#🐾 ━ inko; little spider
feralquirks ¡ 4 years
@slniyvolosy​ // sc
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inko startled at the sound of the door opening & her first instinct was to grab a frying pan & aim low---but thankfully, her son’s voice declaring he was home calmed her beating heart & a hand landed on her chest as she blew out a sigh of relief. she then made her way to the door, her face bright & full of joy at seeing her son again.
 “izuku? i thought you said you weren’t coming home until this afternoon? oh, nevermind that, put your things away & come sit down! do you want some food, izuku? did you eat yet?”
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
there she is for tv man // @ecntrc​
when she walked into the cafe, she didn’t expect to near collide with a---tv head?
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 “o-oh! um- i’m- sorry, i’m in the way here!” inko gave a nervous laugh, hand tightening on her purse on instinct. not that she thought this man would do anything, it was more of a comfort for her; something to hold onto. she side-stepped for him to pass.
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
vigilante mom meets hero son // @piiqucd​
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that knife the villain had got a little too close for comfort, slicing a hole in her outfit & into her side. she wasn’t a heavy bleeder, so that was a good thing. plus, she always came prepared. it would be fine until she got home, anyway. the villain was knocked out next to them while she leaned against the wall in the alley. it seemed to be wrapped up just fine. the only problem... 
inko turned her head toward the intern---the hero-in-training. “what’d you say your name was, kid?” the woman asked as she pressed her hand into her side.
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
vigilante!! wowwowow!!! // @eighthilles​
she was down for the count, a broken ankle keeping her against the bloodied wall she leaned against. her arm was scraped up, costume ruined for the umpteenth time that month. she had her work cut out for her, huh?
coughing, inko glared at the hero before her.
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 “what are you waiting for?! they’re getting away!”
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
@ryusci replied to your post:  “on the brighter side of things, izuku now has a...
Kokowa a badass little villain: openly crying
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 “aa-ahh! don’t cry! if you cry, then i’ll- i’ll-!” she’s already crying-
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
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 “on the brighter side of things, izuku now has a sister!” there, she’s holding up adoption papers for her new daughter kokowa. welcome to the family-
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
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@dadbaku​ said:  
“inko-chan, i’m so sorry on behalf of my disrespectful son.” (dadbaku)
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 “thank you, masaru-kun. i greatly appreciate the sentiment---however, i don’t want katsuki to be interacting with izuku further than necessary anymore until his behavior improves.”
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
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inko vc back when i was the little spider, my weapon of choice was a sandal. one look at that thing & they’d all scatter like ants.
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
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 “it’s okay, honey! i can handle myself, don’t worry!”
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
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 “excuse me, you what?”
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
Date Time
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In Toshinori’s defense, he rolled a 1 on foresight and hindsight, but rolled a nat20 in lack of impulse control the day he was born. It was not his fault that his parents rolled the dice that day, alright?
Whatever, that was besides the point. The point was that they, ‘they’ being himself and Izuku, were royally screwed. And sitting in the hospital waiting for Izuku’s mother, AKA the harbinger of their inevitable death.
What were they doing there, one might wonder? 
Well, in Toshinori’s second defense, he thought their first attempt would be more of a success than the last. They had been working on a few techniques they could try before Izuku would try using One For All again, but alas—The Snappening Part 2 had occured on the poor boy’s arm, and since Korosensei wasn’t here to patch him up (and honestly, he was a little glad for it because he knew for sure the octopus would skin him alive if he knew Izuku had tried to use One For All without his supervision yet again), their only option was to call for an ambulance. So there they were. 
It was tense in Izuku’s room, just waiting for Midoriya-san to arrive so Izuku could be released. Soon enough, she had come in, almost blubbering as soon as she saw her son sitting on the bed with his arm held tightly against his chest. She cupped his cheeks, asking if he was okay, if nothing else was hurt, how did this happen? 
“Um—Uh, M-Mom, I—u-um,” her son stumbled, appearing flustered all of a sudden. Midoriya-san paused in her own fretting to let Izuku gather his words. She was very patient with him, always. 
“It’s okay, honey, take a deep breath and think about what you want to say,” Inko calmly encouraged, smiling at him. Izuku grinned back before nodding and swallowing, appearing to take his time. 
“...Um… We, er, me an’—an’ Y-Yagi-sensei were, um… u-um, pra- practi—um… train- trainin’... Y-Yagi, um, ss-sensei?”
Toshinori perked up then as the woman turned around to look at him, realizing there was another person in the room for the first time. The blond stood himself up and gave a nervous smile, hands together. “Hello, Midoriya-sa—”
Suddenly, a finger was thrusted into his face, Inko’s red cheeks puffed up just below his view—oh. Yeah, she was pissed. “ You ,” she hissed. “You allowed this to happen?! You’re supposed to be supervising him!” 
Toshinori raised his hands up in defense, face white in fear at the woman. She had tears streaming down her face, but the pro hero was certain it had to be because of pure rage and it honestly sent shivers down his spine and divolved the man into a puddle of stutters. “I— M-Midoriya-san, please, a-allow me to ex- allow me to explain—”
The woman took a step back, her stare ever strong and she took a deep breath to steady herself. Then, she crossed her arms and nodded for him to continue. “You better have a perfectly good explanation for this, Yagi-san, or so help me God.”  
Toshinori swallowed thickly, feeling as though he had only about five minutes left to live if she didn’t like his reasoning. His eyes flickered to Izuku, who looked so devastatingly dead inside. The boy shook his head and brought his hand to draw over his lips. Midoriya’s foot tapping on the floor sliced through his thoughts and he just let it out, “We were training Izuku’s quirk.”
Midoriya’s face turned white, tearing halted, another step back— “He- He doesn’t—”
“Please, allow me to explain.” 
The woman’s mouth slammed shut, and he heard the sound of Izuku’s undamaged hand slapping his own face. Blue eyes darted around the room, to the quiet hallway outside, then to the window. No, this was definitely not the place to be speaking about this… A deep breath in, and he looked back to meet Midoriya’s eyes. “This is… a sensitive topic to talk about in public. Please—allow me to make this up to you, both of you. I’m paying for Izuku’s hospital bill. Why don’t you come to my apartment for dinner? We’ll discuss it in full then.”
Midoriya was quiet for a moment just blinking, baffled by the offer. She shook her head quickly, trying to reorganize her thoughts, and her folded arms raised to her cheeks. “I- er- well, if- if it’s just to speak…” She turned to Izuku, sharing a look of confusion and concern. Slowly, the younger Midoriya nodded with a slant smile, as though to say sure? Midoriya looked back to Toshinori, then slowly nodded as well. “I… Well- fine. Thank you, Yagi-san. But this is strictly a formal dinner, and Izuku will be present as well.”
Toshinori cheered up a bit, bobbing his head up and down eagerly, happy she even agreed to it at all. “I wouldn’t expect anything less. Er, I’ll—I’ll give you my information, yes?”
Toshinori had his small dinner table set up perfectly, an extra chair set up in the middle for Izuku—he only had two chairs for his dinner table. He didn’t have many visitors, except for maybe Sir Nighteye, but that boat had stopped coming a long time ago. He was borrowing the third seat from his neighbor. 
Toshinori clapped his hands once excitedly, a small smile tugging his lips before he began to align the utensils with each other. There were dishes set aside for the meal, and empty cups piled in one another like russian dolls, should they want anything to drink as well. The spaghetti was almost done as well—it was such a simple dish he learned to make while in America. Little thought went into preparing it, only that the noodles had to be whole-grain for the sake of his missing stomach. Lord, he hoped Midoriya liked it… 
He wondered if he should have anything else out…? Music? Flowers? Oh, shoot, should he have gotten her flowers?! The hero bit his lip nervously, tapping against the kitchen counter. He looked at his watch—they should be here soon. Maybe it wasn’t too late to buy some for her? Antsy, the blond stood straight and made for the door, opening it to see—Midoriya Inko with her hand raised about to knock with Izuku behind her. He wore a semi-casual dress shirt while Midoriya-san wore her hair in a bun, elegant flower hair pins sticking out from it to keep it firmly in place. She wore a simple green sundress, one sunflower decorating the bottom of the dress hem. For a moment, Toshinori thought his heart had stopped.
“Oh,” Midoriya broke the teacher’s stupor, allowing him to blink away his surprise. 
Instantly, Toshinori straightened his back and began to drag his hands over his shirt as if to flatten any folds after clearing his throat. “Come- uh, C-come right in! I-I was just about to, er, I-I had forgotten to buy flowers, erm…”
“Flowers? That’s awfully sweet of you, Yagi-san,” Midoriya hummed with amusement, her hand over her chest before flowering the blond man’s gesture to come in. Izuku gave Toshinori an odd look, which the older man reflected, gesturing silently what?
Izuku leaned up and whispered, “She knows about it.”
Understanding dawned on his face before he wiped it off and feigned ignorance. Just follow the original plan, Toshi, she’s only here to discuss things about Izuku. Clearing his throat again, Toshinori lead the two further into his apartment and toward the dining room. “You- er, you must forgive the mess. I’m not quite used to company…”
Midoriya waved him off as she took a seat in one of Toshinori’s chairs. “Please, Yagi-san, you haven’t seen my apartment if you think this is a mess. Your home is very cute.”
Cute? Toshinori thought he was about to throw up blood for a second, he was so caught off guard by the comment. “Er… Thank- Thank you! Uh… Would you care for- for wine or a drink?”
“Wine would be lovely, Yagi-san. Izuku, do you want anything?”
Toshinori caught the boy’s gaze, so timid and reluctant to ask for anything. The blond smirked knowingly. “I have apple juice, if you’d like, Izuku-kun.”
The boy blushed and looked down before nodding and mumbling his shy thank you. Toshinori beamed. Victory. He poured the drinks and set it for them. He couldn’t have wine, but he had gone out to buy a bottle for Midoriya, unaware if she was the type for strong beverages or not—and just in case, he had also bought some other alcoholic drinks in case she wanted anything different too. Thankfully, she didn’t seem very picky with her liquor.
“I’m not usually the type to drink,” Midoriya then hummed, taking a small, dainty sip from her glass. “But every once in a while, wine is good.”
Toshinori let a quick sigh of relief escape him as he smiled, turning back around with Izuku and his own drink in his hands. He had poured himself some apple juice as well. Sitting across from Midoriya, Izuku sitting in the very different chair in between him, discreetly texting his friends under the table while sipping from his apple juice. The pro hero then folded his hands together. “So,” he began slowly. “His… quirk.”
“Izuku spoke to me about it on the ride over, Yagi-san.”
He didn’t feign surprise, only nodded in response. “Then, you must know who I truly am?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Are you… angry? At me?”
She was quiet, setting her drink down. Her green eyes looked down at the table, her finger rolling against the glass. “No. In fact, I’m grateful. I’m glad it was you—someone he can trust. Considering…”
Toshinori smiled, nodding in understanding. 
Midoriya then paused, and looked toward the kitchen. “Is… something burning?”
The spaghetti had burned, so Toshinori had opted to take them to a restaurant downtown—something fancy for Midoriya, and then they could have a normal dinner instead of discussing One For All (though Midoriya had said she still wanted a full explanation), but Midoriya and Izuku had declined, saying they weren’t fans of fancy things—why not something simpler? Like a cafe or something family-owned, or other. 
Toshinori relented and agreed to take them, just as long as they allowed him to pay for their meal since it was supposed to be him running the show. They sat in a ramen shop, mostly made for tourists, but they had good food anyway, and Mom could finish her wine without something trying to burn the house down. The two continued in friendly banter, each asking each other questions and seeming to enjoy the other’s company. 
Izuku, on the other hand, felt absolutely and thoroughly mortified by the concept of his mother and teacher being seen out in public. He was glad they were at least… being civil with each other. Namely, his mother. And Toshinori still carried an air of nervousness around him, like he was scared of saying the wrong thing. Meanwhile, Izuku ate slowly, having only one available hand at the moment, which shared the responsibility of texting with Karma, Maehara, and Nagisa the entire time.
One Punch Boy: srsly i feel like im gonna explode at literally any moemnt
Womanizing Scumbag: hey take solace that it’s not korosensei
One Punch Boy: i literally hate that image
Jersey Devil: is midoriya-san even his type?
One Punch Boy: i actualy hate this Never speak to me again ever at all
Gender Snek: ewwwww
Jersey Devil: it’s not ew, it’s for science, we have to know okay
Womanizing Scumbag: the public needs to know
One Punch Boy: i will literally vomit in public if u dont stop
Gender Snek: eeeewwwwwww guys stop
Jersey Devil: sorry, sorry, i know youre going through a tough time what with your mom and teacher dating and all
One Punch Boy: whoa whoa whoa whoahwowhao no one NO ONE said anything a out them DATING
Womanizing Scumbag: didn’t you say she’s been laughing at almost everything yagi-sensei’s been doing/saying?
Jersey Devil: and he even got her a wine bottle before? and was about to buy her flowers too?
Gender Snek: you said you guys stopped at a flower shop on the way to the ramen shop, right?
One Punch Boy: literally none of that means they’re DATING. like it’s only one time.
Izuku paused in his slow one-handed typing to take a bite from his ramen, glancing up just in time to catch the tail end of his mother and teacher’s conversation. 
“Er, well… did you, er, did you hear about the kidnapping at school?”
“What?! There was a kidnapping?!”
Toshinori waved his hands around quickly. “No, no, he’s alright! He woke up!”
Mom stopped, bug-eyed, and Izuku internally groaned at the poor joke, second-hand embarrassment flooding his system right before his mother burst into a tearful laughing fit—as though that was the world’s funniest joke ever. He resisted the urge to groan externally. He texted the group quickly with an update of what just happened before he reached for his soda on the table. Mid-sip, he glanced down grumpily at his phone—
Jersey Devil: dude that’s a date, like theyre dating, dude dude, theyre datting
Gender Snek: dude, you’re chaperoning their first date
—and spat out his drink in complete shock, then began to choke horrendously. 
Oh my god, All Might’s dating my mom.
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
meme. // @keshimasu said: 
(Damaging) for inko
tears dripped down the vigilante’s face, kneeling over the citizen she was too late to save. there were no heroes around--not in time, anyway. and the villain got away. why couldn’t she use her quirk on the villain’s weapon? just move it... 
shoulders shook as she tried to catch her breath. if only she was a little bit faster...! 
footsteps entered the alley, and the woman quickly sucked her breath in, straightening and turning to see---a hero? no, he was too young... either an intern or another vigilante. she couldn’t be certain, so she hiccuped and stood up, taking a fighting stance. if he was an intern, where was the pro hero he should be with?
“you heroes were late,” she hissed with pain in her voice. “and now they’re dead. are you happy with yourself?”
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
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“bone’s body armor....”
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“inner.. bones..armor...”
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“bone’s in- inner body armm- armor...”
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
inko passes her quirk off as ‘affecting small objects’ when really she can pull a full grown man across the street thanks to her vigilante years
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
Headcanons that i know im gonna forget to post tomorrow so here they are now:
When Izuku mutters, his muttering is actually incoherent & he slurs his words a bit — his stutter is not from nervousness and is somewhat frustrating to him when he has to get big spiels out but its ok bc his friends have patience with him
All ex-Class E members have a bloodlust trigger that is “activated” by being threatened lmao they will not hesitate to stab someone with a pencil
Inko still has her old costume & weapons stored away deep in the abyss of her tiny closet
Kaede & Izuku’s first date ended up with Kaede slapping Izuku because the principal’s son at Kunugigaoka was going to snitch on them for having a relationship which was against school rules (dating being seen as a distraction) — so she slapped him & she slapped Izuku, and walked away
(then later called izuku apologizing to him about the incident, she just wanted Asano off their tail... they had all other dates in private at each other’s house)
Kaede has a pet roomba that she taped a knife to.... thus the codename “Knife on a Roomba”
Izuku goes to vocal therapy as well as therapy for his anxiety. He can sing without his impediment getting in the way
Karma, Izuku, & Itona are cryptic hunters
Itona & Kaede break into the dorms on a daily basis to visit Izuku, Karma and Nagisa and they have not been caught yet
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feralquirks ¡ 5 years
sc. // @keshimasu
inko almost swore to herself when she turned around from the counter at the quiet coffee shop, heated cup in hand while her other flashed to her chest as she jumped in reaction to seeing the man waiting in line behind her. she didn’t even sense he was there, which was odd for her; maybe her senses really have dulled since her youth, huh? she almost spilled her coffee.
“oh goodness! you scared me--” the mother almost choked when she recognized the man. oh, this was izuku’s teacher---eraserhead. she would recognize those tired eyes anywhere. funny how some things worked their way out, huh? “aizawa-san, right? you’re izuku’s teacher!”
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