin: Since we have an opportunity this time, I’d like to have a proper chat.
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Victor: Of course.
As I’m listening on the side, I feel that it doesn’t seem very polite to listen to other people’s business cooperation.
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I scan the venue with my gaze. Giving it another thought, I scratch at Victor’s palm.
In the interval between the conversation, he glances down at me. I lift my chin towards the venue, indicating to him that I should go for a stroll by myself first.
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Victor precisely catches what I was trying to convey. He gives me a slightly muffled grunt, and gently squeezes the palm of my hand as he turns his head to continue the conversation.
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Staring at his composed profile and the way he squeezes my hand, I clearly understand what he means–– “Don’t run around all over the place. I’ll see you inside.”
I nod with a beaming smile on my face.
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✧ [Section 3] ✧
It’s rare to see an offline promotional event that is arranged with such diligence. As I watch, I can’t help but fish out the Polaroid I’ve been carrying in my bag.
This venue is very large, adorned with dim lights, deceased plants and desolate rocks everywhere, displaying the harsh ambience of the deserted island.
As I’m filming, I click my tongue in wonder at the same time.
MC: These props are so lifelike!
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MC: Oh, right, I can ask Victor to try taking photos here later!
When I’m planning what kind of pose I’d like Victor to strike, all of the light sources at the site are switched off without any warning or whatsoever.
Amid the darkness, I’m unable to see anything, and the only thing I can hear are the shrieks that are drifting to my ears.
Spectator A: Why are the lights off?!
Spectator B: Perhaps it was done on purpose. Isn’t the theme of the movie a disaster escape?
Spectator B: They’re probably just stimulating a disaster environment. There’s no need to be afraid, it’s all fake anyway.
The spectators around me are composed, though their voices are growing louder and louder as they speak.
In the next second, I can hear the sound of sea waves lapping in the arena, progressively getting louder. Suddenly, I’m surprised to feel–– there are raindrops landing on the ends of my hair.
Spectator A: It’s raining? They’re not trying to stimulate a tsunami, are they?
Spectator B: Can’t say for sure. I think I saw a big octopus on the poster....
Spectator A: Although I know it’s fake, I don’t wish to be eaten by an octopus AHHHHH!
The crowd in my surroundings suddenly become clamorous, with the rustling sound of somewhat hurried footsteps.
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MC: ....I don’t wish to meet the big octopus either.
I look around vigilantly. The icy droplets of rain land on my body intermittently as people keep brushing past me constantly.
It’s as though, right now, I’m truly on an island in a disaster movie, reminiscent of a ship with no sense of direction.
A clip of that moment when Victor squeezed my palm suddenly flashes through my mind. It seems the warmth of his touch is still lingering on my fingertips.
I immediately toss away that flash of panic to the back of my mind and stand on my tiptoes, trying hard to find him amid the blur of layer upon layer silhouettes.
Wherever the place Victor is, that is where I’m going.
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Within moments, I spot that familiar tall figure in a corner afar. He also seems to be looking around and searching for something.
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But probably because the figures in front of me are too tall, they obstruct me completely. He shoots a glance in my direction, and then averts his gaze elsewhere.
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MC: ....truly a dummy.
I run towards him. When I reach a short distance behind Victor, he is still walking forward, his footsteps slightly anxious.
Such a rare sight of Victor blooms the thought in my heart of wanting to tease him a little, to capture a moment when he’s different from his usual self.
I creep up behind Victor. Fortunately, the spectators are unable to see each other clearly in the darkness, making my “concealment” a very smooth process.
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I see Victor’s gaze unceasingly sweeping through the crowd of people passing by. As he glances sideways, I catch a glimpse of his frowning eyebrows fleeting past my horizon.
He must be thinking to himself–– “Where has this dummy run off to again?”
I can’t help but inwardly feel proud of myself. He must not have expected me to find him first.
I reach out from behind him and quietly tug at his sleeve.
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Victor halts in his footsteps in an instant and turns around. In response, I move behind him at galloping speed, dodging his gaze.
But he only pauses for a moment before turning back and continuing on his way.
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Not willing to abandon my mission, I chisel away at the task and make some rustling noises. In the process, Victor’s sleeve brushes past me several times.
But even so, he still doesn’t seem to notice me. Just as I’m considering whether I should appear before him out of nowhere to startle him, a strange noise suddenly rings out ahead.
Spectator C: Oh my god, it’s a jungle mystery! It’s not a movie promotion. It’s an escape room, isn’t it?
I look up. Sure enough, I see several thick and solid branches coming headlong in my direction, accompanied by the ground swaying violently.
Staggering in my steps, I hurriedly seek for something to hold onto. But suddenly, my hand is grasped by someone, followed by pulling me into an embrace––
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Victor: Dummy, come to me.
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Victor holds me by the waist and leads me to the side of a car. The violent rocking continues unabated, and he seems to stagger as he falls backwards on the car seat.
The vibration ceases after a moment. As I feel the warmth emanating from Victor’s hand that is around me, I can’t help but ask him the question.
MC: Victor, how did you know I was behind you?
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MC: Don’t tell me.... you just kept pretending to not see me?
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Victor: Seeing as you were in good spirits, I figured I could tease a certain dummy who’s pretending to be all mysterious.
I can clearly hear the stifled laughter in his tone. He was so certain, he probably knew it right from the moment I found him!
MC: So you knew it was me when I tugged at your clothes just now and kicked stones behind you to make noises?
Victor: A certain someone’s movements are too detectable, it’s hard to ignore.
Feeling low-spirited, I return to the original topic.
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MC: But regardless, I’m the one who found you first. This shows that I’m a reliable “Victor cursor.”
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MC: If it truly comes to a disaster world and everyone needs to flee for their lives, I will surely rush towards you before anyone else to hold onto you.
I feel Victor’s gaze lingering on my face, and as he opens his mouth to speak, his tone contains that forever constant composure and certainty.
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Victor: Regarding this matter, too, I’ve never had any doubts.
At this moment, all the sound of vibration, the rain and the sound of rolling storm suddenly stop, and every light in the arena is abruptly lit up.
Feeling uncomfortable, I shield the excessively glaring light using my hand. But through cracks between my fingers, I see the Victor of this moment.
[T/N]: Regarding the “Victor cursor” – the phrase MC uses here is “指言针” (ZhǐYánZhēn). The word “指针” (ZhǐZhēn) actually means “clock hand/pointer/cursor”. Here MC takes one letter (言– yán) from Victor’s name (李泽言 – LǐZéYán) to form that phrase exclusively for him LOL
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✧ [Section 4] ✧
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Behind Victor is an abandoned car with a myriad of dead vines entwined around it, demonstrating the encroachment of nature by artificial science and technology.
He is half sitting on the seat of the car. The dead branches revolving around the car surround him, but above the dead branches are abundantly blooming white magnolia flowers.
The soft petals of the flowers nestle against the collar of Victor’s light-colored suit, adding a touch of inseparable attachment to his sharp countenance.
The impeccably attired CEO and the flowers on the dead branches form a kind of inescapable image that you can’t take your eyes off, turning everything else in the world into gray.
I stare at him blankly for a while, and subconsciously retreat a few steps, pointing my Polaroid at him.
MC: Victor, maintain this expression and don’t move!
I hold the Polaroid at Victor and keep pressing on the button wildly. He frowns slightly, but cooperates with me anyways, not moving a muscle.
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After taking the photo, I give Victor an “Ok” sign and run back to him with the Polaroid in my hand.
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MC: Victor, you’ve no idea how spectacular that image just now was! These magnolia flowers really are the brush stroke that dots in the eye.
MC: But when did this place get so many magnolias? I remember there weren’t any before the lights were turned off all over the place.
I look at the white magnolias on the body of the car, slightly puzzled.
Victor raises his head and looks around, gesturing for me to look at the stage afar.
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Victor: It’s the layout of the scene that has changed.
I follow his line of sight, only to find that after experiencing a long period of “disaster and catastrophe”, the venue has brightened up again, adapting a new style.
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Although the island is desolate and the whole area is covered in gravel, there are traces of surviving human struggle in the withered landscape.
Bonfire created using stones, sharp branches used for defense, and improvised simple tents.
Compared with the desolate and withered island we’ve seen before, there is now an opportunity to start a new life. Albeit a difficult one, but it’s something people can’t help looking forward to.
At this time, the movie trailer begins to play on the big screen in the center.
The world has been overturned. The surviving protagonists are stranded on an island, yet they still aren’t giving up on any glimmer of hope, surviving tenaciously.
I squeeze Victor’s palm.
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MC: Victor, you see! So, this is what the director’s intention was.
MC: A lot of thought must have gone into setting up the two different island worlds and presenting them from the audience’s perspective.
Victor nods slightly in approval. Then, as though thinking of something, he shoots me a light glance.
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Victor: It’s indeed worth settling down for a moment and appreciating with marvel.
Victor: You said earlier that if you have the opportunity, you’d like to study this director’s artistic style properly.
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Victor: I’d like to know what kind of style you’ve learned today?
Victor’s voice is laced with a soft chuckle. Coincidentally, I see that the photograph I’ve taken just now has become clear at the same time. Crinkling my eyes into a beaming smile, I hold the photo between my thumb and fingers and sway it before him.
MC: The director’s style is something I still need to study again. But today I have explored a new style of CEO Victor.
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Victor: What kind of style?
I hand him the picture, which illustrates Victor leaning against a dead branch and flowers.
Perhaps because he was looking at something off the camera lens, a faint touch of softness is engraved in his erstwhile sharp eyebrows.
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MC: If I had to use an expression to describe it, I think it should be, “A garden one can’t help but want to draw close to.”
MC: It’s a feeling that feels very close to you. Both mysterious and graceful, and at the same time, very special~
MC: I didn’t expect to have such a fruitful day today. Not only did I get to see a great interactive screening, but I also got a breathtaking picture of “Mr. CEO.”
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MC: With this photo as the reference, I’ll be able to decorate the perfect photo wall~
Hearing me prattling on, Victor doesn’t seem to be very happy. He averts his gaze towards the director’s speech on the stage indifferently.
I remember that when I put up the photo wall this week, he agreed to my “warm home project”, but he rarely made any comments.
It’s not like his usual “sharp-tongued” style.
With this thought in mind, I take the initiative to ask.
MC: Victor, you don’t seem very happy. Do you not like this picture I took?
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Victor: The light and shadow, composition – everything is very good. There’s no room to nitpick.
MC: Then.... you don’t actually like this photo wall project?
Victor shakes his head. As though reflecting on something, he speaks with a slight frown.
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Victor: You’re willing to invest your thoughts and time into decorating the home. There’s nothing for me to be unhappy about.
Victor: But don’t you think there’s something missing from the photo wall?
MC: What’s missing? You working, you cooking, you sleeping, you happy, you frowning.... we have everything!
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Victor: ....
Victor suddenly takes the Polaroid and the photo from my hand.
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Victor: MC.
He calls out my name, and I look up blankly in response.
MC: What’s wrong?
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In my vision, I see Victor holding up the Polaroid. As the flash blub flashes, I hear a crisp “click.”
He puts down the Polaroid, revealing a pair of dark-colored eyes. At this moment, I see the little me drowning in his gaze.
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A “swoosh” rings out in the air, followed by the Polaroid ejecting a photograph. Victor holds the picture between his thumb and fingers, and sways it. The portrait gradually forms a shape.
He takes the photo I’ve just taken from my hand, and puts it together with the photo developed by the Polaroid.
Next to the calm and elegant Victor is me, who’s holding hands with him and looking into the camera.
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Victor: What’s important is not what style of arrangement matches me.
Victor: The most missing part in the photo wall at home is a certain dummy, who will always be there to hold my hand even if the doomsday arrives.
Victor holds my hand tightly, his tone flat but certain.
Victor: Now  it’s complete.
[Trivia]: White magnolia flowers symbolize purity, nobility, elegance, endurance, perseverance. Aside from its floral language, in the 4th anniversary event, we learned that Mr. Mills buys magnolia flowers for his wife everyday. Following which, MC asks if Victor would buy her magnolia flowers everyday when she’s old. And he says, they can start right now; taking her to buy the flowers; with the vow they’ll do this activity together, forever~ 🥺♡
[Calls and Moments]: Here!♡  
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153 notes · View notes
hyaciiintho · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
TAGGED BY:  @bxstiae​ (Thank you bby ♡) TAGGING: @valliantheart, @dolcetters, @atimelesslullaby, @telesthisia, @shadowborders (Do it for Wild!!-- if you wanna haha~), and uhh... anyone else who wants to do this, just say I tagged ya !! 
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
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MY MUSE IS:   CANON / OC / AU (Verse dependent) / CANON-DIVERGENT (Interactions & verse dependent) / FANDOMLESS
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES (Literally everyone who played OoT on the N64 has already confessed he was their first crush LMAO) / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK
Are they underrated?  YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?  ❀ || Interaction dependent. I’m flexible with bending some of the story to help incorporate characters, or even interchanging some game with manga canon to incorporate other stuff (like for my interactions with the-nexus’s Volvagia !!). But mostly I do try to follow canon, and base headcanons off of canon in an effort to expand upon what is already given to us.
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.   ❀ || Oh boy I get to talk him up !! Link-- The Hero of Time-- is entirely selfless and incredibly brave, having grown up far too fast from the horrifically young age of ten (10), and still maintains a pure heart. His story is of one of unimaginable loss and still finding the strength to move forward, to carry on and continue doing what is right, but don’t let his sunshine smile fool you. He’s gotten very good at pretending and deflecting questions, even if he’s not a very good liar, he’s a very convincing actor. Maybe getting close enough would open this long locked door and allow him to spill some personal woes previously unspoken...?
A hero forgotten by time, he’s renowned for his good deeds alone, not for any world-saving heroics, but because he’s just that guy who helps everyone-- at the expense of himself, no less. Musical virtuoso, a huge flower lover (peep them aesthetics ♡), self-made master swordsman and archer, and accidental time-traveller... he’s bound to get into some interesting situations with your muse, one way or another!
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).   ❀ ||  He’s predictable. You got your typical good-guy hero with his sad sob story and mountain of piling regrets. You’ve heard the story a thousand times. His tale is overrated and passed its time. This physically pained me to write, nope lmao no more, the fandom can back right off of my boy, he’s a CLASSIC and a STAPLE in gaming history ♡
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   ❀ || Ocarina of Time was not my first Zelda game (That honor goes to Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link ♡), but it was the most memorable because it was my first owned game. I had gotten the NES as a hand-me-down from my aunt, and she had all these games for it. I played both Zelda’s 1 & 2 (but played 2 first because it was GOLD and SHINY) but then that year, for Christmas... My Ma got me Ocarina of Time for the N64, and boy did I never play anything else unless my cousins were over, then we played Smash bros BUT !! The Hero of Time was my, well... hero for a lifetime. His story created the artist in me. I wanted to draw this cool and cute boy in green, who at the time, was my age too. If he could go out and fight evil monsters, then I could become an artist.
I never beat OoT until years later. I had a rough childhood growing up, constantly moving around, leaving behind friends, family, and places I had held dear to my heart. This, among other things I won’t go into detail, all came at me at a crucial point of my growth-- It was relatable to how Link left his childhood behind and was forced to grow up so awfully fast, and I clung to that. Then Majora’s Mask came out and it was everywhere in WalMarts as playable demos... I spent hours just playing the same intro sequences because that was my hero, once again, on another quest! The same kid who inspired my creativity, was alive as a little muse for comics and stories-- there he was!! Again!!! I was so happy.
Fast forward years later (and I mean YEARS later) Hyrule Warriors came out, and by then, I had roleplayed other muses out of fandom. After putting in hours into that game, I said huh... I wonder if the LoZ community is active in the roleplay scene... and boy was it ♡ Now I get to write my boy and his inspirational tale of strength and bravery in the face of loss and trauma, and it’s something I will never get tired of screaming from the high roof tops !!
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?  ❀ ||  It’s hard to say sometimes, when mental health takes frequent downs before coming back up... I’d have to say it’s all of my followers, to be honest? Everyone who’s reached out or followed, who’s looked at my blog and pages and went yeah, this guy sounds pretty cool, whether or not they actually know who The Hero of Time is. And it’s crazy to think that there are people out there who don’t know who he is. Their first game was Wind Waker, or Twilight Princess, or Breath of the Wild, and it’s absolutely insane when I think about that.
So I guess... my inspiration to keep going is basically just... to keep his story alive. I’ve seen countless other Hero of Time muses grow active, only to fall to the wayside within a few months, and it’s heartbreaking to see his character become abandoned due to the muns not having that very same inspiration or motivation to keep going. Those who do-- I’m happy to see people still picking up his muse. I wish I could gather all of the Hero of Time roleplayers and just support them to the fullest ♡ unfortunately duplicate anxiety is a thing for almost all the ones I came across, so I’ll just cheer them from afar so they’re comfy !! 
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO but boy do I try my hardest...
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES though I haven’t in a WHILE... / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES I used to not but... I made him mine, and I like how he’s turned out ♡ / NO 
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO  it’s a ‘mental health pending’ sorta situation haha~
Are you a sensitive person?  YES a-always... / NO
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   ❀ || I do, but only in regards to things I explicitly state as being derived from canon. Roleplay is about your unique portrayal. It’s why we call our muses muses and not characters. The Character is the canon version. The muse is our personal spin on it. There are no two muses that are alike, but there is always one character they are based off of. If people don’t like my portrayal then I don’t need criticism over it, and instead, invite them to seek out another roleplayer with a portrayal they do like. I’m never, ever, going to change anything about my muse, because he is MY muse ♡ Just as I would never ever ask someone to change something about their muses, because they are theirs and theirs alone.
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?   ❀ || Absolutely, but doesn’t everyone? (⺣◡⺣)♡ Sometimes I’m so focused on replying to threads or answering asks, that I’m too busy to really try and further explore his world and development. It really helps make me stop and go Oh!... Yeah that’s a good question! 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?   ❀ || I would be interested to see why and their reasons for it, but if it’s once more in regards to what I said earlier (More of a muse thing and not a canon-based thing), then I would probably enjoy a good discussion as to why it fits my muse rather than his canon character. He’s always evolving and has years worth of interactions and growth behind him... what he wouldn’t have done before, but does now, is just all about growth and being molded by that. But I would definitely enjoy hearing other people’s opinions and their personal takes !!
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   ❀ || I would be perfectly fine. Like I said before, I invite them to find someone else instead rather than waste their energy telling me they don’t like my muse haha~ I’m perfectly comfortable with how I write my Hero of Time muse. He’s got years worth of memories and development, so of course he’s not gonna be 100% what the original concept was. We’re all here to have fun, so go find someone to have fun with if I’m not the one (◡‿◡✿) 
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?   ❀ || People are allowed to have opinions. They’re wrong, but-- hdshjk I’M JOKING but seriously, if you really hate the Hero of Time, then 1) I question your choices and 2) don’t follow me?? It’s common sense??? I had once had someone follow me who seemed to meme hard on the Hero of Time and downplayed everything he did in canon (”I did it because a tree told me to” was the memorable quote) and I just ?? Was so confused... like if you’re gonna insult my character? Why do you follow me? So I unfollowed and moved on, plain and simple. No argument. No anger. No outrage. Just. Silently unfollowed and carried on being happy with my flower child ♡
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   ❀ ||  No, not really. I’m doing this for fun, not to be schooled on how to write properly. If I want to use a million “--”s in between my breaks for dramatic tension or format a certain way that breaks proper grammar then ?? I’m sorry? This isn’t the blog for you haha~ <--- oh that right there too is an improper use of that, but I do it anyways c: Spelling though... please point out my spelling errors LMAO
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?    ❀ || I think I am..? I try to be, at least. I’m always willing to bend my canon and be flexible for others to be able to incorporate their own muses into the story, and often go out of my way to try and make it easier for others by having Link time-jump into their “era” which is just their personal main verse so that everyone wins and gets to keep their canon ♡ I always try and invite others to approach me, and I always seem busy or like I’m disinterested in others, but trust me when I say that’s not the case. My brain is constantly running a mile a second and I have hundreds of things I want to go at any given moment, but with the handicap of mental health and disabilities, I always end up looking like I ignore everyone c’: I’m just a potato guys... a sweet potato... but a potato nonetheless...
But I’m always open to plot, to talk about muses, to send stuff into your inbox if you found something you’d like me to send in-- it’s even in my rules that you’re 110% okay with poking me like hey I reblogged this thing... could you send it in?? and I’d be like hell yeah, let’s get this bread. But... yeah, I’d say I’m easygoing... even if I’m quiet and reserved most of the time. I just don’t have the self-confidence to really put myself out there as loudly as others can, and often fall into the background or let others do the talking/typing when having conversations, and it’s really not great for my mental health, but I want my friends to be happy !! So I !! TRY MY BEST!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
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